I Shall Seal the Heavens


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“What I want, the Heavens shall not lack!”

“What I don’t want, had better not exist under the Heavens!”

This is a story that originates between the Eighth and Ninth Mountains, the world in which the strong prey upon the weak.

“My Name is Meng Hao! The Ninth Generation Demon Sealer, I shall seal the Heavens!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cennetleri Mühürlemeliyim
Demon Sealer
Ngã Dục Phong Thiên
Wo Yu Feng Tian
ผนึกสวรรค์ สยบมาร สะท้านเทพ
Related Series
Renegade Immortal (Shared Universe)
Pursuit of the Truth (Shared Universe)
Against Heaven (Shared Universe)
A Will Eternal (Shared Universe)
A World Worth Protecting (Shared Universe)
Outside of Time (Shared Universe)
A Will Eternal (76)
World of Cultivation (48)
Renegade Immortal (40)
Transcending the Nine Heavens (29)
The Desolate Era (24)
Coiling Dragon (18)
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341 Reviews sorted by

Arthur rated it
July 5, 2016
Status: c774
Xianxia novels aren't my usual fare. I started this one since it was so highly rated and the reviews were mostly good. I love this story. The world building is fantastic and the premise is great. The translation is first rate and the translator's notes has allowed a xianxia noob like me to understand the author's intent. There's a certain repetition of the MC's growth and the author has a penchant for providing the MC with plot armor, but it's nowhere near as bad as some stories are. The author... more>> has also built the groundwork for a harem, but had the MC stay true to a single love interest all the way to current.

I like how the author has never made the MC to be some sort of saint or paragon. To be frank, the MC is a bit of a con-man, and bullies more than a few minor characters. Money is a huge motivation for the MC thus far, and the MC freely admits his greed. Later on as the MC progresses and matures, other motivators develop (some good, some not), and his goals change, like real people do.

On the con side of the story, the author tends to over emphasize certain actions, as if to build hype or a sense of climax of a situation. At first it was a nice writing tool, but 700+ chapters later, it's been very over used, and is an indicator that the MC (or other major character) is about to do some heaven bending action. Also the author seems to have decided to clear the character board every so often with a major conflict now and then. A couple of these conflicts have had very, very sketchy reasoning, other than to bump off a lot of minor characters that have accumulated and to allow the major characters to show off their bad-assedness. <<less
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xindaishogun93 rated it
July 5, 2016
Status: c772
I love this book, this series, more than I can ever say. It's like, the more I read, the greater that love grows. Er Gen is simply a fantastic writer. And it's more than just how comprehensive the cultivation system is; it's more than how well he incorporates politics into his story; and it's more than just how complex he makes his characters. It is because of how real, how poignant, the emotions his characters express that truly allows his writing to shine. I truly feel what they feel, inasmuch... more>> as I can, of course. The grand scale of his story is reflected in the lives, and emotions, of his characters. Truly, it is a beautiful thing.

To me, his story, though I have only read so much of it, is good enough, more than good enough, to stand on the same pedestal of fantasy epics as the likes of Tolkien and Robert Jordan. His novel is a different kind of thought provoking, different type of beautiful from theirs. But both sides allow you to understand just how little things, little choices of one person, or group of people, can alter the ebb and flow of history. They make you feel it; inside your heart of hearts, you start to wonder "What would I do? Would I make the same choices, or would I follow a different path?" To me, that is the acme of the literature world. When one can allow someone else to travel their world, even by proxy, and have it feel so real, so compelling, nothing else is greater.

Now, it is up to you to decide whether or not you wish to travel this path to the top. <<less
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jiaowoge rated it
June 25, 2016
Status: --
Really liked this novel until I reached to the chapter which was left with 300 before end.

