The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide


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I ended up transmigrating as a third-rate extra in a game I like, but worst of all this character has already fallen and been disowned.

I have no ambitions. I just want to graduate, but the world won’t let me.

Associated Names
One entry per line
How to Survive at the Academy
Surviving The Academy
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Related Series
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy (5)
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (4)
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I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy (3)
How To Live As An Academy Extra Villain (2)
Kneel to Me (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Best Harem Novels.
  2. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)
  3. Peak Hidden Gems Part 3
  4. thesauce
  5. Books I want to read - Part II

Latest Release

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06/02/24 Yong Library extra 143
06/01/24 Yong Library extra 142
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05/29/24 Yong Library extra 140
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05/26/24 Yong Library c137
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60 Reviews sorted by

September 3, 2022
Status: c24

Innteresting characters.

The writing does get better after the early chapters.

... more>> Though it's a "MC doesn't want to interfere with the game's plot" type of plot you see in Self Insert fanfics, the plot deviations here actually are interesting and the butterfly effect portrayed very subtly.


There's too much monologuing. Too many words to say the same thing. Every character has a title, like Benevolent Princess Penia, and it kept being repeated so many times that it got annoying.

The cliche of "I don't want to interfere with the plot" even though the plot has already been unwittingly derailed can get annoying.

The MC's bad reputation also looks overblown given that what he did wasn't exactly that horrible. <<less
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HiroBlaze rated it
April 17, 2024
Status: c158
The novel itself gets a 5/5 from me. There is a harem and polygamy aspect to it, but it is fairly well done. The heroines are setup fairly well. Ed, Yenika, Lortel, Lucy, Ziggs, , Taeylor etc are all likeable characters.

My favorite heroine would probably be the spirit mage/elementalist Yenika. She is so bashful and innocent that her spirits and friends all help her out with approaching Ed romantically. Her spirits stalk the forest where Ed resides and gives a daily report to Yenika about him and the forest. The... more>> spirits are like grandfathers watching their granddaughter Yenika be in love.

Seeing Ed go from his wooden shelter to building an actual wood cabin with heat insulation and other functions makes you want to cheer for this guy. In the beginning of the story he was in survival mode after being kicked out of the dorms and banished by his villain family, so he really did not have time to think about anything else like romance yet. Winter was coming and he needed to build his cabin fast. Ed before being transported into Ed Rothtaylor's body was a former solder and potentially a captain level at least.

I would argue this is like a Korean version of Mushoku Tensei in some aspects. Ed grows his interpersonal relationships in the world and slowly gains strength. I recommend reading the web comic first to get a good sense of the novel then continue on from there.


The main issue for me is the translation of Yong Library. The issues are too numerous that my score on the translation alone is 2.5/5.

  • he/she pronouns are all over the place (Taeylor is referred to as she/her, Lortel as he/him)
  • terminology changes from one chapter to the next (demon engineering then to magic engineering, woodworking crafting lv to handcrafting to dexterity crafting, changing vitality to stamina then to strength are some examples)
  • it is most likely MTL and edited later
  • large parts of chapters are sometimes cut off at odd times
  • the quality is inconsistent and unedited
The funniest part is that the TL has a patreon page and asking money for this level of translations? I would have at least expected a good editor and TL checker to make sure the translation do not get cut off. <<less
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VoxAura rated it
June 20, 2023
Status: c120
I thought that this was a pretty enjoyable read. The MC possesses the body of a third-rate villain and has below-average stats. The author does a good job of making the MC's progress realistic. The MC isn't crazy overpowered and has to put some serious effort in to grow stronger.

I really dig the wilderness aspect of the novel. The MC basically lives in a cabin and has to figure out how to do everything himself. He's like a boy-scout in the making.

Compared to other novels, the MC isn't crazy powerful... more>> (i.e. He doesn't have some overpowered skill or obtain a heavenly god-slaying sword). He's more of a thinker, preferring to solve everything with proper planning rather than battle-prowess.

