I Came Back but the World is Still a Fantasy!?


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When a boy coincidentally fell into a dimension hole, what awaited him was a world of sword and magic.

Two years of tragedies, wars, and schemes, passed until he was finally able to return to Earth.

But when he came back, the world was no longer the same.

A new world with advanced technology, Garesto, was now trading with Earth, leading to a complete overhaul of Earth’s technology.

In the long years that have passed and the great changes that have occurred, his family was not left untouched.

His parents were now divorced. His siblings were now strangers. And all his friends were now gone.

He who possessed otherworldly power and knowledge hid himself for various reasons. But though he was able to somehow pull the wool over the world’s eyes, there were still those who noticed him.

This is a tale that came to be because of a boy who came back home.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. In what order should I read this?

Read it from the oldest release until the newest one. This story is NOT written in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER, and is meant to be read according to the RELEASE ORDER.

2. What do the numbers AA-BB mean in the titles?

They mean Time Axis-Act.

E.g., 03-01 happens after all the 02-BB, but before 03-02.

02-02 means that there’s a 02-01 chapter.

This also means that 05-00 happens in the far later.

NOTE: The first six releases are PROLOGUES, main chapters start from the seventh release onwards.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kaettekite mo Fantasy!?
Related Series
Everyone Else is a Returnee (3)
Seoul Station’s Necromancer (1)
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The Returner (1)
Isekai Kaeri no Ossan wa, Fusei Sukiru de Fathercon Musume-tachi o Tororori ni (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. pls remeber ''
  2. Suddenly Transported Isekai--Male Protag
  3. My List (Fantasy/Isekai) V3
  4. For those wandering souls out there
  5. harems/romance #4

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/04/23 Neo Translations c04-85 part3
10/03/23 Neo Translations c04-85 part2
10/02/23 Neo Translations c04-85 part1
10/01/23 Neo Translations c04-84-12 part4
09/30/23 Neo Translations c04-84-12 part3
09/29/23 Neo Translations c04-84-12 part2
09/28/23 Neo Translations c04-84-12 part1
09/22/23 Neo Translations c04-84-11 part3
09/14/23 Neo Translations c04-84-11 part2
09/12/23 Neo Translations c04-84-11 part1
09/03/23 Neo Translations c04-84-10 part4
08/25/23 Neo Translations c04-84-10 part3
08/17/23 Neo Translations c04-84-10 part2
08/13/23 Neo Translations c04-84-10 part1
08/10/23 Neo Translations c04-84-09 part4
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46 Reviews sorted by

loneexwolf rated it
September 3, 2018
Status: c02-01 part 02
This novel is hard to read at first.
Like eating crabs.

But, like crabs, the moment you read through it, it unfolds a story so flavorful, so varying, so rich,

I find it hard to believe it came from Japan, notorious for immature stories.

I feel like it's similar to I Shall Seal The Heavens, with how it's focused on action, with sprinkles of fun, familial love, and despair. Like a fully flavored Chinese cuisine.

It is a must read, and I hope to see more of this.
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Ixcez rated it
June 12, 2023
Status: c04-112
Honestly this is a story that like other here have already mentioned that at least at first suffers from what appears to be the authors want to either be different or by having read another story that doesn't follow a chronological order and deciding that their story should follow that template. But at the same time the author is inexperienced with writing and has no real idea how to get this going. Personally if a story should be told in a non chronological order there should still be a red... more>> thread that makes the reader able to follow the plot to some degree or have an idea where the story is headed.

There are exceptions to this in like for instance horror or mystery novels where the whole point can be to confuse or mislead the readers. However this is a fairly standard isekai story where the MC returns to earth super powerful but a lot has changed since while the MC went to a fantasy world, earth started interacting with a sci-fi world.

The story is divided into arc's which the author has marked with numbers which are the following for now, 00-XX fantasy world arc, 01-XX returning to earth arc, 02-XX living on earth arc, 03-XX going to school arc, 04-XX school arc (the biggest and still ongoing arc far as I can tell) and lastly 05-XX late school arc. Each chapter in the different arc's already happens in order like 01-01 is followed by 01-02 and so on. The last 05-XX might as well not exists and is personally a mistake by the author in my opinion why this is, is because of the prologue.

