Master of Trading Star Card Game


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Waking up after a sound sleep, Xie Mingzhe reincarnated into the future world. Here a holographic trading card game is popular around the Galaxy, many professional card players and card designers coming to the fore.

——The competition is about to begin. Every player, please show your cards!

Other players’ set of playing cards: Thousand-year-old God Tree, Flame Dragon and Ice-crystal Phoenix!

Xie Mingzhe’s set of playing cards: Zhuge Liang, Diao Chan, Cao Cao and Sun Quan… (They are all important historical figures from the period of the Three Kingdoms in ancient China, AD 220 – 280)

Xie Mingzhe uses his unprecedented Character Cards with strange skills in the competition.

Audience: What the hell →_→

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
God Level Summoner (3)
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Card Room (2)
Game, Live Stream (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novel 3
  2. Late Romance, I LOVE
  3. Quero ler
  4. save to remember
  5. Interesting looking 2.0

Latest Release

Date Group Release
06/10/19 WangMama c17 part1
06/05/19 WangMama c16 part2
06/03/19 WangMama c16 part1
05/31/19 WangMama c15 part2
05/24/19 WangMama c15 part1
05/22/19 WangMama c14 part2
05/20/19 WangMama c14 part1
05/17/19 WangMama c13 part2
05/15/19 WangMama c13 part1
05/13/19 WangMama c12 part2
05/10/19 WangMama c12 part1
05/08/19 WangMama c11 part2
05/06/19 WangMama c11 part1
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40 Reviews sorted by

Anra7777 rated it
October 28, 2019
Status: c38 part2
It’s okay. I think I may be the weirdo among readers of this author, because I got really bored of “God Level Summoner” about a hundred, hundred-thirty chapters in. Still, I decided to give this novel a try because it sounded interesting and I like “Runaway Guide, ” although admittedly I’ve fallen behind on my reading of that.

I really enjoyed the novel at first. It seemed pretty exciting! But then I slowly realized that it was just the same plot happening over and over again.

MC makes a card. Everyone is shocked/in awe, he gets invited to a club, he refuses, repeat.


Since the plot is so repetitive, I imagine the real enjoyment of the story comes from the card making. But as I’m unfamiliar with Chinese literary and mythological figures, I don’t get the same fan excitement the author is clearly trying to invoke in the readers. The translator’s notes help, but I still find it difficult to care.

Considering all the glowing reviews for this novel, I understand that my viewpoint is in the minority. Still, I wanted to give my two cents. I’ll continue reading for now, but I might drop the novel out of boredom if the novel continues on its current trajectory.
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defragmentise rated it
August 18, 2019
Status: Completed
A funny gaming novel about a guy who transmigrated into a future where nobody knows of Chinese myths, legends and classical stories anymore. He started playing an online card game that allows people to create their own cards.

The cards he created started getting attention since he made OHKO cards that seemed tailored to target major league cards. The story is about MC learning how to play the game and create cards, and how everyone else just ended up getting headaches from encountering these cards, and then having schadenfreude over passing... more>> on the suffering to others.

MC and ML are no-nonsense and adorable, ML is a professional player that taught MC the basics of card-making and inevitably led him down the path of making troublesome cards. He's MC main enabler, while MC is just having fun playing and learning about the game. The two getting together is like two gremlins having a wedding much to the horror of the world. <<less
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redfeathersgirl rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: c3 part1
Since the translation is only at chapter 3, I went ahead and read it MTL style. Can't get enough of it. It's so thrilling. I can't wait for the scene (in the summary) to come up.

So basically, the MC got into another world. He woke up from a coma, found out he's still an orphan, had no money, and that the world he's in.. 80% of them played one game.. Which was a card game.

He got a job as an intern, his character in the game was a fat uncle.... more>> He also remembered that his psychic mental power (?) was high when the doctor examined him, so he can made cards with historical figures that's famous in his past world but didn't exist in his world now.

Everyone got shocked. Who's this death-card-making-fat-uncle?


who's actually a pretty handsome man

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Sceer rated it
July 12, 2019
Status: Completed
I'm actually more interested in the card game rather than the romance (which is very slow and becomes official at 200+ chapters).

I love the card game concept of using characters from his time to make cards in this futuristic setting.

