Love Letter From The Future


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Ian Percus, the second son of a countryside Viscount.

One day, he received a love letter from the future.

‘If we don’t protect the future, the world will perish.’

With an ominous warning scribbled by someone

Associated Names
One entry per line
미래에서 온 연애편지
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. everything ive read (part 1)
  2. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (KR On-Going)
  3. Peak Hidden Gems Part 3
  4. 10/10
  5. all of my 5/5 novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/19/23 Genesis Translations c142
12/17/23 Genesis Translations c141
12/16/23 Genesis Translations c140
12/14/23 Genesis Translations c139
12/12/23 Genesis Translations c138
12/10/23 Genesis Translations c137
12/09/23 Genesis Translations c136
12/07/23 Genesis Translations c135
12/05/23 Genesis Translations c134
12/03/23 Genesis Translations c133
12/02/23 Genesis Translations c132
11/30/23 Genesis Translations c131
11/29/23 Genesis Translations c130
11/26/23 Genesis Translations c129
11/23/23 Genesis Translations c128
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52 Reviews sorted by

SonicWizard rated it
November 26, 2023
Status: c94
Initially despite the promising plot and well written battles there were various aspects of this series I found pretty off-putting... and I still do to be honest.

Ian is an arrogant, dense, blockhead, with little in the way of redeeming features and some serious anger issues. The heroines and side characters aren't much better either, but their stories are slowly culminating into something and while I still dislike most of them I am curious to see where that's going. It also makes them feel more multifaceted and less like one dimensional... more>> walking tropes.

Largely the most unappealing aspect to me personally is that the author spends entirely to much time sexualizing every single female in the story, repeatedly, ad naseum. I get it, and I know what genre I'm reading. It's a harem and people are here for the waifus, to some extent I am too I won't lie. The problem here is that the author will frequently break up what should a very tense moment to emphatically reiterate how gorgeous whichever female happens to be present in the scene. It feels awkward, incredibly out of place, and breaks immersion completely.

Despite the initial distaste I powered through, by virtue of lacking anything else better to read, and as the mysteries of the letters slowly unfolds I find myself more and more intrigued by whats going on and where it will go. It can feel pretty formulaic at times but with Ian almost always being on the back foot to some degree it maintains tension, and it's a nice break from OP munchkins and eternally suffering weak protagonists. It's a nice middle ground I don't see too much in webnovels. Ians abilities and weapon of choice are also pretty non-standard, which further accentuates this series uniqueness.

It takes a while to really set up, and not so great pacing doesn't help, but you could do a lot worse and after swinging widely from honestly kind of hating it to now enjoying the ride I'd say give it a chance. <<less
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LonelyMatter rated it
September 14, 2023
Status: c100
Love letter from the future has an interesting premise.

Our MC is a lower noble and is one of the weaker students in the academy, but a certain letter changes it all. Unlike most novels which deal with regression or information from the future, our MC is the one left as clueless as the other characters. The world build of this novel is brilliant so far, and this make the pacing seem a bit slow. Each character is fleshed out and given their time in the limelight. It's a not a... more>> flood of information pouring in at one time, but learning about them along with the MC.

The questions and the clues from the letters help build up a suspenseful and mysterious atmosphere and leaves you wanting more. This novel does give me a similar feel to another favourite of mine, the Second Coming of Gluttony.

If you plan to read this novel, I suggest that you be patient as it starts out slow but the build up is worth it. <<less
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Hani36 rated it
June 9, 2023
Status: c73
I'm really liking this novels so far tho it has some things I don't like

The MC is totally dense Which I really despise about harems MCs but he compensates on being badass

The girls I don't really dig they feel more like pets than love interests and they're always fighting eachother while MC is dense as a rock

... more>> The only one I liked was the saintess.

The fights in this novel are pretty fun to read and are well written but the MC powering up during fights by insta learning techniques from his future self and memories is kinda annoying since he'll have a solution to every problem he faces

Overall the fights are good, the girls are mid, while I don't see where the plot is going since it's very slow. <<less
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Yukaura rated it
May 8, 2023
Status: c31
Love Letter from the Future is a captivating novel that presents an intriguing premise - a letter from the future warning of imminent danger. The main character, Ian, is fearlessly adaptive and demonstrates surprising resilience in the face of adversity. The novel's side characters and their relationships with the MC are some of its greatest strengths.

Set in an academy, the novel offers an enjoyable blend of character dynamics and a harem romance, which is one of my favorite genres. Although the world is said to be on the brink of... more>> destruction, the stakes for the MC don't feel as pressing, and the plot is not as prominent as one might expect. Instead, the story focuses more on the characters and their relationships, as well as harem/romance elements.

The action scenes are a standout feature of this novel, with well-written and immersive fight sequences that draw the reader in. The character development, particularly that of the MC, is engaging, and the world-building is expertly crafted.

While the regression and magic academy tropes may be cliché, Love Letter from the Future executes them consistently and effectively. The protagonist's dual personality and letters from his future self add a unique twist to the story. <<less
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ThaniMaram rated it
April 29, 2023
Status: c62
One of my favourite from genesis. Love letter from the future is exactly as the title suggests. A letter from the future which outlines a great danger about to befall the world.

The MC is in one word fearless. Man grows up balls of steel whenever the situation requires him to. Ohh, and he's a masochist too. He loves tearing his body apart just to make sure he has a small probability to win.

