The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor


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The man forsaken by the world, the man a s*ave to money and the man known as the legendary God of War in the highly popular MMORPG Continent of Magic. With the coming of age, he decides to say goodbye, but the feeble attempt to earn a little something for his time and effort ripples into an effect none could ever have imagined.

Through a series of coincidences, his legendary avatar is sold for 3 billion won, bringing great joy to him, only to plunge him into despair at losing almost all of it to vicious loan sharks. With revelation of money through gaming, he rises from the abyss with new found resolve and steps forward into the new age of games led by the first ever Virtual Reality MMORPG, Royal Road.

This is the legend of Lee Hyun on his path to becoming Emperor with only his family’s loving heart, his boundless desire for money, his unexpected mind, his diligently forged body and the talent of hard work backing him.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dalbic Jogaksa
Related Series
The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor: Dad is a Legend (Sequel)
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01/14/20 LMSnovel v54c8 part2
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01/11/20 LMSnovel v54c7 part3
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01/01/20 LMSnovel v54c7 part1
12/26/19 LMSnovel v54c6 part3
12/17/19 LMSnovel v54c6 part2
12/11/19 LMSnovel v54c6 part1
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194 Reviews sorted by

TheGamingNerd rated it
July 10, 2017
Status: v48c8
The novel is getting better and better at the start there was almost nothing interesting but the novel started developing after the founding of arphen kingdom the fights are detailed even though you will start saying that main character is the strongest dont forget that haven empire king/emperor is a black night and gets stronger when he does kingdom related work like killing rebels and stopping lords from betraying with killing them that increases the overall stats and he is the emperor of a empire capable of unifying the whole continent. The Characters are well developed we know a lot about them and their families and the author doesnt make them boring like a lot of novels that just say that MC is the most powerful person in the whole universe and stuff and the rest characters are all garbage.MC isnt strong from the start expect his intellect that he obtained while making methods to earn money and he has an art related job but that doesnt mean he is weak as hell he obtains legendary abilities of a sculptor as the story progresses and making him a grandmaster sculptor. Never underrate this novel after all its 1 of the top 3 best vrmmorpg novels created
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June 5, 2017
Status: v48c8
It started off great. I meant the story. But the authors presentation got worse with every chapter. (That's one star lost from the initial 5 stars.)

"What do you think of Sculpting?"

And the MC insults it like anything. That's how it all started...

... more>> Well. Maybe the author meant it to be funny.

But he ruined the whole thing trying to be funny by introducing cults that drool over another man's girl. I better not get started. It's worse than those old mangas and anime where the whole school isolate you because you got a cute gf. I mean seriously. Guys envy the MC. Girls envy the heroine because she's attracting so many male gazes.. Are people that s*upid? Of course there are people going on saying "you don't look good together (and you're too handsome/beautiful for him/ her) I am saying this for your own good" and something similar which could potentially ruin a perfectly good relationship! (There goes another star).

The next annoying thing is that the author keeps using the term 'foreign car' go describe wealth! (Not enough to lose a star).

The next star was lost because of the dumb translation. Actually the translation wasn't all that bad when it began. But the translation from one particular person was so darn s*upid that it ruined the whole thing. The dumb translation had enough 'power' to ruin any masterpiece! <<less
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May 28, 2016
Status: --
This story is definitely on of the best reads out there. If only the MC wasn't so s*upid. The story is about him wanting to earn money yet his actions constantly seems to make him lose money and rep. With idiotic choices all over the place.

why the hell did he pay of a bit over 2.5 billion debt with 3 billion should be plenty left. If he had paid a little more attention to fame he could make money flow in. This happens a bit too much so I can't really sympathize with the MC. Its like he's brain dead, narrow minded and shortsighted

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Kefi rated it
April 9, 2016
Status: --
The story is sometimes all over the place, the MC is sometimes unlikable and the translation is sometimes quite bad...

and yet sometimes I laugh out loud, sometimes I'm touched. All in all, I'm invested in these characters and I like this story.
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grandplex rated it
March 16, 2016
Status: --
It isn’t bad, a wide ranging epic storyline, and an interesting MC. The MC’s lifestory outside the game is also much less annoying and fits better with the main storyline, unlike some of the similar novels, where the MC’s outside of game life is either non-existent or seems like something an author wrote up while drunk (Zhan Long). LMS is far from perfect though. While the MC does some strange things that are sort of jarring, it still fits with his character, but, it shows up in ALL the side... more>> characters, as if the MC is surrounded by a bunch of brain-dead idiots. The side-character’s also show up in the story far too much, and at strange times, it will jump to completely unconnected, unrelated things that side characters are doing, and the author loves adding more, I cannot even count how many side characters the author has thrown in that have nothing to do with the story. The number of volumes could easily be dropped down by a 1/3 just editing out these pointless scenes. This ridiculous aspect of the story is what dropped this from a 4.5 to a 3 star. <<less
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balancekun rated it
February 10, 2016
Status: --
Story is ok but not as good as fans say... I liked ARK more than this, eventhough people say this is the orginal one.. I feel that LMS is light, and pale compared to ARK....

