I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (WN)


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I opened my eyes to find myself in another world. But for some odd reason, I ended up as a sword. Before my eyes laid a plain full of magic beasts, and so, I launched my body and flew in search of a partner, a wielder (females only).

Wait. Absorbing magic stones gets me skills? Oh hell yeah! This will be fun! More, more, give me more! Gimme all your magic stones! Okay, yeah no, but I am accepting anything anyone’s willing to give.

This tale is one that follows your everyday nerd, normal as could be, save for the fact that he happened to reincarnate as a sword.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sword Shisho
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita
Related Series
I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated (LN) (Light Novel)
I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine (10)
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? (10)
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken (WN) (6)
Spirit Migration (3)
The Death Mage Who Doesn’t Want a Fourth Time (3)
The Elf Is a Freeloader (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. Fantasy/magic novels in my list
  3. enjoyed my time
  4. My Favorite Novels
  5. good novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/12/23 FranscurryTL c1151
10/09/23 FranscurryTL c1150
10/09/23 FranscurryTL c1149
10/09/23 FranscurryTL c1148
10/06/23 FranscurryTL c1147
10/06/23 FranscurryTL c1146
10/06/23 FranscurryTL c1145
10/03/23 FranscurryTL c1144
10/03/23 FranscurryTL c1143
10/03/23 FranscurryTL c1142
09/30/23 FranscurryTL c1141
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99 Reviews sorted by

Yashiro4feh rated it
April 10, 2023
Status: c973
Created an account just to comment. Love this novel, its slow paced, but its not a drag. The scenes are well described that you can vividly see it happening despite no illustrations. Action scenes are intense and entertaining. Unlike other isekai novels, there is no harem, no romance, just a cute catgirl and her sword father as they explore the world and make friends, as well as save people (and beat people up too). Fran (the catgirl) is relatively strong, but she is not overpowered to the point where she... more>> one shots everything, and there are many monsters, even people who are much stronger than her. Yet she still improves steadily and grows not just as a fighter, but as a person as well, which is really heartwarming. The sword also is not some shounen protagonist who wants to save everyone and has a strong sense of justice, hes a pretty humorous guy who has a lot of inner monologue (considering he doesnt have many people to talk to anyway). Overall its just a fun story of a girl, her sword, and her wolf/dog and their adventures as they try to get stronger, there isnt really any particular aim, or a final boss or anything of that sort.

Next is translation quality. For the most part, translations are pretty decent, and the latest translator, franscurry translates well and efficiently, with 3 chapters every 3 days.

Well, thats about it for this novel, its a great novel with nice arcs and its extremely unique for an isekai. It also has its fair share of climatic moments, while also keeping some slice of life moments which just add colour and fun to the novel. Overall one of the best novels I have read, although rereading all 973 chapters again may prove to be pretty taxing lmao. <<less
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minidiamant rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: c345 part1
A lot of people might disagree, but in my case it's one of my favourite story, don't just think about fran and "master" yet they do have personality. I am gonna make it short because I just have sooo many things to say, but I love the story, I read the webnovel, light novel and manga, in a general way they all are greatn in different way, the webnovel is just great, the light novel is sometimes a bit clearer and also links more the stories thought I didn't particulary... more>> like that part so to speak so, (vol 3, I won't spoil) I think it is really good but they just group up something which in the webnovel wasn't really related to fran, but in terms of story it's really good, and considering what happens in the rest of the story, it follow suit the novel just better. The manga is a good pass time with some addition and some missing.

It's one of my favourite novel and I am going to leave it as that because I don't want to add 5 more paragraph also considering I am not good at making things sucsint. 5 stars, might edit some paragraph add, I just wanted to say more on how I like this novel but if I add more I will spoil and though try to be objective.

