You Are More Beautiful Than Beijing


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Han Ting said, “For me, love isn’t everything. I may not be able to provide self-sacrificing love for you, but the love that accompanies you in ordinary life may be possible.”

Ji Xing understands that the love they seek is different, and the outlines of the dreams in their hearts are also different.

But she wanted to climb from the slope to the top of the mountain, stand beside him, face hardships, troubles and pain with him, and witness the beauty of this city with him.

They were dazzling stars who admired each other in their hearts, just like the night view of the capital that he showed her for the first time–

Calm, stunning beauty, so beautiful it is intoxicating.

Associated Names
One entry per line
As Beautiful As Beijing
As Beautiful As You (Drama Adaptation)
Related Series
Ruo Chun and Jing Ming (Shared Universe)
Waiting for You in a City (Shared Universe)
Waiting for You in a City (1)
Arrogant Meets Passionate (1)
Please Be More Serious (1)
Don’t Turn from Summer (1)
Don’t Fall In Love With The Boss (1)
I See Roses (1)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. Couple Goals
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  4. want read
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43 Reviews sorted by

amelyn95 rated it
May 12, 2023
Status: extra 7
Really beautiful, really good story that actually has meat and not just romance

... more>>

This story started when both of them are in relationship with other people, to them working together, their break ups, they got together, fell apart, got together again, get married have kids, and die peacefully.


I'm sad this ended, but at the same I'm glad and satisfied. Eventhough there are only 87 chapters, their story really got fleshed out so you don't feel like there's anything left unwritten

and the translation is beautiful too. Thank you translator for yr hard work. More people should read this, you won't be dissapointed for sure <<less
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SaraBells78 rated it
May 5, 2023
Status: Completed
Really enjoyed this novel that goes through the first meeting all the way through the lives of the ML & FL. Lots of romance with some steamy scenes, sprinkled in with work challenges and friendships. Translation by KriTLs – Scribble Hub is top notch and the novel never drags. Can't wait to see how it's adapted into the series! Recommended!!!
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luathas rated it
June 22, 2023
Status: c78
*Ahem* Caution : Long-ass review.

Webnovel Content - Vol 1&2 = 2/5, Vol 3 = 4/5

... more>> Translation - 5/5

Summary - Follow our FL, Ji Xing from being a competent, yet frustrated & burdened white-collar worker to being a successful entrepreneur from scratch (?).. (with a huge Main Female Lead Character Halo, by the way).

My two cents- This is actually my first Chinese BG novel that I am willing to read all the way through. After being fed up with how most Chinese BG Authors baby their FLs- no matter how smart or competent the FL is, but when it comes to her interactions with the ML, her IQ and EQ drops big time to minus 100 right from the beginning. Stop it.

STOP. IT. Its not cute. Nor is it entertaining.

Talking about this work, did I come here for Romance? No. But not disliking it either. I came for the FL's genuine entrepreneurial prowess and especially her struggles as a little white collar worker realising her big dreams of being her own Boss etc etc

But what I got instead was her depending on the ML for.. almost everything..? Yeah, from providing the angel investment to hinting or straight up providing her with future plans of action AND advising her on how she should currently manage her newly established company. Like dude's everywhere. Every step of the way. And I have no problems with that.. especially considering that she was what hardly 25 years old at that time. Nothing wrong about a senior taking a capable newbie under their wing. Plus he is actually her only investor. BUT.

BUT!! here's when her (FL's) immature attitude towards others is clearly evident for the better part of the story:

