The Dark King


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Civilization is destroyed and records lost. Only Dudian survives in a cryogenic sleep. Three hundred years later, Dudian wakes up and must become Dean to survive. Who can he trust in this world overrun by monsters without and within?

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Related Series
Warlock of the Magus World (9)
Release that Witch (7)
Sevens (3)
Dungeon Defense (3)
Swallowed Star (2)
Great Demon King (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. The most interesting Light Novels
  2. Novels that I have read 2
  3. Survival game/ Survival based series
  4. Reincarnation / travel to the distant future

Latest Release

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84 Reviews sorted by

puffiness123 rated it
April 7, 2017
Status: c398
Very dark story. A lot of stuff happens that may trigger people. Read at your own risk.

Good world building. Pretty good characterization. Interesting antagonists. Genius protagonist.

The main character wakes up 300 years later to a society where people are not born equal and there's no such thing as human rights.
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GroseHerrscher rated it
January 7, 2017
Status: c40
A promising Chinese novel with an interesting premise. The plot is quite unique compared to its contemporaries. However, the way it is written, such that dialogues and the flow of the story tend to sound awkward, makes it quite hard to smoothly follow the progression of events.
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Pixeldrum rated it
August 5, 2023
Status: Completed
I only competed Dark King due to sunken cost fallacy. I already read thousands of pages and hundreds of chapters. Surely, it would all be worth it.

No. It's not.

I've come to accept that Dark King's protagonist, Dudian, can't be viewed in the same lens as other, more perfect protagonists like Leylin in Warlock of a Magus World or Fang Yuan from Reverend Insanity. Dudian's depicted as a guy with high IQ (he scored 192 or something--cringe), yet he's not that smart. He doesn't formulate plans very well, and his morals... more>> jump depending on his emotional state at the time. The author pretends that Dudian has some sort of moral compass, but in reality, he's a psychopath similar to MCs in other cultivation novels. Yet, Dudian's not even a smart, calculating psychopath like the aforementioned Fang Yuan or Leylin. It's more like Dudian kills people on first instinct if there's even a slight chance that it might be disadvantageous to him. Yet, if you view him in the perspective of an arrogant, edgy, disillusioned brat, then it kind of falls together quite nicely. He's not supposed to be perfect or a genius. He's just a witty kid that eventually learns to deal with people that has worked for him through personal experience, which is vigilance and caution. However, this does make Dudian an incoherent mess. The worst arc of all was the author trying to paint Dudian as multi-facted by having him visit a desolate village, giving coordinates to the nearest giant wall, and honoring his part of the deal. This is so unlike the Dudian that massacred all of the children of a family he hated.

This extends to the characters that are close to Dudian. There's not a single fleshed-out character by Dudian's side. The entire goal of Dudian in the latter half of the story is to restore the illness of his loved one, yet the romance that occurs between the two parties is pitifully short and shallow. It's as if the only reason why Aisha, Dudian's lover, got infected was because the author wanted to mask his inability to write romance. Thus, the author now can give Dudian a new goal and purpose without ever achieving it until the very end of the novel, a quintessential Macguffin plot device. Other side characters are even worse. Many of these side characters by Dudian's side barely get any focus or attention at all. Their names get thrown about sometimes, and they show up when Dudian becomes strong in an area, only for them to get left behind again before showing up again much, much later. Ffs, Aurora is a character that Dudian trains for a solid chapter before becoming a part of his inner circle, much like Barton, Mason, and Neuss.

Surprisingly, though, the villains are the characters that have good characterization. Crimson Moon, Bolo, and Lin are all good characters that oppose Dudian, and it carries the entire novel. This novel, despite having a power system of "magic marks, " it's essentially a copy-paste of the cultivation power system. People get bottlenecked by rare cultivation materials, Dudian gets them by happenchance, and then he needs to master his magic marks-- or his own Dao, and finally, one becomes a supreme existence once he masters all of the Dao available, or in this case, all of the magic mark abilities.

The only breakaway from this dull formula of getting stronger by absorbing rare materials are the many setbacks that Dudian encounters. At many parts of the novel, once Dudian becomes too OP and just starts killing everybody he doesn't like, stronger characters force Dudian down a peg and put him in devastating straits. This could be when Dudian was sent to prison, when he was forced to the battlefield, or when he was an experimental subject. It's only at these points does the novel shine. It's kind of fun watching Dudian trying to get out his predicament.