Story is random, his party is awful, 500 swordnoobs are terrible (sometimes I dont understand the s*upidity of author) and weed is very good @ flattery and not selfish or not as wicked as people say.. and his job is LMS well I thought it is something awesome but keeps on building his character by grinding... more>> grinding.. nothing else...

yeah I can read the same things for 1 or 2 times but not for 1000 times... yeah hardworking MC are good but I like cunning and intelligent MC (ARK, OEM MC, ATG MC etc) more

well if have free time, you can read this novel to kill some time thats all, 3/5 <<less
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oblueknighto rated it
November 15, 2015
Status: --
My favourite game and VR novel by far!

It’s funny, the plot is interesting and I’ve kept up to date with the updates from way back when I first picked it up at royalroad.

If you haven’t read it yet then you must give it a try, you won’t be able to stop reading.

Review @ v33c1
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Doffy rated it
November 17, 2022
Status: --
I have read Overgeared previously and that made the novel so much worse. Same setting but the quality difference is off the charts between the two. If Overgeared is 80/100 then this one is 5/100. All those who're saying this is good simply never read others of the same genre e.g. Overgeared. I regret reading this. It's a bad memory. If you want details, read @Inaho404 's review down below. Similar experiences.
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August 14, 2022
Status: v10c8
Scrap up my past review it seems that I've misunderstood some things due to some shi** translation and such but technically as of right now it's a great novel but the pov swaps sometimes makes me ???. Also...
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urmomsballs rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: --
0 character development for our MC, girls fawn over him but he ends up with the person who the author quite obviously ... more>> wanted to setup with him from the beginning (You'll know once you read it) What's the point of introducing all the other characters then, especially if they have actual character? FL is clichéed and 2dimensional.

Plot is fine, the game feels like a game world and doesn't try to promote itself as a second reality.

The side characters are endearing (especially the 505 sword maniacs)

MC complaining about his occupation that could actually be very lucrative if he just used it and the fame behind his character properly, gets repetitive, with mentions not decreasing in later volumes.

The interactions with MC and his sister are quite adorable. <<less
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RipeApricot rated it
May 28, 2022
Status: Completed
I didn't finished it. I forgot where I left it before. But that was atleast v12-15.

It's fun and amusing, the character himself is funny. He's also diligent and hardworking. I still remember some of his sculptures like the female somewhere that he used a player as a model, the life cycle sculpture, the sculpture on mountain when he practice, the sculpture on the 'art island', the sculpture of I think a tomb... And etc.

Anyway it is highly recommended. Just check out this high ratings.

- RipeApricot
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killerclown_99 rated it
April 6, 2022
Status: spinoff 3
One of the best krn out there. Highly recommended for those saying that their is no character development clearly you’ve been living a sheltered life a trauma can’t be immediately fixed I suggest you read it through. I’m still craving for more sadly it’s the end hays. Hope their is a sequel
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Greedyspree rated it
April 3, 2022
Status: Completed
I truly loved this novel, the start is a bit slow, but as a story based around a game I prefer this honestly. I loved the story through I would say probably 3/4th of it despite the fact many of the jokes are redone, and some character development felt lacking at times. Until recently I reread the whole story and I regret it, the last quarter of the volumes shows the author seems to have lost direction, the MC even gives up a class he unlocked, and finally chose making... more>> it feel like a huge waste of time. The ending is even worse basically all the development the character should have slowly had was crammed in to the ending. Great to read, but best to stop by volume 50. <<less
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yeah2xuhuh rated it
March 16, 2022
Status: v03c03
Ahhhhhhhh. So far, so disappointing. I was expecting too much for this novel. The way it is written is so anti-climactic.

The story progresses in a 3rd-person POV. The 1st-person POVs are just one-liners, with little to no conversation between characters. Due to this, it is difficult to convey feelings, it became monotonous. There's too much explainations that sometimes they over-explain something simple to understand, and to the point that it became redundant. My biggest issue is how anti-climactic it is written. Like, they build up something awesome then quickly end... more>> it. Like, ahhhhhhhhhhhh disapointment.

Like the scene where Weed and Mapan (the merchant) was nearly been used by 4 player killers in the Dwarf Tomb. After Gran (one of the 4 PKers) killed the only surviving 'comrade' of his after the traps, it is him vs Weed. Gran gave advantage to Weed by attacking him first for 3 seconds. The build up was great, but ahhhhh disappointment.


