Never Die Extra


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Extras die every day in various ways in the game [Yo-Ma Great War 3].

He was an extra when he reincarnated into the game.

I’ll never die. Never.

“Let’s get started.”

Evan had come to a conclusion. He tapped his cheeks as a way of signaling to himself that he had made up his mind.

He would become a character who never dies.

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죽지 않는 엑스트라
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  4. mix genre of mc
  5. Korean Web Novels

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127 Reviews sorted by

Monomololo rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: c38
This was a solid 4 for me. Then I read chapters 37/38. The MC somehow missed that his mother was pregnant, for a whole year, with the explanation that "he was so busy that he couldn't even see her at a family dinner". He lives with her. He's like 10 years old.

So I have to rate this a 3 for now, because my brain can only handle so much s*upidity before my neurons revolt.
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PedoBear Version 2.0
PedoBear Version 2.0 rated it
November 26, 2020
Status: c151
Its perfectly fun novel. And dont let the bad review stop you from reading this gem.

OP protagonist? Thats what Toika's novel all about.

Lack of suspense?

What can you expect from a child who rarely leave his own territory? Its was also explained that he transmigated way earlier before the start of the game so all the villains and major incidents would only appear 10 years later/when he turn into an adult. And unlike Toika's other work with dimensional invasion or whatnot in the 21st century with the destruction of the earth... more>> from monster theme, this one is about transmigation into a game world with its own predetermined plot as what you can expect from a game.

The MC being overly cautious and paranoid? Read again the prologue, its was already explained that Evans's death is like his destiny, the MC in his original world wasted 6 years of his life playing and trying to save a game character which prove to be futile until the end. It's not just 1 or 2 deathflags that he needs to avoid but EVERY choice he made in the game would lead to Evan's DEATH regardless of what he did. <<less
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alominus rated it
March 29, 2022
Status: --
The entire web novel reads like the author is just pulling things out of his ass as he writes, followed by an info dump where he gives some vague explanation for it from the game, as if the reader knows or cares about what the author is talking about.

The author feels the need to remind the reader about how 'Evan' died in so many s*upid ways constantly. We got the point the first hundred times you mentioned it.

Why do all these reincarnation novels that like to put adults in a... more>> kids body proceed to have the MC act like a child? It's so cringe. Dude is almost 30 years old and the author makes him behave like an infant with child love interests. So gross. <<less
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Potato Tomo
Potato Tomo rated it
September 8, 2020
Status: --
I always think that reading a book without any expectation on it is an attitude one should have as a reader. But damn, I shot myself here thinking that this was a good one. I mean it was written by Toika. I was always enterntained when reading his works. What could go wrong. And he should have gotten atleast a little bit better after writing so many novels that I really think is good. Well, I'm sorry for myself to say that I was deeply disappointed.

It was bad. It was... more>> like mish-mash of popular novels a few year ago. I could pick a plot scenario on what I've read up to now and I could name another novel. I don't have anything against that but suddenly it feels like it was written by someone new to writing. A couple of chapters were really bad that I had to stop myself from reading and write this. Really bad. Is he trolling us? Is this a parody? Or was it called satire. Then they should put Invincible dragon in the recommendation if that was the case. I'm now even doubting if the translation is really accurate.

I still gave it 3 stars because I think there will still be some merit in reading this in the near future if it was really written by Toika. But I don't want to get shot twice so I'll rather re-read his other novels. <<less
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Junyin rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: c50
I came to this novel because of the no action tag and harem tag. So what I would expect is like half half on him surviving and interactions with girls. But nope it's like 90% on him getting stronger and preparing for the future. Elements to an action novel without action is not what I'm here for. At some point he says the characters deaths are related to women so that's not a problem but with that in mind he doesn't dare to seek out female relationships even when women... more>> are coming to him easily. All In all not what I expected or want <<less
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April 26, 2021
Status: c48
It started off good even so much that I forgot I was reading a korean novel till out of nowhere there was a flood of "oppa". I get its some peoples thing but personally I don't care much for when the translators do this, it feels like it breaks the immersion of the story.
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Farfall rated it
July 13, 2021
Status: c205
All I can say is im disappointed... The worldbuilding is ok, But!! The character!! No I mean the MC is getting on my nerve!!! The heck you still call yourself weak with that power!! And the story is getting boring going on dungeon, leveling up, taking care of harem etc, there is no explosive event at all that can give me goosebump, you know what I mean? The goosebump where is it!!! SO I'LL DROP IT HERE!!
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Axs rated it
May 14, 2021
Status: c360
Alright, I was checking out the reviews on this novel, and I felt some people just simply didn't read far enough. I really don't know if the readers who reached up to like c100 and dropped the novel understood this, but has they read for a bit longer, they would've realized that ... more>>

MC drops his "I'm so weak/an extra" premise.


