Outaishihi ni Nante Naritakunai!!


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Once a Japanese person. When she realized she was reincarnated, she was the daughter of a Duke.

Wait a minute, my fiancé is the Crown Prince?

No matter how good looking he is, I definitely don’t want to marry into the polygamous royal family.

While thinking about a way to break off her engagement, Lidi came upon a ridiculous conclusion.

Will she be able to carry it out according to plan?

Associated Names
One entry per line
I'll Never Be Your Crown Princess!
I Don't Want to Become Crown Princess!!
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54 Reviews

May 27, 2016
Status: c40
The MC wants to get dissolve her engagement and ends up doing something generally regarded as s*upid, but works out well for her. As remy911 said, the story very much resembles one of those Harlequin or josei romances, though the author didn't really bother to pretend the MC is smart or independent. Other than that there's nothing too bad or too brilliant, though the openness towards casual s*x for women (other women, not the MC) is kinda new for light novels which is good - a win for feminism/reduction in... more>> double standards... if you ignore the main story...

As for deductions:

1. The MC's actions aren't that illogical - few people want to have their marriage arranged for them or to be part of a harem - but her approach and thought process is flighty and abrupt so you do question what kind of person she is based on how she does things and the thought pattern that led to it i.e. doesn't want to share her man so she decides to sleep with a random sleazy guy...

2. There is legit is no plot - or at least no consistent one. Basically they get together and have s*x and probably get up to other stuff while they wait for their wedding. Not sure what else might happen, but it's probably one of the many negligible arcs since a larger plot doesn't seem to be forming.

3. Same problem as Common Sense of a Duke's Daughter in that the tone makes the character seem flat (obnoxious for CSDD, dumb for this) and the use of multiple POVs to describe the same scene is redundant - we're not that dumb, we can infer what the other characters think, it's fine. It's probably more frustrating when you wait for 1 chapter at a time, only for them to rehash what you read last week.

4 Not buying the romance. The male lead falls in love coz hot body + good s*x... and makes a lifelong commitment. Well good for him, but not sure if love is the word, or if sealing the deal was a smart thing to do. Well at least it puts him on par with the MC so they're intellectually compatible.... Also his first appearance was creepy and gave a sleazy feeling.


Ultimately it's not perfect, but if the synopsis is your thing and you have the time, why not? <<less
80 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 24, 2016
Status: --
Rated it a 5 because ya’ll are a bunch of haters.

Updated review as of chapter 6.2:

Likable heroine. Amusing enough premise, if extremely predictable. Lives up to it's R-18 tag. The guy *might* be on the forceful possessive side (think Harlequin Presents). I like this trope, but not everyone will. As for everything else, it's too soon to tell.

Oh, and for those you who don't want to read the smut scenes, the translator split the chapters in such a way that you can skip the explicit parts if you're not comfortable... more>> with that sort of thing. Just follow the translator's navigation links. <<less
56 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 25, 2018
Status: c29
Ok when I first read this I kinda like it but I was in disagreement with some things in the story, but I just roll with it.. but as I keep reading it I kinda piss off! And let me tell you why:

... more>>

first of all the male lead is a f*cking pig, I understand that in the time and period that this novel is set it's a very retrograde society but the fact that the MC as a woman (or any woman) cannot marry the prince (or any royalty) If she it's not a virg*n (that's why she it's so determinate to lose her v**ginity so she can be free) but the ML just because it's a male can be a f*cking hoe! That goes to parties so he can realieve his s*xual desires (like he it's an animal) even through he has a fiancee (our MC).


second I kind of hate the histories where the love it's so shallow that it's only based in the fiscal aparence and the s*xual experience that they have only once... There is no way that someone will fall so hard for someone based on a thing that happened only once!