Meng Hao became the few world master or something, cant remember since its been a few months. To me, it gets pretty boring during the fight of MengHao against the animal-breds from the other world. Few hundred chapters to describe the plot of menghao fighting against the animal breds from other world... just couldnt take it. Btw no s*x scene in ISSTH from what I know so don't hold high hope. But the romance is still quite nice. Although Meng Hao just threw Chu Yu Yan to the side for few hundred chapters because he only likes 1 woman then in the final chapter Chu Yu Yan is there? Like what the f*ck? Still a good read of 4/5 though. Recommended

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raysha18 rated it
June 4, 2016
Status: c704
i really like ISSTH. This novel is one of the reasons I love reading chinese novels. The beginning chapters where Meng Hao interacted with Fatty got me hooked. This novel can make you laugh and can make you cry. I feel that the love story is genuine and much better compared to others. (This is just my opinion since I know some people prefer harem.) Although the MC is quite powerful (in the later chapters) , he still gets into sticky situations where his life is always on the line.... more>> Overall, if you want to give Xianxia novels a try then this is one of the must read novel you should choose. <<less
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badiyee rated it
April 6, 2016
Status: --
Need to point this out if you're planning to binge read:

Don't read it too fast.
Also, Deathblade already has been given permission by Er Gen (it was documented) to translate the series. The translation quality is excellent.

Story, plot and characters? Many have talked about it. I would suggest that you don't read it too fast, and you'll see that the MC isn't powerlevelling, yet at the same time he isn't exactly being forced into circumstances and then let things flow. There's a good mix of both, and its very intricate. Take your time, read the story slowly.
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TheJudge rated it
January 16, 2016
Status: --
This is currently the best translated Chinese novel to date. The author does a great job building up the story, and everything MC does is explained well. This novel has a bit of everything... very funny and entertaining to read, unlike the other top 10 ranked novels on this site which has a OP MC that goes on a killing spree, heads rolling, you piss me off I r*pe/kill you and your family garbage. Sure those novels can be fun to read.. but that's all there is to it though,... more>> its just rinse and repeat again and again! I roll my eyes everytime because the only reason they are alive is due to plot armor. While this novel does a plot armor, it's not as ridiculous and s*upid as the others out there, and the author actually explains it! Whereas many others are "because I said so or because I'm young and strong and will only get stronger, so I have someone backing me up, kind of BS". Everything the MC does here hes EARNED through hard work! You won't get bored of it because every arc is unique, not like the usual "meet stronk enemy, must get stronger so I kill him and his family garbage".

I've read ATG, TGD, and a bunch of other novels up to chapters 200-300+, but stopped because of the repeated arcs, and tyrant/reckless MC.

tl; slow start, but snowballs into a great novel that just gets better and better every arc.

I rate this 6 out of 5.
This is the only novel I can't wait to read everyday, even though I'm reading about a dozen of novels. <<less
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Daoist Ghoul
Daoist Ghoul rated it
October 29, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the best novels I ever read.

Also, this is an Er Gen novel. Nothing else needs to be said, but I will try.

The main character is smart and has a silver tongue. Overall he is mostly serious, funny sometimes and really interesting. The side characters are kept apart most of the time, but they stay present through the journey, so be prepared to see some character development.

... more>> The plot of the novel is very consistent (power ups too). The MC goes from 0 to hero (sometimes anti-hero).

Mysteries and secrets are well explained, and the Dao is always present. Also this is where our great Lord Fifth first appears, so be ready for some laughs.

Enjoy. <<less
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Lawl rated it
October 10, 2021
Status: Completed
It is a great novel except for some parts, like

the war arc, that was truly a horrible arc, and if it wasn't included in the novel I would give this novel 5 stars

the cultivation method of the MC is interesting and his money grubbing personality and Lord Fifth and Lord Third bring much needed comic relief to the story.

The romace is pretty bad though, but that is normal for Er Gen novels.

I recommend reading it.
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magiclaser rated it
October 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I had high hopes for this novel but sadly is not that great. Is entertaining enough for when bored and enough not to drop it midway.

