The Return of Cambrian Period


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In the history of geology, more than 500 million years ago, there was a period of the Paleozoic Era known as the Cambrian Period. This period, being the first period of the Paleozoic Era, does not only have a significant meaning for geological research, but also is the most insane, splendid and mysterious period in paleontological history.

Before the Cambrian Period, the Earth’s species were relatively monotonous. When the Cambrian Period started, just after millions of years, which is a relatively short period of time in terms of geology, all kind of species on Earth suddenly evolved wildly. Countless of invertebrates, arthropods, mollusks, brachiopods, annelids etc. have appeared on the planet without any warning, greatly enriching the diversity of the Earth’s species. This million years period is known as the “Cambrian Explosion”. And after billions of evolutionary years, the Earth today blooms with diverse lives.

The cause of the Cambrian Explosion is a huge mystery and also the biggest paradox of Darwin’s theory of evolution.

What if… the Cambrian Period is coming back in this era when human civilization has already conquered the entire planet, and the global species will once again evolve wildly, what kind of challenge will this planet encounter? What kind of fate will humans, who are falling from the top of the food chain, face?

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14 Reviews

New lucieldetroi
May 27, 2024
Status: c14
The idea was very interesting and honestly I want to finish reading this story unfortunately this story's MC is the character I hate the most an almost useless damsel in distress that can't survive on his own. Too annoying of a character and is a huge burden to the ml. Talks unnecessarily and asks too s*upid questions despite being depicted as an academic overachiever. The MC also acts too much of a naive fool and have the guts to be embarrassed and deny help when he's obviously slowing them down.

Maybe... more>> the MC will grow in the later part of the story and won't be as useless but still just from the few chapters I've read I can tell the MC's character won't change much and might actually become more annoying.

Really, I thought the story had a good start and that the MC's character was pretty good but from the moment the MC met the ML the MC's character turned into a useless annoying burden the was supposedly very smart but isn't really showcasing the adaptability of a smart person. I mean the MC planned to prepare and planned for the speculated doomsday but as soon as the the ML appeared the MC suddenly lost all his smarts and turned into a fool that can't even follow instructions right. <<less
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Dec 27, 2019
Status: --
Hi everyone, translator here. First of all, I just want to let you know that I really appreciate anyone who decided to give this novel a chance. I made the decision to translate this novel purely out of passion with the intention to make "The Return of Cambrian Period" be known by many BL novel readers.

I'm a picky reader, but "The Return of Cambrian Period" has always been one of my favorite novels of all time. It has every element that makes me love it: lots of adventures, thrilling plots,... more>> a wide range of characters, a little bit of romance and of course, the 18+ scenes (cause you know... I just cannot live without them.)

The novel has a total of 11 books with 8 of them being the main books (293 chapters) and 3 other books are filled with 70 special chapters about the aftermath, so yeah... It's a long ass novel...

The novel takes place in modern days when human has pretty much conquered everything and the Cambrian Period once again comes back and wreaks havoc on the human society.

The main uke is a wifey material. He's very caring, gentle and very smart. He can cook, he can sew, he can do lots of things, but he's also an invaluable member of the team in terms of combat. His ability is really unique, and you'll know soon as you continue reading this novel.

The main seme is a soldier who belongs to a special unit. He has strong survival instinct and is the main offender of the team. He is very strong, but not overpowered (I think...). He's tall, tanned and well-built, which is my favorite type of seme.

There are also many other BL couples in this novel as well. What can I say, this novel is filled with gay couples LOL.

I would be very grateful if you rate and leave reviews on NU. The links on NU will direct you to my wattpad, which is the platform that I use to post new chapters every now and then. You're more than welcome to vote on each chapter and leave comments on wattpad. I enjoy interacting with my readers as well.

I have already obtained the permission from Shui Quian Cheng to translate "The Return of Cambrian Period". However, if you ever have a chance to support the author, please do so.

Finally, I hope you will enjoy this novel as much as I do. I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say about "The Return of Cambrian Period". <<less
75 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 18, 2022
Status: c246
Loved it! Setting is the the end of the world (ap- whatitsname) but without zombies (superpowers and monsters though are there)

Summary: Cong xia is just a regular office employee- although with good hacking skills. One day however an earthquake changed everything, the world is in chaos! Many strange occurrence happens, just as he was prepared. A man appeared in front of his door. The man is in military with mysterious missions. He just happened to fulfill Cong xia's uncle request: to send him into Beijing where his uncle is.

