My Wife is a Beautiful CEO


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Yang Chen, a graduate from Harvard who is fluent in English, French, Italian, and German to list a few. He is also capable of fighting and a number of practical skills. Yet he chose to go on the streets to sell fried mutton skewers for a living.

Lin Ruoxi is the CEO of a multibillion-dollar company—Yu Lei International. This company is one of the leaders in the cosmetic and fashion industry. Despite being only 20 years old, her ice-cold demeanor and beauty are well-known and unrivaled in Zhonghai City.

Due to a wild night consisting of a lot of liquor, fate has brought them together to become husband and wife.

And with that, the story begins!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cô Vợ Tổng Giám Đốc Xinh Đẹp Của Tôi
Wo De Meinu Zongcai Laopo
Related Series
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156 Reviews sorted by

Achusanjay rated it
June 25, 2016
Status: Completed
A very satisfying read (with its occasional bumps and hates). The story starts with a mysterious MC having a possible dark past, being forced into marriage with a nearly broken CEO. The beginning arcs can be considered normal with actions limited to guns and fists..... and OH!!!.... the girls (none of which are boring) After a while the story heads into the supernatural department obviously spicing it up a notch. Characterization has been done wonderfully.... the MC although h**ny is very responsible.

If you reach the end if this story, you... more>> wont be disappointed. <<less
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Kensin rated it
February 8, 2022
Status: c1448
This series pisses me off so much that I made an account specifically to say how much I hate it.

I'll start off by saying that before this I have read a lot of xianxia/xuanhuan novels. In these types of novels a few common tropes that I have come to despise include:

MCs family or friends being kidnapped which then results in him killing these enemies ultimately creating more enemies.

... more>> Random kid from Prominent family trying to do something to MCs women which results in him killing them once again creating more enemies.

MC having s*x with literally every female he happens to come across resulting in more targets for his enemies to kidnap or random kid from prominent family trying to do something to them.

And finally, although it isn't really a trope, Relationship problems. Simple relationship problems that can be resolved with a small explanation but instead results in female character throwing a tantrum like a 3 year old child and running away.

Now if you've read the series I'm sure you can guess why I hate it so much since it is literally these things on repeat but there's more.

Lin Rouxi. I genuinely can't remember the last time a female lead made me so angered. First she uses the MC by establishing a relationship with him, which if he was a normal person probably would have gotten him killed several times over, to which nobody can convince me this supposed hyper intelligent woman couldn't think of.

Second she forces a fake marriage onto him and then has the audacity to complain that he has multiple women other than her. And then she does something that almost actually made me drop the series. She basically says 'it's either me or all your other women'.

And this isn't even the worst part. The worst part is that the MC in response to all of this bullsh*t acts like he is in pain or it upsets him and then just accepts this and then goes on with with his daily life.

It angers me even more that the MC indulges her so much. I think there was one time in the 600 chapters I've read so far where he got genuinely angry with her but she just immediately kissed him so he instantly forgave her and did the exact thing he didn't want to do that made him angry I'm the first place.

She is a conceited bit*h and shows next to zero affection at all 99% of the time but the very few times she does he forgives anything she does and instantly acts like she's the best woman to ever exist.

This isn't being 'cold' as they say or not being able to show emotions easily, it's blatantly not caring about others emotions at all. She definitely has a major case of main character syndrome.

Now we can talk about the other women. Several of them are basically just carbon copies waiting for random kid from prominent family to hit on them so the MC can get angry and cause trouble for himself and they don't even have any relation to the main plot anyway. Although I cannot lie there is a few I actually like.

This series does have quite a few things I like such as the concept and plot which is actually quite well done if it wasn't filled with awful relationship problems making it feel incredibly slow and also surprisingly the MC except whenever he is around his women which is why I gave the series 3 stars.

Another side note which isn't really major. Is it really necessary to say Chinese cultivators are so great to the point where basically nobody else we've seen so far can compare. Olympian Gods are cool but the series acts like they are nothing in front of strong cultivators which while isn't a problem, it still strangely annoys me.

Part 2:

I'm now at chapter 1500 ish. Yes despite how much this series destroyed my emotional state, for some reason I continued.

Every time Rouxi does something to piss me off, something that I actually like happens soon after and then it once again returns to Rouxi throwing a tantrum at literally nothing resulting in making me continue for so long. But this is the end. I'm done with it.

