Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God


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Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” in order to control his fate.

This time, he will not be controlled by others.

Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Money earning methods! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Location of equipment! Undiscovered battle techniques!

Even the secrets Beta Testers had no knowledge of, he knows of them all.

Massive wars, entering godhood, reaching the peak with just a sword; the legend of the sword god has just begun.

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226 Reviews sorted by

TundraDweller rated it
May 7, 2020
Status: c2635
TL;DR - this novel is generated by an unsophisticated bot.

If all you want to do is kill time, as I did, then this works. Just remember to skip through the filler paragraphs. I'd say around 80% of the text is filler that you can safely skip.

Players are categorized according to combat power and the names for those categories are not cool in English. Elites, experts, peak experts, monsters, peerless monsters. It gets annoying real quick.

... more>> Field monsters are the same. Lots of ranks and special ranks within ranks.

And there are incessant comparisons between those player and monster ranks. Every. Single. Chapter.

So even though I've gone through 2600+ chapters, in reality I've only "read" around 500 chapters worth of content. And these are shorter than average chapters.

There is one theme and that is the MC's guild growing stronger. There is nothing else in terms of story. No discernible plot.

If there are any readers who are not driven insane by the repetitive (and I mean disgustingly repetitive) expositions, dialogues and events (yes, there are no unique story arcs, it's all the same thing again and again), then such readers are true zombie soldiers. Normal people can't handle it.

The MC is the characters with the LEAST character development. He's the most boring, one-dimensional, primitive robot of a character. He's supposed to be a leader yet he displays no leadership qualities. The guild's rise is solely due to his rebirth advantage and personal strength. He acts mysteriously and comes through in impossible situations time and time again, yet no one EVER trusts him or has any confidence in him. His closest subordinates who have been with him the longest doubt his sanity every time he opens his mouth. Not once do they think that maybe he knows what he's doing. And this happens all the time. No joke.

There is much more that can be said, but I don't want to think about this anymore cuz it's infuriating. <<less
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Elizcassie rated it
February 14, 2019
Status: c1212
This is one of the few books that I'm following. I'm always anticipating the next release. I still wonder why most people don't like this, I feel they don't give the book a chance and judge it mainly because there are many of its genres out there but coming from someone that is a picky reader I think everyone seeing this review should first clear their mind of any prejudice and start this book fresh that's the only way you will enjoy it. Never mind the other reviews or else... more>> you will be discouraged. <<less
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GregLuck rated it
November 19, 2018
Status: c750
Honestly, it started out decently, then it just plummet down.

Lots of inconsistency and logic flaw. In an era where every money is crypto and vr is basically life, somehow people dedicate themself to body improvement by training not medicine or implant or something more futuristic. Also, all the girls except some important character are practically a sl*t, b*tches be like "ooh nice equipment you got, I'll let you f*ck me so 'carry' me".

The inconsistency is on another level, for example, MC's guild vice commander are mentioned and explained as a... more>> 'Elemental Mage', somehow it's changed to 'Cursemancer ' a.k.a warlock, in the previous 2 chapter before it's changed it still mentioned as a elemental mage and using it's skill, somehow 2 chapters later it's changed to cursemancer just to fulfill the usual trope of enemy underestimating them cause the class incompatibility in pvp.

The worst inconsistency lie in the crafting time, if you just pay a little attention you would find that all he says in the early chapter is practically invalidated.

This novel is definitely only for those VRMMORPG maniac, who read anything as long as it's VRMMO.

If you hate logic flaw, inconsistency, mary sue - super OP character wish fulfillment, DO NOT READ THIS NOVEL. <<less
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whscorbin rated it
March 20, 2018
Status: c230
A lot more VRMMO novels have been popping up, many of them interesting or at least with an understandable draw. The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor for example is a really fun one that seems to focus on a really entertaining MC, Shura's Wrath is fun because it revolves around a crazy backstory and one of the most overpowered individuals ever, Rebirth of the Thief Who Roamed The World is a great second chance novel built around leading and managing a guild. Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God however isn't like any... more>> of those novels in the worse way possible. While not being painful to read it doesn't contribute anything special. I would never advise someone to read this novel unless they had already read everything else and just wanted something to fill in the time.