The prologue is divided into 4 or 5 parts pretty much depending on how you look at it and are a mix of most of the arc's, going like this 00-01, 01-01, 01-02, 02-02, 05-00, 04-??.

Now the prologue is when the overall feel of the story should be given while also sucking the reader in to make them want to continue reading instead the prologue is pretty much a mess and goes like this. Prologue summary spoiler ahead.


00-01 - Waaaah I killed everyone, why did everyone have to die!! Then unknown woman is shown to have protected and given up her life and soul to save the person crying (hinted to be the MC crying).

01-01 + 01-02 - Demon lord broadcasts about how the humans are unjust for invading the demons and cowards for summoning and relying on summoned heroes and is attacked by a legendary assassin. Assassin turns out to be MC who invaded the Demon King castle to steal an item so he can go back to earth.

02-02 - MC is looking around at the new futuristic and goes to buy clothes with another unknown woman.

05-00 - MC is at school and is sort of getting bullied / hated on because he doesn't seem to try at all, messes with the merit system and both students and teachers wants him expelled but teachers eventually decide to just ignore him.

04-?? - Perspective of a female discipline student about how she is so vexed at the MC and dislikes him but is convinced by her twin brother to ignore him like the teachers say and focus on more important things.

So in short the prologue just jumps around at random points in the story and only the first two parts actually brings anything to the story while the last three parts here are just random stuff from the story and even in the prologue the author seemingly breaks their own set chronological order by having what is decided at the end of 05-00 be a thing in 04-??. Which doesn't exactly set a good precedence.


After the prologue the story jumps directly into arc 03-XX where the MC is going to school and his first part at school. Followed by 01-XX and 02-XX which is about when he returns and a bit about him living back on earth before it jumps back to where it left at 03-XX with the school arc and then the seemingly still ongoing part is 04-XX and the author seems to have gone for a more traditional writing after it returns to 03-XX.

Because of how the story is structured and presented in the first part of it, it will probably turn away a lot of readers.

The MC of the story is the weakest human in history pretty much but because of stuff that happens and settings he is at the same time the strongest and pretty much no one can defeat him, he is also very timid according to himself but at the same time he openly mocks, ridicules and insults people all the time being a very confrontational MC though he rarely starts the fights his "protagonist luck" makes it so that trouble always follows him. Also he loves to tease and sexually harass women and it is somewhat of a healing measure for himself especially after he get's depressed which pretty much happens every other day.

To understand why the MC is the weakest and at the same time the strongest I have to talk about statuses and this is a major part of the story and is often brought up with the author throwing around words like statusism which is basically how the otherworld called Garesto has started to affect earth to only look at a persons status to decide how important they are and if they should be seen as a noble or a pleb.

Fairly spoilerish ahead.


First off stats are divided in the following.

The 5 commonly known stats

Strength + Stamina + Mind + Resistance + Agility

and then two hidden stats that only the MC + co knows about and the people in the otherworld called Falandia that the MC went to or people who also went there.

Mana + Skill.

The stats are pretty straight forward, though mind is probably worth to mention that it is the stat that decides how well or how much mana a person can use. It is also worth to mention that you need to be aware of your stats to raise them. The skill stat is the most special one and the reason why the MC is strong.

First off the stats are ranked from E-D-C-B-A-AA-AAA-S (hinted that there is also SS-SSS) each rank can have -/+ everyone also has a starting stat value and a maximum stat value, stats can be raised through training but will also get lower if one doesn't train them, the only exception is the skill stat that always starts at E- but has no max stat. The E stat is only a stat in theory and all humans start with at least D in all stats and the high rankers usually have around A-AA-AAA in most if not all stats. The MC of course used to have E as his starting value and his max stat in all stats is D.