Edit1 (but If I add other edit I will put this at the end) : oh and seriously before making any review, please read at least 30%-50% (depending on how many out chap) because it is really anoying, I don't care you don't like it but at least attain chap 100 or so (in this case) even if you hate it, so that you can make a clever critical review or change some opinion. A lot of novel aren't as good or are a bit slow at the start because of setting story or searching for idears/format. But even slow part can be good if you listen and take your time. I don't know if I can speak about other novel in my review, but each time someone says something is too slow, I say directly or to myself "you haven't read nigotta hitomie no Lilianne" the slowest novel out there, can be tiring but if you take your time it may be not a piece of art but I categorise it as one bcause I like it. Now good luck, and anyway I know that if you are the type of person who are related to this edit paragraph, you will never read it, at least for the majority of people. A last thing is I think generally if something is really bad and not a lot of people like it, it won't be translated, but if it is, critical and don't lash the people which dumbly or not like it. (omg I did a paragraph just for that without being a review 'what have I done...'.

Edit2: quickly, even if it affect reader opinion, I never review translation, just the novel itself, even if I add a message or not, though I never really think much of the translation. (might I add though that in the light novel they call the dog, 'Jet' instead of 'Reki' and make fran do 'Hmn' instead of 'nh', it's not much but when details are like that I like just getting out of my sit and ask 'why!' than sit and continue reading even if I prefer the translation, but it doesn't affect my review so not important)

Edit3: I feel the translation is never going to catch up with raw but hopes are up. <<less
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November 28, 2019
Status: c103
Main characters are both interesting, good gradual character development.

Antagonists arent s*upid people who just throw out insults, the world isnt necessarily peaceful but it's not entirely awful either.

Not all nobles are evil (which seems to be a stereotype in reincarnation novels).

... more>> Main character isnt some beta pe*vert or anything, but at the same time acts his age. Not s*upid but not a genius either.

There are filler chapters, but they still manage to keep the reader engaged (in my opinion) and dont just stray away from the action or adventure part really.

Despite being adventure, there are side characters that get reintroduced later into the story, which is nice to see that they're not just discarded after MC and Fran leave that specific city.

It's not an evil and dark story, but it's not a "perfect world where everyone is nice" story either. It's a solid mix in between where the main character is fine with killing, but doesnt overdo it, the same can be said about most other characters as well.

The important side characters have their own goals and POV chapters (well, sometimes random peoples points of view are there as well) and it's nice to see that the main character isnt the only one progressing, but the world is also moving forward alongside them, albeit only being a few months in (as to where I am in the story).

No insane power leveling, but the MC isnt helpless either. Fran and the MC dont force any plot armor where they gamble against something much stronger than them (mostly).

It's definitely a story I suggest. <<less
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henshaw33 rated it
January 14, 2019
Status: c304
While the story isn't bad enough for me to tell people to stay away, it's also not a story I would willingly recommend to people unless I knew they were the type to really give a story a chance first. The premise of the story, while somewhat original and interesting, also falls flat rather quickly.

... more>>

Reincarnation isn't original by any means, but being an inanimate object is a first for me. Unfortunately the sword has no goals beyond getting generically stronger and finding a wielder. While this is to be expected from a sword, stories based on the premise of fighting and getting stronger rely on such goals so that the MC as well as the reader can determine if MC is still a ways off from the end or if MC begins to close in on what they seek.


The direction of the story isn't as clear as I'd like it to be or perhaps the author tried to do too much in this story.


The author attempted to balance slice of life with action/adventure and in my opinion failed horribly. Personally I'm a fan of both SoL and action/adventure novels, but some authors get over ambitious and try to do both at the same time and end up not making it flow together very well. This story doesn't weave SoL into predominantly action oriented segments, nor does the story try to weave adventure into SoL segments. It gets to the point where I feel like I'm reading two separate novels with the same characters, one where the characters go on adventures and risk their lives, and one where they wander around having a good time with friends. Also, there is far too much emphasis on cooking and food, I get that Japanese novels like to say that Japanese food is the best food that has ever existed on any world, but there's no reason to let that ideology bog down the story.


