The Tutorial Is Too Hard


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On a normal boring day, a message appears, inviting him to a Tutorial.

A tale about Lee Ho Jae and his escape from the Tutorial.

But he just happened to choose the hardest possible difficulty: Hell…

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튜토리얼이 너무 어렵다
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164 Reviews sorted by

heminasti rated it
January 11, 2023
Status: 380+53
Note: Spoiler tags used for your convenience; text within is vague except where noted

This is one of my favorites in this subgenre. But it's similar to a bunch of other things and I don't think there's any objective way it's better. In fact, it has some issues.

Basic plot is that the MC and other people in the world are invited to climb a tower to gain power necessary to protect Earth from an (other/extra) worldly threat. MC chooses Hell difficulty and it is difficult that he is almost the only... more>> one managing to survive it.

What distinguishes this one for me for the good is mostly the characters' internal motivations and conflicts:


The story about what's going on within the tower is decent. I won't say I found the eventual explanation fully satisfying. But the journey was alright—and the stories for certain floors are good.

For a while, there's a nice feeling of progression and powering up. I want that from these stories, it's delivered adequately. He gets OP and I love a good OP character.

While I can't go so far as to say the characters were complicated and nuanced, I could often feel their strong motivations, which made them come alive in a satisfying way. (For example, when Park Jung-Ah is introduced.) There's a type of character that can be an effective archetype for comment on reality without being very realistic—that's about where this is.


Spoiler Warning: This next part is less vague. YMMV on if it's a spoiler.


The MC Lee Ho Jae hooked me with his psychology. It feels like he profoundly and truly loses his mind. His constant self-harm cannot go unnoticed. Among innumerable ultra-determined MCs, he feels genuinely obsessive and compulsive in a way that made him intriguing.

Hell difficultly felt genuinely chilling a few times. I think it's because the author didn't go with gore to show it. Ho Jae is just... potentially stuck alone forever between the excruciatingly fatal floors.


On the other hand, there were some pretty big issues I can't forget, mostly severe pacing issues:


There are major pacing issues. It's really the only issue worth mentioning IMO, but it causes several kinds of trouble.

There's a step by step arc in the early floors that starts to get a little slow.

Then it starts switching back and forth between the lower floors and a future on higher floors. The switching wasn't well done.

Then when present and future meet, the higher floor plotline has a lot of issues because it ultimately skipped over a lot of major events when catching up.

New and very important characters in the future get introduced... without ever really being introduced? I was confused by them for a while.

Things get very rushed and shoddily explained through the ending.

The original ending itself was an awful letdown. Thank goodness for the side stories.


Overall, I found some of the characters very striking. Especially the MC Lee Ho Jae (and you can tell I'm serious about this because I actually remember his name). I enjoyed almost everything that actually happened in the story.

That made it worse that the way it was told fell apart later in the novel. But note I still say it's one of my favorites. What it did well, it did quite well for enough chapters to earn my affection. <<less
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OuRyed rated it
June 6, 2022
Status: c59
I can say it passable but couldn't keep up my interest for long, annoying flashbacks, the as much as annoying Multiple POV. The ridiculously OP protagonist that we know he'll survive. Him getting in hell mode was quite interesting at the beginning but the story lack tension.

The only reason I've read this novel that is some people kept comparing it with ORV (in Orv's reviews section) saying the latter is a cheap imitation. To that I Can only be speechless 😶😶😶
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Shaze rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: c35
A very annoying way to read a story.

With the MC in the present, you keep getting fed flashback stories of his climb up, until he was halted by the nature of needing two people to go any further.

What the author should have done was write it chronologically, building it up and making us want to find out more. Instead, what we get is continuous flashbacks after every minute in the present, when all we want is to find out what actually happens next. The frustration of this, even more so... more>> when I skimmed on and saw that this continues for about three fourths of the story, put me right off.

I'll admit that this was an interesting and new way to write a story, but my annoyance outweighed my curiosity. <<less
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icecream0223 rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: c403
I really liked the way this was written. I liked how the MC pushes himself to be the strongest in the tutorial. We see how weak he initially was and how he grew himself. He became stuck in the 60th floor for a long time and has experienced all sorts of despair while staying there. Then someone miraculously enters the tutorial's hell difficulty after years of just him being there.

MC isn't OP at first. I mean, initially he wasn't OP and we get to go through the journey towards his... more>> OP-ness with him. MC is a real grinder (?) who would repeat certain stages just to level up a lot. I like that about him mostly because I can relate to that when I'm playing games and trying to level up my character.


He even becomes a god who is able to leave the tower at will regardless of whether he finished the tutorial or not. Basically by the time the girl who entered hell difficulty reaches the 60th floor, Ho-jae doesn't actually need her help to go past that floor.


This story touches upon a lot of themes related to mental health which to me is pretty realistic. How can someone stay perfectly sane by themselves in a place where you're supposed to be fighting for survival after all? MC seems to have been really mentally unhealthy when he stayed at the 60th floor for a long time. We get to see how that affected his relationships too. And we even see how he slowly fixes the relationships with the people he hurt during that time.