  • Her extremely sarcastic remarks towards her seniors - both the ML and Zeng Di. Now, Zeng Di isnt that great either. But she's still FL's senior and far more professional than her. These sugar-coated jabs which she casually delivered to the ML were supposed to be playful banter, I guess? But these happened one too many times. Which is weird (and ultra unrealistic) for a 15 manpower CEO to deliver to a CEO of an international conglomerate, when they are nodding acquaintances at best. In most of FL- ML's initial interactions, she's like an annoying younger cousin with gifted tongue-wagging skills. As another reader commented, she has a serious Princess Syndrome.
  • The Author tried to make her a realistic character by adding attributes like vanity and hypocrisy to her personality. Which I appreciate, it is a far better option than making her into a sobbing FL biting her handkerchief at the sidelines (like most Chinese BG novels). But the way and timing of executing these flaws in the story was self-defeating. Made the concept fall flat on its face. Lack-luster. Like these flaws, if executed the right way could have made the FL realistic and more relatable.. but ended up doing the opposite - making her rather annoying. Sometimes I wonder if the archetype 'Annoying FL' was the Author's intentions all along? For what I know, the Author is quite experienced & often delivers profound ideas/dialogues in their work. For example, when the ML demands an (almost positive) answer from her about their romantic endeavours -- The FL didnt even try to hide her blatant hypocrisy. She knowingly acted cute around him for months, taking his money, support, guidance, and finally sleeping with him after she couldn't handle her ex-boyfriend being in a happy relationship with someone else. And lets be real. The biggest reason the FL dislikes Zeng Di is because Zeng Di was the only outstanding female interacting with the ML, be it business or otherwise. That is why the FL would always try to guess their relationship and secretly check her out. Its very subtle in the book, but you'll get it. FL was irked by another 'friendly' female hanging around the ML as FL had her own machinations for the ML. BUT when the ML wanted to further pursue their romantic relationship, FL did a complete 180 & says crap like "people will shun my Company, after knowing their CEO slept her way through"... Now granted the CEO is the face of the group, but shunning a whole Company because of this..? Okay. This is simply unrealistic. Girlie was actually terrified for her own self being talked about and pointed fingers at, but masked it as her being a 'Considerate and Responsible Boss' for the sake of her Company employees. Tsk. And as the ML rightly points out - she clearly knows she isnt powerful enough or competent enough to stand out and shut these rumours so she does what she can - play cute with people, get what she wants & later pat her bu*t and go.
  • The Author never - NEVER made her act like a shrew or a hypocrite or even cunning enough when it comes to business and dealing with problematic people? Oh yeah, there's ML for that - she just needs to act like a saint. Like.. is it even realistic as a businesswoman? In her profession, where she should use her calculative mind and hypocrisy, she acts like a saint. Or is rather totally unaware that there's a gray area and most of her professional dealings are made here instead of complete Black or White. On the other hand, while dealing with people in her inter-personal relations, where she should be somewhat genuine, she is elusive, inexplicably prideful, vague & avoids responsibility like a plague. And that is the lack luster and disappointing part about her character setting for me.
  • Everytime her Mom calls her to ask about her well-being, FL roars and howls like she's being disturbed while executing an Earth- saving mission. Happens EVERY. TIME. At first it made me wonder if she actually had an abusive step-mother or something. This attitude isnt necessarily a character flaw, but is still unattractive for a FL. Just another example of FL being sloppy with her inter-personal relationships. AND getting away with it. Everytime she experiences mildly sly people across the business world, she is saddened and 'her heart is chilled' that their values are so different from her set moral attributes since childhood... Like what moral attributes? Being two-faced (for the worst possible reasons), and how to excel at being a chuunibyou? If being her own Boss and keeping her version of 'morally upright' was all she was aiming for she'd better open up an NGO, avoiding these situations 'making her heart chilled'. Huh? What do you mean no..? Oh yeah, forgot about the FL's vanity to strive for luxury, but when working for a higher income brackett, she also has to be super judgemental and prideful. Like how she convinces herself that she hates women who make subtle use of their beauty and feminine charm, but copies them next week, while still believing she is better than them. *Sigh*
  • Spoiler

    Also, the FL asking the ML if he loves her enough to sacrifice his everything for her and die for her to prove his love when they've been dating for less than 3 months...I don't even know what to say T_T

Were she a shrewd person, both in person and in business, OR an untainted, naive person on both ends --these would've been whole new character settings. And more interesting, likeable, relatable ones rather than these ill-timed double-standards of the FL.

As far as I understand, such an attitude for a newbie in any field of work is fatal (especially in the stringent Asian society). That too when you have no resources, connections and background to speak of.

When it comes to the ML:

  • The Author was clearly contradicting her Character building. On one hand, they make the ML this Sigma Male with a difficult personality who has no time for BS and on the other hand, he has to baby the FL (even when there was no chemistry between them initially) ?
  • Now, it was ML's calculative move to approach her on a professional front, but I think, given his Character setting, the Author made him fall for her willy nilly. It would have been much realistic if the Author made him repeatedly test out the FL first, till he figures her capabilities out and genuinely appreciating her as a person and as a reliable partner, rather than straight up spoon feeding her all the time and falling for her 'cuteness' that could only impress preteen boys.
  • Spoiler

    One of ML's inner monologues goes like "... especially her, who is small-minded regarding matters of the heart". He knew she couldnt see things from a higher perspective. And he did the practical things needed to appease her in the background, hoping to keep her by his side, but he kept mum on his intentions about all these actions and his hopes for their future. And even when they break up, he stays emotionally constipated.