I don't like the romance. I think it's poorly done and there are literally zero high points to it at all. Unless you consider Rouxi no longer acting like a child for a few chapters a high point.

The s*x scenes are all the same and never fully commit. Most of the time just implying there's s*x and then time skipping to the next morning. Yet for some reason they are repeated over and over again meaninglessly. It's so painful to get through 50 chapters of mostly poorly done romance to get to the actually plot which, I must say has gotten far less interesting than at the start.

Anyway what I want to say is that I'm done.

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Dayton rated it
April 25, 2021
Status: c1281
It is very polarizing novel for me and I guess several other users too. It has its ups and downs, its quite big, the idea is decent, but overall - its such a slog to read. Its a brick on par with Asura on how much of a torture to read it.

Briefly on good and bad things about it:

Author managed to improve on the usual city fantasy tropes without diving straight into xianxiawuxia stuff, its a world where gods, fantasy creatures such as vampires and werewolves, power users, mages, satanic cults, and chinese cultivators trying to co-exist. The lore is decent, albeit not fool-proof.
MOST of the characters are well-written, especially Yang Chen's lovers. Author didn't wrote them as the type when they become useless after first interc**rse, they help YC overcome his problems, give a relationship advice, overall - not crazy women but somewhat realistic. Gods are cute, really liked Apollo and Artemis arc in there, Poseidon is nice, Ares is somewhat cute too, Aphrodite is respectful and loveable because of her relationships with YC's persona. Other gods are sadly one-dimensional, but people say that the ending is nice, maybe they will redeem themselves in the future.
Mostly okay. Author slowly reveals one thing after another, there is kind of a character growth in YC, you can trace relationships growth between him and Ruoxi too. Atleast it's not a dumpsterfire... yet.

And this is where good things end. Now onto the bad things, and there are a lot of them:

- Yang Chen as a character.
Disgusting MC.

Author tries really, REALLY hard to portray him as someone who learns from his mistakes, someone who cares about his loved ones, but its such a sham, its actually disgusting. Firstmost, he doesn't change his behaviour even once. He was, in his past, an overbearing tyrant not caring about feeling of the others, always bossy, demanding and possessive, and he stays him even though whole point of the plot is to help him redeem himself. Throughout novel, his lovers point it out numerous times, pleading him to change. He "admits his wrongdoings" on paper, but then author still writes him as a moron because plot demands so. He is very smart, but whenever plot demands so, he suddenly drops a chromosome or two and become dumb as a brick. He is very shrewd, but always does things first and thinks about consequences later, even though this exact behaviour caused his close ones to suffer again and again and again. He's a real sperm-head in terms of his relationships with women. I like his lovers, but he treats them like shitty sex-dolls. Its disgusting to read over and over again about his falling out with Ruoxi, feeling sad and bad, saying how bad is he, and then forgetting about his broken heart and go to sleep with another lover. Surprisingly, lovers are humans too, and they hate his attitude, but author just makes it so being forceful in s*x is a good trait, and lovers presumable only like it and don't mean it when they say that they hate being forcefully bedded every time. He doesn't care, he doesn't change. He behaves like a h**ny teenager. Hateful man.

-Lin Ruoxi as a character.
Disgusting FMC. Its not even about her coldness, coolness, she's just a very disgusting woman and doesn't deserve to be loved by YC.

She's beyond any salvation in terms of filial piety or whatever it is in her brain. Her relatives always want to either r*pe, kidnap or kill her, they always hurt her for their own gains. She still cares about them, blindly believes everything they say or do, legit battered wife syndrome. She doesn't sleep with MC until ch. 900+, yet always reprimands him for having other women to sleep with. She doesn't want to love YC yet demands him to lover her unconditionally. She tortured him over and over again with the loving wife act, constant divorce threats and not caring about his feelings at all. Basically egoistical thot, whole novel revolves around her, everyone is indebted to her, everyone should respect her or else she become little whiny girl and starts messing everything up because of her emotions. They argue, break up and reconsile in the novel for more than 30 times. Author milks the drama hard, and by the time when she finally sleeps with him, its essentially a r*pe, without it she wouldn't even bothered to sleep with him for next 10 years by the looks of it. She's always mad at YC, very possessive of him yet doesn't do sh*t to be labeled as a "good wife" for him. Every single lover is better than her. Even one-night stands are better wives than Ruoxi. Lanlan doesn't make her good wife either, she still causes drama over nothing.


