Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife


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Other people’s bad reputation, if not because of themselves, then it’s slandered by others. Jing Wan’s bad reputation wasn’t because of herself, but schemed by her future husband. Jing Wan’s bad reputation wasn’t caused by others, but of his design, only for the sake of marrying the woman he has had eyes on for two lifetimes! One unable to take a bride, one unable to marry. Because he was the number one handsomest man, but she wasn’t the number one beauty. So it was still her who has earned? What the hell?

After marrying, the husband’s close beautiful servant girls didn’t try to crawl onto the bed, but instead served her like an ancestor. The previous stewards didn’t monopolize the power, but instead handed over in great detail all the properties and even the husband’s private funds. So strange no matter how one looks at it! After getting along day and night, she discovered that her husband suffers from a severe case of crazy, please cure!

“Husband, just what do you like about me? I’ll change, just please stop being weird.”

His disease acting up in seconds, telling you with his actions, just how strong his possessive desires towards you are, that’s how much care you must give back.

Alright, for the sake of his disease not becoming more severe, and seeing how there’s no concubines or mistresses or other little demons, Jing Wan rolled up her up sleeves and went all out.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
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Heroine Saves A Gentleman (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. me, you, married (happy wife, happy life)
  2. Sweet Novel that I wish I were the FL.
  3. Binge worthy Ancient China (BG)
  4. BG novels
  5. The BEST Historical Novels (BG only)

Latest Release

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97 Reviews sorted by

New mommmonn rated it
May 8, 2024
Status: c35
The only reason I gave it more than one star is because the MC is really great. My problem with this novelcis the damn male lead. The guy is a psychopath. Watching him stalk her and act like she belongs to him was painful. Also his internal thoughts on her close relatives is out right disgusting. Him saying that the painting the MC gave her granpa will eventually belong to him and that the granpa better take care of it or else wss awful.

If u dont like manipulative and obsessive... more>> male leads its best not to read this. And for this who actually find this romantic, pls see a therapist. <<less
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jenmini rated it
December 9, 2018
Status: c300
To be honest the synopsis the author wrote does not do the story justices, because it's nothing like how the tone implies. The story is actually quite dark and serious. A fair warning though, I am quite bias towards this story mostly because it hits all the points I personally like in these kinds of stories, so the things pointed out in this review are more or less focused on the aspects I liked, but can't define the entire story as whole, and may not suit everyone's taste either.

When I... more>> found this story, what attracted my interest the most was that the ML was a 'rebirth' character. Since I purely read these female centric type transmigration/reincarnation stories, I found this aspect interesting. MC is a modern person that reincarnated into this world. Like 'Eight Treasures Trousseau' MC, she recovers her memories of her past life in her childhood. By the start of the story both ML and MC have already been in this 'world' for a few years now.


BTW MC is the same person in both of ML's two lifetime/timeline. She reincarnated into this world and not transmigrated into someone else's body. It does get revealed a bit later on in the story though.


The story on the ML's side is a lot like 'Rebirth of the Malicious Empress', except a more selfish and haughty Shen Miao with a dick. Just like Shen Miao, because of the second chance, he's pretty much seen through the true faces of how the people around him are, so he becomes even more vicious and tyrannical compared to how he really was in the past life. His sole focus in this second life is really more so trying to be with MC though.

In fact, in his past life he was purposefully raised useless and debauch too. Because then he'd be too useless to fight for the throne, yada yada. If it wasn't for meeting MC he probably would have gave up on life. Her unconditional kindness pretty much changed him, and why he eventually falls for her. MC's death in the first timeline was one of his greatest regrets, so he devotes his entire second chance into trying to prevent her going down that path again.


As for the MC, she's a open-minded and calm person, very optimistic and adapts to all kinds of situation well. She's not stubborn and doesn't view everything in this world from a modern person perspective, she more or less understands and adapts to the norms of the setting. Her being very logical and perceptive is what I like about her the most, she understands what not to do and what she can do, but at the same time isn't completely cold-hearted.

For the beginning part of the story the romance is very one-sided, because as the story starts, MC doesn't even know ML exist and doesn't officially meet him until much later. Though ML is constantly stalking/guarding her, and manipulating things behind the scenes to prevent certain things from happening, trying to prevent her tragic death in his past life. A lot of the the story is about MC's day to day happenings and her relationship with her family. MC's interactions with her grandparents are probably the most heartwarming and my most favorite things about this novel.


One of my most favorite scene in the novel is when MC bonds with her grandfather over flowers. Her grandfather is a strict and stern person that everyone in the family is scared of, but he has a love for growing flowers. It's so sweet watching him become like a cute grandpa around MC, and everyone being shocked seeing this side of him.


There's also not a lot of cliche villains or canon fodder in this novel for random conflicts. To be honest in the beginning parts it's a pretty chill slice of ancient chinese life type feel. The antagonists in this novel I find sometimes to be more logical, they aren't purely just one-track minded want power just because of power. They have a deeper psychological reason for their ambitions.


For example, MC's third uncle is her grandfather's only shu son. His ambitions for climbing up higher more so stems from the fact that he's an unfavored son and wants his father to look at him and be proud of him. He's jealous of his di brothers because they 'don't work as hard as him' but are still 'loved' by his father.


Other points I liked:
- The cast of characters are quite colorful and unique; no one is too cliche or a cookie cutter type character too much, they all sorta have their own depths as a character
- Minimal glaring inconsistencies; at least not too many that I've notices, annoys me when authors forgets their own plot
- Her loving and supportive family; not everyone is constantly trying to scheme against or is jealous of her just because reasons.
- MC not doing anything s*upid for the sake of plot; I hate when a smart MCs go s*upid for plot convenience
- ML's extreme level of pampering MC
- Not every female is trying to get into ML pants cuz he good-looking, in fact most avoid him like the plague; he's more hated than liked.
- ML's servant's salty inner dialogues complaining about their master
- Badass martial art master nanny that guards MC like a mother hen <<less
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blazikens rated it
January 6, 2019
Status: --
Edit: To the review above.... Um. My review is my opinion, and I'm sorry, but I don't really care if the ML shows his 'passion' to the MC only. Full offense, but there's NEVER a justification for a man taking advantage of a woman, even if it's a supposedly 'awkward' situation where it's his first time and he loves her. I don't care at all, and frankly, the fact that you're excusing a man's actions in a situation of s*xual assault (especially when one is a minor) is an insult... more>> to all the women who are and have been victims of s*xual assault.