Additionally, I've seen some reviewers say that MC is garbage for preferring Belois over the other two, and Belois being a b*tch, but they should keep in mind that


we've seen that MC has had absolute trust in Belois only because she was the only one who didn't abandon him and loved him in the game, which secured her position as the first lover. Also, Belois being a bit*h around 330 feels kind of deserved, due to the fact that she isn't a noble and can't really be respected as a true official wife. I really don't know if the readers forgot this, but Belois is literally a YANDERE. Why do you complain about her being possessive of the MC when she literally had to restrain herself from confining him at somepoint?


Although, I guess I have to concede on the point that


some of the women aren't getting as much attention as others, presumably Arisha and Maybell. I do hope that the romance can be a bit more exaggerated, as right now it IS starting to lean towards MC taking them for granted/stroking his ego.


I suppose that the reason I'm still fine with the romance rn is purely because I've read the sh*t show that was Son-in-Law of the Dragon King, , a Chinese novel that was honestly good at first but turned into dogshit.

For the son in law novel, the childhood friend of the MC gets like 50 chapters mentioning her out of 800, neglected by the MC, and basically only gets f*cked by the MC in the end bc it would give him a power up. Meanwhile the MC focuses on raising, tutoring, and building a LOVER's relationship with a f*ckING middle schooler as a college student himself.

The worst pe*o sh*t I've ever read (worse than EDP445), now off that rant.

The harem there was sh*t compared to this novel, and tbh this harem isn't to the level where it sickens me.

Right, so off the rant about reviewers dissing the MC+ Belois (I ship). So basically, the main reaosin I haven't dropped this novel is purely because this novel isn't the same type of novel as EER. It' s more focused on world building, and the novel does play it pretty well (I won't lie that sometimes the translation quality drops, but we've seen that at some point one of the translators is hospitalized, so it was unavoidable.)

There is little action in the novel, which is a bit disappointing, but it is fun to see Evan just wreck the foes later on.

ALL IN ALL, the takeaway is that while this novel does fall short a bit of EER, it shouldn't really be compared to it as a whole. Personally, I feel that this is a fine novel to pick up, and while it's not the best, it has a certain charm about it that makes me want to continue. You shouldn't really expect out of the romance; you either like it or you don't.

I gave it a 5 star because I'm looking forward to the last 150+ chapters of this story, which will be picking up the pace. Hopefully Toika can spread the action out properly. <<less
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bodesagaz rated it
April 18, 2021
Status: c133
Nowhere as good as the rating indicates. The story is really inconsistent, even more so the main character. He wants to grow stronger but coincidentally does nothing to evaluate what he himself can do, and what should be the next steps of the training. Never mind that when every single person trains, they get anxious to test all the time how much they've progressed. The protagonist can't do that, if he did then there would be no cheap/ret*rded humor. If he did the author would have to actually think of... more>> something funny.

There is a lack of direction, which would bother some people but it's not always negative. It is, however, when there is no thought process or circumstances being presented, the characters always jump directly to the conclusion without any reasoning of why they're doing that, why it would be effective or anything like that. It's always getting to the awesome conclusions right away and the ovation on how this character is so smart, talented or whatever. They could just as well fight in the dungeons with explosive bananas, and tell us how awesome and incredible this super method is.

In all honesty, I don't have much of a problem with bad stories. It's just that this feels so much like a kid telling you "look at what I can do" and go spinning on the ground or whatever. You know that the kid is just doing whatever crosses their mind just to impress you because they want your attention.

If I were to sum up this story in one word, it would be:

Meh. <<less
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Sorata rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c100
wow! Toika finally mastered the art of writing a generic Japanese Isekai!

this sh*t is so bad, it's just him doing sth and the side chars react, thinking he is Jesus. And the author can't go on 5secs without telling the readers about how handsome the MC is, it gets really annoying. And nothing is at stake here, everything is so easy. He solves all the problems with no risks, no obstacles. Everything is just too smooth. And he is so dense and keeps on overestimating everything despite he, himself is... more>> Jesus <<less
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Vandille rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: --
It's great, the review below me is a bit strange, if you read the tags there is "emotionally weak protagonist" so this could add to his personality as a very cautious person, overall the story is a fun read.