I absolutely hate the fact that she have to marry that f*cking prick just because he put a mark on her like she was an animal!!! (When they have s*x he put a mark like a spell so he can be with her because he like her when he sees her and like her when they have s*x...) and he even was going to anull the engagement without knowing her (she avoid him because she doesn't want to marry someone from royalty but that doesn't resolve the fact that he never even tried to meet her! Not once!)



third reason... She has a childhood friend that love her (Wich she doesn't realize) that I think it's like way better that the pig prince and the fact that she kinda broke his heart it's making me even dislike the MC... Like there exist some one that can be so dense that not noticed something that was very obvious (the love he have for her) !



obviously I'm gonna keep reading this because I wanna know what happened with the prince (hopefuly he get wreck or something even through I don't think nothing bad happens to him : () and I want see her get together with her childhood friend. So in resume if you what to read a history very sexist with a bastard by ML and a dense MC to the point of being almost idiotic then go ahead and read this! It at least that the summary till the 29 chapter

47 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 21, 2017
Status: c55
I've read a lot of r-18 novels before, some of them are really hardcore, but albeit they're much better than this. Reasons may vary, mostly due to my taste but let me point some things that are bothersome.

1. Male protag. is so overly possessive. If you have read ' The White Cat That Swore Vengeance Was Just Lazing on the Dragon King's Lap ', you'll more or less understand the implications of this over-possessiveness. And the fact that the first reasons for him liking her is the looks and v**ginity,... more>> (s*x prowess?)... and lol how deep for a romance story.
2. Female protag. is an ideal Cinderella/Princess. She wants to prevent or voice something but is very indecisive to do so, and is always written as a 'damsel-in-distress'. (Why do f*cking! competent female lead are always in those dark stories.)
3. This is R-18, of course it will contain 'sex' stuff. But I daresay better watch a real p*rn or hentai if you just want to know the s*x scenes.
4. Plot kicks-in at later part which kills most readers that come to see a good plot writing. (Only Akuyaku Tensei has the capability to start the main story @ C204 but still hook-in readers... It's good, my ideal female protag.)

This is a fluffy Cinderella r-18 novel without deep intrinsic plot but nor is an edgy one.
The time of this writing is @ C55. Review may be changed depending on further developments. <<less
32 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 23, 2016
Status: c20
Reviewed after reading raws up to c20. Truthfully, I wanted to give it 4 star, but changed it to 5 (because those one-star rater was horrible).

Outaishihi ni Nante Naritakunai definitely is not a literary masterpiece or anything close to that, but as far as NSFW genre goes, it is certainly above averages. As of c20, the plot was a bit predictable, but it was narrated very well compared to its peers. The steamy scenes was done quite tastefully, not vulgar at all; suitable for josei readers.

The characters were cliches, but... more>> they were consistent (and cute ^^), so it’s ok. Additionally, the double POV between the MC and her love interest made the background setting clearer and more attractive.

Per c20, the whole plot is not yet fully established, but I’ve got high expectations for this one. <<less
30 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 19, 2019
Status: c27
I can't bothered to continue reading this story. Here is some of the reasons why.

The MC is dumb. That's maybe a little harsh, but if she doesn't want to marry the into royalty, there are other ways. Instead, she just made everything worse for herself.

The prince is an absolute piece of crap. He only cares about s*x, and treats women like mere objects. As one of the other reviewers have said, he marks her as is she was an animal, without her consent. Forcing her to be his fiance. He... more>> used a one time use magic which should only be used on the one who will be the future Queen, this is something unique to royalty. He had stated that if she doesn't marry him, he will lose his position since it was one time use. So the MC is actually on a good position to bargain, at the very least on equal footing. But no, she doesn't do anything. And she just let's him treat her like an object.

As a person living in modern society where mutual consent is needed in a relationship and both genders are equal, I can't enjoy this novel. Indeed, considering the setting of this novel, perhaps it's not surprising this stuff occurs. Still, I wouldn't want to read this.

Anyhow, this is just my thoughts on this. Try it if you wish, since you are free to do so. <<less
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Dec 10, 2019
Status: c255
You noticed how many of the reviews that complain about the Prince being a pig/misogynistic only read not even close to 50 chapters? Well I’m going to lay the smack down about Freed, a.k.a the ML in this series a.k.a magic d*ck (pun intended.)

1) He’s a yandere.

It’s not strange for yandere males or females to fall in love over the most bizarre things like a flower falling on the mc’s face when they are blowing their nose so Freed falling for the MC super fast isn’t that strange.... more>> One of the main reasons that’s explained in detail


Is that the kingdom has old fashion boring missionary type methods of courting and s*x, with “wham bam thank you ma’am I got off time to sleep.” Not only does the MC blows the out of the window, but she can sort of keep up with Freed, which is unheard of. It’s like finding out that a person that fancy your interest has one of your major kinks. You would try everything in your power to stay with them right?

