Never Die Extra


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Extras die every day in various ways in the game [Yo-Ma Great War 3].

He was an extra when he reincarnated into the game.

I’ll never die. Never.

“Let’s get started.”

Evan had come to a conclusion. He tapped his cheeks as a way of signaling to himself that he had made up his mind.

He would become a character who never dies.

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One entry per line
죽지 않는 엑스트라
Related Series
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Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (2)
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  4. mix genre of mc
  5. Korean Web Novels

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127 Reviews sorted by

d4rknezz rated it
January 5, 2022
Status: Completed
It's....a really nice slice of life action isekai. Why slice of life action? Well... it's not a conventional action title, for sure. There is almost no tension - since the MC over-prepares for everything. But still, its very cleverly written, and quite amusing at times. Recommended.
The only issue I had was with the Translation/Paragraph format. The translation itself is, mostly really good. The lack of grammatical problem makes it hard to notice that the translation isn't perfect. However, it clearly misses a lot of the author's nuances that would make a sentence funny. There are many moments after reading a few lines i'd be like, oh. ha. ha. hm. I wish they had translated that line better, that could have been a HAHAHAHAH moment.

Additionally, the paragraph formatting makes things harder to understand. Sometimes you simply don't know who is saying what. There are many 'manga specific' moments, where sound effects, screams, NPCs and scenery extras reading their lines would make sense if it was illustrated - however, since this is a book, its very difficult to read. Imagine reading something like the following :

- Aargh!

- Oh no, there he goes again!

- What? what happened?

- Yes, I knew it.

- NO! I didn't mean it!

- Of course. Now go and reflect your action!

The main character shook his head and sighed.

Yeah. Its just a bit of a struggle to read. I don't know if the original writing was like this, or if it was lost in translation. However, it was entertaining. And if you like Harem style plot... this is the ultimate harem style novel.
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koshwin rated it
December 27, 2021
Status: c116
The world building is good enough 3/5 (the only reason I would ever read or continue to read this)

What is this pathetic MC? For a moment I thought I was reading those tr*shy isekai JP novels (not hating on all JP novels, just comparing to the the tr*shy ones). Seeing that this was a work by Toika this is a huge disappointment.

    • Ok I understand that the MC is supposed to die N number of times, and that he's absurdly weak compared to others. But is that a reason for the guy who took over Evan to still evaluate himself as weak, when he clearly is getting stronger compared to the norm and is being evaluated on multiple points, by multiple people, and he shy aways from them and still thinks he's weak, and makes bullsh*t reason that you wouldn't think even a 18 year old would think nonetheless the guys actually 29? I feel like punching everytime he does that and if thats some comedy relief it aint making anyone laugh.
    • Romance: This guy knows that he would get stabbed by women and is careful around them, what utter bullshit, he has the reflex enough to dodge the alchemist but can't dodge a girl coming to kiss him twice by now, and here this guys worrying about getting stabbed when he cant even deal with this, he might as well just give up at this point, who are you trying to convince? This is the worst factor a Harem brings, it dumbs down stuff to make the Harem work, like the count just saying MC would get engaged to his daughter and wouldn't hear no more... like bruh the other party is a Marquis and they are clearly denying them and for the Harem convenience they just have to go along with the flow..... truly disappointing
This is just midway volume 3, and theres total 10 volumes in which I wouldnt be surprised if he kills a Demon King and says why was it so weak or assume it somehow got weakened or his teammates helped him and ridicule himself for being weak meanwhile for the love of god the people won't just straight up tell him and clear his absurdly s*upid delusion... and such incidents would happen more than I could bear... and the harem would obviously become s*upid and further disappoint me.

