Legend of Concubine’s Daughter Minglan


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The pessimistic and negative daughter of a concubine living in the ancient times thought – since life is so difficult, why should one invest serious effort in struggling to live?

The life of an ancient noble woman is often determined and controlled by her family. Moreover, one’s actions often implicate one’s entire family – thus, it is fairly common to see an unexpected calamity result in suffering borne by one’s whole family. Managing to live a good and successful life while retaining one’s dignity is simply too difficult to achieve.

Ah, living in the ancient times is simply too dangerous – we should all just sleep till we die.

Associated Names
One entry per line
The Story of Ming lan (drama)
Zhī fǒu? Zhī fǒu? Yīng shì lǜ féi hóng shòu
หมิงหลัน บุปผาเคียงใจ
庶女· 明兰传
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Favourite historian CNovels
  2. Strong FLs (showing not telling)
  3. Read and liked
  4. Most Popular Historical BG
  5. want read

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101 Reviews sorted by

xxriane rated it
October 29, 2019
Status: c98
I felt it was way too wordy/draggy/long-winded that I even found myself skipping paragraphs or sometimes even a whole chapter.

But would I suggest it to others? Yes. Why so?

- It's not a dog blood drama where it's a me vs world kinda thing, also not the kind of drama where everyone just tries to mu*der each other lmao

... more>> - The protagonist is clever and her character is very realistic (or relatable).

- Everyone has depth. There might not be much character growth but you see their reasons for doing the things they do.

Overall, the first arc was a nice read especially if you want to read an easygoing, historical chinese novel during your holidays. I can't vouch for the second arc though -


I saw from the drama synopsis that she marries Gu Tingye but he did not leave a good impression on me during the first arc.

He has concubines, already had kids before marriage, and he's not someone I'd call a good person.

Agree, it's common in ancient China but I would rather she marry Doctor He instead * sigh *

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Ellie44 rated it
May 24, 2019
Status: c91
When I first read this it actually bore me. But as I read more, I found out that this story is funny, light, and fluffy. This isnt the kind of novel that has large conflicts. You can already tell in the tag that this is a slice of life, so the plot is easy moving.

Personally I like the characters, they are constructed really well. I might not guarantee that there might not be plotholes but I can say that the characters and the plot is good.

Our protagonist is lovable, witty... more>> and adaptive in her environment. She's also calm and isnt ambitious.

The other characters are also well constructed, giving life to the story.

All in all, I'm impressed with it. Looking forward to more chapters. <<less
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Fantasy-Magician rated it
May 27, 2017
Status: c20 part2
This is a fresh story for transmigration genre that littered this site. First of all... this story takes a realistic approach on HOW a modern person would find difficulties to adapt in ancient era, especially when a concubine daughter like her would be oppressed and not valued by her father. Especially since she doesn't have a mother to support her. There's no shortcut, and Minglan definitely didn't take the ancient people life like duck to water like other transmigration character.

... more>>

Minglan didn't react well with how her new life turns out, while she was not an overly successful career woman she is no slouch either in her previous life. So she takes the living in era where woman could only relied on marrying good family hard, and proceed to spend her days idly waiting for death because she thinks this life is not worth living.

Strangely enough, she change her mind and inspired by potential mu*derer of her mother of all people to survive in this era. She pretend to be slightly slow witted girl but those with sharp eyes see through how intelligent and diligent she is.


Her family also consist of realistic and well rounded characters, unsatisfied official wife, cunning favored concubine and her siblings also have personalities that fit their background. There's no evil character for no reason whatsoever in this story, and you can see how their environment MOLD them to be the way they are.

If there's any complaint about this story it would be the beginning, where the old madame and father of Ming Lan discuss the issue of their family. It's an important scene but would be confusing since there's no main character for a while after the story starts so I recommend new reader to give this story a chance for at least three to five chapters to judge this story fairly.

I will be honest, this isn't my favorite story but I give it 5 stars for succeeding in what other author fail at. Creating realistic characters with background that explain why they are the way they were and the plot is written very well in slow pace that would grate nerve of some readers. <<less
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Andis rated it
March 21, 2023
Status: c354
What happund!!! Translation was going so well, just when the story had reached a climax......