I’m not saying it’s cool but Freed is a yandere. That’s what they do.


2) He respects the MC.

He listens to her, thinks of her best interest and plans despite her having one brain cell shared between them. He doesn’t abuse her like the typical yandere. He even goes along with the MC being s*upid


... with the whole “I don’t love you it’s only a suspension bridge effect blah blah like it’s a big deal to fall in love with the Prince? That you bang regularly? That loves you and risk their life for?


3) Despite being a yandere he’s humble and tries his best without going totally yan

Freed is the most low key yandere I seen in a while. Yeah he’s possessive, gets jealous over things like MC’s family and stuff but he knows that if he goes totally yan he would hurt the MC, which is a big no no. So he tries to talk to the MC, be blunt, etc. Yeah he messed up at first with the “thing” from the beginning but he gets better. It’s called character progression.

Now the biggest problem isn’t Freed but the MC and the dumb author in this series. The MC, Lidi is a dumb b to say lightly. She acts like a typical shoujo heroine, having one brain cell if that, and does things without thinking or considering the ramifications. I found myself face palming or shaking my head thinking what this clow- I mean Duke’s daughter will do next.

She assumed that the Prince is into consort hanky panky without looking further into it, didn’t discuss plans with anyone, etc. Even then what makes it worse is that she picks the most extreme method of getting out of her engagement. One user points out that the Prince was such a jerk face meanie to go into the engagement half hearted but Lidi didn’t care about his feelings or not; selfish and self centred.

That’s the theme with Lidi through this story. She wants to do a thing, people tell her it’s a bad idea to do the thing, and she does it anyway because she thinks in her brain it’s ok. She’s so narrow minded that I want to face slap her like a chinese novel villain. She doesn’t consider the prince’s feelings most of the time before she’s acting, she’s obvious to everything but her own self interests, and she’s suppose to be a grown woman with previous experience but acts like a teen. Besides the spoiler above, there’s also

Lidi running into her old ex bf from a previous life. She doesn’t try to clear it up off the bat, instead does her own thing and causes more misunderstandings and drama.


I don’t know if the author just can’t write a FL or what but Lidi is the most dense and self centred c*nt I have seen in a Japanese novel (and probably in general.)

The POVs are not bad but there are so many of them, especially the ones with Lidi’s childhood friend I will dub glasses moe dude. I don’t know if the writer is a sad*st or what


But every single POV chapter with Glasses dude is filled with one sided pinning, angst, what ifs and him crying about how he can’t marry Lidi and was ‘NTR.’


I had to go on hiatus reading this and figure out if I could skip those parts because it was like walking through the Southern Swamps of Louisiana. There’s just too many multiple points of view!


The story is ok so I’m give it a 3.5, round it to 4. If you can’t stand dumb FL who create drama out of nothing and yandere ML don’t read this. The side characters are alright, especially Lidi’s family and spoiler kun. The POVs are good if not tedious. And seeing Glasses dude will either make you rage or cry a river.

Thanks translator san for your hard work too. <<less
26 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 10, 2016
Status: c8
I find this to be one of the few decent smuts on here. The interactions are fully consensual. Both parties are openly enjoying themselves. For some reason, such stories are actually in the minority now.

No, it doesn't have some deep plot or super developed characters. It's smut, what do you expect?
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 11, 2016
Status: c10
It's cute~ Definitely not one with mind blowing plot. As dysry described, the male mc's character are a bit questionable, but the MC personality make it up for me. She's cute and is the type to take action in order to reach her target.
18 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
The Lazy Slug
The Lazy Slu
May 03, 2017
Status: c21

I don't get it why some people didn't like the dual POVs. If it's me, I like it. If I only heard FL's side of the story, I would've loathed the Prince. After all, only to be introduced as someone who frequented that Masquerade Ball, my favourability of him would no doubt drastically drop. Then again, hearing his side of the story, I am appeased. Surely, the dual POV works for this story well.