-Mo Qianni's mother.
My god, how obnoxious this crazy old woman is. Her arc is a high-class torture. Author wrote her as a nice granny at first, but when sh*t hit the fan, you really want to strangle her. Nothing is enough to redeem her as a character, she's beyond it.

Loving YC as a good man for her daughter, then because of inability to be married, she basically goes insane, tells her sobby story about her first man abandoning her and second being chronical gambler and shitty father for Qianni, she projects it all on YC, doesn't listen to him or Qianni, refuses to facilitate their relationship as lovers, threatens Qianni with su*cide if she will stay close with him, then threatens marry Qianni for some street tramp, just in spite for YC. Her justification? she wants her daughter to be happy.

I sh*t you not, I wanted to break the reader with my fist when I read this arc.

- Yang Chen's mother.
Well, there is nothing special, just your usual mother-in-law in novel going dumb and crazy for the plot purposes. Goes back on her words, abusing filial piety, turns away from her son, creates troubles constantly because plot demands so. Still, to me, after all chapters when she was great mother, seeing her behaving like this in 900+, is just baffling. She is literally whole new person late into the novel.


-Athena's genius planYan BuwenWen TaoLuo CuishianYang Lie
Pointless and very boring villains. Buwen was more or less okay, but Wen Tao is just so out of context and so boring, it became a slog to read through. I expected Wen Tao to be a Zeus or something, or atleast someone meaningful to the world author painstakingly built, but I just don't believe in him being a villain or any type of the antagonist in the novel. Especially when Wen Tao appears so late into the novel, I really wished that all those arcs with him would be replaced with some xianxia sh*t or more gods action. Athena is beyond boring, her whole existence is to come by eventually, say "all according to my divinationplan", and leave. Hera being teased in ch. 1200+ is a boring antagonist too, its too late to introduce her. Idk whats wrong with author, Hera is potentially good stuff, but after Athena and this long ass filler with Buwen and Wen Tao, I don't want to read it anymore.


-Xianxia shit.

At first, cultivation was fun and dandy, but later it became a boring chore. Author spiced it up with ancient clans, but I still don't see how can it be a good and fitting ending with so little chapters left until the end. Now, everyone cultivates, whoever is not cultivating is a moron, YC doesn't touch his divinity and always uses his shitty cultivation, his scripture is but ofcouse the best of them all, the mcguffin everyone wants to get because reasons. When Sanniang explained with lore about how cultivators flexed on gods 10k years in the past, I was baffled. "Oh shit, its a china horn-blowing again, not like this", but then it became interesting again because gods are still gods and not beating-boys for chinanumbawan cultivators, but then SUDDENLY it gets retconned to the point of gods always being like this and cultivators aknowledge it, Sanniang herself said polar-opposite later into the novel compared to her first lore propaganda. This really deflated the lore and all the worldbuilding going around the history and the plot, but its still a good thing, right? Gods are powerful, laws of space are great, we should use it more! Wrong. Its all about shitty tribulations and shitty chaos cauldron now. Even against gods, YC doesn't unseal because its pointless now. Okay, shouldn't it be nice that author expands the cultivation sh*t now? Wrong, he uses Wen Tao to stall the plotline and HongMeng doesn't care about him either. HongMeng is written as such an interesting organization, and cultivators are baddies with hidden clans, but there are 270 chapters left. Literally 3-4 arcs. Everything is lost, such a shame.