How the skill stat works is that it's a multiplier to all the stats a person has and decides how much of a stats value someone can use. The skill stat is based off a person knowledge, experience, battle sense, tactics and so on. But because of how earth and Garesto has no idea about the stat Skill and they use sci-fi weapons that let's them fight on auto-pilot and only care about raising their stats, most of them have the skill stat at E-, E or E+ which means they can only access about 1-3% of their stats. The MC on the other hand has his skill stat at S but then shortly into the story it is raised to S+ which means he can use 300% of his stats.

So according to the information given by the author a A in a stat can be translated into 1000 in stat value but because they can only use 1-3% the stat value they can use is somewhere between 10-30 the MC on the other hand that has D in all stats can be translated into 100 in stat value but at a 300% effect so he can use a stat value of 300.

On top of that he can use a spell that just raises all his stats except for mana but because of him having a trauma about killing people up front he never raises them above C since then he would risk instantly killing people instead of knocking them out.

So because of the Skill stat the MC is the strongest but at the same time he is also the weakest since if other people just raised their skill stats he would easily be defeated when it comes to just pure stats of course the MC has other tricks up his sleeve to win.

But anyway because of these settings everyone looks down on the MC and people always goes around stat this and stat that becaues of how the culture of Garesto has influenced them. So statuism has become a very real thing and a lot of the story is about how people with low stats lost their work or dreams which in turn made them turn to crime and terrorism, though people with high stats has also done it.


One of the biggest problems I have with reading this story is that I personally hate when there are contradictions, the author doesn't follow their own settings, author just seemingly changes stuff willy nilly and in general when there are plot holes.

So this following part might be a bit biased and not be a big problem for some readers. But spoilers ahead on examples in the story.


First off stats is a major part of the plot and if you read the above you'll know about the skill stat and how it works as a multiplier to other stats. If you didn't then just know that the MC get's 300% out of his stats because of his high skill stat and he discovered it had gotten stronger because a spell he used was much stronger then normal. The next chapter after explaining how the Skill stat is a multiplier that just affects all other stats the MC starts spitting blood because he was flustered and then rushed through the air and took dmg from the air resistance which the author explains as the MC has to actively do stuff to mitigate the air resistance or he can only use 10% of his resistance which was why he took dmg, okey fine not sure how that would affect his resistance stat that makes his body sturdier but whatever.

The author goes on and on with how stats are everything and that a hulk of a man can easily be tossed around by a sniviling toddler if the toddler has much higher stats. Okey we get it stats are everything and you've told us this like 5 times already. Then a department store get's attacked by terrorists and a mother tries to get past the security guards but is easily stopped and were told by the author because she is a woman she has no chance to push past a man... okey sure your whole world building has no use infront of a physical fight between a man and a woman, I can deal with that....

Almost every second chapter the author will talk about how the MC has super sense/perceptions/reflexes and so on. How in a large dome around himself he can detect everyone's movement and easily track dozens of people that are surveiling him. We then get told that during battle he uses this in conjungtion with a wind spell that let's him feel and track the slightest movement that disturbs the air and that he can easily process and use all this information in an instant. His sense are so sharp that just looking at the slightest hint of a movement a person does he can instantly calculate where they are headed, at what speed and where they will land. If he can see them with his eyes he can from their facial expressions and bodily movement know what they are thinking, feeling or about to do because of his senses and his brains ability to process all the information it get's which he hates and wishes he could stop doing but it's impossible. He can even sense where people are at, moving towards or even doing through walls.

But yeah he has a major weakness unbeknownst to himself... every time he thinks of the future or especially when he eats he just zones and all his super senses turns off and he only reacts if someone touches him. Okey sure he has a weakness why not. But then the author decides that the MC has to be ambushed by an enemy but you know it can't be helped because the MC uses a spell that enhances his eye sight and let's him see a persons soul so because of that he was unprepared especially because the enemy is wearing a mech suit that sort of covers the soul! Oh and he can only track living beings so drones are also a major weakness! Oh oh and you know whenever he focuses on his thoughts all his senses also just turns off and he only reacts to killing intent, mana or hostility! Oh oh oh oh and! Seriously author you've explained how the MC has super sense in like 10 different ways and how he uses it also seemingly changes every few chapters and you for some reason have to change how he does it to add weaknesses upon weaknesses on him... please stop mentioning his super senses or just stick to a setting....

