Transmigrating into a Mob Character to Rehabilitate the Villain Plan


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Unable to bear hurting the villain he helped raise, but when it came to compensating with his own body, the unfortunate, straight male reader figured he’d better escape… …

Many years later, the same unfortunate saint rubbed his neck, asking, “This is a dog collar you put on me, isn’t it?”

The handsome villainous boss gave a glance with his elegant, almond-shaped eyes, and then replied with a devious, charming smile, “That’s to prevent you from running away again.”

“If I stay put, will you refrain from destroying the world?”

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Kế hoạch xuyên không của vật hy sinh: Cải tạo nhân vật phản diện
Related Series
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The Legendary Master’s Wife (11)
Who Dares Slander My Senior Brother (9)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Danmei I've read part 1
  2. I'm a cannon fodder?!!
  3. Favs Favs
  4. Read it, loved it!
  5. Danmei

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249 Reviews sorted by

BlackLotus00 rated it
May 11, 2020
Status: Completed
In my opinion, this is an easy read mainly due to translators amazing and patient explanations for non-Chinese readers. Thank you for that !

The novel plot as per described by tags, contain cliches in most transmigration novel, which is fine by me. MC doesn't have cheats power, so I can see his struggle of being scorn (inspire me to not give up in my life too!). ML is the possessive/ yandere type we usually see.
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Jasmine94 rated it
May 9, 2020
Status: Completed
Do not be discouraged by some people's review. I assure you this story is one of the best I've read. I love everything about it. Especially the ending. It was perfect for me. The MC went through series of dead, but he kept coming back and continued from where he left. Mostly the time skip is four-five years. And don't even get me started with smut. It was nice, hot and well translated. I really appreciate those three set of translator. I am not gonna lie. The person that translated... more>> the first volume was the best. But the rest are also good. If you're looking for a good story, I highly recommend this one. But maybe you might be disappointed because the saying goes: one man's food is another man's poison. Lol. But to be I really, really really really really really really really enjoyed this. It's hard to find a story with a good plot and nice smut. Some Yaoi stories that I read doesn't even have a single smut. And I especially hate those types. If a story is tagged Yaoi, then it should have what made it to be Yaoi. <<less
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velvetwonder rated it
May 1, 2020
Status: Completed
So, honestly, this one wasn’t so bad. I’ve seen plenty of reviews bashing on this novel, but hey it’s pretty good. Like many others, I also thought that volume 1-2 were the best, and volume 3-4 were mehhhh. Volume 1-2 was excellent, and the ending to volume 1 almost made me cry (which is very hard) and volume 2 was also tear-worthy.

Volume 3 wasn’t that bad, it could have been good with a little more story instead of just ‘Oh, ML is yandere now! Look guys!’ but it was enough... more>> to keep me hooked, though. Volume 4 though, ?? Honestly it was a little boring. At least it gave a nice and happy ending but it was mostly boring with too many r*pey scenes. Also, almost all side characters were abandoned by this point, which was a little sad since I really did like some of them.

Now, about their relationship, it had a lot of good and some bad. I liked that it did take time to develop, and wasn’t just an ‘Oh love at first sight, lets f*ck now’. It was also built on love and not lust, and the author really did give time for the love to bloom, so 10+ points for that. What I didn’t like was how the ML ‘loved’ him so much, but at the same time wasn’t willing to do a lot of things for him (like give him freedom, consent, and mostly thinking with his d*ck instead of his head).

Overall, this novel really is good, and has many good points. I liked the ML’s development most of all. He seemed like the most fleshed out character. I also really liked the story overall, a really good way to spend your quarantine time. <<less
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ike_00000 rated it
January 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I mean, it's alright. Tbh I'm not very satisfied with the romance, and how things ended up for "protagonist"'s harem, but all around it was entertaining. The first two volumes were better than the latter two though.

It's a very troupe-y story, especially the ML that is the demon king yandere that cares about basically nothing else in the world other than MC and princess MC that needs to be rescued. It's not really a cultivation or action story, it tried to be in the beginning, but there weren't really even... more>> any big scary fights and afterwards it was all MLxMC romance. It also had some loopholes; like who the heck is that master??? No one will ever know. I also feel bad for xiao jue; basically every step of the way he was treated slightly worse, it's like having a parent that favours your brother, and yet he's still optimistic and takes it head on.

Story idea: transmigration MC ends up making the protag & villain switch roles, but everything ends happily ever after w 3P. Someone make it happen, thx.

My biggest problems with the story were:

    1. MC needed rescuing too many times, even though he had some strength of his own. Really he just got progressively weaker and more useless as the story went on, eventually relying basically entirely on the husband. I think the author tried to make him similar to MC of the Legendary Master's Wife in the beginning, but just gave up?