-Repetitiveness and cyclic scenes.
Why do I compare it with Asura? Because almost every major crisis scene in the novel is not a crisis. For example:

1. Someone wants to do YC something bad;
2. Oh no! Time to save my beloved onesmcguffins like god's stone or his scripture;
3. Baddie has an upper hand over YC! It's Over!
4. Either long-ass monologue about how cool baddie is, or some high stakes action scene where no one close to YC dies or suffers, its a stalemate, always stalemate.
5. YC is long time on the place, but author ommits him for the sake of bloating the chapter, something like "you cannot just come and kill me, YC! I have this and that and this and that and Ruoxi will be my woman soon kekekekek!", he just stands still and listen or watch how people fight lazilly.
6. Yang Chen just comes and kills the baddie. Crisis resolved. Then, he bravades about how he knew everything all along, there was no risk whatsoever, and he's very smart and shrewd, and no way he becomes dumb and makes a rookie mistake to go back to line #1. No way, it can't be cyclic!
7. OR, in case its a Ruoxi crisis arc, she knew everything beforehand, made a swift comeback, and even won something from it! Waaaaooow. Such businesswoman, much genius, scary woman. Actually, Ruoxi crises are the worst ones because of her shitty character and she doesn't resolve the root of the problem, but author redeems her cousins anyway so that readers won't feel too bad for banging their head at the wall because of her dumb decisions. Its all according to the plan!


Minor minus to the novel is the mandatory nationalistic chinese propaganda. However, author probably understood that it won't give him more cash, or its his real vision of China, afterwards he did really well with the realistic and grounded portrayal of China. Maybe he cares about his country, maybe not. Still, first 34 of the novel left poor taste with this propaganda, and last part doesn't make it that much better, its still mildly bad. Especially with all this xianxia sh*t later and the history of it.

Overall - 35. Mildly bad, but readable. Up to ch. 800, if you ignore the cartoonish and cliche Yang Chen's character, world gives you quite a lot. Author is attentive to details, his writing is mostly good. Even though its mostly p*rn, its still has a decent plotline. You can read it, but don't expect anything great out of it. However, I haven't read it till the very end, and author still may turn everything over in an interesting twist in the end. People say that ending is great, I suggest you to believe them by word and just read it.
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Shiroitora rated it
September 29, 2020
Status: c1538
First ~1200ch = 5/5

Ch's ~1250 - 1538 (my current) = (-) 5 / 5

I never write reviews but the last ~450 chapters have been so disappointing that I just have to get it off my chest. It's sad really. To see such a great novel go to sh*t like this.

I'll start by first saying that although not perfect, the first 1200 or so chapters are really good. Enough for me to reread them as I rarely reread novels or re-watch anime or movies. I had stopped around ch 770... more>> to allow translation to catch up and eventually I cultivated the masochistic dao and MTL'd to where I am now.

Also, I'll be throwing minor spoilers around in order to properly review the novel - so heads up. Any major spoilers will have actual spoiler tags.

Things I love about this novel:

• Every harem member has an actual reason for falling for MC. Although MC is a bit of a playboy, contrary to what other reviewers say, he doesn't just accept anyone. Actually he outright rejects, tries to ignore the feelings of, or stays away from like 5 of them until past c1000. It's only until things happen between them that he finally chooses to follow his feelings.

• Each of the girls have their own personalities. It's obviously not perfect, but at least there's a clear difference between each of them. There's the true wifey material (Qianni) , childhood love (Jane), MILF (Tan Wan), Underground boss (Rose), Seductive and crazy - I mean like a bit tapped in the head, not just crazily seductive lol (An Xin), and so on.

• Even though Lin Ruoxi's "cold wars" past the 12th one are annoying, she bevomes5 a lot more likeable in terms of being a wife after their official wedding (ch990s). Although not immediately, she actively does things like holding his hand, kiss and do "it". She calls him "hubby" and a lot of other little cute things. Even though she's still salty about YC's lovers, she pretty much accepts them. She's still pretty "cold" but we get somewhat of a break from the b*tchy attitude. This leads to YC to try to reject the remaining girls which considering everything everything is a good thing.

• MC is OP, but not invincible. Has to limit himself due do to a lot of mostly feasible reasons.

• Although there is some China c*cks*cking, it's not overbearing and you can ignore it.

• He doesn't just f*ck the girls once and that's it. I hate when authors do this to supposed harem members. To me, it's not just about the characters getting together, but also what happens afterward. Not just s*x, but in general. How do they interact at work? How do they deal with [general story] conflicts together? How do they help each other with ambitions (think: Rose and her Red Thorns Society) ?

Again, the first thousand or so chapters are great. Even if I still think he bows his head to LR way too much, even when she's in the wrong. In these chapters, the mystery of Hongmeng, hidden sects, or even the gods is somewhat interesting.