Also too many under 100ch. 4 stars, bruh atleast read it a bit more before fan girling Toikas work and what not, Rating (3.9 / 5.0, 546 votes) Definitely over rated
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Arcwindz rated it
October 3, 2021
Status: Completed
NDE is an isekai novel where the MC, who is a game fanatic, became one of the extra of the game. It's pretty typical but as the chapters progressed, you can totally feel that the world is not as simple. Most novels with this kind of "advance knowledge" tends to hasten things, introduce debuff, or pulling enemy out of nowhere. Those things also happens in NDE, but in a way more controlled pace, the MC even got time to actually grow up into an adult.

Of course, due to that 'time... more>> to grow', the MC is a total OP character, BUT, he's so cautious that it became pretty annoying at some point, the non-existence of status window also didn't help. It is understandable in the beginning since this Extra he has become is going to die from thousands of different way in the game, but the author dragged it a bit too long.

The novel's pace is pretty chill and the fact that the MC is OP made for an easy crisis resolution, on one side it's nice to feel not being rushed by the author to match the MC's growth, but on the other side it doesn't have that excitement of crisis.

The side characters are pretty good, since the MC is an extra, he is collecting this trope of 'main stays' to his side and we can see some good character development. This is also a harem novel with some good romance development, alas it was ruined by the end because the author keeps introducing girls with shallow backgrounds into the MC's harem.

The ending is very good, to be exact, the last arc before the ending is. It is a twist that bring the novel into a very good conclusion.

Overall, a 3.5 stars, I'd give it 4 in the ratings

It's not a bad read at all, the novel might feel slow and the crisis doesn't present themselves aggressively, but the author do have an interesting story to tell and he tied it up neatly at the end. It's only 500 chapters and also fully translated, do check it out if you got the time. <<less
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pisichi rated it
September 8, 2021
Status: --
This is a prime example about what will happen if the author is getting too comfortable with their work.

The story is interesting "enough" the character is good "enough" everything is just enough for the author to create a playground and filled it with anything they want to happened.

Is it enough for a good story? Yes.

... more>> Is it good? No.

He gets too comfortable and try to write everything he want, believed that what he've done is enough based on his past work.

This is why every mangaka/novelist MUST have an editor to tell them what's right/wrong and give some opinion with the story before it gets publish. <<less
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playa3 rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: Completed
(Written Chapter 126) : I like this story a lot. I had this story saved for months before finally getting around to reading it. I wish I started it sooner.

The characters are pretty likeable, and their interactions seem realistic enough to not sound like brainless npc's, which is huge in my book. There aren't many things I hate in a story more than 1: numerous useless info dumps, and 2: info dumps so poorly disguised as dialogue that nobody would ever talk like it.

I have one part of the... more>> story I'm not super fond of, but it is more of a minor annoyance than a problem.


The trope where a character doesn't know they're strong has been overdone. The MC has grown to a point where they'd be considered powerful, but, for over half of the story so far, he keeps on thinking people are going easy on him or just trying to placate him. I mean a little of this is fine, but it's already been like 60 chapters and it's still ongoing.


Edit (Ch 500) : So, it's finally over. I still think it's a 5 star read, but I have a few additional comments to make about the story.

The ending has me very split. Some parts I thought were well thought out and constructed, while other details were kinda lacking. It was definitely not a bad ending by any means, but neither was it great. It was above average as far as endings go, and nearly every part of the conclusion had some degree of foreshadowing. I had two significant problems with the end of the story.

WARNING: This spoiler contains major plot points related to the conclusion of the story that can change your reading experience. I do not recommend reading this if you plan to read or finish this story.


Near the end of the story, Evan goes to different worlds and collects fragments that contain his memories (it's actually more complicated than that but I don't want to ruin the story. On earth, where he lived his previous life, there were two fragments, one was his prior life, and the other was the creator of the game series. In the very last chapter of the story, there are people from earth teleported to Sherden because they purchased the new game in the series, a VR game. This is extremely s*upid. It was established not 20 chapters prior that the reason the games were made was because they were based on the fragment of Evan. Also, the details of the game series differed largely from the actual events in the story. There was never at any time an established pathway from earth to Evan's world. The only world connected to his was the Spirit world. I know he traveled from earth to his home once proving it not impossible to travel between the worlds, but there isn't a direct pathway. Even if there were, it wouldn't make sense if the pathway only brought people that specifically bought the VR game to get transferred over. I don't know how to explain it well, but I thought it was really dumb and poorly executed.