As the novel progresses, it focuses more on the harem-members and their relationship to the MC. The harem-members struck me as pretty annoying. It's always about them visiting the MC but nothing is initiated. There's also a lot of repetitive monologue, but the overall quality of the story makes up for that. This is better than most novels. If you're bored, definitely try it out. <<less
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Billyvdl rated it
August 27, 2022
Status: c38
Not that amazing as I expected. I liked 'Demon prince attends the academy' and I heard that this WN is similar to that so I decided to try it.

The only thing that is similar to Demon prince is the start where they both reincarnate as weak side characters that are non-existant in the original story.

This story is more similar to Novel's extra in my opinion. You'll see girls who have misunderstandings about MC and fall for him or think he's secretly OP. MC is also super dense about the girls... more>> feelings which is such an overused trope at this point.

Rather than seeing the MC and side characters grow like in Demon Prince, it becomes more of a story centered around MC's actions and the side characters reactions to them. I don't feel much character growth from the side characters yet. This might be because I've only read 38 chapters so far though, so we might see actual character growth later. So far though, character growth is disappointing.

MC also has it easy similar to Novel's extra because he knows the events and their tricks and how to proceed. Very different from Demon prince where MC struggles from the get-go. It's annoying seeing another story where MC is always a step ahead and is always in control of every situation.

Lastly, I feel like there's a lot of useless dialogue. It sometimes takes a full page for the author to discuss the character's feelings which they have mentioned countless times before already. This would all happen in the middle of a talk between characters or an important event. Rather than making the event more interesting, it feels like the author is purposely c*ck blocking you from reaching the climax (of the story). The amount of useless dialogue that could've been cut out is staggering.

Overall though, I still like the plot. I like how the story focuses on the MC's survival in a wild forest. I like how he builds things in order to survive and they constantly fail or need to be improved, adds more realism in my opinion. I just dislike the uselessly long dialogue that can be cut out and the lack of character growth of side characters. <<less
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cyanin rated it
April 2, 2024
Status: c64
Apparently there was a better version that was removed, I hunted around for it but couldn't find a link. So, this will be based on what is available. It's hard to comment on the plot due to so many no-effort MTLs floating around. It seems like a general academy mob villain possession novel that could be fun to kill some time reading through, with better versions ideally.

The MTL versions still have machine error lines in them. Most chapters get the gender he/she/etc wrong for at least one character at at... more>> time, including the main character at times, usually across that entire chapter. Then names are wrong/changed almost on a per-chapter basis, it just gets irritating having to figure out who a character is supposed to be, especially on their introductions. You shouldn't have to mentally correct something every sentence so it makes sense.

Still looking for this magic decently done version that maybe exists. For the 'new' ones on the release list, a basic editing pass by someone competent in English with an accurate character list would fix most of the problems. <<less
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assman162 rated it
June 27, 2023
Status: c140
It was okay. The main character is as interesting as a brick but I liked everyone else. Much of the plot was very contrvied though and it's incredibly obvious that the story is being made up as it goes. No real forward planning as is usual with LN and WN writers.

MattReading is one of the few translators that actually has a good pace. 2-3 chapters a day average with each chapter being quite long. None of that chapter 32 part 5 BS with a part per 2 days like many... more>> other TLs do.

Sadly tho' it got DMCA'd. <<less
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Hosh rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: c130
As far as transmigration harem novels go, this is pretty much my favorite. There's really no discernible major flaws

Honestly, reading the novel's 3-4 star reviews pissed me off. All of them were whining about the harem, about how the novel focused mostly on romance. For God's sake why the f*ck are you reading a novel with a harem genre if you don't enjoy harem. This is the equivalent of not liking Re Zero because you don't like Isekai, stop whining and read something else.

Anyways one of the few reasons I... more>> prefer this novel over most others in the same genre is due to the slight survival element. The MC is also rather weak, as in side character-tier unless he's willing to make some sacrifices.

The romance is also done extremely well for a harem novel. A 'side' heroine in this novel could pass for a main heroine in most other novels of the same genre.

The translation is some of the best I've ever seen. It contains it's fair share of mistakes and is by no means perfect but 10 chapters per approximately 3 days is just absolutely insane.