Now onto the disappointment. I can't properly express feelings through text. When I say disappointed, think of all those times where you just sigh and completely give up all hope. It's not even a chore to keep reading, you just do it and lower your bar so low that you won't feel any emotion when yet another dumb things happens. I've considered writing my own last 4th of the story as a coping mechanism. I honestly don't think I can do any worse.

The arcs are so forced I don't even have words for it. Li Jingjing getting kidnapped (by secular, non cultivating woman mind you) and thrown into some labor camp trickles into the MC finally using his hidden own military might and firing missiles to destroy the sect behind that woman. Obviously things happen in between but the way this all plays out is absolutely ridiculous.

All because that woman was in love with her stepson who started chasing after Jingjing. Yup. Step son. Although I'm pretty sure the author just threw that s*x video to have the Meng family eat an extra loss to push the grandfather to the edge and kill his own son, his wife (the lady), and grandson... all for the "Meng family".

This Meng family has "secret backing" not related to hongmeng OR the 4 hidden clans we know about. The author never even explored hidden clans OR hongmeng yet and is adding more shit.

To top this all off, the China c*ck sucking starts. Some random First Officer guy (I thought Ning Guanyao was the "leader" of the country, but I guess First Officer is like the President and Ning is the VP) actually plays the MC like a fiddle for Billions in resources due to MC's overseas influence. All in the name of "the people". All that in exchange for overlooking MC's use of overseas military power to deal with that Meng family.

This happens not once, but TWICE. Both times instigated by the Meng family. Though I can sort of understand the 1st time. The 2nd time was the Meng family straight disobeying this direct FO's order to all families to leave YC and his family alone (in exchange for like 30B worth of resources). But YC chooses to humble himself in front of the FO and ends up giving up another like 60B in resources. When I say humble, I mean he basically bows his head. Not literally, but his speech, gestures, etc is better than he's ever treat his own grandfather. He's barely even living in China. At this point almost all the girls are in his forbidden island and since he never cared to take over Yang family (there's not much plot movement in this direction btw) it shouldn't even matter.

Every single major new enemy the MC meets between chapters ~1300 to ~1500 plays MC. The Luo (hidden) Clan head, the First Officer, the Fox chick from the Tongtian Tower (yea somehow author forced a whole Arc in some other world with characters we're supposed to care about, but don't), the First Officer again, Athena, etc. MC has neither balls nor brains during these 300 chapters. To top it all off, the MC is literally just going with the flow. He has no plan to get back at the First Officer. He had given up for the time being (he said himself: for years, until he gets stronger) to get back at the Luo family for finding Xiao Ziqing again and kidnapping/torturing her. He wouldn't need to do any of this if he'd just killed that Luo patriarch when he had the chance. But nope, the Luo patriarch instead broke through in cultivation due to MC's hesitation. Oh and when he broke through, he played the MC into helping him with the heavenly Tribulation. MC's brutal mentality goes out the drain when it matters. But had no qualms to torture that Meng Yue girl who was just used and tossed aside by her own Grandfather to get revenge on YC. She wasn't even necessarily bad. It's just these authors like to make them seem bad by making them arrogant or something - so we don't feel pity.

So much s*upidity. 24IQ decisions. How did the MC even survive all those years if this is his resolve?

Oh yea almost forgot - just like the author did - each of his women has that tracking/alarm device Jane invented for MC to track if Yan Bowen was attacking them. This would've prevented every single problem after the Tongtian tower Arc. No Jingjing getting kidnapped which led to using overseas navy on the Meng family. No Xiao Ziqing getting caught by Luo fam. It was all noticeably forced plot & conflict.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. The author should've honestly stopped writing after MC accepted Jane (top 3 girl IMO) around chapter 1250 or so. I wish I never kept reading. Especially in MTL.. Even the "accepting Xiu Zhenxiu" Arc was s*upid. You can tell that the conflicts were pulled out fo the authors ass while scrambling to get them together. As if MC being the reason why she stopped being a delinquent and turned a new leaf wasn't enough (in this type of novel at least).