Why isn't no one picking it up? Mtl is an absolute no no.

Someone help 😫 us please
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Shana94 rated it
May 18, 2019
Status: c89
I prefer the light novel to the drama.

This is one of my favourite novel at the moment. I like Minglan caution and wit in handling her everyday life. Wish I could also be like her.
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January 15, 2017
Status: c8 part1
The beginning chapters are a bit confusing, but I suggest the reader to keep going. It's a refreshing story that has a realistic outlook on time traveling and where the main character isn't OP and changes the world. A great slice of life novel.
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MinniMo rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: --
5 start for before marriage and 1 start for after marriage..

I followed and binge read this novel religiously. The concept, trouble and relationships between Minglan and her family was wonderful and very 3D character. However all this came to an end when I came to know our ML. Honestly I’m disappointed and disgusted. I’m also grateful for knowing the danger of this unfortunate plot after marriage thanks to the comment made in here. I got to know who our final ML is going to be. Honestly, that is all I... more>> needed to know in order to deduct how miserable Minglan life would be. Honestly? ML doesn’t deserve Minglan. I’m angry at the author for such a shitty u turn. It was all good until she gave such trauma to her. Had Minglan been a true soul from that time zone then I would not have felt so uncomfortable. But she gave such disgusting marriage (now I think about it the tragedy tag should be also included) to Minglan who deserve much much much much much better. Even a normal respectable person from a non infulential family would have been better. Looking after ur husband concubine and their child, in laws?? All this after working on self development for years? All this misfortune after devoting her life to the people in the 19th century??? I think she deserved much better than this man we call ML. At the end, as a reader I’m sad. Disappointed at her fate. And can’t bear to continue to watch her being r*ped. Schemed. Manipulated. Used throughout. Watching her suffer. My faint heart is not suitable to watch this wonderful women being dragged to make do with such bleak and horrible life. It’s just depressing. <<less
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Jayen rated it
June 14, 2021
Status: c330
I was tired reading brainless novels who has brainless extras that's why I was happy reading this. Aside from that this is realistic, the people also has brains.

Minglan's childhood is nicely written and shows the difficulties of being a concubine daughter without a mother backing her up. It was realistic that her family are not too bad, however not too nice. She didn't have a smooth sailing life, but because of her grandmother (who's my favorite) she was able to live a happy life. Although, his father is biased at... more>> first he was able to think what's right and wrong and wasn't that much of a brainless.

As for the ML which is what I'm curious about in the first chapters. I had really thought it was Qin Heng, or the other guy lol. Anyway, I wasn't disappointed because this ML really planned for them to engage 🤭, I find sweet. And ML knows that even though she might be charming and elegant on the outside. It wasn't her 'true' colors and he knows that she's always feels suppressed because of her mentality being a modern person in a ancient time.

Although their life as a marriage couple isn't smooth sailing. He is a good husband in a realistic view on the ancient times. He wasn't bad, ML is supportive and well match with our MC. He has a tragic family background, and that will make you understand his side.

No characters are perfect, there are times that they might be bad, bad but as chapter progresses they will have enlightenment and change. Like Rulan for example. You might get bored because it's slice of life. But I love this kind of novel, without face slapping, only trying to survive. <<less
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Sophiethebunny rated it
March 18, 2021
Status: c222
What the hell did the MC do to be considered a “legend?” Omg I kept reading and reading to see if anything’s gonna happen but nothing remarkable did until chapter 222. She was just like any other ordinary female that time. She grew up being well liked, she was considered smart and beautiful, nothing was obstructing her way, barely any drama, found a man who really liked her and her only and they got married. Ok, where’s the legend part? The worst transmigration person ever. Some readers would argue that... more>> she’s the most relatable to many people how they would react if they became transmigrated. Ok but if they’re so ordinary, what’s the point of calling their life a legend or writing about this mundane life? Bored as hell. Dropped!!! <<less
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sleepycaptions rated it
January 19, 2021
Status: --
I’m debating about giving this 3 stars or 2 stars. The second half of the story completely shits on the first half.

