I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary


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When I woke up, I found myself inside a spaceship.

I guess you guys think I’m talking nonsense here, but I also have absolutely no clue about what exactly happened to me.

I was really close to completely losing it, but fortunately, I managed to notice that this place was really similar to the world featured in a game I was playing recently.

Am I dreaming? Nope, it’s no dream. Maybe I actually got sent to a different world or something?

But didn’t those things usually involve getting sent to a magical world with elves, dwarves, dragons and whatnot?

In any case, I don’t know what caused this, but I guess I’ll just have to suck it up and live properly in this world from now on.

It’ll be okay. I got my trusty spaceship so I can probably make some money. It’ll work out! It has to!

This is the story of a man abruptly thrown into space along with his private spaceship. He runs around with it and saves damsels in distress along the way, flirts with said damsels, earns money as a merc-for-hire and uses his gaming knowledge to work his way into living freely and easily.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mezametara Saikyou Soubi to Uchuusen Mochidattanode, Ikkodate Mezashite Youhei to Shite Jiyu ni Ikitai
Reborn as a Space Mercenary: I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship!
When I Woke Up, I Got the Strongest Equipment and a Spaceship, so I Went and Became a Mercenary in Order to Live as I Please while Aiming for a Detached House
Related Series
I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! (6)
Me, Her, and the Ballistic Weaponry [Antique] (4)
Magical★Explorer (2)
The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs (2)
Clearing the Game at the End of the World (2)
Geek Mob Mercenary Knows His Place (LN) (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Interstellar Isekai
  2. Mad underrated list
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Novel's i've Read/Caught Up
  5. JP novel

Latest Release

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103 Reviews sorted by

lpokefan rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: c136
It's an easy read. It has many cliches and predictable twists, but if you enjoy this type of story, it's definitely one of the better ones out there. If the reader feels comfortable turning off their brain for a bit and just going along for the ride, it's a pretty good experience.

It's good, but there are definitely some nitpicky things that don't sit well with me. Don't read on if you don't want to be spoiled.

... more>>

The story's framework is terrible. It's pretty much "I worked so hard, it's vacation time" "vacation time" "I worked so hard, it's vacation time." Sometimes, they even complain about their vacation, so they decide to go on a different vacation. Like what. Why.

It's a sci fi story set in space, but there's nothing that actually makes that setting interesting. It's literally space. They don't go to cool planets except maybe the one time, but that planet isn't very creative IMO. It's just a water planet with some islands. Neat. You have all of space to work with, but the author sticks to satellites, asteroid belts, or generic, empty space. Again, why. Space has never felt so limited.

The harem also terribly explained and reasoned. It's a harem so of course it's not well explained, but like, wow. I should also mention that there are several chapters where it's just mob characters going "oh I'm so jealous that this man has so many women wow." It's so base and generic that it's an insult to call it base and generic. It's boring.

Oh the characters are also kind of boring. That's fine since everyone already knows that many isekai will usually have a grab bag of characters that aren't too deep, but it's still a bit disappointing. The entertainment value from the story will be derived from the events, which again, get kind of tired after a while because they're constantly repeating the same events over and over again, just with a new coat of paint.

Don't let those nitpicks dissuade you though. Or maybe do. It's still a pretty alright read. The mediocrity combines into something that's pretty alright, but keep in mind, it's still kind of mediocre. It's a good isekai, but not a very good story.

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Urek Mazino
Urek Mazino rated it
September 29, 2020
Status: v1 prologue
This is really good paced and entertaining with a nice touch of Harem and Chad MC, was worried he was gonna be one of the dense types at first but he proved me wrong and I love it, what a badass.
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August 24, 2023
Status: v11c341
It's fine and all but it seems like the author really struggles writing tension into it. The battles tend to be quite flashy at first and then just taper off without much in the way of climax. Hiro charges in, overpowers everything in his way, and then you're reading the mop-up conclusion without realizing the battle is already over.

The crew basically always have everything they need and are always facing odds they can handle. There were about two moments thus far that seemed at least a little dicey and actually... more>> generated some emotion beyond the usual playing around in the protagonist, but then he just immediately drops his complaints. The first one he at least gives some of a reason for why he was wrong about tactics so it could be seen as him being in the wrong, but the other time he's acting like it never happened and has completely moved on. Way too episodic.


