Release that Witch


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Chen Yan travels between worlds, ending up becoming an honorable prince in a medieval fantasy world. Yet this world was not quite as simple as he thought. Witches with magical powers abound, and fearsome wars between churches and kingdoms rage throughout the land.

Roland, a prince regarded as hopeless by his own father and assigned to the worst fief, spends his time developing a poor and backward town into a strong and modern city, while fighting against his siblings for the throne and absolute control over the kingdom. Join Roland as he befriends and allies with witches and, through fighting and even farming, pushes back invaders coming from the realm of evil.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fang Kai Nage Nuwu
Fangkai Nage Nuwu
Fàng kāi nàgè nǚwū
마녀 사용설명서
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361 Reviews sorted by

BuhX rated it
July 14, 2018
Status: c980
There are many good things about RTW, but I'll focus on things that I dislike about it. There are plenty of positive reviews out there.

- Roland's memory is quite unrealistic and this MC's "magic item." Later on also the dream world.

- The many ridiculous and ludicrous abilities that the witches have is the MC's other "magic item."

- There has been practically no suspense in the entire novel so far. Too much plot armor and (IIRC) no deaths of important characters. You don't even worry about characters anymore because nothing serious... more>> ever happens anyway. I've also not got the impression that the Demons and Sea enemies are serious threats so far.

- Many problems concerning administration and politics are barely (if at all) touched upon and just get brushed off with a sentence or two. Schemes of antagonists feel forced and simplistic.

- Overall the novel isn't very serious and feels a bit like a Shounen manga/anime.

- Not that I care much about it, but the romance in this novel is really bad. I don't even remember why Anna is so special to Roland.

- Many side characters grow on you, but often don't appear for dozens if not hundreds of chapters. There are also so many that I often forget them/their abilities because I like to stack chapters.

- Random (bad) jokes and mentions about earth related stuff take away the immersion.

- Many chapters and side story arcs are unnecessarily long. Some chapters are needless info dumps and overly long introductions to new characters. The different character's points of view is both good and bad. Sometimes you wonder if you are reading the wrong novel.

I consider RTW a great break to get away from the typical blood and mayhem of other webnovels, but I think it would have been better if it was a published novel and the author put some more thought into chapters. The webnovel release rates force filler chapters. <<less
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Ohems rated it
May 16, 2018
Status: c938
The label "Made in China" tends to be a bit of a joke these days. Cheap copycats as Chinese products tend to be. The novels coming from China haven't impressed me much either due to the heavy influence of the local culture which usually makes them seem very outlandish and foreign for me. But somehow, for some reason, Release that Witch manages to overcome its roots and really, really impress me.

The writer is from China, the plot is an isekai story from Japan and the world is from medieval Europe.... more>> And it works. It works so damn well. The story loans its story structure from Japanese novels without being embarrassing or completely over the top like actual Japanese isekai stories usually tend to be. The main cast is a healthy mix of males and females in leading roles even though the whole point of the story are the female witches. Most of the characters are adults and behave as such, calmly and with some well defined and deep reason. Even many of the children have been given great backstories and fitting emotional depth to their character. All in all, the cast is very varied and very deep, a pleasure to observe.

Overall the author really seems to know how to build a world. Things are introduced bit by bit and the struggle for the throne in a medieval world with which the story begins quickly turns into magic, monster and gunpowder filled apocalyptic mayhem without losing any of its internal logic or cohesion. Sometimes the author introduces some really weird events which would be completely out of place in any other novel but strangely fit in this one. The apocalypse I mentioned earlier doesn't creep in too slowly nor does it appear too fast either. The story manages to maintain a good war-on-the-front-peace-at-home feeling where the conflicts around the nation contrast to the internal politics and technological advancement of the nation itself. From time to time the war comes knocking on the door though and we get to see the peace endangered in exciting manners.

If there is something to complain, the main character knows a bit too much. A person, even a qualified engineer, coming from the internet age should not have this much knowledge in their head. There are also some "convenient" things happening in the story. But then again, go and find me an isekai story that wouldn't commit these sins. Release that Witch also manages to save itself by being very thorough with explaining all of the technical details every time some modern invention is introduced. You get the feeling that the author really researched a lot of stuff for the story and therefore the scenes don't appear completely cheap.

