S*ave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (WN)


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A man was about to commit su*cide and decided to search for a way to die on the internet, but then he found an odd site that asked a lot of questions and had a point based system that allows you to create skills for a character. He took interest in it, and when he was done setting his character, he was asked, “You will now be transported to a world with the settings you chose. Coming back is not possible. Do you still accept?” Without thinking much of it, he pressed YES and found himself in another world with the skills he chose to have.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Harem in the Fantasy World Dungeon
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
Isekai Meikyuu De Dorei Harem wo
Related Series
S*ave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (LN) (Light Novel)
I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless (6)
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN) (4)
I’m a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got Taken to Another World (LN) (2)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Re:Monster (1)
Mushoku Tensei (WN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Plan to read v3
  2. hoott
  3. Shousetsuka ni Narou TOP 100 (mostly isekai)
  4. Dj's List of Fantasy, Adventure, Isekai, Harem, an...
  5. stuff 2022

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/30/15 Raising the Dead c47
06/09/15 Raising the Dead c46
06/05/15 Raising the Dead c45
05/31/15 Raising the Dead c44
05/31/15 Raising the Dead c43
05/22/15 Raising the Dead c42
05/19/15 Raising the Dead c41
05/18/15 Raising the Dead c40
05/17/15 Raising the Dead c39
05/03/15 Raising the Dead c38
04/22/15 Raising the Dead c37
04/15/15 Raising the Dead c36
04/14/15 Raising the Dead c35
04/12/15 Raising the Dead c34
04/01/15 Raising the Dead c33
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101 Reviews sorted by

RangaTempest rated it
May 29, 2018
Status: v8 illustrations
Warning: Vague spoilers ahead.

Great base concept, MC that isn't a spinless beta and quite adaptable to foreign customs/morals.

All wasted by long chapters of nothing but grinding in one of the most repetitive "descriptions" I have seen in LN's, it'd be one thing if they were having descriptive and intense battles but... its like reading a check in a box, fought 4 slimes 2 were petrified the battle ended.

... more>> Despite laying the ground work for having a "crafting" element the author spends WAY too little time developing that plot thread.

Lastly the story lacks a greater goal, best I can probably state is the MC becoming a noble, but thats more just a course of the story less something he is striving for or NEEDs to accomplish.

Also despite the MC's initial backbone, as the story drags on he starts to get spineless DESPITE having a really well rounded party /sigh.

Sad part is despite my low rating I will still read this series, just very disappointed in the wasted potential. <<less
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mistke rated it
October 11, 2017
Status: c208
The MC is tr*sh. Has no balls (total coward), crippled by paranoia, pathological liar, and complete moron.


Roxanne being invulnerable due to 100% Dodge chance is boring AF and removes interesting elements from combat.


Some reviews complain that people rating it poorly just because it's a slice of life. That's is plain wrong, the writing is just flat out piss poor. The translation is mediocre but still readable.

The only reason I read this is for the ecchi stuff of which there is very little.
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Kal Dano
Kal Dano rated it
October 7, 2017
Status: c29
Painfully average!

The story as a whole is good, there are no chapters or instances that stand out though. Writer chooses to scrible on and on about boring topics that serve no purpose to the plot or the characters but to fill the page with words.

Writing something simple as drawing water was filled for an entire chapter and thus it's just boring. I skipped more chapters than I can count since all it does it rambles on and on about nothing.

Read it if you must but I'd avoid it if... more>> you have anything better to do. <<less
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barashkafromro rated it
December 21, 2016
Status: c220
Protagonist's goal was to su*cide but once he gets isekai'ed he discovers a whole new world with it's own rules and customs which he sets out to explore. He gets a new harem member every several tens of chapters. Characters may seem bland but we only got mc's view on them, it is written entirely from 1 point of view and he is somewhat paranoid and a bit impulsive.

The story is slow paced, there are 200+ chapters and it is only closing to half a year time passed in story.... more>> MC isn't too overpowered and can only do several person's worth output with his several jobs. The most interesting part is discovering new jobs, skills and combinations. Characters are consistent in their actions and reactions, the world building is also without much holes. There is no end goal at first other than to enjoy new life, but it appears later.


the most cringeworthy thing that happened was when he first hears about how useful "progressive increase in damage" skill and without thinking jumps at first opportunity to fuse it with his best weapon basically wasting invaluable skill slot because it is only useful to weaker parties that need to hit the same monster hundreds of times. And he needs only ten odd area of effect magics to wipe out every monster in the vicinity, fights are faster than other parties by several times due to increased firepower of multiple jobs and it will continue to be so as his level increases and he gets advanced jobs. But this little blunder was quickly left behind. MC is so paranoid about hitting a wall and being unable to advance and he doesn't even stop to think that there simply can't be such thing as hitting a wall if you level up that fast and get advanced jobs easily.