Once, Commander Serena ordered his ship to not evade so a bombardment would succeed using him and his crew as bait. He was notably angry and then dropped it completely and thought of it as him not knowing a large fleet's tactics and putting himself in a bad position to start with. Even if he was in a bad position, he was used as bait and his life was risked. I thought at least even if he dropped it that Commander Serena would have maintained some of that guilt but it has never come up again as far as c341 anyway.

The second dicey instance was when a pirate merc (who was abruptly revealed to be another isekai'd character) ambushed him in the middle of a crystal swarm and was sniping him through the swarm. He got a message from her saying she wouldn't try again and she has not been mentioned in the story since. It seems wild to me that he doesn't even mention it to the anti-pirate-fleet-commanding Captain Serena so she would at least not hire the pirate mercenaries or leave that vulnerability exposed, but nah, just their usual banter with no, "oh hey, no biggie, but this large gold rank mercenary fleet are actually pirates and definitely affected your last unsuccessful operation against those pirates who seemed to have imperial army insiders." I get that his character is that of a gamer and his over-the-top resistance to the call to action are meant to be comedy and most of the time they come off that way, but just leaving that thread there without a single line of lip service is reality-breaking to me.


Every character is pretty reasonably fleshed out as a character with character traits, but the motivations of the harem members are pretty hard to understand beyond the indoctrinated priestess whose cult told her to serve him and the maidroid AI who is programmed to love and be loyal to him. Like, they all love him for one reason or another, but half of Mimi's character is based on an off-the-cuff suggestion to travel around to eat food?

In terms of unpleasant things, dwarves in this universe are basically just shorties, but they're frequently described as looking like elementary school children. They are described more as having adult figures as his relationship with them progressed. Outside that, there are three members of his harem that are under 18. Mimi is described as being around 17, Chris is 12 (which is also underage in-universe), and the priestess girl (Kugi?) is described as younger than Mimi (though she is also nonhuman, she appears to be a three-tailed fox beastperson). Hiro is 27.

Yeah, it's gross. Most of it makes sense in-universe, but the Chris stuff really is unsettling. In her second appearance I thought I was watching the movie "Thirteen". I guess the author didn't want as much overlap with Serena, the other noble. Serena's apparent age is only described once and I can't recall how young that was supposed to be, but I'd be surprised if it was fully an adult. As long as you buy in to the universe's premise, you can probably ignore how Mimi and Kugi have been/are being groomed/trafficked. Kugi is more recent but she appears to have been raised for this single purpose then moved across the galaxy. Mimi at least made some decisions on her own even though she really didn't have any other options. <<less
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October 15, 2022
Status: c291
Takes a lot inspiration form other sci-phi videogames like EVE or Stellaris. But is really fun that their systems, events and such are depicted in a narrative way. I really like this novel, most certain I love it.
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MadMann135 rated it
September 5, 2022
Status: c342
The story starts out interesting and strong but it peters out after that. It gets an average vote.

As a story itself, it does many things right (the characters are interesting, chekhov's guns always fire, it is well paced, and there are quirks). My favorite quirk is that the MC knows his luck is extreme and he takes it into account with his plans.

What I don't like is that the story is from the first person perspective, and there is a lot of the Japanese works of fiction dating tropes (Namely... more>> the MC gets a harem while everyone else is lucky to get one girl). <<less
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Acrnm rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: c323
A pretty enjoyable story, a good setting, nicely detailed characters, plot events are properly handled, although questionable at times. Will probably getting an anime soon, also re-read this novel a couple of times already and still finds new things to learn.

With a damn good translation too.
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hose246 rated it
April 24, 2022
Status: c167
This novel is basically a generic power fantasy harem novel but with spaceships and futuristic technologies.

The characters of this novel is alright, literally every single female character love the MC, and the process to them loving the MC is one of the most generic ones too. The slice of life elements isn't really enjoyable either, I find them more boring than interesting honestly. There is also almost zero character interactions, and the other character introduced after the first few arcs are very boring.

