Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel


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He died on the wedding of the girl he had a crush on, after a long and successful career. After convincing Yama to send him back to the world, he decides to fix the areas in which his life went wrong. Realizing the lack of love and romance in his past life, he sets out to conquer the hearts of various women.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Record of Rebirth and Chasing Beauties
So Pure, So Flirtatious: The Prequel
The Richest Man in the City
Related Series
High Comprehension Low Strength (Shared Universe)
So Pure, So Flirtatious (Sequel)
My Wife is a Beautiful CEO (12)
The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus (4)
Awakening (4)
I’m in Hollywood (3)
My Beautiful Teacher (3)
Omni Genius (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels i Have Read
  2. My Main Novels
  3. CN Harem
  4. Things I've Read pt 2
  5. Male Protagonist

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108 Reviews sorted by

Azazelx rated it
March 2, 2018
Status: c735
So this MC is one of the dumbest I've ever seen. Some things I remember: ... more>>

His girl once got kidnapped right in his nose by weaker people than him. It was really ridiculous.

He kept crashing his car all the time. And so many more things. But the s*upidest mistake is the next one, BIG SPOILER ahead: So this subordinate of his married the love of his life even though he knew they loved each other, this was what caused the MC drinking himself to death and reincarnation. Then turns out this subordinate also reincarnated, when the MC meets him, the guy apologizes and everything, then the s*upid MC not only forgives him without even investigating the cause of reincarnation (he has direct contact with Yama so it's as easy as making a call), but he also sends him to work at his secret research facility where he has the most advanced alien technology. It's like "hey, dude, you married my girl even though you knew of our love, and caused are deaths, but since you are apoligizing and look very sincere, I'll just go ahead and believe you're okay with me getting the girl you love, also here you go, awesome technology I KNOW you won't use against me, that'd be imposible" -.-


Only good thing, to some, about this novel, is that no harem candidates were left out at the end. But I don't really like how he got them, he was a dumbass. <<less
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heishiken rated it
March 5, 2017
Status: v2c82
Fun and lighthearted Story which I can only recommend while there are some Parts where I think the Story goes into wrong direction most notably the Harem (which I dislike a lot) and the recent events in the last few Chapters (Amnesia), it still is a Story you will enjoy.
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June 17, 2018
Status: --
I like the novel, its good and all but this fcking MC pissed me off. I mean ur fcking billionaire and u buy a what? Jetta. Now ur gonna complain when someone looked down at you, and this fcking shithead really loves money, I mean he has at least billions of money but he don’t wanna spend it, instead he just put it in his bank acc and just let it rot there. I hate this kind of MC, but I like the novel itself
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MandyPatinkins rated it
June 16, 2018
Status: Completed
VPAATP is the purest form of wish-fulfillment type of novel. There's no major setbacks and all in all had a very smooth story flow from beginning to end. I really got lucky when I found this novel because this is the type of novel I've been searching for in NU. And when the translation stopped, I've never been so eager to finish the novel to the point of reading the raws.

And the harem. Some people might disagree but imo this is one of the best part of the novel. So... more>> if you're into harem (like me), then this might be the best novel that you will read. <<less
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Nisem rated it
November 10, 2017
Status: v2c10
The story pretty much plummets near the end of volume 1, where a lot of stuff is just rushed. Kinda like the author didn't give a damn about any of it and just wanted to start a new story arc asap. From subplots to internal conflicts and worries of characters it all became irrelevant.

And then starts the second volume where

... more>>

there's a timeskip and the MC is in uni now and there's all the cliches like all the bro roommates, pissin off young masters on campus, pickin up girls etc. You get the point, bunch of bs from here on out and the story has basically lost all essence.


All in all the majority of volume 1 all really enjoyable and i'd give it a 4/5, but from there it's just bad. <<less
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readerX rated it
September 17, 2017
Status: c690
I already read raw until 690+ chapter since last year but I stop read it...

I will gave first Arc 4.5 (when they still in high school until before university arc begin) but around 70-100 chapters after University start it start going down hill to the point it make me stop reading although only 40+ chapter remain until the end of novel.

