Release that Witch


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Chen Yan travels between worlds, ending up becoming an honorable prince in a medieval fantasy world. Yet this world was not quite as simple as he thought. Witches with magical powers abound, and fearsome wars between churches and kingdoms rage throughout the land.

Roland, a prince regarded as hopeless by his own father and assigned to the worst fief, spends his time developing a poor and backward town into a strong and modern city, while fighting against his siblings for the throne and absolute control over the kingdom. Join Roland as he befriends and allies with witches and, through fighting and even farming, pushes back invaders coming from the realm of evil.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fang Kai Nage Nuwu
Fangkai Nage Nuwu
Fàng kāi nàgè nǚwū
마녀 사용설명서
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361 Reviews sorted by

freedom1x rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c694
The novel development keeps getting better.

I like how you put a simple character in a fantastical journey to another world and slowly develop to become someone great.

A few times, I stop reading before the story reveals how MC would encounter a situation, and I just stare out my window and look at the Java apple tree outside. Wondering what will MC do. And then read what MC will do. And to my surprise. MC would just do simple but plausible and effective way to confront a situation. I like how... more>> MC does not have to over complicate things.

Rated 5/5 because I learned a lot from this novel. <<less
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Pyushis rated it
November 16, 2017
Status: c539
tl;dr: Top-tier novel. Worth the time spent in reading.
Reminder: this novel also includes Sci-Fi / Fantasy. Now if you try to add total Realism and Sci-Fi you have a problem cause that's just plain s*upidity.

Premise 3/5 - Beginning is not that unique. There is already a lot of reincarnation in another body that I've read. Witches are regarded as devil spawns even if they're innocent. Won't spoil more. Can you skip some chapters? Yes you can. But if you do, I wont be surprised if you suddenly don't understand how something is accomplished. If those are backstories then yes you can skip it.

Characters 6/5 - This is where this novel shines brightly. The characters (Witches) are slowly built, their attitudes are fully laid out slowly and development is apparent throughout the chapters. Romance might be slow but it is not annoying unlike other novels. You can sympathize with the characters in their ordeals.


Roland - the MC, knows a lot. Quite questionable how he remembers and knows a lot of stuff but at least he's not as omniscient as other MC in novels are. Theres a degree of realism. Readers can relate to him because he doesn't have any powers at all. Just modern day knowledge.

Witches - The witches are not tools as some would say. They are hired by roland. Two different things. In case you haven't noticed, I won't blame you. Now if you'll argue that employees are tools maybe you should go and have a therapy or something. Their characters aren't sloppily made as some would claim as well. Their attitude changed as time went by.

Fight scenes 3/5 - A healthy dose of both super powers and military might. Strength gain is increasing in a logical and reasonable manner. Predictable? To some extent. Annoying? Not at all.

Personal Enjoyment - While it may not be as good as other novels, It has enough to make me crave for more every single time. That is enough to warrant a point higher than the maximum.

PS: I'm reading a lot of intelligent novels as well. 6/5 for personal enjoyment.
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Ginko rated it
October 30, 2017
Status: --
Oddly Addicting

Interesting world building and plot
Writing style is easy to read
Characters become likable

However, there is one huge Con I can't ignore.
Roland is suppose to be your average BA or Masters level engineer from our world. BUT this mother **** apparently has an IQ and comprehension that exceeds the combined smartest 6 people I have ever met (including those with PhDs). If the author would have taken the time to do a proper setup for him in the beginning of the novel, this could have been believed. - The rest of the Cons you can find in other reviews -

If you can overlook this, it becomes a fun read regardless
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KiNG_JCD777 rated it
October 2, 2017
Status: c400
My new favourite novel. I can relate to this since im an engineer as well. Wahaha !! Thanks for this novel im really glad this novel existed. Good story line, unique and extra ordinary. Some chinese novels always considers cultivations and such but this novel hehe reading it will broaden your horizons. Try this out for a change of pace.
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Homeless_One rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: c452
An amazing read, had me up late several nights cause I couldn't stop reading! The MC is not brainless, nor is he overpowered. He only has the knowledge of his former life to assist him. What's more, his previous profession was an engineer so it is much more believable that he has the amount of knowledge he does. He remembers a bit too much, but does have trouble remembering certain aspects, which we all would, if put in the same situation. He isn't a harem protagonist or really thickheaded either.... more>> He has someone he likes and he makes that clear as time goes on. Of the (few) people who are romantically inclined towards him, they do not just slobber all over him the second they see him. It takes time and trust for them to develop their emotions. It was a breath of fresh air, reading this, and I highly encourage you check it out too! <<less
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FeaRce rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: c405
Ok, my review on this novel is simply... AMAZING.