The first half of the story deserves 5 stars, it is flawless. The MC, her family, and the drama about their lives is depicted in such a realistic but intriguing manner that I couldn’t stop reading. Each daughter in the household has a distinct personality, and reading about how their personalities and opinions come to be is fascinating. Each and every daughter is depicted in the most realistic manner,... more>> I couldn’t truly hate a single one no matter how often they made my blood boil because the behaviour they depicted was understandable. There really was no badly written character, no black/ white thinking that led the MC to be seen as the only likeable female character in the cast. Instead the females characters are all written incredibly well, and the drama surrounding them and the family is not only well thought out but super fun to read. I have nothing but praise for the first half of this story. It’s funny, heartwarming, and grounded in realism.

It’s when the ML is revealed that everything goes down hill. He’s horrible. I had to drop the novel entirely because the whiplash from reading a well written story with a fantastic FMC and her intriguing family drama to one where a shitty, mediocre ML traps a girl into a horrible marriage was too much for me. How is the author able to write such an amazing MC and then allow her to get with an old ass, overbearing, bland ML like that. How disappointing.

TLDR; read for the flawless first half of the story then dip when MC gets married. <<less
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Minoru rated it
June 25, 2018
Status: c200
An example of a well written "slice of life" story. The MC is transmigrated as a young girl and experiences first hand the life of a concubine's daughter.

Despite surrounded by a dated way of thinking Minglan still maintains her modern views on justice and family relationships. Family schemes as good as political manoeuvring.

Sadly this is the author's only work. I don't know if the translators will translate her notes, but I think as it was serialised when a part was criticised for being too unrealistic the author would write a... more>> post explaining the validity of what happened (in the story) and reference historical texts. So interesting.

Minglan's relationship with her sisters is probably most comparable to mean girls. You'll eventually see them bond growing up and starting families. I love her family, her grandma and sibling relationship at least. Hate the father, that said his character is consistent throughout the novel.

Throughout the story Minglan's has 3 love interests.

One who loves her, but just not enough to work for it. One who sees her as a suitable marriage candidate. And the ML who found her interesting enough to work for it. I wouldn't say he loved her until after they got married.

Her status as a concubine born limits who she she can marry. Usually at best a rich merchant or concubine born noble.

I'm nearing the end and don't want it to.

Highly recommend this. <<less
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BlancFrost rated it
April 8, 2017
Status: c20 part2
This story really is sweet, sure the beginning may be a bit slow as Minglan is still young (seems it will be a while yet before she grows up). Having her carefully analyse the situation and adapt to living in this time is also fairly realistic. She doesn't jump straight in with two feet but carefully monitors the situation and watches the people around her. The interactions between Minglan and her grandmother as she learns is rather adorable. Recommend for those who want a more realistic outlook on time travel.... more>> Something sweet and adorable to read and enjoy. <<less
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Berlin rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: c75
I really do like this story. It's realistic and you don't get as much intense dogblood drama as those revenge reincarnation ones. Even the sisters of Minglan, for all their petty fights and contempt, still get along at times and don't stoop to vicious tactics. The father, while biased, also knows when to draw the line and is fair when he should be.

The only problem I had with this? I got on the wrong ship lol. And, as it happens, there's a thing as a story being too realistic to... more>> the point where it's not as enjoyable. I seriously thought the ML would either be

He Qing or He Hongwen. Lol, neither of the two Hes were that in the end. So finding out it was Gu Tingye made me go huuuh??!!! That good for nothing weird uncle guy?

I should have known with the older love interest tag.

Though, after forcing myself to continue reading, he did redeem (or more like remake) himself. And he's a good man to Minglan too. Also, the two Hes ended up being kinda spineless and useless as ML red herring candidates. Still, I'm salty over the pairing as I did like Minglan and the He boy's dynamics and had envisioned another way the novel would end. I had thought she would end up being married off as a concubine to He Qing despite her wishes and end up having to learn how to deal with the wife and in-laws, and be embroiled in politics even if she didn't want to. It would still be a realistic read and more satisfying imo. And I was pretty certain of the way the novel was headed too. So, to have it crushed really put me off reading. Fortunately, this is nipped in the bud pretty early, though it still pains me and I can't help feeling like I wasted hours reading 70+ chapters. I was like, why?! They had such cute chemistry together!