My advice, is to read the first 1250ish chapters and then stop. Maybe skip to the last 5 chapters to see how it ends. I already know bc I choose to look up spoilers before I read a novel. I personally like to have something to look forward to during boring arcs, and knowing whether or not it's going to take 1000 chapters for a couple to get together so I'm prepared. <<less
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nobelvampire1071 rated it
June 29, 2016
Status: c1665
Well first of all this the best novel which I have read so far. For people who are going to read it just for action may get bored as it has a bit of slice of life in it. For me action and romance is well balanced as there is no forced romance or action. One of the best thing is the characters. Each and every character is interesting and has their own abundant background. Usually in a harem the characters eventually get stale but in this every female is... more>> super.

Lin Rouxi is the cutest character ever and the husband wife interactions are the best. It is a novel which follows its title till the end as his main love remains lin rouxi.

Each and every character is good and the best part is that they are not perfect. Even the MC is not perfect and make mistakes in both love and fights.
It mixes well with the modern world concept. MC is a perv who can f*ck any1.

Later he tries to restarin when he and his wife actually start loving. TRIES!

In the end for all the romance action and of course op MC lovers. This is the onr of the best novel which you will read. <<less
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Piknos rated it
December 3, 2019
Status: c1000
This novel is full of infuriatingly s*upid people. Everyone in the story is s*upid, from the MC to the girls in the harem to the antagonists. Reading this story will decrease your IQ as well as make your mental age devolve by five years minimum.

... more>>

The MC is an egotistical a**hole, he acts like he's at the top of the world and expects everyone around him to know that despite him clearly wanting to stay secretive. The main female lead is also an idiot, her cousin literally tries to r*pe her and she lets him off anyways, disregarding the fact that this isn't his first infraction. The other females are either already in love with the MC or are currently too young to be of legal age to be f*cked. They are also falling over themselves to get on him despite his obvious lack of commitment. You can't bring yourself to feel pity for them either, they're just too brainless to change.


The whole thing reads like a deluded wet dream of an immature child with confidence issues. It's similar to watching p*rn, one minute it's fine and the next you go what the actual f*ck am I doing. <<less
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dionkyo rated it
October 10, 2016
Status: c94
It's a really good novel at the beginning since you get an OP protagonist with superhuman abilities, a harem (both good and bad), nice fight scenes, and somewhat lingering between 1-2 dimensional characters. Good time waster but I can't recommend this novel if you want a good lasting read. Aside from very few male characters (his street stall buddy, the only other male co-worker, and the MC himself that I could count so far) the rest are scums of society that are addicted to gambling, women, wealth that isn't theirs... more>> etc. While the women are all sexy, mostly fragile, fall for MC way too easily, and are pretty open sexually. A lot of domestic (that means from their family members, mostly father) mental and physical abuse towards the women in this novels while the MC is apparently every girl's knight in shining armor. It kinda reflects one male chauvinist's delusion of being OP in the modern world, rescuing women in distraught, while "trying" to be inconspicuous. For some the abuse makes the setting more life like, but I personally don't see any change each and every time he woo's a women. Author needs to add a bit more spice with the women's circumstances or different approaches other than describing how beautiful they are, introduce a bad family situation and let the MC solve it by force. <<less
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FleetingClouds rated it
February 18, 2018
Status: Completed
Story based on modern times with some myth and legend aspects from around the world.

Quite fun to read with interesting plots.

One of the most addictive novel I've reads!
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ogdyolnafets rated it
June 15, 2016
Status: c50
This is novel is funny and at the same time dark as well. But the comedy part rules it all :D
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August 31, 2020
Status: c10
Couldn't Stomach the MC past it. No clue if it gets better or not but I dislike the MC's attitude too much. Chapter 3 he gets drunk after saying how he hates getting drunk and has been active in avoiding it. Because he's drunk he goes off specifically to find a woman to sleep with. He finds one, but because she's forward I wanting him, he tells her to leave him alone as he isn't interested in a sow who's only looking to mate.

He finds female lead & r*pes her... more>> but it's okay because he's too drunk to notice that she was drugged. When he realised what happened in the morning he's perfectly calm because in his mind she would've slept with the guy who drugged her if not him and she should've watched her drinks better. The victim-blaming logic only falls apart because the FL reacts expressionlessly and leaves quietly, causing MC to feel guilt.

Next time he meets with the FL, he acts like a total as*hole until she starts crying.