Edit: So apparently this novel has been licensed by some company called YONDER and therefore any attempts at translating this will be copyrighted. I understand wanting to make money but that has its limits so in light of the fact that YONDER makes people pay for every chapter aside from the first 5 and that the translation isn't even as good as the one from the independent translator, this is getting demoted to a 1 star <<less
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elbert134 rated it
June 4, 2023
Status: c40
A very good novel. Very similar to "I killed the player of the academy" but where the MC here is a bit naive and messes up more than Korin. I suppose this is because unlike Korin who regressed, Ed is someone who's just been transmigrated therefore it will take him a while to really realise the world he's in is not just a game, and they are real people. Korin made the same mistake as Ed in his first run, thus their similarities.

Characters are very fleshed out, and there's character... more>> development for the MC and the supporting characters. Especially the MC, slowly realising that the plot will not stay the same because he's involved in it. Might frustrate you in the early chapters for his naivete and mistakes though. But overall, a good novel. Definitely recommended. <<less
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k40235 rated it
August 31, 2022
Status: c39
altough story itself is good and mc's mindset and character are very likeable and presentation of the situations are one of the best I ve read, author s*cks at characterisations. There are 2 characters ... more>>


we know very deeply and has the most screentime after MC, whom I never sypmathized or understood neither of them a single bit. Both their intentions and worldviews are too foreign/superfical for me to care about them and this makes me skip their parts, which makes me out of touch with story.

In the future I hope we see characters who are closer to a real world character rather than a fairytale story character. <<less
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luckymorris rated it
August 30, 2022
Status: c35
No idea why this is so highly rated.

Just another story of someone going to a game/book world, just another MC that want to stick to the main plot but fail, just another MC that get what the book/game MC should have had, just another MC that get reincarnated into a 3rd rate villain. It's not bad but if you already read books that uses the same tropes, don't expect originality here, it doesn't exist.
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hose246 rated it
August 13, 2022
Status: c42
This novel is pretty entertaining.

The MC is someone who likes to keep the story line as close to the original as possible, because he knows that's his only advantage. Yet he will also step in if the plot got out of line in order to fix things. He is written pretty decently.

The side characters are also pretty solid. They all have things they are good at and things they are not. They each have their own backstories and troubles. They aren't annoying for no reason, and they do things with... more>> a reason.

The world building is also pretty decent. The systems are described simply and the world are also described simply. Most of the world building will be focused on the academy.

The fight scenes are also really cool. It's fun to see how the MC uses all his strategies and future knowledge to his advantage despite him being weaker than his opponents.

There are several questions or potential plot holes tho. Like:


The mercenaries hired by Elte in the Occupation arc. Aren't they beaten by Ziggs and Yennekar? They should also be mentioned in the report yet they are not. I'm a little curious about why.


Other than that, this is a pretty solid novel. One of the most unique things of this novel is its slight focus on production stuffs like building houses and tools. It is also really interesting to see the way this novel uses the butterfly effect. All in all, this is a pretty solid novel. It's not super world-breakingly amazing, but it's a good novel to read. <<less
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Mori Ackerman
Mori Ackerman rated it
February 21, 2024
Status: Completed
An absolutely beautiful story. I really enjoyed reading this and was able to complete it thankfully. I had lost hope when it got taken by Yonder. But a kind soul uploaded pdf of screenshots of Yonder's pages till the side stories.

Just google search the title and... more>>

vn meido

and maybe it's still there.

Anyway story was quite consistent and finished up quite nicely. Not too overly dense MC and though a harem I still liked the way each relationship developed. It didn't feel forced and the characters felt alive. I usually root for a single girl if I read a harem but this story I couldn't really do that since all the 3 girls seem quite lovable to me in their own way.
Stroy ended with all the plot point properly addressed.

Was quite surprised with the ending Great sage got and quite pleasant twist too


The one thing I like about this novel was that it stayed true to it's goal and that was 'Surviving". The MC not only maintained that goal but also taught everyone else around him on how important it is to survive even if everything feels hopeless and you feel killing yourself will be better. How his attitude affected those around him

even his enemy like the great sage

felt quite good.

I also liked the fact the final battle which was supposed to be a stage for the original protagonist was actually left for him and the MC had his own stage, not him taking the original MC's limelight.
This felt new compared to all Ohh I'm trying to be a side character but ended up defeating the main Boss trope.


