I Shall Seal the Heavens


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“What I want, the Heavens shall not lack!”

“What I don’t want, had better not exist under the Heavens!”

This is a story that originates between the Eighth and Ninth Mountains, the world in which the strong prey upon the weak.

“My Name is Meng Hao! The Ninth Generation Demon Sealer, I shall seal the Heavens!”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cennetleri Mühürlemeliyim
Demon Sealer
Ngã Dục Phong Thiên
Wo Yu Feng Tian
ผนึกสวรรค์ สยบมาร สะท้านเทพ
Related Series
Renegade Immortal (Shared Universe)
Pursuit of the Truth (Shared Universe)
Against Heaven (Shared Universe)
A Will Eternal (Shared Universe)
A World Worth Protecting (Shared Universe)
Outside of Time (Shared Universe)
A Will Eternal (76)
World of Cultivation (48)
Renegade Immortal (40)
Transcending the Nine Heavens (29)
The Desolate Era (24)
Coiling Dragon (18)
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06/27/15 Wuxiaworld c37
06/26/15 Wuxiaworld c36
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341 Reviews sorted by

Tsoob rated it
September 19, 2021
Status: Completed
It's not bad but saying that It's good is a bit of a stretch... to me, Although it's not totally mediocre, It's not very far off either. Maybe, It got way bigger than it should have. By now, It should be evident that ErGen is not really adept at writing romance (and that's being generous) but ErGen sure outdid himself in this one.

Xu Qing is by far one of the most soulless bunch I've seen on WNs, and MC's (almost) total disregard towards the far more interesting character (Chu Yuyan)... more>> doesn't help either. The humor can get bland at times and the MC's character is nowhere near interesting as Wang Lin, despite the potential.

There are a lot of people saying that this is a watered-down (read: inferior) version of the Renegade Immortal, and I don't completely disagree, but most of the problem here boils from the high expectations and the amount of hype a particular website and ErGen fans spread.

Final verdict: Okay lore, good world-building, romance s**ked ass.

It's fine, just don't get your hopes high as there are rather glaring problems and the novel itself is not interesting enough to pin you down at the screen to read it (I dropped it two times before I finally got to read the whole thing), the MC is interesting for the first 200-ish chapters and that's it, he loves a soulless wooden doll (she is human I know), and he and his father and his mother and his father's family and his mother's family etc. are very op. Also, whenever he is in a serious life or death situation, his father vowes that if he couldn't make it, he will avenge him (I mean like he is restricted so he can't act freely, And I appreciate it that he didn't lose himself in the rage and almost crippled himself to scape the restrictions and save his son (unlike a certain childish unreasonable brat in the author's previous novel) but his behaviour doesn't make it less cringe) <<less
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protagplotarmor rated it
January 24, 2021
Status: c412
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superdude201 rated it
January 13, 2021
Status: c568
It's the novel that made me hate all wuxia novels.

I actually quit reading this years ago but thought I would write my review now.

At first it seems fine and dandy, but as you read on and on you start to realize that this series is a hypocritical giant turd in disguise of a gem.

I'll boil it down, the MC is the worst being in the series, the 2d villains he faces/kills seem like saints in comparison to him. The author continually justifies the MC actions as good while vilifying his... more>> opponents actions even when his opponents are displaying the exact same traits as him in every single arc of the story.

It's the worst case of Protagonist-Centered Morality; one where the author frames him as the good hero of the story while slaughtering innocents unironically.

When I meant unironically, I meant unironically. This isn't some anti-hero story where you root for some bad guy.

TLDR. MC is a sociopathic serial killer. (Also this trait is apparent in all of Er Gen's novels) <<less
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Konstantin rated it
January 20, 2020
Status: c800
I've read this novel a long time ago and then, unfortunately, dropped it. The reason? After some point in the story, there are just way too many plot holes. IDK why most people just don't see them, but I do and it annoyed me to the point of dropping the novel. That being case I still rate it highly because this novel has 10/10 moments and even whole arcs. I would rate the novel as 10/10 or close to that in 100-500 chapters. After that everything goes downhill with how... more>> inconsistent the plot. The moment it becomes intolerable to me was when MC, in the role of some "young master from ancient times" climbed the tower with the help of countless talismans/op items provided by his father. I wouldn't spoil much, but if you are an attentive reader you will know what I'm talking about. As others said - the author often just forgets about plot points which were important before. It is very unfortunate because the novel is really entertaining and shines more than once. In this sense AWE is a better novel, there aren't as many plot holes there (other than some inconsistencies in power levels...). <<less
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IMakeCopperMirrors rated it
September 3, 2019
Status: Completed
Rating: 7.5-8/10

