Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End


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The moment the little tyrant of the nobles, Roel Ascart, saw his stepsister, he recalled his memories. He realized that he was in the world of a gal game he played in his previous life. To make things worse, he was the greatest villain in the common route of the game!

“I’ll be killed by the main character and the four capture targets ten years from now. Is there still any hope for me?”

Just thinking about the fearsome glints of those sharp swords those beautiful capture targets held in their hands, Roel couldn’t help but tremble in fear.

Till a voice finally sounded in his head.

【Welcome to the House Resurgence System】

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Evil Young Master Doesn’t Want a Bad Ending
Little Tyrant Doesn't Want To End In Shambles
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290 Reviews sorted by

Alex Woods
Alex Woods rated it
July 18, 2021
Status: c340
I usually don't like these kinds of novels because its like the usual beta MCs, girls bringing troubles. But I still went with it cause it has a CN author, and the translation group do seriously good work.

It was refreshing to see a MC as a jade beauty. You can perfectly imagine him to be, he is surrounded by young masters with huge backgrounds, they try to mol*st him, fight amongst themselves for his love. MC is a gold digger, yep he is. In this book, he brings trouble to... more>> the girls instead of the other way around. And they help him. MC is not scum, but he does takes advantage sometimes.

The author is talented. Info dumps? It seems people have forgotten what real books look like. Instead of one line dialogues the author writes paragraphs describing the world. The world history is important to the plot, and makes the world feel more immersive.

The girls are very interesting and none of them are damsels in distress, all of them are very powerful and have huge backgrounds. They are not real life realistic but interesting enough.

MC may put many people off. He is dense in romantic matters. He is not JP idiot, he is not afraid to kill off the enemies.

pe*ophilia maybe. The author describes the beautiful appearance of the girls, but he never potrays them sexually.

Author didn't do power levels well. Hard work doesn't matter all you need is a OP bloodline. Power levels is really a focus here.

Once again, kudos to the translator for translating so well <<less
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nickoop1 rated it
April 1, 2021
Status: c244
Best Chinese novel I have read in year.

Romance: 10/10

Action: 10/10

... more>> plot: 10/10

translation: 10/10

Don’t read the low rating comments those guy didn’t read the novel. The first 50 chapters may be a little boring and confusing, but after that thing will become more interesting. This story have a lot of potential with very good MC who didn’t act s*upid like typical Japanese MC and other Chinese MC. The romance is top notch with good relationships building and not like suddenly fall in love at first meeting. The story plots will make you want to buy the advanced chapter in each act every time you reach the importance part. And the most important part is how good the authors understand the reader expectations and make sure to make the story more interesting as you continue reading.

Also the translation is very good showing how great this novel is and how much effort the person who translate use. <<less
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Refox0 rated it
December 26, 2020
Status: c320
Deserving the 5 stars here.

Seeing the high praise and rating of the novel I went in full of expectations. Maybe it's a rare and good novel I've never heard of?!
And I was right about this novel this really is pretty Amazing novel so far.

It does start of with some things you may not like at start since its based on Galge settings, but it get better later on.
Feel bad for people who dropped this way too soon before giving the story a good chance.

This has some mystery of history setup in recent chapters. One of the main facts I feel good to read this is dialog delivery is perfect in every situation.

I find all characters setups are very logical and they behave perfectly along with the personality they have, unlike some other harem novels which has brain dead female leads who start to like male lead for no reason at all. Some might feel the MC gets controlled by kids, I still feel this is ok, as once you start to care for some one like family you basically Can't reject them.

You would really have fun reading this one if you have read some similar Genre before!

The mystery keep developing more and more complex.

Can't wait to read its next chapters.
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December 2, 2020
Status: --
*sigh* Honestly with what I've read this should be a 2.5/3.0 star novel. The reasons being.....

  • The almost zero advancement in plot. It's over a hundred chapters and it feels like it's still in it's 20's.
  • The lots of unnecessary info dumps
  • MC complains about the system being a cheat that's after his money but forgets selling a 5k gold item for 25k gold.
  • The MC being a 29 year old (9 years from reincarnated body) finds himself all fidgety just to interact with a 7 year old. Oh and don't get me started on when [Alicia was angry at him his reaction to her snobbing him was nothing like an adult's]
  • And oh God the description of the children, I truly wonder if I'm the only who get chills reading it. For children just between the ages of 7-10 it's pretty crazy for you to describe them as anything other than cute.
  • And don't get me started on their conversations, it makes you truly wonder if they are kids. I'm not saying that there aren't any intelligent kids but come on, just come on. They sound more like teens, with a 10 year old that seems to like SM. It would be better just to make them teenagers honestly.
Well that's it for me.
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exkinkin rated it
November 22, 2020
Status: c108
Imagine if you have to say "tfw no gf" at the entirety of the series so far...