Also, like what everyone said, I like FL's personality. It has a certain charm... more>> to it; and the way ML responded to her antics, her disappearance and all, it was quite cute. While I do agree that the love in this aspect first sprung from physical attraction and mutual benefits (i.e. ML being interested of her 'unique' manners in you know where and getting lots of benefits after you know what), I am eager to witness it develop to really something more than just venereal attraction.

Right now, I'm rating it a solid 5. Plus, the translations were really good. I hope the updates would come soon. &Gt;:^D <<less
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 28, 2020
Status: c383
This work is an excellent example of developing what works and what doesn't, what story the author is trying to tell, and what the focus is from the start.


Now let's get to the meat of the review...

I found the style and the focus refreshing, the MC is lovable albeit kind of frustrating but not in a bad way, you genuinely want her to succeed on all her endeavours, although it suffers from a tiny bit of "Mary Sue" syndrome, it... more>> doesn't impede the storytelling, it is after all an eroge/romance story so I can't really find fault on that, the plots and the characters introduced are fairly well defined and appropriate for their position and the line followed develops organically and naturally so it's nice to be able to enjoy those feelings.

That being said, the way in which every plot point is broken down with the charm of a hammer to a window pane is kind of annoying, you've being hearing from this dread for 3 chapters and at the end of it... everything is resolved in the blink of an eye.

Although... it goes back to the romance and eroge parts which is the ultimate focus of the story, so even if it feels a bit frustrating you can indulge yourself on the romance of the MC... which is sweet... very frikken sweet... it will give you cavities and diabetes... and I love it.

The world building isn't lacking in itself, you go along discovering the environment little by little and you have a clear grasp of what's at stake and what is important and what isn't, the author gives away details of the world accordingly to what is needed when and where, it's not an exposition dump, it feels like exploring a cave and finding small treasures here and there, which make reading the parts enjoyable and they are very much organically woven within the character portrayals which is the meat and bones of the story, even if it is very character centric, the worldbuilding doesn't fall too much behind and comes appropriately from the development of each character... which is a first for me to read someone doing things this way... I've read plenty of books of all kinds of styles, themes and rhythms, but it's the first time I've seen the world building go so hand in hand with character growth.

The side characters all have different personalities and problems of their own and develop accordingly alongside the MC, as things progress you can see them grow and become better versions of themselves, this is RARE... EXTREMELY RARE, and I love this work to BITS because of this developments.

There is no "High School Drama" to be seen which is a very enjoyable feeling, the romance feels mature and even though they may look childish from the outside, you can understand where they are coming from because their personalities are very well defined, if anything, this work excels at showing that.

As a final note, people complain that the male lead is forceful... but what they fail to realize is that not only the MC is the same, but she's probably even worse... this comes from the very first chapter...

how can people fail to realize this? she gave away her V card because she didn't want to be with a man who would have a harem... she wanted to monopolize her partner, she didn't even want to be near the possibility of having a partner that could even consider to have another person next to him beside herself... and the only reason she ever feels doubtful of the nightly activities is because she doesn't know about the common sense of the world... it's all there in her character growth... it's all well portrayed and part of her story... it's what made this story shine from the start!... she enjoys being monopolized because she wants to do the exact same thing (she's a bit of an M, that much is clear, but she's NOT a doormat).


And cheers for the MCs brother, he's one of the funniest more enjoyable characters besides the main leads to read, every part that focuses on his POV is delightful.

The only reason why I don't give this work 5 stars is because of the way every plot point ending is written with the subtlety of a brick. <<less
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Jun 02, 2018
Status: --
I'm disappointed, to say the least. The way the plot is progressing is restrictive on the female lead. It seems like the only use of the female lead's past life was to make it logical that she wanted a one-on-one marriage and refused polygamy.

Firstly, the ML is super controlling. ... more>>

He does her how he wants, even doing it inside her without contraceptives, uncaring of the consequences. And obviously it's justified regardless of her consent because he plans to marry her anyway. With or without her consent. He puts the King's Flower on her, his once-in-a-lifetime seal that marks a woman as royalty for life WITHOUT REGARD FOR HER OPINION. Yeah, I get that he's the male lead and that by doing this she'll have no choice but to "love" him. But he has NO respect for her, literally NONE, and it pisses me off.


