You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman


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He is an undead who is devoid of all humanity, he is the one and only supreme overlord, he is a man who has severe mysophobia.

There are many people who try to act cool in front of him, whatever soldier king, assassin, system user, transmigrator, reincarnator, the strong returning, the strong coming down from the mountain, person coming back from the immortal world, reincarnation of the devil king, immortal emperor possessing someone’s body, and so on, all of them do not know what will happen next.

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Villains (real or symbolic) (male MC, romance/hare...
  2. mc goood ?
  3. Chinese Novel
  4. Well Written Novels
  5. OP Protagonist

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44 Reviews sorted by

joyshu rated it
July 7, 2020
Status: c500
i don't understand how anyone can hate this novel. This novel is not trying to be serious but funny. It should never get less then 3 stars. I consider this novel great in character development. It's very fun to see how the MC goes from being cold to loving his family slowly from start instead of directly. I also love how the harem members grows to love the MC after some time instead of directly loving him after seeing him once which is unrealisitic (the part about how he made... more>> them fall in love with him is actually pretty funny). I recommend everyone to read this novel since it's a masterpiece about how they should make a harem with modern day tags since it is slightly more realistic if you remove the powers of our op mc <<less
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AllPorpuse37 rated it
September 3, 2021
Status: c163
Like the description says, MC isn't human and doesn't know human emotions or what their common sense is so in the first 6 chapter MC might look like an overbearing playboy that only hooks up with the most beautiful girl for only a night and never touch them again caz their not fresh (virg*n) anymore.

His life change when the 2nd woman he hooked up got pregnant with his child even though undeads (mc) can't reproduced. MC was overjoyed and devoted himself so take care of the insignificant woman to safely... more>> give birth to his child.

After 28 chapters MC started to doubt himself because he started to find new emotions like jealousy, worry and etc... Whenever he is with that insignificant woman.

Then on chapter 50 MC is now more caring than before because when they have a newly wed quarrel he always wins and leaving the insignificant woman either angry, crying and can't even retaliate but now he started wielding to her and try to hear her out so that he can be a good husband.

Also in chap 4-6 she became an insignificant woman to "MC woman" then on chap 28 she became MC woman to "the woman he needs to protect" then on chap 50 she became a woman he needs to protect to a "woman he needs to care and show affection"

This is definitely worth it. At first I though there's no character development caz MC is so overbearing at first but changes can be seen starting from chap 28. Sometimes their quarrel is cute and sometimes not but they always reconcile faster that you even doubt that they even quarrelled a few minutes ago. <<less
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AngelKnighz2lips rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: c78 part2
So, I was trying to keep reading up to the part where the MC's female partner gives birth to his child, but I can't help but to give this story five stars right away.


Although its... questionable that certain parts this story has makes one scratch their head, I think its understandable why certain details in every chapter puts out the MC to be a very cold-hearted character and I think its because of the fact that the MC was an undead and skeletal type of character; which makes sense because... more>> he is devoid of being human and even towards understanding human emotions and interactions.

The MC does try to learn and understand more of what "being human" really is as:


He described in chapter 50 or so about how he felt when he faced two humans he was about to devour during the time he was an undead as he was unsure what "love" was and he described upon seeing "the human male [becoming] erratic upon seeing his female lover having died in [his (the MC) 's] hands", this part of the chapter itself gave the reader an understanding of the MC's character as his attitude towards his wife is gradually becoming softer although he never loses his authoritative attitude. This, in itself, is considered progress on my part as continuing down the story, the MC starts to show changes in himself as he began reading pregnancy books to help his wife have a smooth birth.


Although its excessive of the MC's attitude towards the female lead and the testing of his patience in regards for his child, the MC nevertheless is progressing in how to express his humane side which is a plus for me as a reader because I feel the author is giving their best in showing the MC and his subordinates' changes in character through means that would help them change gradually. Also, although how the story is narrated seems lacking in certain aspects which makes it seem hard to understand, the author tries to give their best in giving forth on how the story is being described in their own way.

All in all, I wanted to consider as to why other reviews gave this story a one, two or three stars and continue reading up the part when the female lead gives birth to understand why they have given such rating, I feel this story is worth the read and I see no wrong with how this story is outlined and portrayed, which is why there's the tag "unreliable narrator". I want to guarantee that this story is worth the read but every person has different tastes so, the only thing I can give you is an affirmation that this story is worth to read but this is also dependent on the reader's patience in reading each chapter of this story. <<less
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zxfire rated it
September 11, 2020
Status: c207 part2
Very fun read. It’s like a mix of IRAS and Overlord. Maybe not the deepest novel but it’s definitely a lot of fun.
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nchen rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Would be 5 stars but the author completely loses track of what made the story interesting in the first place a few hundred chapters in. 'Character development' should NEVER be so randomly abrupt, as if the author decided that he wants character A to have qualities X, Y, and Z before chapter n, and in chapter n+1 (or +2 if he's generous) the character will lose X and Y and now have R and V. Also a HUGE victim of 'my friends and family must become about as strong as... more>> myself even though they sit on their asses all day' (ie no char development, at best some 'gets more powerful through s*x with me' or 'randomly sent to train and forgotten about for a few dozen/hundred chapters') in the later chapters.