Anyway, I hate polygamy too, but that's not my issue with the story here. My issue is that his 'passion' presents as unhealthy possessiveness to the point where he regards the underage MC as his possession basically, and it's dangerous to romanticize dark emotions like that, when they usually end up leading to not only toxic but abusive relationships. Especially when you have young, impressionable readers saying they wish they could have a boyfriend like that....

Also....I don't like TMR either, so I'm not sure why you brought that up lol. I dropped that novel when I read the spoilers of that scene in question, and there's no double standard here: Maybe it would be if I liked that story while hating this one, it would be, but I hate both equally lol. Although maybe I dislike this one more, because the ML is a freaking psycho. The ML in TMR is a man child, but he doesn't behave as atrociously as this one - but don't get me wrong, I still don't like him lol.


No offense to the translator, who does an amazing job, but the romance in this story is deplorable and downright unhealthy.

I was going to put this point at the end, but I realized this is what made me so mad and disgusted: It's from the spoiler thread, but it was so disgusting I'm not going to put it in btwn spoiler tags:

There's an incident where the ML kidnaps the MC and when she is unconscious, the ML touches her all over and squeezes her breasts, saying how even tho they're small, they are still 'tasty' and that they have a few years to grow.

Not to mention that she's a minor and the ML is an adult, even if they were both adults, this is something so disgusting and extremely problematic that I'm not sure how no one in that spoiler thread didn't react violently to it. Like..... s*xual assault will NEVER be acceptable, and the way the ML touches her all over without any consideration for her opinion (and when she's unconscious!) just shows how he views her as his possession - no matter how the story tries to convince us the readers he 'loves' her.

If this is the type of love you're into, then I'm sorry, but that is just appalling. There is nothing you can say to justify this as 'romantic' or 'healthy', especially when so many women are suffering from s*xual abuse and r*pe worldwide at the hands of men.

Now onto my other points:

For starters, it's between a 22 yr old man and a 14 yr old. Don't try to justify it by saying it was acceptable back then. It was only acceptable back then because women had no rights and men were allowed to do whatever they wanted with them. Just because it was 'acceptable' back then doesn't make it suddenly okay or justifiable, especially when stories like this is what normalizes obviously horrific and pe*ophilic relationships between minors and adults. It's never okay. (Also, I don't give a crap if the MC's soul is 36 or whatever lol, it's still creepy af. Especially because the ML doesn't know that.)

Secondly, simply put, the ML is a psycho. A yandere if you're familiar with the term. Many people like this type of ML, and to each their own, but don't realize the unhealthy implications it has. The reason why I dislike this type of ML so much is because they are possessive to the point of insanity, and if the object of their obsession ever rejects them, they will either A) kill them or B) force themselves on them. Idk why that's attractive to so many people, especially when that's grounds for an abusive relationship, but there you go.

And that's where I'm going to stop. I could keep going on, but I'm just so thoroughly disgusted by this story and by its proclamation of it being a romantic story that I'm going to go calm down. Also, once again no offense to the translator, but comparing this story to Chongfei Manual isn't doing it any favors - especially when that story is very clearly a story between a pe*ophile and his groomed victim. I'll never forget the phrase I read in that story, which I had enjoyed previously when I was much younger and not aware of the implications it had, where the ML of Chongfei Manual is happy to see how the FL "his little flower" had grown - which is just how I've seen in shows and such a pe*ophile would refer to their victim. I remember even reading someone's comment on how creepy that line was, and if it were anyone other than the ML, it would be very creepy. YUCK. (ALSO: It's so weird how the prince ML keeps hanging around a freaking 6 yr old and is interested in her, ugh I'm getting sick just thinking about it). <<less
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diviningknife rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: c26
I figured I could do my part to give back as the audience and as a reader to determine if this is something you from the future would decide to take a chance on.

Summary of Review

    • The writing keeps you hooked without too much infodump and proceeds at a fair pace. It aligns true to the law of measuring what is important to know and tightly presents the kind of perspective that allows for reader interpretation. The ratio and flow is consistent and commendable.
    • There is quite a bit of depth to these characters, and their internal motives create a larger spiderweb of connections which makes it feel more real. Even secondaries are much more complex and faceted; they are given room to breathe and it makes the interplay tense and meaningful.
    • The translator has a solid length in footnotes and explanations, while also drawing attention to specific passages in particular. It's a cut above exemplary and there's even a list of characters as well as glossary for historical notes which really shows the dedication undertaken.
Writing - The writing is very pleasantly shaped around the intentions of what they want to portray. There's a careful cultivation in the balance of describing the setting while also giving background information which seamlessly merges as a narrative to transport. As an artist, the medium would be comparative to watercolors; enough suggestion to boost one's own imagination while emphasizing the distinctive plot points. The writer devotes a portion of attention to the craft and it shines through rather brilliantly. The pacing here is more introspective but it doesn't indulge in lingering; everything has its place and everything has a weight.

Characters - This is of higher caliber than its contemporaries when it comes to showing, not telling. The main character in particular, has a couple of conversations that actually flesh out her reputation; as a reader I do see the sincerity with which she follows the traits the author laid out. Jing Wan is a fascinating person in the occupation of the protagonist because she's a departure from the usual cast. She has a deliberate kind of reasoning behind her actions and she measures these with realistic restraint.

The male lead, Hong Yuan, is also rather interesting in a refreshing way. At the moment more of this is due to his circumstance, given he's lived two lives, but the shadow of his devotion to the MC is one of the critical features which keeps this spinning. You wonder about their history together, and also what his plans for courting are. It feels like there should be a Yandere tag on this, but even in those terms Hong Yuan has some chill and hasn't rushed to press Jing Wan into a romance. Time is still unfolding for the persuasion of love and I value that development highly.

Incidentally, Luo Pei Shan (MC's grandfather) is a favorite and I want to see more cute times with him. The family as has been described has a lot more going under the surface of the water, and can't be easily confined to one archetype. A highlighting instance in particular, comes from Lady Liu-shi from the Third Branch of the Luo family. She is mother to Jing Ling (jealous rival of MC) and in the midst of scolding her daughter over the transparent schemes, you start to feel sympathetic because Liu-shi also has her own trials and tribulations.

It reminds you that all people are just trying to survive. This has political plotting very much at the forefront, and since it's still being set up with all the players I'm always looking forward to the latest update.