Like to give a further example on the super senses at one point the MC is being shot at until a persons ammo runs out but he's able to catch each and every single bullet even when being shot at from short range. Then afterwards he is shot at by an enhanced sci-fi gatling gun and is able to catch/block every single bullet with a mana enhanced blanket. But then after catching/blocking all of those that flies at the speed of a bullet (since their actual bullets fired from guns) or seemingly even faster, during the same fight the enemy starts attacking at "ALMOST" the speed of a bullet and even with the MC's super senses and enhanced eyesight he is "barely" able to avoid the attacks and is lucky the enemy can only attack in a straight line because of the speed or he would be in danger or get killed.... Like seriously author you just had him catch BULLETS that flies at the SPEED OF BULLETS in the same fight but now that the enemy moves at ALMOST THE SPEED OF A BULLET the MC is having trouble reacting to that kind of speed????

Lastly in the same fight after defeating the mech wearing enemy and beating them up so badly their mechsuit is a wreck that can barely move and also frying the system by using magic while using power word fear and sleep to first traumatize the enemy and then force them to sleep. The floor breaks and somehow the enemy get's away even though they were right beside the MC while falling down and his super senses doesn't even react to it. Then we get the probably silliest explanation I've ever read that somehow the mechsuit has an escape system and that the system is installed seperatly so even though the mechsuits system is fried it can still activate and escape with the user. But whats silly is that even if that was true how the F does a seperate escape system manage to move a mechsuit that is completely devestated already. That would be like I don't know have a computer be completely smashed and burnt to a crisp after frying it's motherboard but then go no no it's fine because the computer has a seperate motherboard and bios so even though all the parts are broken it still works no worries..... Honestly the whole department store fight felt like it was riddled with plot holes.

I could probably go on and on like this but basically whenever it comes to the MC the author will in almost every single chapter talk about how strong the MC is or have him do some kind of feat to show of his strength only to then later on change the MC's strength willy nilly or add a reason to why the MC all of a sudden has a weakness for seemingly comedy reasons or to allow an enemy to actually have a chance but that in turn breaks the settings or everything the author has set up beforehand.


Now the story overall is decent, it's not the best but it's also fairly good if you keep reading it. I did chuckle a few times but for the most part I don't get the humour since I have no idea why having the MC be oblivious to everything while people keeps hurling insults or yell at him while he ignores them to be anything then comedic relief or something, though again I don't get whats funny about it.

Characters beside the MC have been developed fairly well, some more then others. The world building and settings are interesting though as mentioned there are quite a few contradictive points for the first few parts but it mostly revolves around the MC and seems to be a way for the author to nerf the MC while at the same time not seemingly thinking about how to do it.

All in all if you can trudge through until 04 starts then this story is as mentioned pretty good and I would honestly rate it as a fairly solid 4/5 when looking at the novels on here, but unless you get past everything up to around that point then the story is closer to 2-3/5 but I'm giving it a 4/5 simply because the majority of the story isn't like this. <<less
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Dr.Sadist rated it
May 27, 2021
Status: c04-28part4
This novel may look messy and confusing writing at the start. But as it goes on it the starts to come together and makes itself unique. The first and second arc are basically glimpse of what's happening in later arcs. Also, the MC may look like a typical op MC that doesn't want to use his power because he doesn't want to stand out for some reason but he's not. There are logical reasons of why he doesn't want to show his powers to others.

... more>>

He became a vessel of an evil god when he was isekai'd so, when he uses his powers sometimes the powers he received from the evil god leaks out. Also the ether which he uses to recover mana is scarce on earth so, he tends to save mana.


The MC is also not a typical japanese beta MC. He just doesn't have interest in the girls around him. But he deals with them like a chad and makes them wet all the time. <<less
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Visser rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: --
After understanding the convoluted time weirdness, you find an interesting isekai story....
About 10 seconds later you find out nothing makes sense and everyone INCLUDING the main character are full ret*rds.