I'd recommend reading this novel on the webnovel. Com site and start collecting spirit stones (the currency of that page) before you reach the paywall. Webnovel has a very reasonable payment model where you can pay for the newest chapters but all of the chapters eventually get released for free and there are also ways to gain spirit stones through activity. In exchange for this, you get chapters translated with pretty much professional quality. And that just makes this even more awesome. <<less
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Andeetected rated it
April 6, 2018
Status: c681
My favorite Chinese novel of all time and it's not even finish yet!

I never thought I'd give a 5 star so quickly but I'd be overly egoistic if I didn't.

This shows how great this novel is for me. Finding fault in this novel is like looking for a needle in a haystack. A good team of translators also made that possible.

... more>> Everything in this novel just flows beautifully. All the characters are so memorable and they will keep you engaged unconsciously.

MC is surrounded by characters much powerful than him and yet he isn't the least bit insecure. Normally, I wouldn't like it as I find those type of MC's too common in this genre. Except in this case. I'm totally convinced, and bow down towards this authors unique delivery.

This story is a rare blend of science, magic and adventure all rolled into one. Yes, rare for a Chinese webnovel. But it's merit doesn't stem from it's uniqueness, but because of the authors knowledge in real world science and how he applies them to his plot so naturally.

The author has written this so well that this novel has become my measurement to scale all others. It has significantly lowered my tolerance and threshold of patience towards other novels.

A must read! <<less
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Steviason rated it
March 11, 2018
Status: --

I got to the part after the battle with the church and roland wins the duel of souls. Anyways, Roland does not feel like Roland which is a problem because his the main character. For the first few hundred chapters Roland while not a great character was a decent character (very big gary sue though).

First instance of roland not being roland happens around where the demons pop up again after the hot air balloon is created and they decide to go scout the demon outpost. roland essentially goes "I know I am the most important person to my own reforms and stability of my reign but sod off with your concerns because I wanna go to and be with my waifu anna" an this is the anti-thesis of everything roland was built up to be. Roland's character was shown to be smart and kind and more or less identifying with the modern world soul/memories over his original soul and memories. Risking his life to go scout out a demon outpost however was not a very smart thing it was just dumb never mention that everything quite literally revolves around him at border town. not as much as it use to but still you don't present the enemy your head on a sliver platter when you are the head of state.

Second instance of roland not being roland is the whole thing concerning Heidi Morgan. Instead of saying "lets not do the death penalty if you insist on punishing her" roland went "yeah lets kill her". for context roland identifies with his modern self a lot more than his medieval self meanwhile Heidi Morgan is a actual princess and a witch who runs her own witch organization aka the bloodfang association and unlike roland does not have the power of hindsight/advanced future knowledge.

The bloodfang were originally created as a secret military branch by Heidi Morgan to help reclaim the throne from her uncle and hand the throne to her father. They achieved this and than the war with the church started soon after. the result was the wolfheart kingdom losing inspite of Heidi Morgan's best attempts at hindering the church with the bloodfang. This leads to Heidi Morgan becoming desperate; to the point she begins selling off none combat witches to the nobles to buy her time to recruit more combat witches with the idea being to seek help and eventually retake the WolfHeart Kingdom. Things did not go as plan so they ran.

eventually roland meets a few bloodfang witches and decides to tell his sister lets set a trap with a witch created out of illusion magic. the bloodfang desperate to keep its past secret fall right into this trap and Heidi Morgan is captured and the second in command dies fighting Ashes.

in jail Heidi Morgan admits to what she did to the none combat witches and sentenced to death with roland's 100% approval. Roland shoulda recognized the desperation Heidi Morgan was in espically when she proclaimed "help me and I will let you take half of the WolfHeart Kingdom as a reward!". but instead of recognizing this desperation he just did not give a crap. Furthermore what crime did she actually commit (other than attempted mu*der on an illusion) ? she did not commit a crime while she was held under Tilly's law or roland's law and yet roland arbitrarily goes "yeah lets just kill her because were the ethical people here". Heidi Morgan did not know how to make bombs or guns like roland she naturally tried creating a quality force out of combat witches she was desperate acting out in desperation. Even if she was selling out the none combat witches prior to this desperation she did not break Tilly or Roland's law because she was not subjected to it.

its like a person in Germany does something in Germany completely a okay there and goes over to the UK and the UK throws the person in jail and than sentences him because he broke UK law without being subjected to it. Roland is sopose to identify with his modern self more not his semi-cruel medieval prince self and the novel goes out of its way to make/prove this point by stating the semi-cruel prince self is all but forgotten a mere back drop/history.

there are inconsistencies in the main character that should not be there.

as for what I stated earlier about roland being a gary sue.. well he is a gary sue. he is literally mr google of the medieval realm "this is how you make cement, cement boats, o and here is a chemistry book I wrote myself, a natural science book, etc. etc."<---if he had a photographic memory and liked to spend his time on the net learning stuff no one else learns about or barely remembers/loses as they get older...I could let it slide... but Roland does NOT have a photographic memory the novel even pointed this out several times for example the chemistry book when there were missing parts in the periodic table.