The author leaves many plots incomplete after he hypes them, the world if full of people looking down on low levels. Respecting the powerful does not mean being humble is a sin. I mean knowing where one came from is important too.

I dislike the ending so much I drop the rating from 3 to 2 stars. At the end MC learned nothing and gained barely... more>> anything. <<less
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brokenglish rated it
September 25, 2021
Status: Completed
If you come here after Warlock of Magus World, which is wayyyyy better, you can skip this.

Very very standard plot. A lot of repetition. Formula used is cultivation i++. I coughed a mouthful of blood at the start of every new arc.

Enough to occupy my boredom during lockdown. If I could turn back time, 100% would definitely choose something else.

... more>> The ending was milked. Unnecessarily. Could have ended much sooner and I would've given it 4*.

All of this takes some time to describe, but actually happened in the space of only a few breaths. <<less
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Panpan66 rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I read this when it was updating little by little in English translations and I absolutely loved it. The English translation, the author, and the translator are awesome. By the time I picked it up I have read over 10 Xianxia novels and this was the best out of all. That time I was still in the great hype of getting to know Xianxia novels so you must know how awesome it feels to have found this perfection. True thoughts: this novel should be sitting at a 4.7 if you... more>> get rid of the comedy tag (I don't even know why it's there). <<less
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kirtil rated it
January 23, 2021
Status: Completed
I mean, I had fun reading this but really; it is full of plot armor, and poor in quality.

The MC is introduced as a stand up guy, someone who doesn't look for trouble but will not back down if anyone wants a piece of him. But most of his actions are stealing stuff that doesn't belong to him or kill people. All of his actions are justified by the author, while others doing the SAME things are labeled as villains, monsters, etc.

A very well planned and seemingly very deep Cultivation... more>> is set in this novel, and after following the first step, MC stops following the "path" and just does his own thing, flying thru levels. Whatever he does, it seems to be the shortcut and easily jumps to the next, and sometimes several steps forward. <<less
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Arkanth rated it
January 13, 2021
Status: Completed
Insignia of the genre and a must-read novel. It might not be perfect, but it is definitely worth the read. Have faith in Lord Fifth, gain eternal life.

There's not much to say about this novel that hasn't been said before. The worldbuilding and storytelling are rich and deep as you would expect from the author, and the story feels organic and well balanced. The pacing might be slow, but it is not anywhere near as mentioned by some of the reviews I read, and anyone saying otherwise must have never... more>> read an actual novel...

In conclusion, while not perfect, anyone who likes this genre should give this a read. <<less
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March 2, 2020
Status: --
Story 4/5, Characters 5/5, Enjoyment 5/5, Writing 4/5

ISSH is one of the most lauded Wuxia novels on this site so I don't need to say much.

Meng Hao is one of my favorite MCs of all time. He's funny, greedy, and caring for his friends. The world is built up alright and the cultivation systems are pretty basic but the journey is amazing. Some side characters are 2 dimensional and others are well fleshed out. The romance is good but nothing special.

Overall ISSH just sits above most other wuxia novels. It... more>> may not be the favorite Er Gen novel by other fans but it personally tops my list.

P.S. Don't get too hung up on the exploding butts at the beginning of the novel. <<less
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hiro14 rated it
December 29, 2019
Status: --
I really liked this novel maybe until maybe in the 900 or 1000 chapter? But afterwards, it just became too war driven. There was no break at all in their battle coz it just grow larger and larger, and it wasn't funny as it used to be. Battles became very wordy that spans tens of chapter. If only it stayed the way it was, maybe I'll give it a 5 all the way.

One more thing is about the other female lead. I feel like the author really wants to make... more>> this a harem novel, which I don't like at all as a genre. Chu Yuyan is always there till the end that it's almost like they're gonna have a threesome if there's only a sequel, lol, and I don't like the idea. <<less
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RajSanthosh rated it
December 8, 2019
Status: Completed
I have one question, if everyone can be recarinated, MC can just take everyones soul, and recarinate them when he gets stronger.. Blah....

