World of Cultivation


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An unknown disciple from a small sect battling against the strongest in the cultivation world! The long journey working at cultivation, the realization of destiny, and the chance to reach the apex of the world.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. Zuo Mo is a zombie faced low level cultivator in a minor sect of a little world. Ever since he was picked up by the sect leader two years ago, he has no memories of his earlier life except a recurring nightmare. Navigating the rigid class structure and intricacies of the cultivation world, as one of the lowest possible of the lowest class, Zuo Mo’s dream is to earn money, and lots of it, through being a spiritual plant farmer. A chance occurrence reveals that someone powerful had changed Zuo’s features and erased his mind. The money grubbing zombie decides to set out on a journey of cultivation to find out answers. Fate colludes with chance, the drums of war are beating, the ghost of his past is coming…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tu Chân Thế Giới
Xiuzhen Shijie
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Recommendations
  2. ALLCN+
  3. NO Romance
  4. My next 5 out of 5 !!!
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/12/15 Dreams of Jianghu c91
12/11/15 Dreams of Jianghu c90
12/10/15 Dreams of Jianghu c89
12/09/15 Dreams of Jianghu c88
12/08/15 Dreams of Jianghu c87
12/07/15 Dreams of Jianghu c86
12/06/15 Dreams of Jianghu c85
12/05/15 Dreams of Jianghu c84
12/04/15 Dreams of Jianghu c83
12/03/15 Dreams of Jianghu c82
12/02/15 Dreams of Jianghu c81
12/01/15 Dreams of Jianghu c80
11/30/15 Dreams of Jianghu c79
11/29/15 Dreams of Jianghu c78
11/28/15 Dreams of Jianghu c77
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240 Reviews sorted by

SineNomine rated it
May 19, 2018
Status: --
No clue why this was recommended for A Will Eternal, it's nothing like it. Maybe it gets better and more similar to AWE later on but it's too much of a chore to read. Especially with all of the untranslated terms. Just because something isn't "cookie cutter" doesn't mean it's good.
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StoneTheLoner rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: c553
This is a story that gives you expectations but fails to deliver at nearly every turn. He's introduced as a farmer but that's transitioned out of quickly to my disappointment. He learns sword essence but that's even less important than his farming as the story progresses. Formations become the focus but is then replaced with "I studied this thing for a few minutes so now I can do this completely awesome and unrealistic thing!". His zombie like appearance that made him endearing disappears. He starts cultivating three different powers but... more>> his Yao spirit plant thing ended up being some garbage he didn't use as intended, demoting it to some basic spirit control improvement/illusion breaker. Mo physique was a barely concealed and very janky power-up that kept going "Even further BEYOND!!!!" like he was in dbz. Ling, his original human power was left to rot as the least developed part of his skills for about 300 fcking chapters... Anyway, the author then introduced Shen and I was loving it. The progression to obtaining it was awfully convenient but that didn't matter because he was becoming some primitive bad*ss with ties to a more powerful and forgotten era (I changed my expectation by this point and was ok with Farming not being a thing anymore). As of the last chapter I read his recently obtained Shen power, newly balanced and able to be used by the MC, is nerfed then repaired to give him an unnecessary power-up then used to facilitate some rushed plot developments... The one thing I'd grasped on to that justified reading to that point, and it's getting the same janky treatment as his mo physique, the same lack of realistic use as his Yao spirit plant thing, and the same lack of development as his ling power (Because apparently the other three powers are better than Shen, something literally made up of a combination of all three)... I've rambled through a lot of things but I promise you haven't even covered half of the things the author either left hanging or ruined as the story progressed.

Tl;DR Stick with the story until you start to notice things going downhill. The first 200 or so chapters are genuinely entertaining but don't expect sticking with the story to net you some reward once you reach *that* chapter or *that* part of the story. It never comes and it leaves you wishing you'd left while you still had a decent opinion of the story. <<less
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Grarg rated it
March 19, 2018
Status: c915
So this story starts off really good. The MC has decent unique qualities that differentiates him from other MCs, mainly his pettiness, social cluelessness, and greed. There are many, many literal LOL moments at the very beginning.

