Reincarnated as a Dragon’s Egg ~Lets Aim to Be the Strongest~


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I woke up in an unknown forest.

It seemed like this place was a fantasy world where strange-looking beasts ran rampant. And just like in a game, I seemed to be able to check my enemies’ and my ability.

Let’s hunt monsters and gather titles in order to level up and evolve into a Greater Dragon!

And I heard a mysterious voice in my head, “Let’s aim to be the strongest!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dora Tama
Reincarnated as a Dragon Hatchling
Tensei Shitara Dragon no Tamago Datta ~ Saikyou Igai Mezasenee ~
Related Series
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Pivot of the Sky (3)
Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru (3)
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174 Reviews sorted by

ItzATrap rated it
April 11, 2020
Status: c212
When reading all the low reviews on here I have a few things to say. This novel is about a normal maybe overly friendly dude in the skin of a dragon who is going a little crazy because of a lack of sentient creatures around him. The main point of this story is seeing an absolutely NORMAL dude trying to live in a fantasy world as a dragon.

His decisions seem idiotic because he IS an idiot. Yes he needs to learn and adapt as the story progresses, but he hasn't... more>> really had the time to adapt before he is thrown into different situations (We aren't chameleons). Now, I don't know about you but if I were reincarnated in another world without the knowledge that most of us here have when reading these novels, I would be absolutely clueless about the surroundings.


Like when he decides to go to the human village, he is going there because of his loneliness. He probably has never been in a situation where he had even close to zero contact with people so of course he wants to find someone to talk to. Have you seen any of those on an abandoned island movies? That but in monster form.


And for those comparing this to other novels... All I can say is try to remove the reincarnate as a monster bias from most of the stories here and think of this more like a slice of life monster story with mediocre action sprinkled in. The story is not a masterpiece, but it is a fine read in between novels. <<less
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JediD rated it
January 20, 2020
Status: c166
Its boring. You would expect some development of skills or interesting battles, or grinding to level up, but theres not much of that. Its like a slice of life about a normal person that for some reason is an evil plague dragon. Despite being a dragon with a high rank, he struggles to deal with lower leveled monsters. Its not that I hate weak MC's or anything, but this is just boring. It had a lot of potential so I kept reading, but there nothing redeeming about it.
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Piknos rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: --
The sheer s*upidity shown by the MC is awe inspiring. I'm not even mad anymore, I just feel kinda sad that someone could enjoy this novel.

Let's see, the novel overall isn't that bad, the premise, while unoriginal, is refreshing to read once in a while. The major problem that most other people point out is that the MC is s*upid. And I don't mean that in a particularly mean way, he's just so extremely foolish that even animals would know better. At first it was kind of funny in an... more>> "aww, he's really not that smart is he" but as the story progresses on he remains at the same level of intelligence and maturity. It's one thing to create a naive protagonist, it's another to create one so uniquely foolish it turns readers away. Most people wouldn't want to watch a baby show like the Wiggles, and the same thing is shown here, except even more dumbed down.

This story is for the ones who can't read, the ones who can't see and the ones who can push past all the brainlessness to read a story about a template of a template. <<less
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kane2929 rated it
January 15, 2019
Status: c200
Dragon's Egg is rated a 5/5 from me because I like the level system of this novel.

I would rate the translations a 2.5/5

But I'm still very grateful for the translators because if it wasn't for them I would not have been able to find & read Dragon's Egg. So a personal word "thank you".

there are still a LOT of raws left of Dragon's Egg, can't wait to read them!

p.s. I was lucky as hell to find this series with it only have a 3.3/5 rating.
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kidopitz27 rated it
October 22, 2018
Status: 197
I like this because it's pretty much what a human do in situations he currently face I mean this is not a novel where the MC is a cultivator that can block out feelings to focus on the situation at hand NO! This is a MC that goes with the flow he needs to be stronger so he choose the evolution to save someone and not to save them later.

But he also choose the right evolution for that right moment to save someone and his life but after that he... more>> regret it same as us and the MC hates it that every-time he did something right the end result is he becomes a loner and hates it even more even the latest chapter evolution choices are like hermit type dragon a lonely road for him but he choose the strongest one to save someone again pretty sure that he will regret it after he save the person and leave the continent again. <<less
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Aeos rated it
October 7, 2018
Status: c197
A story about a human reincarnating into a dragon. The main character is portrayed as a fairly nice person, without any particular hard past, so by default put the protagonist in a fairly unique position compared to the vengeful, "tr*sh rejects" protagonists from other reincarnation stories. In fact, he is demonstrated to be a fairly limited protagonist, which is very unlike the I-Can-Do-Everything styled protagonists from other reincarnation stories (a pretty big plus as far story goes).

