The Stubborn Lord’s Tale of Happiness: Conquering the Frontier Despite a Bad Attitude!


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Noein Earlkvist has a twisted personality.

Born as the child of a noble’s concubine, he was given a remote territory and a low-ranking title upon reaching adulthood, cutting ties with his family. He thought:

He didn’t want to become a despicable and hollow person like his parents.

He wanted to live a happy life enveloped in love.

For that reason, Noein was determined. He aimed to become the ideal noble lord praised by everyone.

To be loved by his subjects, he would love and care for them.

He would establish friendships with neighboring lords, strive for mutual prosperity, and utilize them for his own happiness.

This is the story of a young man with a slightly twisted temperament, striving to find happiness in his own way in life.

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ひねくれ領主の幸福譚 性格が悪くても辺境開拓できますうぅ!
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