However, you'll notice that the story is only 915 chapters, which is fairly short for a cultivation story. As a result, the narrative is EXTREMELY rushed. It feels like the author is just skipping over plot points. Often, a chapter will end at a cliffhanger and the next chapter will start with everything resolved... more>> and the results recounted through a one paragraph recap. The second half of the story begins to read more and more like a documentary as events scale up. In particular, the last 50 chapters read like a history book and was super rushed.

My disappointment in the story stems mainly from the fact that the author was good but it was way too rushed. If World of Cultivation was twice as long and characters/plot points got the attention it deserved, this could have easily been 4.5-5 stars. <<less
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porkbuns rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: c100
Just a biased initial impression of this novel

3.5/5, but rounding up to 4 stars, due to review saying that the story will pick up after the initial slow start

Basic plot info:

  • MC is brought back to a small sect by the sect's head
  • MC's memory is erased (or suppressed, not really clear on that yet) and his facial features have been altered (he's unable to show any emotions, but he seems to be able to feel emotions though)
  • the overarching goal of the story so far is to grow stronger and find out who erased/suppressed his memories and altered his facial features (it's nice that we actually have a clear idea of what the MC is working towards for once)
So far, this novel isn't exactly a must read novel like a... more>> lot of people would tell you; it's definitely a step-up from your usual xianxia novel (free-style plot where the goal of the MC is to power-up and beat up generic, arrogant, and ever-stronger antagonist until the MC becomes a godlike being, finding treasures, beating up arrogant young master, and picking up chicks left and right and completely forgetting about their existence for 99% of the novel).

However there are a few things that make this a bit of an annoying read for me personally:

  • All the chinese terms that are left in pingyin: Personally, I find the abundant of chinese terms left in pingyin takes a little getting used to (it's kind of annoying when you forget what each terms means sometimes and then you end up having to go look it up again). Even when you get used to it, there's still just something about reading all the terms left in pingyin that irks me a little. Some people might like it, but hey, I did say at the beginning that this was a biased review.
  • The character's personality/comedy: I put those two aspect together, since I feel like they're pretty intertwined. If you've ever read ISSTH, then this novel's MC is kind of similar to Meng Hao in the aspect that he love money (to the point that it seems that making money and being rich of one of the MC's main aspirations in life). So far, the MC literally can't stop complaining about how poor he is and how everyone else has better gear than he does (I understand that a lot of things revolve around money in the early stages, but I really wish he would stop talking about it so much).
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optjam rated it
May 9, 2017
Status: c600
Everything about this novel is fun. I love the relaxing pacing. And then how it all of a sudden explodes at battle scenea, then it is back to a relaced pacing. The characters in the novel get great fleshing out and it's always fun to watch the MC develop over time. All of the side characters are great and the novel gets better and better as you read. I would recommend this to anyone !
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puffiness123 rated it
January 25, 2017
Status: c499
My favourite story. A lot of stories, I get bored of them and later decide to read them again. This story? I read the newest chapter the moment I can. My favourite character is Zuo Mo. He has gone through a lot of things. He is character that didn't have his memory from the start, but he did the best with what he had. A story of a character who was small, insignificant and worthless... and then he no longer is. He is also very lucky and cares a lot... more>> about money. Romance is not really a factor in this story, at least from the 499 chapters I've read so far. I do know that there are people who don't enjoy this story, and there are people that do. Different cups of teas for everyone but this is my cup of tea. I love this story a lot. <<less
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natsume142 rated it
January 7, 2017
Status: c482
Amazing novel! The MC is really amusing! The translators are so diligent and the update are frequent. The fighting is amazing as well and I adored a story where the MC is kinda clueless regarding love and women.
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pomoli rated it
December 4, 2016
Status: c120
A xianxia with a no-nonsense farmer main character having an actual goal in life, not just cultivating endlessly without explanation. He also has a real personality (greedy, hard working, honest) and not some horrifying narcissist psychopath like we see in many other xianxia works.