On... more>> the way, he met many people, who later become his trusted teammate.

Their journey towards Beijing however, was only the beginning.

plot is awesome (very very creative I think) , the fighting scene is there, the warm scene between teammates are there, the teammates is 3d they have their own personality and story. the mysteries also there, the romance? Don't ask! It's beautiful slowburn with great development. (I love how the author be like- feeling first then s*x it's more of my jam really)

Cong Xia, at beginning is Weak and cowardly (well, HE IS JUST AN ORDINARY PERSON-) in the beginning I somewhat unsatisfied with this behaviour. But he is never drag people down and he's not s*upid. He knows his own capabilities.

Many chapters later however... I realized I underestimated him.

Sorry cong xia, I love you now.

He's also the one who takes initiative when doing something more than kissing with Cheng Tianbi... otherwise? If he didn't act I'm afraid until the sky fall they're still in kissing stage xD

The most interesting thing is... Cong Xia character development. Really, beside romance and the plot and- ehm. Anyway, his character development is beautiful to me.

The romance is second to the plot. Yes, it's plot heavy with dash of romance.

Now, the teammates. Oh man, I love them all, they're so precious. Of course, they're not perfect and have some flaw but that's made them more 'alive' (Now if you want surprise skip this. Since this is kind of spoiler.... not too much though just a little since beside Cong xia (MC) and Cheng tianbi (ML) name I won't disclose anyone else, I also won't disclose their ability, but it's REALLY COOL!) here we have:

Cheng Tianbi, a military man with mysterious mission, cold but has soft Heart (mostly applied to mc) the dad- I mean leader of the group. Major important decision made by him

Cong Xia, Was an ordinary person but later become most important part of the group. The most who has character development. Also The mom- I mean the nanny of the group. Minor decision are made by him. He's caring, but determined and I like his determination.

??? - was a celebrity, very vain about his appearance, if you says he's smell he will smack you to death, childish despite his age almost 30. But his heart is kind and he's trustworthy and loyal. The sister (...) of the group. Very enthusiastic about main cp. Never mind his own love story is slow as snail (it is lovely)

???- A very smart kid with trust issue. The strategist of the group. (Personal: he's remind me of Pidge actually, but well, a bit different too)

???- big cute cat. Very lovely and cute and warm. I love-

???- A man who looks like a hero. Honest, upright and straightforward also stubborn. Traditional man really (which Is funny when he deal his feeling with his future bf who is a man). He's also cute. The reliable brother of the group (CX be like: finally we have the normal one among us /tear up/) I am interested in his story with the other- yes second cp is related to this man and I love that cp.

???- an 18 years old kid who finally acted like his age. s*upidly cute and simple. Loves food. Hates cold. Very powerful. (Lmao the author said this boy just here for lowering this IQ group. But with him here, everything is not so gloomy and serious. Oh, he's also straight)

# teamasfamily <3

Very enjoyable read. The summary kind of boring really so I missed this for many times :') too bad. Thank gosh I finally read <<less
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 27, 2019
Status: --
Awesome and exciting novel, worth every single minutes spending on it. If you are a fan of apocalyptic genre and BL, this novel is a perfect choice for you.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 25, 2021
Status: --
The story pacing and the plot is good. The ML is well written. The only downside is this story is the MC. His character is the typical weak-willed, soft, and damsel in need of rescue all the time. I feel like he was written with female MC characteristics in male body for the sake of bl.

Even during apocalypse, MC continues to be naive and weak. MC depends on ML shamelessly, and proudly admit that he is weak so he can do nothing about it. MC is said to be smart,... more>> but he has not exhibit his intellect, only cowering in fear, hiding behind ml.

It reads like typical shoujo romance, only MC gender is changed.

5 for the plot, 4.5 for translation. 2 for mc's personality. <<less
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Jan 23, 2020
Status: --
I have read this novel before. It was so good that I literally slept only 3 - 4 hours for 2 - 3 days in row to finish the whole thing. One of the very few BL novels about apocalypse that I really like. What I like most about this novel is that the author created a giant scheme and it is gradually unfolded as readers go through the novel. IMO, that requires well planning and good imagination. All in all, I highly recommend this novel.
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Jan 10, 2020
Status: v1c13
This novel looks very promising! The translator is doing a great job at explaining cultural references too.

I like the MCs personality so far - it definitely seems like we'll get to see some significant character growth from him. I think he's already starting to melt the cold face of the ML bit by bit, even if the ML doesn't know it yet haha.
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Jul 13, 2023
Status: c41
Rating 4 stars but I'm dropping this.