I understand that the Author meant to showcase her Character growth from a mere nobody to an independent entrepreneur in Beijing. And it would have been better if that would have been achieved with scenarios where she messed up at the Company due to her inexperience, executing clumsy ideas and slowly learning from her mistakes, but that didnt happen. She's still like that mean younger cousin whom everyone wants to avoid at family gatherings.

It finally changes around chapter 70. Took way too long for her character growth to finally rear its head, if you ask me.

The trigger being ML almost dying for her for real, thus fulfilling her fantasy lol.

Their make up was so cliche, but yeah.

That being said, it is still very much different from the bulk of existing Chinese BG novels, where the FL is either sidelined, yet fantasizes about the ML with her rose coloured glasses on OR is actually a 3 year old annoyingly spoiled baby trapped in a mature body. *Sigh* <<less
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Zygodd rated it
March 11, 2024
Status: Completed
Beutiful story.

At first I was sceptical, with the description it smell full of angst, and I'm not angst lover. At last I give it a shot, and I'm crying when ji xing break up with her ex.

This story full of human like nature. Not overly dramatic, or your over bearing ceo. Ji xing with her imperfectness and explode character match perfectly with mature, logical, and calm han ting, maybe bc han ting much older then her.

Love the side story so much, their marriage journey show there is no perfect live.... more>> And the last chapter? 🥲 Thanks for making me cry <<less
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prettylucky675 rated it
August 16, 2023
Status: Completed
i have so much to say about this novel

1st off this novel is full of ANGST but there was no tags included for angst... when I thought of reading this novel I thought it would be a sweet romantic story with a good plot but boy I was wrong once I started reading this the angst came then fluff came then the angst kept on increasing even some of the extras were a little heavy to read... more>>

for example the chapter about ML n FL losing their daughter and how FL got depressed afterwards


i have a bone to pick up with the psychologist extra....

1st ML n FL belonged to the top tier rich class so from them you would expect the medical care would be top notch so how did FL end up with such a lousy psychologist who didn't even follow one of the common protocol that is not to fall in love with your patient and include your personal feeling in the treatment of your patient like the unprofessionalism was out of the roop

2nd after losing their daughter both FL and ML were affected and it involved their relationship and their communication with each other so here not only FL needed counselling but both FL n ML needed couple counselling to make up and understand why they were not able to communicate with each other and why problems were growing bw them

here not only FL needed counselling for her depression but clearly both needed couple counselling too


I feel like the author didn't show much of how FL and ML improved their relationship after FL asked ML to show the real him... there should have been more chapters showing how they improved their relationship and how they worked out problems which didn't work in their prev relationship and how ML decided to show his all sides both bad and good to f;..i feel like we just got a glimpse of their improvement of relationship and then the end here are the extras

and I kinda disagree with everyone saying how realistic this novel is but I beg to differ as expect the business side of novel and past relations not working out I don't think the LOVE STORY of ML and FL was not realistic.. please who would pester your company's investor like FL did... she was unprofessional many times with ML if you think it in business way relationship BUT AT THE END THIS IS A NOVEL, , LOVE STORIES LIKE THIS DON'T HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE so I wouldn't say their love story was realistic but it was what the novel neede


and I dont understand how FL decided to forgive her friend LILI cause you are FL friend first then that admirer's friend then how do you have the audacity to ask yichen's admirere girl to contact yichen (FL ex) when your friend was clearly in relationship with him

and yes lili you were the 3rd person in a relationship and you still decided to stay in that relationship knowing you are coming bw someone's relationship eventhough he is also cheating on her with some other chick so when the real wife came to trouble you then that doesn't put you in any good position

i wouldn't support the guy too as he is going on cheating with so many people on his wife but I just wanted to say LILY was not the victim as she choose to stay in the relationship knowing she is a 3rd person the only victim in this case would be the wife


the admirer of yichen ah! this girl was no good too

i get it her fiance cheated on her but what gives you the right to contact yichen when you clearly had feeeling for him and you vlearly knew he was in relationship with the FL she even said to FL she had to use so many tricks to get in contact with yichen eventhough she didn't knew FL n yichen were going through some problem but girl contacting someone who you clearly had feelings or have feeling for who was in more than 6 years of relation with someone else doesn't make you a saint of a person either

and Shao Yichen I get it FL was busy but atleast you could have msged her to give a heads up that you and the admirer girl were in contact with each other after so many years..