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Anonymousse rated it
November 11, 2017
Status: c345
surprisingly good!

a mix of history, science, and fantasy unlike the usual CN.

Theres no repetitive arc or similar. The story flows with a simple goal from the beginning but its not boring. The more u read the deeper the plot.

... more>> Some readers will complaint bout how knowledge descriptions in the story sometimes feels unneccessary like science, chemistry, or similar feels like authors brag of his knowledge. But I personally feels thats just a different view, as that knowledge also explain how MC gain his tech materials for his goals.

And in the end, i`m personally recommend this novel. Just ignore the low rate/reviews and try to read this. And keep this in mind: "this is just a fantasy novel for the pleasure of reading, not the kind of smartass intelligent novel". So if intelligent reads u seek, try the library and look for science/chemistry/biology/similar shelves !!! <<less
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Davr rated it
June 18, 2017
Status: c321
I was skeptical of reading this novel because the MC didn't have any powers and believed it would be a boring drama if the MC didn't have any powers. But, I gave the novel a try, and what I found was extraordinary.

It was extremely well written!

The author deserves praise for researching the science behind the inventions that the MC wants to bring into the world he was transported into and making this novel enjoyable, even when the MC doesn't have powers. The decisions the MC makes are reasonable and the... more>> world and characters are well fleshed out.

I felt as if I was in the world alongside the MC as he continued to build his power and influence. <<less
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chibiheaven rated it
June 16, 2017
Status: c321
I was skeptical, but thought I should give this a try despite the description not really appealing to me because of the glowing ratings - and thank God I did! This is an amazing read and is a breath of fresh air, it seriously does not read like a Chinese novel. The author and the translators are awesome.
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watny rated it
December 6, 2016
Status: c168
Good novel. The MC gets reincarnated into a prince called Roland who became the lord of a mining town because he was a no good prince. The father give his other siblings better territory then him. So the first thing he sees is a young woman name Anna in raggee cloths and he found out that people are waiting on him the signal to execute her. But he was able to prolong the executing day by one day. He learn she is a witch and he went inside the prison... more>> to see her and found out she can use fire magic, she hire her to help him introduce modern world technology to that world of the middle ages by using her fire and other witches power. This is the story of Prince Roland changing how this world treat witches and commoners and making more jobs and increasing the education level of people. He will goes on to be the most love king of history. <<less
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Leolio rated it
November 2, 2016
Status: c124
Best Kingdom Building Novel ever.

I hate those typical harem and idiot character (all fighting, mindlessly fall in love, unconvincing harem) so I skip this novel for so long because its cover and name suggest that, but I was totally wrong.

World building are great, every character are great. Everyone has their own good reason for what they do (include villain). The struggle of Witch and battling for throne are really well put and convincing. Don't hesitate like me. Just read and you won't be disappoint.
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Rain-XIX rated it
August 18, 2016
Status: v1c49
A great read. Is a well thought out and paced kingdom builder/slice of life with some fantasy mixed in. The MC is believable, has good enough motives to get behind and the cast is okay too.
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Kamui rated it
August 17, 2016
Status: c47
Truly a good story. Contrary to others Chinese stories I've read so far, here the MC uses purely his brain/head to face forward, isn't OP, and acts normal (well, not really for his time, but for us yeah).

He'll surely become an important gear in his new world's progress.

... more>>

Using every time basics chemistry and physics phenomenon, he is slowly revolutionizing everything around him.

Romance goes slowly, it is purely one-sided and is purely background but it gives a "real" feeling. Politics are too, really interesting, and I'm waiting to see how things will go between the 5 heirs, Thimoty taking the first blood actually (around chapter 40 and more).

I'm maybe hoping too much, but it would be so good if the MC had the b***** to rebel against church, like in some famous English best seller...


This one's really different from what you're used to read here, so don't hesitate and go read it! <<less
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dysry rated it
August 5, 2016
Status: c44

The MC reincarnates as a prince in medieval Europe, with a position high enough to introduce social and technological reforms. While the concept is nothing new, Release that Witch is definitely one of the better reincarnation-world building series out there, simply because it's well written, evenly paced, while the MC doesn't just dictate reforms to create a mini version of our society.

