In a Different World with a Smartphone


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Mochizuki Touya, a 15-year-old boy, who got zapped by a flash of lightning due to a freak accident caused by God, wakes up and finds himself face-to-face with God.

“I am afraid to say that I have made a blunder…” laments the old coot. In order to smooth over the fault, God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and allow Touya to bring the smartphone! Then in a new, anachronistic pseudo-medieval world begins Touya’s adventure.

Friends! Laughs! Tears! Inexplicable Deus ex Machina! Mochizuki Touya sets off on a journey full of wonder as he absentmindedly travels from place to place, following whatever goal catches his fancy. The curtains on an epic tale of swords, sorcery, and smartphone apps lift!

Associated Names
One entry per line
In Another World With My Smartphone
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomoni.
Related Series
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN) (8)
Mushoku Tensei (WN) (4)
Shinka no Mi (3)
Instead of Being Transported to Another World Directly, I Was Given the Abilities of the Strongest Character in the Anime World (2)
The Man Picked up by the Gods (2)
Sevens (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. hiatus
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Jnovels
  5. Progression Fantasy

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/13/16 Raising the Dead c58
01/28/16 Raising the Dead c57
01/28/16 Raising the Dead c56
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01/06/16 Raising the Dead c53
12/31/15 Raising the Dead c52
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95 Reviews sorted by

Maou-Sama rated it
August 3, 2016
Status: c81
Its a good lighthearted series. The characters are well fleshed out and are well written. There are many cliches in the story but its meant to be like that. The author doesn't make things overly complicated or overly simple and manages to stay in between them just like how a series like this should be. Its similar to Death March to an extent, at least till now, not in a bad way too. Its not epic or awesome in the sense but its not boring too, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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DdxdD rated it
January 13, 2021
Status: c418
Honestly, don't understand why this novel got so many negative reviews

Yeah, it's generic isekai harem with op MC blah blah blah, everything has already been done everywhere already and I'm not a "Pro critics" or "Famous Reviewer" but....... so what

So what if it's generic, so what if everything has already been done elsewhere, that doesn't mean you can't just turn off your brain and just enjoy it

Now I'm not gonna criticize people for not liking it, we all have what we like and what we don't like, but when you... more>> fill your review with such spite and bullsh*t like the novel f*ck ya mom or something, it push away peoples that might enjoy it, because a lot of people who's trying to read this is definitely gonna go check the reviews first.

Now as i've said before, this novel is nothing news to the isekai genre, it's 2021, the whole genre has already been done to dead at this point, we barely got anything new and interesting, but this novel was released back in 2013 when the genre was still kind of a big deal, so reading it now after you already read like hundreds of isekai does make it seem very bland, but just because it's bland doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, In a different world with a smartphone is a lighthearted and simple novel, you aren't really supposed to take the novel seriously, it's not a seinen with edgy and dark theme nor it's a shounen with over the top "power of friendship" bullshit, it's a wish fulfillment novel and should be take as one, a simple wish fulfillment novel

Finally getting to rating the novel (i've been rambling for a while now, jesus), this novel is not perfect, it isn't a masterpiece but it certainly doesn't deserve the hate that it get, in the sea of isekai genre that i've read I would only say that the author play it too safe without trying anything new so it get a 3.5 for me but we don't do that here so i'll give it a 4 star.

Now if you're like me who doesn't judge a novel base on how generic it is and just want to enjoy a simple novel with no deep and thought provoking plot without relying on others reviews, you should try it out and see if it fit your taste, and if not then that's fine too, to each of their own.

(Sorry if my review look like gibberish, english isn't my mother languages) <<less
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gk3101 rated it
July 6, 2019
Status: c313
I really enjoyed reading this story, it's lighthearted, fun and simple. Many people says this is another typical isekai novel with the addition of a smartphone and I agree, but it's isn't a bad thing in my opinion. The story goes in a steady pace without incredible plot twist, dark past, revengeful MC or intense action and adventure but that what I like about it, the fact that it's that simple.

The romance is pretty good even though I'd like more of it and more interaction with harem (which I like... more>> very much).