      And then he kept dying too many times

    1. That "last" revival!!! MC basically just led him around and manipulated him in the name of love! Emotional manipulation basically sums up how ML got MC to fall for him, especially that end bit.

      Seriously, what the hell?? You selfishly made the decision to drag him to your world and sacrificed his memories as well, and then you mol*st & r*pe him when he's there??? Pretending and acting around him all day, screwing with his emotions and good intentions, a b*stard with zero self-control, UGH.

      For some reason all the other readers were okay with this part though, so maybe I'm just sensitive??? He does stand up for himself afterwards, but I really wish it went on for longer...

Also I'm a huge fan of monogamy but I really wished this story was 3P hehehe... and a chapter w reversible!!!!! But this is beside the point.

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DarkChocolateCherries rated it
January 24, 2020
Status: extra 1
This was a good read! Very fond of the main pairing!


One thing I wasn't okay with was near the end of the novel the transmigrator/MC "comes back to life" for like the nth time but MC doesn't have his memories of his hubby and so all he (MC) knows is that this crazy pe*vert (ML) is raping/mol*sting him without his (MC's) consent; however, the ML doesn't ever (purposefully; at one point ML does it accidentally) penetrate the MC with his pen*s without the MC's consent.

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aovel rated it
November 22, 2019
Status: Completed
Very interesting to say the least. It was funny and cute, to be honest I couldn't stop reading because it got me quite hooked. The plot was familiar but at the same time different. It definitely has something extra to make it stand out from other transmigration stories. This is one of those stories I'd definitely read again, just for the feels.",)
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Bitter rated it
November 2, 2019
Status: v4c8
A decent danmei novel that is somewhat similar to scum's villain, highly recommended for anyone who likes a possessive ML and a morally good MC that is decently likable. Below are some of my complains.

... more>>

Like any other reviews I've done, I don't have much to say about plot. It was pretty good at first, but it seems to have fallen off half way.

I liked the ML and MC, but the side characters are forgettable. Especially the supposed "protagonist" of the novel MC was reading. That guy was supposed to be close to them, but he barely does anything, serving literally no purpose in the plot but to be another extra mob character that has some relations with the MC and ML. I can't even remember his name. Of course, this might just be the author saying, "Look, the protagonist has been reduced into an insignificant character, isn't it ironic?"

However, the only reason I didn't give it a 5 star was because by the time the ML and MC got together, the MC had completely abandoned his "I'm straight and an adult man" and straight up became a blushing, tsundere girl that was there for s*x, which I absolutely detest. I love vulnerable shous, but only in bed, not out of it. I had dropped the novel because of this. I really couldn't stand looking at a man who once talk and act like an adult be reduced into a damsel in distress at the end of the story and had to depend on the ML to do almost everything for him.

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A Faith_
A Faith_
October 27, 2019
Status: Completed
I really didn't want to read this due to it's description, but I still gave it a chance and I am really happy that I did, try to read it and you will like it.. This book takes some time to get you engaged but afterwards you will read it till it's end.

... more>>

I was really angry at the ML in the last arc, the way he treated our MC and wanted to drop it, but it only lasts about 4 chapters and MC gave him a nice lesson. (Sort of) I mean if you want to make him fall in love with you again then don't sexually harassed him, (he didn't do it till the end) but at the end I can sort off understand his feelings but still it's wrong.

  • All in all give it a chance it's fluffy and cute and the young ML is adorable and doesn't understand why his rod gets hard and the adult ML is very cunning and hungry.
  • I really liked how he got educated himself about s*x. ?


    he made some people do the deed so that he can understand.

The book is funny and adorable. Try it. <<less
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Ferroh rated it
October 21, 2019
Status: Completed
Okay, I've read "The Scum Villain's Self Saving System" first before this. And both premises were very similar. Although I can't fault either author. I still prefer SVSSS better, but I still liked this one. So if you have read SVSSS before and want to read something similar to it, I recommend this novel. *Warning I haven't read the extras, mainly because I don't really consider it as a part of the main story*

Although I still have something to complain about this novel. No novel can ever be perfect, so... more>> this is expected.

The MC, erm, he starts off strong but every time he dies

He dies three times and I know it's supposed to be emotional, but I can't stop laughing every time

(yes, he still has some ability but he tended relies on ML a lot). I agree that the first two volumes were better than the rest. I am still not familiar with Cultivation but I would have hoped that the author did more than the refinement aspect and the MC's 'gift' (?) for that sort of thing. And also explored more of his abilities since he did say that his element was 'rarely seen attribute'.