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September 18, 2016
Status: c40
I thought it had potential but when he started doing dungeon run it gone boring. I was expecting him to do something incredible and all I got was the 30%, 30% discount crap all over again. Bought a s*ave, and already will to do whatever just because she was bought.
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Domar rated it
April 7, 2016
Status: --
5/5 Stars, a slow, nice little day to day trip through another world. I keep coming back to read more of this series, though, I need to vent a few things that irk me about it, and the MC.

Firstly, despite the name, he doesn’t get the first girl until close to 30 chapters in. He then takes forever to actually do any le*d things with her.

All the le*d stuff is glossed over, with basically a “we did it” usually, then going on to describing the next day, which just seems... more>> weird with the premise of the story.

He can appraise people, jobs, etc... but it’s pretty vague, a certain job will give “Small increase in Int”, doesn’t say how much, leaves me questioning if it increases with level or not, as he doesn’t see a large difference with 6 jobs over level 30.

He makes really weird choices, has a super powerful sword right from the start... trains his magic instead, magic is so inferior and takes far longer for a really long timespan, I have no idea why he stuck with it, later it does become better than using the sword, but he had no way of knowing, he just kept up a repetitive task that showed no reward for close to a year, pretty sure you can describe that as insanity.

He gets a really powerful spell that wipes entire rooms in 1-2 hits... doesn’t use it, even after he becomes much stronger and the high mp cost should be overcome by now, with all his meticulous experiments, he just doesn’t try it anymore, why?

He takes FOREVER to go on to higher floors, his team is clearing battles super fast and experience gain is tiny, waits a week and goes up just one floor, repeats, they could advance safely at such a faster rate, he’s cautious beyond belief.

He keeps taking up job slots with ones he doesn’t need, his party members almost never get hit, and it’s always negligible damage, but he keeps a healing class active “just in case” while fighting underpowered monsters and moaning about not having more job slots.

Finally, he’s too secretive for no reason, won’t trust the women he’s living with and fighting beside every day with facts they should be able to easily handle, and when they catch on, he makes a fool of himself to keep them from asking more, just plain s*upid. <<less
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imacute rated it
February 27, 2016
Status: --
As a harem fan, I give this a meh. The romance is meh. The flirting is meh. Even though tdadp show a d*cklot of status but at least it is goddamn appealing. The games status in this is boring. The MC personality has balls to flirt and bang. I give that but the romance is just meh. It is so slow pace. I have lost interest.
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chad001 rated it
February 3, 2016
Status: --
Gonna be honest: it's slow. Is that bad? Not necessarily; it goes really in depth with the mechanics of the world. But progression isn't the focus. Neither is the harem really. It's about the labyrinth and the system. As a daily pickup it's a charming little read.
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byunisperv rated it
January 24, 2016
Status: --
The novel start of pretty interesting, but along the way it turn bland and boring. 144 chapters in, there are no major plot development. I’ll describe this novel as a peaceful, no conflict and slow story development. Each chapter basically the same (literally each chapter) ;

wake up–>labyrinth–>breakfast–>labyrinth–>dinner–>bath–>pork–>sleep–>repeat. Rather than focusing on the plot/story, the author focus more on food and bath.

Its pretty decent, if you are bored and want some thing to read this might be it.
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December 2, 2021
Status: c1
The harem travels with the MC instead of the MC getting the harem and leaving them to go on his adventure for like 20+ plus chapters. This means the girls get the decent development and even though there’s no romance tag, I swear to you it’s better than half of these that have the romance tag. The only problem with this novel is that it’s VERY repetitive, so you could skip some chapters if you know the core character. Obviously it's not for everyone, so give it a try before... more>> giving a definitive outlook.

Harem Where Girls have personality✅ <<less
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Moy1304 rated it
December 1, 2021
Status: c224
I think it is a good novel, each member of the harem fulfills a function and not only are they for decoration, maybe only the elf could have a better development but it is highly recommended
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Bolovis rated it
September 3, 2021
Status: c225
After reading the LN I've come to the WN to see if was better. It is not. The same problems happen here, the MC is an a**hole. I get it, be suspicious is fine and all, but some of the things he do or think are s*upid, realy s*upid. I do not care if the pace is slow and we have boring everyday stuff almost every chapter, that is fine. I just get pissed of as the innermonologues of this MC reveals his incapacity to be a decent human being... more>> and how amoral he can gets with some s*upid sophistry. I understand that if the world do not have problems with s*aves you could have one, but going to bed with a s*ave would always remember me that the person is a s*ave and that this is happening because I was in a superior position, not over free will or desire. There are some nice parts but as always the MC f*cks it up with his imbecility. If you do not care for an MC that have some dubious approach over life and do not seem to try to be a better person, go for it. I can not get to like it. <<less
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June 29, 2021
Status: --
I don't really do reviews, normally too lazy to bother and/or there's not much reason to hate/dislike a novel. This series managed to tick nearly every box on my "things that make watching grass grow more enjoyable" list. Story that has been done a million times, wannabe ladies man MC who is so pathetic that the o only women he can sleep with are s*aves, said s*aves are as one dimensional as they come, and, the final nail in the coffin that is this abysmal series? The series is basically... more>> eat, dungeon, s*x, repeat for all eternity, with the occasional bad guy who makes team rocket look competent in comparison. <<less
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Vorthod rated it
May 28, 2021
Status: c15
The beginning of this novel feels like an inferior version of the Jobless Growth Cheat novel. This guy's powerset is completely arbitrary, but the combination of "exp boost" and "less required exp" to level and the fact that he gets multiple simultaneous classes which was the entire point of Jobless Growth Cheat being common mainstays in his build does more than raise a few eyebrows. Hell, when I shifted over to the LN after a few chapters, there were small edits that made the plot resemble JCG even more. It's... more>> kind of disturbing.

