S*ave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (WN)


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A man was about to commit su*cide and decided to search for a way to die on the internet, but then he found an odd site that asked a lot of questions and had a point based system that allows you to create skills for a character. He took interest in it, and when he was done setting his character, he was asked, “You will now be transported to a world with the settings you chose. Coming back is not possible. Do you still accept?” Without thinking much of it, he pressed YES and found himself in another world with the skills he chose to have.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Harem in the Fantasy World Dungeon
Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World
Isekai Meikyuu De Dorei Harem wo
Related Series
S*ave Harem in the Labyrinth of the Other World (LN) (Light Novel)
I’ve Became Able to Do Anything with My Growth Cheat, but I Can’t Seem to Get out of Being Jobless (6)
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN) (4)
I’m a NEET but When I Went to Hello Work I Got Taken to Another World (LN) (2)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Re:Monster (1)
Mushoku Tensei (WN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Plan to read v3
  2. hoott
  3. Shousetsuka ni Narou TOP 100 (mostly isekai)
  4. Dj's List of Fantasy, Adventure, Isekai, Harem, an...
  5. stuff 2022

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/01/15 Raising the Dead c91
10/31/15 Raising the Dead c90
10/30/15 Raising the Dead c89
10/29/15 Raising the Dead c88
10/28/15 Raising the Dead c87
10/27/15 Raising the Dead c86
10/26/15 Raising the Dead c85
10/25/15 Raising the Dead c84
10/19/15 Raising the Dead c83
10/18/15 Raising the Dead c82
10/17/15 Raising the Dead c81
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10/09/15 Raising the Dead c78
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101 Reviews sorted by

Rwings rated it
July 6, 2016
Status: c136
I've read 136 chapters and I can honestly say the same exact information and plot could be written in only 40 chapters of the same length. So much of this story is copy and paste of previous chapters. The same lines of dialog and reasoning is used time and again. Nearly half of any given chapter is copy and pasted from previous ones with only 10% at best being something new happening.

Since this is a wish fulfillment story the main character obviously has to have a cheat. The cheat in... more>> this story is so damn s*upid in of itself that you couldn't find a more convenient plot device if you tried. Making the wish fulfillment story complete with a Mary Sue main character. He can do anything and everything based on the situation. The only weakness is just how dumb and paranoid the main character is of his own shadow.

Speaking of the main character in the first chapter he is driven to su*cide based on bulling. In the following 135 chapters I can honestly say I sympathize more with the bullies then I do with the main character. I'm not advocating for bullies or want anyone to be bullied, but at the same time I get why he was bullied. The main character does not have one redeeming quality.

The girls in the harem are the only ones even kind of interesting and probably the only reason to read the story at all. However they are just m*sturbation material with no real personalities. They are set up just enough to be the embodiment of X stereotype and have less substance then an ant puddle. <<less
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January 12, 2020
Status: c223
I believe reading this novel is a good thing on a deeper level than entertainment.

After you've read 200 chapters, ask yourself this:

- Was there too much grind?

- Were some characters "too shallow"?

- Were the repetitions too much?

- Did the plot almost advance only to tease you and leave you disappointed?

Then you definitely won't like life. I mean, living in the real world.

Good luck lol, try not to lifen't yourself lmao

If you liked the novel, you're absolutely human (and male), see ya!
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KanameShiro rated it
February 1, 2018
Status: c221
As much as I love slice of life, harems, and ecchi, I simply can't love this novel. Why? Because:

1. The MC is tr*sh. Nothing more nothing less. He doesn't genuinely care for the girls, it is all a ploy to make them think that he's nice, cool and the best master so that they won't leave and he can keep on banging them. Normally, there is nothing wrong with an MC that thinks with his dick, because most of them really do care for the harem and s*x becomes the... more>> byproduct of the harem reciprocating, while this
novel's MC's focus is s*x and everything he does will secure that he can have s*x. He is a manipulative P.O.S who deserves a special place in hell.

2. The harem members were created as if they were simple npcs from a game (repetitive lines, bland personality, miniscule to no character growth).

If what I've pointed out is ok with you, then enjoy reading it. <<less
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X9Killbot rated it
October 23, 2016
Status: c126
The MC is powerful but not overpowered, and the story is interesting, he is actually taking his harem to his bed, slow development pace, and the characters are fleshed out quite well.