A good entry level novel and the author's best overall work. As in his other works:

    • romance is very lame and ass-pulled but a little touching
    • description of magic techniques, lore and situations in general is melodramatic, bombastic and wordy. You will see what I mean from the first chapters. They can produce hype (especially when the author counts how many steps, candles, dragons in strength blah blah the MC achives) but at times it becomes cringy. Everything is described just as earth shaking and heaven shattering be it Foundation Establishment or the ultimate realms
    • MC is chased a looooot by stronger enemies
    • MC could have been born in the most remote countryside of the universe, but he will still find the rarest most legendary pill recipe/ technique so that he can cultivate each realm to perfection (shameless deus ex machina)
There are some memorable comedic moments in this novel and some convoluted overall plot foreshadowed from earlier chapter, which the author is also figuring out as the story progresses.

Some arcs are better than the others.
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thickfoundationpillars rated it
August 30, 2019
Status: c517
really slow start and then 300 chapters of meng hao being so amazing and every high level cultivator he comes across just straights up hands his legacy and dies to the point where I just know whats going to happen, typical female cultivators who's constantly described as " prettier than female x" thats it, nothing about their cultivation path. Author has constant romance teases but we all know ErGen, he's characters are constantly competing on how long they can still stay virg*ns eg wang lin and meng hao nice... more>> nice.

plenty of plot armor to the point where its just bs and I cant enjoy at all MC burns life force but gets it back 10 mins later.

do not read save yourself this is just another masochist massacring crap sh*t Chinese novel. <<less
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cubetoedge rated it
August 14, 2019
Status: Completed
my very first CN! Also the best one I have read so far among 40+ CNs.

intriguing characters and cultivation setup gets boring in the middle for like 100-200 chapters the rest is amazing. Depiction is quite good that you can visualize the scenes well. The only drawback apart from the boring middle chapters is lack of harem some female characters deserved the harem I shall not spoil whom.

anyway its action packed with vast universe though with a lot foreshadowing possibly because the author has other series in tow after ISSTH... more>> AWE and RI even though author could have milked the series bit more wouldnt harm much unlike the rest of the CNs which deserve 500-600 chapters but ends uo with 2000+ chapters. <<less
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Forgotten legend
Forgotten legend rated it
June 29, 2018
Status: Completed
What can I say more, an art so amazing emotions overflowing

At the start, it wasn't good personally I gave up on it at 334 I think cause the incident there, the drama.... Really killed me

It wasn't by the 1000th chapter realised did I continued it

Honestly, I didn't have many choices at that time, I thought hmmm meh lets just read this shit..

Wow wasn't I wrong at latter stages the novel keeps on getting tempo, I personally cried when his wife died, dmn curse you issh

The first time I cried cause of a imaginary character, to understand this story or making it a good one,

Put yourself in his shoes, watch his journey as he becomes the strongest,

Never regretted reading it, just sad the ending was so climactic

I mean what happens after that.....

Where are they going


But bravo writer, bravo to wuxiaworld for finishing this novel.

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June 28, 2018
Status: --
Finished it from start to end.

As a whole, I Shall Seal the Heavens is one of the better Chinese Webnovels out there but even then there are issues within that left a bitter taste in my mouth.


  1. The MC is well characterized and the side characters aren't immediately forgotten after the first few arcs.
  2. There isn't an overreliance on arrogant characters as compared to other stories.
  3. There is a certain mystery and beauty to the way Er Gen describes the world and how it unfolds, it trully draws the reader in.