Many characters are likeable and well written, especially a number of the recurring side characters. The MC group on the other hand begin to stagnate rapidly to the extent that I started hoping for more side characters to pop up sometimes just to keep things interesting.


The main character group, consisting of a reincarnated sword, a former s*ave cat girl, and a monster wolf all have traits consistent with personality without a real glimpse of personality itself. The sword is a reincarnated Japanese man who dies and one day wakes up as a magic sword. Throughout the story he exhibits traits of being a gamer type nerd, but he doesn't actually seem to understand how typical RPG games actually function (blame the author on this I guess). He is also perhaps one of the biggest Gary Stues I've come across in novels. Obtaining skills from monster cores he's absorbed, leveling up himself as a sword through "eating monster's' magic stones" which allows him to increase his damage, makes him more durable, increases his ability to be amplified with magic, gives him skill points he can use to level up any of his skills he wants, equipping an increasing number of the skills he has, all while being able to share every single one of his equipped skills with his wielder. I should also mention the inconsistency of the author in making the sword as intelligent or perceptive or oblivious as the situation demands for plot reasons.

The female lead is a typical taciturn loli girl named Fran who's primary traits are that she enjoys eating, beating up on people that look down on her, wanting to get stronger to prove a point, and her obsession with her sword whom she affectionately calls "Master". There are many points in the novel where her brusque way of speaking and overall attitude towards most people are silly and fun to read, but the author goes out of his way to talk about how intelligent "Master" is or how intuitive Fran can be, yet he chooses to solve basically every problem with brute force, because that's literally always the best solution to every problem they face. The wolf is basically just a non-speaking copy of Fran, not much to talk about with that one.

The side characters are what really shine in this novel. Each feels like they could be the MC of their own story. They have various backgrounds, have different ambitions or goals and things that are important to them. They are actually allowed to have both strengths and weaknesses shown throughout the novel without having to immediately rid themselves of whatever weaknesses were shown. It also seems like rather than being given plot armor, the side characters that seemed to have it earned it. Overall, I like many of the side characters more than the main characters


Aside from a lot of the nitpicking I did, I actually did enjoy a lot of the novel. The world building seemed properly constructed and not forced most of the time, several of the arcs were either exciting or funny, the MC doesn't excessively dwell on his failures and constantly strives to surpass them (although I would have appreciated more reflection on those failures in the first place so he doesn't consistently cause the same mistakes to happen again and again and has to be given the same advice several times over). It's something I wouldn't mind giving a casual second read, but I'm not going to put it at the top of my list anytime soon. <<less
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November 3, 2018
Status: c295
I did a marathon reading this series. It is a good series overall that has some flaws. The plot may be predictable and the characters are op with all the drawbacks that come with that. There is a reincarnation aspect, but it is a theme that mostly ignored, I am not sure for better or worse.

With that said the main characters especially Fran the Black Cat are really charming especially if you are averse to the beta Japanese male MC cliche and the accompanying harem that plague the Japanese fantasy... more>> genre. The battle scenes are also competently done so you won't be bored with those sections b/c the author heavily emphasis fighting and progression.

So yeah, the series isn't a masterpiece, but everything is competently done with many quirky characters with surprising depth. Also Fran is adorable and likable focal character. <<less
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ProsciuttoApathy rated it
October 11, 2016
Status: c54
Feels a bit like a fluffier, less philosophical version of Kino's Journey with the reincarnated character playing the role of the sentient inanimate object. While nowhere near as classy as Kino's Journey, at least the main duo are visibly changed by there experiences even though it's mostly just leveling up their stats.
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NightAngelo0 rated it
April 27, 2016
Status: --
I would recommend this for a read. But I’ll be honest, the first eleven chapters were a bit of a hassle to read. For me, it only got interesting when the living-sword finally meet its wielder.


A certain expressionless loli (?) -cat s*ave-girl whom wanted to evolve or something.