If you read the synopsis, the story is quite different as instead of the "Let's get started" vibe

It starts off with a wuss MC, well I'd be the same if I knew all of the ways I'd die, each day would be terrifying, but gradually the MC starts to amass power although... more>> being very bery cautious around him wether he won or lost a fight, he has the mindset of "he/shes probably gonna go easy " but it makes for some tension breaking comedy, similar to those misunderstanding stories.

pretty fun though, the guy below me, I think this is his first time seeing a cautious MC instead of banging pu*sy and slaughtering enemies. <<less
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hose246 rated it
March 31, 2021
Status: c276
Ok so, the main character kept disillusioning himself that he's weak when he can literally destroy everyone. It is so obvious that he is strong but no matter what happens, he just kept thinking "Oh he must have gone easy on me" or "Oh, this monster is strangely weak, he must have been weakened", I swear this main character only has 1 brain cell or perhaps none at all.

A character that keeps thinking of himself to be weak can perhaps work for a side character, but it definitely will not... more>> work for the main character!

Another thing is that the translation is so wack that it makes you think that it's google translated. I realize some people might think "Oh, but they got a better translator after chapter 85", but let me tell you: for example, the first translator is at negative 1 billion point, but the second translator is at negative 100 million point. Sure, it might have been pretty amazing to have improved by 90%, but negative 100 million points are still low af.

The main character suddenly realized that everyone's easy to fight in chapter 168, but instead of thinking he is strong, he just thinks that everyone is weaker than the original storyline! Honestly, this character is so damn frustrating.

I really can't believe that the same author who wrote "Everyone else is a returnee" wrote this dumpster fire of a novel. It's like he used up all his gas on EER and is trying to recover from the deficit by only using 1 brain cell for every novel after EER.

I heard that it gets better after chapter 200 so that's why I'm not dropping this novel. But honestly, this novel is more frustrating to read than the first 100 chapters of Overgeared.

So, in conclusion, don't read this novel if you don't want to get so mad that you will get a heart attack and puke up blood.

Also, this review might not be accurate as the translation is as complex as trying understand quantum physics. It means I have no idea what's happening. <<less
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sandro530 rated it
July 27, 2020
Status: c12
This is some seriously good stuff, thought there isn't much to say about the story as it has just begun I'm already addicted,
Edit: I read up to chapter 160, I now have decided to drop this. My reasoning is, that it got boring. I thought it would be more about dungeon dwelling, powering up etc., it also partly is, that part is pretty small though. And the powering up is passive. Meaning they don't do it like once a week and get very strong in that practice session, instead they do it every day with day to day improvement. The reason why I also liked it that much, was because of the massive power gain at the start. Everyone likes underdogs, the problem for me arrived, when he was too strong and outgrew the underdog part.

He literally is twice, or as strong as one of the main characters, a 50 or so year old hero, with tons of experience who also is at level 50 I think. While that is already unbelievable (and not in a good way), with the MC barely having any real fighting experience, with sword fighters for example. Him being that strong already, removed most of the underdog charm. And with him no longer being the underdog, the novel quickly loses much value.


But that isn't the reason I stopped. For one, it kind of is childish. They keep talking with barely any action, and when there is action, it quickly ends or is anticlimatic. The political side of things is the bigger focus, than the adventuring one and this is more kingdom-building and harem-building than fighting and traveling. More and more companions get added, they get stronger and stronger, yet the amount of time spent in the dungeon is barely a 10th of the novel. The cast also is very stationary. While they do travel around, scenery is less of a focus, instead of searching forests or hidden dungeons, or maybe exploits. Cities, kingdoms and mansions are a larger focus. There also aren't any major villains, or 'real' problems. Meaning strong opponents. They can mostly be defeated with a face-slap. The MCs fear of women and delusions of his strength are also slowly grating on my nerves.

Simply said, there isn't any action. The cast trains, and trains, and trains, does a teeny tiny bit of adventuring where they get even stronger, and then go back to training, training, training. While toika is a very good author sometimes. I think I outgrew him. It needs a certain age, or lack of knowledge for his works, to truly shine. But lately, all I can see are childish characters, and a lack of trouble and engagement with the world.