The series heavily revolves around early romance, while not entirely abandoning the world building. Each romance interests so far have valid reasons to be favoring our MC imo.

And writing wise, I think this novel is quite good. Usually I don't really fancy CN novels because their writing style is all over the place imo (not to mention their awkward moments, it's just not for me man), and usually hard to understand if you're coming... more>> from years of reading JP WN / LN, which is way more structured. Not saying that CN novel is bad tho, but for this novel I can say that I wouldn't realize that this is CN novel if not for the usage of some terms that you would only see in CN novels (you know what I mean). What I wanted to say is, this novel's writing so far is quite structured, more so if compared to most CN novel I read, albeit very slow paced.


and the speed of writing is also quite fast for a story this good. at the earlier chapter author referencing coffin dance, and that's only went viral earlier this year I believe? 1 chapter a day is.. wow owo


Characters are loveable, and I have no difficulty remembering names since they're not that many characters so far. Usually when such story have many characters, I would have difficulties catching up when I start to read the series again, like who's who, and so on.

Overall I think this is quite a good read for everyone, especially if you went tfw no gf everyday. self insert is always good

tfw no gf...... <<less
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TwoVillages rated it
April 18, 2022
Status: c432
So I want to clarify that I can see why people really enjoy this novel. I don't think its current score is undeserved, this just isn't for me for reasons I will get into. I will mainly talk about my dislikes for this novel as the positive points have been explained in depth by allot of people and I dont think I have anything else to add. I apoligize if this comes off as more of a rant, and in allot ways it is, but I do want to outline... more>> some genuine problems I feel may turn people off from the novel.

My biggest problem with this story are the heroines. Each of them are people who time and time again make extremely selfish decisions blatantly disregarding what Roel himself wants. Yes, they are children and yes, they have also made very selfless decisions as well. They each have complex characters and are dealing with their own inner demons. However, none of that makes their behavior any less annoying to read. Honestly I dont know why the author made them so young at the point of the story I am at seeing as how none of them act their age most of time. Often times they treat Roel as more of an item to be possessed rather than a person whom they genuinely love. Each of the heroines emotionally manipulate Roel throughout the story, even resulting to kidnapping him and forcing Roel to do things he isn't ok with. Again, there may be reasons and justifications for their actions but that doesnt make it any less irritating to read in my opinion.

Roel himself doesn't make the situation any better. He continues to indulge them, implicitly allowing them to continue their bad behavior. If he genuinely love them then he needs to step up and set boundaries lest he ends up losing all of them, and/or watching them all kill each other over him. I understand the internal struggle he goes through. He doesn't want to ruin his relationship with any of them, but it's frustrating to watch him sit back doing almost nothing as the girls are constantly at eachothers throats and allowing them to do whatever they want to him with no consequences.

Again, it's not a bad novel by any means or else I wouldn't have made it 400+ chapters. It's just that I've gotten increasingly more irritated of their behavior and it's clear they aren't going to change anytime soon. It's just not for me anymore. I highly suggest reading through the first 2 or 3 heroines. If you can't get past how they treat Roel then I suggest you stop because it only gets worse as more heroines join the harem. <<less
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Valixiant rated it
June 29, 2021
Status: --
I cannot give this novel more than two stars for a couple of reasons. First, the writer seems to have a obsession with calling 8 or 9 year olds "seductive" or "alluring". The amount of s*xual innuendos with children is to say the least, disturbing. However, I can mentally bump their ages up so it's atleast bearable, so it isn't my main gripe with this novel.

This novel suffers from what many do, a very bad main character. It seems no matter how many times I read novels that end up... more>> having a pushover as a main character, he never actually gets any better at it. Theres multiple times when I just wanted to stop reading because of how little the main character seemed to care. There has been countless times when his harem does things that should have quite a bit of negative consequences, or at the bare minimum make him angry. However, this never happens. Whenever his harem does something to directly wrong him or cause disputes with other people, the main character will sigh, say theres nothing he can do, and nothing comes of it.