I still remember the funny scene where she cooks the fish she caught for the grandma, only for him to join in the meal, and also when he breaks out of character and gulps down two big bowls of her cooking which shocked even his own servant. His affection was genuine and MC was tsun but clear headed, making things very entertaining to read. And now I have none of that... orz


Sighs. This ended up being like another Wu Gate, where the story, while realistic, is actually pretty sad to read when what you want doesn't happen. I think I'll come back to this later. Don't get me wrong, a realistic story is refreshing, but it's so ironic how I kinda want a bit more... suspension of belief in it, you know? I never thought it would actually feel middling. I would need to be in a certain frame of mind and mood in order to read this. I guess I'm just salty over having my ships and drama anticipation destroyed.

On a side note, Changbai is my fav character in the story other than her granny. I'd marry him myself if he were real lol. It makes me wish there are novels with such a guy as the ML, but sadly, these kinds of stable, upstanding characters aren't common in romance novels where the ML has to have high ambition or death grudges. I also love his dry sense of humour in naming all his servant girls after his calligraphy brushes. <<less
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Ricelord rated it
January 21, 2021
Status: c307
I came back to this after I was spoiled by the ML. Rereading this filled my boredom for several days.

My conclusion for this novel as of where I am in the story is that I recommend you read it. Be warned though, it is very wordy and explanation/dialog driven. Several parts of the story, I had to turn my brain off because of all the "[insert number here] madam/master X did this so their brothers and children and all people in the immediate extended family blah blah blah..." However, to... more>> strictly speak, these explanations are necessary to the story for reasons stated below.

So, onto talk about the story. The two aspects I enjoyed the most about this story is how characters are portrayed and the weight of social concepts. I feel that apart from a charming protagonist, the story focused on these aspects the most.

Let's talk about weight of social concepts. Often times, webnovels fail to this, for a good reason. Most of them are wish-fulfillment and it is understandable that most novels don't have a society that functions off reasonable order and law. However, the strength of this story is that I can very clearly feel the weight of what is presented in the story. There were real consequences, cause and effects for every action taken. This in turn helped with character setting a lot, as it gave them baseline motivations even without specifically writing extensive background on any of the insignificant characters. This novel is also not subtle at all about how heavy the weight of society was on girls. In fact, I think this is the first time I've pitied so many people in a story. All of them were just so helpless and struggling to survive.

For characters, I think it is best summarized as: everyone was decent in some aspects.


One of the best examples I think is how Ming Lan described Sheng Hong, her father. She said (something along the lines of), "He wasn't a good husband or a good man, but he was a responsible father." Sheng Hong is very imperfect. Some might say he's a pretty horrible person. He almost tore his family apart and (to our standards) was not loyal to his rightful wife. But, he did his best to keep his clan and tried his best for decent marriages for his children. He tried his best to keep them fed and proud in a volatile political arena. This aspect is commendable. The other aspects, not so much. But I feel that made a much more realistic character than many other novels I've read, period.


The novel isn't without it's flaws, but I feel that to this novel, having flaws makes it much more in line with how it set up it's character. I read the reviews of this novel before I started and they said the Male Lead was very bad. I sort of agree, but again, I feel that it fit the themes that this story was shooting for.


Indeed I was very uncomfortable on the explicit s*x scenes, especially when Ming Lan started to beg. However, though not excusable, it was consistent with setting, which is why I won't harp the author for putting such thing into the story. In fact, if Ming Lan met a much more dull, perfect man, the story would lose the theme it set up for the past hundred or so chapters. I must say though, the Male Lead truly does treat Ming Lan... decently. In comparison to societal standards and with both of them treading the line in their set societal standards (and probably the author also treading the line between modern and ancient standards), I don't think the Male Lead is truly as bad as some of the people in the reviews make him out to be.