Just for that, especially if you are tired of the usual "it's all about the face" and "let's vendetta without stop" xianxias, try this one :).
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kwrobes rated it
August 14, 2016
Status: c216
This story is like nothing I've ever read, except that it is familiar in setting. The MC almost completely disregards actual cultivation and the author turns around so many xuanhuan tropes. The MC develops plenty of production skills, and the author actually remembers everything he writes. I don't really notice any plot holes. One of the wonderful things about this novel is what seems like the transition from an individual power based system to a team-based sort of thing where as almost every other CN focus on only the MC... more>> or a superficial cast. It's also fairly fast-paced though not the way you might expect. The story keeps moving quickly although fights are few and far in between. This is a wholehearted recommendation by me. <<less
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Kimari07 rated it
July 28, 2022
Status: --
I really liked this novel and finished reading it few years ago. Almost 5 stars for me but I'm giving it a three coz I just can't get over this antagonist shown at the beginning and appeared near end that I really loved... he is strong, handsome, proud son of heaven, intelligent, came from the most powerful sect, has powerful friends and elders, basically perfect but he still lost just like that to the ugly MC in the end. This made me hate the MC so much, it's unreasonable. I... more>> had to vent cause after all this time whenever I see this novel, all I remember is that villain with unfortunate end. Though I admit that in this world, God will use humble to destroy the proud.

Many times I imagine those rebirth novels about a Villain's counter attack in their second life were written for this particular character. <<less
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FishCream rated it
April 6, 2022
Status: c755
Overall I think this novel is pretty good but it's repetitive and long enough to make me lose interest. The main thing bugging me while reading this is how the MC gets pretty much all his power ups:

    1. Meets stronger enemies that he should have no way of beating
    2. Spends all his powers until he almost dies
    3. Gets angry or otherwise emotional for some reason (the reason often being feet ?????)
    4. Has a breakthrough and immediately gets incapacitated right in front of his enemy (along with a phrase of "wow anyone would totally have died from that kind of upgrade but this guy is the MC!")
    5. Plot armor swoops in and kills the enemy
Along with the mess of a power system where each power level is so much higher that it can't possibly be killed by someone below it, except for when MC does it and later everyone else because of course it's actually really easy once you get the hang of it. And then the next power level turns up! This one basically never dies in battles because it's so hard to kill that even within the same level it always manages to flee before death, except that was just to hype up the level because even those a level below can kill it pretty easily in a group every time when the plot kicks in... But the next level though!

And seriously, what's up with the feet?
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Kilo181 rated it
September 3, 2021
Status: c735
The story started really strong in the first half but takes a huge nose dive in quality in the second half. Translation and editing isn't great either with many spelling and grammatical errors especially later on. They also decide to not translate a ton of words like "Cultivator" and just leave them in Chinese, which is just plain bad translating.

Overall 2 stars, and that's only due to the beginning arcs.
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Cjjapz rated it
November 6, 2020
Status: c915
If you get through to the Chinese terminology, I'm so proud of you. It is the first reason why this novel was a downfall for others including me but pls don't drop it. Give it a chance and you won't regret
It started slow then ended fast paced, I'm disappointed but it doesn't discourage me at all because this novel is really great and unique. It really defined the tag "world-building", the story don't revolve everything on the MC plus politics
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Sansin06 rated it
December 27, 2019
Status: Completed
This started out as a really good novel. The MC had a past and is quirky enough to keep readers entertained. The character development at the beginning is very progressive, but later on too many characters jump in but you can just take it as seeing in many POV. The world building is good though a bit slow but one can find it enjoyable if one persists. The translating quality is good too. The MC also doesn't have some tr*sh harem collecting skills and while it may be hinted he... more>> just doesn't care. Also this story doesn't have those tr*shy young masters around every corner who underestimate him and then get beaten up and then he gets beaten up and then he kills the tr*sh's family and says its the tr*sh's fault. It seems to be all worth it till you come to an ending that makes you want to spit blood.


