Isabella’s Stepmom


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Until the moment she died, she never called out to me.

I still hate you.

I hate that strange sweet scent you exude, the annoying sound of your footsteps, the way you attract everyone’s attention, and your behaviour makes your seem like a noble despite being a prostitute.

Remembering you, I let poison flow into my body.

I thought that since I killed you, it was only right for me to die as well.

…… I was sure I had died, but then I opened my eyes again.

Experiencing a far greater miracle than just coming back to life.

I have regressed.

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이사벨라의 새엄마
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  1. Shoujo ai and Sonyeo salang

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Date Group Release
05/29/24 Floor c2
05/22/24 Floor c1
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