Instead, when the MC first reincarnated, he started to learn the rules of his new world and integrates it with modern views and technology to assist rather than remake society. His approach is also hands on and on a smaller scale, starting from a small town and a few industries, rather than grand sweeps and vague directions.
The characters are also complex with realistic POVs and concerns that do add something new to the story. Rather than blindly following the MC or hating him, they have their own thoughts and concerns, even if you don't agree with it (villains).
The pace might be a little slow for some, but it's easy to read and flows well. The MC also lacks the obnoxiousness commonly found in these series, while the characters also feel quite human. The author also chose (wisely) to deal with things like discrimination and social views over the long term since reforms and changing people's thoughts are one of the hardest things to do.

E: While all the other characters have their charms, and the story development is interesting, the biggest weakness is that the MC has no distinct personality of his own and just blandly rolls out progress and development. He's a good guy, fair, knowledgeable and treats everyone well, but there's nothing particularly memorable. Consequently the story can seem a little too mechanical and idealistic at times. Recommendations - Log Horizon in terms of integrating modern and alternate technologies and societies, though it happens on a larger scale. Both series are also a little more serious than world+harem building as the authors try to convey a sense of reality in their stories.
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Arnissan rated it
July 26, 2016
Status: c191
A japanese workaholic dies and wakes up as the useless 4th prince to work once more. Quite an enjoyable read thus far. The pacing could be faster but the content makes up for it. Hopefully we'll get some more depth for the main characters as story goes on.

UPDATE 29.08.2016: While the character development is somewhat lacking, development of the Bordertown makes up for it. The political landscape and happenings are also interesting.

UPDATE 30.12.2016: This is definitely one of the best if not the best novel on the site. None of... more>> the others I've read here have been up to the quality standards of an actual book but Release that Witch could actually be sold in book stores. Can't recommend this enough! <<less
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TheJudge rated it
July 7, 2016
Status: c52
MC dies from working too hard, reincarnates into the 4th prince that is in charge of a poor little town/outpost in a time where the church resign supreme and witches were burned.

Only thing MC has over others is his mechanical engineering knowledge, which he uses to build weapons, walls, houses ect. He has no special powers unlike the witches, yet? This has a bit of politics as well as everyone is aiming for the throne. Pacing isn't too bad, could be a bit faster. Pretty good read so far if... more>> you want to read something new while learning a few things here and there while doing it. <<less
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Grandnork rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: Completed
My friends, the novel is already completed you just need to search it. Really a good read if I say myself, if you really want to find a good novel stop reading the reviews and go read the novel already, mostly of the people here just finds the novel having something that they don't like and start talking bullsh*t and comparing things with real life.
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Nexai rated it
March 12, 2020
Status: c1498
I've recently finished this light novel and feel compelled to summarize it in one word: disappointing. I cannot in good conscience recommend it to anyone.

Both the character and unique plot developments were initially refreshing. It's very much an isekai type of setting and is vastly expanded upon due to the mysterious magical nature of the protagonist's new world. In numerous instances this led to a positive sense of duality between modern and magical civilizations while many things were unveiled. There were certainly a few times where I could not predict... more>> what would happen next which, to me, is satisfying nowadays.

Unfortunately, the writer hastily concluded this otherwise fantastic story within the last 50+ chapters. There were numerous questions and intriguing elements left abandoned. The writer created a cheap all-in-one solution that pretends to be profound. If I were to draw an example, it bears an uncanny resemblance to the ridiculous plot hole ridden conclusion of 'The Matrix'.

If you read this from start to end it's likely you will find yourself in a similar position in the end, asking why. It's baffling due to the fact this story was undoubtedly given much care and consideration for most of its time. I enjoyed it for the better part of (3) months just to in the end construct my own imaginative ending to feel somewhat appeased.