Love the plot, it's very unique and I like the way the author illustrates the world.

A lot of people say they hate the MC's personality, but I don't mind it that much, he's just a normal guy in my eyes, nothing too special to make me love or hate him. ML is really cool and I like how he gets jealous easily.

The Reason I dropped is just a personal preference. I hate the side characters... specifically Zhuang Yao

... more>>

I disliked him the moment he appeared and I can't bring myself to read this novel with him in it... although he's smart, he brings problems to everyone due to his lack of foresight and he's a pathological liar. I think the author intends for us to pity him when his cat almost dies, but I just can't... I can't like him! I get angry whenever I see his interactions with the other members and I was really frustrated when he kidnapped Cong Xia...


This novel is really good and I was planning on binging it but I can't break through this psychological barrier...

I recommend this novel to anyone willing to read though! <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 18, 2023
Status: Completed
It's so good! 😭 At first I was hesitant to read it cause it seemed like I would have a hard time understanding the plot but it was supringsinly easy to follow through the plot! To the point that I just mtl the rest of the chapters cause I was so absorbed into the story. Also to the reviews that said they were frustrated by some of the characters you have to read through the book!! It gets better so new readers out there don't get scared away XC.

10/10 will... more>> recommend. I just wished there was an 2nd book about this cause I still want to see how they fix and lead the cities and that MC would develop into an attacker as well not just a support cause I felt frustrated at times when he felt useless being protected by the others but believe me I personally belive he had one of the most character development and I cant even blame his mindset at first cause he was just an ordinary person before the apocalypse, but other than that I'm very satisfied with the story to the point of creating an account just to leave this review XDD


I cried buckets when it was time to seal the puppet jade my poor bby suffered so much😭


Now I feel empty after finishing this :') <<less
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Sep 29, 2020
Status: c285
The Return of Cambrian Period told the story of how modern world suddenly got hit by endless energy (Cambrian Energy) that's non stop promoting the growth and evolution of all creatures on earth. It is riddled with mystery that's slowly unfurled as you reached the end. It made you scratched your head as everything you thought you knew apparently was not the truth.

The story followed the journey of Cong Xia, a young man that bound to a mysterious jade stone; and Cheng Tianbi, a secret soldier that was returning from... more>> a mission and awakened a natural power (wind). They set their journey to Beijing, in the midst of apocalyptic world, to understand more about what happened to the world. Along their way, they collected partners and colleagues, expanding their team to six people and a cat, and became one of the most influential team to fight the apocalypse.


I personally love this story. It's pace is well done, the mystery is well done, the writing is well done, and the plot is well done. The story take sample from another story called Global Evolution (which I haven't searched yet), with different takes and all that. It's main text is ending at chapter 285 while others are extra.

I don't really like the MC personality tbh, but it's still quite good and not annoying enough for me. I don't regret reading this much and it deserve 5 stars from me. I'm hesitating to read the special chapters because it's so long but it should be good.

Anyway, I won't say much, but if you have time and chance, read this, you won't regret it. <<less
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Shimozuki Yue
Shimozuki Yu
Apr 03, 2022
Status: --
It's good, really good, everything have some sort of explanation and the scientific part is well blended with the cultivation part.

But it just gets so annoying when the Villain was introduced.

... more>>

The villain is a mad scientist that believe that utopia is where only people with high gene should rule the world. He's technically the personification of human's arrogance.

The Cambrian consciousness was explained to be the the world's consciousness that express to balance the world. But the fvking dude think he could take advantage of such a powerful will to bring the humans to the peak of evolution. Wtheck, the consciousness was practically eliminating the biggest species, which are mostly humans, that disturbed the balance. It was shown that the end of the evolution of those powerful being that evolved so fast was destruction in the end. Humans lost their reproduction, and those below the food chain was gaining consciousness and therefore knowledge and understanding. It says a lot how after the disaster, even if humans will not be instinct, they won't be the only intelligent life form anymore, and so the world would balance.

The dude didn't take a hint. But that's ok, he was a mad scientist from the beginning.

What irritates me are the MC and his group. Heck boy, yes at the start, they are a new power and need some standing, but seriously, MC is the only healer and the only one who could help the evolved human to at least not end up in explosion, but they acted too much of an underdog and therefore played by the villain.