I have so many favorite cards but I forgot their names. I like the Cao brothers the most, especially their linkage skills - 8 seconds control! I also love Yan Qing (not telling you the skills!) Some of the cards are hilarious but important. There are also interesting cards with skills... more>> like Forbearance, Centralization, etc. (Idk if the English translation of the skills is accurate). I also love his "Xia" cards. Their enemies come up with unique cards too, Especially the ML lol creating gardener set cards.

In short, anything related to the card game is very interesting!

There are only 400 chapters and it's all about the 11th season. It ended well but I wish there was more about season 12. There are extra chapters after ch400 but they are more focused about romance than the gaming genre. The ending was very good, very sweet and full of love. <<less
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YellowNoodle rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: c271
A total must read! Welcome to a world where science has transcended the ages! The star card game implements real 3D effects and real time actions like never before! This is a true VR game reaching its highest peak!

Our protagonist is especially adorable and funny, mainly so when he makes new cards resulting in all the gamer gods wanting to beat him up! The male lead makes me swoon, a total slow burn love where the gong adjusts the temperature of our shou in the "frog in boiling water".

Characters are... more>> very fun with various personalities and the creative card skills makes readers desire to live in the same time frame!

You can see all the interlocking relationships allowing the rotten woman to fester their fantasies in each pairing.

It's A very good and heartwarming story.

Romance won't appear until ch 260 but the interactions and funny card skills make up for it.

11/10 <<less
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Kikiji rated it
October 9, 2021
Status: c9
From what I've seen so far in the card making explanation, the author's understanding of the creative process feels inherently flawed, or at least incompatible from my understanding as a fine arts student. Just the initial explanation provided to MC, and MC's internal dialogue and comments in regard to it irks me to the core.


"For example, if you wanted to draw a kind of plants, first you need to outline the appearance of the plant in your mind. Once the imaginative appearance shaped, picture it on the paper. The works of a good artist were realistic enough to be taken as real objects."


She promotes the common idea that "good artists" are ones who can draw "realistically" which would therefore perpetuate the idea that photo-realistic art is superior. Yes photorealistic art, or just "realistic art" is impressive in terms of skill. It's what you do with the skill that matters. (Do I even need to go into how dismissive this outlook is to other styles and skillsets beyond "realism" when it comes to art?)


"It was easy for Xie Mingzhe to create a card in this way. He was a science student in his previous life on earth, but he was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts of Capital University in this world.

He could draw and imagine and his Inner Spirit was 300, all of his abilities had reached the standard of being a card creator, now he just needed a permission for his creation."


Dude. That's not how art works. First of all, considering the only testament to your skills in art is that you got into an art school (not even learning the skills, fundamentals, process, and experience the school would have taught you if you had graduated from there; not to say that self taught is inferior, just that if he was going to flex on getting into an art school it doesn't mean much when he didn't even go to the school), aka no mention of what kind of work you've done in the past, no thoughts of what kind of card you want to make or how your personal art can be incorporated, no thoughts whatsoever that's art related or creation related, just the fact that "oh I can draw so I can do this" because my author plugged the skill into my settings gives me no confidence whatsoever in your creative drive.

MC doesn't have the mindset of a creator or artist from what I can see. It looks like he is capable of rendering a picture (which is apparently what he and the author consider the whole of what art is), so I would be fine if that's where he starts off - as someone who underestimated what it takes to make a card (not even in just the art, but the mechanisms of card designing) and grows and learns as a creator about the essence of that process. But from other reviews it sounds like that isn't gonna be the case, and he's an OP MC who creates card after impressive card and honestly there's no substance at all if that's the case.


"At least he had a high Inner Spirit and was good at painting, which meant he was totally qualified to create original cards. Maybe he could succeed and make money by selling his cards."


Excuse me, you're missing the "insight, " "experience, " "knowledge, " and "skillset, " on that list.

And let me just add: the card making system sounds awfully unfair to people who don't draw. (I'm not even going to go into the problematic mechanisms of the card making system the author had set up.

To be honest, even though the card making explanation and the MC and author's underestimation of art irked me, I wasn't going to drop it straight off as the author's skill in the writing area is good and I could just glaze over any card making parts to avoid bursting a blood vessel. But then I checked the reviews and it looked like the entire plot is revolved around his card making. So. Yeah.
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Danmei_Empress rated it
July 3, 2019
Status: Completed
This is the first novel that I found on a Chinese webnovel site and I must say that it is worth your time!