But why do I say this is inferior? In this novel, in terms of character, the s*ave is purchased solely because the MC wants a f*ck buddy and does nothing to actually win her over as a person before pushing his desires on her. In terms of mechanics, the list of abilities this guy gets with his bonus points appears completely arbitrary so we never know what he has access to until he randomly says something like "oh, by the way, I have a Warp spell in my list" and literally pulls something new out of his ass which is a recipe for deus ex machina if I've ever seen one. He doesn't even experiment with his powers to any believable extent; you're telling me that a guy perfectly fine with trying out the random copper sword he picked up off a bandit is completely unwilling to try out any of the cheaper bonus weapons when the weaponry bonus is taking up over half of his BP allotment? Playing around with that and figuring out the minimum he could get away with should've been basically the first thing he did if he's trying to hide his abilities while still getting use out of them. <<less
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dey_Uduun rated it
December 16, 2020
Status: c224
In my opinion this story is a dissapointment. It could be so much more if it focused in on 1 or 2 of the 4 main points it has (the harem, the system, the labyrinth or the world building), but it spreads out evenly, so nothing gets developed. This story has me swimming in the shallows all the time, but I want to go to the deeper, it's enough to get me interested, but not enough to drown me. Based off the most recent chapters, the trend doesn't seem to... more>> be changing. <<less
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Saronin Jayhart
Saronin Jayhart rated it
December 14, 2018
Status: c22
Apologies to all those who love this novel but I can't give it a good review. Of course I also don't agree with many of the negative reviwre either.

The story is slow to develop, which isn't a big deal for me.


... more>> Hardworking main character: I love how the main character experiments in order to unlock all the potential of the game elements. It's something I rarely get to see. 6★

Worldbuilding: Related to the above, the main character's curiosity allows for extensive worldbuilding. 4★


Contradictions in the Game Elements: Probably due to translator error. 2★

Lacking Descriptions: Makes it hard to paint a picture in your head. 3★

Lacking in Characters: 22 Chapters in and nearly all the characters are just extras (ie. Villager A, Shopkeeper B, Receptionist C). All other characters have only gotten an introduction and haven't really become a part of the story yet. This makes the slow pace more agonizing with each chapter. This was the clincher. -5★

In conclusion: It would be a great story if there was just one other main cast character introduced within the first 10-15 chapters. I don't care if it's a harem member, or a pixie, heck I'd even settle for a talking rock at this point. Character interaction becomes one of the most important aspects of a story when it has a slow pace. Unfortunately that means I have to say this is one of the very few series where I'd recommend the manga instead of the novel <<less
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RagingDs rated it
November 8, 2018
Status: c1
I really enjoyed it. A little bit slow at times and the MC makes me want to bang my head against a wall now and again, but all said and done it makes me really want to keep reading. My biggest knock on it is that the time between chapters is ridiculous once you have caught up to the story.
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MarutaDean rated it
April 13, 2018
Status: --
Just turn your back dont read it.

The author like draging a situation and trying to build the world but it look failed. Ex: author dedicating one chapter to explain the rain season and the brothel and when MC trying to pull out gang of a bandit he do 2 time to get back to his inn (author dedicating this event in one chapter but the point ? Just capturing bandit and no special method just hack and slash..)
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Dima1 rated it
December 23, 2017
Status: --
MC buys a bunch of s*aves and has s*x with them, so that will offend some people. Also, way too much devoted to cooking, getting ingredients, bathing, etc. And lots of experimenting with his system and classes and fun with math. And the fact that the author seemingly gave up on writing anymore is a minus. Still, it’s a good novel with lots of chapters, pretty pleasurable read despite above mentioned filler.
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August 24, 2017
Status: c219
Currently there might be not might chapter..

A typical isekai with cheat system. MC go into another world and can consider strong but lack of self esteem, he still though he is weak even with that much cheats. A quarter of story is about food. MC suddenly a good chef eventhough his background is a bullied loner student since childhood. How?

As title stated he will get s*aves and raise them to become stronger
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