However, these moments are few and far between the garbage that you need to read through. Most of the time, Dudian just bulldozes through his opponents. Politics seems like a constant subtheme, but in reality, it's one-dimensional, and the only thing that matters is your strength.

The final arcs are the worst of them all. Dudian has a "kid" who is a God, and she's just a convenient plot device for Dudian to be all-encompassing OP. Like, why? Then, some edgy politics happens, his irrelevant side character friends die, and then the author self-inserts himself in one of the last characters to discuss pseudo-psychological concepts to paint Dudian's emotional state, and also to inject his own beliefs onto the reader. <<less
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Kinky_ensalada rated it
May 13, 2022
Status: 1010 jump to final
Good start, a young and innocent MC with a strong motivation to rebuild the world after the fall. Which is slowly staining when interacting with the new era, aristocratic society and the human heart. The construction of the world is quite detailed and that mystery about where all the changes that happened during these 300 years come from is attractive.

But, the narrative has some convenient events too skewed and also plot-holes like, during 40 chapters they mention how the MC is creating a "powerful weapon" but it is never... more>> completed and they never talk about them again. Another, conveniently the MC NEVER mentions the fact of meeting a very similar girl with a very similar outfit, with a similar strength coming from the same clan; and ends up framed by trusting the other girl :D. At one point the MC is going to save his acquaintances from the orphanage and the novel mentions "Here the story of the 4 subordinate demons began" or something like that, bruh 50 chaps later the author forgot and made one betray him, many chapters later another one betrayed him and only one continued to develop. Finally, it seems that the author only knows how to advance the plot by kidnapping and exslaving the MC by a stronger organization, that happens about 5 times.

I would say that until chapter 900 the plot was torelable, sometimes the protagonist made decisions that did not relate so much to his personality at the time but he could be ignored for the sake of progress. Like,

the fact that he would throw away all of his motivations (the entire destiny of mankind provided by the sacrifice of his parents and sister) just to save a girl and torturing her zombie form to make her follow all his commands...

. But for THIS s*upid reason "I want to see what the aliens are like on the border wall :D" he changes direction 180 degrees instead of reseach for a cure... and surprise, it goes wrong and he is captured (2 fk times by different groups in less than 30 chaps) and several horrible things happen afterwards. This is clearly an act of the author who did not know how to advance the plot, also shortly after he mentions that the ice curse is a taboo (the last time mentioned was by the monastery in Silvia 300 chapters ago) and anyone from the realm of the Gods who saw the MC would kill / catch him (some form of validation for the s*upid action mentioned above), but this makes no sense at all because the MC had contact with the high ranks in the border wall who did not give a sh*t about his left arm.

I stay until chapter 1010, but at that point my urge to throw the novel in a dumpster overcame my anxiety about not fully finishing a story, so I jumped to the final chapter.


it turns out that everything was a tragedy, I don't know at what point in the chapters that happened, but the MC mentions that his parents wanted him dead, and in the end his beloved (on which the plot of half of the novel was based) commits su*cide trying to kill him, and to make tthe final even worse in the aftermath it is seen that he had a daughter with the body without consciousness of his "loved one" because if he brings her consciousness back in his own words "Your mother loves me so much that she wants to kill me" creepy and fk gross

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Hot-Pot rated it
May 6, 2021
Status: c547
What a disappointment, I came back 3-4 yrs later and expect that this masterpiece to be fully translated, only to see that this novel, with such a high rating, being completely left out. Way to c*ckblock us readers. Is there a curse on translating this novel or something? I have read hundreds of novels for the past 4 years and this one was still on the top of my list and yet it's still not given enough attention. Maybe it's time for me to forget that this novel would be... more>> fully translated and just rely on myself on MTL. Good job you all. This novel would've given you, translators tons of money but no, you guys are allergic to that word. <<less
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Korija2029 rated it
August 19, 2019
Status: --
Novel started promising, but then degenerates intro cyclic mess of plot holes.

Nearly every character suffers from cbd (chronic backstabbing disorder)

Author is also obssesed with zero to riches and cyclicaly destroys everything MC builds, whise stripping him of his allies.