Since it was almost year that I stop read I can't remember them all this is what I can remember mostly problem because how harem girls which join at... more>> later have no role and personality. He bang her and add to harem in least than 10 chapter and no mention them in story after that. I will say it again problem is not harem but how they join and no role for them in the story is problem.


- MC love rival before he reincarnate somehow got reincarnate too but when he know MC got reincarnate I immedately gave up his live and become MC's s*ave for work on alien technology with another oldman in remote island. Author gave no explantion why that guy got reincarnate. MC never ask his Yama brother since Yama already stop appear when university arc start.

- Harem is okay at first but when story keep going number become larger and at later half of story MC just BANG every girl who isn't enemy and make them into his harem and ignore them all afterward.

- For exmaple western woman whom going to be top holllywood star in future in MC previous life got was introduce MC by his business partner when he visit America to gave night serive MC.
Not much plot here. No lovely developement he just met her then bang her. Not even single contact between them after that.
After bang her that time 1-2 years. She come to china to shto movie in china together with chinese's girl idol from MC harem. Then when film project was finish both that Western idol and China idol announce to public that they will retired to become MC mistress. There almost no mention about her after that in story even until I read to 690/735 chapters. Just invisible doll in harem.

- When he visit japan he got another herem member there. He met half china hlf japan girl on air plan, they develope some story after that, MC go on date with her (she help MC tour jp). Her father got cheat she was kidnap. MC help her.
Problem is in the end harem member isn't her. It was another girl which is Japan idol which he met because he mistook her for half China/japan girl which he though was kidnap. Idol girl though MC was the one kidnap her and yell at him. MC piss off that japan idol girl shout at him and he still can't find half china/japan girl so r*pe her. (Sreiously? That reason for you to r*pe here dude?)
Later MC go back to china. Half china/japn girl have feel for him after spend 10-25 chapter tougether in story. But there no contact between them afterward. Only idol girl whom was r*pe by him come to find him in china to join harem. There almost no mention about her after that in story even until I read to 690/735 chapters. Just invisible doll in harem as other girls. If I remember correct it is the same time western and china idol public announce there retired to join MC harem.

At this point I think author got idol complex by now, China, Wastern, Japan... why not include Korean and Europe too? I can say that MC and japan idol have no story devlopement other than. He mad at can't find half china/japan girl so he r*pe her then she come to join MC harem because lure by MC company power.

- The worst about how they join harem is the girl which MC help at University entrance, I think was about fake money or something. You noticed right? Since author gave her a 'Name' so she will surely appear in MC harem later.
MC met her brother later in story, he didn't know it was her brother that time. Her brother then become MC' driver after he help him. Then that guy ask MC to help his sister with some problem with rich guy. (This rich guy actually want this girl to be his woman) MC meet this girl again, help her but then add this girl to harem for no reason. (You need to read the story itself to see detail how f*ck up it is for just add any girl to increase number to his harem without care about plot at this point) Then it the same as alway author never mention or have anymore plot for her afterward. Just another doll. As for her brother he still just driver after he add the girl to his mistress.

- There also another girl which compare to those random girl which he spend less than 5 chapters to bang, she should be in harem more than them. The girl was from his mother or father original hometown which his parent promise them to have there children married. MC help them but later both girl and there parent run always because they don't want to truble MC more than this. So they never join his harem. This girl have more depth story than those above I mention which MC meet and spend only few chapter to bng them.

) <<less
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introparadox rated it
May 6, 2017
Status: v2c117
A fun story with 3 main dimensions, a modern power rise starting from computers domain flavored with supernatural powers, romance intertwined with mature harem built, and finally kicking the ass of bad guys along the way.
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Aina Seira
Aina Seira
September 11, 2016
Status: --
I like the prologue that's why I gave it a try. At first, it was okay. Even when the MC talks about programming whatnots, I still think that it's okay. However, after several women got involved, it turned for worst. I grew to hate that s*upid MC who appeared genius at first because he become a le*d bastard. Damn, my poor heart was hurt when my good impression and hope for this series was betrayed. Yep, MC, just go and meet your sworn brother for real and be reborn a... more>> monk. <<less
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IDontWriteReviews rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: v2c125
Instead of me wasting my time trying to write a 600 word review I'm just going to list some of the reasons why I gave this novel a one star review.