  1. Too many professions taken on by MC and Author which dilutes the story at times (He is extremely talented at Alchemy which is the main focus of the third book and also one of the highlights of the novel but later dabbles in far to many other areas that feel overly padded (namely taming, forging, etc)).
  2. Sudden disapperance of items, powers, etc... His unique physique seems to disappear and its importance as initially stated fades away, unique spells and such fade into oblivion and an abrupt manner (example Blood Immortal Mask and Spells which were his trump card disappear and reappear abruptly).
  3. Extreme overreliance on the "transformation"/"level up" state with the peanut gallery commenting on how amazing he is and unbelievable. Such moments should be done sparingly in order to show their importance but ISSH does this way to often (basically the end of every book with multiple chapters involved in each).
  4. This is a personal point but I felt somewhat empty after he left South Heaven and it only worsened as the story progressed. There was simply far to little character interaction and focused far to heavily on cultivation and made it feel as if the only thing that mattered was cultivation not relationships. Of course this issue is worse in many other stories such as Coiling Dragon and so on.
  5. Too focused on MC and not on the world as a whole, the world is described amazingly well but it isn't explored well at all and misses out on so much potential especially considering how all his stories take place in the same multiverse. The way Er Gen goes about this instills a vaccuous feeling that made everything seem far to ephemeral and unimportant in the end. I personally want to explore the universe and author crafts similar to Tolkein's Middle Earth, Star Wars Galaxy, and many other fictional worlds and Er Gen could have done this but failed focusing on the immediate gratification brought by leveling up.
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Ginko rated it
October 8, 2017
Status: Completed
Really a 4.3

It starts a bit slow but it's worth the read. Meng Hao and his greed is something else.

- Once you get midway in, there are many hilarious and funny situations
- Good story mechanics and world building
- Decent use of side charterers and main character growth
- Not too much romance

-The ending was satisfying but

the whole "I Shall Seal The Heavens Incantation" is never explained. EVEN THOUGH IT'S IN THE TITLE of the book, it's like the one thing the Er Gen decides not to address. Where does Ran learn this super powerful seal from and how ??¿¿ It's quite a let down finishing the book without knowing this

- Animal on animal r*pe - Without a doubt, Er Gen has some sort affinity for this in his novels. At first I saw this in another review and thought the reviewer was exaggerating... but now having read at least 3 of his novels, that reviewer was definitely right.

Story Progression begins slow/decent - becomes awesome - turns great - finishes alright

Overall though, worth a read and quite fun at times
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nuubman rated it
July 3, 2017
Status: Completed
One of the best novels so far, the beginning may be slow or boring sometimes, but all the plot that comes later... Things of the first chapters that had such a deeper meaning of what you could think of, such small details that you thought the author just throw them there as filler, but no, it's just... I don't know how to describe it, sadness, joy, fury, everything, this novel will make you feel all that and more, sad thing it end, everything seems so empty... So shallow, imma die... more>> at this rate ;-;... Good thing that Er gen already know that some people are addict to this sh*t and it's writing "a will eternal" which btw you need to read, your stomach and sides won't be able to endure the laughs lmao. <<less
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cmcross rated it
June 20, 2017
Status: c418
This was a strange story for me to read. Things that I was actually interested in only occurred about 1% of the time and, while I didn't find what generally happened to be terrible to watch, I was really only interested in the results and sometimes the highlights or after effects, as opposed to entire events. After about 300 chapters I started skipping a few pages when I was annoyed here and there, which led to several pages, which then led to entire chapters when I didn't like the direction... more>> of the story or particular chapter titles. Doing that did make reading more enjoyable for a good while but eventually I couldn't justify spending this much time reading something that I was only sporadically and/or casually interested in results.


About 75% of this show is just Meng Hao off sitting by himself. What comes from those times can be really cool but, especially when those sessions came after him doing everything in his power to escape from interesting characters and/or situations, it was tough to read after so many times. I'd have to say that one of his greatest strengths is his ability to avoid interesting characters and situations. Also, his approach towards people is inconsistent. At times he's kind and merciful even though it may lead to trouble for him later and at other times he's cruel and merciless every when interacting with characters that could be considered nothing but bugs compared to him. I actually like his character the most when he's fighting or dealing with characters that are much stronger than him. On the other hand, when he's dealing with weaker characters he usually acts like an arrogant prick. In his defense, 98% of the characters in this world are complete monsters. They'd chop up their own mother if it'd make them a bit stronger. It's basically just a sh*t world with worse people that had cool powers.