Also im later chapters author starts to creaze new characters based on stereotypes.

Also in the end royalty looks like nazi ideal.
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anonnovelupdates rated it
November 17, 2017
Status: c304
I was really into it at first, but the author set up the rules of his world then ignored them without explanation.

In this world, there are hunters who are stronger than a normal human.

However, the powers that be are wary of the hunters, so have lots of ways to keep these powerful humans in check.

There are checkpoints between safe zones and deadly zones and rules for how to go through them.

... more>>

Dudian goes out through a checkpoint then sneaks back in with a pet monster (splitty), and no one notices. (Or something, It's been a few months since I stopped reading.)

The comments section for each chapter shows people sharing my concerns:

  • ch299: "So, won’t Dudian need to go into those isolation camps for checking for infections?"
  • ch302: "Idk, I feel like they would easily be able to point out that a monster came from the gate of New World Consortium (Dudian’s side), I mean 2 guards gone missing and blood stains on the ground..."
  • ch303: "Wha? so he can actually leave for a little trip outside the wall, and nobody will notice it?"
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grrman rated it
April 9, 2017
Status: c404
Although it initially seems to be a survival novel, it involves into so much more. If you like the ruthless MC's like in Dungeon Defense or Seoul Station Necromancer, I think you'll like this one. He doesn't start off as twisted as they are, but I think the novel is meant to catalogue his descent into it. As long as you appreciate the heartless, calculating MC that outsmarts everyone (with a proper reason for it) I think you can handle the changes in the pace/setting. One major warning is... more>> that although zombies are a tag, they have stopped being anything worth mentioning for a while, so don't consider this to be similar to something like the Walking Dead. Instead it's more similar to xianxia because the post-apocalyptic is less advanced that the MC's time of 300 years ago.

A very important note: the release rate is very high for this novel: it's basically at least 3 chapters per day all at once. There is a tradeoff though, in that there are a lot of typos/mistakes (quite more than I'm used to). They don't prevent you from reading it, but based on their frequency (approximately one every release), some people might be turned off (especially since they don't seem to get corrected later). This isn't to diss the translator, but I think it can be a major point of contention for some readers

Smart, cold, and pragmatic MC
Still gets his hands dirty and is strong
Gritty realism
MC relies on himself instead of a bunch of plot devices
Political battles
Good use of the time skip for mystery (300 year gap is unknown history to MC)
Strong overarching plots and setting up things for the future instead of reliance on ex machina
Feudal theme combined with sci-fi horror and superpowers

Some of the horror elements are lost from the beginning (pop up every now and again though)
Power scaling isn't very well-defined for humans or for their *opponents* (but can be overlooked since this isn't a pure action novel)
Lack of side characters that can compete with MC (there are a couple of side characters that get expanded on a little, but the novel is very dominated by the MC. He is also friendless)
Some side-characters can be found annoying

Failed love interest is a constant callback even though she hasn't done anything since really. Some people got mad when a new powerful person appeared out of nowhere, but I thought it made sense it is apparent since none of the real power players of the society have appeared, only some rich people


Thank you for reading this far if you did and here is a TLDR for your effort. Ultimately, this is one of the novels I get the most excited to read and is very unique setting wise that combines the best of Seoul Station Necromancer and Emperors Domination IMO without putting the MC on an untouchable pedestal (he starts with nothing and has to claw his way for everything and anything) <<less
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Stark3 rated it
January 19, 2017
Status: c302
Giving this novel a 4. Initially, I would have rated it a 5. Interesting world building, the post apocalyptic setting is nicely fleshed out, with interesting adventures by the MC.

Until I got into the 200ish chapter or so.

The novel kinda feels like it's lost its focus. The MC, aside from being a hunter, is the behind the scenes manipulator for a financial group. MC also becomes both an inventor for the Holy Church and an alchemist. So now you have the story going every which way from time to time, and mostly acting against other members of society instead of having interesting adventures out in the wild.

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June 15, 2020
Status: Completed
Its one of those novels that I will always remember, the setting is not at all unique, is a mix between xianxia and zombie post apocalyptic world, the novel starts slow, there's no going back in time, there's no reincarnation, I would say that is close to an Isekai without being an Isekai, the MC gets frozen for 300 years and wake up in an outlandish version of Earth, post a massive global nuclear war, and discovers that everything changed, but the human civilization regressed in technology to middle-ages, with... more>> some high-tech things like genes mutation and super powers.