This spoiler is much more minor and is about relationships.


It bugged me just how ambiguous it ended some of the relationships. While all of the 6 main heroines had definitive relationships at the end, the more minor female characters (4 specifically) were still left with a more open-ended ending. It is very lightly implied that they would eventually become concubines or something, the whole thing just felt like the author was more concerned with ending on a pretty chapter number than writing a satisfying epilogue. I just wanted more closure at the end.

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March 14, 2021
Status: c279
Translation group asked for an answer about the MC via these reviews:

  1. The main character knows he is in a game world, but he can't see his stats. So that removes one way to estimating his power level. So he lacks a basic method of gauging his strength.
  2. Maybe grinding in reality and in game has different in terms of time. In game time is obviously shorter (1 hours might be a day in some games). So while he might think "grinding between act I and act II of the game", that might be a couple hours of grinding in real life, and several months of the same actions in game.
  3. Even when he knows about his general power level, he might be worried about a "dragonball z" style power creep. He has only played the first 4 games, and there might be some plot in 5+ that could still outstrip him. Or maybe a DLC boss which is "Rocks fall, everyone dies" because you didn't solve a puzzle right. All of these potential landmines aren't restricted by specific games when he has a reality, and you can't rest on your laurels.

    We see this where one of the 4 heavenly kings gets the macguffin power up of the 5th game. It only stops him from getting getting curb stomped by the other powerleveled party members- he still dies quickly to the MC- but still. That could happen again.

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Sreemanth rated it
January 31, 2021
Status: c205
It's good for what it is, basically a slice of life comedy. Compared to other Toika novels I feel the plot development is a bit rushed, but it has good character growth for all the mains and even some of the sides. It's not really heavily focused on battles, which is ok because making a novel like that and getting it right is usually super hard. Overall, its a pretty good read if you like the genre and other Toika novels.
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Cyanhart rated it
January 18, 2021
Status: --
A literary bukkake

This book is what happens when a mediocre novel meets a terrible translation. There was a passage there that reads "[laughs]" used as an action tag for god sakes! And writing this review, like reading it, is but a waste of time. But I cannot, in good conscience, let other readers blindly believe its 4 star rating. So let this serve as a warning at least.
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ziki rated it
November 27, 2020
Status: c126
The novel starts out great but it get progressively worse and worse as it continues. Although if someone likes the completely broken OP MC that faces no challenges then it wouldn't be as bad.

This novel can truly be compared to a very good RPG game... which has all the cool quests, world setting ETC... but when you finally get to play it, while you will enjoy the storyline, it is a single button easy mode fiesta where all the work you put into doing side quests, getting max level, getting... more>> best gear, farming up achievements all of that becomes inrrevelvant because the bosses and enemies are so easy that they don't need preparation, strategy or good execution to kill them.

Reading this novel I have this empty feeling that comes from many games nowadays where they make game so casual that fighting becomes a chore rather than excitement. (because yes, every single battle or dungeon run is simply disappointing chore to go through before getting back into the slice of life portion where MC's overpowerness is less important) <<less
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Nikkurou rated it
October 26, 2020
Status: c37
I like this novelist so I'd like to give a higher rating, but 37 chapters in I can say that it's kind of average. Although it has an interesting premise to hook the readers, it suffers from being extremely slow where nothing of importance happens, kind of like a slice of life.