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admira rated it
January 26, 2016
Status: --
Somehow, this novel feels pointless. Or maybe "plotless" would be a better description? Events happen, but even by stringing together a good number of chapters I can't find any point to them all.
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Beast101 rated it
March 5, 2024
Status: c1308
This is one of the few novels on this website that has completed its main story while I was reading. I think that for an adventure novel, for what you expect (pretty much exactly what the tags are) It manages to make a not completely broken ability steal protag, and the character dynamic just works.

You came here for an adventure, and I feel like now that there is an ending you satisfy that it dosen't feel "never-ending" adventure feeling of a lot of novels. While still having a lot of... more>> great content. <<less
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urmomsballs rated it
June 1, 2022
Status: --
Would really be a decent read if the sword MC stopped mentioning how it's not indecent for him to go underwear shopping or bathing together with his protegé, and how he can't have s*x either way, neglecting to mention that Fran is 12. A literal 12 year old and the author deems it necessary to mention that MC isn't actually attracted to her, which just makes it sound like exactly that's the case. Is it so hard to just not say it?
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dieseldargon rated it
June 21, 2021
Status: c610
I'm enjoying this story so far. The author has clearly taken great care to keep track of their characters, so far nobody has been forgotten when revisiting old cities, and plotlines similarly have not been dropped. It's almost like the author has a plan or something.

The power cycle is actually pretty good too, 600 chapters in you'd expect that the cycle of hero meets unbeatable boss->hero trains->hero beats boss->repeat would have consumed the story/world but it hasn't. There is a consistent stream of moments where the author uses surrounding people... more>> and monsters to demonstrate that the power level of the world has not risen with the main character and I appreciate that. <<less
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Kylopan rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: --
First of all, The chapters are short but frequent and makes me want to read the raws but I wont. Maybe its just me but I thing the power system is very vague... I simply cant see how the MC beats some certain characters, but it certainly is still a good read. The power system is kind of like Dragon Ball in a way, It doesn't make sense but it just makes sense.

Ignore the low ratings, they probably don't get the feeling of light hearted but dark at the same... more>> time because that's the vibe its giving me.

So go read it because its a good read. <<less
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Waqs rated it
July 21, 2020
Status: c346
The adventure of little kitty and her sword is great. All is good 5 stars until the end of arena competition (around ch200ish). Then its going downhill to a meh, lack of something exciting, lackluster antagonist, our kitty became battle junkie robot, story became like a cheap one. Still, I highly recommend to read this one at least til arena ended. Judge it yourself after that :)
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Diddler rated it
September 17, 2019
Status: --
This WN doesn't know what it wants to be. Slice of life? Fantasy? Shounen?

All of the above?

It increasingly becomes a problem when the plot continuously gets derailed for slice of life elements, leading to an incredibly thinned out and dry plot line. MC and Fran are being chased by evil demons? No problem, let's spend 30 chapters on a cooking competition! It's frustrating constantly skipping through filler. Half the chapters are about MC and Fran eating curry. I get it. The author likes curry. But it's a little much.

In a... more>> way the story feels very artificial. It makes no sense how the MC was killing rank C demon beasts within the first 15 chapters of the WN but him and Fran struggle against them here at chapter 200. Any and all antagonists they come across can be solved by power leveling through high rank mobs. A huge element that never seems to be taken advantage of. Like right now at ch 200 they're being chased around by the beast lord or whatever. But uhh.. Apparently the fact that he wants to kill them isn't as important as sitting around waiting for a martial arts tournament? A slice of life element literally nobody cares about. When you could, ya'kno, skip town and powerlevel to prevent your death? <<less
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shinidoshi rated it
March 28, 2019
Status: c207
Lore/information gets repeated a lot - not because the Author is forgetful, nor is the MC designed to have memory relapses - but because the Fran and the MC are following a paper trail. Everything starts with a rumor, and as the chapters go buy, they end up meeting people with a high authority on information.

and then this pattern escalated until our MC ends up meeting face to face with the God of Chaos herself


I got a little confused at first as to why people kept repeating the same thing but with different words, but I came to realize that Fran and the MC were literally walking a path to the truth. After all, this is a story of a young girl trying to achieve something on a legendary scale. Therefore, it makes sense that her information network has to experience exponential growth.
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turk128 rated it
August 3, 2018
Status: c190
Well written isekai with an interesting twist but held down by some flaws.

