Transmigrated into Substitute Bride ‘Fu Lang’


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As a result of a plane crash, Chen Xing arrived in a never-seen-before dynasty. Here, there were not only women and men but also a Ger who could bear children. Not only did he become a Ger, but he was also married off as the substitute bride to a medicine jar that wouldn’t live for long. The first time he saw him, Chen Xing thought, ‘A medicine jar is a medicine jar, anyway, he is good-looking, so it’s not a loss for me. In the future, I can open a restaurant and support him.’

Later on, as his little restaurant grew bigger and bigger and as his customers also became more and more distinguished; he gradually realized that his frail husband was not quite the same as he had imagined.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. GER-A Farming Life
  2. 2nd to be read...
  3. Cooking/Food Novels
  4. Transmigration! Reincarnation! Ancient Times! Ger!

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16 Reviews sorted by

New Yunshengxun rated it
June 3, 2024
Status: Completed
Nice. Slice of life. Warm and fluffy romance and daily life and some face slapping. Will re read if possible
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New HarryArya rated it
May 16, 2024
Status: Completed

I usually only comment under books where the readers have given false information/unfair ratings so that people who are serious about reading won't go past these books for no reason.

It's not THE best under the genre, but it's still a good read. My honest rating would be four stars, but I gave a five as some people who dropped the book early gave unfairly low ratings - a single start or two stars.
    1. mxdberries says that there are no kissing until chapter 68 and only handholding. But they've just confessed in this slice of life novel. And chapter 69 is titled "Holding hands" and 70 is titled "Kiss." (Readers can click on the chapter and verify this). How fast does this reader want things to progress? Maybe she was looking for the wrong genre.
    1. Dovah says, "I can't stand how ML revealed how he forgot MC's s*ave deed & convinced MC to never try to bring up buying back the contract again. What I hate even more is that MC was actually convinced to be ML's s*ave for life." I don't know what s/he's talking about as that's not what happens in the story at all.

What actually happens is that the ML goes to the Yamen and removes both the MC's and his mother's name from the s*ave list and gives the s*ave contract back to the ML and informs him that the MC is free to do whatever he wants, which includes MC choosing to divorce ML and walking his own path. He literally says that to the MC. ML is in a situation where he cannot reveal everything about himself/his true identity to the MC, so he takes things slow as he hopes to be totally honest with the MC one day. The MC even wonders why he stops at kissing even after they have confessed to each other and decide to live as a truly married couple. He is that gentlemanly. Further, it's the ML and his secret guards who protect the MC behind the shadows. So I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY people make him out to be this big villain.

ONE MORE THINGS - the stories of this genre are based on actual history. If that's the case, a noble can't accept a s*ave as the main wife. So all that's left to do is to inform the government that the ML has taken the MC as his legal wife and request to remove his name. However, it's the marriage itself that actually annuls it. So there is no reason for ML to 'delude' himself that the MC is a s*ave after the marriage. But the MC doesn't know this as he is from the modern times and believes that he was still a s*ave after their marriage.

Overall, I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a slow-paced slice-of-life transmigration with a 'building a business' to thrive setup + face slapping.
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CasBrin rated it
May 4, 2022
Status: Completed
It was okay. ML was a bit disappointing in his ability to manage the situation. The court scenes were farcical.

I couldn't really get into it because all the plot was largely on the ML's side and the MC is oblivious, even until the end.
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xjgg rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: Completed
3.5🌟 it's okay. MC is kind and a biiit silly. Ml's past is tragic

... more>>

his mom helped a family of refugees and his father helped them to start their own business. The head of the family got greedy and colluded with the county magistrate to massacre ml's entire family (ML was the only survivor). ML later worked as the prime minister and retired to his old home. ML took his revenge slooowwwly to torture them and the ones swallowing his family's assets psychologically instead of using his position as PM to clean them up.

their twin children are typical geniuses; understood MC completely when they were a bit more than 3 month-old.