I compare it to Overgeared since there are similarities. I know this was written first. I had read Overgeared first and while waiting for the next volume, I started TLMS. I had expected this to be better than Overgeared, but it proved otherwise. So far. <<less
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ApatheticSchizoid rated it
March 7, 2022
Status: Completed
Definitely one of top 5 webnovels I've ever read. The translation is one of the best I've seen to start off with. Even with the long chapters, nothing is missed and it flows really nice. The characters are great. Even the villains have depth and flavor to them that makes you want to see more of them. The MC has his flaws, but he's not brain dead. Stubborn and a bit self deprecating. He's interesting. The plot is very well fleshed out and they build up suspense and anticipation. It... more>> didn't feel rushed or unplanned at all during the novel.

The only real con I have is that the last couple of chapters felt more like fan service then an actual ending. <<less
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Lovelywuju17 rated it
March 7, 2022
Status: Completed
I'm satisfied yet not really

There's a lot of things that gotten wasted along the story. And there's some of things that I'm not quite satisfied.

... more>>

for example about his first love Dain, I want more of their interaction. Side characters more in depth background. Not just blindly wowing every weed actions and also critisize every his move too. Weed character as an MC. I get ir he's moneygrubbers and has a lot trust issues because of his past. But he didn't even try to socialize to his life when his debt or when he got money well. Sure he befriend a lot people from his neighbourhood, but I huess he didn't really care much anout his youth. He only has money in his eyes. Then, there's that character professor forgot his name who own unicorn company. I get his intention, but the eay he stalked and unconsent action towards weed making me disgusted. Especially, when he kidnapped him and planted him this super human whatever invention he gott. Sute after that weed got his inheretence and he also didn't mind it because he got money in return, but I just don't like his way to force things. Then there's seoyoon, weed love interest. Honestly, I don't like her. She's too perfect and her character personality is not memorable for me. I just got pissed off when she asked weedto have permission to govern the empire. And then what? She just spend all of those money he earned just like that without any sense that his boyfriend perhaps hate it. Yeah, annoying man. But at least he got that inheritence from the company. There's also regret so much regret when Weed suddenly become the heir and after he finished dominating all the continent, he chose to abandoned it and let other players ruled it after all of those hardworks and hundred chapters going to solve each fcking quests that sometimes unimportant! Like it just gotten waste when he suddenly money free all of sudden in real life. Man, I I realised no wonder why some of thw characyers in the story really hated weed. I love and in the same time hate him all of sudden because of that.


Some of big lessons that I learned after reading this.

1. Evil is a fundamental nature of human. Greedy come second.

2. Money is the key to happiness and good things, for example the change of your personality to good. Lol.

Man, idc I finished it and I'm done. Will I read it again? No, thanks. <<less
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November 3, 2021
Status: v20
This novel is way more better than other novel "overgeared"

Yes weed has some undesirable trait. But I really like his character, he's a true man. Yes a true man because he didn't run away from his responsibility to feed his real Family.

And him got the most beautiful woman in this story is justifiable, because he can provide live for her.

Not like other tr*sh character on other novels
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Soft_Mist2020 rated it
November 6, 2020
Status: v8c2
First off I really like this novel, the premise, the story and the characters. It’s exciting reading Weed’s adventure, him meeting friends and I am looking forward to when Weed gets to earn for his family. However as I progress it kinda gets repetitive, the descriptions like him being sculptor is not advantageous etc. I think the author should lessen on that and expound more on other characters or situations that are somehow just suddenly put to cut on a scene. I kind of feel frustrated because it’s really good... more>> but then it is suddenly falling short. I will try to continue reading but I am considering dropping it. <<less
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4AM-BingeReader rated it
June 27, 2020
Status: v9c1
I usually start with the manhwa/manhua/manga before I start reading the novel version of the series so I was hyped especially from all the epic things I've read from before.

I like how he always worked hard and got better in the game but he had a lot of inadequacies that were never improved especially in his personality, and from what I have seen from the other comments, He would not improve (I will, however, try to continue reading this).

From his bone-chilling roar from remembering Dain and Seoyoon's beautiful scenery when she teared up from the sculptures made by Weed


I can't help but compare this to Overgeared because that was a novel that I read before this with similar plots which annoyed me a lot. Overgeared strived in how the MC was human tr*sh (although a bit reasonable) but strived to become better not just skill-wise but also personality-wise making the jokes, relationships, and perceptions more dynamic. I was also hoping for that here considering what was shown in the manhwa but according to the comments of the others and what I have read, it isn't happening. I think it's already becoming stale fast especially with the bad translations. It does have good world-building and great descriptions when there are battles. I'm going to try and keep reading if this gets any better.
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richter03 rated it
June 24, 2020
Status: v54c6 part4
This novel end after Weed master his The legendary moonlight sculptor job, after that is down hill and boring to me; it's used to be good, I enjoy and laugh so hard on his journey to the top but everything start to slowly when down after he get a girlfriend like when its manhwa change artist (I really love the 1st artist's draw style).
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