One of said flaws is the MC: no, not the homicidal excessively cute catgirl but the mu*der hobo of a reincarnated magical sword that's her master. To often, he comes off like those overenthusiastic arsehole parents at little league games.

Which brings us to the most egregious flaw: this isekai has elements of an excellent slice-of-life novel. The problem is that those great moments are weighted down by an overtly technical game-like skill/talent system that's held together by too... more>> much deux ex machina. Seriously, this novel is so close to being excellent but is held down at every turn by grinding combat and game elements.

If you can put up with the grind (and have attained the ability to browse through unwanted parts of novels), this isekai is a solid recommend. <<less
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July 8, 2018
Status: c264
If I had to judge by the first 10 chapters I would rate this novel terribly. I would 100% honestly recommend anyone who hasn't read this to just skip the first 10 chapters. They're all completely irrelevant to enjoying the story that comes once he meets his wielder, Fran. Once he has someone to actually talk to (and it helps that Fran is very interesting) the story vastly improves.
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Synchrotron rated it
April 29, 2018
Status: c235
This novel is actually a roller-coaster ride, and actually is sometimes really satisfying if you have my preferences at least like punishing an annoying pssy and btches or something.

What I mention about roller-coaster ride is that this novel got points where the things are soaring on up Mount Everest and you dunk directly to Mariana Trench, and up to the mountain again, yes I compare it to how the start is very, very bland and you suddenly get momentum where things get reaaally nice. So you get to start in... more>> Mariana Trench.

Here's some pointers that some reviewers that rated very low missed (some minor spoilers) :

    • Why does the sword MC have a human figure as a doppelganger and Fran (wielder) doesn't really think about it? It is because

      Fran knew that he's a former human. Also, he can make sword doppelgangers, but it is highly probable that because he is essentially a former human that his image is embedded by the skill.

    • How can he fly, yes with telekinesis but here's where it gets deeper:

      If you read the manga, it is showed him being "created" or whatever (I'm not sure if he's created or just blessed or somethin') by 3 Goddesses, yup. Also he's a blade with unique properties similar to Godblades (or Divine Blades), but he's not a godblade himself, he however got unlimited growth, unlike the blades that are not growing at all, so he's most likely something greater than those things. A mystery for now.

    • The king of cooking arc is boring, yes I agree but it IS a part of the plot: (I mentioned what roller-coasters are right?)

      That is related to the story's showcase of the Evil God's (and minions) appearance and power. The arc mentions that finalists of the contest are selected by income and customer amount, and here's a clue: Just like games, eating something can grant buffs and debuffs or negative status, and remember that this novel's world is basically RPG-esque? What if the debuff is like a curse like "s*ave of Evil god? You get it now right? K? K. Note that the Evil God is the major reason why this novel's plot is shaped this way.

    • This novel is bland af (and drops this just because of the boring start). Okay, so you basically rate novels by their initial impression. Just like in RL, you need to know someone fully in order to either trust or throw them off the ditch. You know what I mean.
Try this novel if you're fine with fantasy RPG elements. I played RPG games so I greatly like this novel. If you are like me, just read it you will have no regrets.

Also, the sword MC actually turned from a standard isekai pe*vert MC to a father figure that leads and guides the second MC, Fran (because of the events on the start, it's shocking that he actually only got a short period of insanity after being locked for few months, of which he wasted a sizable amount of Evo-Points similar to Skill Points). This is one of this novel's likeable aspects as the MC is not a teen dude that swallowed a full 500 gram bottle of viagra, instead he's a very caring person worthy of being called a parent. <<less
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Otaku108 rated it
February 18, 2018
Status: c150
Points given for concept in a main character being an inanimate object, while not totally original it is certainly better than panties... moving on. What this does is remove a great number of tropes that I find overdone in anime, manga and even in light novels. Biggest and most easily notable being the Harem is not found here, and thankfully so. That isn't to say the author doesn't throw in a sizable number of tropes, has zero problems pointing it out through the MC (as if this excuses the use),... more>> and moves on to the next one in sometimes rapid-fire succession.

