The Healer Ditches the Boonies to Become an S-Rank Adventurer: The Boy from the Hero’s Village Doesn’t Know His Cheat Medicine Is Unrivaled


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I’m Leaf, a pharmacist in a remote village. Suddenly, a nobleman comes and takes away my fiancée, who is also my master’s granddaughter.

She makes me work for her and it seems like she’s been seeing someone else behind my back.

She tells me she’s marrying the nobleman and wants me to leave the pharmacy I inherited from my master.

“How about you work for me as my servant at the noble’s mansion?”
“Forget it… I don’t want anything to do with you anymore!”

I get angry, leave my fiancée and the village, and start traveling. There, I save a girl from an attack in the forest and discover I’m an incredible pharmacist with amazing combat skills like an S-ranked adventurer.

Later, I become successful in the royal capital. Meanwhile, my fiancée and the nobleman face tough times after pushing me away.

“Give me the usual medicine.”
“I can’t give you the usual without Leaf!”

The nobleman, disliked by the villagers (who are actually retired legendary heroes), falls from grace, and my fiancée’s luck takes a turn for the worse…

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Henkyou No Yakushi, Miyako De S-Rank Boukensha To Naru ~ Pawahara Kon'Yakusha Ni Uwaki Sareta Ore, Zetsuen Shite Mura Wo Deru. Naraku No Mori De Kitaeta Kikaku-Gai No Joutai-Ijou Sukiru To Sekai Saikou No Chiyuujutsu De Musou Shi, Taisei Suru. Imasara Nakitsukaretemo Modorimasen
Henkyou no Yakushi, Miyako de S Rank Boukensha to naru
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GodlyGodMcGodGod rated it
May 3, 2024
Status: c48
This story is dumb and bad, but for some reason I really like it.

Honestly, I seriously can't think of a single thing to praise this series for other than that I just enjoyed it for no real reason. It's full of clichés, the main character is not just OP enough to remove concern for his own personal safety but OP enough that he will guaranteed fix every single problem any non-villain might face so there's absolutely zero tension, most of the characters (especially MC) are dumb as a sack of... more>> bricks... but for some reason I keep reading it and even find myself smiling and chuckling in a few parts.

Basically, this is one of those cliché "Mistreated/abused protag gets abandoned/fed up and leaves his abusers - turns out he's actually SUPER STRONK/SKILLED so he goes on to accomplish great things and lead a fulfilling life - meanwhile the sh*t hits the fan for his former abusers and they eventually realize that this guy they were using until they kicked him to the curb was actually amazing and supporting their whole operation, but it's too late because now he's had a taste of his own worth and won't go back to their BS" type stories.


Specifically, MC is a pharmacist, raised in a village of former heroes, so his standards for everything are those heroes, leading to wacky results when he finally ventures out into the world outside and starts interacting with normal people. Cue laugh track. Sure, all he knows is heroes, fine, but you would think that after spending a certain amount of time outside and being CONSTANTLY EXPLICITLY TOLD DIRECTLY TO HIS FACE that his standards were way too abnormal, he might, maybe not fully accept it at first, but at least start to suspect that maybe he's the odd one out. Of course, even if he knew that his standards were out of wack, he might tone it down a bit with the stuff that has already been brought to his attention but anything that hadn't been specifically addressed yet, he wouldn't know other people found it weird, so you'd still have nearly unlimited comedic material to showcase how out of touch he is with normal people just by having him frequently pull out something new to dazzle his surroundings with... wrong, you replay the same old gag over and over again without the MC ever stopping to consider his actions or learning anything, occasionally slipping in something new so things don't get too stale. Don't stop beating that horse, it ain't dead yet if it's still twitching. So if the MC never learns that his actions are crazy and abnormal, surely at least the supporting cast will eventually get tired of overreacting to his shenanigans, right? No, of course not. Even with the same crazy thing he has repeated dozens of times, they still freak the hell out each and every time he does it, let alone whenever he rarely does something new.

The running gag I keep referring to is that the MC can extremely easily and with very little cost produce legendary elixirs that can cure all wounds and status defects with no side effects whatsoever. Because of this, so-called "legendary elixirs" hold very little value to him so he readily dirstributes them for even minor things like a minor headache. Obviously this is a legendary potion so the people around him freak the hell out EVERY. TIME. HE. DOES. THIS. He never learns that this is weird, they never get used to it and stop losing their mind over it. Cue laugh track. Then, occasionally he will run into a problem that can't be solved by throwing elixir at it, but that's fine. Whenever this happens, my guy turns into f*cking Doraemon with his interdimensional pouch of hyper-specific fixes for anything and everything. Lady caught a super rare incurable disease, but actually she's being poisoned by something even more obscure and less curable? Well my guy actually knows the cure. Oops! He accidentally punched a guy through a supposedly unbreakable wall when sparring (did I mention our pharmacist is also a combat genius?) ! Don't worry, he'll just whip up a repair potion real quick. Oh, this divine beast has brain cancer, let's just use a freaking cancer reversal potion on it, and then because it is upset that it grew too big to return to its friend in the city, we'll have it chug a transformation potion and turn into a hot woman. Harem member get+! Oh no! Someone literally died. Like, actually properly stopped living and all the way died, but that's fine. Say it with me, class; revival potion.