The side stories were quite well written and smoothened out all his main relationships. I really liked Lucy's Side story. Well thought out and really well written.


I really liked the changes in Lucy and the side story explored a world in which Ed is dead and the Lucy who never lost Ed met the Lucy who lost him. The differences between them and how the Lucy's from that world cried in the embrace of original world's Lucy really touched me.


Overall, I'll say a very good read. A bit on the short side but doesn't feel that rushed. Good story, good message and good characters. 5 stars. Better than most of the stories coming out right now. <<less
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DarkD rated it
July 14, 2023
Status: c52
Pretty meh. It doesn't do anything so bad to make me drop it, but there's lots of bad writing habbits.

  • Mountains of useless exposition
  • Weird disorienting back and forth time skips
  • Dense male protagonist plus harem
So the useless exposition. There are massive chunks of text that serves no real purpose. The author just threw it in there because he wanted to. The game the story is based on is divided up into multiple acts. Each act has a boss. The protagonist, is aware of walkthroughs for each boss. The author posts these before... more>> an upcoming boss fight. They are closer to a spoiler than anything I'm interested in reading.

The time skips are just done really poorly. You'll have an upcoming event, then it skips forward to after the event and they don't tell you they've done that for like half the chapter when you finally start putting all the weird information together. Then they go back and do the event. Good timeskips will inform you that they happened.

Final criticism is self explanatory. I'm a guy, I can appreciate a harem, but in a novel, they just add a lot of useless exposition to the story. I'd rather the protagonist just get a girlfriend so we don't have to play this game having two girls bending over backwards to get the male protagonist's attention while not getting it. <<less
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OnePunchMan12 rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: c60
It's an academy action novel. Either this is a guilty pleasure for you (like me) or it's not.

Starts off fairly generic in it's concept (transmigrated into a 3rd rate villain, hard working MC, academy setting, etc...) But has some fun elements in it, more than most of these type of novels at least.

I dug the whole survival element of it. MC is forced to live in the forest after being kicked out, and watching him grow and adapt as a survivalist is fairly satisfying. He's a pretty likable MC overall,... more>> can't say that about most of the cast unfortunately.

I appreciated MCs attitude for the most part in the beginning. So many of these novels start off with MC going 'I can't intervene in the plot!' only to make a s*upid mistake immediately (exposing secret information from future plot by accident is a common one) thus drawing needless attention. Afterwards they have the realization way too late that it's impossible not to effect anything and they should just control the plot.

I generally hate this and wish novels would just skip this part entirely.

Thankfully with this MC I at least believed he really does not want to get involved with the plot and he avoids making dumb mistakes (for the most part). He tries fairly hard to stay away from people and keeps as low a profile as possible. Living far from everybody else and avoiding talking with them.

Still pretty s*upid that he thinks he somehow can avoid effecting the plot but at least he goes about it in a much more believable way than I've seen before.

Seeing him grow while trying so hard to survive in nature made me genuinely root for him that his plan can work.

The problem is, since author decided not to have MC force himself into the plot were gonna every heroine forcibly insert herself into MCs plot!!

Yep, every female character through no real reason finds herself in MCs orbit thinking 'he's interesting!'. This ranges from just showing up at his camp randomly like a wild pokemon to becoming obsessed with him after a 2 minute conversation.

One is especially bad since she pretty much becomes a stalker who endlessly monologues to herself about MC and his intentions, while having mental issues herself ('benevolent princess' my as*).

There's some likable characters but overall most of them are annoying.

In addition the whole hate for the MC because of the character who's body he took over feels so overblown... Most people are just a**holes to him because of rumors and take way too long to have a change in opinion that a real person would. They all just come off as some of the shallowest characters I've read in a while.

By the time most of them realize he's good and change opinions about him I just thought 'f*** them'. <<less
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August 18, 2022
Status: c35
It's really not THAT special. What I suspect most weebs are praising this for is the MC not being a pushover and actually saying no to women GIGACHAD Holy but it turns out he says no to mostly everything just for the sake of that alone, and is incredibly dense when he's not being deliberately obtuse, which from me elicits the same reaction other soy MCs would get, so it's really not that much different in terms of behavior as people are saying -- the end result is the same.... more>> An MC that reacts coldly to those around him or just ignores them altogether.