This was an interesting read. The story focuses more on the MC's adventures in the tutorial so don't be too confused on why the story is mostly about him in the tutorial.


He does eventually leave... (he becomes a god in the tutorial, something that no god had expected and protects earth) but I don't think there will be a lot of chapters about what happens after he leaves the tower. The side stories are about his life after the tutorial.


The plot is good. There's some character development but I personally want to see more of it. The romance feels off to me but maybe it's because there's not a lot of romantic scenes... or actually idk but the MC's behavior towards his lover is a bit off... Kind of feels like the romance was a lil forced now that I think about it. Or maybe it's just that my views on romance is too idealistic? I dunno.

I think I'm already done with the main story and the parts I'm waiting on updates for are just the side stories. Towards the end I'm not really satisfied with the writing? Something about it feels slightly rushed.

Anyway, the story isn't that bad so maybe give it a chance and judge for yourself if you're planning to read this. <<less
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kfkeishin rated it
June 18, 2021
Status: c379
I tell you, don't waste time reading this for 2 reasons:

1) tr*sh MC. The MC is super OP, it's fine, but his little ret*rded brain wastes all his powers.

example: you have super dangerous hazard in your garden, instead of calling specialist, you go back to your room to play some video games and win with nice tactics. Your brain is very good for games, BUT, you played with window open and the hazard in the garden infected you.

... more>> This is brain lvl of the MC. Facepalm, right?

2nd reason, the story jumps totally randomly from past to future to present. You get spoiled hard without knowing wtf is happening, unless you read again ALL the chapters again in the right order. <<less
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FatboyDC8 rated it
May 16, 2021
Status: --
The story is good it's just that the MC is overthinking every Fudging situations that it made it longer.

I don't hate it. I just hate that particular part of it.
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Lordtwarog rated it
March 16, 2021
Status: c322
This is one of the better novels I've read. The plot seems pretty well thought out by the author. It can get a bit confusing because it shifts gears and timelines as needed. Looks like opinions are pretty divided, but I am still interested towards the end. Even if his fundamental character has changed; which is not at all surprising considering what he's gone through. I can see why some people got turned off by it because the guy at the end is not even close to the one trapped... more>> in the tutorial. It all feels intentional though, and a lot more interesting than just seeing an MC do the same thing day in day out. <<less
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lukeos rated it
February 25, 2021
Status: c334
This novel has some of the best internal monologue in any story I've ever read. This story really nails this aspect like how the second coming of gluttony really nails addiction and what it does to the people around you. The main character is isolated pretty much the whole story and he really goes through a lot of mental trauma. He becomes hyper motivated, extremely depressed, sociopathic and a whole array of other things. Besides that the main character is defiantly op but the strength is earned through time and... more>> dedication. He also always is challenged, just because he's strong doesn't mean he doesn't face challenge. Besides that the only problem I have with this story is that the side characters, besides the main 3 are never really given any time in the story, it fits because he's alienated to others but when they show back up in the story you have no reason to care about them.

P.S - The fights are kind of simplistic half the time with him just magickly nuking things <<less
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AddicitveReader rated it
February 2, 2021
Status: c118
It's just the beginning translations could have been better but I can't complain but I'm thinking of what's gonna happen if there's going to be a huge change in the name between translations. The actual story is decent and we see in the beginning switch from the present to the past giving us information. We also see how he changes from a normal person to what he thinks is normal... more>>

Like inflicting self pain of different types to get that type of resistance like pain and burn

The other characters right now to me don't have that much depth. Overall for me right now it's just the translation. <<less
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sesyfygtrtuy rated it
November 17, 2020
Status: --

the story is basically about a failed ex pro gamer. And he chooses hell difficulty by mistake and clears it alone. Belive me when I say this is the most hilarious novel I have ever read (except RIM, tr*sh lord). Srl I dont know why some people dont like it. The novel is almost complete, good story, funny MC who expresses his emotion. Not some simp or stuck up ass (he is chunibyuoo btw). After all the sh*t he goes through I would have been pissed of if he was not over powered. See its not even like EER. Illhan just gets 1000 years time with a hot angel and then just fineses through everything (it got boring toward the the end no tension at all). Here this guy is stuck in hell difficulty alone for many years and he doesnt have a cheat angel or guide or some op power. He f*cking develops first by hurting himself (for pain and bleeding resist) poisoning himself and overcoming death. (Its more belivable than eer where a guy who just trained with angel get all the op sh*t and stuff). Its just wholessome and good and hilarious (srllll funny as hell, each chapter makes u laugh, especially his thoughts). Its not like demonic sword or king of the battle field where the guys walks around without emotion for most part and say humans are insect and stuff. So read till chapter 20 and decide (chps are bit short in begining). Also its not at all rushed, character interaction is detailed

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Hawk73 rated it
August 4, 2020
Status: Completed
I machine translated to finish this one.