The strengths of this novel are it's side characters and the relationship they hold with the MC. Each... more>> one has an entertaining dynamic with the MC. This novel hooked me up which just the relationships the MC has with the side characters.

There have only been limited fights but each one is very descriptive and sucks you into another world. Kudos to the translators.

Many other aspects of this novel are yet to be judged as only 60 chapters have been translated. The novel is still at its initial state but I'm sure it has potential to turn into an epic tale.

PS: There is no need to define the saintess's assets any time she shows up. We get it she has big b**ba.. <<less
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MilkCrisp rated it
January 28, 2023
Status: --
This is a great novel that features an intriguing and unique premise. The main character is introduced as a normal noble, but as the story unfolds his personality and powers become more developed in a way that keeps the reader engaged.

One of the best parts of the novel are the action scenes, the action scenes are well written and choreographed well, the writing makes the scenes immersive and makes it easy for the reader to feel the tension and excitement. I'm excited to see how the fights evolve as the... more>> story progresses.

However, it should be noted that the novel does include romance and harem. If you dislike either of those tags, then I recommend that you stay away from this novel.

The author has created a believable and immersive world with a likable cast of characters and well written action scenes. <<less
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Kleini rated it
November 10, 2023
Status: c84
"Love Letter From The Future" offers an intriguing premise of a protagonist receiving messages from his future self to change the course of events and prevent disaster. The execution of this idea seems well done, with the protagonist and other characters coming across as believable. The worldbuilding sounds coherent and immersive.

The pacing appears to start off a bit slow, spending time on worldbuilding and character development in the early chapters. However, the plot picks up after around chapter 15, with exciting events and action scenes unfolding. The fight scenes are... more>> very well-written and satisfying.

The protagonist Ian seems to be a well-rounded character, neither overpowered nor a pushover. He has a strong will and determination which allows him to overcome tough situations and opponents. However, he is not portrayed as perfect or idealistic, making some hypocritical choices at times that highlight his humanity.

Romance and harem elements feature heavily in the story. Opinions seem divided on this aspect, with some greatly enjoying it and others finding it a turn-off. Readers averse to romance and harem content may want to avoid the novel. The relationship dynamics appear to develop organically over time.

Overall, it has excellent action, an interesting premise, good pacing after the initial slower chapters, and divisive romance/harem components. Fans of time travel, action fantasy, and romantic elements may find it an engaging, worthwhile read. Those adverse to harem and abundant romance may want to skip this one. <<less
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LazyLuong rated it
September 28, 2023
Status: c106
The MC is dense went it comes to romance, and denies everything he hasn't experienced, thus advices given to him goes in one ear and out the other. At other times, he can be fairly smart, but then doubt himself to stay on the safe side.

What I like about this novel is that it does not strive from tragedies as a result of his actions, giving sunshine results from his mistakes with plot armor. Due to the experience he is force to experience, causes him to slowly develop.

The novel action... more>> scenes are great to read, but honestly, sometimes the MC frustrated you with how dense he can be with his interaction and monologue. A lot of the other characters has mental issues too. <<less
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sinbadw rated it
August 21, 2023
Status: c63
Love Letter from the Future has an intriguing premise that immediately hooks readers in. The story follows Ian, a seemingly ordinary noble who begins receiving prophetic letters from various versions of himself in potential future timelines. These letters warn of impending disasters and guide Ian down a path to prevent catastrophe and become a mighty hero.

The execution of this novel is fantastic, with well-paced progression and strong writing. Ian is a relatable protagonist who exhibits natural flaws and growth. His character development feels organic as he's forced to mature rapidly... more>> in the face of great adversity. Side characters are also realized with depth beyond common tropes.

The worldbuilding remains a bit limited given the story's focus on Ian's academy life so far. However, there are hints of an expansive world and political conflicts brewing. The academy life provides an enjoyable backdrop for Ian's coming-of-age, complemented by burgeoning romances.

Speaking of romance, the novel does feature a harem element which may turn some readers off. However, the romantic development is handled in a refreshingly subtle way. The female leads have agency and it never feels like the relationships are forced.

The action sequences are a highlight, with gripping battles and imaginative fight choreography. Ian consistently finds himself the underdog, yet perseveres through wit and determination, resulting in very satisfying underdog moments.

In summary, Love Letter from the Future stands out for its well-rounded execution. An everyman protagonist and emotionally resonant relationships help ground the story. <<less
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Sertian75 rated it
June 7, 2023
Status: c75
Love letter from the future, as the name says, is a novel where the MC Ian Percus, receives a letter from the future after sobbering up from a "hangover" and not remembering anything that happened in the last 7 days.

After that our MC mentally drastically changes, he gets bolder and fearless than ever, not backing up to any situation no matter how dangerous it is. Even sacrificing any part of his body in order to accomplish his goals.

For now, and hopefully in the future too, the best character from this... more>> story is our protagonist. One of the best characteristic of the MC is how he will undoubtedly smash to a pulp any person that pisses him off, even if that person is high ranking novel with way more rank than him.
Although one negative aspect of his will be he’s for some reason a really dense person, he’s really ignorant in any of the advances of the female characters.

Overall, this is a really good story specially if you enjoy action, romance and harems stories. <<less
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