The characters are well developed and the world building is amazing too.

This novel is not your typical CN novels with arrogant characters whatsoever.

The MC is way too cool. And wait! He is not someone who is OP like in other novels, he' is just a pure genius with a lot of knowledge. ... more>>[ He can do civil engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, politics, law maker, buisinessman/merchant and most of all... it seems he is also building a ultra mega harem family xD]

As for how he use his knowledge is way too cool too. The author always explain how he make his new machines and other invention (not really invention since he is just using his past's life knowledge) is also great. I sometimes wonder how author do it all xD.

As for people would always get hyper when he brought his new creations into reality, especialy during wars. [ Just imagine using firearms to the world of swords and arrows.]

I truly recommend this novel for readers who might be accidentaly bump into this page.

Lets just hope that translator and author will keep their amazing jobs and dont ruin this piece of gem novel and would release more chapters, likely 10k more chapters hahahaha. <<less
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Raubtier rated it
August 10, 2017
Status: c202
The story has been enjoyable so far. Aside from the main plot, the interactions between the characters has been interesting. I'd call the story progress as slow with 4 volumes only covering about six months or so in the story.

But aside from the slow progress, main character's character development and sometimes annoyingly clustered info dumps, this story is one of those rare jewels. The 'Kingdom Building' tag is not exaggerated. The main plot can keep you addicted with it's intricacy.

I've only so far up to vol. 4 but I know... more>> my 5 rating won't change. <<less
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Diskat rated it
June 9, 2017
Status: c700
This work is unlike any chinese novel I've read so far. I went to the chinese raws and to my surprise, it is actually readable machine translated. And so I read it up to the latest chapter, which is far more than I had bothered for any other brainless chinese novels. I feel like that since I read one xianxia, I've read it all.

I like this novel because this is unique in the fact Roland doesn't have a cheat and enemies were knocking at his door. So what does... more>> he do? He uses his past life's tech to actually play a huge role in developing his city.

Although the plot and storytelling is somewhat slightly above average, and it also its flaws, the story somehow far exceeded my expectation and hit something right with me.

I like the Modern tech vs Medieval tech and the Modern Tech vs Magic that goes on here. The Magic part isn't exceedingly overpowered that Modern tech doesn't have a hope of overcoming, but Roland's current Modern tech isn't the strongest thing out there either. In fact, it's the surprise factor of Magic that is the blessing and curse to him. Thankfully, most of it can be mitigated by the God's Stone, but that isn't absolute.


The Modern tech raises the danger bar for the average man enough to fight the demon beasts and eventually alien devils. He'll have heavy machine guns and battleships and artillery by the time of his campaign against Timothy. Honestly, it was a bit of a letdown as the battle's a bit too short. But the shock factor is awesome.

I like how Roland would explain making gunpowder, and even goes on making smokeless gunpowder, and even dynamite, which is far more than any isekai protagonists usually do as they stop with 1700's gun tech. He brings his city up to WWI tech. While it feels like his knowledge far surpasses the average engineer, his thoughts are based on hard facts that a cursory internet search would have trouble finding how things work. I applaud the author who actually knows his stuff.


For the church thing, at first I thought the author's understanding of religion was rather shallow, but...


it is explained why it was so in the later chapters which is quite a surprise. Not every author would bother thinking about such a thing. Apparently, the church hasn't been around for more than 400 years and that the church was designed to fight against the devils, not to worship some higher being. Although that doesn't mean that there isn't a possibility of higher being. Some of the upper echelons believe there is a War God, and that he only favors the victors.


Even so, while I do give the novel 5/5, Roland *cough* the author *cough* is not perfect and has his own biases or is merely ignorant about some things.


Roland introduced chopsticks, stating that you can produce more utensils. Not sure if he realized, but chopsticks are made out of fast growing bamboo for a reason. There's likely no bamboo in Border Town, now called Neverwinter City. Moreover, they can't replace the utility of a spoon. Fortunately, we haven't seen that panning out reaching beyond his castle through because the author forgot about it or something.

I'd like to also know more about the revolver rifles, and how he fixed with the gunpowder blast not getting into their faces when shooting while aiming. Unfortunately, it seems that here is more glossed over the specifics.

Lastly, I'm not sure, but Roland might using an auto-revolver design, because there's no way he's able to fire so many shots quickly enough while being pinned down by an assassin.