The story is different, and the fact that is not really an Isekai, Reincarnation or Time Travel (Going back), we experience the growth of the protagonist as the story goes, from a quiet orphan to a ruthless man.

What this story does right is very simple, the Outer Wall arc is perfect, we see a feudal system where nobility rules over peasants, where religion reigns supreme, and where climbing up is harder than learning how to fly, the place of your birth dictates your destiny. Now to avoid spoilers I will try to talk about characters and development and my overall opinion about specific arcs.

The main character is masterfully made, he starts a bit naive but always alert, then he grows in power and slowly becomes more ruthless, he has a few friends here and there and we reach a point where the protagonist finally seemed to have found happiness in this destroyed word... and then... everything is taken away from him. He (and also we as readers) discovers how brutal and sinister the human society can be, how cruel people can be to protect their interests, which was a shock to me really... with very few exceptions most novels I read (specially chinese ones) are about a flawless conquest of several "Higher Realms" where the protagonist never loses anyone he loves permanently, everyone that is a friend of the MC is loyal and good, while every enemy is evil and vile.. but here.. here the world is grey (ish) people are cruel or good, it just depends on your place in society related to them.. people can be loyal or betray you.. depends on how much they will get from it... even friends might backstab you for a legit feeling of depression for being left behind.

The first major arc (The whole Outer Wall - ends around chapter 300~400) is the best one, because its not the rule of "The one with the biggest fist wins" and it breaks the mold from xianxia that your place in society and your worth is based on your physical/magical prowess.. no.. here super-humans are seeing as tools and monsters, used for profits from regular human nobles, Nobility is a thing that can't be bought even with strength, and can't be trampled because the society laws protects it from all sides. And because of this point... it makes it special, because the protagonist doesn't go out to breakthrough the higher realm to beat the Leader of the Family (like xianxias) here he has to use his brain to win through politics and economical maneuvers, and his super powers are only one of the methods to grow, but money.. ah.. money can buy everything that his powers can't!

Of course that idea is thrown away after that arc, and the more time it goes on.. the more "Xianxia" themes we see, the sky above the sky, the new expansion that makes the previous achievements worthless.. all that old trope that eastern autors uses in order to give a sense of "Power Progression" to the main character.

The plot twists and betrayals made me sad and depressed, but I felt the protagonist's pain, I felt his despair, I felt his anger and in the end.. I felt his tragedy. Yes this story is a tragic story, the ending is bittersweet just like life, there's no flawless conquest, there's no 100% happy endings, you lose things you cherish while conquering new ones, a great read if you can endure the real hardships that the protagonist goes through, real heartbreaking hardships that would break anyone.. but he endures and goes on, its a model to all humans (except the whole mu*derous side) but the endurance itself is a model to us, to not lose ourselves because things went south, to keep our heads up even when we fall into a pit, to never forget that we decide our own fate.

The reason why I give it 4 stars instead of 5 is because the story went down the regular Xianxia route, and I didn't really cared about the new things happening, I got invested on the Outer Wall society, and everything beyond that in my eyes became a poorly executed copy/paste version of it, without its depth and without its meanings, so it was just him jumping from one location to another trying to power up to achieve his goal.. which is very Xianxia-like to me, and very boring.

The thing is.. Chinese novels we all know how it will end.. its either the protagonist dominates or dies (almost non-existent), there's RARELY something different from that and all we read is for the journey.. but here is different.. because here I could never actually predict the ending, and that deserves a place on my bookshelf.

The one phrase that can describe the ending of this novel is....
"Heavy is the crown, and strong are the shoulders of the person who wears it" <<less
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GrimReeFer rated it
July 9, 2017
Status: c512
Probably the best chinese story, It has some bad tags so check them to make sure your are not to light hearted for the story (where most of the bad reviews come from) but It's not that bad, (no r*pe/mass mu*der, just a tiny bit of betrayal, idk why that's such a big/bad deal?) nothing worse than most weak to strong, bullied etc, it passes, you forget it fast, later on though, the author seems to be a bit slow in updating his book, starting to slow down at... more>> 500 odd chapters (way better than most?)