The premise is that Evan regains memory of another world where he discovers he's a video game character who's fated to die no matter what scenario, like a joke character. Upon realizing that this character is him, Evan works... more>> early to beefen himself up using his otherworldly gaming knowledge of the future, getting strong subordinates early, training, opening a business, and etc to secure his future. This starts off interesting until it becomes more and more of the same thing.

The problem I have with this novel seems to be that Evan awakens as a 9 year old kid, a whopping 11 years prior to the events of the main scenario. So with 11 years for Evan to prepare, it's kind of like just him going about trying to get stronger and build a solid foundation beforehand. That's it. Nothing interesting happens because the main scenario of the game hasn't begun and nor will it begin anytime soon. 37 chapters in and so far only a year has passed in the novel and there have been no major dilemmas, antagonist, or significant plot development, just some small fries here and there.

Inevitably, the author will get to the juicy juicy plot, but the question is, how long are you willing to read to get there to figure out if it's good or not? <<less
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Nyanmaru rated it
September 12, 2020
Status: c64
This novel really has me rolling around with laughter 😂😂😂😂
It's truly one of the best discoveries in years, and definitely one of the most enjoyable novels I've read to this day.

I highly recommend it to anyone who's looking for some light hearted, humorous novels to read, and it goes without saying that the writing skills of Toika are still top notch while the translation quality of this novel of quite a high standard.
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the that gives you likes
the that gives you likes rated it
August 28, 2020
Status: c25
Good translations.

A nice approach to an overused formula like reincarnation into a game.

The things that make this one different are the character development and the clean development, the autor really knows what is doing.
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Dobber1k rated it
January 6, 2023
Status: c110
spoilers. And I don't care so I have a bit to say. Characters are good. Story premise is good. The world is good. But that's honesty all there is to it.

MC is dense more dense than anything I've ever seen. Or delusional? I think he might have a mental illness. I understand sometimes you see where they find it hard to accept something. Looks. Personality. Strength. But Jesus f*ck. 100+ chapters of defying the laws of nature and ingrained in his mind he's a mob and can't be stronger than a aluminum can. It's annoying. Common sense in these novels will give you 50 chapters max. When you're 9 years old and you can fight the literally strongest man in the city and he praises you, and not because he has to you should at least start to get a feeling of "hey maybe I'm not as weak as I thought".

I know that isekai characters who were otakus tend to be overly obsessed but this takes the cake. You'll learn more about this fictional game than you will about the actual story progressing in his "real" life.

... the pretty boy MC that transcends beauty is scared of any and every female so he builds a wall and doesn't want to get close to anyone. It's tragic

the translations I've had the displeasure do this novel serious injustice. You'll get so damn mad because it'll read so well then you'll get random dialogue that you don't know who or where it's coming from, or something will be said and you never know if they're being ignored or it wasn't supposed to happen. I'm also tired of seeing "wow" "cool" alllllsssooooo when could a newborn say actual words?! Or was that just the translation I was reading.

it's hard to form more opinions since the translation feels like someone kinda deciphered a mtl instead of just translating it. These are all the obvious things imo. I'll be back if it pusses me off anymore. I just got done reading a really decent Korean web novel based off a gal game that was 550ch. And was amazing so I really want to give this a try and hope that it gets better.

also my own little pet peeve. I hate it when an MC is reincarnated in an isekai (more so when there's a game back ground) and they constantly say things that nobody understands. Be it about their home which is not even on that world, terms, or in the game elements and such. It's an annoying thing to me when they constantly say something completely incomprehensible to a native of that world and they just have a back and forth of "I miss japan", And they get a response "what's japan". "Oh nothing". I understand that it would be hard to block things out and I couldn't comprehend having that kind of thing happen to me, but I mean like f*ck. 4 years later and the MC is constantly saying "this isn't like the game *** blah blah blah, and you're not the same character as you can be when I played it and I'm not the protagonist". "Master what's that"?. "Oh nothing". Over and over.

p.s. Or when the MC doesn't treat this situation as "real" or in this case where they say they treat it as "real" and constantly treat it like a game still. Either do or don't. Preferably don't.

