The Lord’s Empire


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“Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.” After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground.

With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lingzhu Zhi Bing Fa Tiaxia
The lord's army conquered the world
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation ML #2
  2. My Main Novels
  3. Wuxia WTR
  4. All novels i liked in my 5 years journey
  5. Not a recommendation PT. 1

Latest Release

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03/29/18 Webnovel c56
03/29/18 Webnovel c55
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88 Reviews sorted by

whscorbin rated it
May 23, 2020
Status: c1500
I had originally really liked this novel. The initial couple hundred chapters are a fun read, though the writing is not the best. It was the type of thing you could easily read through without too much thought, I would compare it to a light snack rather than a meal. At a point though the plot goes off the deep end and the MC goes from trying to conquer the world to raping every woman he encounters. It is really strange because the novel initially doesn't have too many s*xual... more>> elements and then suddenly he becomes a massive rapist with multiple women each chapter.

The plot is similar to the World Online, though with a fantasy element. The MC can go to an almost game-like world (other people can as well) where he is building an empire and conquering everything around him. However, while the World Online is amazing the Lord's Empire isn't.

The novel has some kingdom building elements that aren't really built up or expanded. All of the interesting kingdom building elements are kinda glossed over or summarized, it almost seems as though the author wanted a kingdom building novel but forgot about it after the first dozen chapters.

The novel follows the cycle of MC goes to place -> finds awesome treasure -> encounters really powerful person -> survives but doesn't win -> goes home and expands kingdom by conquering other group -> MC finds new place to go to.

The MC also begins to meet new characters in each chapter, who are introduced and then barely improved upon other than that they want to have s*x with the MC. There is no character depth or growth, no interesting characters and most of it is easily forgettable. <<less
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May 20, 2020
Status: --
It starts out okay with a protagonist who is not a complete psychopath bit ruthless enough to become strong. The MC gets powerful without being too unbrofled, he doesn't take a bunch of women ect. The way he constantly conquers villages is kinda brutal but all of his plans are designed to minimise casualties. However at some point the author decodes that this character was too reasonable and likeable so makes the character become a demon for absolutely no reason and then uses this as an excuse to turn the... more>> MC into a completely unreasonable as*hole with no redeeming qualities. The MC goes from somone who wouldn't even say anything if a rich young master messed with him to a MC who literally slaughters millions with no compromises and it's jarring <<less
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Calmeleon rated it
May 2, 2020
Status: c1603
I really enjoyed the majority of the first 1000 chapters. The story and translation wasn't anything groundbreaking (or even above average) however it was able to succeed in engaging and immerse me into our protagonist and his struggle to rise Qin into a mighty empire. The character and scale of the story create an engaging environment that really fleshed out the setting of the story.

The major problems arise by around chapter 600 as the characters and plot starts to lose itself. The protagonist loses his character and in many cases... more>> just becomes a blatant hypocrite. Its interesting seeing characters in novels doing morally questionable, even downright evil, actions that are for the greater good of their own selfish interests, "dog eat dog world". However the protagonist and story slowly lose focus and descend into topics such as r*pe and mindless slaughter for no real beneficial reason other than the authors power fantasy. This story really just drops off the deep end after around chapter 1200 as the focus on building up the intricacies of his empire is instead exchange for 2 full major arcs of chasing booty. By the current chapter it has descended into just shagging every women he comes across the chapter or at-least the next chapter that their introduced and flexing on any random nearby prince from an kingdom that spans billions of individuals, in the local tavern.

I find it just a shame as the novel is honestly quite good for a while. However the author lately has just seemed to have given up on the characters and storyline in exchange for presenting women and power to the MC on a platter.

I would still recommend the novel for the first 1000 chapters, just prepare for the inevitable drop in quality. <<less
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giratina143 rated it
February 25, 2020
Status: c10
I just can't go on! It's been 10 chapters and it's so BORING. There is no rhyme or reason for whatever is happening. The "game world" is so overly convoluted with stats and descriptions. He is apparently a great Lord now for whatever reason and he is already behaving like he is a c*cky Noble. Yuck. The yuckiest yuck. I'm sure it's going to go even more downhill from here.

I started it despite the warnings in reviews because the tags were interesting to me, I mean it promised a lot... more>> of (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) time. But God no, I can't read one more page in this shit. I was skipping paragraphs by chapter 2 man.

There are super sh*t CN racist novels, like God and devil world. But even those have an interesting begining till upto around chapter 150. This is just..... God. STAY AWAY. <<less
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kelicant rated it
November 28, 2019
Status: c1253
The novel reads like a cheap fanfic. It adds every element in that it can fit into the story without caring much about them. Zhou Fu collects hundreds of various powers that are supposed to be unique. He encounters beauties by the dozens everywhere he goes who willingly abandon their previous men/kingdoms to submit to him for s*x. The reason I say it sounds like a fanfic is because around 1200 or so he starts collecting League of Legends champions as his concubines such as Syndra, Ahri, Sivir, etc.

The plot... more>> is pretty shallow and reads like wish fulfillment, but I keep reading because it's still enjoyable if you're looking to kill time. <<less
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Wimopy rated it
August 28, 2019
Status: c531
Honestly, it has potential. It isn't like The World Online where if you don't speak Chinese/know the names of famous people and places you will lose track of what is going on.

However, it's extremely inconsistent in its logic.

  • The author can't seem to decide if the MC is cold and evil or forced to be. Sometimes, it'll be shown that he's just merciless to people who stubbornly go against him, sometimes he's exceedingly cruel when he could easily choose a different path. This could have plot reasons. Or maybe not. Author hasn't made it clear to me.
  • Power levels are all over the place. City Lords seem roughly equal. Except they can, at times, last a long time against 3-12 other City Lords and even escape. At some point, MC becomes strong enough to "easily" kill a City Lord, except he can't in practice.
  • Everyone hates the MC and Qin. Because... they have to? Perhaps only a tint handful would be willing to help or work for him. This is barely handwaived as being due to their greed or gullibleness or fear.
  • Sometimes, things happen that are then forgotten, with no further mention. Or seemingly even retconned away.
  • MC is cold, merciless and overbearing. Except sometimes with women. He'll sometimes let them do things that offend him just because they can help him a tiny bit and he doesn't even try much to change their behaviour.
  • I won't even comment on the usual number inflation for distances and population.
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DicerX rated it
July 22, 2019
Status: c1000
The plot in itself is not that unique, but the author has a good take on it, what upsets me is the innumerable amounts of women that are constantly sidelined or objectified. At other times the author leaves with too many plot holes and continuously goes on spending more than a chapter's worth describing how the MC will take down an unnecessary monster.

I would recommend reading this novel, but it gets boring in chapter 800 or so.
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spic rated it
June 22, 2019
Status: c997
I love this novel however I see their is over 2300 chapter and only 997 are out is their any other place to read a good quality translation that doesnt ruin the story out there in english version?
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