You should really take that rape tag seriously. It's never great to romanticize something like that but it still happens. Even if the MC submits. The fact that the MC is supposed to have herculean strength makes it even more infuriating. How is he so powerless against ML???

The third one:


OH MY GOD THE s*upid ASS WAY an MC could ever recover his memories happened. That sh*t disappointed me so much. One of the translated notes says that "Author wanted to say: Don't ask me why Ling Xia recovered his memories after he saw Xiao Hu. Just think of it as the effect of the golden halo of the protagonist." What kind of BS is that? I truly expected more from that. Did the author give up?




Why did the mystery of the mysterious cultivator from Vol 1 never got resolved???? I expected the MC to meet him again smh.


Of course, I still have some praises. I cannot tell you how many times this novel made me smile like an idiot. I even had to take a small break to laugh. It also destroyed my sleep schedule, so I was pretty much going to school half dead every day until I finished the novel. The size of the novel is nothing compared to "The Legendary Master's Wife". Jesus Christ, the length of the novel alone (and the reviews) makes me hesitant to read it.

It's not as horrible as other novels. I still recommend if you want a 'cultivation' novel that isn't as long in terms of chapter count. I will still give this novel praises even with those complaints. However, if you expected a novel that could be compared to MDZS. You're in the wrong place. <<less
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October 9, 2019
Status: Completed
Overall, this is quite good I'd say. The MC and ML are both very self-sacrificing for each other, which, in a way, expresses their love for each other.

On the first 2 volumes, it talks about the progression of their romance. The physically stronger MC (only at the start) and the girly looking ML (only at the start).

Next, on the 3rd. A bit shocking at some point... but I won't even write it here. It gives heartaches. The 4th volume is what I wont talk about. It depends on the reader... more>> to be interested in the first 3 volumes to continue on. Personally, I wanted to give up the book when I started the 4th volume, because it started to head towards a direction I'm not fond of. But because I decided it couldn't possibly be a waste of time since I already came, so far so I finished it. Well, it was worth it.


I was so scared that at the end, the MC couldn't recover his memories and the story stopped right there. But god bless the hero (not the ML/Villain), holy aura.


But pay attention, the male lead of this story is the villain. The actual male lead of the world is the hero. In the end, if the hero doesn't become a monk, then I don't know what else he can be. <<less
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Akachxi rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: Completed
Its pace might be a tad fast but who cares. My favourite holy saint type MC is probably the best thing about this. Plot is sufficiently interesting if not simple, kept me entertained right up till the end even though it had glaring plotholes. I'm obvi not here for a serious and/or superb story-telling though. I read this right after finishing svsss and if you liked that then you would probably enjoy this, I guess.
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August 27, 2019
Status: Completed
The repeated rebirth in the same story is very interesting

the MC personality is great, he’s kind, but that’s never a weakness, in fact, it’s what makes him brave

the universe is not too complicated, not to bad

... more>> i understand some people got put off after 3 volume, i’d think the tension gets a bit weaker -probably because the MC Growth is less

i loved how you could spin a different tale - yet continue the same story

it could have been perfect, yet it feels like it lacks a bit

(there’s nothing major down there, yet in case, I put my downside as a spoiler, because it could negatively impact your perception of an overall nice story, if you were focus on these) ;)


it has potential, the MC is differently challenged each time. As previously mentioned though, he will only grow in his own emotional réalisation, and I wished many time, his personal development and contribution would have been more

the over characters depth is pretty non existent, which also probably limit the overall quality

I would have loved to know a bit more about the over character’s ending

as often, because the ML is obsessive and jealous, you very fast loose the all team perspective - when there’s only 2 characters in a story... well it becomes... poor ?

It has a satisfying happy end, the MC never gets passive, including as a little fish, which to me is a real plus - I hate it when the relationship becomes a series of half r*pe in the name of love

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izayaYY rated it
June 28, 2019
Status: --
I loved it. It's rare to find a transmigrating character that is not OP and also rarer to find a story that deals with time paradox in a satisfactory manner. The story flows very well and logically. All the characters are interesting and are not one-dimentional puppets who are defined by their labels "righteous" or "demon". The righteous sect were as unjust and evil as the demon sect.

As for the "rape" tag... to me, there was no r*pe... mostly dubcon I suppose. I am not gonna start a r*pe debate.... more>> People are always so judgemental whenever the word 'dubcon' pops up. So if you are sensitive towards dubcon/r*pe (whichever you wanna call it), then keep away.

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Karumin rated it
May 29, 2019
Status: Completed
I wholeheartedly loved this.