Summary: The MC is one of the leaders of a major guild in the VRMMO, a professional player who makes a lot of money. He is kicked out of the guild (even though he is paid a huge amount of money) and told to delete his character. Unlike other second chance novels the MC doesn't die but is still sent back in time to right as the VRMMO is beginning. Using his "knowledge" of the future to get an advantage he begins playing the game in order to build his own guild for

. Some reason.


    • Detailed Combat: Some of the combat seems are really intensely described
    • OP MC: The MC does the standard walking over everyone thing, if you want someone on a power trip then this is your guy.

    • Lackluster MC: 230 chapters in and I have yet to actually have anything about the MC I care about. There is little background given to him and no actual motivation, not even the seemingly obvious revenge goal.
    • Boring Side Characters: Everyone other than the MC is a monolithic individual who you don't care about at all. Some names are tossed out and then you get told one or two details after which you don't care about them or even feel like they are worth remembering.
    • Pacing/Plot: The Plot doesn't seem to really be going anywhere and as such everything seems to take forever. When combat is actually happening the novel feels too slow to give any real sense of danger or urgency and outside of combat the novel is too slow to feel like anything is happening.
    • Power Scale: Nothing about how the MC is so strong makes sense. He doesn't have any readily obvious cheats that would make him OP and yet he can apparently single handedly take someone who should be stronger than him or at least close to being able to match him. The novel tries to give reasons why he is so powerful but they aren't impressive or convincing at all.
Summary: Overall a lackluster read. <<less
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CreamPuffDelights rated it
February 12, 2018
Status: c175
It's chapter 175. Legendary equipment scatter all over the place, the MC enters all sorts of dungeons, conquers Nightmare mode mazes as easy as pie, amazing everyone from his lackey to the resident ice-like-jade-supreme-whatever-peach beauty.

Enemies attack him for the s*upidest reasons, and every mechanic seems to be completely insane, including those broken as f*ck "Magic swords" and the abilities they give him. It's a level 5 piece of equipment for f*cks sake, and it has a wave cannon skill and a shadow clone skill attached?

Rather, its already chapter 175, and... more>> you guys STILL haven't entered the double digit levels yet? Everything in the story sounds great and shit, but then you realize that these guys are essentially noobie players f*cking around. <<less
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Khaos-Thanathan rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: Completed
Despite some flaws like being overly descriptive or side-characters being somewhat bland, I quite enjoyed this novel and would argue that it's a solid 4/5 stars. The world-building is quite well-made and the main character is quite ok if you regard this novel as a part of the "shounen" territory.

It's quite sad that the ending was utterly rushed. The author basically scrammed content that could last a few hundred chapters into the last 20 chapters without even bothering to solve several storylines (several characters simply got ignored, his supposed main... more>> weapon got ignored, several quests got ignored, stuff like that). Additionally, the sci fi stuff and power levels were far too forced during the last few hundred chapters. Apparently, the ending got rushed because of the authors health issues. Well.. I wish him good health and - upon getting better - that he rewrites the last few hundred chapters to make the novel a better experience.

It's a fun and solid read, but don't expect groundbreaking storytelling. <<less
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Mirkfish rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: c2893
You would think that after a long time of break that lucky old cat would at least try to improve the story yet some charaters basically already dissapeared to the story due to some wuxia explinations such as:

  • Time warp hole thingy that for some reason made aqua rose and gentle snow some war god sh*t that they dont react to anything anymore like wth..
  • In the more recent chapters it was explained that there are multiple versions of gods domain on difderent worlds it makes me wonder who tf made this godamn game that almost the entire galaxy or whatever era the MC lives is the most dominated game in the point that different powerful organizations want to play this like seriously who manages this game god???
  • There are some weird wuxia stuff that is being forcefully being put on the world like life potions and stuff and upper zones idk wtf is going on
  • Every vice guild leader of every great guilds somehow will end up to zero wing.
  • MC is already tier 5 a sword saint a bit more to step into godhood and yet there are still dumb "players" that will always think they are better than him
  • The monsters in the game is too weak
  • It would seem the author had forgoten the NPC that the MC frequently visits and the quest about the curse that was put on him on the auction
  • Its not even a game at this point lmao
  • The guild is too useless as every god damn time the MC leaves or does a quest for like three days or a week the guild is always on danger like wth the vice guild leaders was mentioned to be experts now yet for some reason aqua rose and gentle snow is hardly mentioned at all
  • Every guildmember of the guild is already forgoten.
  • The story is quite repetative at this point I tried to at least be positive about it but its always the same MC finds some cool sh*t then use it when they attack zero wing then the line "is this zero wing true strength?" Always apear.
  • In the early chapters it was mentioned a lot of characters, items, skills that was refered to op or the very best in gods domain but they are forgoten already by the author for example the adventurer team that is being lead by the no.1 player of gods domain is now forgotten by the author.
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Amaury1514 rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c79
This novel had potential, but sadly it fails to live up to it.

Fisrt off the characters are very one dimensional and uninteresting. The MC is op asf, which isn't necessarily bad but it's to a ridiculous degree, it just gives you no sense of fulfillment after the long boring fights. I can understand giving the MC some op gear and cheat abilities, but there has to be a limit.

like the chapters I'm on now he just got this super op mask that basically allows him to do whatever he wants without any repercussions, not to mention how annoying that bs change your appearance trope already is.

The world itself seems kinda interesting, but the direction the author took the story is s*upid imo. There's better stuff to read. I don't understand how more people like this than 'The World Online' being translated by GT. It's way better imo.
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Bakaleaf rated it
April 22, 2018
Status: c39
Another fake harem tag no real life Virtual Reality type novel, I mean I read a lot I mean a lot of the same novel and what I want is a balance between the game and real life as it is to boring to read everything about the game.

I mean think about how ridiculous this novel is base on what I read so far

... more>>

First MC play like 24/7 does he not sleep eat or even look out at the window at night. Second all characters are like MC this is no longer Virtual Reality it feels like MC went into another world. Another OP I know it all MC with all the lucky drops and OP coincidence simply make this boring.

One part where he lure mobs because he trow a stone that hit a fallen left out of nowhere, I was like wth is this still a game? Actually if this was not VRmmo it will be a good novel to bad it is.


Because of a certain review who read 2000 chapters and base on my own observation I have no doubt will drop this novel. There are more novel with the same theme and this one is not what I feel like reading to many familiar scene that I already read from another novel which make this novel common.

It is not a bad novel if you love VR type then this is for you as for me all VR with no real life makes it boring to read. <<less
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Noahjeno rated it
March 30, 2018
Status: c2100

First I am not a gamer, never played any rpg games. So I review the novel without looking deep into technicalities. I will say some of the cons I feel as I am reading it. After 2000s of chapter, we dont know anything about mc's family or any side chair's at all. Except for his class leader.

MC doesn't have a strong motive. He did not even try to get revenge on the shadow guild

Timeliness, plots and quests are all a bit confusing. There are lot of stuff going on at same time that we can't keep track of everything

After 2000s of chapter, one would expect lot of changes and growth but only guild and studio develops and MC and his team grows stronger. Apart from that nothing much differed. Not even a year passed so far. MC hasn't yet graduated from the college I believe.

Till now guild depends on mc's miracles too much every time the guild gets into trouble and others underestimate or looked down on the guild despite its many achievements.

These are the things I can think of as cons. Still I am not really bothered by them actually. B coz I dont feel bored reading them at all. So far maybe 1or 2 years worth of MC memory has been shown, so there are lot to come. So we can still hope that author will explore MC family and all.

I am also bothered by harem tag. So far there is no sign of romance going on between MC and the girls around him. Most they expressed is admiration for him. Only class leader and flame dance showed some interest in a romantic way though not much.

MC is op but there are always stronger people above him.

Even his luck was reasoned with logic.

