Rebuild World (WN)


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Akira, was born in the slum and wishes to get out but the only way he could was to risk his life in these ruins as a hunter.

These ruins, known as the Old World, were danger zones where beasts roam; buildings crumble, and other humans hunt their own…

Though Akira had expected to face death countless times there, he had never expected to meet a naked woman there.

Standing exposed with her curvaceous curves and bosom out for all to admire, Alpha, the breathtaking beauty stood there, looking back at him.

This mysterious enchantress walked towards Akira and…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
Rebuild World (LN) (Light Novel)
I Obtained a Mythic Item (3)
I Dedicated the Dimension to the Country (1)
Kochugunshikan Boukensha ni Naru (1)
The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary (1)
Going to Another World on Your Own! ~a Story That Begins With a Not-so-sweet Upbringing (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. enjoyed my time
  2. Personal Fav 2 (Mostly) Japanese Web Novel
  3. J/K novel
  4. All the novels Ive read, all the things that Ive s...
  5. I read the manga first

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/29/22 Divine Dao Library c206
01/23/22 Divine Dao Library c205
01/22/22 Divine Dao Library c204
01/16/22 Divine Dao Library c203
01/15/22 Divine Dao Library c202
01/09/22 Divine Dao Library c201
01/08/22 Divine Dao Library c200
01/02/22 Divine Dao Library c199
01/01/22 Divine Dao Library c198
12/26/21 Divine Dao Library c197
12/25/21 Divine Dao Library c196
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59 Reviews sorted by

IIshabauII -LoL
IIshabauII -LoL rated it
February 7, 2021
Status: c100
I don't know about you, but I'm rooting for Yumina to drop Katsuya and fall in love with Akira. Imagine the frustration of Katsuya. And considering what I saw until cap 100, her passion for Katsuya is more inclined to just eros love. In fact, I'm on the team that is hoping to end in a harem.

In fact the work is wonderful. For those looking for action, development of history and personalities, then there it is. The work only lacks romance, but that's because the MC is still very... more>> young and immature, I'm sure it will still happen. In fact, the work is more inclined to harem and the author has a fetish for milfs. Great reading.

My English is very bad but you must have understood. <<less
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LKADity rated it
January 31, 2021
Status: c191
Welp I can't contain my curiousness so I take the poison of MTL. Atleast it's 90% readable if you can stand autocorrecting to-be, character's name and sentences structure. But from ch 191 on, the dialogue become more complex as the MTL become more and more inaccurate

And the verdict until ch 191, this novel still contain the greatness of action, sci-fi and Akira's growth. Probably will spend my time reread this with the translation by DDL if I'm in the mood, and if I still can't satisfy my hunger later, probably... more>> will reread through the MTL again for sure.

Definitely 5/5 read. This novel more worthy of having anime adaptation instead various isekai tr*sh out there <<less
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Bobjunet rated it
January 27, 2021
Status: c19
Good beginning !

This story will be amazing for sure, good start for the moment !

MC is not overpowered, not a genius, but certainly a lucky monster... but huge luck can also be a kind of bad luck.

Hope to see his development as a real hunter.

ps : will update my review later with my chapter consumption.
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broski rated it
June 23, 2020
Status: c30
Its ok in the beginning, but as it goes on, Akira is a cardboard character, uninteresting and bland. Boring world. Wordy writing that makes me skip while speed reading.
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Noble_Devil rated it
December 28, 2022
Status: c296
Very interesting/satisfying world building and setup/payoff on almost all situations that happens to Akira. The author also writes fight scenes really well in my opinion. Akira's inferiority complex exists for a while but never bothered me enough to stop reading/lower score.
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schera rated it
October 30, 2022
Status: c296
A decent sci-fi web novel. You won't find any deep themes but the action scenes are decent. Parts of the story almost feel like a slice of life set in a post apocalyptic world. The only major flaw is how the characters have a tendency to monologue about their reasons for doing something in a way that is not very realistic (especially during negotiation scenes).

