Library of Heaven’s Path


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Traversing into another world, Zhang Xuan finds himself becoming an honorable teacher.

Along with his transcension, a mysterious library appears in his mind.

As long as it is something he has seen, regardless of whether it is a human or an object, a book on its weaknesses will be automatically compiled in the library.

Thus, he becomes formidable.

“Emperor Zhuoyang, why do you detest wearing your underwear so much? As an emperor, can’t you pay a little more attention to your image?”

“Fairy Linglong, you can always look for me if you find yourself unable to sleep at night. I am skilled in lullabies!”

“And you, Demon Lord Qiankun! Can you cut down on the garlic? Are you trying to kill me with that stench?”

This is an incredible story about teachers and students, g*ooming and guiding the greatest experts in the world!

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Thiên Đạo Đồ Thư Quán
Tian Dao Tu Shu Guan
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277 Reviews sorted by

Zero1750 rated it
November 13, 2018
Status: c1144
I have to say that this is one of the most entertaining novels I've ever read. It isn't exactly action packed or tear jerking or anything of the sorts. It's a very light read that shouldn't be taken seriously at all. It has some of the most hilarious scenes and I just love the use of dramatic irony. The MC is just so absurdly OP at everything he does and the situation other characters find themselves in when they oppose the MC makes you want to pity them. The characters... more>> are likeable, though most of them will eventually be forgotten, and the world building is quite decent. The story does get repetitive and at around c400 or c500 and people might want to drop it, but I really encourage people to keep reading. The repetition is reduce drastically at around c700. The story gets more interesting with some actual plot development, though the story remains lighthearted and fun. As the novel progresses the MC's face slapping just keeps on getting better and more relentless. All in all I recommend this novel to all who want to just have a good laugh and wants an easy read to pass the time.


Zhang Xuan


9-star Face Slapper

9-star Demolitionist

7-star Scammer

9-star Celestial Liar

8-star Swindler

Practitioner of

  • <Heaven's Path Shameless Art >
  • <Heaven's Path Clueless Art>

Creator of

  • <Blood Vomiting of Ten Thousand Li Technique>
  • <Rage and Despair Formation>


Principle of the Academy of Carnage

Destroyer of Common Sense

Harbinger of Misfortune

Unlucky (Self Proclaimed)

Crusher of Confidence

This list above should not be taken seriously at all. I made it purely for entertainment purposes.

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ferociousreader rated it
September 17, 2018
Status: c755
I wonder why I'm still reading it? First 100 chapters are really interesting, with a bit different take on genre. In the later chapters novel goes steadily downhill. It's resembles computer program with few procedures. First procedure protagonist want's something or dispels doubt about his false identity. First he calls to (insert name) in double meaning words, gets misunderstood as pe*vert, diagnoses what that person suffers from (cultivation/health), offers solution, turns out he's not a pe*vert, gets patients undying gratitude. Second procedure : accidentally/ or not destroys buildings, cemeteries,... more>> arrays, landmarks etc. Third procedure : I will take master exam in (insert name) guild but first where's the library. Protagonist mentally copies all the books in few hours and aces exam. This three procedures get repeated over and over and over.




-enjoyable read at least in beginning

-no harem


-REPETITIVE to extreme

-no character growth (at least in my opinion) <<less
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Silver Snake
Tycheri rated it
July 24, 2018
Status: c6
Underdog MC is hated by everyone for being useless because he was useless. He dies and then the new MC from our world takes over with an ability to google. The readers hate the antagonists because they insult the underdog MC for being useless because he was. He shows up everyone else's common sense for martial arts making everyone else feel like idiots while making himself look like a genius. In this new world instead of being a regular ol' schlub like you and me, he will be a god!
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Avecera rated it
July 19, 2018
Status: c825
It's interesting but a very hypocritical MC. He pretends to be another while arrogant than average. Wherever he goes he sows destruction, I still do not understand he has not been removed from his teaching license. But good as always in Chinese novels... It's the best, it's the most beautiful, it's always right blah blah. 3/5 because of hypocrisy and repetition of history (If we can call it a story)...
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July 4, 2018
Status: --
Starts quite badly and inconsistent, however gets better as it goes on. Not the best read but quite enjoyable, assuming you can get past the first 100 or so chapters...

Just don''t take it too seriously.
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
May 26, 2018
Status: c672
This is a funny, fast-paced, action-filled read full of face-slapping. Some scenes made me laugh out loud as I read through them. The pacing is fast enough to keep me hooked. However, Library of Heaven's Path has some glaring flaws.