The story does not dwell much on emotional aspect but it is interesting enough for me I should give 4 star only but the rating of novel is low so 5 stars


After 2000 chapters the lacking of emotions except the interest toward the game started showing glaringly for me bcoz of the repetitiveness ie MC guild being underestimated continuously even after performing miracles again and again. So right now I can't help but see every character in the story are npc programmed with a task so I am reducing 2 points for low eq and for the lack of adventure in the game only to be refilled with repeated plots
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rhianirory rated it
March 4, 2018
Status: c2700
mediocre with a familiar repeating plot line for anyone used to cultivation novels (MC gets stronger, offends a powerful group, they fight, MC face slaps, MC gets stronger... rinse and repeat in a never ending cycle).

the MC is constantly underestimated. the MC's guild is constantly underestimated. all of the long established guilds (apparently brought over from other games) are constantly doubtful and then totally shocked and surprised even if the MC and his guild just curb-stomped a superpower guild two chapters back. apparently they have collective amnesia which kicks in... more>> after every single battle/ war/ skirmish/ contest and there have been a good 40 or so by now. they all appear to have the memory (and brains) of a goldfish.

it's so repetitive that by chapter 2000 I was ready for an invasion of aliens or undead or anything other than yet more posturing and power mongering. sadly, what I got was progressively more powerful guilds and yet more guild wars and politics. if you replaced 'guild' with 'sect' or 'clan' you'd have a generically bad cultivation novel; though it gets a plus one for not resorting to a bad harem on top of everything else.

if this story actually followed the game instead of the MC being so focused on world domination I might have given it a four because the tier structure and the real world martial arts was interesting. I wish more time was spent on that and on world exploration rather than petty bickering and face slapping. it got so repetitive that recently as soon as a new guild is introduced I start skipping chapters because it's going to be the same conflict over and over again with increased power levels (how many times have people tried to take over their cities and towns now? so many I can't remember). <<less
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Redmi rated it
January 1, 2018
Status: c132
Decent story (as of latest chapter) , no romance, no Chu Feng, what not to like? Well, what I really don't like is how the game really likes to give out buffs/debuffs measured in percentages, not numbers. Players in this game should already be killing mobs 20 levels higher, or solo lord bosses 10 levels higher...
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GianCarpio rated it
July 3, 2023
Status: c1800
You’ve heard of progression fantasy, now here’s regression fantasy.

No matter how much he uses his knowledge to increase his guilds power, they will ALWAYS crumble the second he leaves. Theres basically one chapter of his guild dominating in an arc then the next arc his guild is being slaughtered again 1:1000. Useless f*cks. This story would have been better without his guild or if we actually feel and the author actually conveyed how his guild is useful because nowhere in 2000 chapters did his guild serve as a warning. Only... more>> his name did. Its always

”zero wing, what can an upstart guild do compared to us?” <<less
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Arcwindz rated it
February 27, 2023
Status: c2170
I'm stuck at chapter 2170

I stopped reading it for another novel and has been unable to get back to this novel. Yeah, this is not a good novel.

This is of course a VRMMO novel, the MC was f*cked by others and magically got a second chance through reincarnation.

At first, I think around 500-750 chapters, the novel was not that bad, not perfect, but definitely okay. MC used his advantages properly, he accumulated people and resources, Enemies was dealt properly. There was this warning sign of excessive pleb talks that adds... more>> word bulk without substance, but I kinda want to give this novel a chance since the game looks interesting.

Okay, let's get the positive out first. The game system is amazing. There is the tier system which is basically a job system, but way harder to advance through, it looks like a cultivation level system that provides bigger and bigger power the higher the tier is. The quests are also anticipated with a lot of great sounding quest that just feels epic.

But yeah, if you catched it, it's great sounding only, I was reading this novel mostly because I wanted to know the conclusion to this epic quests, but the MC simply doesn't progress through it, especially so after the novel reached middle part. And if you wonder how could this happen, it's because the plot progress is freaking slow, until chapter 2170, it has only been around 4 months after the game got released.

And here comes the bulk of the negatives.

Pleb talks, freaking $$$ filler that doesn't serve a purpose and break story flow.

Third rate villains, s*upid, arrogant, popped out of nowhere with great power.

Weak side characters, you'll see the word "future expert" a lot when MC recruit someone, it really is a future kind of thing, these side characters never grew to stand for their own.

MC-centric, with weak side characters, everything becomes a "damsel in distress" situation, his guild is helpless without him and most story revolves around MC trying to save his guild.