THIS novel is very very complicated... I would say to prepare your heart before reading it <<less
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Somagni Maulik
Somagni Maulik rated it
April 3, 2024
Status: Completed
I don't know why I red this novel so late.

But I thoroughly enjoyed the journey. I couldn't resist myself from writing a review. I liked story, translation is also superb. I liked the fact that unlike many other novels both the MC are not perfect. They both have their flaws and they try to overcome it in their own ways. I cried a hell when I was reading those chapters when they broke up and also liked the fact that female lead didn't give in after a little coaxing. Female... more>> leads character is ver strong she is intelligent, smart, hardworking but at the same time she naive, ill tampered, stubborn. Whereas the male lead mature, he always initiate to communicate about the problem and solve the issues. Another character named Xiao Yixiao the friend he is the common character from waiting for you in the city novel. He is a very loyal friend. He helps the character selflessly in both the novels. Also I liked those extras it depicts that life is not always bed of roses it also has thorns like when their daughter died and the ending. My only wish is to read the male lead POV like when he exactly fell for female lead, but my guess is its before they traveled to Munich like when they met at the drama theater I think he felt jealous but he didn't approach because she was already in a relationship. I simply liked that he didn't waste any time in declaring their relationship. Overall I liked it very much. <<less
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Yaoisha B. Lood
Yaoisha B. Lood rated it
March 16, 2024
Status: Completed
So worth the read. I was also skeptical when starting but it was so wonderful. I still have residual feeling after reading the extras. The characters were so lifelike. And like us they all have sides to love and hate and everything in the middle. If you need something to cry over, this novel is the perfect choice.
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ddfghx rated it
March 31, 2024
Status: Completed
What can I say? This novel is beautiful, realistic, one of the best i've ever read.

Really love how the author wrote their characters. They showed continuous development while staying true to their personality. The characters are lovable despite their many shortcomings and flawed traits, and that's what makes them human. Sometimes I forgot they're just some names in a fiction book 😭

The best thing from reading this is the comfortable experience I had because the translation was top-notch! Many thanks to the wonderful translator❤❤
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Aimee rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: Completed
I rarely cry on modern romance book because usually the romance is not emotional enough to make me cry 😭😭 but this book really make me cry so many time... This novel was beautifully written and translated. Han Ting character is my favorite, I love him so much. I like his character that did not simply saying I love you but show how much he love by action . I really envy ji xing bcoz she able to find Han Ting. How I wish I will also find my Han... more>> Ting. Thank you so much to the Author and translator for writing this beautiful and amazing book. I rarely left a comment even though I read so many book before because I so lazy to write a review but this book really make me want to show how much I love this book so I have to. <<less
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No_idea_- rated it
October 5, 2023
Status: Completed
Truly beautiful ❤️

I know the FL is kinda childish in her relationship but please keep read it. She not really that unlikeable, she has a lot of charm. But well I don't hate her, I like her since the beginning
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sangsaengnim rated it
August 1, 2023
Status: v2,c61
First of all, thank you, translator; the novel is very well done. The glowing reviews for this novel are what led me to begin reading it, that and the author’s Waiting For You in A City which I just read for a second time after stumbling upon the recent drama adaptation. However, no matter how much I tried, I could not like this novel. I put it down and picked it back up three times, but eventually felt that I was forcing myself to read it.

While I was not particularly... more>> enamored of male lead Han Ting (although I loved his perceptive reaction to the attempted blind date scene in Waiting for You in a City), my main problem was the female lead: A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G. “Petty, spoiled, self-righteous, naïve, and extremely temperamental” are all descriptors for Ji Xing. I did not care for how she interacted with others in the novel nor her childish and petulant reactions to issues of her own insecurities.
At first, I thought my reaction to her would be similar to the one I had for Xu Qin, the lead in Waiting for You... , Qin-qin’s hesitancy and indecisive wavering are off-putting until you understand the depth of brain-washing, emotional torture, and verbal abuse she has undergone since childhood from the Wicked Witch of the East - - oops, I mean her adoptive ‘mother’. I empathized with her struggles to assert herself and grow a backbone because I knew she was fighting against years of negative nurturing from one of the most important figures in her life. I could cheer her on even when she frustrated me.