The ending is just too abrupt and doesn't give any closure.

We never get details on the MC's biggest hacks PU and WEI. I mean the reason the MC is the MC is because of the help they've given (cultivation) and their scheming. The reason the yao ended up in his hands is due to Pu.

Also they never clearly explain to us his family and later on he just doesn't seem to care for it except for A gui.

I mean I stuck it out and enjoyed it but now I feel very disappointed in this <<less
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JustSaying rated it
November 17, 2019
Status: 800
I have a love-hate feelings to this novel or rather I love this novel but really hated the author. Why?? The more I read the novel, the more I feel that the author just write things but did not think it through unlike the first tens to hundred+ chapters. I feel like this author just ruined a novel that had a potential to be one of the top. Why would I said that??

First, he made the MC as jack of all trades but master of none. Or maybe he was... more>> a master in terms of formations but what I found hateful was that the author made the MC so fvcking generous to the point that almost all of the knowledge of the MC about everything was given to many of his subordinates. For me, its okay if he was a jack of all trade and master of none, but let his crafts unique to himself alone, but here, yeah his crafts and techniques was unique but he shared them to his subordinates, so its not already unique to his own alone. His strange ideas, crafts, techniques, was known by many so theres only a few unique traits to the MC.

Some of his personality also was not suited for Jack-of-all-trades person. For example, his forgetfulness, his forging was became worse just because he did not forge for a short amount of time. There were also some valuable things that he forgot, and its a negative thing for a Jack-of-all-trades person like him, because attentiveness was essential for that kind of person. His generosity, to the point that he shared all of his knowledge to his subordinates without anything like oath like heartblood oath, what if one of them betrayed him and shared his knowledge to other people outside of the Mc's gang? Then many of their source was exposed to others? Its a s*upid move for me, theres a lack of wisdom. The MC was too trusty to his subordinates too much. Sigh. Even his way of thinking was shared to some, for example to Nan Yue, his way of thinking to little arts and some things was greatly shared to her. So whats the uniqueness of the MC here? Sighhh

Second, almost all of the major breakthroughs of the MC was done unconsciously, in fact, he did not even know how he made it through to some of it. And we knew that this breakthrough was a good experience for the MC but the author made it unconsciously done, sigh. Like his cultivation in mo physique, almost all of his breakthrough there was unconsciously and accidentally done, in fact his Great Day and Ten Crow physique was done accidentally. In fact because of this, the MC became too bland because his powers was like a work of fate like other MC in other novels. I did not even consider his hardwork because in terms of hardwork? The MC was greatly surpassed by Wei Sheng. And in intelligence? The was greatly surpassed by Gongsun. Thats why, the more I read this novel, the more the MC was becoming bland. Sighh.. This fcking author. It seems that the author disregards the MC and focused even more in other characters and the army building. Why? The powerups of some charaxters was even more meticulous than the MC. The author was like "Okay, I dont like the MC so make him accidentaly acquired a physique or something and let him became unconscious and when he woke up there woulf be another powerup." or "Okay, I should focus even more to build a good army so Im going to just let this MC became drunk and acquire a powerup and let it be like that". Almost all of the breakthrough of the MC especially his mo physique was done unconsciously and accidentally. Sigh.. In 300-450 chapters, the author disregard the MC cuz there were no clear improvements on MC, after that he s*upidly made the MC advance two great level quickly in chapter 500+ to the point that it doesnt make sense. The other characters powerups was meticulously done while the MC just acquired a injury and after that he advance two great levels?? Sighh if you dont like the MC then why did you make him such? Stu**d author.