Alright, the first time this happened when he was meeting up with his arranged marriage partner, Charlotte. His adopted sister and Nora (princess of a Kingdom) directly sullied his name by making him seem like he was a philanderer, despite him spending the past two years working hard to raise his reputation. Now, you might expect him to reprimand someone, but no, there was barely a paragraph of his thoughts on the matter. I don't think he ever even elicited any form of annoyance either.

The second time was much worse. Not only did it not make sense plot-wise, but it just cemented himself as a pushover. First this needs some context. The main character Roel Ascart is the only heir capable of taking up the Ascart feif. The Ascarts are one of the five main noble houses of the region, and thus get considerable respect. They are in no means small, and have close ties with the Royal family. So, after Roel Ascart gets injured in a battle after a date, Charlotte (third heroine, daughter of a big merchant country, technically engaged) decides to kidnap him to their own country. There was not even a notice sent to the Ascarts. Despite this quite literally making no sense considering a sword that can heal him via power transfer is at the Ascart Feif, they went to Rosa City to heal him. You also have to consider the fact that this could've started a war with the Ascart & the Royal Family against Rosa City, and the merchant association. So Roel, realising that this could have huge consequences finally exerts some form of anger. This lasts for a paragraph. It is said about three times he was angry, then Charlotte paid him off. Thats right, despite all the major consequences a little bit of money assuaged all his anger.


Overall, this novel was really disappointing with all of the potential it had. <<less
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alemain rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: c208
The longer I read this novel the more frustrated I get. The MC is dense AND a huge pushover. He gets pushed around by the people in his harem and doesn't really push back basically letting them do whatever they want. Even as the scenarios with the women in his life get more and more ridiculous our MC sticks his dense head in the sand and makes up a random excuse to look past what just happened. I don't understand why they made our MC reincarnated if they were just... more>> going to make him childish anyways. He doesn't act his age at all and lets little girls have their way with him. Truly a frustrating reading experience as you pray the MC wakes up and starts acting like something other than a pushover. Any time his harem does something to make him even a little mad the next few lines is always about his heart immediately softening up and forgiving them. He literally can't reject these little girls he fails every time. I don't know a single 20 year old that would let himself get treated like that by little girls. <<less
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chickenthigh rated it
February 23, 2021
Status: c206
Bye Felicia. This whole thing about to be spoilers so don't read unless you want to be spoiled.

This one had a solid thing going. I liked it even despite some of its problematic parts. But wtf is wrong with Chinese authors and tendency to write pe*ophilia into their novels? At chapter 206, where I have finally decided to stop reading this pe*ophilic tr*sh, Alicia who is like 10 years old, has decided to turn on her 12-year-old stepbrother so that she can "cook the rice" essentially. WTF. YOU ARE TEN... more>> YEARS OLD. No matter how mature these kids are supposed to be, the author should have thought more about the age problems. How is a 12 year old kid supposed to get h**ny and get it on with his younger stepsister? That disgusts me. You could do well to add a larger time skip there. Like, time skip by 7-8 years, not just 2 years :| How are people supposed to read a novel with a 12 year old protagonist surrounded by little girls who want him to f them? Goodbye and good riddance. <<less
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Waka rated it
November 20, 2020
Status: c109
What can I say about this novel...?

Well it's one of the best novels I have read its not one of those serious types it's like a jp novel that's refreshing which has an actual plot that's going somewhere but it also kinda has some CN novel inside of it.

But well what can I say I would like to read the novel more before deciding if it's a masterpiece because the novel has just begun and there's a lot more that has to be explored like the power system and many... more>> other things but I really love the novel and how the love interests interact

And one last thing:

RoLicia for Life! <<less
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Yobyoby18 rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: c38
so the plot is roughly like this, MC reincarnates as the sole son of a ducal house who was spoiled to high heaven, who also happens to be the final boss of the first part of a dating sim game, luckily our main character gets a system to help him, allowing him to access 2 shops, one which uses affection points (gained by making people feel positive towards you be It love friendship admiration etc) which mainly helps his family's territory, and a gold shop that helps him on a... more>> more personal level

seems like a typical Japanese novel, right? What if I told you it was Chinese! To be honest I can't wait to see where it goes <<less
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Zayn_Nicolas rated it
July 25, 2022
Status: Completed
I personally have read a vast amount of novels. Like all korean, chinese and japanese. But this novel hits all my sweet spots from romance mystery world building and action. I know it has some parts which could be improved but imo that is nothing major.