This isn't to say that I don't enjoy some of the tropes; having a 12 year old cat person that's basically super powered by comparison to her peers whilst everyone gawks in shock. I find this humorous on multiple levels and it never gets old for some reason. However, the pointed discussion of her being in the "strike zone" of some men (and women) is one trope I could do with out. Pervasive cultural differences aside it is nice that the MC is mostly protective of her and other women but it doesn't dissuade the creepy factor that often rears it's ugly head anyway.

Where it all starts to fall apart, and where a lot of people will start disagreeing with me on a fundamental level. This story has got one hell of an identity crisis being it can't seem to focus on being either action fantasy or chef battle. The swaps are sometimes jarring in their timing, and breaks the entire flow of whichever plot they're following at the time. I suspect this has more to do with how these stories are written than any designs by the author but it's there none the less. To go into more detail would mean heavy spoilers. Lets just say if you like both action/fantasy and chef battle (like Shokugeki no Souma), this is going to be much more of a plus than a minus. As for me, I'm not into chef battle stuff and it tends to bore me. I get it, food is delicious. :P

When this isn't the issue we run into a few cases of "dues ex machina", which frankly is par for the course on most high magic fantasy settings anyway, but no more extra points for misuse and overuse of them. Thankfully this isn't a huge issue and rarely seen by comparison to many other titles I've read 100+ chapters of.

Lastly, depth of characters, or lack there of. I expect a bit more at this point, but really the two main characters have little more direction than "meh, lets get stronger" Fran wants to evolve and Sensei vaguely wants to know what's happened to him yet both of these goals are so far shoved to the side it's almost as if they don't matter to them at all. As to what evolving is this is a mystery to me, do they lose their tail and beast ears, either I misunderstood something or the translation was off on this specifically. There is more depth found in the myriad of supporting characters which just kind of disappear to the background only to be recalled when needed. Even then they're not exactly deep support characters either, it just that the two in focus are that shallow.

Having read this far into my review I kinda need to thank you, or if you just skipped to the end I'll congratulate you for here's my conclusion. The story is actually quite enjoyable in it's unique fashion among the throngs of reincarnations I've read so far (and that deserves a win in my book). The two are generally likable, if a bit blood thirsty and ruthless, tend to get mad for the other instead of for themselves and such. The flow is fairly quick but this also leads to it's problems of lack of character development and direction even though progression is quite far. Is this worth reading? Absolutely, especially if you dislike harem, love action and cooking mixed together with a bit of politics/intrigue, dungeon delving and skill collecting/leveling. <<less
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Shazic rated it
February 13, 2018
Status: c179
I admit I'm not the best speller or that good at grammar. So I understand if my review lacks quality writing

I really like this story so far. Its rather cute. And unlike a lot of story's with that take up an OP MC. This one the MC not that OP they run into a lot of people that are stronger then them.

... more>>

all the guild masters are stronger then Fran and sword bro it may not really look like it but they are stronger than Fran (the A rank adventures are also stronger then our MCs its been stated a lot.


Also I love how the sword isn't a complete perv wanting to look loli Fran in a bad way. The sword want to protect and would kill anyone that would want to look at her that way like a good father would want to protect his 12 daughter. Which I find really nice about this story.

I mean its not the best story and its not for everyone. But its worth a read and a chance In my opinion

(I will admit some of the chapters there is saddly some really horrible translated chapter that are hard to put up with. But that's not the story's fault that's the translators inability to understand the original story and like of not caring in my mind I'm glad they drop it and let this new person take over there a lot better and update a lot more as of so far) <<less
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