Btw, I have no doubt, that some parts of this novel will still be amazing but I don't want to slog my way through to those parts, when the rest of the novel is about worshipping the MC, childish infighting and slightly dumb jokes. No doubt some of those jokes will make me roar in laughter. But no, I won't read this anymore. (But maybe I will return to this, after it is fully translated, it is a toika novel after all, there will be more fighting and a satisfying climax, and maybe that will be enough for me, to read through another 340 chapters.)
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Arha rated it
May 24, 2022
Status: Completed
61 chapters in and I think literally nothing important has happened so far apart from reincarnating. And please stop telling us how pretty the nine year olds are. Are you trying to branch out, Toika? Attract the pe*ophile audience, perhaps?

It gets a 2 because it's significantly worse so far than most Toika stories I've read and I typically give them threes. The only one that's almost as boring is the demon king one.

I actually did finish it. Every now and then it got tantalizingly close to being interesting but never... more>> quite made it there. There is never any tension whatsoever and the series is basically just a harem collecting game for the protagonist, even if he supposedly doesn't want one. Unlike usual for Toika there's even implication that the MC probably has concubines apart from his actual wives, including relatives.

It remains a 2/5. But it's better than the Demon King one, way to go. It's only an F compared to an F-. <<less
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Danny Sam
Danny Sam rated it
February 11, 2022
Status: Completed
If you enjoy slow slice of life isekai shonen novel then you will enjoy this.
But to me

This is garbage with a sh*t tons of repeative bullsh*ts.

The main lead: A boring OP dumb mf who think he week for half of the novel. He's an adult yet acts like a kid and cry like a baby.

The pace: s*upid slow with a lot of filter, and they spend at least 50 chapters to build a f*cking hotspring, and the rest is just pick girl A, boy B, item C,.... And since the main is so OP most battle end in 2-3 chapters.

The romance: Generic harem trope.

The plot: have good plot but nothing speciel.

So this novel is a big waste of time even if it does get better at the end but it ain't worth it.
The last 100 chapters could be describe in these few line: main got sent to the past, find out he is the main lead of 'Yo ma wars 0' and blah blah bullsh*t blab blab garbage and then the big bad final boss appear and everyone come together and beat the final boss and happy ending.

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TeddyWestside rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: c321
Toika always has good premises and beginnings for his novels but midway through the story becomes a grind. Most if not everything that happens in this novel will always go the MC's way.

If there's something new from this based from other of Toika's work is that there's some semblance of emotional character development particularly in the romance category.

Is the romance good?

Mediocre at best, honestly.

Dropping this since I don't feel the same joy I had in the beginning.
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hk rated it
January 13, 2021
Status: c167
This isn't an in depth review; I'll probably edit this later.
I think the translation isn't bad. I don't know if it's superb or anything but saying that it is mtled or difficult to read or that the flow is bad etc, I don't see it at all and I've read a fair share of badly written/translated novels.

I don't see the story as being too out of control and generic as well. This is definitely one of the OP characters but I don't see much to complain other than that. I don't even think that OPness is something to complain about. The novel definitely follows a certain logic and characters are not bland.

Sure, if you are jaded reading a lot of similar novels, this might feel bland to you, but that's not the novel's fault
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LehmD rated it
March 15, 2023
Status: Completed
I read a lot of tokais other novels before this and this is by far the worst one in my opinion.

MC gets send into the world of the game he used to play on earth. He is inside of the body of the Extra that used to Die without exception so he has to get stronger to survive. That basically the whole plot of the novel.

The problem is I hate the Main character. He is super op after the first few chapters but every time he wins the fight he... more>> will be like "oh guess this monster is much Weaker than in the game since I one shot this and I am the weak extra that always dies" (he had been grinding Monsters for years at this point and everyone else tells him how strong that monster was) this goes on for a few hundred chapters until MC finally acknowledges he is somewhat strong. In return we will get terrible harem romance where


MC will accept every girl that likes him and marry them even before marrying the only girl he actually likes just because she is a commoner? When he literally doesnt care about noble status at all since he is the strongest in the world anyways?????


The fights are boring since MC just one shots every thing and the side characters dont matter for the same reason. MC Raises them to carry him through the dungeon but it always ends up with MC finishing the Boss as soon as he joins them. Their whole personality being MC made me strong so I will do everything he says doesnt help either.