Translation - As mentioned, the translator is quite superb with their efforts but they take an extra mile outside of the story to help supplement one's understanding. I especially like the formatting for the list of characters, it's laid out very concisely for reference and I use it when the names are barraging too much. In regards to the footnotes, I enjoy the way they explain the idioms and the translator notes serve an additional layer of engagement. It marks the passage with timestamps, glimpses of their own personal life and sometimes bits of information that spark an illuminating thought. The update schedule is also rather amazing, twice per week and I feel rather spoiled. I'm grateful they picked this up and decided to share the lovely story as it hits five points in my targeted heart range.

On an aside, there will be aspects which are problematic in this story; as there is in everything. It's the prerogative of the audience to know their bottom lines or dislikes and give their opinions accordingly. This still has some truth of those that perhaps have not even read it yet, particularly in the case if it hasn't been tagged appropriately. I am a firm believer in trigger warnings and the like, so I understand if something potentially iffy comes up in a situation. However, I also feel like exploring certain darker emotions and the like can be very cathartic and even enjoyable especially in the safe space of fiction. I am not one to kinkshame, much. I feel that as long as you know what you're getting into by reading the summary and managing your expectations with what the setting the author has provided, then you have been sufficiently prepared moving forward. There is basis insofar as debate and discussion on what portrayals of healthy relationships should be like but every person's journey defining that by experience will be different and we can only hope to draw clear lines where able. So tagging and calling out issues etc. The twists and turns that come, if it doesn't work for you then it doesn't and dropping the story is also perfectly acceptable.

Finally, I am ending this rather overwrought with ridiculous prose review, with things I enjoyed:

    1. The genuine affection between Luo Old Madam and Luo Pei Shan. It was very bittersweet a realization to know that they both acknowledge that she could have stood in his home as the one and only. But she decided not to wreck their harmony with being more selfish and both my head and heart understand that ache.
    1. Aaahhh, the whole thing about the ink orchid, how Grandfather Pei Shan understood Jing Wan wasn't intimidated or fearful of him which in turn makes him happy. Because I feel that feel!! And then! When her father sold her out by mentioning the insights she had, to the grandfather, the follow up of that! It was just so heartwarming for Pei Shan to state his support for finding a good marriage for Jing Wan I was like ;A; and then TT^TT when he encouraged her to read up on the newspaper of political stuff! Trusting in her ability!
    1. The introduction of the fact that, to the public, the ML is infamous for indiscriminately favoring beautiful men and women for only 7 days of pampering. For context, it's to prop up his bad reputation due to //spoiler// plot reasons. Which I don't know yet, but his identity seems rather complicated from hints received? I just found it really funny because it makes the "curse breaking" that much more sweeter. Reformed rakehells are <3
Okay, wait, I also want to spoiler two passages to give a bit of taste!!


CHAPTER 10 - Grandfather Luo Pei Shan's thoughts on Jing Wan

He'd never thought himself to be a good person, but he wasn't someone who purely pursued after benefit and power either. Everything he did, no one in his family refuted, all believing it to be reasonable and expected. He himself was also accustomed to this. However, after hearing his second son relay those words, it suddenly provoked a feeling of being trusted, understood, and acknowledged. Seemingly, compared to others' 'indifference', this kind of feeling made him happy. It was like as if a person, who was walking alone, suddenly discover that they actually weren't alone. In a place unknown to him, the other person took all his efforts to heart, and furthermore, felt that he did well.

CHAPTER 17 - Grandmother Luo's Husband Qualifications for Jing Wan

When it came to Jing Wan, Luo Old Madam naturally wouldn't be polite, "First, his character has to be good, and needs to have ambition. As for appearances, he doesn't need to be too handsome, but at least needs to be proper. His family situation needs to be simple, especially the future mother-in-law must not be scornful. Best if their personality is more gentle. Our family's second son will probably be just that in this lifetime, so I won't ask for the other party's family background to be extremely good either. It's enough as long as he can be good to Wan Wan."

"This requirement of yours, to say it's high, it's not high. But to say it's low, it really isn't low either."

"This requirement still not low? It's already pretty good that I didn't ask for the other party to not take concubines, not have tongfangs, and only have our Wan Wan in his eyes." Luo Old Madam was a bit unsatisfied with Chen Old Madam's words.

Once her words were out, it really shocked everyone. Who picks son-in-laws like this?

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Ziaoi rated it
January 24, 2020
Status: extra c28
I've been wanting to give this novel a very thorough review so that I could give good feedbacks both for translator and readers, so I went ahead and MTL. Although some details are missed, I greatly enjoy it because the MTL is not that bad. Maybe because the original version of this novel has very neat chinese grammar?

Warning the spoilers attached are considered to be mild. It wouldn't give you too much, but still would incite you. Don't worry, I don't spoil any of the 'big surprises', most... more>> of them is probably predictable if you're following the latest chapters. However, don't click them if you haven't started reading yet.

What I love about this novel;

    1. The story itself is very thorough, very detailed. Just like what you expect when you read a historical novel. I even want to give the novel a better title, because 'Tyrannical Wang's beloved Wife' is a bit corny and make you expect those cheesy over-bearing male lead plot. If you really expect those, you will be disappointed. This novel is thick on plot and politics.
    2. Following the first point, if you really expect some nonsense romance between a yandere male with docile and weak female, you are greatly mistaken. I really, really enjoy the romance. It's not an abusive romance plot. During the first half of the novel, you're dealing with a lot of inner yard conflicts and basic political scheme, how women behave in the ancient era, etc. But after LHY and JW got married, the novel focused on their romance and dive even deeply into the 'game of thrones'. If I were to describe LHY and JW's relationship, I would refer to the KDrama 'Cheese in The Trap' as the closest example I know, only with deeper psychological theme and more serious plot. You know Yoo Jung is very manipulative to the people around him, know how to use them, but scared for Hong Seol to find his truth.

      In the contrary, LHY is actually eager to show his truth, yearn for acceptance from his beloved. Even though he is eager, he stays in line, respecting JW, slow but sure opening up to her. Like I said, it's not an abusive relationship. His approach is unbearably soft that I even felt moved. He doesn't force her in any way.

      JW, unlike Hong Seol, is capable on accepting LHY as he is. Rather than give off the vibe she was surpressed, she become true to her nature around him. She didn't try to change him, only 'soften' him up a bit in some occasions, instead it's more like he influenced her more.