The plot is actually nice and does't stuck in one place and steadily progressing into new direction all the time.

I don't recommend this novel to those who are looking for crazy plot with lot of action scenes, revenge, plot twist etc. But if you are looking for an enjoyable typical isekai novel with slice of life setting the I really recommend this novel. <<less
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FirstShadow1991 rated it
May 15, 2021
Status: v21
What an amazing series. I just love it. When you start reading the volume 1 you get that fantasy feeling but as you progress in the story you have that warm feeling of slice of life and action of mecha... It just sits well with me because those are my styles, but what truly shocks me is how author managed to combine differene aspects and genders to make interesting story. The whole novel feeling is warm and it has huge spotlight on family, friends, bonds...

If you love mecha+fantasy+isekai this series... more>> is for you and you will love it. I just hope it won't drag into the eternity with the ending... I hope author can write closed, happy ending. After that since the series introduced

different world travel and that MC is God

there exists a chance to continue series with extra or even introduce different title and continue the adventure that way.

All in all, I love it and recomand it with all my heart. <<less
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lohwengk rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: c405
Fun and light-hearted SoL-ish adventure in a fantasy world.

It's not a series I would recommend to many people. There's nothing profound in it. But it's like comfort food or the double cheeseburger meal from McDonald's. It tastes good enough and you generally know what you're getting.

This is a valuable point when sh*t is hitting the fan irl and you don't want to run into more of the same when you're taking a break.

This story is set in a world where many people are on the nice side. Even world leaders... more>> are generally good and honest folk. That's not to say there's no bad apples or disasters, but at least there's no favourite characters getting maimed, crippled or killed.

It's also nice that the MC's harem grows stronger beside him. It doesn't follow the widespread xianxia trope of catch 'em, f*ck 'em and abandon 'em as the hero grows stronger.

As for those critics yakking on about how he's beta for not laying a hand on the girls around him or being too naive for not killing the villains who offend him, they can go read something else. I've no interest in reading about some guy with no faithfulness and no ability to keep his privates in his pants.

And although the MC doesn't go around causing a bloodbath every time someone offends him, he's not so spineless that he lets them off scot-free. His revenges are quite creative. Villains also face proper justice later on.

Battle scenes are also quite good. Amusing fights are decently funny. More serious battles are reasonably action-packed. <<less
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kenjitamurako rated it
October 17, 2018
Status: c298
The author decided to take it in an "edgy" direction by having a lot of people dying around this overpowered character who seems to have become alright with letting it happen and only stepping in after the damage has been done. I don't have too much of a problem with characters that are fine with letting unrelated people die but given the lack of his own acknowledgement of these deaths, and the occasional out of place dialogue, he seems to view himself as having done everything in his power and... more>> shrugs off the deaths.

Admit you let those people die and you could have stopped it or actually do everything in your power to stop those deaths but don't freaking let the former happen and call it the latter. <<less
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Vqtrung123 rated it
April 11, 2018
Status: --
Harem.... Nice,... Godly powers and an interesting way of using it... Dudes with criticism towards this story, I gotta say, it is tagged fantasy and op main in the beginning so why complaining that main is too op and and magic is not used to it's best extent, infinite k

Mana pool is cheating... Seriously, get a grip. Its just a story.
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Melakias rated it
October 22, 2015
Status: --
Slice-of-life-y story about an OP teenager in a fantasy world, after being killed by error by a God, he's given several boons to make up for the problem as he's reincarnated/sent into a fantasy world.
He's gifted with a working smartphone, which gives him access to his previous world's internet but in read-only mode, it also has a complete set of maps for his new world between other things. He's also given an OP body (and a charisma level through the roof).
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MarlGian rated it
July 24, 2021
Status: c466
If you want a light-hearted, fluffy, slice of life (maybe) fantasy, well go for this. For someone like me who likes Isekai and Fantasy genres, I don't care about the reviews others made, so what if it is generic? It's gonna be a bother to you though? If you like to read the series/novel you like no matter how bored it can get you will still read it. Well I'm going off in the topic for a while.

