In a Different World with a Smartphone


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Mochizuki Touya, a 15-year-old boy, who got zapped by a flash of lightning due to a freak accident caused by God, wakes up and finds himself face-to-face with God.

“I am afraid to say that I have made a blunder…” laments the old coot. In order to smooth over the fault, God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and allow Touya to bring the smartphone! Then in a new, anachronistic pseudo-medieval world begins Touya’s adventure.

Friends! Laughs! Tears! Inexplicable Deus ex Machina! Mochizuki Touya sets off on a journey full of wonder as he absentmindedly travels from place to place, following whatever goal catches his fancy. The curtains on an epic tale of swords, sorcery, and smartphone apps lift!

Associated Names
One entry per line
In Another World With My Smartphone
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomoni.
Related Series
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN) (8)
Mushoku Tensei (WN) (4)
Shinka no Mi (3)
Instead of Being Transported to Another World Directly, I Was Given the Abilities of the Strongest Character in the Anime World (2)
The Man Picked up by the Gods (2)
Sevens (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. hiatus
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Jnovels
  5. Progression Fantasy

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/22/15 Raising the Dead c43
12/22/15 Raising the Dead c42
12/22/15 Raising the Dead c41
12/22/15 Raising the Dead c40
11/21/15 Raising the Dead c39
11/19/15 Raising the Dead c38
11/11/15 Raising the Dead c37
11/11/15 Raising the Dead c36
10/28/15 Raising the Dead c35
10/18/15 Raising the Dead c34
10/14/15 Raising the Dead c33
10/06/15 Raising the Dead c32
10/05/15 Raising the Dead c31
10/05/15 Raising the Dead c30
10/05/15 Raising the Dead c29
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Sai47s rated it
February 5, 2017
Status: c113
Like many novels of this full cliché, but who said that the cliche is that bad? Even a bunch of clichés can look interesting and harmonically perfect balance with each other. And in this novel in a mixture of stories about the adventures of a harem and it looks pretty good: swords, magic, srednevikove and adventurous spirit is present, along with politics and humor. A sort of daily adventure interspersed with romance and bottles. The narrative of the author is not boring, but at the same time nothing special is... more>> the audience. Hero is common, it has modernize smartphone and it is not a particularly strong, not s*upid. Harem replenishes randomly and wantonly. And the story and its characters live everyday, almost carefree life. Readability, even bored much interest does not disappear, do not spoil the mood, leaves the reader in good shape, there are also good battle. Hence assessment of novel. 3.6 Star. 1 star behind the story, 1 of the characters, 1 for humor and romance and 6 tenths of a mixture of science (bellows) and magic. <<less
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calebra rated it
February 2, 2017
Status: c190
This series is pretty enjoyable. Though it's a bit annoying how he gets pushed around by the females around him but he's a good guy who's also smart enough to not get them killed. He's pretty strong but there are still some enemies he has difficulties killing.

It's a pretty good series where he recreates the things from his modern world with the help of his abilities and his handy dandy smartphone and also manages a business later on.

Also a kingdom. He might also be a half god now because of his body's components.


I can't say it's outstanding but if you don't mind the occasional being-pushed-around-by-women scenario and want a light hearted series that's not only funny but also have enough seriousness to follow a plot at the side, then this is a good enough read for that.

EDIT: Arc 21: Women's battle almost made me want to drop this because of relationship dynamics and also a bit because of Touya.

Touya is too whipped he's letting his own future wives push women he's not initially interested in to him for marriage and he complains but doesn't really strongly says no. He gets beat up when the girls themselves ask for a kiss from him because of embarrassment. The relationship dynamics is kinda sh*t.

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kyujuu rated it
August 30, 2016
Status: c88
For me who like to read leisurely without too much tension, this one is quite good.

My biggest problem would be the character list... The story goes a bit fast, and each female character have only a few chapter to express themselves correctly... (I only (kinda) remembre Lindsey, Elsie, Yae, Rin and Yumina and I have to look at the illustration to remember... (by the way I remember most character of most of the novel I read so I don't know why this happen with this novel...)) So beside their... more>> role, I have forgotten most of their name, and have to tryhard remembering each time one is mentionned... <<less
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
March 25, 2016
Status: --
I detest Harems and Polygamy relationships but this one is a must read.

-Everything is well written

-The ideas the author comes up with are simple but brilliant

... more>> -The author really knows how to smooth things over. The thing that I hate the most is. The Author has to choose “Action” or “Comedy”. You can’t do both. Its very predictable and its easy to tell that the MC will always win. There’s hardly a challenge. Its because there’s no exact Genre to lean forward too, there’s no plot or character development.

The Author is just simply hilarious and I can’t stop laughing at the things the MC goes through. The Characters he comes up with are also good. Honestly this story could be so much better. And it has mad potential. But it feels somewhat wasted like this. He could definitely write a story better then this! So why?!