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Yuuk1hime rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: Completed
Someone (Dovah) mentioned that the ML forgot about the s*ave contract and tell MC to forget about it. What the ML meant is that he never thought about MC being a s*ave. In the end, he did return the s*ave deed to MC for free. So you can stop your bashing.
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Dovah rated it
April 5, 2023
Status: c30 part3
At first it started out really nice. MC seemed independent, though a bit foolish w/ low EQ for romance, it wasn't so bad. He kept trying his best to provide for ML & trying to save $ to buy back his s*ave contract from ML. ML also seemed kind & considerate of MC & lets MC work hard to buy back his s*ave deed & let him do whatever he wants while trying to protect him behind the scenes. However, I had to drop this at ch33. I can't stand... more>> how ML revealed how he forgot MC's s*ave deed & convinced MC to never try to bring up buying back the contract again. What I hate even more is that MC was actually convinced to be ML's s*ave for life. Ugh MC's just plain s*upid at this point. How can someone from the modern world not have enough self respect to fight for his own freedom & dignity? How can you willingly be ens*aved by law so you'll have to serve another's whims all your life & let him mu*der/sell u as he pleases whenever he wants?! Especially when that person never cared/or even thought of how you felt while being forced to be ens*aved and always be at a disadvantage/in a lower status of an unequal relationship, freely being oppressed by the one holding your s*ave contract at their whim in a world under dictatorship and where harems are the norm & human rights/protection only exists for the privileged. <<less
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ShizukaMomo rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: Completed
I really like this genre (transmigration to ancient Chine, the fictional matter of three gender, making money, poor to rich and even the ever boring cooking or business or something etc.). So I more or less read almost every novel that features this genre. However, I can honestly say that among all of them, this one was probably the most boring and completely felt like a waste of time.

MC & ML both of their characterization left a disgusting taste in my mouth. The whole plot and overall writing bored me... more>> to tears.

Thus, my review is this: I regret reading this. <<less
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LittleYen rated it
May 2, 2022
Status: c100
Read for 'pretending to be poor and week' mysterious ML

Read for hardworking and optimistic Mc

Doing business, This time not living in the village setting but in the city so less gossipy villagers or annoying villagers here

Simple, slice of life, MC is not OP except for his great cooking skill

Will rewrite the review after finished all the chapters
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nitan rated it
June 12, 2022
Status: Completed
It's not too bad, it's pretty boring after a while though (ch50~ish) the routine gets repeated alot, plus the way the MC interacts with ML becomes boring after a while.

While there's progress in their romance, the way he would daze off and doesn't talk, gets flustered and then runs away just becomes kind of the pit of the novel. I don't mind a plain MC, I quite like his personality and his way of thinking actually - even if he's naive and a fool, I can see why the ML... more>> likes him.

What I don't like is lazy writing, it's fine to have plain characters (it's not a crime to me) but it's not fine to write boring scenes.

Boring scenes are on the writer's part. I don't even mind if the pace is as slow as a turtle, I think there was a lot of potential and I can see fondness and deep feelings in certain places (i.e. When ML finally got revenge on the Zhao family) -- but the execution might not be up to par, so it came off abit short. And some parts (between MC and ML) wasn't as touching, became a pit for the novel as well.

Other than that, it's still an alright novel to read to pass time. Very typical transmigrated to ancient times, got married to a 'weak' gong, restaurant building / face slapping for people in power who wants to hurt their business. Very routine, but it's fine. <<less
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trash_generalist rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: c64
NEW REVIEW (01/29/2023) : I didn't even make it past the 25th chapter this time. Not sure why, maybe I remember the details of the novel too well, and so I got bored more easily. It could also be because there doesn't seem to be any tension in the story. It's just a serious of accidents piling up together with nothing to tie them together. IDK, I'll come back to reread another day.



MC transmigrates into a unwanted bastard-child of the Chen family with the same name as himself,... more>> Chen Xing. Almost immediately after transmigration, he ends up being handed over to the town's "star of misery" (the ML, Gu Lang) as a wife. It should be said that this is a fantasy Ancient China setting, where there are 'Gers' capable of giving birth to children, though that's not really the focus of the novel.

I was expecting this to be a farming-type novel -- you know, with the usual family drama and stuff. And while there is a little of the later involved, the main focus of the story is actually on cooking and business management. The MC was sold to the ML and he decides to pay the debt back by establishing a restaurant slowly. His background as a chef allows him to do this easily, and he's hard working enough that he manages to do make money in no time.

I would recommend this novel to those that are looking for something simple and semi-sweet. There's a bit of background drama cause the main CP keep a lot of secrets from each other. But the slice of life aspects are mainly on business, so! Yeah! If you like that poor-to-rich kinda of vibe, this is worth the read! The TL at Knoxt is still ongoing but the quality is good! I read some of the MTL, which is not the best, but it's not the worst either!