There is zero logic to this story/universe, not even the in universe rules work.
This is like if someone said they were going to make pizza, but they cooked the cheese first, then put it on the dough and then put that in the oven to then slice the pizza up before putting jelly in a spray can instead of tomato sauce. Nothing worx and it all just isnt very good.
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Britnh3 rated it
June 8, 2022
Status: c03-28 part1
It’s... not bad but not great. Like a previous reviewer said, the author can’t write-can’t decide on the direction of their story.

we open with this great tragedy and backstory with the MC coming back to his original world and having to adapt. So, of course, there’s a school arc. Which seems to have been the point of this entire series and is utterly disappointing.

If the school arc wasn’t snoozeville and we had more background reveals, the story would be more palatable. However, everyone seems to lack a brain and the... more>> MC just seems to want to “hide but can’t help himself”

the fact that it went from serious slice of life to school comedy is such whiplash. The female characters add nothing to the story except, “WoW hE’s SpEcIal.”

I’d recommend reading only if you are ready for a school comedy otherwise, you’ll be disappointed by the delivery of the material <<less
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sachinjais rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: exam v
A really good novel, kind of understand people bemoaning because of timeline, probably because they are used reading linear story and don't want to put too much head into it, MC sometimes behaves like child and is filled with guilt towards his family, but he is by no means s*upid and beta like other Jp novel out there, yes I'm talking about trending novels which are filled with beta Simps, plus I like that he didn't hesitate to harm or nearly kill a terrorist instead of befriending it using... more>> power of freindship. The only complain I have is translation is slow like heck I'm coming back after months and translator still hasn't finished an arc, I can't help you in that regard translator so best of luck and stay strong. And good luck <<less
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Monomololo rated it
September 22, 2020
Status: --
The author has a habit of going on tangents, both with the weird order of events and with putting plot thread in the middle of other stories.

Often you'll be reading something interesting and then it will be interrupted by 50 chapters of uninteresting stuff that you just decide to skip to get back to the interesting bits.

Overall writing quality and translation is good though, 3.5 overall.
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Potato Tomo
Potato Tomo rated it
March 29, 2020
Status: c2-17
Chapters gets increasingly verbose. And I think some of the plot points are done half-hearted. The author didn't fully commit to the personalities he's given to the MC. And it's definitely more shounen than seinen. Hope that the author will get to write an ln so he can improve this.
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sol.arin rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: c02-08 part5
Oh dear this is one great one... shouldve started earlier but then I wouldve died waiting for an update...

many ppl complained about the story plot being confusing as hell since the author doesnt releases according to story timeline, but that just makes everything so much more interesting and unique.

OP MC trying to 'keep a low profile' with a broken mind/mental state trying his best to recover and keep himself from breaking down.
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JBwB rated it
October 16, 2021
Status: c04-40 part5
Overall, it's a great read.

Quite a unique take on the Isekai genre. So much has changed on Earth since the MC was transported away and we get to see him readjust to life in that different world after returning from another.

The MC is more interesting and likable than most MCs in other JP LN/WNs. His tendency to tease people makes interactions with his love interests in particular very entertaining to read.

As others have already mentioned, the timeline often switches back and forth between the past and present in the earlier... more>> chapters which can be confusing for first-time readers. <<less
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apsisodia rated it
May 2, 2021
Status: c04-22
It can be considered a decent novel for little kids and teenagers. It got typical Japanese, self blaming, depressed MC with heroic qualities. MC who wants to hide his abilities want flaunts his abilities the moment he got a change. At least he doesn't blushes while talking to girls, instead he teases them.

The main problem with novel is poor execution. Storyline is a mess. And if I think about it, 5 years have passed since translation started, but online 2 little story arcs have happened so far.

In my opinion, don't... more>> read it, not worth it! <<less
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MakotoSenpai rated it
January 2, 2021
Status: c04-18-part3
When I saw there's 200 chapters I was really excited but when I actually started reading this I realised the chapters are split into 4 or 5 parts, so if we go by that we haven't even translated half of the actual chapters in raws..

It's a really unique and quite good story, I've read alot of novels so far but so far this is the first one which has such different writing style.