First of all, the MC often takes the more difficult route of solving problems instead of going with the simpler, less troublesome solutions. Additionally, several cannon-fodder characters have the stereotypical Xianxia traits of overwhelming arrogance and greed coupled by underestimating their opponent; shockingly, they are even dumber than the MC. In... more>> moderation, this isn’t bad to see, but this pattern happens so often, it becomes quite redundant. It feels like all the canon fodder have the same personality. They are so immature, they take every little action personally.

It would be really nice if the side-characters were fleshed out more. Even the students don't have enough screen time to make them appear as truly significant characters for more than a brief arc here or there.

The MC has a lot of knowledge in his library—facts and figures. As long as the world limits itself to tests of memory and information that can be found in a book, he can basically do a Google search and find what he’s looking for. This series has yet to look into the difference separating memorization and understanding. It reminds me of a science teacher I read about who volunteered for a year in a village in Africa, and he was initially impressed by the fact all his students had memorized the text before the first day of class. When he asked the more about the details of why and how and what if, however, they were unable to answer. He had to teach them everything from the beginning after all. Not all answers can be found in a textbook, and all students must learn how to think for themselves. Oftentimes, there are also contradictory facts in books, depending on which source material was used. Statistics change from one paper’s research finding to another, and this variability can even appear within the same book as long as multiple resources are used. The MC doesn’t come across this conundrum at all and treats all the texts as infallible. Even popular textbooks sometimes have errors, but his library instantly points out which details are incorrect instead of making the MC think for himself

Memorization and understand are two completely different things, but everything the MC comes across leads to instant comprehension for him. His library doesn’t have any limiters, not even giving him headaches or making him feel tired until later in the series. A unstoppable MC can be entertaining for a short while, but one who faces difficulties and overcomes them is the one I want to cheer on.

The MC also almost always intentionally humiliates the person when he is correcting them. It is possible to give someone advice and guidance without doing so. He definitely comes off as a jerk, but he’s not the worse Xianxia MC I’ve seen.

As the series goes on, it improves and provides dilemmas that even the MC can't get out of right away. It isn't until recent chapters (currently at 672) that the MC actually faces anything truly life-threatening, and the writing improves. That said, I found this entertaining and am still reading it over 600 chapters later, so the comedy and fast pace make up for many of the flaws in this series. It could definitely be better, but it is still fun to read. <<less
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1MPR0V3 rated it
May 23, 2018
Status: c36
Absolutely terrible. Don't get me wrong there are some novel ideas here. Particularly the MC being a teacher.

But the world building is terrible, the author adds random things to the novel to give him an excuse for more face slapping despite the fact that it either renders previous plot points pointless or contradicts them entirely.

And whats with the main plot? How is a 19 year old at peak stage 3 seen as tr*sh? Yeah he might not be a great teacher but the new students are at stage 1 and... more>> they seem to be like 16.... and how did he become a teacher at that age anyway???

There's a lot of s*upid already in this novel and the mc's cheat is boring.

Not a fan at all. <<less
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starfang8 rated it
April 9, 2018
Status: --
This novel is just a face-slapping simulator. The MC's cheat allows him quickly access all the information he has previously acquired, compile it, and create a perfect version of it. Thus he can easily perform all the highly specialized jobs that are always present in a Wuxia setting. Ex. Herbalist, Formations etc.. Most of the novel revolves around the MC wanting to get something done, usually not wanting to pay for it, and the specialists in the guild telling him : No, you can't do that unless you are a... more>> X-level master in our craft. MC then proceeds to get himself into an exam, people doubt that he will pass, thing he is being too arrogant, and then at the end they get faceslapped. It's a very repetitive structure for the most part, but I find it relatively entertaining. The character interaction is not very deep, and most characters get quickly left behind as the MC blows past their level of knowledge and skill quickly. The setting is interesting enough, and the ridiculous things the MC does when performing the faces-slapping are entertaining.

Overall: If you like novels with a lot of face-slapping then you will enjoy this one. If not then go find something else to read. 3/5 <<less
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Aziru rated it
March 26, 2018
Status: c54
edit 2020: Two years after my previous review (below), I've come back to change my rating to 2/5 stars. Having read more novels and matured a bit, I feel that I would not enjoy this novel If I were to read it today.


Thoughts as of chapter 54

... more>> It feels like everyone has needles up their ass, any small uncourteous interaction will make them fly into a fit of rage and act irrationally. The exaggeration is starting to tick me off.

So far, all enemies are brain dead. They act ret*rded, simply f*cking mentally handicapped. Let-alone unrealistic, reading through these scenes is a chore because there is no good motivation for the farce, it is simply created to slap their face.