I am one of the earliest readers of this series so I might be biased but this was my first novel which did a extremely good job on harem and showing the real problems of relationships.

As for the pe*ophile case its nothing major as he... more>> himself is their same age and I don't even consider it pe*ophile as it is just hugging and sometimes kissing.

You don't have to mind one star reviews just read this and enjoy coz at last our human mind seeks pleasure and this novel will provide it adequately. <<less
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GabeZhul rated it
December 29, 2021
Status: c110
Let's not mince words here: this is a really good series with two enormous flaws that can completely ruin it for you if you can't just ignore them.

The world building is great, the metaphysics are interesting, the setting is well-developed, and the plot is intriguing.

However, directly opposite of that, we have some of the most atrocious character writing I've seen in years.

The MC is a sniveling thirty years old manchild in a ten years old body, who constantly gets dragged along and abused by the love interest, and the only... more>> reason he manages to stay afloat is due to the plot-armor provided by his snarky and yet insanely helpful and accommodating cheat system.

However, he wouldn't necessarily ruin the story if not for his terrible interactions with his love interests. Simply put, the author really effed up with the ages of the characters, and no amount of hand-waving about "oh, kids mature faster in this world" or "oh, they are more powerful than him because of their bloodlines" can justify crap like a ten years old girl trying to honey-trap the ten years old protagonist so that she could satisfy her trampling fetish, while his eight years old sister is trying to separate them because she's romantically obsessed with him. The fact that the MC is somehow led by the nose by these elementary schoolers doesn't make things any better, even if the author keeps telling us it's not because he's attracted to them *now*, but because they are going to be oh so gorgeous in the future. Don't look for any kind of sane outside influence either; the servants and the adults around them are literal shippers trying to force prepubescent kids together "in the name of love". In short, before you go into this, I recommend asking yourself these questions:
Can you overlook a pathetic submissive protagonist dominated by children?
Can you ignore one of the love interests having a trampling fetish at the age of ten, played for laughs?
Can you just automatically head-canon the characters by imagining them about five years older than described in the story?

If the answer to any of those is "No", I can't in good conscience recommend this story. However, if you are willing to selectively skip all the cringy "romantic" scenes with the MC and the love interests, and only focus on the world-building and the main plot, this is a remarkably entertaining series all the same. Just be aware of what you're getting into before you start. <<less
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Yobai rated it
June 2, 2021
Status: c305
y'know, thanks to NU coz of her, I can read english properly. from elementary school to junior high all my english score is always -E. lol...

when I try to read some online manga (abt MC whos weapon is a look like a pot-lit) and make some coment (actualy that my very very 1st coment for manga online) "more" just that one word, ppl gv me a beating via coment (XD) its really hurt. but some ppl say "if u really want to read fast new chapter, why dont try the... more>> web novel version" and just like that NU bcm my Goddes of english teacher, it was kinda 8 years ago.

and here my first coment in NU, for this awesome series.

for translation teams, "dont Give up for this series. fight till the end" dont worry, im watch... *ehem. I mean, im following this series.

for NU you have my thanks. when I sad, when I happy, wherever I am u always there, in good ways, oc. lol

for reader who read this comment I'm sorry, okey! XD

for the Series 5+ star for the enjoyment! <<less
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ruth1ess rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c250
This reads so much like a Japanese novel that it's hard to believe it's a Chinese one.

This novel is a solid 4 for me. It's your generic isekai harem protagonist plot BUT it reads well. The story flows nicely and it keeps the reader interested. The translation is well done and the characters are likeable.

However, I can't see how this can be a 5. The MC's stance on romance is your typical dense as a rock inside a harem with frequent amnesia. I feel like this is bad writing on... more>> the author's part. Romance happens, the MC almost realizes something but then something else happens and it just gets glossed over. MULTIPLE TIMES. I'm guessing the author want to introduce all harem members before giving the big reveal (probably marrying all of harem members) but it gets old and a bit annoying. MC gets kissed, surprised pikachu face, something happens, then it never gets talked about or seriously thought about from the MC or MC is just downplays it.

The other big minus is how overly convenient some stuff are. The "system", conveniently timed discounts with items that will help out MC, convenient events to help along the MC. It just feels like lazy, not-innovative writing.