Of course, we must touch on one of the best characters in the novel: Old Madam, the step grandmother of Ming Lan. The author tried really hard to portray all the aspects of human nature, including love. Most novels don't portray this aspect well. Either there is too much so love is portrayed as cheesy and tacky, or there is too little, so all characters in the story are all stone hearted. But the development of their relationship was well portrayed and I really liked it.

Finally, Ming Lan. She is our very pitiful and likable protagonist. She does not go against society because she clearly knows that she is one of countless people with no significance. Someone who is intelligent, perhaps too much for her own good. I really liked her character. She deserved better. Having her struggle under the weight of society, oppressed to the point that she eventually became numb really hit me hard. She made me chew on a lot of concept while I was reading.

All in all, I feel that this is a novel worth reading. To be honest, it's almost worthy of a tragedy tag, with how pitiful many of the girls were. I need to turn my brain off for a while after this, but in a good way. <<less
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kitkatssie rated it
January 1, 2021
Status: c305
To start, I just want to preface this by saying that Minglan is probably in my top three favorite transmigration stories, Minglan as a character is down to earth, funny, and clever, and her identity as the illegitimate daughter of a minor official is so incredibly refreshing compared to the abundance of stories about princesses and concubines and empresses.

The reason it gets three stars is entirely because of the translators. Now, the actual quality of the translation is pretty good. It's well done and easy to understand, (though admittedly... more>> the first chapter is kind of a slog to get through if you aren't familiar with common terminology for these novels), and the characters personalities all come through very well.

The problems for me come in with the way the translators choose to do things. Don't get me wrong, I understand that it's hard work to translate these things and I appreciate it being done at all. However, you might notice that were on chapter 305. There's only like 220 chapters in the original story. The translators chop every chapter into at least 5 parts, sometimes more, and there's often huge gaps between chapters. It's extremely hard for me personally to keep track of the plot because the chapters start and end in different places than the author intended. I'm not even sure how far along we are compared to the original story because of all the chapter splits.

It's also hosted by flying lines, which is potentially the most annoying site/app to use in the world, with the first half and second half, as far as I can tell, on different sites, making the first part of the story harder to read.

Tl;dr really good story, translation itself is quite well done, but the way the chapters are released are annoying and make it frustrating to read. <<less
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silent hobby
silent hobby
February 19, 2020
Status: Completed
I am agrèe with many reviewers here, this novel is great and deserved full stars.

It has satire comedy, life lessons and of course the author could bering the readers to enjoyable and memorable reading journey.

I like how Minglan as transmigrator, blending her existence and her understanding with ancient law and society, she compare it with modern law and society. Sometimes she compared it with another famous novel Dream of The Red Chamber.

Minglan was a peaceful girl actually, she enjoyed her own world but she will retaliate against anyone who touched... more>> her taboos.

The ML, in my opinion Gu Tingye was actually a deep affection man because he has painful childhood. But he expressed his retaliation with his wild and unruly behavior.

The author created three dimensional side characters, even every villain not blindly evil, they have their own motives and reasons.

This novel deserves the highest stars it could get. <<less
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wonyoung rated it
May 15, 2019
Status: c86
I really like it, honestly this is exactly what I want on a LN. I'm not sure if at the start I enjoyed it this much but it surely grew on me. I'm someone that can't read very heavy novels, too much can make me stressed and especially as a student I can't let these novels affect me too bad. If you want a beautiful plot without loopholes, deep characters, a cunning MC, etc. This might not be what you're searching for.

This is really refreshing honestly, at least for me,... more>> as the tag says, this is a Slice of Life novel, I was tired of novels that just added drama for the sake of adding more plots, this is nice. The MC isn't black-bellied as other main characters, there aren't big courtyard fights with family members that just care about making the others' life difficult, this seems kind of more realistic. You don't need to add a lot of unnecessary drama to make an interesting novel, enough interesting things happen. I love it so much I can't decide between patiently waiting for new chapters or watching the drama, which is way ahead of this and full of spoilers. <<less
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f.m. rated it
June 18, 2017
Status: c21 part1
Without reading it would seem like the 'stereotype unfortunate shoujo MC + reverse harem + romance = similar to most second rate shojo manga and romance novel with female MC...'