I hope the author will eventually resume the story :)
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di2857295 rated it
October 24, 2022
Status: c296
Just a note for everyone regarding this WN:

While there hasn’t been an update to the WN in over a year on Soyetsu, the author has not canned the series and appears to be waiting for the LN publication to catch up to the WN.

Pretty common stuff, but with only 3 LN per year being published it will be another two yearsish before the LN is caught to the WN which is pretty sad. Luckily the EN translation is done by jnovel club so it’ll be caught up and current by... more>> then. <<less
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NobeliumBanshee rated it
August 6, 2022
Status: c100
This novel is absolutely tr*sh. The premise and the world at the beginning is very interesting. The MCs decision at the beginning is also reasonable. However, after this point nothing makes any sense. MCs personality makes me rage. He is supposedly raised in the slums where he has to commit immoral acts and scr*pe by, which should introduce a sense of indifference towards other's issues especially when taking action is a detriment towards you. This should be ingrained into his being but of course it's not since the author is... more>> braindead. Moreover, the female harem and fan service is absolute dog shit. The store owner meddles too much for no reason and the MC, who should trust no one

especially alpha cos it's some random hologram that only you can see and you are fated tf is this kid dumb. He's not naive, raised in the slums and should've matured but whatever


Most importantly, I would much rather support Alpha, but she is also ret*rded.

she never test what the MC can be made to do. She wants to determine his personality which time and time again as the author says contradicts itself. Also this hologram has had hundreds of previous trials but still fails to realize how humans work even though she has so much data to determine that humans lie to themselves and inadvertently to others. If she could figure this out she could determine what the MC wants to do and how he would react, making him easier to manipulate and control making her mission a success, which I don't know what it is but seems better than supporting this boosted braindead MC who doesn't realize that he's boosted but shows off and thinks he's rank 1 global when he's iron 4


In conclusion f*ck this MC and brain dead author. What did I expect from Japanese authors and other webnovel authors from using our worlds morals to judge and develop characters that live in a different reality where our and their morals do not overlap.

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Lunalucent rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: c200
I read this novel as per volume, not really by chapter so my perspective is a bit different.

I think the world building was the best part about this novel. It's really great in the first 1-3 volumes, everything is so fresh and new. But then it really falls off fast after your fascination with the world cools down and you just focus on the plot and the writing.

Some volumes just felt like it didn't go anywhere, just introduced a new character with some actions scenes, then with the next volume... more>> the previous character is placed in the background with barely any mention, just a waste of a volume if you ask me. Other volumes was just the MC getting into dangerous situations and upgrading his gear. Everything is still happening within the same city, dude just goes to different ruins and fights. Relics aren't really interesting since he mostly sells them, doesn't collect anything unique and barely uses any for himself.

There's one volume I absolutely hate, everyone who has read it probably knows what I mean. The author was just trying to create drama, it doesn't make the story unique or interesting. Wasted another volume reading that crap.

The MC can't stop repeating he is weak and needs to get stronger every few chapters. There's women who like him but somehow the MC doesn't get h**ny at all or is not really interested. The author is trying to make the MC seen edgy but to me he just seems super out of place, and everyone else is way more normal than he is, even other slum kids. Dude is also on some deluded power trip, but none of it is his power at all, he's really deranged. Don't say you're weak but then be a crazy lunatic the next instant just because you have an AI helping you.

There's lots of action, this author loves his action scenes, pretty much around every corner the MC will find himself in a fight, but it gets super tedious to read through after awhile. I think it's the authors way of padding the story out, it really feels like a lot of it is filler. I guess some people like that though.

As of now I've dropped this novel in the middle of Volume 6, it wasn't really going anywhere, just more exploring and fighting. <<less
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conquergl rated it
May 29, 2021
Status: --
It's good but I dropped it because I find their dialogue or way of speaking very very annoying. If you read it every chapter all the characters have "you know" and "you see" in their sentences. I find it very annoying because I cant tell the character apart from each other, they are like robots. Should you know that the way a character is speaking helps you visualize their personality and identity. But all of them every chapter they always say "you know" and "you see" and I just cant... more>> help it but be annoyed. I don't know if this is the author's way of writing or the translator.