Too much shit-talk dialogue from spectators. I can appreciate it in moderation, but its just excessive here. Not to mention during each act, all of this dialogue is essentially identical with minor adjustments. If it was at least constructive, I might have let it pass, but that isnt the case. All the spectators are washed up brain-deads who only know how to spout incoherent shit. B0ring.

A bunch of uninteresting infromation being shoved down my throat throughout the chapters, I've found myself skipping entire paragraphs after paragraphs of this dump. Chapters a dragged out. Also worth pointing out that I find paragraphs and sentences directly taken from previous chapters that add no new value to the context. Makes me question the motivation of the author (or translator *cough* Qidian).

Comedy~ personal grudge of mine, may not be necessarily a bad thing for others. Conflicts that should have easily been avoided, still happen to force comedy. It goes out of its way to set-up a situation for these events, and even breaks immersion at times. Dumbing down the MC is common, intentionally make him dense as f*ck for the laughs, then in other situations, he is the only rational person. Inconsistent.

Overall, many flaws imo, but still above a lot of other tr*sh. In any case, I still intend to continue reading atm. <<less
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lungshao rated it
March 25, 2018
Status: c120
Couldn't go further than 120 ~ chapters. This story reminds me of a simple video game where the MC is the spaceship while everything around him is after him for some petty reason and the MC shoots these surrounding characters down. Space Invaders or Galaga like. The writing is very much like many novels in this genre - repetitive, wordy, redundant, useless conjectures and did I say redundant. 1 scene would take chapters to finish because the author would explain something totally irrelevant to the plot or the reader's interest... more>> for that matter.

Read at your own risk. <<less
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write rated it
March 18, 2018
Status: c273
Unique but story can be grouped into different categories. You change name of what they're talking about name of enemy and everything is same. First couple times its okay because its unique and different but read it happening once and you basically read the entire book.
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freedom1x rated it
February 5, 2018
Status: c536
After reading novels full of conflict and violence, This one is a good read to relax from those novels.


Easily obtained resources, OP lucky inheritance. Somehow funny situations.


This novel is like a very sweet dessert. You only need to have some. But not too many. Because it will spoil your stomach.
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artfulFool rated it
January 13, 2018
Status: c965
It's a good read, like HN1F, but replace the parody gag with more of the overly-OP gag. Doesn't have the stereotypical progression - someone doesn't recognize MC, MC is a little kid, they fight, and the parents jump into the ball pit - but it is a bit cyclic, hence the 4 star rating. That said, it's a light read, and pretty satisfying to keep on reading the power-ups that happen.

One major plus factor - it's my personal favorite when not only the MC is OP, but the student/legacy of... more>> the MC is OP (just like in HN1F) - and that definitely comes through.

On the side though, while the author tries to make it serious, with deep thoughts, it doesn't really fall through well, because the whole thing is kind of a farce that blows apart with the arrival of the OP party. <<less
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cutterline rated it
January 3, 2018
Status: c481
This novel is plainy parody with Super Plot Armor Invincible MC. It's fun to read and you don't need to exert much brain power to read but beware of reused jokes over and over again which become stale quickly.

Why I say this is plainy parody? The MC himself is parody. Many MCs have some side job (s) and godlike in all their respective field (s), like pill maker, blacksmith, formation array, doctor, etc. Some are master in one field, some are master at 2-3 fields. Imagine a MC that is... more>> godlike in all fields without spending much efforts. That is the MC for this novel, now tell me that isn't a parody.

To simplify the plot, imagine your average xianxia novel where the MC behaves like haughty idiotic boasting mob villain with a poor choice of word and quirks thus misunderstood by others and the other party is offended like there is no tomorrow but everything is solved as the MC has the capabilities to back it all up by defying xianxia common sense. Then all people around, mighty, elderly, wise, etc all become s*upid upon contacting MC. Now author just have to loop this plot style with different interaction and situation.

NB: If you like this kind of story and MC but with different culture, Shikkaku Mon no Saikyou Kenja is your choice. Also, how MC heals people reminds me a lot of Ancient Strengthening Technique which is good only up to ch 6xx and get extended to milk the reader until 2xxx chapters.

I don't even know why this is so famous in WB. IMO, Cultivation chat group is a lot better than this as it has more depth and intriguing mysteries. Now, I'm pretty much skimming it just to know the mystery of MC. I hope the author doesn't milk this series too long. <<less
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pjrc8899 rated it
December 31, 2017
Status: c475
I am truly conflicted by this novel. I almost abandoned it several times but here I am still.

This is a comedy with interesting (but not original) caricature characters, with a little, but subtle, variety. The characters are also reasonably consistent and relatable, although not the least developed. In addition, one can mention the translation, which seem of relatively good quality (i cannot say more since I do not know chinese and cannot compare to the source, but I certainly cannot say anything bad at this point, quite the contrary).