Pros: Very novel/imaginative concept, never read something like this before. Obviously each level in the tutorial is different, even if they can become similar. I feel like his strength is very well justified, as by the end he is not just trying to beat the system, he is trying to break it. Obviously not anyone could do it, but as he is the only one to get as far as he does.

There is also a fair bit of unknown factors throughout the novel, which... more>> make it quite interesting to read and make some of the MCs actions a little mysterious at the time, and makes you as the reader eager to discover these secrets for yourself. It has its weaknesses which I will elaborate on, but its a net positive

Cons: In some ways, the story does get weaker after chapter 320 or so. Its probably in the writing style, where the PoV character doesn't bother telling the entire situation, so even though he knows whats going on, you don't really have a clue, which means that the actions he takes seem pretty random, even if there is a justified purpose <<less
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Monomololo rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: c265
I loved this when it started out, even with the random jumps from past to present I still enjoyed it, where it really falls apart for me is about chapter 250.

... more>>

At around chapter 250, you get some dozen chapters where the story's focused on the viewpoint of side characters, with the MC occasionally chiming in through a magic communication ring. Every now and then is fine to get another viewpoint but why on earth would I want to follow the story from the viewpoint of the MC's clone? I literally spent 200 chapters getting to know a character and now I'm supposed to pretend that some other character that looks like him but doesn't act anything like him is interesting? No! Finish the damn tutorial for f*cks sake!

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GalaxyBorders rated it
June 19, 2020
Status: c260
-Interesting protagonist ✔️
-Developed side characters ✔️
-Action ✔️
-Intriguing mystery/conspiracy ✔️
This novel isn’t really slow paced. I think the idea that it is comes from people expecting the tutorial to only be the beginning, but it’s not. The tutorial on its own is a well developed setting, and the majority-if not all- of the story will take place in it. As long as you come in knowing that, you won’t be frustrated by the pace.
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ShadowMagus rated it
June 11, 2020
Status: c200
I like this. MC isn't a baby when he starts out weak. He also grows OP AF and becomes damn strong, along with a good pace and correct translation.
Def one of the better korean translated novels I've read
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ChaoticHeaven rated it
June 11, 2020
Status: c81
This novel is great the only thing I can say about it sis that its great and other than the extremely slow and boring start it becomes great later on
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mrtoycar rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c229
This was a very interesting read. The beginning was personally the best, as that's where all the skills start to appear and be utilised efficiently. However, the story begins to pale during the middle parts, probably at around volume 3 or 4. Reason being is that there's nobody else to converse with, only a chat window, a couple of ... more>>

soul-imbued weapons

and himself. After reading a while, you get a sense of loneliness from the MC's situation, but he somehow never feels that. Surprising!

I'm quite glad that the novel isn't choosing to rush the floors of the tutorial, and instead chooses to describe each floor almost like it's mini-arc. Really makes you feel as though you're struggling with the MC himself, climbing up these impossible floors.

However, the problem is that these chapters of suffering pale in comparison to the future chapters which pop up every now and then. I'm not saying that the future chapters are exciting or anything, rather, they're very calm and slice-of-life-ish, but that's exactly why it hurts the story. When we get a taste of the power that the MC holds in the future, why do we want to continue reading the MC's suffering up the tower?

Still, a decent read for the masochists out there who want to read MCs overcoming impossible hurdles and crazy leaps. <<less
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Klein rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: c140
A masterpiece. I only have one problem : ... more>>

it's how much you can help those on lower floors. Many trials the MC pass become meaningless if a higher rank send you items and soluce. The girl he helped didn't won the right to ascend by herself.



No help of the system outside the turorial, so you have to get everything you could from it before returning to the real world. That don't mean you can't learn new moves, new ways to use your mana, or training outside but much people are too dependant of the system.

The MC is cunning, rational, and strong even without skills, hope he will get outside and we will not have an ending like where everyone lose his memories, and time rewind...

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Vulcan Hajin
Vulcan Hajin rated it
March 1, 2020
Status: c220
Really a good one
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hk rated it
February 17, 2020
Status: --
It kinda has the theme of the world after the fall and the MC has the mentality of something like SFF or Ark. Growth, challenges, stress pressure and PTSD and the like are gonna be present. If you are here only for action, it's alright. But it's more for people who want to witness the growth of a character, philosophical aspects of battle and a deeper exploration of usual dungeon crawl novels. Not my fav type of reading material but I must admit it is quite high quality.
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etherealbao rated it
September 3, 2019
Status: --
It is a great novel. Interesting premises, good writing, and nice improvement from weak to strong.

It’s just, the novel is not for me. As much as I like the idea of game like world, the MC is doing solo all the time which means lack of socializing and keep straight leveling up making it a bit boring to me. Honestly not a fan, but I can see why people got hooked in this. That’s why I left a 4 stars
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