We also get an unsatisfying explanation as to how MC ended up in the novel where it feels like the author made it up last Minute.


its a time paradox thats basically explained by dont think about it cause your head will hurt.

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aim1998 rated it
October 18, 2022
Status: c188
This novel has crossed my vision time and time again while I was searching for something to read, but I always put it off because harem is just not my thing, but each to their own and I respect those who do. After finally having some free time, I decided to give it a shot now which I am thankful for because apparently the translation was pretty bad earlier. As to what I think...

... more>>
I decided to tolerate the harem element just because I enjoyed the premise of the story. Tbh, some relationships are actually developed very beautifully and no... none of them belong to the harem. MC has a pretty well developed relationship with Bernard and I love the way he developed the relationship with Leo, Aria and Ilohin. His relationship with Knight commander, Hannah and Sespenia is also pretty fun and realistic to read about. I also love their family dynamics.

The world building is great. Like I really enjoyed it and the best fact is that the novel remains pretty light hearted and fun while maintaining the needed tension at least till where I have read. The element of cause and effect as well as the villains that occasionally show up are also well developed and there is wide range of variety which makes it more realistic because in real world other than demon king there are a lot other meager problems that need to be solved.

I kind of don't like the whole facade of oh-I'm-just-a-weak-extra but its still tolerable and sometimes even add to the comedy. I mean if you can look past the times when it gets boring... you might even come to accept and enjoy it. I won't call MC naive or dumb because he is not. In fact, he is pretty clever, responsible, caring and hard working. He is a pretty well rounded and thought out character who has the quality of a leader.

the best part is the psychological aspect of him dealing with dungeons calmly because ultimately to him at least dungeons are a game. I also like his struggle and inner conflict about whether the world was real and whether his life there means something.

I absolutely love his dynamics with Shine and Raihan so far. I am so glad that his harem made up of annoying girls werent the only ones who got the chance to develop. Perhaps, the biggest redeeming point of this novel was the fact that Shine was introduced as a male companion rather early in the novel or so god help me. Raihan was introduced relatively early too and they both have a background, a past that makes them what they are.

As to the harem:

Belious is tolerable. Like she is the most normal girl and honestly I will have no problem if MC gets together with her and no, its not because she was introduced the earliest, but bcs she knows how to actually respect the MC. His personal space, his thoughts and other such things. She knows how to control herself. I still found it annoying tho when she tried to wipe MC down his waist even when he rejected her. Like... no eww.

Arisha is somewhat tolerable too. In fact, she might be better than Lua in some aspects because she never really tried to force herself physically onto the MC but yeah she tends to ignore his feelings and opinions... even while knowing that he feels uncomfortable so yeah. She is pretty okay too.

Maybel is simply annoying. I just tend to skim through her parts to see if there was something important. First, this is a novel based in aristocratic society. No matter how lenient the marquis is... how the hell is their maid so balsy from the start? She is obsessed with MC and not in a good way at all. I especially hate it when she acts like MC owes her something and not to say when she makes s*upid bawdy jokes. I simply can't with her.

The most annoying character of the whole novel uptill now and for me in the future as well will be Serena. That bi**h is downright intolerable. In fact, having come so far, I just tend to skip the parts where she is involved. This girly here is a downright criminal. An upgraded version of Maybel, but with status. She knows that MC pities her and takes advantage of it. She knows MC is lower in status than her and uses her authority to force herself on him. She f*cking shows off her body even as a kid and pushes it against MC whatever chance she gets which is downright disturbing and disgusting esp when MC never really gave her any wrong signals. She has no sense of respect for others. She is an immature white lotus who does as she please. In fact, I think she is simply deranged. Her only redeeming point is her power but even that... her artifact was given by MC, her tamed animals were also given by MC and she is so damn ignorant ughhhh. She simply disturbs me. If I ever drop this novel halfway it will be bcs of her.

Overall, will give this novel a rating of 3/5. Serena and Maybel make this novel almost intolerable. <<less
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January 11, 2022
Status: c30
The story telling is confusing.

Maybe it's the mistranslation fault.


I don't even know what is MC aptitude at ch30.

The most frustrating part is MC supposed to be a weakling initially. But MC dared to drink poisonous tea


This is really frustrating to read. And for some reason other characters just let a kid did whatever he wants because the kid is cute.
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