Now, if one of MC's potions isn't for a situation that's too specific (like cancer), there's a chance that that potion might make an appearance again later, but whenever this happens, the side characters seem to develop selective amnesia and forget about its existence entirely so they can do the reaction with all the same intensity as the first time they saw it. Especially the revival potion becomes a fan favorite. Bro literally uses the revival potion on a character, and then later that same character acts as if they've never heard of reviving the dead when he uses it again on someone else. It's important to note, they weren't just freaking out because the miracle of resurrection is insane even if you already know about it beforehand, they seemed to genuinely be upset that a character was dead after they already experienced death and revival themselves, and then shocked when the revival potion got used.

Throughout all this, MC remains almost sarcastically humble. Despite his actual god powers, he doesn't consider them a big deal because he was raised in a village of heroes where casual revival of the dead was par for the course and hunting down natural disaster-level legendary beasts was all in a day's work. That's fine, but after he leaves the village and begins interacting with normal people, he still maintains this mindset of "well, anyone can do this" with all the crazy OP stuff he does. When it turns out that, actually no the f*ck they can not do it, he doesn't look down on people as being weak or unskilled, or think that maybe he's actually kinda amazing, he just kinda... ignores it, I guess? If he acknowledged that he's able to do things that not only can the people around him not do, but that they consider to be legendary feats, it wouldn't make sense to keep his humble, practically self-deprecating attitude, so he just kinda doesn't acknowledge that he's doing anything out of the ordinary even when people are actively screaming in his face how ridiculous it is that he's able to do what he's doing. Cue laugh track. Even when he does something his master, someone he views as being at the pinnacle of medicine, couldn't do, he determines that he "still has a long way to go." Like, it's good to not get conceited, but it's not conceit to merely acknowledge the fact that, even if it's only one thing, you made something your master was not able to so even if you're not quite on his level yet, you're definitely catching up.


Another thing: every single chapter opens up with a refresher on the current situation, kinds like "last time, on Dragon Ball Z:" so it's pretty safe to just skip the first paragraph of every chapter. This isn't really a problem per se, but it is unnecessary so why not mention it?

All in all, from an objective standpoint, this novel is bad. Like, really really bad. But despite all of my higher, intellectual brain telling me all the various ways this series absolutely sucks, my entire lower emotional brain is eating this sh*t up and loving it. And isn't that why we read novels in the first place? If you want to satisfy the intelligent side of your brain, go read some books on history or philosophy. For the emotional side, I don't know if you'll get as much mileage out of this series as I am, but it couldn't hurt to try. <<less
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Thraximus rated it
May 3, 2024
Status: c41
The premise is cool. The translation is actually pretty good (which is becoming more and more rare these days on this site). The overall storyline is pretty nice, or rather the outline of the story is.

Now the execution is where this story really falters. I'm someone who likes a good old OP MC, seeing how he influences the world etc, so I REALLY wanted to like this story. But this MC is just totally clueless and blunders through the story not even realising anything he ever does. He is terminally... more>> s*upid, while at the same time being a "genius" who can do literally anything.

The reason why I say he is terminally s*upid is he is raised in a village full of heroes who are all turbo OP, so his common sense is warped at the start, which makes sense honestly. So far so good. He then goes out into the outside world and starts doing things that everyone around him just can't believe are happening. Every single time he does something everyone freaks out and is amazed, and he just says/thinks something along the line "This isnt a big deal, they are exaggerating" or "what is there to be surprised about, anyone can do this" (Spoiler alert they can't). Which you can hand wave for a couple of chapters, but even after meeting with dozens of people, goes through multiple towns etc etc, he still thinks that everything he does is normal and is confused that everyone is socked, showing that he is borderline ret*rded. He is uncapable of learning basic common sense. I mean people tell him exactly WHY what he is doing is amazing, they tell him that no one else can do it etc, and it just goes in one ear and out the other and he hand waves it.

The MC just never grows. Power wise he is max strength from the start, which is fine, but personality wise he is the exact same chapter 1 and later chapters.

This all in turn makes the story just boring. Its not bad, its not good, its just there. If you really have nothing better to do you can read it, its decent enough for a total time waster, but if you have literally anything better to do, don't bother with it. <<less
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atami-sama rated it
May 16, 2024
Status: c1
This is a good novel if you're not into serious ones. It's perfect for a worker busy during the day. If you take this novel too seriously, well, that's your own mistake.
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Touch-San rated it
April 21, 2024
Status: c10
Really not sure why so many gave this a 5 when this is 2 star material at best. There's absolutely no build up to the foolish fiance and the nobledick's downfall. They're already set to fall as of chapter 10 and I suspect that they'll be out of the story completely by chapter 25. The betrayal premise was clearly just bait for all the people who get hard-ons from seeing people suffering. The chapters following our titular character, Leaf, are written extremely simplistically. To put it in a different way,... more>> boringly. The chapters following the idiot duo are only marginally more entertaining than Leaf's, but like I said, they'll be gone by chapter 30 at the latest, so that entertainment value won't even last much longer.

The good novels in the "revenge" genre usually have the traitors' descent to ruin as endgame, and we get to see the MC's journey to make that happen as the buildup, and their happy life is the after story. When it all happens in the very first arc, it's a sign that maybe the author should have chosen a different career path.

To wrap this review up, I'll just say that you can read up to chapter 30 to watch the fools fall if you're into that (I'm not), but drop it immediately after. I'm dropping this now because it's just written poorly and I'm not a sadist. <<less
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