The most utterly disappointing part was the ending, rushed in ~5 chapters with a 1000 year time skip (basically all previous events happen in <20 years total), which exemplifies the abruptness of the author's writing:


Before, all fights were dragged out so that the MC could show off. Allies and enemies were well portrayed, given personalities, and the reader could empathize with both sides. However, in 2-3 chapters, the FINAL ENEMY


is NOT EVEN SHOWN AT ALL beyond ED levels of 'sacrificing oneself for the greater good' and some random old man who nobody could even give a damn about.


However, the actual final chapter/epilogue was quite fitting, showing that the author at least didn't lose all his brain cells rushing for a deadline. It's just like an author describing good s*x, with both sides into it, except that halfway through the guy answers a phone call to save the world, and comes back to see a 3 year old daughter fresh from the author's ass (exactly what this author thinks is normal). <<less
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Novelty Tea
Novelty Tea rated it
August 23, 2020
Status: c201
Honestly, the beginning was excruciating to read, which is the reason I am giving it 4 instead of 5 stars.

The author kinda just dumps you into the plot, which makes it confusing to read at the start, coupled with the random switches from different character's perspective in the writing makes it hard to get a proper grasp on the current situation.

Other than that, there is also a problem with the characters in themselves at the beginning. Like, honestly, I genuinely despised the MC at the beginning, and I know that... more>> people will argue that he was an undead, and that he has just begun to grasp human emotions and blah blah blah. But that still doesn't excuse him from acting like he does.

He babbles on about ''Cultivating Humanity'', and ''Blending into humanity'', which is just dumb, as he, as person (skeleton) who has lived for who knows how long, should have had plenty of interactions with humans before the start of the novel (both while he was an overlord and the five years prior to the start of the story), and should atleast be able to grasp what common sense is. For example, even if YOU were born a human, lived as a human for your entire life and your mindset is that of a human, just a little research and anyone would be able to understand how different mammals (or other families) act. Dogs mark territory, (the majority of) cats lurk in the night, and so on and so forth. Yet the MC who has mingled with humans for 5 years doesn't even act like he has a shred intelligence, much less common sense.

And it's not just the MC either, author didn't even give a sh*t about the side characters (Security Guard, Dog, Employee, etc) and just randomly drop on us that, ''This person, although looks ordinary, is actually the greatest eldritch horror to have walked the plains. And lusts for blood like a kid does for candy'' or something like that out of the most random exposistions I have ever read.

Along with other factors like straight up marital abuse, etc. Took me everything I had to continue reading past the first 30-40 chapters.

And honestly, I'm glad I did.

Not only was did the authors writing get much better, but the progression of plot, introduction of characters, and most importantly, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (WOOHOO).

And it's not just the main character that get's character development, but the entire cast of crew (atleast the important ones). Everyone grows corresponding to events that happen to themselves, and the changes are gradual, this makes characters that I personally had zero interest in, to become interested in people who aren't the MC.

The women, have their own characters and aren't just inflatable dolls who can talk. But genuine characters who don't fall for the MC just because he's strong, but rather does in a gradual fashion, and don't become braindead just by being together with him (some of them are braindead from the start Cough Cough).

If there's just one little complaint that I have it's that some of the things related to the MC is extremely random. I.e, random mood swings, random decisions, random meetings, random thoughts, and random etc's.

The novel in itself is nothing revolutionary, nothing extremely creative, just a silly story of the MC and his pregnant wife.

It's faintly underrated, and I'd definitely give you an urge to read it, that is, if you can get past the terrible beginning. <<less
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Vxnarc rated it
February 14, 2020
Status: --
This a very satisfying read.

Those who say that this is your typical “MC treating his woman badly but still protects her” type of novel. They have clearly only read a couple chapters, female lead begins to transform later on, here and there she would fight back and win most of the time. It isn’t a slow change either. In my opinion the author did extremely well in the change of pace he made in both of the characters. A cure-depression type of read (for me that is).
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Meloonseed rated it
January 5, 2020
Status: c94p2
Light hearted comedy x wish fulfillment x romance. It’s great as a light read. Don’t take it so seriously y’all. Definitely better than most urban fantasy novels, give it that. It’s kind of dull at some portions, but eh, just skip over them.