Like many other reincarnation stories, he ends up aiming to establish himself in human... more>> society. In the story, we get to see the protagonist interact with his environment and eventually gain new monster companions. This later plays an integral role in the story, a source of conflict on whether he should abandon his home and his monster companions in favor of joining a human society, which is rather interesting since most stories usually focus on making the protagonist as OP/strong as they possibly can in a short amount of time.

The villains in this novel are fairly straightforward, just plain evil. Fortunately, the villains, while morally wrong aren't some arrogant, incompetent rich noble that you meet every 30 chapters of a typical reincarnation story. They are demonstrated to be fairly powerful, and an obstacle that our protagonist strives to overcome.

There are also several elements of mystery which really spice up my interest in this novel. The origins of these villains, suspicious skills, his past, etc. His evolution path is also quite interesting. All his evolution options are fairly good choices given the situation and really puts some excitement as to what kind of creature he would become. In fact, the idea of leveling and evolving remains quite relevant so far in the novel.

I am giving this novel a plus in unique story and characters, and a double plus for making it doubly interesting. <<less
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Akunyoba rated it
July 23, 2018
Status: c194
This is my first review if I remember it right I am dying to write it thanks to many reviews here

First off let's start with our MC, he's in every sense in the word s*upid very s*upid but that okay I mean not everyone is calm headed individual nor smart nor cunning. But he always try to do his best to survive and can be pretty emotional as well as better described as shonen character. What makes him insteresting start at ch 90~ ish after the first twist when he... more>> choose to become a disaster class dragon just to save the village. Several chapter after that you will notice how inside his head he didn't become cynical or dropped his wish to become human but what wasn't said didn't mean he didn't think of it. He's shown that he started to avoid civilisation and always keep in mind about the time limit until he have to part ways with his friend while having fun with them. Honestly I feel that he have matured even if only a little bit and it feels refreshing compared to some other MC I read that despite the suposedly a tragedy or character development yet remain totally the same only with their character shift when it's needed or suddenly they matured from that single event.

Now on the topic of survival you do notice that animal realisticly don't fight until near dead before deciding to flee right? It's part of nature to avoid danger unless in cornered state after all injuries are sustained after combat (albeit I admit this novel didn't potray it well and like another reviewer said that number is just there for show) and as you get injured the more your body condition fail you (in this novel I remember it being potrayed as well not bad I guess) you may not even capable to hunt for your meal which mean dead. So having MC fight with weaker enemy and flee from stronger or equally powerful opponent is fair. The one that I feel odd is how many other MC who started off weak fight with stronger opponent like there's no tomorow. And this isn't cowardly at all to flee from fight is the right of everyone just as much as deciding to fight is. What cowardly is when you have to fight and yet decided not to and flee or doing any other action rather than fight so this MC isn't a coward he will fight stronger enemy if he have to just that he will flee when there's no reason to fight. For instance against little rock dragon to save the village he have to kill a human and that he do rather than fighting a losing battle which may result in more victim (in story) or borderline 'how the hell did he do that' or an ass pull being played (reader perspective)

And don't forget to those who read this novel. Dragon have a very long lifespawn those super powerful and wise dragon you expected from this MC may have lived for thousands of years as measuring unit alone (depending on setting the measure may have been hundred though) now if you remember that the MC hasn't even reached one thousand year and that s*upidty can be cured by time he still have time to grow out of it (albeit the novel will be finished far before it which can mean he will still be s*upid by the time the novel end) I will said that he's plenty young and still have a lot of time to grow into wonderful dragon

Drop this novel if you can't stand reading until the first twist honestly it didn't get much better suddenly. It is a nice novel that I would recomend if you are patient with MC character and slow plot progression <<less
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Raubtier rated it
May 13, 2018
Status: c181
Okay, I admit to the other reviews saying that the MC is annoying as f*ck. The MC is a disgusting hypocrite, an idiot and a coward. But the interesting world building more than makes up for it in my books. The story isn't the first to try to take up the concept of a non-human MC trying to find a way to get along with humans (though finding lesser success than his counterparts), but that in itself is rare.