The reason I rated this novel as three... more>> stars is because it's written decently. There isn't anything much that can catch your interest except that the setting is taking place in space and not in your usual magical world.

The slice of life parts are boring af, it's basically your usual slice of life on beaches and restaurants but in space. Very disappointing. Honestly, I feel like this novel will do very well if the author focuses more on the space battle aspects of the novel, instead of eating in restaurants at a space station.

You can read this novel if you have nothing else to read or if you are a space fan. <<less
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figo141 rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: c130
Plot was great until this point, Really liked the world building but losing interest. 5 stars just for the world building and daring concept of sci-fi isekai.
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MyRAMEN rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: c6
The story started off good till the first female lead was introduced n c3. Then the second one in c5. The good quality writing was just a set up into a harem set up, a one, like many other harem novels, suffered a drop of quality due to lack of story quality and writing basic things where author barely gives any effort due to their goal of a harem being achieved, and gets lost in their imaginative world...
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SicParvisMagna rated it
August 25, 2021
Status: c282
Its a story about spaceships and a guy that trys to be decend human beaing. Nice. I like the world, I like the action and I would like for the story to have 300 chapters extra right this moment because thats how much I crave this story.
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saihamaru rated it
July 30, 2021
Status: c272
I'm a sucker to space sci-fi, so the setting immediately get my seal of approval.
protagonist is not the usual generic beta male kind of loser.
he is determined, can say no (unless it really is not wise to say no), and most of the time even ruthless and borderline evil.... even if sometimes also s*upid lol.

not a perfect 5 star because the plot doesn't really go anywhere at some points.
but overall an enjoyable read, especially if you like space sci-fi like me.
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FishCream rated it
July 28, 2021
Status: c275
Space exploration is a refreshing change from the regular plain fantasy Isekai. I've enjoyed it so far although there are a lot of silly aspects to it which mostly seem like cheap solutions in absence of better ideas, most prominently that the search for cola is the main driving force of this whole adventure..?

There's still many unanswered questions about the MC and the world he woke up in and I hope they get a bit more care by the author and slowly start getting revealed soon.
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March 1, 2021
Status: c217
edit: forgot to rate it but 5/5

this is a very "turn your brain off and read" novel, it has no distinct plot but its really fun to read if you dont look too far into the plot holes, overall good for wasting time and reading, but not good if you want some hardcore style space stuff, where everything has logic and nothing is unexplainable

overall, I give it a 5 bc I really like this stuff once in a while, and its well written compared to your average "harem, dense MC... more>> with op powers" slice of life novel, has a harem, but no dense MC, and is generally pretty well written and translated


serena best girl, fight me

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Pretender rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: c38
Nothing wrong with this one, just reaffirmed my incompatibility with sci-fi (all the more so in novel), got bored as hell with something I probably could endure further if it were fantasy/cultivation. It really feels like slice of life+isekai (and I particularly dislike this combination too, lol), and the fact that he has interc**rse with the girls do little to change the traditional JP way as it not only is skiped but also doesn’t change the characters traditional way of acting in those novels. All in all, I don’t think... more>> it has the depth (world, characters, story etc.) to deserve more than 3 stars.

Still, as you can see, I read too little for you to decide to read or not based in my review, so do try it. If you don’t like the beginning you can try to read the manga too (manga in this date 12.2 = chapter 36 of the novel), for some reason I got less bored there, haha. One last thing to the ones that will write the next reviews: if you liked it than add spoilers of things that could give people hope for the future, for example what happens for the tag “Schemes And Conspiracies” to be included here. <<less
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Moxitop rated it
November 21, 2020
Status: c149
If you like a slice of life in combination of being transported into another world, then you should give this one a go.