Unfortunately this is the last time I'm going to read a light novel. Perhaps it's simply bad luck. I've read a couple of other light novels in the past year that have also been disappointing for similar reasons. Solo Leveling was one and the other is Tales of Gods and Demons, while unfinished, seems to be following the same path with a shocking amount of degradation and haste despite its slow paced monthly release. Maybe it's not a coincidence and these writers simply aren't good enough to finish in the same manner they started. <<less
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Ensatsu rated it
September 4, 2019
Status: c500
It was good in the beginning, but after a while, it just became too repetitive for my liking:

  1. Roland is just a mechanical engineer who makes blueprints, and some of the earlier inventions that he made seemed fine, but as time went on, he started remembering minute details about chemicals and other very intricate things that its almost impossible for the human brain to recall all of these things with pinpoint accuracy. I can suspend my disbelief up to a certain extent, but some of this stuff just took me out of the story completely.
  2. Witches seem to appear and join his party with very convenient powers with the exact right timing that help him in certain situations.
  3. It's not really a harem, but it kinda is? Roland is pretty much with Anna. I'm not really a fan of their relationship anyway. If you're gonna make it a harem, make it a harem. If you're not, then don't. Why do all this wishy washy stuff?
  4. For the most part, the characterization is good. But sometimes too many characters, its hard to keep track of it unless you're binge reading it.
  5. Too many side stories that I didn't really care much about, and only skimmed reading. If I'm ever skimming through your novel quickly out of boredom, then I think it is not good personally....
Overall....... more>> it started out good, but I dropped it after a while. <<less
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CrxAio rated it
September 9, 2018
Status: c1161
Dear Fellow Daoists,

This book... Release That Witch... is a piece of literature that really leaves me breathless... I've been reading this since way back when Volare was heading this, and already then Er Mu managed to hook me in hard. I'm about to go very off-topic for a short bit in this review, but please stick with me, I'll try not to disappoint you.

Er Mu... this genius of epic proportions, leaves me wanting to make an altar for worship. He managed not only to make me one of his... more>> loyal worshippers, he has achieved something so grand it makes my heart thump. To make a world as such makes me feel as if life is complete, but life still sucks because of waiting for chapters.

This book has has truly opened my titanium dog-eyes.
A chinese webnovel that is realistic, to a point.

Chen Yan is your typical average neighbourhood engineering loner. He spends his days buried in working his ass off, quite literally since he worked himself to death. But don't think that this is a bad thing, if he didn't work to death we'd have no book to read. Chen Yan becomes Roland, your typical young-master type MC before reincarnation, the type that even ghost's and god's alike would squish like a bug. But hey, queue some good old reincarnation, and Voila! Chen Yan found his way into Roland's body.

Now, what does an engineer do if he's thrown into the middle ages with status of royalty? you guessed it, Modernize! Knowledge you may judge as worthless picked up in this modern world we live in, would be worth continents in the old days. In a world of magic with no technology, barbarians who can't even do kindergartener math can decide your life in a blink. So equipping yourself and close confidantes, preferably an army, with the modern symbol of peace and prosperity will make you and all your wonderful knowledge safer. This book has personalities that will make you laugh out loud, get profoundly angry and just straight up wanna rip the head off all the ignorant fukwit barbarian cavefolks. And if you are one of us masochists that have been getting 1-2 chapters daily for longer than my heart will remember, you will find pleasure.

Disregarding the fact that stuff takes time in real life (you'll understand this if you read the book), it's insanely fun to read about the modernization of ancient times, watching the cavefolk see steel ingots churning out in 15 minutes modern style, and napalm raining down like freedom, on a scorching day in july. What I find profoundly satisfying about this book is the fact that it does not give him superpowers, no OP abilities as of chapter 1161, only a regular guy who paid WAY TO MUCH attention in school. And he brings this knowledge of our world, into one of magic and infinite possibilities. It is very realistic considering this book has magic. A buddy of mine also studied engineering, he said most of this stuff is like it’s carved into your bones, but you still need passion for your craft or you won’t excel no matter what you do. So Roland being able to produce these things do not surprise me, since all you need is an idea, and magic makes things extremely convenient.

I have always believed knowledge is the key to our race's continued thriving survival on this unforgiving Planet Earth. Disregarding skin and nation (which at the end of the road has less value than a handful of dirt) and really looking at our essence, what we will find is that we are not that much different from each other. All of us, experience this one emotion called Love.
Because of Love we feel Joy. What I love I am living, so I feel Joy.
Because of Love we feel Anger. What I love was taken, so I feel Anger.
Because of Love we feel Grief. What I love is gone, so I feel Grief.
Because of Love we feel Worry. What I love is uncertain, so I feel Worry.
Because of Love we feel Fear. What I love is what others love, so I feel Fear.
Because of Love we feel Sentiments. What I love is right, so I feel Sentiments.
Love is the Innate Skill as I like to call it that we humans are born with, it's a skill we have no power over, and it rampantly causes trouble wherever it goes. It causes despairing grief and immense joy at times when it should not, and makes us lose ratonality without knowing. Love makes you blind, are words of wisdom all should carry. I truly believe there is only 1 emotion which dictates all aspects of life, and that is Love.