Up to chapter 500.

There is no r*pe/harem/sex/romance, patriotism/chauvinism/racism.

Get past that tiny bit of betrayal, and theres is a really good story here, easily my favourite on novel updates, the MC is smart, has great plans, the characters are good and not everything goes the mc's way (probably another reason for bad reviews) there are allot of smart people giving allot of trouble for the MC, he has a hard time, actually fighting to survive in this world, he doesnt just do what he wants, It's a real struggle for him, author did a really good job. <<less
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Crimefridge rated it
April 4, 2017
Status: c387
If you are looking for a novel with hope- that isn't gruesome or f**ked up, making you want to hate humanity as a whole -then don't read this series. This series is fairly well written; while the world building isn't amazing, the ambiance and direction that the story takes is powerful. This series is like a Game of Thrones-lite. You know the main character isn't going to die, but could something incredibly f*cked up happen to him? Absolutely. Will his plans fail? Of course. One of the best things this... more>> author does with this story is making the protagonist seem fallible. In the beginning, he's a naive kid who gets basically used because he lacks the ability to protect himself. That sounds like most Wuxia right?

Except, it's a post-apocalyptic world. Imagine Fallout's desolate wastelands of nuclear radiation mixed with Attack on Titan's giant wall, but with medieval technology and nobility. He's woken up from a freezing capsule and technology has severely regressed. The humans are debase and he doesn't understand their language. Oh, and he's like 10 years old.

The premise might sound tacky. The negative aspects might seem like it's being purposefully edgy.

But it works. You may have read countless stories that have elements of this story in them. And you might think that that is basically impossible to pull off a combination of all those things well. I'd suggest giving it a try.

I will, however, critique this negatively in a few areas that aren't serious, but are the reason it will not get 5 stars.

Firstly, the characters: while they have motives, and there's multiple factions, the backstories of the characters are effectively non-existent. The characters can feel realistic enough for a scenario, but not engaging enough to be memorable. While the main character develops and grows as a person, he too suffers from a severe lack of backstory. Even what little fragments are littered very infrequently about his past are ban*l and useless to add to his character. Also, sometimes the fact the character has a "168 IQ" is a bit frustrating at times, and it feels like the author could have just written the story as if the main character was older.

Second, the history / specifics: the novel currently focuses on one section of a city, and we have a vague sense of the power structure and the roles of the factions. But basic things like the shops, their relationships, and their features are basically glossed over. It's not so bad that it breaks immersion, but in hindsight, it limits the novel in some way. We have essentially been given a description of the small walled in world our protagonist lives in, but he's effectively barely scratched the surface of it. I don't think this is an attempt to promote future adventures to said areas; I have a sneaking suspicion the entire concept of the rest of the "outer wall"- which the series calls the less important vanguard area where none of the most influential people live- is about to end entirely as an arc even though it hasn't been fully explored, and the "inner wall" (which of course is the privileged area) will now be the next one.

Overall, it's a good read. Not for everyone, especially if you are into hopeful, spunky action Shounen or traditional "MC powers up, travels to new place" formula.

If you like the dark however, "The Dark King" might be for you. <<less
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OneTrickDuck rated it
January 19, 2017
Status: c85
The story itself is decent. We dont know much about the world or the characters, their development is bland at best. The premise is nothing special, but fairly interesting. But this novel has one huge problem and that's the translation. It's simply atrocious. It's impossible to actually read several chapters in a row without getting a headache and the only way to get through them is to skim over the text, getting the content, without focusing too much on the writing. There are almost no articles used, pronouns and even... more>> verbs are missing. Spelling mistakes run rampant. Now, it seems to get a little better around chapter 75, but barely.