Note: I'll write the full breakdown of rating scores when I finish reading it later. For now, the tentative rating is 3.5/5 rounded up to 4 stars. <<less
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mxdberries rated it
March 8, 2024
Status: c68.2
Dropped for now, might come back but probably not

it was a slow book. With the way chapters are split into four parts, they simultaneously feel short but also like nothing happened. I’m about half through the book, the most this couple has done is hold hands and even that’s a struggle. I’m not expecting an intimate scene but what about a kiss?? Both of them love each other so why not?

The main focus at this moment is just the restaurant and while I love food novels, there also needs to... more>> be a story. Where’s the romance? Where’s the revenge? Why are you dragging your feet? Even the evil canon fodder feels lame with what they’ve done. I’m just staring at the ML wondering why he’s letting them have so many benefits when cleaning them up can be easy. They haven’t explained the passing of ML’s family or who did it. But no, the main focus is those who make trouble for MCs restaurant. Even then the MC is just left in the dark and seems clueless of how powerful ML is. I just don’t like it. I wish he knew, he treats ML like a sickly frail thing to dote on and that would be cuter if MC knew ML wasn’t but nope just in the dark and told to forget things, focus on the restaurant. But like I said the restaurant side of things has become very boring and repetitive and a good chunk of restaurant scenes have been taken over by ML and MC is more in the background at this moment.

I’m not sure if it’s the translation or if it’s the author but the way they skip little scenes mid chapter left me annoyed I was missing out dialogue or action. Sometimes what they write conflicts with a characters previous actions and not in a good way but in the “I forgot this happened or I need it this way to better push the story and not other reason” way. This story could have been better but it’s not executed at it’s best.

Also despite Gers being a main feature in this novel, they don’t really mention it much. The most it’s mentioned is the basic gers can have children like regular women and their bodies are weaker that’s why you can’t handle as much work. But like they don’t mention anything else. Like how do they know they’re a ger the author never mentioned a mark or them like in other ger books where that mark is very relevant to fertility. There are no other independent gers working or being shop owners or heck you don’t even see them mention as customers or average people. No men carrying babies or being pregnant. It’s as if the MC is the only ger in the world but also not really since at this point he’s just a slightly weaker person. <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
October 22, 2023
Status: c51 part1
What's with the Low Rating???

This novel was truly good so far!

It has unique start. The relationship between MC and ML at the beginning wasn't shown to be like Spouse nor Family, more like Housemates and ML was like a Landlord kind of.

It took maybe 30ish chapter for them to actually started act like Family. With ML and MC both mentioned about the Debt thing that need or doesn't need to be paid. Which help destroy the first wall between them. In that part of course ML was already so far... more>> I Adore MC affectionately.

MC is sweet, not timid nor super brave. He's trying his best and I Love it!

ML's background still the Biggest Mystery. We still don't know how truly Power or less powerful he is. But so far ML does have way to protect MC and himself.

The setting of their living place also rare. They're not in Country side but in actual City, so MC already facing some Rich Young Master/Lady to keep thriving.

Anyway I pray sooo hard the rest of the story is as Good and Satisfying till the end!!! 🙏🙏🙏 <<less
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Kaylee rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: --
Aaaah, no wonder I felt I've read this.

This has potential but it doesnt support with detail and follow up friction to full blown problem and villains.
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fabkacy rated it
December 16, 2023
Status: c75
This began as any other bl transmigrated into ancient times where MC is sold to marry ml. The fluff was there at first and use of modern knowledge was implemented, which l enjoyed up to a point. Later the way MC was portrayed as an ignorant and s*upid person every time ML was around frustrated me. I do not like ML personality he treats MC as a naive fool and belittles MC.

I dropped this at chapter 75. I normally try my best to finish the story but this one became... more>> a waste of my time. <<less
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art3micia rated it
January 22, 2023
Status: --
it's not bad, there were some inconsistencies in the plot where probably the author forgot what they wrote,

... more>>
  1. for example he made mother chen be cruel and indifferent to her daughter in the beginning and then around the end (for their part) she was trying to please her.
  2. Also the ML & MC decided to start a relationship at some point and then we backtracked to spending time together and asking whether they want to be together.

Plus, the MC never revealed his origins, which according to ML's intelligence is not something he would have disregarded for long


In addition, this is a ger genre, but it wasn't shown properly. Like, dude sees men carrying children and he is ok ? We don't see his reaction ? Only when he is about to give birth?

Overall, I liked it well enough and because it didn't drag that much, it wasn't as tiring as some other novels I've been reading lately. <<less
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undertheStarsssss rated it
January 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Very heart-warming and fluffy story. If you want to read something fluffy and about foods and occasionally some face slapping, then this is for you.
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