Predictable plot but funny, calm and soothing.
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zadumu rated it
September 3, 2020
Status: c34
Not Dense MC with amazing piloting skills and an OP spacecraft. OP wakes up in his OP spacecraft he created in a game and the transmigration translated his gaming skills into real life experience. The MC doesn't have any standout personality traits could make him anything more than an archetype. While the MP is not dense there are several conversations that make him seem so but I think those can be written off as series double entendres that were lost in translation. The story starts off with potential but quickly... more>> becomes boring. The space fights are written poorly. Firstly, it's hard to write fast paced 3 dimensional space fights. Secondly, the MCs ship is so overpowered that he could be terrible as a pilot and still most of the fights he's been in at this point. The slice of life is just plain boring. <<less
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Amoki rated it
January 31, 2024
Status: v7
The setting is quite fun. That is about the extent of the positive things I have to say. The author overuses some tropes to the point that my eyes roll out of my head. "Oh don't say that or we will get jinxed and it will happen " then one line later [thing happens]. The author uses this trope a bunch and it loses any comedic effect. There's tons of tropes like this that you see throughout the light novel being overused.

Look I get it, all stories have tropes. But... more>> this author uses them in such a cheap and boring way that I can't help but recoil while reading. Other issues would be the main characters personality. He's very odd, both detached and apathetic but also somehow caring? It doesn't really match up and feels like two separate people. Also he only cares about getting a green lawn and drinking soda. If that's where the stories end goal is I'm not sure if I want to continue and as it stands, I'm on volume 7 and that is still indeed where the story is going. Last complaint is the romance is written like the main character is an alien that has never encountered a human, let alone a woman. Speaking of women, this is your typical woman collector story. I almost thought it wouldn't be because there was a hint at pregnancy and having a kid early on but for some reason the author never went back to it. So yes, it seems it's just a harem girl collector story after all.

Because of all of this I'm giving it a 3/5. It's guilty pleasure tier at best. <<less
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Hibiki rated it
August 26, 2023
Status: v4c119
Volume 4 made me drop this Novel, and probably the manga too.

MC sell his ship data (design, ability weaponry data, etc) and requested it to be overhauled for only 11million enel discount for his purchase in mother ship and its modification. What's more he accept the company request of giving him 2 personal mechanics that hava a probelm with him before (girls ofcourse)

They are spy bro, S.P.Y IDIOT.

He let that Dubious Professor taking his DNA sequence just like that is already a bad thing, and now he selling Khrisna... more>> Technological data to a Crazy Space Dwarf weapon Company.

Sorry, I quit. <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
August 26, 2022
Status: c98
Pretty average. I tried to like it, but neither the plot or the characters are particularly appealing, MC included.

You’d think that the MC having played the game before, albeit not in its entirety would at least know the most basic things, but right off the bat he comes off as ignorant in regards to basic knowledge. Besides fighting, his knowledge of everything else may as well be nonexistent. His time playing the game may as well be disregarded because it’s of no benefit to him, or rather it’s wasted on... more>> him.

This MC may not be like the typical JP MC’s, but he’s honestly not all that much better. Sure, I like the fact that he’s not dense, or entirely a beta and even more so handles his women somewhat well. It’s just the fact that he comes off as unintelligent and is in constant need of reminders from those around him or else he’d make a fool of himself to no end. Too many times for my liking has he been taken advantage of and he never learns.

On another note, the harem is kind of meh. Nothing all the romantic about it, just a group of damsels that the MC just happened to save and hire beside perhaps the one noble woman who’s yet to officially become one of his women. At the very least, they’re useful to the MC in managing his life as he’s incapable of doing so himself.

So yeah, all around mediocre. Good enough to pass time, but don’t get your expectations too high. <<less
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romermib rated it
June 10, 2022
Status: c350
not great not terrible. It's slice of life in space. As someone already said. It's generic. So don't expect to much.
something I hate though, MC is a lolicon. He's like: "I'm not a lolicon but let me thoroughly describe the body of this loli "

actually expect less. If you like playing space battle themed games, this is like watching a player with OP ship at the beginning of the game. It's a bit boring at some point but I can still recommend it as a good read.

-status (300) 3 stars


at this point I'm so disappointed.

MC says at start that he doesn't want anything about nobility but know he keeps on flaunting his honorary title. It's like the author changed. MC just suddenly become an incel and women in the story are either obsessed with him or his enemy.

the writing also becomes different. The use of redundant statement like "in other words" and "by the way" is increasing. So many useless paragraphs and useless info dump is annoying me. It's becoming like an encyclopidea of being an incel with a little bit of story.

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