The writing is bland (a lot if ___ does this, ___ does that), very little descriptions of anything around the character (we wouldn't know anything about how the MC looks if it was't for the pictures), the conversations are also quite bland, the character is paranoid to the point that the people he is closest to don't know about his powers (I never liked that in a character [not saying he should tell everyone but he should at least explain some of his powers to his s*ave harem so they can help him come up with strategies]), and it really doesn't go into the lore of the world.

Overall I would rate this as average for a light novel
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mukkaar rated it
November 27, 2015
Status: --
Novel’s beginning gives some expectations but gets dull and repeated after a while. Its basically daily life of dungeons, eating, and trading. MC does not get stronger or get on adventure, and there is no major goal or events with impact. Harem tag is there but he basically gets s*aves and after that there is no development on relationships. It gets updated pretty often, which I don't get.

I wish translator would pick better novel
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punnett rated it
January 8, 2019
Status: v7
Honestly, this novel isn't too bad. Starts off pretty good, especially if you're looking for some adult themed story telling and a bit of wish-fulfillment.

The main problem with this series is that, after you start reading for a while, you can really feel how bland and formulaic the writing is. There are chapters, upon chapters, of dungeon/cooking/s*xual fluff that has absolutely nothing to do with anything. You also begin to notice the characters, instead of getting more development, seem to devolve and become more 1-dimensional as the chapters progress. They'll... more>> start repeating the same statements and tropes over and over and over and you start to get less and less attached to them as characters.

All in all, I'd say it's definitely worth a read. Just because you'll end up disappointed at the end, I think the journey was enjoyable. <<less
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2Girls1Cupcake rated it
September 23, 2018
Status: c216
Love this novel, no matter how you look at it it's perfection when it comes to the harem part, it just does it right. The right amount of build up between each new member with great variety and he actually has s*x with them. The world was also not that bad and in general the power system was well done too.

But let's face it, it's a dead novel, completely dropped by the author, 4 chapters or so in two years.
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teralon rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c102
Starts promising, but gets boring af very soon.

I can recommend to read until he got his first s*ave girl, up to that point it is an interesting story. Unfortunately it gets repetetive and boring from than on. There is no purpose, no further goal anymore.

He dives into labyrinths for money and to get stronger and to dive deeper to get more money... To do that he needs more party members (s*aves), to buy them he needs more money.

That makes no sense at all because he has cheat skills to buy... more>> things for 30% less and sell for 30% more. Just buying and selling stuff for a few weeks would earn him millions...

The negative critics from other reviews are spot on.

The actual interesting story I read from Ch70-Ch102 could have fit in maybe 5 chapters. The rest was killing mobs with different amount of magic/slashes, buying and eating food, taking baths and kissing his s*aves.

The worldbuilding is simple as it gets. (very sad since there was a lot of potential)

The characters are bland and the conversations are ´one way roads´ they are simple and dont get anywhere.

There is not plot, no goal, no purpose.

I can not even recommend this story to a h**ny teenager, since the harem/s*x is limited to french kissing and fondling breasts. <<less
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Ingame rated it
March 27, 2018
Status: c162
Ecchi review:

For a mature novel named "s*ave Harem" there is surprisingly little ecchi content. I was hoping for something like Death March but with romance and an MC that actually makes a move on the harem members who throw themselves at him. While that is exactly what s*ave Harem is it just doesn't go far enough, in my opinion, because the ecchi scenes barely have any detail. The author is always describing b**bs in a roundabout way, he doesn't dare use the word "nipple" but says things like "that place",... more>> "her mounds", "the tips of the mountains" etc etc. The s*x scenes are always one-liners like "... and then we did it." or "What happened next does not need to be mentioned". Frankly, the french kissing is the most erot*c thing that happens in this novel as it's the only thing the author describes in detail. Not to mention such scenes come around only once every 4-5 chapters by chapter 85.

Chapter 85 to 162 can be summarised like this: Entire chapters of fighting in the labyrinth against the same monsters over and over and over again, getting food ingredients as drops and making food for his harem, and bathing with his harem in one short paragraph every 10 chapters. The protagonist is also overly cautious/paranoid, always doubting people's actions and even lying to his own harem because he doesn't want to explain his OP powers...

