I Reincarnated as a Villainous Noble Who Died in the Mid Game, So I Used the Useless Skill “Tame” to Become the Strongest


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One day, I suddenly reincarnated as Rest Albion, a villainous noble who appears in the game. Rest is a villain who is defeated by the protagonists in the midgame and meets a pitiful end.

“I can’t believe I reincarnated as a character with nothing but death flags… but I’ll be damned if I’m just going to sit around and get killed!”

I knew that the skill “Tame” possessed by Rest had a special power hidden within it. I thought that by using this power, I might be able to avoid the death flags.

From then on, I used all my knowledge from my previous life to develop a unique training method to draw out the power of “Tame.”

“If I steadily gain strength like this, I should be able to avoid the predetermined end… No, maybe I could even aim for the strongest position?”

My efforts paid off, and I gained strength at an astonishing speed. As a result, I eventually acquired power surpassing even the final boss, and for some reason, even the main heroines of the game started gathering around me.

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New kenjitamurako rated it
August 31, 2024
Status: c65
Decent read so far as there is a good buildup of the main characters own abilities. So far this is a growth oriented series and there hasn't been any romantic elements but they're hinted as coming. His father is one of those comically one dimensional villain characters that rather than refuse to admit to a mistake is willing to self destruct. So far it's not very original but the writing isn't bad.
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