P.s read the manga version though its really good. This novel is also good if you are not a nitpicky person like me <<less
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HarukaNise rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: c130
Rebuild world is a good read with decently long chapters and nice translations.

The world building is amazing and you get drawn in with it since you wouldn't think that mixing Sci-Fi with fantasy wouldn't seem like a good idea at first. Add that with the whole dealing with relics and fighting monsters it kinda feels like one of those trope-y anime shows where the protagonist goes to a dungeon and kills dragons, goblins, and what not though in this case they're fighting with guns and bombs with no magic involved... more>> just plain skill and luck.

The characters are... Either you hate em or you like em. At first glance you might... wanna kill tasuya and the gang. maybe even some of the hunters here and there but the author gives us a chance to look behind their actions and well since it's not actually a redemption scene it's better than that since you don't actually see a bad guy turned to good guy cliche.

The part that I don't like about this novel is that it's so so so so very sus. More like the people are suspicious about the wrong things. I don't like how the characters are kinda forced to be suspicious about Akira. I get it if they're weirded out about MC but it's like the author is forcing the whole "That kid is suspicious and kinda skilled better watch out for him" sentence on to the characters. I mean get carol and kanae for example (btw... really hate kanae) I get they're curious about Akira they're interested... But to the point that I feel like they wanna open him up and spill his secrets!?!?? Why??? Carol wants to sleep with the guy, kanae wants to fight him... Does that mean that they have to not pik every single detail about him and make useless (more like baseless) opinions to find out about just how strong he is??

The other part I don't particularly like about this novel is how they view talents and skills. I get the guy is skilled but can we move on? It's like every single character wants to know about How, What, Where, When, the guy got that skilled and make baseless assumptions about character. I get how they view skills highly, you live longer that way, but what I'm talking about is how the author practically forces each and every character to wanna know about Akira, his skill set, knowledge, talent, how good he is at aiming.... And compares them to each other–not in a good way but like how you compare homemade curry to store bought ones.

That's all what I think tho.. 4 stars for the novel it's a good read but not that good in my opinion if we could rate this in 10 stars I'd rate it in 9. <<less
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blueratel413 rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: c65
So far I have read Chapter 65, and while I enjoy the setting the problem is the slow pace. The characters haven't really changed at all, and while the MC is getting more advanced equipment it is the same story being repeated. Go hunt for relics -> get in trouble -> rely on Alpha to save him. There is no overarching plot or even a hint I could read.
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agustinbaigorria27 rated it
May 12, 2024
Status: c292
One of the best web novel I read, the writing is really amazing and each chapter is really long packed with information.

The actions scenes and the world building is by far the thing that shine the most here with a really misterious world left ti uncover and unravel wich could be percieved as almost mistical, altough is clearly a post-apocaliptic sci-fi setting.

Characters really interesting and unique each one different from the other, with their own worries, lives and joys. The only exception perhaps would be the MC with a progression... more>> of character not nearly as deep as the others. (I do now that in light novel this part is much more polished since the webnovel is a little weak in this aspect).

5/5 <<less
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FuzeMintTea rated it
October 22, 2023
Status: v296
A completely new take on how to make light novel very enjoyable to read.

Unique world-building and impressive character building.

A "Must-Read" for everyone who are into action/mecha genres
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Alextherude rated it
April 16, 2022
Status: c166
Up until the Alna arc, the novel was beautiful. The combat was vividly described, and the world's background was solid. It was a believable post apocalyptic world with a society of it's own that was the absolute parallel to a fantasy world with swords and magic vs firearms and lost tech. I'd given the novel 5 stars up until that point...