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ericneed rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: c180
Fairly typical Toika novel with OP MC and terrible harem. Personally, I get along with the OP MC premise, and he can be funny from time to time, so I try to overlook how he writes women with no self respect.

However, at chapter 177 the translation quality turns to crap. I assume a different translator picked up the series at this point. I've muddled my way through a couple MTL's in the past, but this book is nowhere near good enough for me to put myself through this nonsense.

A far... more>> as I can tell, this can only be read from aggregator sites now. <<less
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amu23m1 rated it
July 16, 2022
Status: c311
I honestly enjoyed this, despite the choppy translation in the first half (that does get more consistent after ~c200), which is why I was annoyed when the plot shifted from a 'power fantasy with a budding harem' into a 'power fantasy with a budding HAREM'. Until chapter 250, I'd probably give this a 3.5/5? They did a good job pacing the story so that the world progressed forward without feeling like you're missing anything. We watch the MC grow up from age 9 to 15, and actually see everything... more>> that happens in-between. At c251 there is a larger time skip where the MC becomes 18 and suddenly the (bland) relationships are the biggest plot point. I'd give a better score if I was into that though, so if you're looking for a harem then give it a shot.

This change is mainly because the relationships advance to become somewhat serious, but this turns every moment that might have a minor semblance of action into girls squabbling for the MC's attention. It got to the point where I was enjoying the side characters wandering through the dungeon and would get annoyed when the focus shifted back to the MC's group since all the tension died...

Also, every relationship in the series has the same dynamic; girls practically forcing themselves on a guy they like, bickering/making deals with all the other women trying to do the same thing. This isn't limited to the MC as the side characters have to 'struggle' with the women around them too. Even the 2 couples that manage to just be a pair of individuals still have the woman act as the driving force inching the relationship forward despite the man's lack of response. Even from a romantic perspective, it's repetitive, boring, and just plain uninteresting. <<less
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Thejum rated it
December 8, 2021
Status: c500
I thoroughly enjoyed this. I really enjoyed the idea (a dirty water player reincarnating in a game world as a "doomed side character"). I enjoyed the execution as well, for the most part. I thought the side characters were really interesting, and the way he uses busted game mechanics to train himself and others was fun. My favorite part was definitely the first section, where he is basically saving others from doomed fates, but I thoroughly enjoyed all of it (even if the last fifth or so was fairly sloggy... more>> in parts).

I think my biggest frustration is how put off of this novel I was because of reviews:

1. I found the translation fine. They had some struggles keeping a quality long-term translator, so the translation is spotty in some areas, but it never felt like MTL for me, nor did I ever find the flow really unbearable or anything. It's fine.

2. The idea that some of the heroines (it is harem), were thin aside from a couple standouts. I don't really think that's the case. A couple of them that are introduced about midway through the story *seem* like just token harem additions at first glance, but that it just because there are things we don't know and their interest/actions is basically a game flag of things yet to come. There are several possible harem adds that are basically jokes/unresolved/maybes, but all of the real firm members are pretty much fully fleshed out characters (though one or two are admittedly slightly weaker, mostly because they join so late in the story).

3. That Evan doesn't understand how strong he is even though he should. To begin with, it is partly trauma over the uncountable deaths he watched happen to his character in the game, despite being a dirty water dedicated to trying to save him (while playing as the different main character). Another thing is that he misunderstands the world as being identical to the game he is so familiar with, whereas that is not necessarily the actual case. For yet another reason he underestimates his strength, it is that he no longer has access to his character sheet or identify to objectively assess the strength of others. So he basically has to rely on his former knowledge overmuch, while also underestimating his impact on the strength of other characters. Lastly, he tries to stay in denial of many things throughout the story (only one of which is his strength), because to do otherwise would be to admit that the world he is in is "real". The ramifications of that admission are just too hard for much of the story for him to handle, though he does eventually come to terms with everything by the end.