I have high hopes for the stories character development seeing at where... more>> this is going at. The average rating of 3-3.5 is quite harsh in my opinion, it should at least have a rating of 4. But well, most people can't tolerate a 'bad' MC. If you can, then you might find the story enjoyable. <<less
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guih34 rated it
September 10, 2017
Status: c360
This is an bellow average series in the beginning, but it grows on you as it goes on. The chapters are really light and you could probably finishing reading all of them (including the jn) in two or three sittings. Dragon egg it's not a deep series nor tries to be, it's just one to have fun while watching an rpg world from the monster perspective without he right away becoming human (like) again.
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M0J0MAN rated it
August 10, 2017
Status: c126
A really fun read with a clumsy MC.

Interesting powers, some good humor and some good long term goals keep me coming back to this one. MC is adorable and relatable as a kind of bumbling dragon and you can't help but root for him to be understood by the humans of the world.

If you're looking for a serious overarching plot though, I don't think you're gonna find it here, at 100+ chapters now and nothing in sight. It might develop one later but wouldn't be worth it if you're not... more>> already enjoying the early chapters.

Give it a look for some lighthearted entertainment but there are some problems.

A single chapter of this isn't really fulfilling (need to stop myself from reading the latest instantly) strongly recommend binging as there just isn't enough developments. It also has that ever prevalent game stat and skill system that quickly bloats some passages, seriously overkill but just skip past it. <<less
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Dodont rated it
May 24, 2017
Status: c109
First things first. This is no "Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?" !

Second: dont expect too much from the title. Story has fights but the MC doesnt feel as op as one things he should.

So if you come because of the recommendations of said story, then dont expect something like: "wow that spider is badass, but a dragon sounds like rampage!"

This is a rather light hearted reincarnation story, with a MC who isnt the type to slaughter everyone for his/her revenge of his/her convinience and doesnt give up his/her believes, often... more>> doesnt do things the most efficient way, but rather his/her way and instead of being a lone wolf story he/she (tries) to socialize.

MC after all begins the story getting born and slowly learning the rules of this world, while still trying to keep the values of the human life.

My actual rating: 4.4/5. Quite enjoyable, but deserves a better score than it has. Dont be too salty about the spider.

Answers to criticism:

-lizard: eh. Its valid. But guess its because "MC knows, we know, lizard doesnt."

-MC is a wuss: thats the personality he has. I like it that he tries to uphold his human values and adopts them later on. Just learn how to quit early if you feel like you wont like him.

Sidenote: I quit reading Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Because I felt it had to many plotconviniences. I still read the manga since its still a good story and can recommend the ln. Again. Calm down, see the work as it is and dont sh*t on it because you read farther then you should have. <<less
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Ojou-sama rated it
March 8, 2017
Status: c107
This novel is not that bad. Good settings; MC is not too op, so it is not that boring to read; characters are developed. But, the only real problem that I see is mc-rs personality. He reincarnated into a CARNIVOROUS dragon, evolved into a species that LIKES MASS mu*der, so why does he hate taste of blood and acts like some s*upid naive brat?! Where the heck did his dragon instincts go?! The scene of dragon trying his best to COOK MEAT makes me scream in agony! But after I... more>> forced myself to ignore it, I found this novel quite easy to read. My score is 4/5. <<less
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AonDuine rated it
November 28, 2016
Status: c46
It's boring. Its an ok unique slice of life but never really grabbed me. The MC is alright, but not impressive. It isn't that the novel is bad per se; but it feels exceptionally underwhelming especially when paired with its setting. I mean come on: an evolving dragon MC trying to become the strongest sounds bad ass. Unfortunately, it doesn't read that way.
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chucke rated it
July 31, 2016
Status: c78
Light-hearted and enjoyable daily-life novel