-So yeah MC is Overpowered and have a Harem, he is like Hajime... more>> from Arifureta he takes responsibility to all of them.

-Wholesome story, its kind of fluffy when you read this story like you are on the clouds? But when some hurts one of the harem members of the MC well he might as well destroy the world.

-Overall it's good if you ask me. <<less
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NovReds rated it
June 9, 2019
Status: c461
I won't say that this is the best novel but it certainly is not the worst. The plot is good, plot development is also not bad and you may not like this novel but you will definitely enjoy this to an extent. I have read up to the Marriage and Honeymoon arc. I am pretty much satisfied to stop reading it at the moment and I won't start reading it till either the author ends the story or I have nothing to read.
There are few faults in the plot :

  1. Most of the royalty are helpful and most of the powerful person are good person (Man! Seriously??)
  2. Everyone wants to be super-friendly with the MC. (Yeah and give their lolis to him.. -_-)
  3. Those who don't want to be friendly are all villains. (Man! again? Are you serious?)
  4. By just browsing the website, he can easily build guns..... (Oh come on! I want that power!)
  5. Every problems get solved once the MC gets involved. (What is it again? Avengers comics?)
Atleast you will have the chance to do a lot of tsukkomis in this novvel and its pretty much funny.
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IseGuy rated it
November 21, 2018
Status: v10c4
I know some people dislike this for being too plain, but that's kind of the point... Patora Fyuyhara (the author) did make all the characters cookiecutter, but that's because he's mocking the more serious Isekai light novels. It's just exaggerated to a fault. Of course, there are many other better Isekai series. Point is, it's not trying to be edgy like many others, just a light and fun read.

But hey, to each their own. I think everybody here is correct in some ways.
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FlareZVector rated it
December 1, 2017
Status: c216
I'm just writing this as a heads up to new readers. The story is not bad. The MC is pretty predictable but he's good. He's OP because the God was impressed with his attitude and also he is a ... more>>

demigod because of the god giving a lot of power.

Harem members are a little bit below average but they're not that bad. Why five star? Because that's not the point of the story.

The reason why there's many low reviews is probably because they didn't expect that this series is light hearted. It's mainly on the slice of life track, that's why there's not much action but a lot of adventures (in many senses).

In summary, very good story if you get it's point. Not very good if you're looking for a lot of action and plot. <<less
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onelamefrog rated it
May 16, 2017
Status: c1
"Inexplicable Deus ex Machina!" If you're like me this description should immediately send you running. I didn't read much of this and it's not entirely bad. The problem was, at a certain point in the story there was a laughable instance of "power development." After using his OP cheat in a few different ways a few different times he finally got the idea to cast a spell using the smartphone GPS to target enemies.

That's right. His smartphone inexplicably tracks enemies, can pinpoint their locations, and can be used as the... more>> focus of his spells. Previously, he had done nothing like this. No inkling of a hint given or possible explanation occurred beforehand pointing to this potential usage of his power. The author simply had a thought (I'm sure after nights of brainstorming on how a smartphone could be used in a fantasy setting) and decided that in particular was a good way to use his power and so it appeared in the story: suddenly, inexplicably, and unexplained. I dropped it on that chapter and I'm not willing to find which one it was.

That aside, I do recall that overall the writing was okay and the story was pretty generic. <<less
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RpR1337 rated it
December 19, 2018
Status: c280
To have a more-or-less unbalanced opinion on the series.

First off, this series is light-hearted to a fault, which is not an advantage, nor a disadvantage. It is what it is. Regarding the crapton of people bashing the novel (and any and all novels on this site) for reasons of:

  • Plothole
  • Plot armor
  • Generic or abstract characters
  • Generic or abstract plot
my advice is: do not give a damn. In truth, it's the same with this series. Whoever expects eastern (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.) contemporary literature to offer a World-shaking experience, should just turn to something... more>> else, because they're fundamentally misunderstanding the culture, and should not subject themselves to it any further.

Anyway, rant over. Yes, the main character is a Gary Stu, but that's fine. Not everything has to have boundlessly dramatic ups and downs. Yes, there may be some people who have concerns that the female leads' personalities resemble other characters. Well, not expecting that is like expecting each brushhead soccer player to have a different hairstyle.