I just can't stomach it <<less
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Tahsin005 rated it
June 20, 2020
Status: --
I wanna know why people overrate this kinda novels too much! The MC is surely thinks only with his di*k and changes and flirts with women here and there. Utter rubhish. Why this sh*t novel even has a romance tag? Where was the romance exactly? Flirting with girls count as romance!? I can't go on anymore with this rubbish. Yep the MC has no patience and no loyalty. See a good looking chick, f*ck a good looking chick lol. Idk why, why can't the MC even harem seeking ones be... more>> honest or even restrain his lower part!. I recommend not to read this shitpot. Why can't I just find novels with sweet or fluffy things if there is a romance tag! Hell with CEOs. <<less
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Xiao_Kitkat rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: c88
It's just so horribly written I don't understand why it has such a high rating. He's the worst sort of MC you can find. And this book definitely shouldn't be categorised under romance. hes similar to the MC from beautiful wife of a whirlwind marriage. No IQ and EQ. Even the female lead is a disappointment. Can't even get through the fight scenes. There's twisted and brainless and he's completely brainless and also worthless. There's absolutely no balance between emotions and mortality. Such a disappointing read for something with a... more>> high rating. <<less
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TianKrea rated it
January 26, 2020
Status: c992
I would advise everyone to stop reading after 300 chapters because every chapter after that is just repeating same plot over and over.


-MC is strong and unbeatable

-Enemy appears

-For some reason they are stronger

-MC wins anyway

Love affairs:

-MC plays around with other women

-Wife cries, MC apologizes

-MC does it again

Like I said It was good before it got sh*t.
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imkentjohn200 rated it
October 30, 2018
Status: c1020

For those ppl tell that our MC is a dickhead hyprocite. Before you said that make sure you read till here. The lust of MC is very strong because it has reasons. Dont just talk sh*t that you know everything. Hyprocrite? Love just for sex?, If you had just know what our mc's attitude is. MC is eccentric because of his life style when hia young, tortured to death, forced to kill just to make alive, and most of it, tortured to become the best assasin of the world but as he grow on that lifestyle hes not that heartless hes inlove to his teamate. The girl was cold, smart and killer. But girl trust MC. So they inlove on that environment later on the girl wants to be peaceful not want MC to become heartless when just ppl annoy him a pittle then kill those ppl. Girl wants MC to change a bit for their baby. Later on that girl died, and that on MC was on china. Make a mudane life. He wants to change.

MC has high IQ but he has average EQ on love. Hes eccentric, when he wants it he really wants it because hes a living GOD. Hes not a god of love. Hes kinda idiot interms of love life but hes good on picking on women he only know s*x but in love he kinda slow. Trust me all of his women, he loves them all. They kinda argue but he makes it up becausw he loves all them. All of his harem has have a many time screen and not just leave behind. All of his women has a story and all of those woman has a very tragic past or status. And will make you love them. They feel jealous also but they know that the MC really loves them and ofc their women instinct tella them. Rouxie is the most different of them and the most pitiful girl trust me in c600 up you will know how pitiful she is. And shes fool interms on love also. And shes smart both MC and him is the same and their relationship is the most different that will make you give different emtions. All of the women has also story that make you sad also.

Early to mid chapters are mostly on his women and ofc on rouxie. Hes struggle to get his love on roxie is the most thrilling trust me.

Mid to End are full pack action with woman ofc

The story it self was amazing. And most od it will make you caught off guard. Emotions, Drama, romance. Action are all there.

Dont try to be fooled on the other comments who just read on the early chapters and runt and he thinks he knows it. And make it sure that the novel it self has a very darkside

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dark soul
dark soul rated it
September 25, 2016
Status: --
Definitely a worthwhile read. I especially love the personality of this MC.I like how the MC is shameless and a total badass. Female characters are well written. Plot is good with a modern setting.

Totally recommend it!!!!
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DMR rated it
November 5, 2021
Status: c1422
My issue with this story??? Repetition and dragging out a single problem for no reason and badly implemented cultivation crap.

... more>>

The MC basically builds a harem... but then tries halfheartedly to act like a proper husband.

He rejects girls for practically no reason, and then, when they almost die, he accepts them into the harem and makes his wife hurt.

He also acts guilty every time he spends time with his OPEN harem members...

And when she tries to just accept being a part of a harem, he for no reason at all tries to make her feel special and gives her false hope for absolutely no reason.