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baqar_otaku rated it
May 25, 2017
Status: c308
Awesome. Novel. Such details of modern tech and applying it in another world, tho it can be a bit of a pain in the bu*t trying to understand all the tech but the beautiful mix of fantasy, suspense, Mystery, OP Military Power, Politics, Romance and action more than makes up for that (plus the MC is cool). Its a little hard to keep reading in the start and mid (ch1-ch150/ch200) but its worth it. Trust me
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Linbe rated it
March 13, 2017
Status: c1
I don't think there's actually any reason for me to write a review on this novel because anyone can understand how good this novel is just from the reviews and the ratings. I can't even begin to fathom what sort of sad*st gave it a 1 star.

This is one of the most original novels in this site. Although it does have the reincarnation which is a cliche, give the author a break. Everyone's gotta start somewhere and to get the guy to this setting and for the novel to have... more>> such an interesting story this was essential.

The MC is smart but cannot actually be called a Genius. He has outstanding management skills has a good memory and doesn't laze around. One of the things many people complain about is that he does not take more than one woman but that is something I like about the MC that he does not lose his moral values which he was taught in his previous world. We see in many books how the MC's just lose their moral compass after reincarnating.

Though I do think that it will most probably be a harem, this is one of those harems which I don't mind either because it was not forced. This is the first time I'm actually even supporting the Harem too.

The character building is also amazing, how the MC blends in and starts managing and how they give importance to side characters too and doesn't make the MC too OP. I have to say one of the best reads right now and easily in my top 3. <<less
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Arafell rated it
November 8, 2016
Status: c131
I've read through what's been translated so far - chapter 131 - and I have to say, it's pretty good. This is very much an 'uplift' story in the technological sense, so if you don't like the thought of a modern engineer leading musketeers/cannon teams against cavalry knights, you're probably not going to like the way this is going.

If you DO like seeing military smackdowns, and you like watching people exploit magic to its logical conclusion, and you often cheat in Civilization to fight barbarian archers with attack helicopters, this... more>> web novel is for you.

Pros: Battles. Monsters. Engineering feats. Story moves quickly, and I actually READ the interludes which is rare for me. The plot has some mysteries lurking, but you still feel like you understand what's going on. The author also did a fair amount of research on the industrial revolution the MC is kicking off, which is nice.

Cons: Protagonist is a bit generic. You could sum him up in just a couple of words - "Perfect Prince." He's a fair and intelligent ruler with everyone's best intentions in mind, and if they all just rolled over and let him do what he wanted the world would be a better place, but anyone that gets in his way is going to get shot by musket volley fire. Witches are beginning to resemble a battle harem. <<less
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MisterAbstruse rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Release That Witch is one of my favorite novels. Allow me to be transparent upfront, the first several hundred chapters are a FIRM 10/10. Then it dips to an 8/10, and eventually has a 6/10 ending. Why did I still give it 5 stars? For two reasons: extremely high and resonant enjoyment, and it's peak (and averaged) quality.

It's been quite some time since I finished this novel, and I had taken a break around chapter 900 (because the translation was not finished) ; but I still use "Novels like Release... more>> That Witch" in my Google searches to find books that I will like. Almost everything that it does, it does incredibly well for quite some time.

I spent an immense amount of time crafting mental fanfiction of where the story could go while I was reading it, thinking of different ways that the witches powers could be used or cultivated into particular directions. I'm a sucker for science and engineering, as well as city development, and it's such a joy to hear processes and advancements described in such a holistic way. It's like watching someone play "Civilization"; but more detailed, fantastic, and personalized - you are taken on the adventure firsthand.


Also, Nightingale is best girl - and you cannot convince me otherwise.


If you know of novels like Release That Witch, DM me; I need more of it in my life.

Final score: (900*1+500*0.8+100*0.6) /1500 = ~0.91

9.1/10 goes to a 5/5 (I may have finessed the numbers. I'm not sorry. Reading it is worth the sadness of knowing you will not soon find another novel that takes you to the same heights that this one does.) <<less
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Bryre rated it
October 18, 2023
Status: Completed
I initially only read a couple reviews on the first page so I was pretty optimistic. After finishing the novel, I'm now just disappointed.

The novel starts great, but as it progresses, you'll notice that there no real losses for the main character, or for the witches.

Except that.. In the last few chapters, the MC merges with the world and forever loses his body


The romance is undeveloped. If you're here for the romantic subplot, you'll be disappointed. The main love interest isn't fleshed out well, and the second love interest is a third wheel that is strung along. These characters are shown frequently in the story, but instead of developing them, the author opts to write random side stories for side characters of little significance.