Death March already did this and that was a cuck heaven. This one's not quite there yet since it hasn't been 10+ volumes at this point and the character might actually evolve as time goes on, but I haven't read the raws so it has yet to be seen.

Oh yeah and the translators are paywalling like 10 chapters so you're never going to be caught up without paying. Just go read the raws with mtl, that way you can also find out whether or not it's worth looking forward to the translated chapters in the first place <<less
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Anovi rated it
August 9, 2022
Status: --
Very interesting! Become one of my favorites, the chapter are also frequent. Like how there is a subtle feel of personal growth and advices in book
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Leinyl rated it
April 12, 2024
Status: Completed
Yet another transported into a game possessing a third rate villain. But this time it is actually very good. The MC is a resourceful tactician rather than someone who uses brute force to defeat enemies, his insistence on following the original timeline may be frustrating at first (even if I understand the need for it) but it gets better later on. If I had to say it started by the end of act 2 when MC starts feeling less like a machine and starts to get emotionally invested. In addition,... more>> the story's attention to detail is incredible in how several pieces of information that was mentioned early in the story start to make sense (my favorite has to be the background of the original Ed Rothstaylor) and how the existence of the MC is causing a butterfly effect. The 3 main heroines are also portrayed really well, they don't fall in love just because of some simple reason but rather because of how they find comfort in his presence in each of their own way. Author has also managed to convey a message he wants to and implementing it in the story well. Several of the chapters near the end feels like an anti-su*cide lesson but it was incorporated so well that it enhances the story rather than hinder it.

If I have a complaint it has to be

Lucy not getting even a kiss even after her side story has finished, MC hasn't even made clear to himself as to what kind of a relationship she has with Lucy. In comparison, Lortel and Yennekar are someone he already sees as a lover, had kissed MC before the main story was completed and even gone as far as having s*x with them in their side stories. I just hope Lucy gets more focus in future side stories and finally be clear about their relationship. Another one is that Clarice gets sidelined after Act 3, I feel like there was more that can be done about her character rather than just being constantly used as a political power move

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Level1Pixel rated it
March 20, 2024
Status: Completed
The reincarnated as an extra in a video game is a pretty prevalent subgenre in the korean isekai space. What I thought would be a tr*shy binge turned out to be one of the most poignant series I have read.

The early chapters are exactly how you imagine a series like this to be. MC wows everyone as he manages to perform better than expected and slowly climb to the top. Meanwhile he starts to woo many of the heroines. The writing isn't too bad so it's a fun binge on... more>> a bored day.

Halfway through the series, however, there's a noticeable shift in both tone and writing quality. The arcs past this point put the series from a 3.5/5 to a 5/5.

One of the strongest point of this series is the way the author build its climax. The way they weave in flashbacks into a battle or the way they depict scenes of struggle as characters grit their teeth to fight is genuinely masterclass. And to finish the emotionally impactful arc, they slowly ease readers in as characters sit down and slow enjoy the melancholic scene. This is an author who knows how to satisfyingly start and finish a story. <<less
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February 26, 2024
Status: c35 part1
This book imo is easily top 3 of the couple hundred books I have read so far.

However the book has been dropped and picked up by Yong library and I've realized no one edits there chapters, like at all. Many times have female characters been called males and the exact same to the males.

They've butchered names of the MC and others multiple times so far to the point I thought it was a new character added to the scene.

There's other small issues in the mix also but those were the... more>> main issues I've seen so far and I even checked in the chapters in the 60's and it's still there.

I'm hoping they can go back to the earlier chapters with and editor and fix it cause this book is honestly one of the greatest but the issues that's been having is too frequent for me to read. <<less
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Kaze28 rated it
June 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I have read a lot of Academy web novels this year and I have to say that this is one of the best. The plot of the Story wasn't anything new at the beginning of the Story, around act 4/5 the Story starts taking a whole different turn (Good way). [/The arc with the Saint was soo good. It explored Ed as a character and showed how he would never give up] About the Harem. It was really well done. Each girl were perfectly balanced and all had they're one personality, simply can't hate them.
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