      I often discussed with my friends how wonderful it is for a yandere to love another yandere, and that's what exactly JW and LHY are. Lol. It's a lot of fun.


      She understands him, he understands her, nothing could be more beautiful. I often find myself liking the 'aloof' and 'not-attached-to-love' female leads in most transmigration story, like in Dreamer in Spring Boudoir, Virtuous Wife, Destined Marriage with Fragrance due to their 'coolness' on feelings because women often portrayed as 'easily swayed by feelings'. But, this novel give something that is quite refreshing; what if both sides love each other fiercely? So deep and fierce it was equal and balanced between them?

      Equal in power, equal in throne, equal in love? I really love the idea.

      And although LHY's absolute goal is to make JW happy, the story doesn't become sappy. Not all 'worldly affairs is not important, our love is the most important so let's just focus on feelings'. No! The depth, the plot, every aspect is satisfying. So, no, this novel is not the one you seek for headless romance.
    3. Raising concerns for mental illness. Yes. Of course with this level of male lead, you know there is something terribly wrong with him. What's wrong? What happened? All of this are explained in the novel.

      I think LHY suffers from severe PTSD due to the last event of his life. With JW's death and everything that happened afterwards.

      When I read his story, it was sad. It gives me more understanding on his character, and why he is such a person. It was different than the sudden sad background story of any possesive male lead like Christian Grey's. There is some sentence in the novel that I like;

      'she doesn't like to talk about love, but if you let her see your heart and tell her with actual actions, that she's your only one, then it is not difficult to get her heart. Therefore, even if she knew LHY had a psychological problem, she would not hide from him'


      You will also see JW's background, why she does things, why she has certain attitudes. The most important thing is when the right people become couple, they heal each other.
    4. Characters with 3D personalities. Characters in this story, main or side, have layers in their attitudes. A person has many sides, the one that you see maybe not always true. It makes the story more interesting and you cannot really guess where the plot brings you.

      One of the best example of this is probably Luo Jing Ying. She is one of the most interesting character in this novel, in my opinion.

      Be extremely careful when you sympathize or judge some characters. This novel will prove every. cliche. wrong.
    5. Every mystery and sub-plot of this novel will be greatly satisfied. Sometimes I often be disappointed of abrupt ending of some historical novels. So what happened to person A? How about person B? How is the relationship between C and D? Some bits are, for example,

      Why LHY was able to rebirth?

      With having long chapters, this novel satisfy reader's curiosity as everything will be out in the open. Usually when you see a novel with 300+ chapters, it makes you uncertain; will the story stay coherent with such length? Nevermind with the plotless 1000+ chapters of soap opera novels with secret births, annoying greentea b*tch*s and mean mother-in-law, this story is pretty concise with the length. Like Empress of Military Lineage, with better endings and dope extra chapters.
    6. There is no significant cannon fodder/greentea b*tches. Most of them are easily swept by one or two chapters. The biggest villains of the story are probably Le Cheng Emperor and Su Guifei. As the two were described negatively since the beginning of the story.

      Well there are some reoccuring people...

    7. Despite of LHY's past life cheat, things that happened in the current timeline affected by the butterfly effects due to a lot of changes he made. It's fun to see that he's not always the one with the upper hand, but I do want to praise him for being vigilant and careful at times.
I need to point out that, this story after all is still 'fiction'. Yes, it has realistic political power play, ancient household struggles, knowledgeable, great depth in aptitude, and mature timeline, but it's not relatable to the real life. Some part are too exaggerated, too dramatic, too perfect, as to support the plot and make the story interesting. You need to realize these things before denounce it 'bad'. In all consideration, Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife is still one of a kind, unique, and refreshing story in this genre.

Appreciate the writing, character-building, plot development, and its domino effect. Every turn is fun and unexpected. I do crave for real good possessive characters, yandere-type of story, you know? It satisfy my vanity and I don't think I can find better story than this, except maybe Lucia.

The novel has long chapters and the translator, Jen, has been working very hard. Please do support her and give this novel a proper rating. It makes me sad that novels as serious as this got a so-so rating. I think I will edit this review again, just to make sure I have said everything that needed to be said.

Thanks for reading! <<less
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kireida23 rated it
March 14, 2019
Status: c65
Novel wasn't too bad initially, but became rather boring with the intense focus on flowers, then became overly disgusting with the ML's actions and behaviors by ch. 65. ML is such a degenerate that any hope of a sweet romance between the ML and FL was squashed completely due to his pe*verted and obscene actions towards the FL, and she hasn't even met him yet. Seriously, midnight visits to mol*st her in her sleep is too far gone, especially since she doesn't even know him yet. He stalks her, controls... more>> her entire life, kidnaps her when she's unconscious, and mol*st her in her own home while she's sleeping. SCUM. BAG. <<less
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Akita rated it
January 27, 2021
Status: c370
I'm only writing this review in reaction to some that I've read, and it will definitely be a bit repetitive because some people have reacted to these reviews as well.

I do not at all want to justify any s*xual assault or legitimize it, and I am sorry for those who put only one star in this story, without even trying to understand it. For me, it's on the same level as those who criticize a movie, noting anything in the movie that is against the law. (Hello? It's a fiction,... more>> it exists to criticize reality, normally not to legitimize it. That's the job of a law).

So for these reviews, I would just answer that I have read novels before that could "justify" this kind of aggression and that this novel for me is really not one of them.
For the simple reason that the ML does EVERYTHING or almost depending on the MC.
So yes, indeed there are times when he goes too far (when he kidnaps and touches her when he does not know her and she is unconscious for example), but we must also take into account his psyche to him too. He has a very overly complex, extremely strong possessive desire, and all the impact of his first life to consider (in the same way that the MC's relationship with her father is distorted from the start due to the father of her previous life, which she also recognizes at one point).

Not to mention that we are in an ancient romance, where the place of women is supposed to be non-existent, except for giving birth to children.
In this story, the ML leaves a lot of freedom for the MC, whether it was when she was a child (and where he didn't want to intervene for fear of changing her) or when she is near the age of marriage, where he lets her do what she wants (except when it concerns another man, or him because of his jealousy and his sickly possessiveness).
If you call it a novel that is not a romance, or that legitimizes assaults, what about some modern novels? I read (very briefly as a consequence) stories where the heroines are kidnapped, sequestered and r*ped (all against their will of course) before falling head over heels in love with the one who made them suffer after a week (hello stochkolm syndrome!).