Great Day mo was accidentally acquired, Break through in Jindan was also unconsciously and accidentaly done, Advancing to Ten Crow physique was also accidentally done, having the Revolutionary Star ability was also accidentaly and unconsciously done. There were more accidents that benefited the MC greatly. Sigh, the more I thought about it, the more bland the MC became is, where is the talent of the MC here if his powerups was accidentally acquired? This st**id author. I hope that someone screenshot my review and send this to the st***id author so he would know that he just ruined a great novel that he put a great effort in. Greatly disappointed!!!!

Third, he have many subordinates, but what I found annoying was almost all of his subordinates respects was others and not him. For example, Vermillion Bird Camp most respected person was Wei Sheng and they feared the most was Gongsun. For Guard Camp, they respected the most was Pu Yao. And there were many more. In fact in the MC's pets? His pets respected and feared Silly Bird more, than the MC. And what I found really hateful was the attitude of this Silly Bird. Yeah they said that Silly Bird was like that because she have a phoenox bloodline but fck man, it became strong because of MC, so I dont know what is the qualification of this Silly Bird to have that attitude to the point that he even disdain, disregard, disrespect, his ownter (the MC). Is eating the sh*t of the MC's soul theatering talisman a thing that should be proud of? Or eating the dan that the MC disregard was a thing that it should be proud of?? This Silly Bird was like a daughter that because it just found a good job and earn many money, it already disregard her parents that took care of her and watch her grew up. I dont know why many people or the author think it was funny.

Fourth, the quality going downhill. In fact, for me, I think that this novel had a potential to become one of the best novel. And I think that the author could do it, but I dont know what is in the mind of this author to the point that he ruined this novel that have a great potential. Yeah, it wad still a great novel but its potential was not used to its greatest, but rather he wasted it. For me that was stup*d move for this author.

And remeber in chapter 400+? When they sold a large amount of good spells with explanation, and their knowledge for a cheap price just to annoy their enemies? That was so fcking childish man. They fcking work their brain to the death just to acquire that knowledge when they were still weak but they just sold it in a cheap price? No matter in what angle I see, its so fvcking s*upid. You sold your hard earned knowledge in a cheap price just to annoyed your enemies? Sigh.. Yeah their other reason was to earn jingshi but come on man, we all know that they have many things that could be sold for jingshi, for example Golden Crow Fire? Why would they sell their hard-earned knowledge in a cheap price. It was like you experimented a new things that could improve a person's life greatly, for many years and after youre finished, you just sold it for 10 dollars? Sighh..

This author seems became stup*d to the point that he slowly ruined his novel that he put too much effort from the start. St*pid author.

The author was a smart person but also more s*upid. Why? He already created a brilliant start with great potential in this novel but he just ruined it. In fact, the main focuse here should be the fivw elements and formation because the MC was more talented there. Dont believe the bullsh*t of the author that the MC was talented in mo, because I knew that he was not. Why? Almost all of the breakthrough of the MC in mo was just purely luck. The story became out of the main plot because the MC start his journey with formations and five elements but he became lucky to cultivate a strong physique and start to deviate and not focus in five elements and formations anymore, in fact he did not even try to understand other elements except fire because he have a physique that have fire. Second, he start his journey to find his origin but I read in some reviews that the MC became not interested in his origin anymore in later chapters. Third, his ability as jack of all trades was not showed to its extent because he have too many subordinates that could do what he can, and he just needed to order and someone would do what he needed. There were still others but I could not recall it.