But, I have run out of patience with Yiu Are More Beautiful... I’ve read the reviews that boast about the beautiful, tearjerking ending regarding this “perfect“couple, but I’m just not feeling it. To each his own. Actually reviewer “luathas” makes many of the same observations that I would, so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. <<less
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ispeakfangirl rated it
February 10, 2024
Status: --
Beautiful. It was a beautiful ride with this novel. After finishing it, I was contemplating about what made this novel beautiful despite the character flaws and all. It took me a while to realize that what makes this novel beautiful is the fact that its humanity. The characters are written in such a way that it makes them more human, truly realistic, and infinitely relatable. Their choices, frustration, mistakes, growth - it makes the characters come alive.
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ko0kie76 rated it
January 27, 2024
Status: Completed
I love this novel so much. Will need to read the author's other books too now haha.

The translator also did a great job translating this novel. I rarely find a good book with a really good translation. Thank you Krish728!
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L1ND4 rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: Completed
I do understand all the people who commented or rated for the first time 5 stars. Believe me if I say that this story deserves it and deserves even more than a mere 5 star. I don't think I have ever cried this much, I don't know if I should say that this novel destroyed or completed my existence.

At the first maybe their relationship didn't develop that fast, but once it started, it will become absolutely wonderful. I just love how the ML was towards her, guiding her while she... more>> was creating her own bussiness and also her positive attitude towards learning and her work. Well, on the whole, I think both the MC and ML are wonderful and admirable people.

The story was realistic (don't know much about their work field but nevermind. Still, there were some points that gave verisimilitude, like his Beijing accent thing) and well written, everything had it's own time and the relationship between the two was well developed. I think both the author and the translator did a good job.

Of course, not everything was a bed of roses and they went through a lot, but still reached the end together, and I litelly mean the last part. It really tells about their story from their first encounter to the very end, and this will also be the moment when the readers should cry even their blood out.

I think this novel was one of my favourites, from the characters, to the interactions to all the rest, so if someone doesn't if they should read it or not, really, believe me when I say that this story deverses it all.

(Btw, were looking for spoilers? Nah, just read the story as I said, this mastepiece should't be spoiled) <<less
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Babysweetheart rated it
January 21, 2024
Status: --
Is there a story like this? I really want to read it.

The story is so perfect even though there might be a little dissatisfaction for me because there is not the slightest explanation about what the other characters are like, how they are after FL and ML get married, have children and the other characters' old age. But it's still a satisfying ending to a very well packaged story. Thank you very much.

I love you so much Ji Xing & Han Ting🥺🥺
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CaisAngelsPearl rated it
January 13, 2024
Status: Completed
Been a long time since I gave a novel 5 stars but man oh man this story so deserves it and much more!

What a story, what a love, what absolute sweetness! And what were those extras?! Bittersweet would be the word but the sweet absolutely overpowered the bitter, if u can believe that!

Going to binge read the author's other novels (just proved to me what a genius she is cuz I already read 'waiting for u in the city' and absolutely loved it so when I saw she was the... more>> same author that was my cue to read everything else of hers!)

Go on read it, prepare plenty of tissues but for heaven's sake just read it, this author's just something else I tell u! <<less
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mademin rated it
December 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Good job 👏 this is so good. Thank you so much for your hardworks for translat this super beautiful story.

The last chapter I cried with 😊

Love 💕💕 Rath
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December 13, 2023
Status: Completed
The novel was good, but it’s hard for me to relate to someone with such ambition and workaholic. I guess I prefer the ex boyfriend, someone who is sweet and giving and just want to live a simple life. My heart still aches thinking about his side of the story.
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auroratasya1 rated it
December 4, 2023
Status: Completed
1 of the best novel I've ever read!

Yes it's a slow kinda love, which I usually would stay away, but I regret nothing reading this novel. As Beautiful As Beijing is 1 of the most beautiful love story ever 💜
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Riri2790 rated it
September 18, 2023
Status: extra 7
Indded it’s beautiful strory

firstly it was a little boring with stagnan story about FL love story with her ex and the development about her company

but after the FL date with the ML it becomes more interesting story

its all not about happy ending but beautiful story
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