I Came Back And Conquered It All


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“It’s finally here,” the man with the sword said in an echoing whisper.

“The Tower of Choice, the last floor!” the band of five exclaimed together in response.

Angelica came down from the altar, her expression drowsy as if she found it very annoying. Then, she looked us over.

“I’ll tell you again, but you’ve been working hard so far. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to go up to the hundredth floor by myself”

[Dominating Touch (Rank: SSS, Active)] “All of you die.”


One by one, they fall to the floor.

Angelica’s dagger pierced my neck, and I felt a roaring pain and darkness well up in front of my eyes. I was drifting away from my senses and from everything else. After that, I was engulfed by deep darkness.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Regress and Take It All
회귀해서 다해먹음
Related Series
I Obtained a Mythic Item (3)
Kill the Hero (2)
Solo Leveling (2)
Return of the Frozen Player (1)
The Greatest Villain of All Time is Back (1)
The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. everything ive read (part 1)
  2. What i have read in my 8 years of online novel rea...
  3. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  4. Hunter/Player/Awakener-Gate/Tower/Dungeon/etc.
  5. MY Favorite Second Chance Korean Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/17/21 Active Translations c184
07/17/21 Active Translations c183
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07/10/21 Active Translations c179
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06/26/21 Active Translations c171
06/26/21 Active Translations c170
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69 Reviews sorted by

demongordon rated it
March 20, 2021
Status: c81
1st) Do I recommend?

Absolutely, on its genre is one of the best out there. Quick-paced and some novel twists. The MC is intelligent and prudent, more in line with his mental age,

2nd) Why not 5stars?

I like to point that all the following problems are minors and don't detract from the enjoyment of the novel, however, if they had been better handled, it would be a 5stars novel.

  • Like most eastern novels, there is a severe lack in quality support characters and interaction between each other as a lot of time would instead be on the MC monologing the next part of his plan to get his revenge.
    • Spoiler

      That is not limited to the people the MC has some conflict, but even when he gets back the old gang their interactions are somewhat lifeless. While even the magic sword that is connected to his mind can't get any hook for a proper conversation and just become annoying, so much that the author just "resolve" that without much problem

  • The main villain of the story seen to be disconnected from the MC actions after the back-in-time effect, suffering from being very ominous at the distance but never really compromising any of the MC plans.
    • Spoiler

      I have a particular beef on how the author decided to resolve one of the main antagonists

  • No threat to the MC, while I do like OP MCs like anyone else, at least in the fights everything seen effortless aside from some plot points.
    • Spoiler

      While the MC has superb magic control, can see how magic works, and has a photographic memory, there is a lot of suspense of disbelief that he would get better so quick when he was just support-class on the last life. Not only in magic but also swordfighting

  • The MC knowledge is too broad to my taste that I don't think he had any point a chance to know that.
    • Spoiler

      For example, there is a part where he make a contract with the devil and already know his name and when he will explain how he knows it he quick brush it off saying that because his friend was the master of it for the 25 years he told him or something, that is the same friend that until the end was in a mental battle with that devil.

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Zyst rated it
March 18, 2021
Status: c68
I don't usually like stories where the main character regresses. This is one of the few exceptions for me. The character's power combination is very strong, and I'm not sure how cheat-ish this is going to end up looking, but for now I'm really enjoying the novel.

The world looks interesting, their magic looks interesting as well, and there's a looming threat in the near future to think about. Looking forward to seeing this continue!
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Mzanlorenzi rated it
February 28, 2021
Status: c60
this had everyting to be one more returnee, max level, godly MC that you find everyware these days.... well so what make this different ? The Writting.

this novel is not TOP tier, best writting, but we have some nice twists and the caracters are (gasp, Shock, Horror) unique, a rare thing too...

so in this novel we have one MC that has this EX skill that permits him to see the flow of mana, and make him imune to brainwash skills, but his mana pool is the lowest of the world,... more>> so he is more of a suport for his party, but sh*t hits the fan and he and his comrads are killed and he returned in the body of this hunter that died not long before his awekening, but the MC now has his unique skill and the dude unique skill too, so he is OP, But the way its handled id good and not too boring.

well this is an interesting novel, the history is good (it has some good twists), caracters Ok, and world building OK too so all in all I would give this one 4.4 <<less
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reddir rated it
January 6, 2024
Status: c200
Excellent story, very well plotted and conceived.