  1. The novel constantly changes it's pace throughout the story which one reviewer states, ' Sometimes I think that its 2 people writing this sh*t and one of them might be 10 years old'.
  2. The fact that the translation quality takes a nose dive as the 'Story' progresses.
  3. The s*upid and reused plot of the 'story' makes it seem like the Author took the plot points of other garbage urban harem novels, put it in a blender and decided that, that was good enough to use in his 'original story'
  4. The decisions the MC makes combined with the horrible pacing makes it feel like you are reading multiple different novels in one.
  5. And finally the blatant racism and excessive Chinese nationalism makes me want to bang my head on a cheese grinder.
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jinkenzo rated it
March 12, 2021
Status: --
By reading this you'll only iritate yourself with how the main character handles situations and decision, illogical! The world is full of idiots. The author, even more of an idiot!
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JakeRay rated it
October 8, 2019
Status: Completed
Mindless fun, emphasis on mindless.

Now that it has been completely translated, I don't see why you shouldn't try it out. At least stuff happens, but don't be afraid of skipping a paragraph or two every couple of chapters because of nonsense filler. It's a decent binge-read, but not a memorable story.

Out of hundreds of novels of similar quality, this is one of those I cared enough to continue and finish reading without getting a headache.
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Maevar rated it
October 18, 2018
Status: v4c133
To be honest, I hate that I like it. In the beginning I enjoyed it very much, but the further we go the more absurd it became.

Author becomes more and more sexist and racist. Sometimes it is to the point where I wonder if he has some personal grudge with women and other nations.

The sole purpose of heroines is to be trigger of other men jealousy so that MC can beat them up, or to satisfy him in bed. Even the first wife changes from enjoyable character to bland background... more>> extra.

MC becomes arrogant and overpowered to the point where there is no difference between him and those silk pants opponents of his.


His morals become twisted to the point where he doesn't even consider r*pe as crime as long as he is the rapist and the victim is Japaneese. Or maybe more like he doesn't care.


It is perfect example of wish fulfillment story, what is not bad by itself, but novel is at the point where author doesn't even care about plot it just repeat scheme: Meet her, beat her adorators, screw her, meet her parents, repeat.

In summary, first half of novel deserves 4/5 and the later 2/5. <<less
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udin-san rated it
September 9, 2018
Status: v2c63
This novel is meh. It's not a good novel but I enjoyed reading it at some point.

WARNING : don't EVER take this story seriously! The author often times disregard the setting he had written just to force a plot to go to a certain direction.

... more>>

for example : he had a VERY powerful superpower and at some point it was shown that he can destroy someone's brain from afar and make them into a veggie easily. But then at a much later chapter, he don't know how to save a girl being held at knife point and let the girl die. This happened just so later he can save her soul from the death god's grasp.

This kind of unreasonableness happened too much in this novel.


This novel will constantly make you question "how can this happen?", "can he just do this?", "why did he do that?", etc. <<less
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kaikai rated it
January 30, 2018
Status: v2c170
For those who read it, and said the plot has many holes, and goes downhill keep in mind that this is the first WN Selutu translated, don't critique him as it's not his fault the author wrote it like this, and for the decline it's aimed at readers from a chinese culture, people from a western culture might not like this type of novel.
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Recklezz rated it
January 1, 2018
Status: v2c170
I've read this novel as a developer I feel insulted, it's simply not possible to rewrite win95, especially without core block for the kernel. The same with the schematics for the Pentium chip, man...

But for a quick wish fulfilling read it was enjoyable... At least in the begging, later on, the Author loses overview and doesn't explain details, as if he is rushing to finish, Mind you, this is around chapter 200 with 535 chapters to go, I can't even imagine the end.

There are also some severe plot holes (ofc.).... more>> An example is... he dies, he grieves. He wishes that if he had one more chance he will get all the girls he lays his eyes upon. Eh, what? Why not wish for your ACTUAL crush, damn you s*upid.