In summary, the plot is a 3/5 but the translation and smooth well put together story is a 5/5. It's a good read, but not the best read. <<less
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Jice rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: c300
Bloodline awakening, use op powers, side effects, woman falls inlove, kidnaps him and runs away from other harem then dispute. Rinse and repeat. Yall are overrating this shit.
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Dannie1993 rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: c209
Very good novel, best I’ve seen in a while. Good characters, interesting world building, good character development, some of the best interpersonal relationships I’ve ever seen. I’m Chinese and I’ve read a lot of Asian novels. This is for sure one of the best Chinese novel I’ve ever read. It breaks the typical Chinese mold so much it’s almost unbelievable. Highly recommended.
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Master Fish
Master Fish rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: c225
Uh. I'm just writing this review, but I don't really have anything to say on the novel itself. The novel is great, but I'm someone with a low attention span with novels. If I read something up to the latest updated chapter in like 3 days, if there are no updates within about 5 days or so, I basically never see that novel again. It just gets pushed to the back of my mind. Maybe the novel is just really good, or I just committed way too much by joining... more>> Starve's server (btw go join... but only if you want) but basically I keep thinking about it. Lets take World's Apocalypse Online. I read it about 5 months ago, reading to chapter 750 in just a few days. But after I hit the wall I decided to stockpile. Then I forgot about it. I don't read that anymore

Maybe I'm just waffling on but, I really like this novel, and even though I think my attention span will wane in about a month for this one (thats already pretty good for me) this novel is good. Real review time.

Basically this one guy transmigrates.


A guy, maybe his name was mentioned idr, transmigrated into a galge he played. He's Roel, a minor villain. He's trying to avoid his possible deaths by getting stronger and making connections. His system uses emotional feelings of affection as currency. It also uses gold coins. Thats about the first 25 or so chapters I think. I don't really wanna use my brain anymore so ima just finish the review here.


Edited: uh, I don't really like this all that much anymore. Roel's density is probably going through the roof. Still pretty good though. <<less
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mattxx3 rated it
November 22, 2020
Status: c109
First of all, I want to mention that the translator sets these quests to generate more reviews and activity on NU for extra chapters. I am a fan of these quests, but feel that I should mention it so that you know the reviews might be skewed.

On to the actual review...

It's good! It definitely deserves to be up here in the rankings as far as I can see. From c1-70ish, the novel had kept my attention throughout. The characters are interesting and the plot was well executed. It was insanely... more>> interesting how the MC interacts with the female capture targets and influence their character development throughout the series. Instead of having a MC constantly saving females and adding them to his harem collection, he actually interacts with them on a regular basis and gets to know them. Like an actual romance.

Why then I only gave it 4 stars? It is due to the Past arc that was introduced later in the series (sometime after c70). 20+ chapters of some of the slowest and meaningless plot progression I've seen. If it wasn't for Nora, I don't think I would have made it past that arc.


The MC and Nora gets sent back to the past a few hundred years ago. There they learn the true history of their country and what really took place in the previous war. Problem was, it was done in a boring execution. There really was no reason for the arc to have lasted 20+ chapters, there was many instances that could have easily been cut out. Specifically the fight with Peter and most of the interactions with the monk. Most of those chapters were longwinded and could have easily been skimmed down to the important points. Lastly, the entire arc didn't even matter in the end... Apparently journeying to the past did not actually happened and the characters were really sent to this "alternate" past that had no affect on their own timeline. This means none of this really happened. True they got a lot of information that they could use in the present, but since most of what the MC did in the past had no permanent effect, it felt just a big waste of an arc.


After the Past arc, the author seems to getting back in the groove and is steadily moving the plot faster. I'm hoping he keeps it up so that I can keep enjoying the series.

Finally, it should be mentioned that the MC and all of the female capture targets are currently 10 years old or younger. I say this, because there can be some awkward descriptions of the females in this series. Nothing extreme, but I HAVE cringed multiple times when I remember that they're all underage. As the series progress, they'll soon grow up and enter school, the initial start of the game as I understand it. However, I don't know how long you would have to wait until then, so you're most likely have to be stuck in the shota arc for a long period. So if you can't bear through something like this, you should probably avoid this novel. <<less
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tweprebet rated it
October 8, 2020
Status: c430
Edit: You can now consider that the dropped star mentioned in the earlier edit (just below) applies to the story as well. It's getting deeper into never-ending anime bullshit. As in, we're going from a small group conversations between enemies (you couldn't just kill them without talking first, of course) to unveiling hidden armies that just suddenly appear. And then somehow the enemies that were close enough to easily have a long conversation suddenly end up in a huge many-chapter slog of an army battle. Don't ask how any of... more>> these things actually make sense without constant unmentioned teleportation happening between sentences because it can't.