I enjoy the author enough to be curious of when he creates a new series. I’d definitely like to read it. <<less
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Ai chan
Ai chan rated it
November 15, 2015
Status: --
I'm normally a fan of Japanese Isekai genre. Unfortunately, this story is just so-so. The MC is OP and has been given some great boons by a god. The MC is quite smart, so it's not like he's dense or s*upid. His reliance on his smartphone is boring, though. I understand that this is wish fulfillment, but the story could've been better.
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makenai89 rated it
November 12, 2015
Status: --
It's the usual Japanese slice-of-life with OP MC travels to another world and builds his own harem. Up to chapter 37, character building is still so-so and there are no significant conflict, though it may come later. It is of the 'slow-warm-up' category in which all the little conflicts get finished nicely. A good read to free minds of worries, but not the type that can make people feels involved.
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Oblos rated it
April 11, 2023
Status: c225
This would be a poster child for the isekai trope checklist but the plot fluctuates between abysmally boring and excessively uncomfortable when it goes out of its way to hammer in that the cast is low on the magic 1X scale and not in the late or escaped it like other series.

Aged horribly and should probably not be started or finished by anyone searching for qaulity or even entertainment.
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minxxx rated it
April 24, 2022
Status: --
Dropping this series. The story was progressing really slowly, and the characters were not loveable. Not much is known about the characters to build up the story behind them. The story starts off interesting, but 1/4 of the way I started losing interest and was trying to get myself to finish it.

I'm at 77% now, and the story still hasn't given me any reasons to continue reading so I am dropping it.
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August 10, 2021
Status: c467
This is honestly brilliant! I read the Light Novel till V22 and it was seriously good!. This series incorporates modern elements into a medieval world like the smartphone and communication devices. Yes, the whole "Divine" part is a bit weird but over time, you get used to it. The MC is dense and the women around him basically dictate his love life but it doesn't get to the point where they start abusing him and stuff.

Overall, if you want a good read, this is the choice for you!
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NullWolf21 rated it
April 12, 2021
Status: c5
This is my second time reading this novel coz I dropped it once as there was no update on raising the dead site for a couple of years and now I am back here.... ... more>>

But the thing I really want to comment is about the Yulong Empire which got destroyed be a Fraze super beam attack...


It was generally the chineese guys who destroy japanese or korean or the American and the world while claiming that non chineese were rapist, barbarians, racist and don't have the chineese people's modesty and honestness....


It was quite funny to read that they are described as "Yulong itself is considered to be a nation of thieves, liars, cheats and greedy, self-centered people." Whose general tactic is used to claim whatever they want 'try' to achieve moral high ground and attack the other party to snatch whatever they want.

There capital SHANGHAI got destroyed by a beam from a Fraze 😂😂😂😂

PS: I still think this Coronavirus is China's pseudo bioweapon which might have been discovered by American operative and got loose in a russel in Wuhan.

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January 6, 2020
Status: --
Well first off, I like it when I watching it then read it after but then when I read some dark theme novel, it changes my mind set that it's ok if the MC is dense and the harem is forced or they will be gone for a certain time because im numb to it but please let him kill some antagonist so that there's a good action to for a bit ruthless MC what's the point of antagonist if they will not die atleast make it believable why always... more>> they spare ? All of them have a reason to be evil so what ? Kill them so that it not happen again even if they have a reason but our MC is a saint goodie friendly guy so that's that, What im saying is its a nice light read with a bit ecchi and a loser dense guy that had an op powers and always friendly that he only will kill a monster, you introduce killing to your story so kill some human enemy not only beast or monster because it's called biased, To much for a light read for me :) Well for your concern is it good ? Yes it's good and MC has moral but to much kindness so it will turn you off if your not into a saint type MC there is no plot actually he just travel to different countries and solve the problem there and get a harem then leave to another one and save it that's the story <<less
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strucker543 rated it
November 21, 2017
Status: c133
Wow this got boring really quickly every 10 chapters he gets a new wife with no development... even the main girls from the anime are hardly mentioned nor built upon all I hear from them is "oh another wife yay more people to talk too" maybe the anime will add more to it if they ever get a 2nd season
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Pyushis rated it
November 19, 2017
Status: c212
Tl;dr: liked it in the beginning. That says a lot. After a while it gets boring. Uh. Im not going to say not to read this but I wont also suggest for you to read it.

plot: gets boring real quick.

characters: no character growth aside from levels and girls falling for MC. Probably a lolicon wonderland for some as well. Different strokes for different folks.

... more>> Fights: as bland as it can get. Probably a mecha addict wonderland as well. Boring.

Personal Enjoyment - I just read this to uh kill more time. Not my first go to novel thats for sure. <<less
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Hijria rated it
August 17, 2017
Status: --
I always like light story theme, so in general I quite like this novel.

The original idea to use smartphone as weapon and OP power is a plus.

But the romance part is totally lacking. The harem formed just like that without any interesting story and the relationship development and character development almost non existent..
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Aternus rated it
June 11, 2016
Status: c71
Classic Amazing and interesting Japanese setting with an unfortunately classic Japanese character (I mean even back in the 1600s Japanese characters were terrible, I mean tales of genji is about a cuck not that theres that here)

MC isn't as bad as some Japanese are but he's bad enough that'll you'll get annoyed as you read the story to the point of quitting, and restarting when you have nothing else to read. Think Deathmarch MC but less OP and a lot more going with the flow.
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