The Short Story of ShaoWang


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The omega school tyrant, legendarily known as “Yan Ge”, Jiang ShaoYan’s heat is approaching. He thought he had no other choice but to seek out an alpha stronger than himself to get him through it, but suddenly an underclassman appeared saying he liked him? Wait, wait, wait, having such weak pheromones yet daring to hit on this Ge? This Wang isn’t that foolish, right?

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shh! My Dear Alpha
Woof A Little Less
Ít Uông Vài Câu
Related Series
Pay Attention to Me (Sequel)
I Just Want to Be in a Relationship (2)
After I Got Married, Those Who Betrayed Me Were Reborn (2)
The A in the Opposite Dorm Always Thinks I’m Pretending to be a B (1)
My Family’s Omega Has Just Grown Up (1)
Amaki Yumeshi (1)
One Useless Rebirth (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. ABO is gold!
  2. Re-reads
  3. finished reading
  4. want to read 7
  5. danmei novels i finished reading part 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/09/23 Suteki Steak Translations c6
11/23/23 Suteki Steak Translations c5
11/04/23 Suteki Steak Translations c4
11/04/23 Suteki Steak Translations c3
10/28/23 Suteki Steak Translations c2
10/28/23 Suteki Steak Translations c1
04/18/20 Tailor’s MTL c70 (end)
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c69
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c68
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c67
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c66
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c65
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c64
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c63
04/17/20 Tailor’s MTL c62
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112 Reviews sorted by

mayte rated it
April 20, 2020
Status: Completed
very good novel. A couple that grows through history and strengthens their love. A MC with great personality and a devoted ml. It has sweetness that overflows and many scenes red hot. Sooo recommended
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Justaddsalt rated it
April 19, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel has been added as a favorite in my books. Storyline is clean and true. Hits a spot. Light and fluffy bonus steamy scenes. Please read it
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DollRin rated it
April 19, 2020
Status: Completed
I was gonna write a review in response to Xixi sama but the translator beat me to it LOL.

I absolutely loved this story, and I tend to have pretty high standards for bl's.

The translator did a great job and I personally really liked Jiang ShaoYan's personality. It's rare to actually see an omega in one of these stories even have a personality let alone a strong outspoken one, and his is perfect. He's badass and you never get upset or triggered over how pathetic the omega is.

Although there are misunderstandings... more>> between the MC and the ML they work it out while taking their relationship one step further in the right direction.

Overall, in the short amount of time this story was translated it has quickly become one of my all-time favorites and I strongly recommend reading it.

Thank you so much for your hard work tailor- the translator :) I hope to see you again translating more stories because your translation is great! <<less
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Amiami rated it
April 13, 2020
Status: c58
It's so cute.


Many misunderstanding but it's solved well.
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nuyanata rated it
April 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Yan ge is one of the best omega for me. He bold and mạke a move to get his man. He openly show his love and active in bed hahaha love that so much while his alpha timid and lack of confident. Like they talk in diffirent chan*l but ít is so cute and fluff!
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HiddenHermit rated it
December 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Good read with a good bit of spice. MC, Jiang ShaoYan, is a fierce omega who can beat up two alphas at once. ML, Wang Zhe, is a gentle, puppy like alpha. The plot is a bit predictable but it was still entertaining.

... more>>

MC originally rejected ML’s confession because his pheromones were weak. MC needed an alpha with strong pheromones to help him through his heats, else he would suffer. However, over time, MC fell for ML’s gentle care and devotion. He decided to be with ML even with his weak pheromones.



ML’s pheromones are actually super strong. His pheromones were weak because he had taken suppressants to not be affected by omega pheromones. He did this because he had been in love with MC since middle school. Therefore, followed him to college and asked to be MC’s dorm mate. ML didn’t tell MC about the suppressant because he wanted MC to like him for himself and not just his pheromones.

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Dooshik kitty
Dooshik kitty rated it
November 20, 2023
Status: --
Honestly it was a good break after lots of angst😭

Personally I really liked the story, the shou in my opinion can sometimes come across as overbearing or inconsiderate sometimes even scary but I honestly felt like eventually he did become really soft on our gong, yes they did have a bit (kinda lot) of misunderstanding I kind of thing it's just our gong being dense, besides its also not his fault ... more>>

he didn't think that he stands a chance


I personally really liked his story overall don't expect much going into it, just go into it w ur brain off <<less
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kurumi_san rated it
July 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I think they should rename this as: "How to train your Alpha" LOL

Translation is great, especially compared to some of the ones I've read recently. Thankful to the translators for doing a good job! Also thankful for the footnotes!