The message all the different religions are trying and failing hard as hell trying to preach is this; LOVE.
You are NOT alone, this world does not only contain YOU, but 7 BILLION+ other lifeforms made of EXACTLY the same thing, the only difference is your SOUL, the personality that has been cultivated in you, your Essence.

Talent is something you are born with, Effort is what you need to put in yourself and Luck comes down to each person.

This is not a book, it's a rollercoaster of all the stuff that I love and hate and love and hate and love and hate, it makes you think about our society, and really look into what it means to be human. I honestly believe that by reading this book you will learn to know yourself a little better, even if just a smidge. I mean, f*ck, THERE IS NO REASON NOT TO READ THIS! Take a leap of faith.

God Dammit, give me a golden rimmed Paperback version of this RIGHT THIS INSTANT. TAKE MY MONEY. NOW. please...... even my life. <<less
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The_Most_Generic_Name rated it
June 9, 2018
Status: --
This novel is quite good. The main character is smart and likeable, the characters aren't mindless dolls, which I find unexpected from a harem novel and the concept of kingdom building is one of my favorite things from any kind of novel. But of course it does have some issues.

1) Until reading this novel, I had no idea that a thing called "overly smart" existed. But as it seems, it does. The main character had a job that required him to sit at a computer all day, like any other... more>> normal and not very rich person. But in this different world, he seems to know the answer to the meaning of the universe. If this guy is so smart, I am surprised he had a mundane job like sitting at a desk all day. He is literally the next Einstein or any other famous smart person.

2) The long explanations aren't very fun to read. The novel does a good job at using the knowledge of today to aid the main character but that knowledge is way too many words. I love reading but if I had wanted to know all that, I could've just googled it. The explanations could've been much shorter.

3) Although I said that characters are not like dolls, they are still used as tools to show the greatness of the MC. Yes, the characters themselves are smart but when the MC is there they just get completely overshadowed. It's like a xianxia novel, where the side characters are used to compare to the main character, just to show how strong the main character is. But instead of power it is intelligence

4) It becomes predictable. After reading about 300 chapters, I lost interest in it. Because I know what will happen, the MC finds a witch, he want that witch, he gets that witch. It's pretty easy. There haven't been any instances so far where the MC actually loses something. It's win after win after win.

All in all, the novel is good but it has a few issues making it undeserving of all those 5 star reviews.

I would also like to address all those reviews, calling this a feminist novel because all the witches are girls. Witch has to be a girl, the definition is literally a girl that can use magic or witchcraft. In history rarely has a man actually been accused of witchcraft and it was mostly in rural areas. This is information they could've easily gotten just by simply searching it on google. As an anti-sjw I had to address it. <<less
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PopescuStefanRadu rated it
March 24, 2018
Status: c747
The side characters are interesting, the MC is not, and neither are the witches. Witches act out of character when it comes to romance, and so does everyone else. It's a power fantasy because MC conquers everything using technological advantages. It tries to build an intricate plot where things can happen in various different ways, but most of the times the "revelation" is quite obvious and the protagonists are dealt with too impersonally so that their choices, although explained, have very little emotional impact. The cast of characters is quite... more>> big and it keeps growing, their personas are interesting but since this novel never goes in depth with any of its characters I think it is better that they end up just as "tools" with a short interesting description to them. They appear recurrently and are mostly there to advance the plot or make it more thrilling, sometimes it is better to see the war from a gunner's perspective rather than that of the supreme commander.

A rather weird issue is that the MC gets his population to get civilized rather too easily. It doesn't really tackle any social issues, they are mostly solved automagically:

Author: So corruption, theft, etc. Gets solved by hiring more policemen and giving people jobs.
Reader: Okay, but what if the police becomes corrupt too?
Author: Well, no problem, just punish those that did, problem solved.
Reader: What if you can't find corruption so easily to punish it?
Author: Uuuhm, double-entry bookkeeping and written signed documents! Wait no, that would create too much bureaucracy that would encumber the system. Uhhhhh, I'll just mention this and pretend that things are working.

Seriously, the MC mentions this in a similar way. The author is rather opinionated in terms of how society works and what the solutions are for various issues, but since we never go in-depth with the characters the dissociation between the characters and their actions is not necessarily obvious. <<less
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