The Support Ate it All


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The “S-rank Hero Factory” that raised 1,000 S-rank heroes.

The graduates’ manufacturing machine.

The strongest support.

These are all words that refer to me. But could this actually be the world of that game?

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Supporter Does It All
서포터가 다 해먹음
Related Series
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Transcendence Due To A System Error (1)
Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School (1)
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  1. Low page/2024
  2. Peak Hidden Gems
  3. Academy novels ( male mc )

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5 Reviews

May 28, 2024
Status: c69
Plenty of fans already noted what the novel is so let me list the reasons why this novel isn't all that.

I liked this novel, but if you've ever read any Korean academy novel with fantasy elements, then you've already read this. It is pretty copy paste and bare bones. The content is repetitive, characters are flat, writing is mostly dull, and the amount of plotholes littering around in the academy's structure / plot is atrocious. The MC frequently contradicts his own actions. Once you get bored you'll start to skim... more>> for the major plot points.

The concept twist was great, but the writing execution wasn't. Honestly for this novel I am a bit suspicious it is instead the translation editing quality as lots of things lack depth. All the characters in this novel lacked any amount of emotional depth, which I had just realized when writing. This is likely the biggest reason the novel felt very off and dull this whole time.

Despite the numerous issues I did enjoy it for a while, but the core repetitive structure made me drop after a while <<less
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Feb 29, 2024
Status: c60
It's a story where the MC is migrated into an Dragon Hunting game that he's played over 200 times. In the game, his favorite activity is to raise and support NPCs into becoming S-Rank Dragon Hunters. Right after he's raised his 1000th NPC, he gets reincarinated into the game.

As of ch 60, it's been a pretty enjoyable read. It's one of the better novels where the MC pushes game mechanics to the limit. It helps that the author takes their time to setup and explain power ups/events rather than speed... more>> running through the plot points of the game.

My biggest gripe with this novel is how the title and synopsis both classify him as a support. When you think of support, you'll probably think of a buffer or healer. But in this novel, the MC is so OP he overwhelms people/monsters and lets his teammates finish them off. This was a huge disappointment because I was expecting an actual support, not somebody pretending to be a support because he doesn't want to expose his power by oneshotting everything. <<less
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Dec 25, 2023
Status: c454
It's a really unique and fun do-over webnovel, where the main character after playing the game gets isekai'd into the game world and gets unique perks. The over-arching sense of mystery is fun, with certain cliches mixed in.

There is one particular character, ... more>>

love interest that some readers start to dislike as the hand of the author starts to kick in and some would argue show favoratism. However, in their defense there are greater mysteries and theories that explain it similar to Dorothy in Demon limited Hunter or Lucy in Surviving the Academy.

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Apr 02, 2024
Status: c359
MC finds himself in a game he always played and is set on a mission for world peace by using his cheats, game knowledge, and raising allies along the way.

To preface, I started reading this when there was no harem tag, and read mostly MTL, so my understanding of the story may be inaccurate.

However female characters started to be clingy with MC and be repetitively shallow with their antics, that I felt like skipping sections & started to wonder if this was a harem, and I am back to... more>> check NU page & harem got added, so thank you to the kind soul who added it

Overall I am dropping due to the poor characterization with the harem aspect, as I just feel like skipping whenever the romantic portions show up. A lot of other stuff I can easily gloss over which I'll mention below.


+ MC strategizing, planning, guiding, and succeeding in training & fights utilizing his knowledge & cheat can be fun to read

+ Pacing is decent; I like how the fights don't drag

+ Side characters do have some substance, since they all seem to have a background/family/some motivations/ some life beyond the the academy

+ Some foreshadowing makes you look forward to future events, it feels like author did put thought into planning. Like for example, some dungeon storylines are connected, and I was interested to see how they pan out if the characters continue the dungeon storyline...


- Clingy female characters with repetitive antics


Since they are in school, yes I can reason girls in school do have interest in romance... but it feels somewhat shallow & somehow dumb?

So far where I'm at, the females are helped by MC thanks to his guidance.....

  • there's a rich lucky sleepy girl who wants to use MC as a pillow & butler.. she ends up only being motivated to train and improve if MC offers something like being her pillow or some date.
  • another fire mage who has a crush on MC and wants to get closer to MC (she is my least favorite & most frustrating to read, as she needs confidant (s) to divulge her insecurities over her crush & need other people to ask MC to confirm her curiosity... such as 'is MC actually a special pillow?')....
  • There is also a thieves club president character who wants MC to only join her thieves club (all of the clubs want MC and even the white mage club allows their members to join multiple clubs, but thief club pres is not OK with MC joining other clubs; he belongs to her as she started the rumor of her wooing MC so he's hers) wants to be involved with everything even making the same goal to save the world with MC....

As you can see they feel dependent over MC because MC helps them train... but they also want to stay by his side.

Also if you hate moments where the girls fight over MC's attention, this definitely has squabbles over MC >.<"


- Side characters have rather rigid/stagnant personalities that it can be predictable at times.


I thought they'd be a bit more dynamic/unpredictable because they are new to MC (MC doesn't know any of the student characters as they are new faces)... but they play their expected roles.

For example, MC's dependable male friend who is a swordman is always grateful to MC for helping him getting stronger and will always tag along if asked... He is basically the yes-man support friend.... There's an archer character who hates MC for beating him and will always fight MC if faced off against MC, and similar fight will play out.