The pacing ramps up after the battle with the church. Honestly, once you get to the last 10 chapters, just stop reading, you're better off.
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mondoplus rated it
May 27, 2023
Status: --
I have read the entire novel. Be careful when reading the review, there may be spoilers.

I will only put this review to defend the novel from some reviews.

1.- This novel is not feminist. The reason why witches are all women is an inspiration from medieval European times, where the Lutherans burned thousands of women for witchcraft.

2.- The MC has a college degree. He has a university degree in Engineering. At the time of his death, he had a job, making him approximately 30 years old. It is true that his... more>> general knowledge is basic, but he has the foundations to develop because he knows the way. If we take weapons as an example, it develops technology step by step, it is not capable of developing assault rifles or missiles.

3.- This knowledge is shared in their environment and with the population. It is normal that intelligence and understanding grow not only in the MC's environment, it also grows in the population.

4.- The characters come and go, I think it's a success because that's how life works. The novel ends very quickly and with important characters disappearing (Edith, for example). It is not known what led to the novel's cancellation, but most believe it is due to censorship by the Chinese government. This novel has 1500 chapters and it looks like it could have been 1000 more chapters.

5.- This novel is family friendly compared to others of the similar genre. The characters are either very pure or very dark, there are no gray main characters. If you consider that this novel is aimed at adolescent readers, or you think that the novel is very childish, you should consider another similar one like "Tales Reincarnator Lord". In literary terms, don't look to read "The Lord of the Rings" in a book like "The Hobbit." This novel leaves no one indifferent for a reason. There is nothing like it in the genre. When writing something that does not adapt to what exists, the result is that many will love it and many will hate it.

The only things that bothered me about this novel are:

  • They do not explain reincarnation. It is the basis and engine of this story. They only theorize at the end in a couple of paragraphs.
  • In the last 200 chapters you can feel the author's rush of wanting to finish the novel. I think the moment they expose the Battle of Divine as a trap, everything rushes to the end.
  • The end is closed. It is not possible to resume the novel to fix the mess.
SFME (Sorry for my English). <<less
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kokekoo rated it
August 25, 2022
Status: --
The thing that irks me about this novel is the characters including the MC. As the lord he doesnt act like one especially against women, he reminds me of Japanese wuss MCs.

For example, one of the witches is extremely disrespectful and looks down on him and he is "embarrassed" and simply has no power or authority, quite frankly the way he carries himself is overly soft and I personally dislike such characters. He met another beautiful female and she keeps wasting his time of the king by asking him how his political system will work when in reality he doesnt need to waste hours talking to her and explain because its a waste of time. Another thing is that he doesnt try to keep his technology secret, its the main thing that made him powerful. He is not bright when it comes to economy at all, doesnt know basic supply and demand. Selling technology never seen and absolutely useful and unique for dirt cheap to wealthy people. He is just plain politically correct, wuss, and not so bright in business kind of MC. Some of the witches talk rudely back to him and he gets embarrassed as if he is done something wrong in his damn territory where he has absolute control.

He relies on witches too much in everything when he doesnt need to, especially during military operations against demons even tho he has a much more powerful army that can get things done no need to rely on a bunch of little girls who only complete missions through plot armor.

Witches lead humanity against demons and lost every time, I wonder why? May be letting a bunch of little girls in such high authority and power is not such a bright idea.


Everyone is just gullible including the MC, he trusts witches sooo much even tho he just met them and if they are enemies he couldve died at any time which would be disastrous for the responsibility he holds. He is not responsible at all in this regard. There is a reason why presidents and kings are accompanied by bodyguards at all times when they are in office and are usually in safe places.

What do we expect from a civilization ruled by little girls with magical powers? An extremely backward society with haughty losers who lost against other civilizations and kept in the dark of almost all critical information that other civilizations know and strive for. Then comes our MC to bring creativity and bring civilization forward yet keep glorifying their loser past and disrespect him even tho he could squash them to death with one command.