He's also promiscuous as heck.

Apparently he has this weird condition where his lust and s*xual appetite is uncontrollable, so he goes around doing women left and right. That's cool and everything but... STDs.


If I were in the FL's place, you can bet your ass I would be pissed as HELL. Her original goal was to leave the engagement, and he has her unable to escape from it against her will, so why the hell is she still alive? I would have offed myself and added a 'Tragedy' tag to this book right quick. <<less
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Sep 23, 2019
Status: c149
[ up to chap 149, major spoilers in this review, read at own risk]I like the distinct personalities of some side characters a lot, there's good character building, their way of thinking evolves and etc, overall up to chap 149, I can't say I've wasted my time so I'll keep reading, but at the same time there's characters that need to move on from their mental state since the first 10 chapters, ... more>>

aka Will, just chill, she's got the blue rose, give up ma dudes, you starting to sound like an evil character

I feel it's unfair to ML? just cooperate with you fiancé already lol, at ch 149 y'all shld be way past the petty stuff I'm tiredt!!I seriously can't understand why the female lead of a Josei novel is an airhead??? hellooo? make it make sense!!! that's typical shoujo manga FL trope! And on top of that the FL is supposed to have reincarnated? but she doesn't show an ounce of wisdom from her past life! the only knowledge she seems to maintain is japanese food recipes.I can definitely not rate it a 4. Even 3 sounds too high considering the novel fails to give us a Josei female lead that's a proper adult, but 2 would be too low considering the story is not boring to read (even though I've come this far, I still want to know what happens next and if someone will shake some sense into this girl) so I'll stop at 3 for the sake of the overall experience.

If you want more detailed review of why I don't like the FL just read the following stuff..---------------------------------------------The author makes the FL seem like she's making sound arguments, but as a supposedly strong female lead she lacks braincells and critical judgement! The author keeps calling it "oh Liddy is just dull; yaddi yadda yadda" but no!? she's just dumb???; keep in mind that this is an adult that has "reincarnated" into a different world. You'd expect her to have good discernment about right or wrong, be cautious, know the difference between intelligence vs imbecility. But if that's how she was at 40 in her previous life than geez!!! It's like the author has put an immature 8 year old in the body of a supposedly 18 year old in current setting. At every turn or discovery of absolutely poignant, key, important, or vital piece of information, it never freaking crosses her mind that, oh, MAYBE that's a fact that should be reported to [idk], her fiancée, THE CROWN PRINCE??? THE STRONGEST PERSON IN THE KINGDOM????? or at the very least, someone with their head screwed on correctly???? Nope, she keeps it secret and doesn't think anyone else but her needs to know. She doesn't worry about how her actions affect other people! she's amazingly self-centered/ selfish in that sense. Idk okay but as a person who had died around the age 40 or sumn in a previous world and freaking reincarnated she should be able to make sound and well-thought decisions. we are at chapter 149, after the MC has caused half of the misfortune in the plot by thinking she's smart because she's keeping secrets when they're actually for the most part national safety hazards!!! You'd think after the first few run-ins with danger CAUSED by her thoughtlessness and irresponsibility that she would come clean to the people that need the info in order to protect her and the kingdom? Nope, Nope noooope! Not Liddy, certainly not! why in the world would pompous Liddy not enjoy having dangerous secrets all to herself ? hahaha :DShe trusts any random shtick on the streets and even picks up a stray character that btw

is a wanted assassin by the enemy kingdom


She claims she trusts ML, but never tells him anything that is concerning or super important!!!! The epitome of being inconsiderate and insensitive to others. As a human that says she appreciates another and has relationship experience from previous life, she needs more tact. she lacks too much concern about how she affects others near her. it's immature.-------FL :

makes contract with assassin that is the target of enemy country

STILL DOESN'T TELL ANYONE WHY in order to stop it from happening again!-------

Enemy Character A that gets turned on by aggressive women: approaches FLFL: is aggressive and strongly rebukes Enemy character A. Enemy Character A: grows intense interest in FL and wants to kidnap herwow isn't she soooo smart? She's such an adult reincarnated into another world that she doesn't even know how to use reverse psychology!!------