Plot holes, with the obvious being conveniently forgetting a useful skill or item and super strong enemy that doesn't fit in the story, not even with the so called 'Butterfly Effect'.

Seriously, this novel is just bad at later part. MC will somehow offend some powerful person that acted like a total as*hole in every stage, the guild will go through trouble no matter how strong they were at previous arc, MC will "travel" to find a solution, MC returned just in time and reversed the situation. Along the way the plebs will jeer at MC's guild, be shocked by how they turned the situation, praised the guild at the end. Rinse and repeat.

It's bad, it's boring, it's lazy writing, while the actual exciting quests were rarely touched.

This novel would be leagues better if the MC was a solo player, the guild is a total hindrance no matter how the author tried to hype how useful and full of potential the guild is.

I don't usually review an unfinished novel, but I think I've read far enough to judge it. Although this novel is not an absolute tr*sh, it is close enough

2 stars, a bad read, and with how long the story is, avoid it. <<less
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Nerad rated it
March 2, 2022
Status: --
it was a good novel at the start, however the author put to much focus on explaining the outline of plot and put the transition of the novel on the backrow..

every characters that was introduce in the novel depict them as expert... (as the author describe) but all of the progress the guild procure throughout the novel were made by the MC.. they are (the expert that MC painstakingly steal from the famous power houses from his past life) were all just deadweight.

the whole guild just throughout produce only 4-5... more>> city (the other one still a town)

every progress these Expert (deadweight) make was a miracle the MC he struggle in contest with peak experts (minor characters, some random assassins' or a nobody from super guilds) from his enemy..

and the most iconic part was the MC was so carefree that it always chuckles despite as the author always tell that he needed to speed up the development of his guild cause all the experts (deadweights that he steal from the other guild) from the past didn't contribute anything at all.. all of it was needed to be done by the MC itself still the MC always brags that it just don't need the others resources that will help his guild and just pass some opportunities and always leave the chance for his enemies which always bites him back..

all of his guild cities didn't produce profit and he always needed funds for his guild... <<less
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ARodz rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: Completed
When the MC thinks and acts like a low grade AI with no human emotions other than greed and jealousy with his endless incompetence supported with weak and underpowered support characters who are more linear in existence and thinking than 2-D background characters who only appear in a single chapter is what I hope were the case than it would atleast be tolerable...

So, the MC is a an ambitious guy hoping to make it big and seems determined to do so but don't let that fool you friends... more>> cause that's an illusion the AUTHOR has tried to instill in you...

The MC is the most passive guy I have ever seen (read) hands down and trust me I have seen (read) a lot of novels and he is by far one of the most frustrating one and the one I hate the most second only to this AUTHOR...

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LehmD rated it
November 2, 2021
Status: c2900

No Romance. MC has a lot of women (and men) on this Team but none are romantically interested in him. I like this a lot since pretty much every Story seems to have Romance even if its very badly writen.

Typical Video game / reincarnation setting which I quiet enjoy.

... more>> Decent balance of talking and fighting.

Fight scenes are at least average in my opinion

big Focus on money making/ life skills/ guild development


"Is He a monster?" Every second line.

People want to kill MC in the Real World but they never use anything but their own fists and get defeated easily because of it.

Its always the same. Some guy with backing wants something from MC, MC says no the guy gets super Angry and they fight. MC drops an item that Solves everything and the next bad guy appears.

A lot of quests / Story threads are forgotten or unexplained. Later on multiple people disappear but they only explain where one of them went and act like thats the only one who went missing.

Ending is super rushed. Tier 1-3 Takes almost a thousands chapters each while tier 4 Takes a few hundreds and tier 5 and 6 a few Dozen. Nothing gets really resolved. <<less
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Amizora rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: --
I don't know why this novel can be top popular on a big novel website.

but what I know from beginning to end is full of inconsistencies in the author's story line.

1: at the start about the guild.
the players and big corporations set up guilds to earn money.
in reality MC is always draining his brain to get money to finance the guild.

2: Zero Wing when recruiting members requires an elite way, and skilled experts can join.
but the members always get beaten up by random players who don't even have big guilds.