Though MC might be annoying due to his cling to humans and desire of "rightful path" the story itself is not that bad as people wrote below.
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Vincent1873 rated it
July 30, 2016
Status: --
Not nearly as bad as people are making it sound. Yes, the MC is s*upid but the plot does a good job of mitigating that by forcing him into situations were he has to make decisions he doesn't want to in order to survive. In the end we get entertained regardless of the s*upid MC.
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Harbringer_Zero rated it
April 24, 2016
Status: --
Judging from the previous reviewers, this has a lot of bad things but I can only tell you this, this one has a slow start that most of the readers feel boring but those things are because the protagonist is still new to the world and doesn't even go outside the area he lives in for a while because he doesn't have the capabilities yet.
Please keep that in mind while reading this and read it till the latest chapter (which for now is 89) and when you reach near that chapter things start to get serious so just, first enjoy for the experience of a dragon protag being new to the otherworld then slowly but surely it will build up on its own. (May change depending on the next chapters)
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wazyx93 rated it
April 5, 2016
Status: --
Reincarnated as a dragon could be an awesome plot but noooo author made MC pathetic. It would be better to reincarnate him into bunny if you want heartwarming story ffs.
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mrdittosupersaiyajin rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: c751
What I have to say is: ignore most of the criticism here, the overwhelming majority of the negative reviews of this novel are because the protagonist is not a selfish edgy killer.

This is the story of a good-hearted dragon who, without any hack or overwhelming trickery, survives and slowly grows stronger in a magical world while battling the dangerous schemes that exist in it and the loneliness that the image of being an "evil dragon" brings.

As said, the protagonist has a good heart, he will not kill people in cold... more>> blood or abandon someone who needs help. Read knowing that. <<less
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Mysteryreaderfantasy rated it
June 20, 2023
Status: c744
The story is so nice ah, I want to read another chapter but it seems there's still not any update at the moment so guess ill wait.

Btw this story is nice and I do recommend it to those who like a MC who doesn't have any harem not a pe*vert and most of all is not to OP. That's all thank you
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Bwapples rated it
May 20, 2022
Status: c599
I am currently up-to-date and wish to provide a recent review for anyone interested in the novel.
This book is deserving of a 3.5-3.7 star rating and the early reviews were reasonable. I will explain the main problems plaguing the story.

1. Translation Issues

The beginning of the novel is plagued with bad translations with different translators picking it over and over again. Some of the chapters still have the original Japanese text with inquiries from the translator as they are unable to translate it while others are plagued with grammatical errors or are unable to understand context clues. This lasts for approximately 200 chapters.

2. Dropped system mechanics and lack thereof
This novel focuses particularly on combat and the existence of a system for skill acquisition. Skill acquisition methods change as the story progresses, and the MC constantly complains about the lack of skills when they could've acquired it through a method revealed at the beginning. Combat is also lackluster despite the combat intensive chapters spanning 90% of the novel, they are either decided by 3 skills (A close range, medium range or long-range attack) or decided by "My stats are higher therefore it cannot hurt me." type analysis despite having spent 3 chapters explaining how well the character can dodge peanuts. Fighting the peanut gallery is a core element of the story and if you are unable to endure how well the character can fight monsters 50-100s of levels (Previous rank) below him then don't read it. EXP gain is also dull, and MC can basically powerlevel himself to the next evolution at any point in the story. This idea is skipped entirely.

3. Identity Crisis

The novel also has an identity crisis as an isekai novel (MC is from another world), this concept is explored a little at the beginning with the display of human ingenuity and is later dropped. It attempts to show gradual character growth yet undermines it at every possible turn by making MC 'naïve' again. It also attempts to belittle certain other popular isekai novels with overpowered, edgy, protagonists who are inhumane and portrays the MC in the opposite light. The main theme which sticks is pokemon training/companionship where MC effectively befriends and trains various characters despite them having little to no autonomy in the story. This only improves about 480 chapters into the story as the author reins in the identity of the novel.

There are many other small problems plaguing the novel such as the lack of worldbuilding, the novel explores about 7 locations with little details in its entirety with each region holding some greater secret than the previous. This ties into it's focus on some greater evil at the end of every arc which somehow ties in to the undermining narrative about the world despite barely explaining any of this to the readers. I continued reading with the expectation that more would be revealed yet there is no substance below the surface.
As a whole, the story is disappointing and I believed it could've been a much better story from the synopsis. A simple focus on being a dragon with companions and training alongside them as they explored the different cities and meeting the various races would've reined in the story and make it a lot more enjoyable.
As some of the earlier reviews mentioned, Tensei Shittara Slime datta ken, and Kumo Desu ga, Nani Ka? Are much more effective explorations of the non-humanoid genre so I would recommend reading those novels first before reading this.
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