MC also relies on witches for everything, its like he cannot do anything without the help of a witch as if humans needed witches for the things he is making. I get he used much less time than in history with their help but attributing the advancements and success to witches is s*upid because he is the one that brought the technology.
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July 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Fun at the beginning, meh at the middle, absolutely awful rushed ending
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hailboy rated it
April 25, 2021
Status: Completed
"Release that Witch' is one of the legendary novels beside "Lord of the Mysteries". It is probably the best "Kingdom Building" and "Army Building" novel out there. Among the countless novels I have read this will forever be one of the best. This novel practically portrays the evolution of a civilization. Moreover the character of the protagonist is also logic oriented and extremely humane. The novel is also quite descriptive which makes it very immersive. "Roland" the protagonist of this novel will also forever be my one the best protagonist.
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Arha rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Three stars and I feel like I'm being generous. This story has a LOT of issues, of which I'll go over four.

First, the cast is way too goddamn large and there isn't much to differentiate them. I cannot possibly remember who each and every one of these witches are or what their special ability is. Even the female lead barely manages to avoid this, losing majorly in screen time and overall plot relevance to the secondary love interest, Nightingale. The story just kind of brings back Anna every now and... more>> then and is like "By the way, she and Roland are still much greatly in wubbles, see? Now we're putting her back in the factory for another hundred chapters." I remember the core cast but eventually you start getting My Little Pony characters or something. Who calls themselves Mystery Moon anyway?

Second, the love triangle never gets proper exploration or resolution. They just kind of put that plot thread aside a third of the way through with a vague 'Nightingale and Anna came to some kind of agreement offscreen' and then didn't get back to it until the last ten chapters. Which, mind you, was not bringing it back for a resolution. No, it was just reminding us that the plot thread had never been addressed. We don't know what their agreement was. We don't know if it matches what they eventually did. We still don't know anything about this.

Third, the story is just too long. Yes, I like a good door stopper novel, but this is just ridiculous. The chapters are short, but you cannot possibly make any kind of real progress in a reasonable time frame. The story is just endlessly padded by random bullsh*t no one cares about like, not kidding, talking about ice cream sandwiches.

Fourth, and perhaps most annoyingly, despite all those chapters, the story still failed to resolve a lot of different plot threads, many of which were only introduced near the end. What happened to Andrea and her father? Did that love triangle between the one dude and the two witches ever get resolved? The ones who could rot things and the one who could... I don't remember. You call that a resolution the rogue Sky Sea Realm Nest Mother thingy? Why even START that plot thread if you aren't going to do anything with it?

In short, the story is kind of a hot, sticky mess. If the author cut out about half of the bullsh*t and then ran through what was left with a good editor you could probably find a really good story in here somewhere, but since that never happened I guess the only option is tortuously going through fifteen hundred chapters of boring nonsense. <<less
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apsisodia rated it
October 9, 2019
Status: Completed
I loved reading this book.

It has Good and righteous MC which is pretty rare for Chinese novels. Storyline and plot is really good. While others might hate it but I iiked reading slice of life part of the story.

The only thing I didn't like in story is romance. There are 2 FL namely anna and nightingale. Yet the author only focused on anna. There wasn't even a kiss between MC and nightingale to the end. If author wasn't planning to make it a harem then why introduced such elements in... more>> the story. It was slightly irritating.

Overall this novel is good. Highly recommend! <<less
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Dragon sovereing
Dragon sovereing rated it
September 9, 2018
Status: c1034
It is a good novel, it is not perfect but it is good, it really has several failures as the over-knowledge of the protagonist or the fact that they give unnecessary data is also the fact that the author is too idealistic, now I give him 5 stars for the fact that there are a lot of people without brains doing bad reviews without even stopping to think what they really mean except for 3 to 4 that I saw their meaning as the one who claims to be elitist... more>> when he reads game of throne and the lord of the rings, game of throne one of the most s*upid books there is a book that can be summarized in s*x, blood and betrayal, as the Lord of the Rings a book that takes a legend and adapts to a story and wants to see it as original, for god they even think about what they write, in addition the same comment compares novels with plot holes like a f*cking city and that is not gender, also says political things when you see kilometers you do not know anything about this, another says that he is a reader and intelligent and that this novel is not for that type of readers, but f*ck that laugh, when you notice that they have not played a book of Shakespeare or have never read one of history, they do not know where they are standing and they come to talk about things they do not even know.

Now if you have arrived here I will tell you what you want to know the novel is a decent one between what fits its mistakes is not perfect but it hooks you, in addition to those errors mentioned above it should be noted that it seems that almost all men are useless and that the author wants must be seen as the one who knows a lot, which is a bit annoying, but if you ignore these bad points that are perfectly ignorable is a very good novel, in addition to the 1000 up comes a new one works a little more complex, so you read all this I wish you a good read.

sorry for my bad english, but I had to write it. <<less
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