As for my personal issue with this story, I'm not sure how common it is in these types of stories to have the MC be basically allergic to romance but I've seen more than enough of this type of MC in light novels and anime. Actually, this was like 5 distinct perfect examples of typical anime romance all in one (immediately establish the romantic connection, then avoid seriously developing it like the plague). I finally decided to bail on this in chapter 417 (with an audible 'f*ck this'), when he boasted that he could look down on romance and passion, proudly affirming that he was only truly interested in his cultivation. No thanks. He can hide in his room by himself cultivating his brains out for as long as he wants but I'm not interested in reading it.

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pickles rated it
June 6, 2017
Status: --
At first, you think that this is the basic story of a random country bumpkin child picking up an OP treasure, think again.

... more>>

Meng Hao is actually the descendant of a HUGE clan, but he doesn't know it


How does Meng Hao happen to have both an OP treasure and an OP bloodline despite seeming like a mortal at the start? Who knows. But wait!!! It gets worse.


Meng Hao happens to have yet another OP bloodline hidden in him, given to him by his mother


Er Gen (the author) tries to hide the fact the Meng Hao is a Marty Stu by giving him a slightly unique, mischievous personality, but for some reason, no matter what trial or competition Meng Hao enters he always come first by a large margin, while the spectators stare in shock and awe, and the competitors feel inferior. Actually... It gets even worse.


Turns out the OP artifact Meng Hao got at the very start is super OP, it implicates the creation of the universe. And... Somehow that treasure landed in the palms of the insanely talented, secretly got a major background scholar failure mortal youth. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Meng Hao also managed to pick up the legacy left by the creator of the universe (league of demon sealers) . It feels like a Yun Che 2.0, obviously Meng Hao's luck is maxed out


Oh yeah, Meng Hao is invincible by the way, whenever he is in trouble, random old dudes that have connections with him come and save him from a billion trillion miles away, so don't expect too much excitement.

Let's sum this up : Meng Hao is a Marty Stu Level infinity, the plot armour is thicker than yo mama, deus ex machina EVERYWHERE, confusing profound tr*sh used to make this novel seem "meaningful" urgh.

Anyways, go ahead and read this, it's actually very well written, and very very well translated, that's why I gave it a 3 stars. <<less
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Bishal rated it
May 19, 2017
Status: c1022
When do you say a novel is a great novel. It's a great novel only when you wanna read it again.

Unfortunately this is not one of them.

I admit there it has comedy, action and few heart touching and blood boiling moments but its god damn slow.

I caught with translation when it was around 1000 chapters and since I had nothing to read I thought I could read it again like I did with TDG, ATG, KOG, TNH, etc but I fell in asleep before I even reached 100 chapters truly... more>> disappointing.

And I don't even wanna talk about romance. Someone should remove that romance tag.

3 star that all I can give it. <<less
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April 20, 2017
Status: c1300
An update past 1300s.

Disappointment is a good word. Seen it in a few reviews, but only now, so deep in, I've understood it's hold on this novel.

The presented world is vast. It's damn big. Only recently we get to see just how complex and amazing the power-chart of ISSTH's word is. And sadly, it was tainted.

Cross-Realm techniques or strenghts are common in this type of stories. Wich is kind of sad. Some layers are introduced, they are mind-shaking and absolute... for anyone but MC. And well, it's kind of like... more>> our western "sad moments have to be acompanied by a rain" thing. Just accept it. And usually I do. But in ISSTH it's bullshit.


MC was doing it all the time. It was straining, but ok. A part of charm maybe. But then it went waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay of charts. The moment he got to Immortal stage, allheavencrap*rnot, the sh*t hit the fan. Immortal taking down shallow Ancients? Ok. Middle Ancients? Umm, ok. Peak Ancients? *starts to sweat* Dao lords? He f*cking owned up to 4 essence dao lord when being in immortal stage. And now that he's in ancient stage he holds his own against dao sovereigns and survives paragon's attack BULLSHIT


Well, apart from that another major awww from me (not the cute one, the sad one) was how ret*rded fighting got. When the story has begun, it was florishing with interesting techniques, the fights were actually more interesting than the crap we get from around the moment immortals became peasant lvl. All ISSTH fighting for hundreds of chapters now is waving fingers, sleeves and my god the snorts. Just stop, and try to imagine those fights. Two adults standing in the air and snorting at each other while waving loose sleeves and fingers while generic-described techniques fly to-and-fro. Pitiful. And the sheer amount of deadly crisises and blood spewing is a cherry on the top.