But I was proven wrong. It nothing like the above mentioned. The concept and story development are well thought and as smooth as silk.

The MC are unlike most female MC that was transmigrated. In the earlier chapter she started out as a character that always on the sideline and treated as a bystander due to her weak constitution and always sleeping.

... more>>

Whenever an important discussion was brought up she is somehow forgotten and have to feint consciousness; pretending to be sleeping. Thus all the secret going in the family is heard even though she is sick.


The story depicts the the goings on of a harem household in ancient feudalistic era. Its an eye-opener as well as a light read in comparisons to other novel with similar setting.

Not more can be said since it still early in the mc's childhood phase. Overall, the novel gives out this archaic and profound feeling that makes one always thirsting for more.

Although each chapters are divided part-by-part but the length of each part is as long as an ISSTH or DE chapter.

The only downside is the speed of translation. This cant be avoided because due to the poems and idioms often encountered throughout the novel.

I'm giving it 3/5 stars. Since its still early in the novel and I might change my review according to future chapters. But this is indeed a refreshing read, and I am satisfied with this discovery... <<less
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iriss rated it
January 16, 2024
Status: Completed
They all love her for their whole lifetime, 3rd ML's love (I think) focuses on the idea of her, 2nd ML's love focuses on his love for her, but the ML's love focuses on the FL.

This story, I strongly believe, is once in a lifetime masterpiece - in fact, it still gives me goosebumps reading the whole 220 chapters and 8 future extras (especially after finishing the 6th extra chapter that gives us a titanic like ending of the impossible first love between the FL and the 2nd ML (Qi Heng)).

I do not usually write reviews even for my favorites and there has been a lot of reviews on this already, reason I am still writing this is that I had come across this story and put off reading this masterpiece for a long LONG time due to reading reviews about ra-pe and dislike of the ML choice of the author.

Bottom line: There is no r*pe (if you understand the historical and cultural context) - and I completely wholeheartedly agree with the author's ML choice, 1000000%, even if at the end, the feeling of impossible first love of the 2nd ML had his whole life towards the FL leaves my stomach clenching and eyes tearing like the lost love in Titanic.

ML, 2nd ML and 3rd ML:


This is the author's own explanation in postscripts towards the whole MLs decision -

"The two cannon fodders, He Hongwen and Qi Heng, each have their own helplessness.

The tragedy of He Hongwen is that he has a young widowed mother, who is still weak and helpless, as a considerate and precocious son, his feelings for his mother are not just filial piety, and even have a little guilt and compensation, so that when he knew that the widow's handling of the Cao family was incorrect, and he knew that the widow's behavior would cause harm to himself and the He family, he adopted a tolerant and compromising attitude.

Contrary to He Hongwen's mother who had a wrong idea, Qi Heng's tragedy is that he has a mother whose principles are absolutely correct. The county lord of Pingning clearly recognized her son's shortcomings very early, and carried out targeted remedies, and objectively evaluated that her plan for her son's future can be said to be correct to perfect.

Qi Heng's three wives, even if the first county lord of Jiacheng who received the lunch box early, if it weren't for the political situation, wouldn't it be a great help; The second wife, Shen, successfully helped the Qi father and son establish a promotion ladder in the new dynasty, so that the Qi family quickly transformed from an old nobleman to a loyal and capable minister of the new emperor; The third wife helped Qi Heng establish a relationship with the eldest princess of Qingning, who was very powerful in the royal family of the clan, thus defeating the Qi Mansion Dafang, who was also very powerful, and successfully inherited the title.

Qi Heng's helplessness lies in the fact that I am afraid that even he himself cannot deny his mother's correctness.

As a son of a prince who has received an orthodox education since he was a child, and a good son who has been told by his parents since he was a child, he shines on the lintel and is prominent, which is almost the concept of Qi Heng's instinct.

Compared with the two, Qi Heng's tragedy is more sad."