I also thought because MC never seen these student characters that even the antagonists would be different & a surprise for MC, but I guess in this game world, the antagonists are always the same characters... (because MC knows exactly which random boss enemy would pop up soon & where they'd show up & how to fight them as he obtains skills via cheat right before situation happens) but the characters being raised are randomized/different I guess....


- connected to above point, repetitive plots that make the world feel much smaller


Since the academy doesn't feel large with how little amount of students are in the same class as MC (yes there are different grades and clubs so it feels larger when those are in the picture but I'm specifically referring to MC's class), MC ends up fighting the same few classmates, and since MC is OP, he beats them in a similar way... The author does try to make it different with the setting/background & for more important side characters though, so MC can show off something new/give new advice...

So it is not copy pasta in a sense as the author does give a different twist... but I feel like this makes the academy much smaller and less grander if MC is just gonna randomly fight against the same few people multiple times.


- MC in this game world doesn't have a 'background'/origin story (idk if author will reveal this later on)


But I found it very strange that a professor had to do a background check after MC was already a student in the school, and thought he was a bad guy.. only to find out MC has no connections or anything... Wouldn't the Dragon Academy test students and check backgrounds before accepting anyone because they don't want spies in the school? Feels sloppy to do background checks after accepting them XD

Also MC basically lives at the Dragon Academy... like it feels like there's no life story prior attached to this body before arriving at the Academy after playing the game... Maybe author will reveal this later though?

But so far vibe wise, I'm guessing, he'll just go back & forth at the dorm or one of the girl's houses since the girls want him to come home with them


- This is more my opinion, but I expected MC to be a bit more capable


MC never loses in fights as he always is prepared to survive, but this is not the portion I am referring to, though this point can be a con for those who like character development.

Of course I get that his current body needs to be OP first, so people acknowledge him and accept his guidance. (Also yeah why not make yourself s-rank while you're at it lol)

But I assume because he raised 1000 s-ranks in game, that he'd be much more capable of gathering & raising more diverse people (so even if the person is a loser with crap skill, MC be able to turn a loser into s-rank)

But so far, everyone around him already had potential to be an A-rank.

So it doesn't feel there is a struggle or challenge tbh.

However I don't know if MC only made 1 s-rank every game attempt (not 1000 in one game attempt) so I guess just confused why he technically is only directly supporting like 1 male friend & 3-4 females at about 350 chapters in... when I thought there should be way more people to raise to fight for world peace XD

Like idk if the plan is to even make 1000 s-ranks in this story.. but yeah the progress feels very slow, if this is the case tbh. (Like I don't mind the pacing, but at this pace this will probably be a novel that will easily be in the 1000+ chapter range)

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Apr 21, 2024
Status: c95
Rating 4 star.

actuall rating 3.5 maximum score that I can give. Here is the explanation of the synopsis, good, and the bad of the novel

Premise : MC is a veteran player in a game, get notification for Reincarnation quest with Ex-rank difficulty. Proceed to reincarnated in academy setting then nurtured other character while growing his stat.

... more>> Here is the good part of the novel that may convince you to read it :

    1. OP protagonist
    2. Harem subplot with decent heroine writing.
    3. MC and other characters growth is hook point that attract you as a reader.
    4. Light read with progression on character growth.
    5. Slice of live.
    6. Decent writing on side character.
Now here cones the critics that lower this novel score to 3.5 in my opinion :

    1. Horrendous world building. The world building leave so much to be desired. Until this point the author make the world like it a game world. Like MC is reincarnated into the game world where all the system and everything working the same way like in the game. There is a clash how much believable a world setting and reality. The system that hold the rules for trait and skill looks too much like game in IRL setting creating this incongruity feeling in the setting itself.
    2. Unrealistic MC. When MC reincarnated in new world he immediately become a god all knowing entity never questioning whether the previously known system works after reincarnation. Some instance also don't make any sense, for example how come MC know all moves how to dodge/fight/cast magic in in his new reality. A good PC gamer doesn't mean you immediately become an athlete after reincarnated. Except the said game is one of those SAO or ultra realistic VR capsule thing involved, however author never mention that. This create a main character with thick plot armor like everything will work because the world setting is like that just suck it even it doesn't make any sense. There also some trait that that MC obtain in questionable ways like using hidden streak combo. This also include like how MC still look this world as a game and why he doesn't feel any attachment to IRL world so far that incongruity create some plot hole. Like why need to create everything same like how it work in a game. It would be better if there is something in system doesn't work in the world after reincarnation, because it will be more interesting that way. Not to mention create numerous plot hole.
    3. Story pacing. 95 chapter in and there is no huge progression that able to threaten MC. Why? Because all setting and story pacing happen in academy when the risk is low. The author approach this week by week with more focus in slow growth and SOL in the story. Now this is not necessary a bad thing. However when you only rely MC and other character growth as a hook to make people interested in the story without any meaningful conflict, people may get bored. If the reader looking for growth of the character they will stay. However if readers want a conflict that lead to MC struggle and overcome. People may already leave seeing there is no meaningful progress (in plot) after 95 chapter they might leave. In conclusion this is a story with slow progression.
    4. Focus of the story. Focus in this mean the main conflict or main direction of the story. So far we only showed growth of the MC and MC potential ally with no main antagonist of the story. The lack of the conflict in the bigger picture in the whole story create a possibility that author may fill the story of growth arc carry it to the left and right without to the point of the main conflict. It maybtake a while to get into the main conflict with penalties to the MC.
This is not a bad novel, however take a step back and re-think about it. The whole story and world building fall apart easily. The saving grace is some character writing is done well and hook on growth progression.

Edit : Numbering and some typo <<less
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