The MC is like a lot of other ukes, a cute little klutz but he is not only just that. He is also someone who comes with new ideas, strategy and an IQ when we're talking about the game he plays. It isn't just about a story that’s about the love of the MC and the ML. It focusses more on the plot and the virtual game itself... more>> and boy, am I glad that it did.

Although the ML has more experience than him, he acts like a supportive mentor and not like some savior: He doesn't "save" the MC, but helps him when he can. Cause, you know, they are still competitors and a relationship can't be build when one just depends on the other. Like a wise person once said: A relationship between two loved ones doesn't end because the love isn't strong enough, but because the friendship was to weak. The MC and the ML started as friends and grew to love each other. One a bit faster than the other. But there was progression and didn’t just blossom without watering it with time and effort.

The story, like the synopsis says, is about this boy who goes to the future and needs to find job. And when you've got no money or a roof above your head, you would take any job that you could find. So the MC stumbles on this card game job and finds himself able to use the history of China to make awesome new cards. The history behind every character and the funny skills he comes up made me laugh out loud for multiple times and kept me interested during my whole reading session. It is definitely a story which you could read for a second or a third time.

The only difficulties I had with this novel where the many Chinese names of card characters. (At the end, I wrote down the names and the skills and even drew the cards. It was quite fun actually. But maybe I am just too bored.)

Than we have the problem with everyone except for the ML and the MC. The other characters aside from the main couple and the side couple (yes, there is a side couple –two, but one of them gets no character development or real relationship development, so that one doesn’t count) were a bit bland and even if they had played an important role in some arc, they kinda disappeared later on and just ended up being in the background, soulless. So that was a bit disappointed. Still, it was a fun read. <<less
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_shinigami_ rated it
April 14, 2019
Status: c110
If you like God Level Summoner then you will also like this one!

The game premise is unique in its own way and the characters have their own individuality that sets them apart making the whole reading experience fun.

Plus the MC is quite funny and cute plus he can come off as innocent when in reality he is a small mob boss with the way he trap his group mates ?.

Oh and wait till he started making cards, ?? The gods reaction were just too funy.
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The Sliveren
The Sliveren rated it
March 24, 2021
Status: Completed
Oh f*ck. I finally finished this. I made a mistake—instead of five stars, I'll this a 4.3 stars.

Okay for the review on this story.

The Romance: I could say that it's truly subtle. The MC and ML have intimate scenes that could count by hand. They think each other and what not, but I think it lacks depth.

... more>> Sure, they support and care for each other, but I want more y'know?

The Plot: It only focuses the journey of MC to his career (a card maker and also a professional player). I agree from the previous reviews that MC is an OP character, but I read in the later chapters (350+) that there are times MC is very hopeless.

A short-term hopelessness. It speaks volume that MC is a smart person with a very flexible mind. I think all of the character development are poured out to him.

I really really really really want to see the character development of Yu Ke and Qin Xuan. I know that the author expresses that the characters have developed, but to me, it was 1 cup. I want more.

It was fairly humorous.

Side characters: Okay... There are side-pairings that I took notice. It was hard not to ship them but I did actually. I think I prefer more the side-pairings instead of the main CP. Sorry not sorry.

The other characters of the novel were occasionally active. They only appear if the MC needed them.

If you want to ask, is this novel worth of your time? No, since most of the chapters explains the MC's card. There are some parts of the novel that makes you exhausted.

But it's a good read to those people who have time in their lives. <<less
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dday0425 rated it
May 6, 2023
Status: Completed
The creativity in this novel is praiseworthy. However, I really can't stand the long preparatory work before the competition. It took about 200–300 chapters for the MC to blend in, establish his club, and create a sufficient card pool, which felt unnecessarily long and somewhat tedious.

I was also surprised at how few competitions there were compared to all the work he put into the card designs.

Basically, his cards were the most extravagant in the entire league, with all the customized sound and special effects, which took extra 'better-go-practice' days to... more>> make (and what's with all those A4-length card descriptions? Are the cards blackboard size?). There were so many cards, yet too few opportunities to use each one of them to its full potential. Many cards appeared only once or twice, and in the end, they were poured down in an endless mode. I don't get it. Why bother with the long narrations of the cards' background when the way they were used would be so meaningless?

The author was also perfunctory about how the team practiced cooperation and instead focused more on the card and map designs. I mean, around 80–85% of the narrative was dedicated to the MC's card creations, with just 10–15% allocated to competitions and a meager 5% for practice. The process was so draggy and boring. The teammates also weren't as cohesive as other teams despite getting along well.