MC was kind of really annoying, but he progressively gets a lot better, and his relationship with the FML QY gets cuter as it goes on lol

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Harry rated it
December 17, 2019
Status: c18
Despite the good review I found MC actually annoying. The unfavorable act is actually MC have a habit to smoke and they think it's cool. Nowadays who actually think smoking cigarette is cool? Especially if there is kids around, if one person smoke nearby people will be affected too especially the kids (you see MC has pregnant wife in the story). Because this is important I will repeat again, smoking is bad, you smoke other people will affected too. There is case where father smoke and make his non-smoking daughter... more>> died by lung cancer

This smoking MC (maybe addicted???) give really really bad example, I just hope MC really quit smoking in the future

Because I only read few chapter, I can't judge the story so I give 3 star (average) and I quit

Edit : Read some more up to chapter 48, the story actually gradually better but still MC still addicted to play cool (smoke) and I feel MC and the group kinda s*upid, learn to be human using unconventional way unbefitting as a demon king leading the subordinate (?) luckily this is feel more like parody so it's okay <<less
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nevz091 rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c303
Story is quite slow-paced and relaxed, dialogue heavy but it's engaging and funny, there isn't much action and build up, most of the time it's not the MC who deals with problems but his subordinates. Development is slow as well, with emotions and stuff, but it's quite reasonable since MC and his subordinates just came to the world for a few years. Although I kind of dislike how he acts, it's slowly getting better. No wonder he acts childish because he only watches cartoon lol.
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Drake888 rated it
February 10, 2021
Status: c28
Good lord this is awful. The character interactions are so bad that they make it a struggle to read. I would give this a 2 but I suspect the reviews are being manipulated to get the score so high and I'm trying to bring it down.

For those of you who are wondering if you should read this, the main problem with the MC is that his power doesn't feel earned. Any story about an OP character needs to make you feel like the character somehow earned the power. If the... more>> character starts OP then you can't watch them grow, so you have to find other ways. Maybe flashbacks, or maybe some sort of trauma that serves as a form of penance after the fact. Without that, you need something else to hook the reader. The author doesn't have any of that and doesn't even care. He spends roughly a paragraph saying that the MC has s*upidly broken powers and plot armor for no good reason and then jumps straight into the MC being arrogant and unpleasant. I personally feel like this is the author living his particular fantasies vicariously through the MC. If you have this specific fantasy about acting like this, I think you might like it. But anybody here for a more normal power trip fantasy should move along. It's not that the MC is a douche, he is, but that he's so weird about it.

P.s. Another reviewer mentioned the chain-smoking and I thought they had some sort of hang-up about it. The chain-smoking is really excessive. Just constant and unimportant. It better be some kind of Chekhov's gun. Just another example of how weirdly bad this author's writing is. <<less
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BootyStank rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: c268
I've only started to read wn and ln for 2 years so I got some little experience. Recently I've been really into modern world cultivation novels and this one was strait up my alley. MC is a very much overly OP to the point where he can destroy earth if he wants to but chooses not to since he wants to understand humanity. MC was a evil lord that was killed and transported to earth gaining more power in doing so. He stays on earth to understand humanity and how... more>> to be human. There is much character development even though there are only 200+ chapters. He is not abusive but very controlling like a king over his concubines toward his women. But you see him trying to change to become more human and less patriarch like. All I can say is its enjoyable to read and not that irksome since MC is op af. <<less
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
December 27, 2020
Status: c250
s*upid, cute, dark and very funny.

At the beginning it has some troubles finding its style (name-dropping expensive items, smoking), but then it evolves into an uniquely interesting comedy novel. There are so many novel and interesting sub-plots, it is just a big surprise party.

Best scene:


"There was a beautiful girl and cute loli dancing. Many people were already checking their Baidu how long they would have to go to jail for."

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gokucloud rated it
August 4, 2020
Status: c192 part2
ppl think the MC is joking when he talks about killing everyone for small things but hes not at all. Constantly holding him self back from reacting in the most over the top ways imaginable, its so hilarious to see his baby mamas reaction to it. In her eyes hes being super childish. The book is funny af and MC is the most op from the get go. I highly recommend reading this! Plenty of smoking and acting cool as well, good times!!
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ejemss rated it
May 26, 2020
Status: --
Read up to chapter 31 trying to see something good from the novel because of the good reviews. I don't even know how does this novel get good reviews. The only word that I can describe this novel with would be VAIN. This is so dumb. Probably written by an ugly virg*n author who fantasizes of celebrities as his girlfriend and rich CEO aka sugar mommies that can feed him his entire life. Chapter 31 and I can't continue reading this garbage.
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Opprotaggg rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: c137 part2
I'm liking this novel a lot so far. Plot is getting interesting and intercations between MC and FML are wonderful. Comedy is decent, I got a few laughs here and there.

Honestly having mixed feeling that the novel is harem as I'm liking the MC and FML a lot rn. Hope the novel still stays good even when the other FMLs appear in the novel.