You could say that right now she isn't even aware of it, and it's true, initially she isn't even aware that he loves her abnormally. But she realizes it very quickly, in fact as soon as they start to interact together as a couple. And except once, where we can still say that he r*pes her when they are already married, just after she has poured salt on one of his injuries (and where she forgives him, while I would have gone crazy), she suffered no real physical or moral harm because of him. He doesn't beat her, doesn't kidnap her, lets her (like her grandfather) do what she wants, regardless of whether it will bring him problems. Yes he touches her and kisses her a little at the beginning of the story without her consent, but he does not go so far as to r*pe her, or to hurt her, because she is for him like a saint (due of his last life). In a sense, aside from the little psychological problems because of his first life (and in a way his repetition in this one), one could even say that he is one of the best men of his time (compared to all other). He at least respects her, and considers her his equal (and even sometimes superior to him).

In other hand, Some have said that in the end she did like her sister, while she criticized her, but she never goes as far as the latter, and their engagement is already engraved in stone at that time. Moreover, she did not indulge herself to a man with whom she had no relationship, but to her fiancé. And I challenge anyone to tell me that they've never had a foreplay (or groping) before their first time.

As for their age difference, the poor can't help it. Not to mention that at that time, marrying a woman ten years younger (see more) was considered normal, as we can see with the Ruan family later in the story. And even today, guys go out with women 10 years younger than them if not more.
So yes, today, 22 and 14 years old, we consider that as an attack on a minor, but that did not exist at the time, to see was even justified by the laws. You can't write a historical romance and expect the rules and ideological foundations of the modern world to be applied to them. It would just be paradoxical nonsense.

Anyway, maybe I got a little lost in my review / response to other reviews.

This story is fascinating precisely from the point of view of the evolution of the characters, including the way in which they gradually learn to discover and love each other. This is for me one of the best romances written, whether it is for the universe, very realistic and well presented, or for the development of each character, secondary or main, and their evolution in the story.
It really deserves more than 5 stars and to be read and translated everywhere! <<less
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Toff rated it
September 8, 2020
Status: c1
I don’t understand how people can justify and romanticize ML’s actions towards FL. Full grown man who lived 2 lives drugging and mol*sting a minor? And people around her letting him get away with it because apparently she’s already his woman whether she wants to or not so its okay. I was soo frustrated and angry on her behalf but FL turns out to be a huge hypocrite.

She knew of the ML but didn’t really have strong feeling for him, only after having no choice and scheming did she was bestowed a marriage with him. While she was mocking and admonishing her sister for losing her chastity and not respecting herself before marriage, when the ML came to whisk her away to his manor she merrily agrees and does exactly what she’s been criticizing her sister for only few chapters before because apparently she’s seduced by the ML’s handsomeness.

Where’s the character development, background and consistency that’s been building up for over 100 chapters?? The plot and world building is superb but the characters’ personality and mentality is so detrimental and flawed. Its so disappointing
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RabiezMonkey rated it
June 4, 2019
Status: Completed
the sweetest couple I ever recognized.

... more>>

Female lead lived till the age of 80++ Even until her dead bed, she was a happy old granny. The Male Lead, at that time 90 y.o retired emperor. He departed at the same time with his beloved wife, still holding her hand, surrounded by his only son, the current emperor, and daughter, and also grandsons and grand daughters. Both Female lead and Male lead then buried inside one coffin, forever together till the afterlife.


Quite a long story for me, but the ending was satisfying. Love the characters so much. Both protagonist and antagonist. Especially the female lead. She doesn't have any "ability" or secret space like other female leads in various transmigration novels. But her character is top notch. I prefer her much more...

A good material for binge reading. Hope that translator won't stop midway. Thank you so much... <<less
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scriptor rated it
February 6, 2020
Status: c145 part1
Probably my favorite yandere ML novel of all time. The novel's got an intricate plot, great characterization (everyone's a 3D character and they aren't red herrings going nowhere), and an unforgettable romance. Is happy ending by the way, since I couldn't wait and skipped to the raws LOL.

Favorite points for ML: he's yandere and quite pushy, but we get adequate backstory for why he's the way he is. Still, ML tries super-duper hard to control himself (he might slip occasionally, but that's called being human) so MC is never forced.... more>> Also, his crazy-pants devotion for her that also doesn't just come out of nowhere -- the more we learn about his first life, the more we feel sorry for him...

Favorite points for MC: she's cool and level-headed but deeply cares for her family. That kind of familial bond can be rare to find in novels and this novel does a great job of showing how a heroine can be extremely logical and yet not an ice cube. Her character isn't static either, because she (just like ML) change and influence each other as their relationship grows.

Only thing I can think of that might turn some people off is how morality can be gray and dubious in this novel. MC and ML have to make hard decisions (this mostly happens way off closer to the end of the novel) because of their duties and positions. And sometimes, some of their decisions are made because of how they feel for each other.

Someone's mentioned this before but it bears repeating: it's lovely when a yandere loves a yandere. XDDD

don't let MC fool you when real feelings at stake shhhhhh


MC is nicer than ML but she can be as yandere as ML when sh*t goes down. Did not expect her to literally knife a b*tch. Also her thoughts later when she's reflecting and thinking about how far she'd go for ML while ML's getting the warm fuzzies. This novel's an example of two people who become (and are) each other's world but better each other instead of becoming worse for it which is <3.

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draw2much rated it
March 30, 2019
Status: c70 part2
"Tyrannical" is the key word for the ML, so at least the title isn't sugar coating anything. He's by no means a nice guy, nor is he a good guy either. In one of the chapters the translator said "obsessiveness" might also be treated as "haunting" (like a ghost). That's exactly the kind of love you see with the ML... if he's the ghost, the FL is the house. He 'haunts' her.

Wait, I believe the modern term for that is "stalker". Yes, he's a really rich and powerful stalker. With... more>> a cut-throat disposition and knowledge of the future.

I can't say he's a mentally healthy guy, but the author doesn't exactly portray him as healthy/good either. It's rather interesting that the author goes out of their way not to do so. If anything, the only time this guy seems sane is if he's thinking about something related to the FL (or if he met her or sees her). His allies "in the know" are very much looking forward to him settling down with her, just so they don't have to live on edge all the time.