I was disappointed since the early chapters seemed to be really promising; I didn't expect it to be so plain half way (The competitions were fun, though). It didn't live up to the standards set by God-level summoners and Card rooms. My friendly reminder is to not raise high expectations after seeing the author's ID.

No offense, but there are always a few inconsistent background settings in this author's novel that make it confusing. Like the matter of Chen's parents deaths, the cards' skill and data balance and distribution, etc.

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moonrune rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: c13 part1
It's aite but the buildup isn't fun enough to justify the slow start and the suspension of disbelief is just not working for me. Everyone else has been playing this game for years but only a couple of people see past the low stats of MC's first card to realize the 10% targeted fatality can level up to 100%? First of all, that shouldn't even be possible because it's way broken as a mechanic--even like 50% would seem like a believable mastered skill. Second, everybody should know this. Everyone knows... more>> skills level up and by how much! Everyone knows ML is a high PVP ranker who specializes in flower cards! But a flower card-targeting OHKO fatality card gets passed over by everyone but like two rankers? This is too contrived. Also, the game's balance makes no sense, because the devs don't have any control over the cards players have access to. What even is this madness? They let users make their own skills, and the only limitation is the user's own innate spiritual power? Great, thanks, so only, I don't know, 10%? Of users are game-breakingly overpowered instead of 100%, that'll sure attract more people than it turns off for the unfairness. I wouldn't play this game, and I'm not interested in this story either. <<less
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Keisotsuna rated it
March 24, 2020
Status: Completed
So I just finished reading the raws through MTL, save for the extra chapters (EDITED: Oops, there was actually no extra chapters!!? ?). And I have to say, this is one of the most unique concept I've ever encountered! And it isn't simply just novel, but it is also very well-written. Everything from plot development, the gameplay/design, the card making, the action/battle scenes— everything has been well-thought out and written wonderfully!

As for other reviews stating that it was plain and boring, that is only because the author is laying down... more>> the foundation of the story. In the later chapters, it will be particularly exciting with a lot of fun and detailed action / battle scenes. We all just have to be patient until then. (^-^)

I really enjoyed reading this novel, which surprised me as well since I initially thought I'd get bored with all the card-making and historical references. But no! I had a lot of fun, in fact. This is definitely at my top ten Chinese transmigration novels with the most hilarious, engaging, and exciting plot!! (≧∀≦) ゞ

Especially when I read the cards that the protagonist later made, their skills were so hilarious that everyone was left speechless and he became public enemy #1 (they all want to grab him and hit him, even the game developers team, lol).


Some of these hilarious skills are a pig character (or was it an orc? I dunno, blame the MTL) was carrying the enemy to "bring back as his wife" ? (This is a kind of enemy isolation skill which takes the enemy out of the battle field and essentially removes a key card of the enemy' deck.)


Another skill is making the cards "fall in love", which technically gives them a debuff (something like, "I don't want to attack the enemy because I love him" or "because I love him I will share all damage with him"). Not to mention there's also a skill that "makes the card pregnant" which technically makes a miniature, inferior copy of the original card with a much hilarious description and execution (like, suddenly the enemy/ally cards get a notification abive its head that says "your card is pregnant, oreparing for labor in 9, 8, 7...") ?


The romance is slow. It's the type that didn't just sprung up but gradually grew and developed. The male lead, Tang Muzhou, is a very patient, intelligent and even cunning gentleman.


He was also the first to realize his feelings for the protagonist and even planned to "boil the frog in a pot slowly until it's cooked" or something like that (I'm pretty sure I got the idiom wrong hehe ╮ (╯∀╰) ╭)


Tang Muzhou is particularly black-bellied, hiding a cunning mind behind his gentle smile. Meanwhile, the protagonist isn't to be left behind. He has a bright, youthful and warm aura outside of the game. But his unique card-making skills and tactical skills completely reveal his shameless, thick-skinned, and tenacious character. When these two people are together, it is expected that chaos will happen. Ahh, I really hope to see more of their story. At least give me some extras!! (〒︿〒) <<less
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priest1drago rated it
November 10, 2021
Status: Completed
If you talk about danmdi e-sports, many people would overlook this card game gem although both the plot and creativity just shoots off the charts!

I love how the author ties the 4 classics into “original” cards and the game itself is real fun. The romance ain’t shabby but it’s not the focus. Give it a try!
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Dragon_Reader rated it
February 29, 2020
Status: Completed
It was a pretty fun book. Really interesting coz the author combined numerous Chinese myths and stories with interstellar card playing game. Even if you don't know anything about ancient Chinese myths (like me), the author included short stories for each character. So it is pretty interesting on its own.