If, like me, you're looking for ecchi harem adventure stories then s*ave Harem will leave you dissatisfied.

And one last thing: Vesta is the most disappointing "dragonkin" character ever. <<less
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gunnervee rated it
December 4, 2017
Status: c220
so far this novel is slow and he's living his day to day life with little to no changes, a good introduction to the s*ave harem genre since it has many of the stereo types [1st heroine=beast person, 2nd person=loli with over average knowledge, 3rd heroine = comic relief, 4th heroine=kuudere tank] <==this is the general flow in most s*ave harem novels

... more>>

we have first the classic OP MC (who seems to use a game system with no tutorial) who struggles in the beginning before he sets his eyes upon this underage looking s*ave and immediately decides to kill other human to obtain her so you can already see how quickly his moral compass dipped.

MC has no personality other than [let's have "fun" tonight] all the time.

this story has had no aim for so long that the author practically dropped it since he doesn't know what to do next



In the first chapter the MC modifies the world, so we know 100% there's no demon lord waiting to appear. So expect no plot twist there. <<less
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LordGrim102 rated it
November 27, 2017
Status: c200
Seriously, why japanese novels almost have lolis in them or mostly under age people?

This novel has more bad influence than good moral story, so if you're just gonna waste time reading and don't mind the cringeworthy sentences then just read it.

PS: This is the 5th novel I read when I change from reading manga to reading novels, that's why I read about 200+ chapters. But now if I found this kind of novel, I will probably drop it at 50 chapters. I read it through chapter 200+ it's better read... more>> it through end then. <<less
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Shiraishi rated it
August 30, 2016
Status: c140
It's a good read if you want something light with dungeons, girls, cheat. The issues is, the lack of personality in the characters. The story drag on without any change. Dungeon food dungeon food buy/sell stuff money-buy-new-girl bath f*ck and back to dungeon.

This really cannot be compared to late Mushoku Tensei...

Read if you are bored, but do not expect something great.
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StupidMinataur rated it
July 11, 2016
Status: c216
Good starter novel. But the modders or editors for this website when will you guys put up the different between the wb novel and the light novel of this series? Also for those that are complaining about plot and what not the author is making a backstory he just got his 6th girl and he's writing much more out in the light novel version this wb is a free poor version for us plebs people with money can buy the well written one the light novel.

There more sub plots in... more>> the light one too but editors can you add a new s*ave harem with light novel so people can see. To The haters look at all the other novel add see the rating difference between the wb and light and know reading the light we be somewhat better this is a r-15 not a R-18 novel. <<less
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Parth37955 rated it
December 12, 2015
Status: --
relationships are superficial and the writing is confusing at times. MC is too cautious and wastes time over thinking things.
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hopebestman rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: c91
Its sad actually. I thought it would be similar to Mushoku Tensei in s*x part but nah. Only one time we read about stuff MC touches the breasts in detail after that its just "i had s*x last night" kind a thing. Technically MC bangs his s*aves almost every night but not even tiny info about it. I mean this story doesnt have anything except banging s*aves. Cuz story is repetitive "eat, sleep, go to bath, go to dungeon, earn money so buy new s*ave" so s*x should be the... more>> main thing but even then this novel cant do a good job.

You will get bored around mid way after buying his first s*ave and before buying his second. <<less
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Pyushis rated it
June 24, 2018
Status: --
TLDR: Boooo!!

This novel started on a good note. It was interesting, there was a goal to achieve, it doesn't seem like it's been written by a h**ny virg*n teenager. Oh, boy was I wrong. As chapters flew by, It became repetitive. The author possibly forgot what stories are supposed to be like; There should be progression, conflict, and character development. The only thing that developed on a higher level in this novel is the libido of the MC.

This novel, at most, could only be classified as a wish fulfilment... more>> novel for h**ny teenagers. <<less
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berdanka rated it
May 26, 2018
Status: c180
This is the first time I've read SO MUCH grinding. This is infuriating.
"Aww who needs the damn plot?" the author exclaimed at one point. "Let's dedicate each chapter to slashing monsters in dungeons. Furthermore, every dungeon should look alike. And every level is a copy of a previous one. Also, repeat facts and parts of worldbuilding to fill the gaps. Perfect." I bet that's how it was.

