Never Die Extra


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Extras die every day in various ways in the game [Yo-Ma Great War 3].

He was an extra when he reincarnated into the game.

I’ll never die. Never.

“Let’s get started.”

Evan had come to a conclusion. He tapped his cheeks as a way of signaling to himself that he had made up his mind.

He would become a character who never dies.

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Recommendation Lists
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127 Reviews sorted by

Apex Photon
Apex Photon rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: c192

Its Toika novel. So other than being a harem and somewhat cliche, it is a good novel. He is known for producing good works constantly.

I'm not good at writing reviews 😆

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Nightune rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: c200
I don't know why some says It's a bad novel If the reason there saying It is because of the MC's phobia then don't worry since there's character growth not just in skills, experience and also in emotion and attitude too and most of all while the MC is growing those around him also do although It's slow compared to the MC's growth.

Actually I think this novel focus more in character growth and world building rather than battling non-stop or grinding in dungeon It's more focused on acquiring or improving... more>> skills and artifact. The dungeon become nothing more than a place to acquire new skill after reaching his limit while the battle become nothing more than to let us see how strong the MC become after grinding his skills while his adventure always result in him building connection, recruiting talents and acquiring artifact.

Overall It's like a slice of life novel where you replace cooking and crafting with grinding and acquiring skills and artifact <<less
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DrJoe1 rated it
January 27, 2021
Status: c193
This is one of a dozen or so translations I'm continuing to follow after catching up with the translators. The story is decent, a different take on the Isekai theme where the MC is reincarnated in an MMORPG as a redshirt (think Star Trek original series) side character that always dies. Now he has to find a way to live. The characters are likeable, the humor is light, and the translator releases many chapters per week. A nice read.
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fuble rated it
January 27, 2021
Status: c200
Another novel by Toika! Has a lot of the elements that are to be expected as a result such as a harem. This one I feel like is one of his better ones with all the girls so far being fully realized characters and none of them feel arbitrarily thrown in there so far. Also unlike Toika's other novels this one is much more slice of life. The MC is not in a constant life and death battle always surpassing his limits at every turn to overcome the odds. Evan... more>> (the MC) at no point in the story so far feels like he is in grave danger and for me I like that as I am a fan of slice of life. <<less
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Akahika rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: c192
Aside from the reason because the author of this novel is Toika, this novel is for someone who is seeking a kind of slice of life fantasy with some action, someone with no problem with MC that have delusion he is weaker than everyone even though he is OP, and someone which have no problem with harem story. I personally rate this novel 5 star because it hits all my favorite spots, where the sub character got character development, for the romance some people said it's the worst, for me... more>> its's good enough because the MC have some kind of trauma he can't give response to the female characters even though he is aware of it, but this is novel written by Toika so this novel will have true harem ending is what I like from this author. <<less
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Silent C1own
Silent C1own rated it
January 21, 2021
Status: c181
The novel is something like a generic isekai novel, with an op MC etc etc. However I'd say thats its less bad than other isekais. Its a light hearted novel about someone that under-estimates himself but is op, and its great as a novel to read for fun while waiting for other novels to update, rather than a novel to binge. A lot of chapters are info dumps as to build the world more, but the world building will mostly be Evan using his game knowledge to take advantage of... more>> the world.

There's slight suspense in the mystery of how much Evan actually knows about the world, but theres also events that happen that aren't within his scope of knowledge that happens periodically to keep the novel intresting, and not Evan just over powering everything.

Overall, I'd say its better than generic novels, its not that good or bad, its a good novel to read to kill time waiting for other novels. Light-hearted enough that you won't really get invested but enough that you'll keep reading.

I'd recommend as a starter novel, not really for those looking for an amazing plot. It's better than average. <<less
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Zilva rated it
January 20, 2021
Status: c180
An enjoyable read. I really like the character growth. But I have concern because toika novel will get stale after a while, especially when the MC become too op.
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