FL : discovers that there may be

other reincarnated people helping the enemy soldiers and countries in the war

I had to freaking roll my eyes and was cursing at her for her incredible imbecility throughout the greater part of this novel lol the lack of sense in her thought processes drive me nuts! If this was a shoujo manga script, I would expect the dumb main female character that thinks they're being clever trope, but no, this is supposed to be a full grown adult with higher level reasoning capabilities here!! This is a book for adults!! helloooo @ AUTHOR, why are you making her typical airhead shoujo heroine??-----------------------------ah also pet peeve of mine, I can't stand the lack of basic interc**rse 101 awareness of these adult novel authors. They always write about the myth of chastity. First of all, not all women have a hymen, it was either never there, broke while we did some exercise (horseback-riding, hardcore anything, or any sports... etc). Secondly, it's not a damn wall that can be felt "breaking". Third, what hurts and makes bleeding is not the hymen "breaking", it's intrusion and rubbing of foreign object without proper lubrication. In other words, if FL is slippery down there, chances are quite high that it'll be minor discomfort with lack of any bleeding. The more slippery, the higher the likelihood of no pain or blood. Pain and blood means your partner is either inexperienced, sucks, or is selfish and only concerned abt their own pleasure. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 20, 2019
Status: --
First, sorry for my bad English, it's not my language.

I have read the 315 chapters of this novel, and I can say that of the 315 chapters there are, 80% are junk chapters.

1. Many chapters are repeated from the point of view of another character in the novel. It is good to know the thoughts of other characters, but in this novel it is exaggerated! The chapters are repeated over and over again by characters that are insignificant in the story. I am interested in knowing what the protagonists think,... more>> but I am not interested in having to read the same chapter in the thought of some cook, servant,... it is very repetitive.

2. The protagonists do not evolve, the only communication between them is s*x. The same words and thoughts we already know are repeated at all times during the 315 chapters! The dialogue is very poor! It seems to be written by a 3 year old boy.
The prince only thinks about s*x, and Lidi only worries if he can handle the amount of s*x of the prince. But she never says no! The s*x scenes are all the same, repetitive and poor.

3. The stars are for the only characters that have captured my interest and made me read the 315 chapters. The witch, Cain and Apostate. <<less
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Jan 08, 2019
Status: c32
I don't know why I kept reading this.

This wasn't even good cheap smut. Nor was there any depth in characters. The only thing that stands out is that Prince is an A1 douchebag that deserves to be shot. As someone who enjoys a lot of josei, I felt a lot of annoyance seeing the prince everytime, and then how suddenly ret*rded the MC would become ret*rded and keep shooting herself in the foot in a way that's just painful to read. Assertive and Overpossesive male leads can be very interesting,... more>> even yandere ones, but this was a load of BS <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 20, 2019
Status: c257
The writing is subpar. At first, the story was somewhat interesting. But later, a lot of things did not have any logic to them. It felt like the author was forcing their character to do things that would drive the plot to how they wanted; however, it doesn’t feel natural. Readers aren’t s*upid. We can tell when you’re not putting effort into writing.
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Jun 09, 2018
Status: --
Ooohhh! The series is wonderful! And even though it changes translators like a game of hot potatoes, it is pretty well written~

The are some annoying parts, which is the repetition of scenes on multiple characters pov, but necessary to understand their circunstances.

Aditionally, I read every negative opinion in the reviews and disagree with them... Here's why.

There are HUGE ammounts of spoilers down here, please read at your own risk.

... more>>

the prince is a Yandere asshat, that's true.. And the fact that he's a male ho is explained - apparently his libido is through the roof, and if he doesn't get off some steam then it affects his control - he is taken as a military figure, so I assume he's relied on to lead and combat.. If he can't do that, wouldn't that be dangerous?

He says so himself that he doesn't enjoy the tasteless vanilla s*x he gets from his one night stands and intends to stop them once he hears about the engagement, but is convinced to "party" one last time...

Don't victimise Lidi.

Lidi is NOT a virg*n innocent flower - she is the reincarnation of a fully mature and s*xual woman who knows what she wants, she's also Japanese, so not understanding cultural mentalities about how Japanese sexuality works, can we really judge if she goes along with Freed's antics? She ENJOYS them.