MC can be annoying at times but he's clever, he's not naive and at times he's badass and... more>> ruthless... but what I love most about him is his teasing side. He's a chad. Like seriously lmao, it's always hilarious whenever he teases the female leads.

And the Best waifu for me is Aristel, Sensei and the Fox or is it Amyrillis <<less
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mashukyasarprio rated it
October 9, 2023
Status: --
Read few chapter, too hard to understand. I don't know it's just me ? But I really don't understand whats going on. A single bit. I don't know it's issue of translator or author.

Every few lines theres a ads. Which also big issue. I get it, translator need to show ads but in every 3-4 lines, its too much.
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Hemanth hg
Hemanth hg rated it
September 19, 2023
Status: --
I have just started reading this novel but at start I thought I would drop it but still continue with it but still it was very confusing at the start every thing didn't make any sense but after some time I loved the story and it's flow if ur going through the same situation don't give up on a every good novel

Some of story part it resembles Issac
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Namaewa_ARV rated it
December 5, 2022
Status: epilogue part5
The story is interesting. It is somewhat, but not a lot, different from the isekai return stories where OP MC hides his power, not to stand out. Here the MC realizes the effect his power could have in the current changed society affecting multiple worlds. So he uses it when necessary to keep the peace around him from the shadows (mostly).

It's nice to see a non-dense MC who's a natural womanizer yet has no intention beyond teasing.

The negative part of the story is the unnecessary timeline switch. It would have... more>> been better if there was a bridge that connected these timelines, but it felt more like a long-winded back story when said after a future timeline. Perhaps it might have been better to have it said in a fragmented manner rather than one big arc in the middle of another arc.

Still, the story is enjoyable and worth reading. <<less
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DesiOtaku rated it
November 7, 2022
Status: --
The novel is good and don't believe the negative comments.

There exist a variety of novels with difficult chronology and or have complex sentences for this I will like yo clear something.

1. Story is not messed up its just that some back portion of the story comes in between if you follow the chronology of author and its not that rare.

... more>> 2. Writing is definitely not complex.

3.I will suggest you to follow orignal chronological of author for best experience.

MC is just like every other japnanese novel. If you have read 100-300 japanese novels of different genre you will notice that everytime MC has this peacefull, pure white like he is the agent of angle vibe.

While koreans have mostly good looking MC with brain and power.

So those who are saying its a mess and author doesn't know how to write, what were you guys reading untill now, in another world with my smartphone. <<less
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Blood-Lust rated it
December 21, 2021
Status: --
Really great story though I recommend reading from act 2 until he decides to go to school like then reading act 1 in order to not get pissed off wondering when

theses characters would come back which is a really long time and lots of missing details? Get filled in (tuna his little sister etc


My only real issues were the tler site buggin out making the words get cut off and then act 1. Having to go to a bad website a few times then come back was annoying.
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Funggen rated it
September 16, 2021
Status: --
Some might concern about the time AXIS thing.. Don't worry it's mostly chronologically ordered from 2 to 3 to 4. There may be several parts of 2-xx or 1-xx but think of it as nothing more than flashback. The 3-xx or 2-xx that we first read is mostly often used to explain how the world works.

Based on how the world works, the power system being the one that determine your status in society is, s*upid. Even the MC say it's s*upid. And then the way it's said that "guns are... more>> useless so no police use them anymore so the gun industry goes underground" Is also kind of nonsensical because the garestonian may don't need gun with their foster. Human can still die from gunshot so why the security enforcement should be able to use gun because the enemy is still mostly comprised of humans. More so that the Garestonian weapon use ether which is limited in this world.

The MC is he is OP. But more in technical way as he use his skill in Orthodox way outwitting his enemy. Most of his skill is actually already researched in this world and has the explanation of how they works so other people may already use it. So no special secret power

a part from the divine skills

like new kind of spell or great magical genius that break the common sense. It's mostly "oh he's not firing his gun?! He throws it!, oh sh*t I didn't see him coming because I was looking at the thrown gun, wait you are gonna hit me with the gun handle? Goddamn it hurts, and then I lost because the gun is going to be shot on my head. ". He also is kind of a sadist. However this 'two years in worst possible place in the world and how much suffering he has been through.. Non sense need to be stopped it's been repeated constantly" <<less
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Little Rookie
Little Rookie rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: 03-19
I really can't stand all these beta mcs.