If mc's mom, can warn everyone, in that song clan, then she could have warn those sect who wants to kill xu girl or warn those branch of ji family who wants to kill meng hao..

But they become guardian, so thier son can live a good life, but..... never mind...

... more>> Novel should be named as I Shall Seal the Harem.

A story where MC loves only one girl who dies for him, until another girl dies for him. And also leaves the girls who loves him without giving any explanation, make them die at old age.

But truly an awsome Ride... Where you will cry atleast 4 times.. <<less
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Skiventzy rated it
August 12, 2019
Status: c1300
ISSTH is a story with some inventive cultivation and satisfying adventure. Unfortunately it is a mixed bag of goods. The start of the novel is strong. The first 300 chapters are a great read, 5/5. One man versus the world stuff. The best climax for me was at ch.313. Until here, it is a story I can wholeheartedly recommend. After that, it is a slippery slope until this novel becomes unbearable, BUT there are some other highlights in the first half of the novel.

In the world building there is a... more>> nice mini-arc at around ch.450 and then again a longer one at ch.563. If the first 300 chapters keep you going through it all, I suggest you struggle until around ch.800, although the battle starting at ch.767 is a horrendous.

An important mystery is resolved at around ch.795

. If you read until here, one important form of cultivation is covered, and there is a mini-payoff connection to ch.1, which is great place to stop reading. ISSTH has this forced epicness in the second half of the story that kills this novel.

ISSTH is a story with many great ideas. If it had massive edits to the level of complete rewrite, it could attract many new eastern fantasy novel book readers. Even though some aspects of this story are probably incurable, for example, the MC has a plot armor in the form of lucky breaks that is just ridiculous. <<less
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MusicaX79 rated it
July 17, 2019
Status: c1614
There are so many things that are done right by this story. It's as if Er'Gen was going to make this his final story, everything about it I find excellent. Very few stories in this genre properly start off by showing that the MC is not OP at this time and just because he is stronger then the guy at a weaker level his is not stronger then someone at a higher level. It's not until 2/3rds into the first book that this changes, and he become a classic heaven... more>> defying cultivator. From then on until the 4th book he is just trying to survive with the knowledge he has.

Books 1 through 3 have a bad stigma of MC steals everything/obtains everything but doesn't actual gain anything on his own. While this is some what true, that dies off in Book 4. At which point he no longer has a clear path in cultivation and begins to make his own. Book 6 is the odd ball in the series, the story returns to a sect again but unlike book 3 which is heart warming it's more of a battle ground and just feels off. The final books 7 through 10 are just classic OP MC being OP MC. The thing is that unlike other stories there is a proper foundation for why the MC is OP. In the last chapter of the story it makes it clear that he was inevitable to come to existence and this level of power.

While A Will Eternal Is Er'Gen's funny story I have to say the humor in this book is very in the moment and excellent. The humor is mostly dark humor and is mostly a play off of the seriousness of the main MC. Regardless I've found myself laughing many times out loud at what I read. <<less
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Marton cross
Marton cross rated it
May 11, 2019
Status: Completed
I love the first half of the story when Meng Hao adventured through South Haven, I enjoyed the comedy of the meat jelly and Lord fifth, and Meng Hao's philosphy and Dao.

Although it went downhill like many others had said before, I still think it was an amazing read.
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Dragon-sama rated it
April 27, 2019
Status: afterword
Out of all the xianxia i've read Er gen and IET novels are the best though they have their own flaws. Most other xianxia are cliche or unstimulating. Many are good at the start but at some point they become dissapointing. They start lacking in world building, character building, plot or the story starts to drag with useless fillers. I've read 120+ xianxia but ISSTH is still my no 1 favourate.

Nothing needs be said about senior Deathblade he's practically in a level of his whether it comes quality or translation... more>> speed. (THE DEATHBLADE CLASS) <<less
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