Story is short and sweet. I don't mind the miscommunication, especially since their resolution was very satisfying to read.

MC and ML weren't your stereotypical AO (or at least none that I've read so far). So it's like a breathe of fresh air.

... more>>

I like the contrast of MC's toughness but melts when he's with his alpha. And the ML's softness but can be lovingly domineering to his omega.

I also love how the MC loves his ML even when he thought his alpha was weak. And how the ML loves his omega unconditionally.


Smut is chef's kiss. Very satisfying read.

TLDR: If you're looking for something light, with smut, then I'd recommend reading this. <<less
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Kassandra rated it
July 3, 2023
Status: Completed
The romance is sweet after the misunderstanding was cleared but I still have several issues I need to say;

1. The ML has too much low self-esteem that he thinks MC loves every alpha other than him. Like how the f*ck was that possible? What was his brain made of to think of plots like that when MC already straightforward told him that he likes him, and not the other alpha?

2. Does the ML have a f*cking split personality? One minute he's a golden retriever, and the next second he became... more>> a wolf dog type. Can you make up your f*cking mind? Or are you trying to make him look like a wolf in sheep's clothing? Because it's not f*cking working, it wasn't done very well, and he looks like a psycho to me.

3. When Yao Yi (omega partner of that Zhao Rui) hired three alpha men to beat up MC, des the author even bothered to give him brains? Because I can't f*cking see it on him. The author even bothered to have him a little hero moment when he's the f*cking reason why that's happening. It's f*cking ridiculous. Do they think it's funny and logical? F*cking no.

4. How easily Yao Yi was let off. Are we in the f*cking virg*n Mary era now? If it was any other omega and not MC who is there, what do you f*cking think will happen? The omega will be r*ped, played around, and marked against his will, and the consequences to the mastermind was nothing? What the actual f*ck? There's nothing more I hate than r*pe, so this is a no-no for me. They should have the mastermind reported, so that the consequences of doing something like that will be shown and it won't be repeated by anyone again. I really don't like how they handled this.

5. How the school just cleared the issue. Did they investigate why was there three strange alphas in their school grounds? And why did they suddenly decided to beat up an omega that coincidentally is MC? Another coincidence is how Yao Yi is there when the whole school knows Yao Yi hate MC. Did they even bothered to be curious and tried to inquire? This is f*cking related to the students safety, hello?! And it was just brushed off? They really didn't even bother to try to hide that this all just for the sake of the plot.

6. I hate moments like, 'but nothing happened.' f*ck you, are you a f*cking child? Do you need to wait for it happen before you do something? Ret*rded shits. 7. MC's character also have a problem. I really didn't dwell on him that much but I can still feel and see red flags. He's quite a red flag to the ML. I specifically noticed his holy father act of not reporting the mastermind of his injuries. What the f*ck is with their template of the tough omega being extra nice to a fragile and usual omega? It's always the same! They don't even bother to f*cking care if that's in line with the characterization of the characters they wrote. It really infuriates me when I see something not right with the plot, characters, and settings. The only character that sticked to the set-up personality is Zhao Rui (is the name even right?). He's already sus at the first scene and he really lived up to my expectations that he deserved to have my sus on him. Rating it 2/5 but the smut is hot, so final rating is 3/5. <<less
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Pop_up_ninja rated it
June 11, 2023
Status: c58
I only read to the end of the main story. It's quite a fast paced novel, the chapters are on the shorter side and the misunderstandings don't drag on for too long. I rated it a 4 as it is probably somewhere between a 3.5-4 for me.

It's cute. Worth a read if you like omegaverse and want to read something quite light.
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sbob rated it
January 27, 2023
Status: Completed
Cute light read. A lot of obvious misunderstandings that could have been solved if they both just spoke a bit more.

Smut 5/5 lol
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Dolce-Chan rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: Completed
I decided to read this story within the span of two days, and it was definitely worth it. First off, the characters are relatively realistic and have miscommunication since this is both their first relationship. The smut is also written very well with lots of details and descriptions of their appearance and feelings during the act. One thing that I wish was done was to have more physical descriptions of side characters.
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toshitoshi rated it
June 19, 2022
Status: Completed
Must read till the end before dropping any low ratings. The misunderstanding was indeed quite frustrating but at the end everything went well and resolved very quickly. Overall it's short and sweet <3
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March 28, 2022
Status: Completed
this story is pretty much look so cute to me, kinda hilarious too but so sweet TT I dont understand why some people kinda hate the ML or MC but for me, theyre okay and actually I enjoy this very much. Theyre so cute and fun, , , highly recommended UVU
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marsGF rated it
March 28, 2022
Status: Completed
Judging from the cover, I wouldn't expect THAT MUCH smut! 😂

It's an omegaverse with its own recipe where instead of a domineering Alpha, we get a puppy and insecure ML. Although having a sassy and domineering omega isn't exactly that new to us.