The plot can be summarized as earning money to acquire more s*x s*aves. It almost has the same vibe as one of those novels with "slow" in the title. Outside of dungeons, you occasionally get some interesting action, but it always ends in nothing and the story returns to rinse and repeat. I feel sorry for the translators who have to translate the same thing again and again. Because every labyrinth appears to be the same. With the same set of monsters and same fighting tactic per floor.

However, you can skip the grind parts and go straight to the fancervice part. Unfortunately, there are no s*x scenes and only vague descriptions. If you chose this WN for "THE PLOT", I suggest reading the manga adaptation instead. It's fantastic, and the artist is editing the story far better than the editor who was involved in adapting the WN to LN.
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MoniqGin rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: c221
Really well done novel! I like that it is slow paced and we get a everyday in the life of.... kinda feel ?.



I like the harem members. Roxanne is a total trooper for the MC and she's really cute ??

Sherry is smart and cute!!!

Miria is sweet as well and likes to eat fish.

Vesta is strong and has her cute moments

Retina is new, she's cute as well


I like that the MC is cautious but sometimes I wanna shout at him to just hurry it up!!!
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Ventus rated it
March 9, 2018
Status: c221
I want to rate this higher, but there is too much to be desired.

Delivery is often rough, with nearly whole chapters bouncing between explaining silly numeric descriptions (e.g. Intermediate job requires prereq. Job to be a lvl 50 doesnt take 3-4 paragraphs of reiteration) or exposition for expositions sake with no impact on the plot.

Characters started out interesting and quickly got stale, with no character progression (they are the same persons in c1-9 as 221) which ends up being very repetitive very quick and very often.

Feels like one of those... more>> LN where the author doesn't have a clear plot in mind and the releases are 1-3 months.

There are better 'reincarnated into fantasy world' works out there, but this fills free time if you need. <<less
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Dragonflyetc rated it
February 23, 2018
Status: v8 illustrations
Between several harem novels I've read, this is the one I liked the most. It doesn't mean that it's the best, it's just my favorite. It doesn't have an omnipotent MC as "Death March", nor has a huge harem as "In a Different World with a Smartphone", nor as silly funny as "Jobless", nor it is slow and fluffy as "Manga wo Yomeru Ore". Sometimes it manages to have a similar progression pace as in "Re;Monster" and "Gun-ota".

Here's the situation. This is a cautious but active MC with videogamey abilities... more>> who gets transported in a generic medieval world with swords and magic and has dungeons here and there, and the MC just wanted to have a good life, cook delicious food, plenty of s*xual life, to do profitable businesses and to do some productive dungeon exploring. Generic, isn't it? By the way, the novel is narrated in a slow pace and it doesn't have too much action.

The MC, Michio Kaga, is a 17 year old guy who was tired of being bullied and ignored and he was thinking to su*cide. Please understand why he has low esteem about himself throughout the novel although he is indeed very strong but not overpowered at godly level. Also, we'll discover shortly that if someone has shortage of mana (used to cast skills and magic), this person will get depressed and the depression won't lift up until the mana is recovered likewise.

One of the things I find interesting about this novel is how the MC has progressively adquired each of his s*aves. Each one of them was adquired with the MC's sweat and work (earning money, doing quests, participating in a task that only he could do, etc.). And of course, the s*aves need to understand each other and the MC needs to powerlevel each adquired s*ave from scratch by going through low dungeon levels every time and hoping that they'll be useful to progress to higher levels.

Many people seem to misunderstand why he is like a coward. He is usually very cautious since his life is now precious to him (as he was given a second life) and since each s*ave is hard to get (and a very beautiful woman), he rather go overcautious than to lose any of them. Contrary as some reviewers might imply, he doesn't see his s*aves as s*x objects. We can criticize the MC's preferences to have only female and beautiful s*aves. He has a mindset of a young boy afterall and he is capable to train any person he wants, so he can just choose a beautiful/cute s*ave and just overtrain them to be competent in the dungeons.

Each s*ave seem to have a different role in the party and a distintive story. The MC is the leader and the manager of the s*aves' job and level progression. The MC is also the battlemage of the group.