Why do all these Japanese author like such pu*sy mcs. Really destroys the taste of the novel.

An otherwise perfect novel, which I could have enjoyed a lot gets destroyed because of this annoying "sorry" trait of the MC.

Feels like even if you end up sleeping with mc's gf the only thing he will do is apologize.

... more>>

Hidden Bomb goes of, MC saves the day but he still apologizes stating that "I don't have the right to be thanked. All of this is due to my negligence. So, sorry."

This line is copied word by word from the novel.

It would have been still bearable if he held some position or was accountable or responsible for the safety of the people he saved but no, he doesn't but he still ends up apologizing.


Things like this happens a lot of times.... at this point it feels a lot pretentious.

One might expect that for someone who lived in an almost apocalyptic world, not just lived but one who rose from bottom to top in a world filled with cruel politics, betrayal, lies and deception, the MC would have a lot of self confidence and a strong personality but no. The author makes it so that as if almost all the effort the MC put in the other world was a waste. It was as if there was no character development of MC before he left earth and after he came to earth.

There are some other (minor) flaws but they are not big enough to reduce the quality of the novel.

And otherwise would have been a 5 star rating goes to 3 star because of this one single negative trait of MC.

Now on to the flaw of the author.

The author tries to instill a fake sense of mystery in his novel. And he tries really hard with all the time axis order of release and all. But imo it fails miserably as I don't feel even an ounce of mystery from the MC of the novel. For this, I would like to deduct 0.5 star but since novel planet doesn't allow that, I rated it a 3 star. But even though the author fails, the story is still enjoyable.

For anyone wishing to give it a go, if you can ignore this apologizing trait of MC, the novel is quite good foe time pass and you might enjoy it.

Also read it the way/order in which the author released the chapters.

EDIT: I am done... you know what, fu** this S**t. I can't stand it anymore... the MC keeps on crying too much. There is literally 0 character development. It feels like the MC has a mutiple personality disorder. It is based on the convenience of the author. The MC is depicted as a f*cking failure in life who can't to jack shit. He can't even be good at studying despite having a powerfull memory cos of high skill stat. The explanation author gives is that he has a powerful memory only when it comes to fighting. I am done. I am out. This novel is just an utter waste of time with a cry baby MC who is a failure in life and can't do jack sh*t until the author wants him to. <<less
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Jarhead._.Lee rated it
July 20, 2021
Status: c04-35 part6
Don't skip out on this novel just because the beginning doesn't have a linear storyline.

TL:DR - good MC, non-contradictive actions-ish, and not dense. Kinda an edge lord. Other characters don't appear that much, but still pretty good. Contributes more than just sitting in the back staring at awe of MC. Story/Plot - Good enough tbh, not addictive, but definitely can keep you hooked.

Nakamura Shinichi is pretty far from the meta JP protagonist, as he is more than willing to abuse his abilities, perfectly fine with women & their relationships, and... more>> most definitely a chad. Unfortunately, traces of it remain as he refuses to come out of the shadows, operating under the nickname "Masquerade". I like the novel, it's far better than most of the novels on this site, the underlying plot seems very interesting, and Shinichi being OP doesn't make everything TOO easy. I feel like the characters in the story don't really have a large role other than him though. They appear, but not consistently enough to establish a foundational space inside your head to remember them. Reading him ruin people's lives is pretty satisfying though, and he's pretty edgy. Something I'm not entirely a fan of is how he's willing to cross any line except for mu*der, but whatever. He understands that humans are flawed, and isn't naive nor shys away from dealing with these problems. He's still got unresolved issues, stuff he can't just power through, but all in due time. I find it easy to sympathize with his story, which might be because of the author. The plot is definitely darker than usual stories, but I don't think it really impacts the storytelling. Overall it's pretty good, please give it a try. <<less
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