Judging from the other reviews about this novel, some were dissatisfied with the MC. I get it, the MC's personality irked me but it wasn't that bad. Tbh, it was the ML on the extras (2nd extra to be exact) that made me really dissatisfied.

The first extra... more>> was good, extremely satisfying, but the 2nd extra was just a NO. I've read the warnings and I was ready but it still made me uncomfortable, especially about how weak the ML was about other omegas approaching him. The part where the warning to the readers was applied wasn't actually that bad but in a sense, there was still a feeling of disagreement to the whole thing.

It might be how the novel was just so heartwarming so when the 2nd extras came, there was a high contrast with the main story so the effect (of how disturbing it is) was magnified.

Especially since the 1st extra was just too f*cking sweet and amazing that I clapped. I'd like to remember the idea used in that 1st extra because it was too good.

•••••••• In summary: •••••••••


  • Beautiful and is full of smut
  • 9.5/10

  • A great conclusion to the whole story.
  • 10/10

  • Not recommended to read and you wouldn't miss out on anything if you don't read it.
  • 3/10

  • Truly just an extra bit and nothing really important.
  • Probably an intro for the sequel.
  • 7/10
My overall score for this novel would probably be 4.7/5. Recommended to read only until Extra #1. <<less
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SweetLove rated it
February 14, 2022
Status: Completed
I enjoyed reading ShaoWang. It had its fun and smut-ty moments.

However, there's just too much self doubting from WZ from the start that it gets irritating to read on.

This probably happens to couples in real life, but I suggest that each person in a relationship should be more confident and have trust with their partners to have a sustainable and healthy relationship. Once a person's self doubt drags on it will only exhaust the relationship in the long term. I doubt anyone could be an angel and have infinite patience... more>> like JSY.

Kudos to Tailor's MTL for their fantastic work in translating this series. 👌 <<less
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FrostyDragon rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: Completed
This is more 3.5 stars. The first part is quite good, but there's too little plot for the length of the story.

I liked the premise a lot. The author tackles gender roles and gender prejudice seen through the eyes of a young tsundere omega about to enter his first heat. This is my first omegaverse story, and I like how the author used the setting as a way to examine biological chemistry vs feelings and emotional compatibility in the story.

The MC is tired of being treated like an object by... more>> his suitors, and how even his crush sees him as a prize to be won rather than a person with feelings. I liked the idea of how as an omega, the MC is trapped by his own biology - he's literally forced to find a partner and have interc**rse with someone - and his frustrations in this regard felt very real and relatable. The ML is sweet and precious, but it's understandable why the MC rejects him at first.

However, the main conflict is solved too fast - it doesn't take very long for the MC to overcome his prejudice and fall in love. Then there's the misunderstandings, with aren't completely unbelievable, but still felt exaggerated:


The ML is too dense, since the MC tells him directly that he wants to be with him and that he wants him to mark him. The fact that he listens to his love rival instead of his boyfriend is just kind of insulting to the MC.

Then there's the ML's backstory - it feel unbelievable that because of one minor incident the ML falls deeply and obsessively in love with the MC to the point where he feels completely unworthy of him. This should have been developed more to be believable. The sequel does a better job fleshing out the psychological aspects of the characters' flaws.


There's a lot of smut, and the story gets boring after the conflicts gets resolved. Still, I liked it, and it let me to read the sequel, Pay Attention to Me, which fixes all the problems that this novel has. <<less
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October 15, 2021
Status: Completed
Not the best, Not the worst

I give 3 stars for the wonderful smut given.

I was so annoyed of the ... more>>

misunderstandings in majority of the chapter


It’s different from the usual ABO stories.


i dont like how the ML lacks the EQ of knowing there are little omegas lusting over him and making the MC feel jealous



for me the MC did nothing wrong, aside from being a little slow and insensitive at first but he really did show that he loves the ml


well after the misunderstandings it was full of “fluff” so.. It is a satisfying read so far <<less
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Novel Crazy
Novel Crazy rated it
September 23, 2021
Status: Completed
I really loved it.. The MC and ML of the novel attracted me so much... it's very interesting to read and the ML always misunderstand MC's words.. ML is very cute..
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June 25, 2021
Status: c19
I just love this novel. It is so different from any other novel from the Omegaverse world. The writer did a good job on each character. I love the translator to for doing such a great job and completing the novel for us readers.

Please give this novel a chance.
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