I’m Not Human


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After suddenly dying while trying to meet a deadline, Gu Huai transmigrated and became a non-human race.

This race is cruel and cold, making them feared and shunned by everyone in the interstellar world.

As the new king of the race and facing the group of parents who see him as a baby, Gu Huai said he was under a lot of pressure.

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Ta Không Làm Người/Tôi không làm người nữa
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  2. cute cravings
  3. Read: Completed (Both Meanings)
  4. Finished
  5. Read (Completed)

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129 Reviews sorted by

Shien rated it
February 24, 2020
Status: c57
Fluff!!! All fluff (>//////<)

If you want to read a novel full of fluff this is the story. This a light and fluffy story. MC is gentle and kind. So don't expect a domineering MC and a world with ton of dangers.
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AelterG rated it
February 23, 2024
Status: c91
Stopped after the extras mainly bc I usually don’t enjoy them too much. These extras are cute but I’m just not in the mood. Might read in the future.

Overall, a super cute story about family, acceptance and belonging. It was interesting to see a Zerg world that didn’t involve the typical 3 racial breakdowns. I greatly enjoyed it because sometimes those Zerg stories just make me furious but this was a fluffy fluff time 😊
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Kez Lynx
Kez Lynx
January 27, 2024
Status: c90
I stopped at the beginning of chapter 90 in the extras. I didn't feel like reading the rest at this time. I will get back to it. It is worth a second read but I feel (although not necessary) the prequel "The Kings Game" should have been read. at least to understand chapter 90... but I am talking with no knowledge since I haven't read it yet. Anyway, this novel is well-translated (with some typos) and good enough to make you want to know what will happen. Enough conflict with... more>> suspense and fluff. It is a good tale. <<less
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August 10, 2023
Status: Completed

The MC is loved and spoiled by everyone, and I love it so much. ML and MC are fated lovers!! Should read it if you loved spoiled but amazing MC x ML whose will will be bent towards MC and love MC dearly. Recommended!!! The plot isn’t much, but acceptable. Overall, 4.7⭐️
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Sabby rated it
March 31, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is pure, soul healing fluff. There's not much more to say about it. I loved every single moment and will reread this multiple times in the future.
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HiddenHermit rated it
March 21, 2023
Status: Completed
Super cute novel. MC is so sweet. Poor thing, all the Zergs, except ML, treats him like a baby. And MC puts up with it and even follows along with it since he doesn’t wanna disappoint them. Story has cuteness, action, and romance.
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Adriana28 rated it
February 28, 2023
Status: Completed
Damn I think this one could be considered my favorite interstellar novel.

I really really loved this story, I had read it a year or two ago I guess, but I could still remember all it's details vividly.

Whether be the MC Or the ML or the other zergs who considered MC as their child, uff they were damn really cute.

I won't write much in the review but it's my heartfelt suggestion to all of those reading the reviews area, do try it one u would not be able to forget this one.

It's an amazing story.

I would highly like to thank the author of this wonderful story as well as the translators for their hard work.
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Crayonchii rated it
February 17, 2023
Status: Completed
My advice, read this before The king's game. I regret reading tht one first.

This is absolutely fluffy! So cute especially the extra chapter!!! ❤️
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July 14, 2022
Status: Completed
A very very cute and fluffy read. The beginning is mostly sweet, fluffy or comedic so if you're expecting dramatic/intense/action plotlines, this is not the story for you. By the time the story reaches around 3/4 it gets a bit heavy though so prepare some tissues. The story after one of his commanders (around the 3/4 mark) gets depressing and dark really quick and the end is mostly me crying most of the time. The side stories are also mostly a bittersweet thing and the worst was the background story... more>> of the ML when he was a cub. I cried buckets during that part. Overall the ending is generally a happy ending but it carries the tinge of that bittersweet feeling I was talking about. <<less
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OuRyed rated it
June 22, 2022
Status: Completed
This story is too cute too fluffy and fun. There's basically lack of tension but this novel has given me a big sense of Comfort. Easy to read the translator has done a good job. 😊
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Fisukisuki rated it
March 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Finally have time and in the mood to read this novel, and I didn't disappoint us! Good job, Author!