The fact... more>> is that I can endorse most of what has been said by the reviews with a rating of 3 or less.

    • It is endlessly repetitive,
    • formulaic,
    • face slapping not funny after the 2 or 3 time (every chapter seem to have it and we are at almost 500 at this time...),
    • the phrasing and reactions of the chorus is almost always the same,
    • endless fillers,...
From this one can infer that the comedy tag may be doubted.

On the other hand, it has some addictive qualities that are difficult to fight.

Like @paradoxclouds mentioned in an earlier review: "The easiest way too explain this novel is that it's the junk food equivalent of novels."

Even though, the quality of the writing and the story should deserve a low rating by my standards, I cannot ignore the fact that I continue to read it almost like a fan.

So and until I come to my senses, I will give a 4. <<less
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Adyanthaya rated it
December 24, 2017
Status: c600
Mind-blowing, entertaining, light-hearted has rib-tickling moments non-stop with a decent OP plot. This one belongs in the reading list and favourites for sure. Had a hard time trying not to grin as I read this one. I had put this novel off for a long time cuz the novel title sounded boring. *facepalm*

It might seem to have repetitive face-slapping moments where MC is underestimated BUT the best part is... the MC doesn't do it by confronting or even say anything unlike other novels with long winded 'you are the real... more>> tr*sh' dialogues. No mindless harem, no 'random' ppl popping out to make trouble for MC, no useless long cultivation grinding, no long winded drama... just pure entertainment. This is one of those MUST READ one's. <<less
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chencking rated it
December 14, 2017
Status: c413
The MC is very active and shows off a lot, at least once he enters the spotlight in the story. The first hundred or so focuses on his students, his cheat, and the world-setting, but he still appears plenty awesome. Once he enters the spotlight though, there's lots of faceslapping. The author likes using the peanut gallery faceslapping technique, but he always uses a peanut gallery of one so it's not too bothersome. The novel is plenty humorous, and I like the side-characters as well. The MC has his share... more>> of straight-up fighting, but clashes are generally more about competing in your other skills than beating each other to death. Plus, most characters actually forgive each other, which is amazing for a CN cultivation novel.

Also, the MC doesn't really scheme. He's rather straightforward, but he doesn't come off as s*upid. I wouldn't compare it to ISSTH, because ISSTH felt chiefly surreal to me, but the humor does remind of AWE. It reminds me most of the early HN1F arcs. The MC is not weak like Lin Feng was, but I love the humor and the behavior can be strikingly similar. Generally, the people he encounters aren't weak, but they're neither overwhelmingly strong, nor cliche stepping stones. Anyway, I definitely recommend trying Library of Heaven's Path. <<less
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sacredbaskara rated it
December 11, 2017
Status: --
Its fun, the teacher-student relationship can sometimes be touching, MC is hilarious as f*ck, many slaps abound

Minus point on repetitiveness and hyping too much, the meat of the story itself is fluffed to bloated degree, cut down the fluff and more comedic routine would give this story 5 stars
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mingguiwen rated it
November 24, 2017
Status: c565
After reading this, my cultivation surged and I immediately reached major accomplishment in the Heavens Path Face Slapping Art. The people in 1000 km radius felt their faces stinging and puked mouthful after mouthful of blood.
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sufod01 rated it
October 15, 2017
Status: c329
At first the novel is pretty amazing but later the story become a bit repetitive. The main point in this novel is face slapping, thick plot armor, everything is going smoothly and too easily for MC. Contrary to the usual face slapping, the MC in this novel is a 'teacher', he uses mainly his mouth and actions and not his cultivation level to face slap others.

Besides that there have some parts in the novel which annoy me, a random example :

... more>>

Chapter 196 :


"Can it be that... my identity has been revealed?"

A wary look immediately appeared on Zhang Xuan's face.

If his identity was exposed, he would be in danger!

Putting aside the fact that impersonating a master teacher is a heavy crime, just the fact that he, as an insignificant figure in a remote country who isn't even in his twenties yet, is able to possess such vast knowledge and incredible eye of discernment means that it was likely that he possesses an incredible treasure!


Seriously.. he is showing off most of the times and in this chapter he said suddenly something as if he was keeping low profile all this time... for example, usually he is just :

'oh I don't know anything about the profession'

'there have a library around?'

*flipping quickly through all the books in the library*

'I'm ready to take the test'

Then there have the public and a punching (or slapping?) bag around who are stunned by MC.

Did he really think that he was keeping a low profile all this time... ?


Overall the novel is still a bit funny and better than your average novel. <<less
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