Edit: Dropping a star due to changes on the Hosted Novel website. I cannot recommend reading this there when the website is in such a state. They are doing their best to shove all the ads (and other tracking) down our throats and taking multiple aggressive measures to 'verify our humanity.' They did take a step back from the service that used that particularly abrasive phrasing, but then promptly replaced it. Now you just don't get told you're not human when encountering roadblocks while trying to read the novel with any semblance of security, privacy, or sanity.

This novel is inconsistent enough without facing a barrage of new user hostile changes to the website every week. Don't bother with Hosted Novel. It's not worth the trouble.

Previous review:

This novel could have easily been a 4, possibly a 5... except for the fact it constantly and repeatedly shoots itself in the face. Except for when it's awful, it's really quite good. Many of the other reviews have talked about the good parts, so I won't rehash that here.

The first, and worst, culprit is the s*upid Affection Points. The point of this novel, really, is the sweet moments, right? Except every moment gets interrupted by Affection Points. Oh look, a big moment where MC gains a downtrodden girl's trust and... oh look he's off crowing about how excited he is about getting Affection Points. Oh, girl confesses to him!... and we're off talking about how excited he is about Affection Points again. We'll return to the confession later, once he's done getting excited about Affection Points. Basically every sweet moment here is doomed to be interrupted by Affection Points, and how excited the MC is about them. They just dominate the novel's attention and focus in the midst of any sweet moment. Not only does it ruin the atmosphere, it also calls into question the MC's motives. Yeah we occasionally get reassured the MC isn't just trying to asskiss for the accursed Affection Points but considering how they interrupt every damn thing... Well it adds such a degree of pure self-interest that's totally divorced from whoever is giving him Affection Points that it's just the final nail in the coffin. The interruption for Affection Points brings the dog out back, and then the overtones of uncaring self-interest deliver the bullet to the head. The dog here being the sweetness of *every* cute scene, of course. It's not even just sometimes. It's every. single. scene.

The second issue is the so-called worldbuilding. It's a good idea, and I'm not opposed to it... but it's just done so poorly. There are just semi-frequent irrelevant info-dumps that show up from time to time. They aren't even limited to the start of a chapter. They are perfectly happy to break into the middle of a scene and go on at some length about whatever. Proper worldbuilding needs to tie into the story being told. This is just a random bit of history dumped into the chapters. Worse still, it's not very good history. It's pretty clear the author is just making up some nonsense for each one and that's about the extent of it. There's no greater thought put into how these bits of "history" would impact the world, or how it would all work together, or anything like that.

So... yeah. It is very good when it's good, but it will just abruptly stab itself every time it gets really good. This is one of those novels that could easily be strictly better with less words. You don't even need to add anything, just stop it from self-harm.

Edit: Also, this is the second time in less than ten chapters we've got the whole "and the villain was killed! except they raged and were unwilling and then they had a breakthrough and were stronger than ever!" bullshit. Once is bad enough, but... twice in just a few chapters? You've got to be kidding me.

Ch419 Edit: I figured this was worth updating a bit, as I've read a fair bit more and had a few more thoughts. Overall my sentiment remains the same. This could be a great novel, except for the novel itself. It just gets in it's own way all the time.

The it's not all bad. The Affection Points idiocy has leveled off some, and doesn't get in the way as often.

The idiotic infodumps are still there. Except to have much of your time eaten up with pointless explanations about how a country relies on politics and economy and blahblahblah blah blah. It's pretty bad. I guess it's at least a little more rare to get an in-depth history of how a building was built, which is a slight improvement. Unlike some reviews state, this is not a 'required' part of the story. They contribute nothing. You don't get more plot by being told - again - that politics is important to a country.

Even worse, the author tends to focus on that pointless crap instead of what's important. In the latest chapter, one of the heroines is in grave danger and the MC just finds out. All but one or two paragraphs is devoted to repeating the importance of politics to a country and how losing a princess would hurt it. Eventually the final tiny bit of the chapter mentions "but MC doesn't care about that, he just cares about the princess!" Because apparently the author thinks the best way to get readers to connect with the characters is to explain in detail what the characters *don't* feel and then briefly mention what they do feel.

There's a great story here that keeps trying to escape, but the author continually does their best to bury it. <<less
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