Tokyo’s Most Affectionate


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Reborn in Neon, diligently studying, securing a spot at the prestigious University of Tokyo,  Kurosawa Hikaru embarks on an online romance with the campus belle from the neighboring school for half a month, only to be unilaterally dumped and even offered at a bargain price to someone else.

Kurosawa Hikaru is dumbfounded; he can’t fathom how, with his handsome looks, wealth, and education, he is valued at a mere one thousand yen in the eyes of his ex-girlfriend, and in Japanese currency, no less!

And then, a mission appears before him.

Dating Mission: [Ichinose Yuki’s First Date]

Mission Objectives: [Knee Pillow for Three Minutes] [Raise Your Value in Her Eyes] [Make Her Anticipate the Next Date]

Mission Deadline: 24 hours.

Provided Funds: Entry-level singing voice (24-hour trial card)

Mission Reward: Entry-level singing voice (Permanent)

Faced with a request from a blonde, spunky JK (high school girl) for a fake boyfriend, Kurosawa Hikaru chooses to accept and puts his plan into action.

Diamonds always shine, but if buried in dust, they will never shine again.

Dare to perform, show yourself, and others will hear your voice, know your name, and follow your footsteps.

This is the story of an indomitable man, enduring pain and thinking deeply. In Tokyo, praised by others for the beauty of the moon, singing praises to youth, he strives to become the perfect male god.

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Tokyo Most Affectionate
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3 Reviews sorted by

CountPingus rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: c87
I literally found this story yesterday and at the time there were no reviews. I'm glad that was the case because I might have been put off by the 3* review otherwise.

It's not that Promet's review is objectively incorrect (for example I also find the development and story progression quite slow), but that I find that this story provided too much enjoyment to me to be worth a 3* review.

Anyway, for those in need of something interesting to read on a cold winter evening, this is a good way to... more>> kill time. Unlike in the other review, I probably will be checking out the MTL.

1 more thing. The 'Simp energy' doesn't persist beyond maybe a small ick you might feel in the first chapter (which I glossed over tbh). Honestly, it's a system story, so don't expect too much going into it. Also the MC has a solid foundation and isn't just some useless NEET like in most other dating sims (even if, as the other reviewer describes him as, he has no life outside of his boring university one).

Btw, can someone fill up the recommendations sections so that I can find similar novels haha. <<less
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Pootser rated it
January 28, 2024
Status: c50
This is genuinely one of the most pointless stories I've ever seen. In a story all about making the MC more desirable, you would assume he would get some action, right? Nope. This guy is a kissless virg*n even though he's attracting girls like crazy, and it doesn't seem like it's gonna change any time soon. Also, this story will do absolutely everything to try and make the MC look as good as possible to a pretty silly degree. It's kinda funny if it wasn't so cringe. All the characters... more>> are boring ass hell as especially the MC, who is actually someone who has traveled back in time. At the end of the day, what's the point of being super attractive and sh*t but still being a virg*n? It doesn't even seem like he kisses anyone until chapter 126. <<less
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promet rated it
January 25, 2024
Status: c70
It's basically one of those novels like Something Something Salted Fish where a guy gets a system that gives him various skills (e.g. Playing an instrument, martial arts, painting, whatever) as he makes progress with different girls, except that it's set in Japan instead of in China.

My overall impression is that it's okay. For once, the author writing a harem novel seems to actually have experience with women. Well, it's clear to me that there's still a lot he doesn't know, and he made a few dumb claims and showed... more>> that he misunderstood some things that would otherwise be good advice, but recently I've realized that I got to know women too well to enjoy most of such stories (because they feel too far removed from reality regarding women), so maybe it's my personal bias ruining my enjoyment of reading, something most readers won't experience.

An example of what I mean in the previous sentence:


While on a date, the protagonist asks one girl where they should go (for their date), and then goes on to explain (well, the narrator does) that it's important to consider the girl's feelings. At other times, he also says it's not good to give in too much as a man and let the girl decide everything.

What is actually true is that the guy should lead, and he should make decisions on the date (like, where to go), BUT he should make decisions while taking the girl's feelings into consideration (i.e. Make it a factor in his decision making), but NEVER ask her to make any decisions (at most ask her for details so you can decide better). So at other times he understands that he ought to lead, but he doesn't quite do it enough in practice.


So anyway, the story is a mishmash of good and bad examples, and it's precisely because of the bad example that it's very realistic that he got dumped as is written in the synopsis. Except he thinks he did nothing wrong, but when I read the description of his interactions with the girl who "sold" him, I sensed some simp energy from it. What this means is that you will not enjoy this story very much if you are very experienced with and knowledgeable about women, because you will probably criticize the MC in your head like me, lmao.

Explanation what was simp-like about what he did:


He agreed to go out with a girl online without ever meeting her or touching her (guys, women can decide when to have s*x, but it's us having the power to decide when to upgrade relationship status, and if it's not, it means you got manipulated or were too thirsty for P) and was desperate to meet her (not much, but it was enough for her to sense it). I'm pretty sure there were 1-2 things more, but I can't recall. Anyway, it may not seem like much, but women are sharp when it comes to sensing this.


This aside, the protagonist is kind of okay. I like his approach to the system and its missions. It's just that he's a bit bland. He just wants to study well to earn lots of monies in the future, and that's the extent of his passions and aspirations. His personality isn't very strong, but we can see some of it through his behavior, but his physical attractiveness makes up too big a part of his character. Also, it was said earlier that MC had some relationships in his past life, but not in this one, and he often acts like a virg*n anyway (yes, a virg*n with a high resistance to women, for a virg*n that is, but nonetheless a virg*n).

Also, can the Chinese f*ck off with the foot fetish already? It was several times that MC said "I'm not into feet" and then stared at "beautiful, sexy jade feet" of some chick. Like bro, I really hate this thing. Japanese and their "erot*c zone" that they think the nape of the neck is at least is normal, if also quite random.

It's a bit too early to talk about other characters. The love interests and their friends (I think there's literally one dude that is neither, everyone else is chicks and their friends or acquaintances) are okay so far. They do need a lot more depth, but it's early on in the novel, so there's plenty of time for it. The love interests aren't particularly to my liking, but they're not bad per se.

The setting is okay (I mentioned it earlier), while plot is also okay, but I feel like the pace should've been slightly, slightly faster in terms of developments. One thing I don't like is that MC doesn't really have his own life except for working, studying, and hanging out with love interests as per system missions. It'd be nice if it was at least hinted that he's doing other stuff.

Oh, and one more thing. I think it'd have been better if the system missions had some penalties or forced the protagonist to make some choices like in Absolute Choice. It'd have been more fun.

Overall not a bad novel, but while I hesitated, I ultimately won't look for MTL. It's not that good. <<less
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