As seen from the harem tag he will get more girls, + his main girl... I think this is shameless, and I actually like Harems in novels, as it makes the story more interesting with conflicts and a way to keep characters close to the spotlight, and ofc. for the "plot". Just not in this one, it's used as a plot device more than once, just to redo clicheés for different characters. Anyway the first 100-150 chaps are enjoyable, even if ridiculous. <<less
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Hikorau rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: v2c170
For those who wants to read a harem story in modern world, I will highly recommend it. Although some parts of the story may give negative marks

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  • about making software by himself (getting rich... need much money to solve problems related to his women)
  • about how he can do martial arts or have super power (getting strong... protecting himself as well as his women)

those two parts are nonsense, which many people give negative marks


but it has good plots (not all) to make the MC completes his own harem. Ignoring those negative parts, I just want to know how the author writes the plot for the harem end. (meeting the girls, the girls' problems, how to help and make them be part of his harem)

About genre, mainly it is romance -> harem -> ecchi while the others just for making a good plot.


First volume has NSFW part, but it is none in the second. Maybe because the author doesn't want to make it an r-15 or r-18 novel.


Overall, I really like this novel so I give it 5/5. <<less
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jjkyxr rated it
August 1, 2017
Status: v1c282
For at least the first volume of the story (out of 3), most of it is basically the MC catching one pokemon (female) after another while shooing off nasty young rich masters poaching his prey. The main premise ... more>>

to get back his wealth and status the MC had before getting reincarnated and to capture his first love

gets solved in less than 50 chapters, so story evolves into our MC playing pokemon, tr*shing cars (literally), and playing civilization (building his empire).

The story is pretty much a slice of life starting in 1994 if superman he was reborn in China and had a photographic memory of all the tech of the future with an extra douse of lust and greed. Such a premise wouldn't be a problem if the characters had a bit of depth. The romance is a big part of the story but it's not even fun to read since his hunt for pokemon is so easy that it makes the females look like cardboard cutouts. The story basically gives our MC a passive love aroma. Here's a quote that stood out to me that exemplifies this issue:


Su Yingzi closed her eyes painfully, is this going to be her first time? She had dreamed of the first time with her loved one infinite times, she never would have thought that the dream would be broken like this. It would be fine even if the two people in front of her were people she felt affable towards, a person suddenly popped up in Su Yingzi's mind, the boy that didn't give her face at all on the concert, he also attended the party later, but he acted as if he didn't see her, and sat along in the corner chatting with two girls that didn't lose out to her, it really makes her angry! Su Yingzi didn't know why that she could still think of stuff like this at this time, she only subconsciously hoped that the people about to defile her would become that person...


Stopped after the first volume. Started skipping around in the second volume if anything was of worth... Sadly more of the same. Can't recommend this unless you love your Marty Stu stories. Also the translations is extremely frustrating. The grammar is pretty spot on, but I swear, if only the translator just copypasted the text into a word document and did a quick spellcheck, you would be able to clean up over half the mistakes.

Side note: Although the author is very pro China, he paints the country before the 21st century in a very negative light with corruption and mobsters running rampant. <<less
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ejemss rated it
September 16, 2016
Status: c102
Another novel with plagiarizing element like IRAS but IMO I think the novel is pretty fun. OP MC and not some p*ssy*ss protag who cowers before ladies. Confident and know-it-all attitude is pretty good for an OP MC. Cute and jealous heroine makes the novel fun and the catch em all harem concept is not forced. I won't give any rating for this as the review is purely based on my perspective and is somewhat biased. (And I don't really think I can call this a review)

Edit: Oh and... more>> I think I somewhat gave this a rating beforehand. I'll set it to 3 stars to balance it out. <<less
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August 9, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a genuine eight-grade syndrome-type novel with fantasy and harem mixed within. If you have an eight-grade mindset, it's for you without doubt 5/5 star. Why? Because it is what our MC is all about. If not, just skip those parts and just go with the story.

If you want to find the modern word setting for a reading, this book is not for you. I believe our current and past known world isn't like this. If you want to find a science-fiction story, this isn't either for you - since... more>> it's mostly fiction. <<less
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kurokaneki00 rated it
May 30, 2022
Status: Completed
Originally the plot started out well, but then it just turns into him getting loads of women. 17 bloody women, and the story just get f*cked up. The MC was reincarnated to regain his true love, then after 50 chapters goes after another women. Like a h**ny monkey, he sees a women and bangs them. A Womanizing Mage also had a lot of women, but the plot was properly done
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