However, when you get to the personal relationships of the MC, this is when the story begins to slowly go downhill. Although I cant give a specific chapter, around after... more>> 100 chapters things begin to get annoying. This is a minor spoiler, but it's pretty easy to foreshadow even if you read through it without the prior knowledge anyways.

The author keeps forcing an inferiority complex on another antagonist because he's able to perform better than the MC. Time and time again "coincidences" keep showing up between the MC and this antagonist with his hero and inferiority complex to the point that coincidence starts losing it's meaning. The confrontations are SO forced that it feels like the author has begun to just say "screw the story, let's have a little kiddy spat ever new arc or so to create conflict."


Other than that, another gripe is that the MC is entirely too unstable in his personality to the point he's not consistent in anything but parroting what the author wants him to say. At times to strangers or people he doesn't deem "close", he always says things bluntly what's on his mind and chooses the path of most benefit to him. However, when it comes to plot conflicts, he loses his absolute mind for nothing beneficial at all other than to sate his ego. In addition to that, Alpha, the 4d chess master AI can't seem to process anything to pull the MC away from these detrimental confrontations. For all her perceived intelligence in the initial chapters, she's always imagining scenarios on how the MC will react but doesn't do anything but letting the conflicts progress despite having the supposed processing power to get him to stop.

As time goes on, our ruthless MC becomes an empty shell of what he could've become, and the intriguing post apocalyptic world turns into a ridiculous wuxialand ego war. <<less
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XAgathE rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: c159
Every single one have different opinions and idea how to feel & experience Reading this novel but for me this novel excellent one, truly hidden gem.

Thank you author & translator for being this novel to the world. I hope I can enjoy further more.
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Amoki rated it
February 4, 2024
Status: v3p2
Setting is good, characters are alright. In general it's a quite decent novel. My largest issue is that the parts I enjoy most (ruin scavenging) are not as common as the parts as I don't like (focusing on boring chars) which makes me less interested in continuing reading. Having to read multiple chapters to get through a single shopping scene or having to see Katsuya pov any more just make me want to stop reading entirely. It's quite frustrating as a reader, perhaps things change in the future chapters but... more>> as this rate I may drop the series before I can get there. <<less
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Because it works
Because it works rated it
September 19, 2023
Status: c260
This is incredibly amazing. That the premise itself is so omnipresently bad this days only makes it more amazing.

This is the kind of plot where a piss-poor orphan MC (Akira) gets an one-in-a-billion chance to scape his socioeconomic status (Alpha) in the life-threatening, high-risk, high-reward, world of adventuring but using a cyberpunk setting instead.

The way it balances, play and deconstructs its tropes is what makes it good. I personally like how the story points out everything that's wrong about Akira's messed up actions.

The action is always "two steps forward, one... more>> step back". It's thrilling and fast-paced. I still can't decide whether Akira is extremely lucky or unlucky, regardless what he thinks.

Characterization is a bit problematic. The cast has some wasted potential and the story drags on rationalizing their actions proportional to their screen-time.

Finally, the plot is kind of slow, and may or may not have an end goal. Who knows, the LN version may have improved the pacing. <<less
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GatotKacha rated it
December 18, 2022
Status: c244
It's like an unplanned story that develops according to the inspiration of the author in each chapter. This means it doesn't really have a solid story framework and could grow into anything (for better or for worse). But so far, pretty bad in my eyes. Many things have eroded my interest in continuing reading such as; pages filled with filler with uninteresting or important content that you can skip without missing anything! Then, there are many side characters with similar characteristics and personalities who view the MC as entertainment. Maybe... more>> he doesn't realize it but I think the author is overusing it.
It was hard to criticize the MC's level of intelligence and reasoning given his background, but still it was annoying when --after all his experience, he hadn't progressed much at it. Even after 2XX chapters!
And from what I've observed, the author isn't like someone with a deep understanding of technology or science fiction. So any explanation he tries to elaborate on sounds more like justification, so empty. Better if he didn't even try.
Actually there are many things I want to say --the reason why I gave this novel a low rating, but I'm too lazy to type it all out. <<less
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