This story is literally being dragged for no reason.

And let's not get started for the cultivation crap. It's half hearted and done bad. Like, we didn't really read this for cultivation or anything anyways and it's not well done.

And let's not forget that almost every other male character is a rapist, a lackey for a rapist or a loser that needs to be saved.

And each girl nearly gets r*ped/killed quite a lot...

And the author keeps on trying to make the MC show that the wife is special... but we have absolutely NO REASON to feel that way and frankly, she's almost the worst relationship... but not due to a fault of her own, but because the author feels like dragging out their marital problems over and over and over again.

Like, when the marriage is finally going to be ended, you can feel relief and then get pissed that it goes back.

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albreo rated it
June 1, 2019
Status: c553
I can't stand reading this any longer. This MC is the worst kind to play with women in front of his wife multiple times a day. He does not care about her nor his word is trustworthy. Too many mistresses to care for no matter how good the plot is. Character development is spare since everyone got a slice of the same pie. Male lead and female lead kept on going the same loop over and over. If I were the female lead I must divorce a long time ago.... more>> Go F*ck yourself male lead. <<less
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Sharry rated it
April 3, 2019
Status: Completed
For mature kids... Not saying this makes sense or anything... author wrote sloppy on multiple occassions but it was so fun to read... This novel distorts reality but gives hopes and dreams.... MC really succeeds in having multiple relationships in a harmonious way.... This felt natural for 800 chaps but a little forced later on.... Ending was super satsfying and I found myself crying when it was done... Family stuff and beggar story felt very dragging... other than that MC can be a little too psycho sometimes... but a strong... more>> empasis on that this is just a story... MC relationships with women are very fullfilling... His wife got hurt on multiple occasions but everthing settles at the end..... It maybe selfish but it felt good to read.... It gives hopes and dreams... happy times... now story spoilers


Story gets harem end... every women is conquered... Ending chapters were a masterpiece



MC is a human turned God... He becomes the strongest in the end obviously...



Rouxi is actually Athena and also seventeen.... all three resides in the same body



Rouxi is biological daughter of prime minister



MC found his family midway



Love wins in the end not power..



MC moves with his harem troupe into an island.. with island which he owes with super sized beds.. lol... He practcally becomes god... he had 5 children at the end... He teaches cultivation to his women giving them eternal youth



MC kills zeus like he is some small fry


Good read.... Not perfect but... Memorable <<less
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Tfuinsah rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c1050
The most aggravating novel you will ever read, MWIABC is absolutely infuriating, to the point where I read this to appreciate what I have in life. The most annoying part of this novel isn't the fact that the MC has a harem in the modern day, nor is it the fact that he's OP from the get go. The greatest cause of anger in this novel is his CEO wife, who is unnecessarily brainless to a whole new level of s*upid in regards to anything to do with her family.... more>> This is even more pronounced considering that she's a C.E.O. A bloody head honcho, the top dog, the face and leader of a company. How she managed to climb to this position and maintain it in the face of her unmatched foolishness is beyond me.


What gets to me is that she lets her family off way too much. Get kidnapped and held hostage multiple times by your father? No problem, let him off. Nearly get r*ped by your cousin? No worries, it's not his fault.


The amount of ignorance this supposed CEO shows wouldn't appear in an unborn baby, let alone a supposedly fully functioning member of society. It's to the point where I don't even feel bad about if anything happens to her, instead, I hope that she gets offed asap.

If you possess a shred of common sense, don't read this novel. If you have any amount of EQ, don't read this novel. If you want to torture yourself with bad characters and haven't read the twilight series, go read twilight. I guarantee that it will be a better experience.

All in all, aside from the infuriating nature of one of the characters, MWIABC is a typical OP MC harem novel, nothing more with just a bit less. <<less
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MondoX rated it
April 28, 2016
Status: --
As of chapter 32,
A more apt title for this novel would be 'My Playboy Life, ' or something similar. Women, flashy cars, and fashion seem to be the theme of the story so far. The few rare fights, take about four sentences to describe the fights, but a whole chapter is taken to describe love making. I am not fond of the MC, because he claims he does not like to be threaten, and meets it with violence. However, when he female threatens him, he does not even bat an eye. Maybe I read the synopsis wrong, but I was expecting some kind of action.
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