The first one is when they give the cultivation method. Yes, I know despite not liking the other faction, everyone is needed to restore humanity, but they should have put on condition to it! They excuse it as every resources of the science academy must be shared. Sht no, yes you are leaning on the academy and military and part of the cause, but you aren't their property, and therefore should have put strategic opinion.

Second is that arrogant lighting ability (he's a lackey of the villain). They kidnapped the parent of Liu and demanded very high conditions. They would have let him walk all over them if he did not demanded a very high energy amount (energy is currency in there but MC is like an endless energy battery) and feared he would know that MC have more ability beyond healing. Later it's kinda ok as they injured the son of the general (also in the same group of the villain) so in exchange of healing, they'll return the parents.

Seriously, who in the right mind offends the only healer? They kept saying that the powerful only feared being hurt cause the evolution made even bacteria multiply so fast, there's no saving even if it's just scratches. Yes, every faction wanted him and is a threat but at the same time, these forces should have want to sell him favours, and wouldn't let other factors to just kidnap him. But he was treated like some sort of shared resources, he could be pressured into healing people all because these people are used to restrain each other (not unreasonable but MC's ability should be more important). If someone tried to kill my friend, I would curse at him and threaten him that I hope he won't be injured cause I won't be going. And even if I go, I would wait till he was in his last breath. But no, they just end up showing ML's trump card.

Then later, everyone is in the threat of blowing up when stepping into the second lvl of evolution, even that arrogant lighting person that acted as if he would never need healing or be able to force MC into it. Now they're at advantage cause it was only by MC that they could have a higher chance surviving. But then no, the villain just have to release a hord of c*ckcroches and push them to help the guy evolved and even to demand many things like having his uncles escort and in the possibility of being handed as a hostage. Like dude? Seriously are you just going to get played? Yes the villain is the one who knows how to stop these insects but they're also about to blow up you know? I might be cold hearted but I'll just wait for him to be desperate or better yet, just blow up. Yes, the insects are reproducting to fast to control but seriously, I rather solve them after the guy was gone than relay on him. He was able to do this, he will do another one later. There might be casualties to the civilians, but this sht proved that he could care less for civilians and there will be plenty more casualties later if he was left. It's not like they don't have other brain evolved people right? Maybe I just really suck at politics but I really think MC and the gang are being so useless as they're like a ball being kick by who ever wanted to take advantage. Like when the Villain threatened and wanted him, they'll just give him. It just gets annoying. They played too much like heroes when they're in fact, just strengthening the Villain. They obviously have a different goal for so long, they tolerate the guy cause they're apparently all part of the science academy.

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May 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Edit: Now that I think about it, MC and ML first meeting is so cheesy I'm getting second hand embarrassment.

... more>>

also, the part where they go against the bugs of Xi'an, I thought since there is Liu Fengyu and Cheng Tianbi they could have made LFY digestive juice into some sort of small range bomb and have CTB control the wind inside the pagoda in Xi'an to control the spread of the digestive fluid, better yet, since CTB can elementalize himself just turn the fluid into gas form spread it in front of the team while looking for the jade, it would have solved so much trouble, but then I guess it wouldn't be as thrilling

But I like the part where they crippled XuYing's son, that was a good plan.

And stinky prof zhuang yu is like the c*ckroaches he breed. Formidable and disgusting. And in turn I'm increasingly becoming disappointed with Tang Tingzhi and MC's uncle role. They are high level brain domain mutants but are always forced into passive role by zhuang yu, how come? They're more like a cheering squad instead. It's said there is 20 or more brain domain mutants I don't believe there isn't anyone with advanced brain surgery knowledge. This should have been an opportunity too, to introduce new characters. But I guess there's already too many characters. Anyway they sort of got along in the end.

The extras are like mini novels of the side CPs, mufei and devil pine are a little pitiful


This story is really good but also with weird convoluted plot scattered in the most annoying places. It got me so annoyed I want to throw my mobile across the room sometimes. But overall, a good post-apocalypse story. <<less
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Apr 14, 2020
Status: v1c25
It is a very interesting concept of apocalyptic/evolutionary world.

The characters are interesting till now.

The only thing that bothers me is that its to slow and the initial trip to....


the airport took so many days, so many incidents and in the end they didn't even leave the city much.


Like in this 25ch could have been more or smth. But I will still continue to see where it reaches.
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Feb 06, 2022
Status: c14
The story and the plot is really good, however the MC is a bit annoying for me. I am sure there'll be a lot of development for the MC character (I really hope), but for now I can't stand the MC. I drop it for now.
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