3: The author often says that establishing a city in a dangerous area is almost impossible.
Even the MC sometimes has to do very secret quests that only he knows based on his previous life.
but a few days later there are still those who managed to establish a city to compete with MC' city.

4: MC has OP tools like Demon Mask to use as a disguise.
if he is smart. He can disguise himself as the upper echelon of his enemy to pit him against other enemies.
but he didn't do it.

5: many shameless players in the entire Gods Domain.
like always trying to annex Zero Wings shares more than 50% with minimal investment.
sometimes even when Zero Wings tried to help a team. They even underestimated Zero Wings.

addition: in the middle of the story the author has completely forgotten an important character who previously became a classmate of MC's.
many guessed the character would be Rain who is now a member of Zero Wings.
and also from the 9 early founding members of Zero Wings.
The 4 members who were also the initial MC party were completely forgotten until the end
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bloggbigg rated it
June 27, 2021
Status: c1918
I just finished this.

You probably don't know what that implies- and I'm not going to get into it. Just let me say pretty quickly that you probably don't want to bother with this story.

The story isn't especially bad- but it is monumentally tedious. There is some neat stuff in there- but it really isn't worth the ballast.

The Good:

  • MC isn't a terrible person- almost likable
  • There are some neat ideas in it.
  • Plotting is better than many stories, though still has issues
The BAD:

  • Very 'Gary Stu' Adventure. MC literally does & says what he wants and 'everything works out' with minimal hiccups.
  • MC is an idiot. Has mediocre ideas. Does dumb things. It all works out... I'd go more into this, but it should become obvious as you read, so 'why bother?'
  • All characters are pretty flimsy- just props to show off MC's awesomeness/generosity. Named character allies consistently get less lines than almost every random adversary.
  • The writing is full of fluff- mostly exposition and explanations, but tons of repetition too. Honestly- an average editor could trim this story down to 700 chapters, easy.
  • Plotting is mostly passable- even sometimes imaginative-- but it is mostly a lopsided combination of 'planned' and 'forced' with 'coincidentally this works out' and 'luckily I got this thing' being major story influencers.
  • The author's writing style is literally:
    1. 'MC tries to do a thing. It's probably a hard thing to do.'
    2. 'Everyone sh*t talks the MC/his guild'
    3. 'MC accomplishes awesome thing to make everyone shut up.'
    4. 'Everyone will forget valuable lesson' (cycle repeats)
    5. This is 100% the way the whole story is written. Different events happen, sure- but this bit right here is CONSTANT
  • Author's other bad habit is over-dramatizing things and making random assertions that the rest of the story doesn't uphold. All kinds of completely normal things are made into calamitous events because 'it makes the story more dramatic'. Enemies die & lose levels on respawn? 'Oh Noes! They'll lose their place in the game!'
The Different:

  • Story is actually 'stealth wuxia' set in a dystopian future (though you can barely tell)
Altogether, I'd say save yourself the trouble. It starts out good, but ends suddenly- and torturing yourself for 1900+ chapters for a few highlights and a mediocre 'just barely wrap this up. ending...

So, unless you're super bored, it's not worth it.
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nametab_ rated it
February 14, 2021
Status: c2830

Basically the whole world building is really enjoyable and exciting to the point where I think that its the best I have seen until now. The MC is also really strong what I personally really enjoy cause why would I like a weakling who cant do anything alone? Despite that in the middle the story gets pretty repetitive.


    • Its a really slow paced story and pretty repetitive espacially after the first 400-500 chapters but it gets significantly better in the latter parts.
    • He gets many OP items but somehow the competition is still able too keep up.

    • He really has many OP items but none of them are way to strong (For the ones that are really OP he first needs to find fragments etc.) . At first I thougt it doesn't make sense how he always has somebody to fight, but as the story goes on, the author gradually zooms out of the city to the kindom, to the empires etc. Etc. And when you see what kind of support those other powers have it makes sense that he still has some enemies.
    • THE BEST POINT: The fighting/Cultivation system is really well written. There are tiers for Power, Mana, Sword Skills, Fighting Technics, Bloodlines etc. And I really enjoyed that. Also the items, quest and NPC are also pretty good.
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