And don't get me start on how ret*rded our MC became.

I like ISSTH, still. I think. Well, sentimental-like for sure.

I'll propably finish it at some point. But man, my heart is broken.

Current verdict: Poor novel. Two stars. <<less
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Child Of Colonial
Child Of Colonial rated it
February 14, 2017
Status: c1125
ISSTH is Pretty Good Novel (for me). Many reader thinks ISSTH bad because the beginning of story too slow. Yeah its true, that make novel very bored in the beginning of story. But you must bear it until story became interesting. Just be patient

World Cultivation is simple. If you read carefully and memorized it. MC cultivation is same with other but he special from other, when other just 9, he is 12.. And he have mysterious background, but he never care about his background. He just walk his path alone.... more>> MC dont have talent from previous life like TDG, ED or powerful cultivaton technique like Stellar Tranformation

World Building is very good. There is sky beyond the sky. There is vast world beyond this vast world. You are just tiny form if you compare with this vast world. Story plot is pretty. MC will learn everything. He train, train, train and adventure. He meet powerful enemy and he meet powerful friend. Story will interesting when MC adventure alone and make his path. Author make MC walk alone and make story interesting. I just very thankful for Author and Translator. Many thanks

I recommend this novel. Because, this is very good. <<less
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gulahitam rated it
January 6, 2017
Status: c205
Here is my review, I start read it one year ago, and left it because there is only few chapter. And a month ago I decide to read it again, but something keep me bored when read it. I almost throw it away, fortunetly I dont do that.

My advise for those wanna read this, dont put your self as onlooker, but as meng hao himself, and venture together with him, and see it for yourself that this is piece of arts.

Thanks for Er Gen and Deathblade..
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Ishikai rated it
October 20, 2016
Status: c700
inb4 "it only gets really good at X00 chapter mark/book X" --- it really doesn't. its the same shite from start to end.

The whole novel reads like a bad fanfic written by a highschooler that tries to incorporate anything and everything from each and every book/novel/comic/movie they've ever read/watched, creating this horrible mess of inconsistent tr*sh with a MC that has at minimum 10 different personalities the author keeps swapping in and out as he pleases. He also keeps repeating himself more than the author of SOTR - which is... more>> A LOT.

The author keeps creating insurmountable enemies and problems only to completely swipe them away a chapter or two later, never to be seen again, OR just giving the MC the ways to deal with them in the next few paragraphs, by some random godly power that MC pulls out of his ass
this doesn't change no matter how far you get into the novel.

The only even remotely well-written arc in the whole 700 or so chapters I read, was when he went to learn alchemy from pill demon, and even that was mediocre at best ---

I truly wonder how people can give this anything over 2-3 stars..... <<less
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Hamsta rated it
September 11, 2016
Status: c942
4.5/5 Recommend Read. Took out half a star because the story telling suffers from cracks towards the later chapters. Mostly due to how hyped/powerful the MC has become by that point, how side characters are casually tossed aside, and how underwhelming several antagonist end up becoming. (Such as the Ji clan or the "chosen/dao child" of various sects & clans.)

I kept reading because MC's first artifact is the BEST artifact ever.

... more>>

The Rusty Ass Pe*verted Exploding mirror of death. This r*pe (Not actually called this in story) mirror also has several hidden abilities that level up as it gains more ass. Praise Lord Fifth.


MC also has one of the best starter friends (Fatty).


He literally cultivates as a hamster by eating, sleeping, and gnawing on magical swords/stones which lets him use a sect's uber weapon so they make him the next sect leader. The first one out of the main cast to achieve his dreams and gains over 100 wives.


MC starts off failing his imperial exam multiple times because he's quite moronic. However he's got some really, really good luck on his side. Luckily it's mostly written in a way that makes some sense unlike other novels that just jam one thing after another just to keep things moving along with no or poor transitions. And more importantly, the MC is more realistic than other novels where they're just some one-track minded bloodthirsty derp on a power trip. Here the MC does most of what he does because of the situations he's throw into in order to survive.