That being said, I really like the FL. She's not OP, just has a deep love for plants and a mature disposition from transmigrating. Her attitude is very rational and generally matter-of-fact. She can't change her situation, so she makes the best of it. Her grandparents are adorable, and I love the relationship she has with her grandpa.

The translator does an excellent job too. <<less
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SormiNN rated it
January 2, 2021
Status: c354
(spoilers regarding some controversies, world portrayed and glimpses of character's past)

The translation is superb.
The translator goes the extra mile to deepen the reader's understanding of the things shown in the story.

The plot is well developed and our view on the novel's world gradually expands. Of course the story is quite slow paced and detailed through all these chapters. Some slice of life, some scheming, low on the action, high on ML's indulgence towards the MC.
The characters all for the most part have their circumstances, even side characters get developed (obviously not as much as the main characters, but still to the point that you can partly sympathize with them even if they were antagonistic through the story).
The main lead characters are unique and compatible.

Despite all these things, a lot of reviewers decided to throw it all away and give the novel a 1 star because of one thing:

the ML mol*sted the fl.

I can't say I understand the decision for the 1stars, but also can't say I don't? I don't know, I'm quite confused by the situation myself. Some people got quite riled up because of it, saying that it's wrong to romanticise s*xual assault and abuse, steering young people's morals, judgement and expectations towards romance and all the acts that come within it. But that's where I think they're wrong? At that point in the story it was clearly shown that their relationship was purely based on the ml's obsession towards the FL because of his rebirth. The ML was already very abnormal in his first life, and then after all the trials and tribulations, just when he was losing all hope came the salvation in the form of Jing Wan. After getting back up because she supported him, he lost her. And he became even more abnormal. So you can see how he's clearly reached the extreme in all his mental disorders and also in his love and possessiveness towards the fl. A deeper connection between the lead characters started to form around the time of their marriage.

Of course, it clearly doesn't excuse his s*xual assault on the FL (who at that time was 1 or 2 years from her coming of age ceremony). Putting that aside, in modern terms that would've been clearly a criminal act. In ancient times it wouldn't have been all that much, simply a prince fooling around and sneaking into a young woman's bedroom to fool around. If exposed, the woman probably wouldn't have been taken by any other man. And yeah, the assault wouldn't have been the worst, but the completely ruined reputation and future of the female. And so, criminal acts at least in modern times and civilised countries shouldn't go unpunished. You assault somebody? You should get sent to prison through all the judicial procedures. You abuse your power? The same. You kill somebody? All the more so.

However, in the novel's setting, if somebody in a clearly higher position tells you to die, then you have no choice but to die. Simple, right? Cruel, right? Very cruel. But that's how it is portrayed in this novel. I don't think there are purely good characters in this novel, maybe only the untainted and well educated children are closely related to that. Most of the characters have their past, current circumstances, desires. And so it also is cruel that the FL got subjected to such treatment when young and then goes to marry the man who had to get her by any means. Maybe the blessing came in the fact that she was asleep and doesn't remember it now that they're both happy together? Maybe the most cruel thing is that she isn't even aware of such a thing occuring? I'm not sure myself.

Is it weird of me to give this novel 5 stars even with all these morally wrong actions commited in it? I don't think so, because it clearly is a fiction.

Those are all my ramblings. All in all, the world portrayed is at times happy and carefree (mostly for the MC because of the male lead's efforts), but at the same time it can be dark not only for the side characters, but also for the main ones.

5/5 from me, I wholeheartedly recommend this novel.

But well I guess you shouldn't read it if you get easily disturbed by acts on the wrong scale of the moral compass (or at least get through the first 70 chapters before judging the whole).

And finally thank you to the translator for your painstaking efforts.


Okay so I got impatient and read the MTL for the rest of the novel from around 380ish chapter to the end. Overall I think the story and the side stories ended on a good note, but I was pretty dissapointed because of the neglect of the side characters. I mean, the author spends so much time developing quite a few characters around our MC but by the end of the story some barely get mentioned and the extras are basically centered around the two lead characters and their life after all the intrigues.
It's just a shame that some characters' fate wasn't further explored.
Besides this one small complaint of mine, the story was truly good.
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wOw. 5/5 stars.

this novel has a lot of worldbuilding. in the first one hundred chapters-ish, no romance whatsoever. usually, I'd complain about that but I think that it was better for the novel to have more worldbuilding in this case, elaborating about the MC's relationships with her very 3-D characters. like, chef's kiss for the author and translator.

I heard (read) some complaints about it goes against the readers bottom line and how yandere the ML was but like....., it was to PROTECT her ! ! ! nevermind the usual... more>> op mary-sue that holds her halo up with two devil horns (that inevitably attracts the ML) but this FL better suits the modern-day black-white-grey moral ethics that we all have, crossing some lines, just not her own. snaps for her tbh.

anyway, ML is actually ahead of his time because in case anyone has forgotten, this is a historical-fiction novel. sure, in modern-day romances this would def be a red light for anybody, but let's not forget the setting, which plays a H U G E part in understanding everything. the worldbuilding, political schemes, characters, none of these are simple, even the MC's mom, who is literally one of the most naive characters, shows signs of damaged mental health and unusual tolerance that would be considered 'virtuous'. don't get me started on her dad... the parents just really frustrate me okay like if the MC wasn't already mentally 25-30 years old I think the parents would have screwed her over quite a bit.

the translator... absolutely immaculate, I say this with love and respect, Jen (TL) gives such detailed explanation that anything I was confused about was immediately cleared up and I even got p I c t u r e s <3. yay Jen! I heart you pls give this reader more fuel <3 but also rest I know its tiring.

okay, okay... let's move on to... the incredibly detailed side stories bc let me tell you, there are so many potential novels inside of this novel it's insane I mean so much fanfic fuel lemme tell you-- but I'm not going to go read the novel's translation and give hearts to Jen the TL! On a side note, I'll probably do another review after the translation is complete but the rating will probably stay the same.

xoxo, MiRA

currently listening to: The Night, Lovewave <<less
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May 7, 2019
Status: c15
I'm editing my review after the rant of another reviewer about the ML sexually assaulting the FL. These people are so passionate but the thing is, the story is not real. It's fiction. Chill out!

But in saying so, I myself have ranted against another novel because of the parents of ML who basically threw him out of their house after he went to college. Just abandoned the poor guy financially and emotionally like he was yesterday's garbage.