I think those were the main issues people had with this novel. Again, I really enjoyed it. Some parts I truly loved. And the ending was really satisfying for me.

Strong recommend.

Edit: I did forget to comment on the MC being overpowered. This is just one of those novels where that is the case, so it's more of a personal preference like harems. The drama is focused more on the side characters, whereas the MCs strength is more used for levity or to just wrap things up. I think of this novel more as a slice-of-life with some fighting and some other gameplay sprinkled in. If that doesn't seem like your kind of thing, then that's fine. For me, I had a great time with it and basically binged the whole thing over a week. <<less
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November 10, 2021
Status: c300
This is by far one of the worst things I have read, the 300 chapters I read were an incredible waste of time.

... more>>First of all, this story never had a development, actually it can't even be called a story. The only thing that narrates is how handsome, strong and incredible the protagonist is in everything he does, how he gets items from the game left and right, also including how strong and loyal his companions are. There is no conflict worth mentioning, that is, the protagonist is so OP that the author doesn't even need to bother to narrate a battle decently and the enemies are already dead after a few lines, the worst thing about this is that the protagonist keeps telling himself and others that he is weak and that feels like insulting everyone else, because if he is weak, then what are the others?

I mean, that can't even be called humility anymore, no one can be that s*upid or out of touch.

On the other hand, one of the reasons I stayed was because of the romantic development, which also ended up being rubbish, well, I don't like the harem but I can bear it, however, in this story, as in many others. Stories, the author insists on putting him in front of a lot of ladies, he is supposed to like the maid from the beginning, but he is a pushover who can not even reject the others, giving me the impression of a rather forced relationship. I'm still asking myself how could I read this. <<less
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TheOneEye rated it
November 10, 2021
Status: c55
It’s boring. The plot moves so slow that it takes at least 3 chapter for same location, character interaction etc if this was it I would have rated novel 4 stars but that not it there is nothing interesting going on. Every chapter MC does practice or studied or increase followers and all character seems bland even though they have different personality but they still seems boring you can literally skip chapter and read and you will grab what is going on in the plot. I am not saying it’s... more>> all that bad her sister (also maybell) seems interesting character but it’s not that much enjoyable for a novel with 500 chapter that’s too long to go with bland character MC is good then other MC (like not s*upid, having his priorities clear) but novel is just enjoyable you can easily know what MC or other character are gonna do or how they reply it really hard to go for next chapter whole no dying thing was interesting but novel lacks in some areas to make it enjoyable like humour is bad, no tension (aside from not having him dying), <<less
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SusuPisang rated it
October 3, 2021
Status: c90
I read it for Doting Parent tag and expect it will good story too because many people recommended it + have high rating.

I will be good story if only they don't make it about engagement/who will be MC wife in the future all the time. Sure I am not complete reading it bcs I drop it. Too many girls who want to marry MC and ruin the story. I am okey with harem but if the plot/author can make good flow between their relationship but this..... Big turn off to... more>> me.

I can't find the "main story".

Another good harem webnovel with good plot and good flow of relationship without annoying the plot are The Second Coming Gluttony and Book Eating Magician. <<less
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September 8, 2021
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed this novel, the relationships between the MC and th cast are refreshing especially his family and I dig novels that have elements of family building, organization building and basically establishing various stuff.

It's really enjoyable to the point that I only took one star from it after reading that abysmal final arc, the last 100 chapters ruined everything I found enjoyable about this novel

... more>>

basically gets sent to the past and it's a time paradox but he's on his own trying to find his way out, which isn't bad if this wasn't the absolutely last arc of the series and that means that most of the characters we love are absent for the most part of this arc


Loses another star because the reading experience was horrible for the first 120ish chapters, it might be unfair to the novel but I am reviewing my experience reading it because that's why you're here in the end <<less
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