If this is any other quality romantic ancient Chinese stories, I could really see how the concubine born FL (with a dead any-other concubine mother and only surface utilitarian love fondness from the father) would have ended up with Qi Heng the 2nd ML (the most eligible bachelor with flawless look, wealth and background) against all odd and lead a happy and successful life - but this is not one of those stories. The beauty of this story is that it is the web of rawness and realness, multilayered decisions that makes a whole story becomes a legend.

2ns ML,

he said it himself that he would have fight for her if she's given a hint of his love being reciprocated, but the painful truth is that if FL had allowed herself to acknowledge Qi Heng's love for her - there is almost impossible really low chance she would not love him in return, and she might ended up marrying him as a wife against Qi Heng's background of needing politically beneficial marriage to fight for the future for his family which might or might not result in future guilt/resentment when the lack of political marriage connection becomes an issue - or she might ended up having to compromise and become his beloved concubine, which will also kills her who was transmigrated and had to lived her former years as a concubine born daughter and survive by herself with the grace of her non blood-related grandmother who is a step mother of her father, father who really care most about profit. In my opinion, FL sees this, so she didn't even allow herself to acknowledge his love for her.


I stand by the author decision that in this beautiful legend - the ML is the best choice for FL. A lot of people misunderstood his extremely bad reputation as being partially real and didn't continue reading the story when it came to light that he's the one who's going to marry the FL

because in the story, he indeed was misunderstood his whole life due to extremely high-level scheme for almost half of the story and the whole explanation came slowly as the story progress. ML is indeed flawed, but even then, for all the 3 MLs - he is the only who, not only has love for FL, but also commitment to understand her situation and life survival difficulties and made extremely clever plan with flawless execution to get the FL parents (profit focused father and a main wife stepmother with 2 unmarried stepsisters) to agree to have her marry him without any scrouge or drama touching even a hair of her. None of other potential great loves of the FL did that.


My reflection on this is that they all love her for their whole lifetime, 3rd ML's love (I think) focuses on the idea of her, 2nd ML's love focuses on his love for her, but the ML's love focuses on the FL.

The rest of the characters and the storylines are also incredibly well-written, I especially adore FL's relationship with her grandmother and oldest brother - class and backbones the both of them.

Especially the scene where the FL and her eldest brother handle her grandmother's poisoning.

Another caveat is that the FL is extremely smart and know the need for ruthlessness in her (and her family including her children's) survival in this novel but she as a modern paralegal profession s*upidly cannot bring herself to do so, again and again. It's one of the reason the ML is perfect for her as in a way, he's ruthless so she doesn't have to bring herself to be, and for having lived the life of darkness and schemes, he can't help but love the true moral backbone of her, the story depicts perfectly how the FL is his light at the end of the tunnel. This is one of a story where the leads develop their great love together with actions and communication.

Worth re-reading after fully translated. I had to use google translation to read the Chinese version but it's a must read.
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nicomcla1995 rated it
December 7, 2023
Status: Completed
I don't know why my review was deleted. But in summary. I recommend you to read this novel if you're not disturbed by historically accurate facts, great storytelling, character growth, redemptions, schemes, plots, and family issues.

ML deserves to be the ML. MC deserves to be the MC. Grandma was awesome. Dad was wishy-washey but fine by ancient dad settings. MoLan was a product of the times and her Moms education and Dads spoiling. RuLan was a product of her Moms spoiling and MCs trying to help guide her somewhat. Everyone... more>> else is irrelevant.

The Doctor did not in any way or form deserve MC more than the ML, like did we read the same novel? Too indecisive and easily manipulated.

ML legit fought for MC's hand by using the Art of War as a guide. It's a vibe. MC was pissed but low-key flattered by how she ended up with him.

ML redemption Arc is as satisfying as Vegeta's from DBZ and if you don't like him, this review is not for you.

Most of the people in the comment section are bringing projection and modern values into an ancient novel, like get a grip and keep reading modern novels if you can't handle historically accurate ancient novels.

If the ML's storyline was changed to the MC, people wouldn't be so mad in the comment section. Hypocrites the lot of you. <<less
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