I want to be sincere, I liked most the first two and the last one. It isn't as if I don't liked the third, cuz I cried my eyes dry with the end,

... more>>

And my family was like:

'why are you crying?!'

"it's because he died AGAIN (╥﹏╥) "

"the h*ck?! How come someone die 'again'? And how many times were this 'again'? (ಠ_ಠ) "

"LING XIA, THIS IS THE THIRD TIME AHHHH ˚‧º· (˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅) ‧º·˚"

"What's wrong with you?! (¬_¬)


I still enjoyed the volume 3, but I guess part of why it wasn't my favorite it's because of the scenery.

But I still thoroughly like it. And we can easily change the title of Demon King to Film Emperor Ah Jue (≧ᗢ≦) in the last volumen.

I think it's worthy of a try for everyone, at least the two first volumes. Even when I liked too the 4th, it obviously don't gonna make sense if you don't read the 3rd ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

My rating is still 5. O (≧▽≦) o? <<less
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mariaflora1208 rated it
May 25, 2019
Status: Completed
Just like what the others say, this story is unique. This is so fluffy and cute but at the same time, it made me cry. And I'm glad that it met my expectations (based on the reviews here lol) ❤
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Hninhtet rated it
May 25, 2019
Status: Completed
The storyline, the plots, the characters... all are excellent. Moreover, the story is completely translated and that's the most pleasing to me!!?? thank u for translating
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Arraz rated it
April 22, 2019
Status: v2c23
Meh novel, if not bad.

The first volume is really, truly good imo. The main character does his best to avoid conflict to prevent any mishap from happening and also prevents the 2 protagonists from causing/inflating conflict out of arrogance (ya know, like sooooo many MCs that dont want to get trampled upon by the son of X and end up infuriating him but survive luckily. Here, MC tries to avoid such situations)

He acts as a brother for the two and tries to educate them so that they villain doesnt... more>> become well... a villain.

The story writing in the first volume is also pretty good, the pace is OK, some characters are dumb but let's say that power is suffocating (3 characters, all from the same family, are acting dumbly but do not get any punishment because the family is rich/strong)

The romance is subtle and, as the characters are all kids, it makes sense which makes it better.

And then.... comes the 2nd volume.

First, the second volume skips 4 YEARS of personnal development for the main character. He just slumbers for 4 YEARS. This throws every cultivation aspect of the novel out of the readers' mind. MC suddenly becomes horrendously weak, fragile, incapable of doing a thing and looses any growth opportunity.

Suddenly, the writing quality drops and every single character gets ridiculously dumb. Oh a girl is trying to kill you. WTF you just beat her up?! Come on, she's a girl ! You dont beat a girl !

The sexism, machism of the novel increases and becomes very irritating. The MC and villain's "romance" become plain and tasteless. The situation seems to be more and more forced by the author and the story flow breaks.

I would definitely have given the novel a 4 stars if only the story stopped and the end of the first volume (+chap 1 of the 2nd one).

But since the 2nd volume deserved 2 or 1 stars, I m giving this novel an overall of 3.....

TLDR: I advise you to read the first volume+chap 1 and then quit. <<less
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ID_Crest_Dehen rated it
February 26, 2019
Status: Completed
The start of this novel was PHENOMENAL. The MC was average, but he's so kind and bent on protecting his two little bros that you can't help but like him. The ML (drooooooooolz) is POSSESSIVE and such a TSUNDERE. I like him very much. I also really liked the third wheel, SXH... wished there was more about him and the other wonderful characters (besides the MC & ML).

The later part of the novel was less to my liking... The MC, IMO, became much, MUCH weaker. I was really looking forward... more>> to him becoming strong on his own and thought his ability (to forge the things, forgot what it's called) was really interesting and maybe it'd be helpful to him later along the way. However, he became really dependent on ML, and tho I still like them, the MC & ML both lost a bit of my respect.

Overall, the love between the MC & ML was really sweet. The ML finally doesn't have to wait anymore. <3 <<less
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elvira12 rated it
February 21, 2019
Status: Completed
Translation - 5 stars

Story - 5 stars

I love how the characters were fleshed out and developed. Especially in book 1 and 2.

Plot - 5 stars

At the very least, this book has a proper closure for everyone.
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Fuyuki_pk rated it
January 22, 2019
Status: --
A nicely structured novel. I really like the humor throughout and it have the right amount of angst. The translation is nicely done also. Quite a few (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) scenes, good ones too. I'm always weak for yandere seme, so that's a bonus. Plus our MC is so cute and sweet and feisty in his own way, and not pathetic too (a bit homophobic but he'll learn to understand a bit better? Or not?).

Overall, a very fun and enjoyable read (*´︶`*) ♡
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