Do not expect a revelation. This is basically a Slice of Life story with a solid, not too eventful, but solid main story. A relaxing read, nothing more, nothing less. The lead is handsome, cool, solves problems well, and kind-hearted and decent as a being, while the girls are cute, react to heart-racing situations to various degrees based on their disposition. Short bursts of action, and the absolute usual of any and everything acting as a stepping stone, or a method to show off for the main character, which is the same in all literature, just more obvious in this one.

Expect to have some light fun with it. You won't get annoyed by over-dramatisation, nor by ultra-denseness of the main character - which is often criticised, but plays no role here, as


the females actually have enough brains and a decent mouth which works when they have to tell their own feelings as well, unlike most Japanese females that only ever complain about the protag being "dense", but would rather stab their throats a thousand times than to say the L word.


As for people who want Japanese novels (including this one) to have deeper story, characters, and all that jazz: go read some Stendhal, for God's sake, you are in the wrong department. <<less
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Mendokusaii rated it
October 20, 2018
Status: --
This is definietly what you want to read after a long tough day of school and works. If you up for non- dramatic stuff and heavily enjoy the slice of life, harem, romance genre. This is the thing you want to read. I enjoy this novel if its even goes up 40 arc.
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Haise_Sassan rated it
April 13, 2018
Status: c256
This story really like to me. I really have fun reading this story. Thanks
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Unianonanymity rated it
September 10, 2021
Status: --
I don't really do reviews, however, this novel is so bad that I felt it warranted one.

So, we get your average beta Japanese male, with the denseness of a black hole and personality of a brick, saves your generic mary sue heroines, saves more of your generic mary sue heroines, wields a smartphone with the ability to make him create a nation (yes, this happens). *Insert overused op protagonist cliche story here*, until finally he becomes a god. 24 God damn volumes of just this. MC is ret*rded, I've seen... more>> hentai that has characters with more depth than what this novel has. I'd give it 0 stars if possible. <<less
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Nighterror2195 rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: v7
I wanted a light isekai and this was decent at the start. After the 2/3rd volume it got boring and I started disliking the characters. The story just kept repeating. MC goes to a new country, discovers some evil plot, saves the king, princess falls for him, gets added to fiancé list and repeat. What I hate the most is the MC. Way too f*cking nice, modest, humble and bunch of other shit. Giving things away all the time then says he needs money then back to giving sh*t away... more>> for free. His business skills is zero even though he has access to the internet and all modern inventions. He is a f*cking tool. He knows it but shrugs it off. He gets angry when the antagonist threatens his fiances but won’t kill them. I don’t think he has killed a single person himself actually. I don’t even know what to say about him with girls... doesn’t want to get married cause he doesn’t want to be a pe*o but the girls cute so let’s add to fiance list and wait until I’m 18. So being an adult marrying a 14 year old sounds better then being 15 with a 12. Makes no sense. The side characters are bad too. All they do is use the MC and play all the time. His fiances don’t appear much after their short story so not much romance.

This was a bunch of stuff I just wanted to rant about while reading then finally lost it and roughly wrote this. There was more but I forgot.

Basically don’t read unless you got nothing better to waste your time on. <<less
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Akiiiii rated it
November 23, 2018
Status: c5
To sum it up, think of any generic isekai LN/WN/anime/manga and I'm pretty sure this will be more generic than that. The MC got pretty much have no personality and also, is dense af. The female characters are also all tried and true generic archetypes. Everything that happens in this story can be summerized like this - something happens and the MC uses is OPness to solve it with no sweat and girls fall for him. Yep, that's it. Mochizuki Touya makes Kirito look like a great character. Hack, even... more>> his character designs looks just like Kirito. If you only see his Silhouelette, you will say for sure that's Kirito. <<less
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koolaid rated it
September 22, 2017
Status: c295
A fun read.

To the haters, its obvious this isn't what you are into, but it is good at what it is - That being a fluff read, without much despair and ugliness; just a simple read about an OP guy and the tons of women hanging onto him.
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