Ask the Mirror


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He was precocious from birth. By the age of seven or eight, he already had some clear personal rules. However, during his five years at the Twin Immortals Sect, he hardly ever did anything willingly. So, after gaining his freedom, he strived to make sure everything he did aligned with his wishes and made him feel at peace. This wasn’t an easy task, but he enjoyed it immensely.

It’s true that he pursued immortality. But the immortality he sought, or rather, yearned for, was nothing like the ruthless and cruel immortality of the Twin Immortals, Zi Lei and Chi Yin. Nor was it the petty and sordid kind sought by the Sun Light Sect or the Thousand Spirit Gate.

Many times, he would do things that seemed inexplicable to others: unrelated to morality, unrelated to profit, unrelated to right or wrong, good or evil. There was only one sufficient reason behind all this: immortality encompasses all meaningful pursuits.

I have a mirror, reflecting the mountains and rivers of the universe;
I have a sword, cutting through the realms of human hearts and ghosts;
I have a city, seated among the clouds of the Nine Heavens;
I have a heart, smiling through the trials on the path to immortality.

Why do people seek immortality? Because immortality embraces all desires and signifies infinite possibilities.

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2 Reviews sorted by

ughughugh rated it
October 4, 2024
Status: c407
Just finished the first real part/arc of the story and wow!!! I've probably read close to 100 Xianxias over the past five years and this is currently in the top 5!

I'm not going to spoil anything, but I would put it on the same wavelength of Daoist Gu and Unsheathed.
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Goblinslate rated it
December 3, 2024
Status: c300
Hello, it's I Goblin, the translator!

What makes Ask the Mirror, stand out amongst the other xianxia is how it is written. Yes, it's a story about a mortals journey to immortality, but this novels adds more to it than your standard xianxia tropes. It is a meditation on the path to immortality, and the stream of thought of those who chose to tread on this path.

The protagonist Yu Ci is one such mortal on this path. He is a man hardened by the path and someone who constantly discovers himself... more>> on the path. He is brave, calm and calculative. He is kind, but decisively ruthless if he need to be. It is obvious just how much work the author put into the story just from the way he makes the protagonist come to life.

The world of Ask the Mirror is vast and carefully crafted. It is full of mysteries and as we follow the protagonist we slowly discover new things all the time. The side characters are also well portrayed through the exposition of their thoughts and ideals on the concepts of Dao and immortality. The antagonists are not entirely s*upid, they are not mere stepping stones, and are genuinely terrifying. All these things come together to form a very interesting story.

That's all from me for now. Thank you! <<less
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