It was Lidi who wanted to bang a complete stranger in order to lose her V-card in the first place! If she forgot all about her modern knowledge about stranger-danger and stds then its on her - she KNEW her target as a famous playboy that wouldn't take the same woman twice and was counting on it, what she wasn't counting on was that playboy being the disguised prince.

In that first masquerade ball, Freed fell in love with Lidi - mostly her antics and "aura" since he couldn't see her face at all! He took her to his bed and was intending on using the ritual that would give her his Flower - THINKING she wans't a virg*n! (Lidi acted like she had experience in the bedroom) Thus the ritual would have been negated since it only works on virg*ns and he'd be kicked off the line of sucession! He made a HUGE gamble and he totally intended to lose..

But Lidi was a virg*n, so the ritual took!

We see how much of a Dere he is when he fully intends to imp**gnate her and carry on the Flower ritual to tie her with him - he swears to kill any man who ever touched her when he thought she wasn't a virg*n.. In his obcession, he corners Lidi with the King's Flower and has no regret whatsoever... But half of it WAS Lidi's fault - she did intentionally expose herself to danger to get rid of an engagement.. If she was honest and talked with her father than the minister would have stoped trying to pair her with the prince, but she chose to do things her own way.. She was NOT r*ped - and when she says she doen't want to have relations with Freed once, he stops advancing and give her space.

lets not forget that the witch gave Lidi the cure for Freed's "condition"... She could have, at any time so far, given it to him, yet it hasn't happened yet - suppose the cure would diminish Freed's libido to manageable levels.. Additionally, the witch also gave Lidi a potion to increase HER libido! Lidi accepted it and even hinted of how useful it would be!

Lidi was a s*xual aware woman in her past life, she ENJOYS s*x with Freed regardless of his cunning and traps.. Sure, that he tricked her was horrible, but wasn't she doing the same to him by seeking to lose her v**ginity so she wouldn't have to marry him?

Lidi apparently has a HUGE fetish for men in military uniforms.. It reads that she gets hot and bothered just by looking at Freed - he notices and uses her weakness to seduce her, obviously.. At any point I felt a r*pe vibe.. Sure, Freed could be a little kinder, but taking into account everything that's happened, both Lidi and Freed are at fault for whats happening..

About Will, the childhood friend... He dug his own grave.. To the point where Lidi never once considered asking him to take her V-card, which would have been safer! He painted his image as the Stern Big Brother in her mind, wouldn't it feel strange to sleep with your brother figure or inconvenience him so? Regardless of the fact that the two families are "enemies" Lidi's father never once restricted Will's interactions with Lidi, giving Will ample oportunities to be open with his feelings. It was hinted that Lidi's dad would move heaven and earth to give Lidi happiness, so if she actually desired to marry Will, then she'd have.

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Oct 16, 2019
Status: ss 29
Funny/ Silly protagonist? Want a isekai where the MC is not overpowered?

Idiot lovey-dovey couple? Lots of fluff?


... more>> This story has all of that. But if you’re looking for a story that is really story driven though you’re a bit outta luck because at the moment the story is more geared towards people who like slice of life and silly situational stories.

I really like the chapters that are written in alternative POVs though I do not hate Lidiana. TBH Lidi’s older brother Alex is the best character in the story, and I accept no counter arguments.

Obviously there are weak points that people may not like personally. If you don’t like airheads/baka type characters you won’t like MC. If you’re not okay with possessive (kind of) thots then you won’t like ML. <<less
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Jan 05, 2019
Status: c50
I love on how the story escalated quickly. The couple is so cute. This novel is perfect for people who love smut but overall it's good and worth your time except the story a unique as some of the scene or arc has different pov to it.
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Sep 03, 2018
Status: c40
I loves reading this series. It's well written, specially the R18 part (lol). It's not vulgar, but intense. IMO was really suitable for josei readers.

Cringey words was inevitable, but let's thinking it was the way of royalty and high rangking people speaks.

The early chapter's plot is kind of easy to read and a bit 'typical', but it well developed. So it was acceptable.

There are also multiple POV from surrounding people, which is very refreshing.

I really looking forward for the update.
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