Examples of his s*upidity include his fight with Lu Hong, while preparing MC s*upidly ate all his demon stones and is forced to use all his spirit stones to copy inferior spirit pills instead of demon stones thus making his own fight more difficult. Moron didn't realize he could just save a rock & continually churn out demon stones until way later (finally does so after duplicating the patriarch's blood crystal to get enlightenment... then forgets about it a few more times until the author starts writing up scenarios where he has to consume things on the spot to "save face".) He also didn't realize that he can cultivate his treasure body technique before making his clone to make his clone even stronger. He also forgets about several of his abilities like his clones & poisons during fights for no apparent reason. (Obviously it's to increase action/drama.) And later in the 2nd ring he apparently doesn't realize he could've asked for a better split than 9-1.... or you know, collect tribute from a metric ton of people (especially during his Pokemon..."dragoneer/ancient ancestor" phase). Derp.

Also almost all his opponents just happen to have the exact pill (s) he needs to keep leveling until he finally can make his own. Sadly the series starts falling into the same problems that Dragon Ball suffers from where they can't really introduce a strong enough opponent without making them seem unrealistic because somehow his opponents just happen to always magically keep up even though Meng Hao is suppose to be a superman due to his perfect cultivation & whatnot. First Er Gen tries to keep up the suspense by having him always fight cultivators that are one realm above him, but then once he hits Dao Seeking even immortals are no match.... until they're a match again for no good reason other than being "chosen" with inferior meridians because the story would be too boring otherwise or make no sense by having Ancients go after the Dao Seeking MC. Inexplicably his opponents keep gaining powers that they really have little reason to have. (Like regeneration of limbs or shocking power. Eventually the term "chosen" just starts acting as a handwave.)


MC also has embarks on some very.... interesting quests of wuxia/xianxia MCs with numerous references to other series like Pokemon, Ender's game, One punch man, Naruto/Bleach (incantation gestures/superpowered evil side/Obligatory sword ki), possibly GoT, etc.


His sect patriarch is a scheming bloodthirsty vampire that gets c*ckblocked by his inner sect disciples who inadvertently foils his plans by being too upright & honest so he sends the MC to lure strong cultivators in order to feed off them to avoid death. MC is also on a quest to make a lake into a sea because staring at it gave him an epiphany. He also gets touched inappropriately by the death tower causing him to be hunted for a while, has a creepy demonic stalker who's actually a pretty nice guy, and accidentally picks up a waifu when trying to get an antidote pearl. Then later disguises himself to become a famous drug dealer that can make pills that are so badass that even the pills he makes face tribulation lightning in a sect that wants him dead. After which he ends up in a desert stroking his.... flame for a few months & talking to ghosts. Then becomes a pokemon... errr "neo-demon" master... err "dragoneer" complete with a Caterpie and Zubat. Afterwards he becomes a mech... err "blood demon sect spell formation" pilot. And then a super saiyan... err "Dao seeking/immortal Saint". And then he becomes Ender from Ender's game & Saitama from One-Punch Man in the ruins of immortality.


The story keeps a decent pace & intersperses amusing encounters that push forward the enlightenment/confucianism which makes sense for the most part & isn't forced like other novels unlike other novels where the MC will suddenly have a giant artifact/dildo/space rock covered in mythical microdots which holds all the answers. Here the MC runs into "ordinary" encounters on his journey/escape that gives him some small epiphany which powers him up somehow. (Makes sense this will power him up more since almost everyone else just does closed doors/secluded training.) <<less
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Heartless rated it
July 30, 2016
Status: c1410
A Masterpiece!

Truly a masterpiece. Several of the reviews mention the fact that the first 50 chapters are slow. However, I instantly got mesmerised and fell in love with the novel. I am proud to say that I was there when Deathblade started to translate this novel. I stuck to this journey til now and boy am I glad I did. The book contains not only epic battles, but emotional scenes, humor, profoundness and way to see things none of us would have thought of.

If you haven't read Er Gen's (the... more>> Author) novel, I suggest that you do so now <<less
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