The author just made the MC with great luck, but the became too bland in later chapters. In fact the MC in later chapter became one of the blandest MC. Why? The author made too many characters that was more talented, cunning, also jackofalltrades, and more interesting. For example Lin Qian, Gu Jing Diao, in fact the first interaction between Gu Jing Diao and the MC was too fcking cringey, Gu Jing Diao just gave the MC a small favor and this MC became so intimate too much on him, to the point that he even called the other Big Brother, and even bend himself to the other. Fang Xiang, the MC was already a leader of a large organization, and the way you made him intimate and bend the MC to others was too fcking stup*d for you. Its just a small a favor, in fact, he didnt even need it because he could acquire it by just acquiring it on the others that he saved or on his spoiles to the Marshal. This stup*d author even made the MC even requested the other to spare the Mo that he saved even though he have two battalions that was stronger than the battalion of Gu Jing Diao. This fcking author was too stup*d in this. He disregard the MC too much. I really fcking want to slap this author on the face.

In chapter 650+, I feel annoyed that the author made the MC felt that he owed Gu Liang Dao greatly even though he did not. Why?
First- Lil Miss did not really need the help of Gu Liang Dao, in fact it even made the journey more hard when they joined, because the mo thought that Vermillion Camp was a mo battalion, in fact they even received supplies from mo jie that they passed, so when Gu Liang Dao joined in, it made the mo realized that the Vermillion was a xiuzhe so they encounter more resistance.
Second- Im sure that the mo that the MC saved have also a jie map about nether jie, like the three Princesses. The three families surely have a jie map that was even more complete than the jie map that Gu Liang Dao gave. And the MC would not owe them a favor because he saved them.
Third- In fact it even drag the MC down because he was exposed to others that he was xiuzhe when Liang Dao appears.
But he still owed him a favor?? Yeah lets say Liang Dao still help him, but the author approach here was so stup*d for me. It seems that the author wanted the MC to owe Liang Dao so he made Liang Dao help Lil Miss even though they did not really needed help. In fact, for me, Vermillion was stronger than Liang Dao battalion because they have mo and they are in Mo territory. And the way that the MC asked a favor for Liang Dao to spare the Mos that he saved, even though the MC could slaughter easily the battalion of Liang Dao. Yeah they can easily slaughter the others, why? First, Sin Battalion and Vermillions battalion have mo and they were in Mo Territory, and Liang Dao's did not have, so they have an advantage. Second, each one of this two battalion was similar in strenght or slightly stronger than Liang Dao battalion. So whats the point of asking a favor for other to spare the Mo if he could protect these Mo and even slaughter the other. Sighh. There was also when he sold his first created earth mo weapon, he sold it in cheap price then when he judt requested it to be displayed, he already owe the other a favor. Man, hes the one who created it, he have the right to display it in public, he already sold it in cheap price you still made him owe a favor? This author crearly disregard the MC.

Fck you Fang Xiang, you are the most fcking annoying author for me. You are smart but you are also more stup*d, you already created a great novel, and you just ruined it in the end. Youre smart but you did not use your brain here st*pid. Ha, you already started this novel brilliantly but you just ruined it? Sigh, you made me expect for nothing. A great disappointment. A waste of potential. I dont care how many would bash me, but I just want to show to this author how much I hate him for ruining his great novel. St*pid!!

Its just that the MC have greater luck than others. In fact he even made the MC think not high in himself. If you dont want the MC then why make him one in the first place? This stup*d author, he excites his readers in early chapters then he would just ruined it. F*ck you Fang Xiang, youre a great disappointment. Stup*d!!!!!!

This novel has a brilliant start and great potential but this stup*d author made it more like a typical chinese novel that has a lucky MC that was fated to become strong. In first hundred or so chapters, its great but afterwards, it deviates and I could not see any of the talent of the MC here anymore because most of his major breakthroughs was so fcking....

I just could not accept the fact that a novel that have a limitless potential was ruined just because of the st*pidity of this author. Sigh.. A great disappointment!!!