The earlier chapters were a bit mehhh and gets on my nerve but it does get better later on. I recommend to just gloss through earlier chapters... more>> honestly.

Translation quality is decent I guess, not bad and not the best, but it's decent and readable. Just need more chapters release every week!! <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
November 2, 2023
Status: c43
MC "Ye Hua" is far to my liking.

I think characters that is NOT affected of what other people think of them and doesn't let others views and opinions dictate who they are and their aspirations— are really cool and badass characters with Leylin Farlier and Fang Yuan as examples.

But the MC "Ye Hua"— for someone who was once an unfeeling undead and was once so lofty, he cares too much for mundane things, cares alot about face and he's also acts like an immature brat! His character is completely out... more>> of sync to his background. MC is basically the "Arrogant young Master" template that fits to a tee. The MC is really quite unbearable.

The MC "Ye Hua" here is just too pathetic for my taste. Half of every chapter was spent with him whining and throwing tantrums. The way he look at things is really disappointing.

If you're looking for a cool badass MC then don't go here. Find something else. <<less
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Odyssey rated it
April 9, 2023
Status: c551
[my first review]

First off to read this story you need to view it as a satire of the xuanhuan/xainxia genres and not a xuanhuan that's a comedy/parody.

Standard troupes get used and abused by the author. for instance:

  • Pregnancy: Standard fare is "the woman is heard about but never seen until well after childbirth" or "Its Epilogue". In this story the woman that gets the story going 551 chapters in, is still pregnant and is still present and not out of sight out of mind.
  • Relationships: This one you need to know about is this story doesnt just focus on the MC, his subordinates love-lives and problems are explored. Most other stories skim over side characters but here nope. In this category, you got stuff like "The Widows' Club" a group of women that have partners but aint getting none cause of whatever reason. The Dense Uncle thats wants to romance his girlfriend but doesnt realize she's been literally serving herself up to be devoured. The Green hat man that stays a virg*n cause the girl he likes cheated on him... but the two were never an item to begin with.
  • Protagonist Troupes are over used: Systems, return to the past, reincarnation, possession, spirit guardian... check check, got it and then some. So many in fact that its not rare but a common thing in this world. Hell theirs a version of the Marvel's TVA just for reincarnators, with an agent assigned in secret to monitor them.
  • Plot points are so over used: for most in the genre plot points are just plug in play with new names inserted. The author shows that by have the MC come up with a plan to use on his wives, then abandons the idea only to have 100 chapters later a villain pick up and used said plan.
There are other examples but over all if you view this... more>> as a Comedy Xuanhuan thats making fun of itself and not as a Satire of the whole genre and troupes your get less enjoyment out of the story. <<less
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Pavilion rated it
February 25, 2023
Status: c155
Strictly speaking this novel had the potential to be rather decent. It's basically just comedic spin on an overlord level main character that kind of.. Somewhat develops due to his relationships. Unfortunately lackluster and more accurately very convoluted way of writing ruined this book.

Literally every action in this book is mega f*cking inflated, the author somehow has the ability to drag every small thing into so many chapters. It could be a small argument the MC and his wife are having while shopping, but the author somehow makes it last... more>> whole 10 chapters long. It's so, so very annoying.

Another thing (that I gleaned from the context of tags etc.) is the harem. Now I am not a person who's opposed to a good harem- on contrary. I don't mind and even sometimes enjoy a good harem story when it's in a pure wish-fulfillment setting. This novels harem though.. It's not good. What COULD have been good was the contrast relationship between the mortal woman and this undead overlord MC and their developments. But unfortunately author just had to inject other useless people into the mix.

In conclusion, and mostly because I once again got tired of writing these useless reviews: it's just a very draggy read. MC is supposedly some kind of a.. Thanos -tier overlord character that could with a snap of his fingers destroy universes and entire worlds yet he bickers and fights like some kind of puny teenager. Sometimes it would take whole chapters or even several ones to just "suppress" some shitters- there were even times when he actually punches others.. Like what the f*ck?

If you could compress this novel by 5 times and remove some useless plotlines making it into a pure satire, wish fulfilment fast food book it would get a solid 4 stars. As it stands I can only give it two and a half. <<less
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old sage
old sage rated it
July 20, 2022
Status: c33
warning minor spoilers... more>>

there is something wrong with the mc's brain, not in that he is ruthless or soft, its just he doesn't behave like anything close to normal that his position is close to. He is a f*cking undead that dislikes when its not tidy, did you know that bones stink if not treated due to small bits of tissues remaining attached. Not to mention that as a so called overlord that can dominate the world he should have fought many battles that should have made his character more warrior king-like, not a pu*sy that desires a heir. He is in fact so s*upid that he didn't know he could have a child when creating a fleshy human body for himself even thouh he is portrayed as super powerful. He is more like those protags that have sudden strength gain and find out about things thereafter.

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