- Roxanne is a loyal dog/wolf girl. She is the leader of the s*aves and she is devoted (almost an understatement) to her master. She has a good background story which I rather have you read. Her task is being a elusive tank and a scout. Her smell sense guides the group and she has an insane ability to dodge almost everything. She thinks that her master is the coolest and she is willing to die with him. She also is the one tasked to instruct the new s*aves and doesn't tolerate anyone to be disrespectful with her master.

- Sherry/Seri is an intelligent and independent dwarf. She is the second-in-command s*ave, a bookworm and since she is naturally skeptical, she is the only s*ave that discusses things and points of view to her master. She had previously a very low esteem since she failed to get her two jobs she wanted, but the MC made her wish of being a blacksmith come true (and she can also access to the other job she wanted, shrine maiden). She is a bit cold, but only when she gets drunk (which is hard to do so), she reveals how she likes her master and how lovely (or "dere dere") she could be. In the dungeons, she is tasked to be a mid-range support and the one who briefs in each floor, and she is probably the second physically strongest s*ave of the group.

- Miria is a straightforward silly cat girl. When she came to the group, she had to learn the MC's language, not only how to fight with the group. Her mind is occupied by fish to the point of being a bit annoying, but she is a competent s*ave and she likes her master as much as she doesn't want any other master (well, the other s*aves say the same). Interestingly enough, she doesn't have the stereotypical "-nya" suffix present in many catgirl characters in many Japanese fiction stories. Her forte is not her intelligence, but she is a versatile physical attacker and her sight helps her to see better at dark places and identify monsters and items.

- Vesta is a humble tall dragonkin girl. Although she is a dragonkin, she looks like a very tall redhead human woman with very few scales in her arms and legs. She was born in a s*ave family and her s*ave standards were broken when she came to the MC's group since the MC cares for his s*aves as comrades/family instead of treating them as expendable battle fodder. She is the sturdy physical tank, she does dual wielding and she provides defense buff to the group. Since she's submissive, she doesn't discuss and she usually says the catchphrase "I think it will be alright" to agree with everything.

- Rutina/Lutina is a sheltered elf who was previously a proud noble. She was the only s*ave adquired without buying and she was the most rebellious and prideful at first. After Roxanne and Sherry explained her how the s*ave system works and the consequences of her rebellious actions, she became submissive to her master and especially to Roxanne (although she's more frightened than submissive to Roxanne). She needed to be explained about the world and some job mechanics since she was sheltered. She seemed to eventually like her master enough as she suggested to have MC as her owner "just in case" when she can just not tell it since she was against being a s*ave at the first place. She dreams to be part of the lords' assembly and she mentions it many times. She is the most beautiful and the rookie of the group, she is having self-esteem issues and she is tasked to be one of the mages of the group (the MC is the primary mage until Rutina is fully trained).


Although it has a pattern of "get s*ave, have s*x (written in few lines), explore dungeon, cook food, repeat", we get different arc stories to help us see this otherworld better. While the pattern is getting cycled, we get a grasp of the ID system, how to access some jobs, the s*ave traffic system, the auctions, the monster card system (similar to Ragnarok Online), the races, the exclusive race jobs, the dungeon exploring, the monsters, the towns, the small businesses, some recipes that the MC imported from his previous world to this otherworld, the nobles, etc. Also, the MC is seen sometimes being eccentric in some mundane stuff not only to the s*aves and other people, but also to the readers too, sometimes giving the feeling of reading a filler chapter.

Many reviewers complain about how much s*x does the MC do and think. Objectively, there are more lines and words in the novel about cooking and tasting than the actual s*x scenes, which are surprisingly scarcely descripted. The MC thinks a lot about his s*aves' s*xual attributes, but keep in mind that he doesn't externalize his pe*verted thoughts to the point of being creepy to the others except to the readers. Although he is undeniable pe*verted, he doesn't act like a scumbag R18 novel protagonist. I insist to say that he values his s*aves to the point of being too precautious to prevent them to die on him.

Lastly, right now the translators of the web novel just reached the original autor Sogano Shachi at chapter 221 and he is currently writing 3-4 web novel chapters yearly because he is more focused to his light novels (storywise, the 8 light novel volumes just reached a bit more than half of the web novel chapters) and the manga adaptation (which right now reaches web novel's chapter 31). The updates will be hellish slow, so if you plan to read this novel, read it without rushing. <<less
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