I really hope that someone send this review to this author so that he would know that how stup*d he was in ruining a great novel that have great potential like this one. I really want to slap this author. If I have the power, I would really slap this author. This is the most disappointing author for me. And its the first time that I was really so fcking too disappointed in a novel. Wooh!! <<less
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luckymorris rated it
April 28, 2019
Status: c730
The first part of the novel (around 500 chapters) was fine, it was funny, the hero was shameless, good character developpement, decent world building. I liked that it's not just the hero, his companions are valuable and actually usefull, better than the MC in some points, after reading several cultivation novel I was annoyed to always see the MC take care of everything by himself when he had companions/ally.

But I think that all was ruined with all the war stuff, it's not engaging, the battles are dull or completely skipped... more>> with one sentence such as "in the mean time X general defeated Y general". Too many characters become irrevelant, the past of the MC was throw in our face in 3 or 4 sentences and has basically no impact on the story. It also suffers the same problem as MANY (if not every that i've read) cultivation novel, if the MC is lvl 4, we're going to be told that lvl 5 are very rare, but once the MC is lvl 5, lvl 5 are as common as rain. When he is lvl 6, lvl 5 are tr*sh cannon folders, while lvl 6 are once again, as common as rain.

The pace of the novel also shot up in the later half, in the begining we had 30 chapters about the MC being a farmer (that was cool) but after that we got evenement after evenement without a break, I really had the impression that the autor wanted to just wrap up this novel, not having the patience he had before.

It's not a bad read, the first half is worth it but the second half leave a bad after taste, I dropped it, but still i'll remember quite a few things from this novel, that's more that I can say about 60% of cultivation novel that i've read. <<less
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tashtumea27 rated it
September 4, 2018
Status: c915
This is GOLDEN.

This novel's has a plot that just keeps on giving and for a cultivation novel this is quite fast paced. Though power levels turn out very murky at the end, it has a lot of enjoyable twists on the cliches usually found in Xuanhuan (or is it xianxia? Never could tell the difference). I think one of the main charms of this novel is its characters though, I really came to like a lot of them, and the author does give a lot of changes in POV... more>> in order to give them depth (to which I applaud, usually cultivation novels don't really go for that -- at least the ones I've read).

So, to conclude; it has comedy, plot, likeable characters with growth, and good enough pacing, what more do you want?

But if I had to complain, I'd definitely like it way more if the ending was at least given an additional 3-5 chapters. I feel like I met Lil' Cliffy instead and am still left hanging. <<less
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VvvV1225 rated it
May 20, 2018
Status: Completed
It start really good, funny, refreshing and new (MC aiming at becoming a farmer), it lasted for a while (up until around 300 chapters).

after 300+ chapters, thing started to go south, a lot of plot build up mentioned before started being ignored and new ones started to pop out.

At the end of the day, this novel leave you with an incomplete taste, (average ending), as everything was meant to be this way.
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Druuj rated it
March 18, 2018
Status: Completed
There is not enough praise to give to this novel and its translator. If it ain't the best novel here in novelupdates, then its 2nd or 3rd best. It is finally completed and I feel sad that the ending is not another cliffhanger like the ones we "enjoyed" for so long. I really wish there were more chapters. This is how good this novel is, other novels one burns through them, feels they are drawn out, filled with useless words to pad the numbers. Reading this jewel to the end... more>> makes me wish it was watered down to last me longer. Read it. My daily life won't be the same now World of Cultivation has ended, and for the time it takes you to read through it, yours won't too. D$#n, it was a fun ride. :_) <<less
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GonZ555 rated it
March 16, 2018
Status: c915
Just as the title said, this series depict the life struggle of a cultivator living in a warring era.

The story starts from a peaceful era and the struggle of a farmer slowly getting entanggled by devious character and various bad situation to help the farmer become a true cultivator.

By the time you get to know the character of Zuo Mo, you might even love his character enough to forget about the title and that it represent the life struggle, luck, and determination of a cultivator.

.. That is, until the end... more>> where the author gives you the wake up call <<less
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