So far, after 85 chapters we dont really know where this is going, there's no real goal for the MC except for the usual "get stronger" or "make money". I cant really recommend this story in good conscious as long as it's not edited heavily, as soon as that is done, it's worth a read. <<less
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Wildzhen rated it
January 10, 2017
Status: c33
Dark King so far can be considered quite good I will not go too deep into the plot cause right now it sounds like the kind of "Let's explore and survive in this world" kind of plot that you can find in other novel such as Chronicles of Primordial Wars. However, it has some illogical moments imo but I will let the story run more before giving a definite judgement on this aspect. Translation wise the first chapters were the best as it was smoother to read somehow. Nonetheless, the... more>> translation stays extremely readable and the pace at the moment is scary but only time will tell if consistency is a value of the TL. All in all, Good read for now. Intriguing story and world building though it can sometime be hard to understand because of the flow. <<less
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Runzer rated it
May 21, 2020
Status: c600
So, The Dark King, is a slowly decent into madness and ruthlesness by the protagonist who starts as a regular person of the 21 century into a fiendgod who would burn the world to get what he want, it's absolutely wonderful, i've read over 100 novels and this gotta be in my top 5.

Its simply too good to not read before you die
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catatopatch rated it
July 23, 2017
Status: c471
The initial couple hundred of chapters were really good however, it starts to suffer from the same problem plaguing a lot of Chinese novels. Repetitive and predictable: The MC starts to make a name for himself but a sudden external event beyond his control suddenly throws him back to square one. To the author's credit though, there were hints throughout his rise to prominence so it's unfair to judge the novel too harshly just because of this.

The whole dystopian setting drew me into this series and I have to admit,... more>> it was well portrayed during the first few hundred chapters, but its starting to drop off in quality in my opinion. The MC's overpoweredness is sort of annoying though but his character growth into a more calculating and cold MC was really well fleshed out.

The translations were pretty good though. Flowed really well. Keep up the good work! <<less
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OneEyedLich rated it
June 9, 2017
Status: --
I loved this novel, with an intelligent MC who plans his future moves

But there's a problem, the entire world is against him, I feel like the author himself mess with him on purpose! And it metamorphoses him. He was cold before, now he's ruthless and shows no emotions..


At some points he gets framed and sent to jail where he gets tortured for 3 years.
He manages to escape, then through many plots, manage to get himself cleared.

A little later, he catches a sickness with 100% mortality rate (his blood itself morphs into very cold crystals). His lifespan is seemingly between 1 week to 2 years.

Later on again, his entourage start to betray him. Well, he's pretty much used to it by now lol

The only one who truly loves and cares for him is his stepmother, but she can't do much for him.


I empathy too much with the MC, I can't read this story any further, it's too dark and saddening for me.
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Enryu022 rated it
May 15, 2017
Status: --
Action, plot, characters, world building, everything else is well written beside the romance, the romance ruined this novel for me, it has the worst romance I have ever seen. I don't know what the hell does the MC sees in that boring chick, but every scene they are in together, I cringe hard.
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Fanya rated it
March 24, 2017
Status: c354
Ok, it was a pretty nice 4 star story for awhile. The storyline is nice and the characters are not 2D/flat and there aren't too much superfluous explanations/fillers. The story could've been better written and the translation is alittle rough sometimes, but my main problem was with the main character. Originally he was ok, average clever and hardworking. There were some actions that he took that I think could be better executed, but different MC has different personalities so I accept that. What I can't accept/stomache in LNs are MCs... more>> who torture without reason and who r*pes. This novel doesn't have any r*pe but


around c300 he was told that 5 parasites will make him level up. Each monster has 1 parasite and he remembered a super monster that died had 7 babies, 1 of which end up imprinting on him so he kept it as a pet, ok fine. But the other 6 he tore off all their limps as soon as they hatch out of the egg/he finds them, then waited until they grew old enough to have parasite then killed 5 of them to get super abilities and just left the other one (limbless). Killing monsters or confining monsters I can accept, but cutting off limbs of baby monsters and let them grow like that (and left one to live like that in the wild) is a little too cruel for me (and I'm not even one of those hardcore vegan that hollers about how meateaters are animal abusers or something). Oh, and he doesn't bat an eyelash at killing innocent people for his plan or to demonstrate his power.... which is kind of the same as some other cultivation MC I suppose


In anycase, the LN as a whole is a low 4 for me, and would've stayed a 4 if it just gets repetitive/boring, but the MC gets worse so I finally stopped reading it. <<less
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IRainstorm rated it
February 10, 2017
Status: 525
This novel has a heavy western novel feeling to it that might attract a certain audience, the MC doesn't have an easy life in it and he goes through many struggles but I do appreciate the realism it can bring to the story.

A lot of potential left to unearth in my opinion.
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