The playing game is like yu-gi-oh + Pokemon except instead of Pokemon, there are characters/ animals/ plants/ ghosts etc.

The romance is so subtle, even those who do not like reading BL can practically ignore it.

T/L rating - 5/5
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Rio-mouse rated it
September 25, 2019
Status: Completed
I have to say some many thinks, the story although it gives indications of BL, kisses and furtive looks of love will be what you will find, that and a formalization of the relationship to boyfriends in 400 chapters, those 400 chapters practically leave the romance aside, the focus is only on the game and Nirvana, for what the recommendation should be focused on that adventure, but the final specials earned the 5 stars, was pure romance compressed in the best way after 400 chapters of frustration in search of... more>> romance, obviously I read it with google translator, but it was worth the pity, the cards are fun in their settings and when they appear in the game, but for me who was only looking for romance the last 100 chapters were torture, I was to be disappointed in the "last chapter", until by mistake I discovered the wonderful specials and that's why I recommend you read the story, because the specials are worth it for the romantics <<less
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Lost Happiness
Lost Happiness rated it
September 17, 2019
Status: c46
Quite unique especially with the character growth being nicely develop. MC is using his experience to help pave his career and also help bring profit to his coworkers. Love their teamwork, so far its like a family. MC is very interesting for how he manage being in the business world.

ML is being a bit manipulative in terms of making the field equal for the next season of the competition. ML is guiding MC with his career because they are similar in some ways.

I love Chen Hao, I have the feels... more>> for his backstory. He has helped MC out in more ways than one. <<less
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Roseamanelle rated it
August 30, 2019
Status: c105
This is the first LN I've MTL and I just love everything in this LN.

The MC and ML are two Cinnamon rolls even if there's no romance yet. The both of them are literally the death of the whole league. I love how the MC is unconsciously making everyone wanting to beat him. The ML is obviously here to guide him into the path of league destruction by helping him gaining experience.

The discussion between the gods is absolutely hilarious each time the MC is making a move. Nie God's crow... more>> mouth is pure gold, making me laughing so much that I'm having a hard time not waking my family up. <<less
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FlowingWater rated it
April 12, 2022
Status: c400
I love this so much!! The mtl was hard to read but I was able to get the main vibe. The relationship seems quick cause it happens near the end couples with a lot of time skips, but it still makes sense. The main thing I paid attention to is the creation of the card and while the fight scenes were sh*t (due to the mtl), I still had adrenaline pumping excited for every word for the next move the characters would make.

I cant believe that it took the author's... more>> note at the c400 to realize that they wrote card room too. One of my favorite unlimited/infinite flows! No wonder I fell in love with this too. AH!!!

PLEASE CHECK THIS STORY OUT SOMEHOW!! You will not be disappointed. <<less
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KarenMNH rated it
November 1, 2021
Status: Completed
Why is this so underrated? This is my favourite Original E-sport genre novel second only to The God Level Summomer which is also written by the SAME AUTHOR! The plot is intriguing and fun. The author's brain hole is entirely on another level. I love about that so much. I remembered laughing so hard that my tummy was hurt. It was THAT hilarious. I mean imagine Zhu Bajie (Pig demon from Journey To The West) kidnapping a Lion to take him as a wife. I laughed to tears. Trust me...... more>> you'll love this. MC & ML's relationship developed wonderfully. I love everything about this novel. This might even become my comfort novel followed by Mary Sue:Faithful Adaptation. Anyway, the point is it's good and you should definitely try it. ♥ <<less
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xKoTsu rated it
October 28, 2021
Status: c52 part2
Oh my god, Wow. I... Honestly I really didn't expect to get THIS attached and intrigued so fast. But boy, did I really ate all of the chapters in one sitting.

People might argued that this was repetitive or even boring, but hell I love it. Its not boring since I can actually learn more about the origin of the cards, and I Looooveeee how we could actually got into the idea or on how to actually make the card work.

And don't get me started with the character. So far, there... more>> hasn't been any characters that dissatisfied me. Well we dont talk about a certain rude Karen in the beginning of the chapter or that S---o mercenary, basckstabbing as*hole of a guy. No, we pretend they don't exist in this household.

Overall, excited for what's to come! <<less
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