The Extras is Precious! And the Main story heal the wound that left behind by The King Game Novel. Lol

The Author is sooo Good at writing Fluff. But when writing Emotional moments.... It hits you SO HARD in Your Fcking Gut!!!

... more>> But it's okay, this novel is Pure Fluff. So even when there's Emotional Moments that HIT HARDS, there's no Angst!!!

Without question, this Novel is Truly Precious!!!

Our MC is Soft and Lovely, and all the Zergs Love him Unconditionally in Family way, except ML of course.

This is the story where the Zergs Family Care and Love toward MC for being Lovely Nice Cute King, and MC also return their Kindness with always be a Good King, and a Precious Lovely Cute Cub King.

The Whole thing is Heartwarming and Totally Precious!!!

I would be s*upid and crazy for not Loving this Precious Novel with my Eternal Love and Soul for the Eternity and Beyond!!! <<less
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SimpforCale rated it
January 26, 2022
Status: Completed
This is such a cute sweet story. Even though I wished the MC did have more fighting scenes, considering the genre it's not the main focus of the story since it's mainly about the MC getting spoiled. Although there wasn't a lot of action it was mixed in well without overpowering the story and his one fight was satisfying enough. The extras at the ending are sweet as well giving a final result to a side CP and providing an adorable alt-universe of the story.
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Nual rated it
January 10, 2022
Status: Completed
I'd read the LC version of the story in Thai and found the story to be adorable. It's mostly light-heart without much drama, there's some conflict here and there but nothing dramatic. Overall something I would reread if I forgot the details but I still remember most of it so... probably won't be reading it sometime soon.

Anyhow, a worth read. I think.
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November 15, 2021
Status: c1
This is honestly the must fluffiest, cutest novel ever! MC is such a Pollyanna, it's so cute!!!!!!
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Shrike1978 rated it
May 13, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved this story. It was sweet, really funny, plenty of fluff and the only story where the ML who's a big sexy guy can carry off the nickname "Chirp Chirp".

Maybe it's just my quirk, but I really like that ... more>>

Our MC is reborn as the king of the Zerg

It's nice to see a species that is in stories frequently portrayed as monolithically evil, shown as one that needed help, love and kindness to change.

The interactions of the two humans who keep digging pits and accidentally causing huge problems was freaking hilarious.

Topped only by the big scary Zerg making sure their king wins a cuteness contest and passing out when they see his fluffy baby form


I really liked that the MCs special talent wasn't the powers he got from his transmigration but his giving personality. He's not afraid to accept and love the unusual or scary. That the ML starts kind of cardboard but you realize he is someone with no experience of positive emotions that blossoms like the flowers he gives the MC is really sweet. Also, the side characters are not neglected, they get to grow their personalities and understandings as well. <<less
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March 4, 2021
Status: Completed
The "kings game" first world really left an impression to so I was overjoyed to know theres a continuation of my favorite world there. I love it. 🥰😘 Thank you very much my dear author and translator. I really enjoy this novel.
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Reyleisha rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Rating: 5/5- absolutely loved this! Definitely a fluffy re-read!

This was such a novel experience for me as it was a story that I did not expect. The characters were incredibly gentle and I loved the parental relationships created between the king and the Zerg.

The plot is so simple to follow and there isn’t any angst or warped storylines. Such a pleasant read overall.
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katanaspaun rated it
January 10, 2021
Status: --
this is the most cute but awesome story I've read. I really like the one with the zergs!! Those golden eyes! And the taksss ahhhhhhhh!! You've definitely should read this if you're into transmigration bl novels or you're into the ML pamper and overprotective to the mc!!
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devil_cyborg rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: Completed
It's awesome. Just read it.

I loved the contradiction between the zerg physique and the behaviour around MC. It sooooo cute. They pamper him to next level. And the monologues of MC to meet the zerg expectations of him i.e. To let them pamper him or act like a cutie pie infront of them, give this novel a different kind of fluffiness. I literally died of diabetes while reading it.😂


The novel tag of " unconditional love" does it a full justice.
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DMH17 rated it
October 25, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a very cute novel.

If you summarize it, it's basically about being a baby and spoiling the baby.
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