I guess this only shows we have pet peeves when it comes to... more>> social mores and values. Some people can't stomach r*pe while I think abusive parents are the pits. Should we blame the author because he/she wrote something we can't accept? I think that's wishful thinking, no? A good novelist goes where real life happens and extract emotional connection from it then feeds it to the readers so they themselves can relate to the situation.

Anyhoo, the novel in itself is very, very good. Not to mention the translation which is topnotch. The ML suffers from some psychological issues pertaining to death and abandonment. The MC died when he most needed her but before that he admitted that he pushed her into committing adultery. It's not clear yet what happened but it's clear the entire setup f*cked him up very bad. He neglected his kid. He never remarried. He didn't touch another woman after the MC died. He worked himself to death because he needed to save the kingdom and he needed some outlet to somehow save his sanity. And all these pressure added up to take his life at the very young age of 40.

This guy, as emperor then as a reincarnator at the tender age of 10, has been carrying a lot of emotional and psychological sh*t that in most normal humans will have pushed them into mu*der. Uhm... he did commit a lot of shady things, possibly even mu*der, to pave the way so that the MC and him can be together in this lifetime.

This guy actually has no sense of humor and no empathy. He's an old man in a young man's mind and body. He's got zero social skills and zero emotional connections to anybody, except of course, the MC. And he's jealous and possessive to boot. The MC shows sympathy for his rival and he goes mental and drags the MC down to bed for an excessive half a day's long f*cking session.

The ML is mentally unbalanced, which the MC herself notices and understands. So, the guy is mental. He's got no sympathy for the world and actually wants to kill anyone who might take MC away from him so from that and r*pe is not really that big of a coercive leap, right?

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GrimmestCat rated it
November 3, 2021
Status: c323
First of all, I am still reading the novel, more than half way completed. I'm still enjoying it, it's a good novel, and I want to read to the end.

Second, the translator, Jen, is very good. Top-notch notes and translations, the reading flows very well – kudos to them, because this can't be an easy novel to translate. I'm very thankful that they took on this labor of love, and did it with such care.

Now, onto reviewing:

Things to take note of:

  • Trigger warning for r*pe and r*pe as punishment – not of or involving either the MC, ML or anyone close to them, and neither is it graphic, but YMMV
  • Underage galore (as is the norm with any historical Cnovel), relationship between an adult and a minor
  • Scenes with no consent or dubious consent – very few in that sense, but mostly involving MC and ML; if you've read Cnovels in general, you've seen it before
  • ML is very manipulative and there's a constant sense of unequal power in the main pairing
  • Romance isn't the main focus, but there is plenty of heart-warming interactions; on the other hand, beware if you dislike politics and in-depth explanations, it can get a little too detailed and complicated if you're not up to reading something heavier
  • The sheer length of the novel – it might bother you, so beware the fact that it is a dense read sometimes
What I liked:

  • Spoiler
    • Pacing is done very well, majority of the novel
    • As the translator points out, the novel doesn't spoonfeeds you explanations, but the author is very good at tying things up
    • Every character has a personality and story; there's very good background in many different side characters that are equally as entertaining as the main pairing
    • The MC's family and her relationship with them is very sweet, and they're interesting characters in their own, not only there as fillers
    • The political side of things – there's complexity, each side has its own interests, actions have consequences
    • There's backyard plotting, but it evens out pretty well, mostly focused in the first part of the novel
    • The ML is not a good person, and that is further acknowledged by himself and other characters
    • The MC is sex-positive and there's no shaming of it, s*x isn't used as a punishment – this is a BIG PLUS for me
    • The ML respects the MC and her wants (though he's also emotionally manipulative AF – see below)
What I disliked, but can accept:

  • Spoiler
    • The MC kinda fades too much sometimes, especially compared with the beginning of the novel, when almost everything is presented from her POV
    • The unwanted advances of the ML, especially in the beginning – excuses are made, sure, but they don't hold up; though, it is not prevalent throughout the novel
    • The sense of intimidation and threat that the MC sometimes feel in regards to the ML: when they're in disagreement, ML is 50% emotionally manipulative, 50% leveraging other people's wellbeing – though the relationship is presented and acknowledged as messed up, wich is a plus in my view
    • I didn't really buy the idea that MC is just as messed up as ML about their relationship, seems more an excuse to try and even out the dynamics but she's still the underdog (and no, "letting" someone have a voice isn't the same as having an equal relationship)
    • Pacing suffers a little around the middle – though, 300 chapters in its expected. I got a little bored around that mark, but there were some interesting things thrown in enough to keep my attention
    • Both MC and ML are Mary Sue-ish – ML is godly, as usual; MC is all-around liked by everyone, oh so different, so special, so smart, etc... It can bother you, but I've read worse
    • The premise and the way the ML was written basically kills whatever tension there could be in the story – tension comes from withheld information and behind the scenes plotting, not really the end game in itself or the possibility of something bad happening
What I really didn't like: Every single female other than MC, her closest friends and family, is basically a manipulative, cold-hearted s*x vixen out to get the ML. And they absolutely are shamed for it, also s*x is used as their punishment for being the bad guy of the story. When I say this is a prevalent theme, I'm not exagerating. Male antagonists are smart and cold-hearted too, but they never get that kind of degrading ending. Beware that the r*pe TW is basically all for this point. Honestly suprised I didn't see others pointing this out in their reviews o.o

Final thoughts: Those points are mostly things I personally took note of, not something that will definitely bother every reader. Some characters and depictions surprised me with their depth and complexity – for me, the story shines in it's description and analysis of interpersonal relations and the inner psychology of its characters. In the politics front, it sometimes suffers with its own reach and depth, becoming somewhat too dense; but even if the author is ambitious they can juggle well enough, and if you're up to reading the novel you're going to enjoy their cleverness.
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stellaeshun rated it
March 16, 2021
Status: c105.2
The people complaining about the age differences should first look at the tags and time setting of the story before reading since it is during the ancient times and it was a normal thing for people in the past. People should stop trying to read the book or think about it in a morden era view because it is a book about the ancient time.
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Bec rated it
September 10, 2020
Status: c280
Love this novel... Also...a reminder, this is set in ancient China. Age 15, some as young as 13 will end up getting married off. If a girl is 18 and not married, she's already considered an old maid. Also... MC is mentally an adult. Her past life (modern life) she's already in her twenties. Her body is only 15 in this present ancient China time line. I love that this novel is realistic on history and political. Love that MC don't have a golden finger (cheat) or she's previously... more>> an assassin or doctor. Just a young woman from a fallen family. And of course ML has mental health issue from what he experience both past and present life. Who wouldn't if you experience what he went through. MC was his only light. Of course he would be obsessed with that light (MC) in his dark life. <<less
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emmanyaaan rated it
January 23, 2021
Status: c371
I finally catch up to this beast of a novel, I've started reading it in November and I finally arrived at recent chapter jesus christ.

absolutely bonkers to read

also those 1 stars and meager review without reading the whole context:

People saw the tags and still read it, and then hate it and give it a 1 star. Wtf is wrong with you? Stay out of things you can't tolerate. - Laktro some dude from mangadex
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CBC rated it
January 10, 2019
Status: c26
Re: 1 Star review - I completely get the disgust in men taking advantage of women but in a way, if it is the awkward way that the ML will show his passion for the only woman he will ever be with and love, perhaps we can give the author, translator, and ML a little break and not give 1 star only. Honestly, I think I feel that same anger when I read about polygamy yet I tolerate it with the understanding that it happened in history, people have been... more>> able to change their values/traditions knowing what is moral and sometimes polygamy may further the plot for this genre of literature. At least the ML in this novel is unwavering with his love for the MC.

Interestingly, when I read the scene the 1 Star Reviewer was describing where the ML takes advantage of the MC, it sounded so familiar and I realized that it is a lot like Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator (Ch 404)... I think Chu Lian is 14 when that scene happens as well. Anyways, that novel has great reviews despite having a similar situation. I'm not saying TMR should get a lower rating (I love that novel) I just didn't like the idea of double standards. I'm sure that I will make my personal judgement when I come across the scene... which I have't read yet because the translator hasn't gotten that far yet (I hope the negative review won't scare the translator away!) <<less
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Sammyoo rated it
December 17, 2021
Status: vol. 2c486 mtl
This story is basically about an Modern woman who is reborn in the ancient times. She navigates her world from childhood to her teenage years and enjoys her life pretty well. Her grandmother, who's raised her all this time because her parents are incompetent, brings her back to the capital to find a suitor for her her to marry. After a series of broken hearts (on the man's side) and broken engagements, FL finally gets engaged to the tyrannical sixth prince to try to escape being caught in a political... more>> marriage. Little did she know that she is engaged to a man that has been in love with her for two lifetimes now and was patiently bidding his time so he could snatch her up. The ML is the very definition of a yandere, he is obsessive, overbearing and will waste no time in getting rid of anything that takes up too much of his wife's attention. He sticks to her like glue every where she goes and he is an extremely clingy lover. He is by no means a good man, neither is he really nice to anybody. The author even goes as far as giving him nicknames like 'old pe*vert', 'Living Enma (king of hell basically) ' and a 'pe*verted snake demon'. He is also mentally unstable and the only thing that matters to him is making sure that his wife stands at the very pinnacle of authority so she would have the freedom to do whatever she wanted. <<less
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February 8, 2021
Status: c400
so this is my first time writing a review. I have to say this is one of the better quality court intrigue/slice of life romance novel. The characters are very fleshed out, even the side supports like the eunuch serving at ML side or the MC maids. You rarely see this happen in other novels of same genre. The most important thing is that the characters behave quite logically. Even the women that act like typical "canon fodders" are understandable consider how sheltered women lived back then.

Now the MC is... more>> one of my favorite.

She is very refreshingly cool headed and smart. She doesn't rush into dangers to bu*t head with others but if anyone step on her then she will retort back. If anything, she can be very jaded. Most other transmigration novels usually have the MC as some super OP doctors/generals or average nerd or whatever in their past life but MC's background is the most unique one I've seen. Her father was a corrupted politician who went to jail. Her family was destroyed because of her father's crime and infidelity. She was sheltered by her grandmother after her family fell apart. It is the reason why she is very devoted to protecting her new grandmother when she trandmigrated. Her father's cheating also caused MC to be very jaded toward marriage and love. She demand the man to be wholeheartedly devoted to her but at the same time do not have any fantasies because of the time she lives in being very sexist and bias against women. If the husband show her respect then she can still maintain a supportive wife on surface while be strangers in private.

Now that brings us to ML who is a reincarnator. He felt in love with MC in his past life but couldn't protect her and she died.

The ML is exactly someone who can fulfill MC's wish for wholehearted devotions. He is absolutely crazy for her. He wants her to be seen as the most glorious woman, for everyone to see her intelligent and beauty. To show everyone how amazing she really is. His jealousy tendency can be very annoying. However I don't think it's portrayed as something good. Even sometimes the MC and ML acknowledge his controlling tendency is a little insane.

He also plotted and manipulated alot of things to get MC to marry him, but there is actually a reason why he has to plot so much. Despite everyone thinks he is the favorite son since the emperor tolerate him for all his violent tendencies, but actually he has a deep secret. Because of it, he would never be considered as emperor so he has to work very hard in secret to build up his power and can't do things openly.

Now about their relationship...

People has problem with the consent issues when the ML mol*st the MC or spying on her and I agree. It made me uncomfortable with those parts in the beginning.

However, the reason why I am not against this couple is because they are very evenly match to each others. Despite the ML being the yandere, the MC is actually a lowkey yandere herself due to her demand for loyalty in love. The moment they got together she told him, "if you ever betray me, I'll will kill you myself." The MC isn't just an accessory to the ML's tyrannical personality but help him out with his schemes and can hold her own. His own servants and bodyguards practically treat her as the "head master" above the ML.

Regarding the relationships between MC and other charas, I really like how close she is with her families. You can even consider ML's "love rivals" to be MC's grandparents and her sister in law/friend. Even the younger sister who act very "canon fodder" like also has redemption arc and character development later.

Overall, this is a very well written story.

The proses are good and there are alot of good research done to supplement the historical part of the novel. Sometimes the story development seems like it will follow trope turned out differently. Many of the problems in the novels weren't solved by MC or ML but by other people. The story pace is slower but it's not too bad since events happen in succession of each others. There aren't any empty period where nothing happen

I think my only complaint is that ML is too strong and that he can handle most things thrown at him since he as power and knowledge from his past life that is typical of these type of novels. However, it is still very satisfying to read. <<less
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