The writing style gets very annoying in more than a few places.

Overall it is probably actually 3/5 due to the writing, the the story is so good and well wrapped up that I have to give it 4/5.
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reader_ rated it
July 9, 2023
Status: c135
This is good, but I think it's too short and fast paced. It felt like he do everything himself. I'm not finish reading yet, but I think, if he want to save humanity and make them stronger, it's not just a matter of resources, experience matters too. He can't do everything alone, or else, if some disasters occur, he need to handle it himself, because everyone else don't have that capability. He raid dungeons and monopolize the quest, he climb tower with just his party, I understand that he wants... more>> the rewards, and he doesn't have much time because of the threat, but I think, if he do that, he will be the only one that becomes stronger, and the rest of the humanity will be lag behind and need to rely on MC for almost everything, and they don't really prepared for the main quest.

There should be a reason why another dimension took decades to climb the tower, I think they keep challenging their limits and improve not just themselves but the rest of the people until finally they ready to face the main quest. But when only three of them experience the tower, only that three will become stronger.

That's what I think, he really 'Conquered It All'.

The story don't have much flaw, but I just think that it's not proper. <<less
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BigOnii rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: c200
Very decent read, there's not that many surprises. A standard light read.

I am going to rate this a 4/5!

The first 50 chapters worth of translations are not good, but after that it gets better. Last 100 chapters are pretty good!

... more>> A standard reincarnation novel with themes of betrayal, revenge, magic, sword fighting, dungeons, "system", gods, demons, aliens and even space travel and hints of sci-fi! Short and sweet doesn't leave us hanging, ending closes most of the open questions. Doesn't drag along for too long.

Good interaction between MC's colleagues. Fun to watch MC doing his thing knowing the future, and his secretary getting stressed out...

Has good world building.

The story is about a version of earth, where there's a system and lots of dungeons. Only way to prevent dungeons/close the gates is to climb the tower. The MC is not that powerful except he has an unique skill that lets him see through everything (like what skills someone is using, how a mana barrier looks like and what are its weakness... etc). The MC is climbing the tower with his colleagues who are powerful in their own rights, but he is betrayed and killed... or did he get killed?

Knowing what he knows of the future, he is sent back to past and it's up to him to take revenge and make sure earth doesn't collapse under the weight of the dungeon. <<less
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AnimatorOfSouls rated it
May 15, 2023
Status: c200
OP MC time travels from a future where they failed to complete the tower bc of a betrayal.

Tbh the entire plot is just the MC kicking ass and bending the enemies plots to his advantage. Fun to read but not much substance.

There's some annoying stuff about China being filled with s*upid power-hungry and politically inept people which is pretty unrealistic, ending with China being destroyed.

Romance: none

Summary of the entire plot:



Part 1 - The Tutorial

    • MC originally had a tiny amount of mana, helped climb the tower and was betrayed by Angelica at the last moment
    • Reborn with a load of mana into a clan
    • Gets really op because he has a skill that lets him see mana and can therefore choose the best reward from each dungeon
    • Collects items from the Sebrian Empire
    • Makes contact with an alien who helps him because he is the Successor, as denoted by his mana seeing skill/eyes.
    • The successor is reincarnated throughout various time periods in order to help the Sebrian Empire grow (the empire fell in the future and created the successor in the past to make everything better)
    • Angelica was actually an alien parasite
    • He recruits strong people from his past life, makes his clan grow really big, and starts the main quest

Part 2 - The Main Quest

    • Humans join the Union of species and kill the Mercadius
    • MC is chosen by most of the gods since he can help them regain their power
    • MC discovers the traitors in the Union are hiding the missing pieces of the gods
    • He goes to take those pieces back and restores the power of all the gods
    • He also absorbs the pieces of the god of mind who was controlling the Mercadius to destroy the world. He becomes a god in the process
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Brasdf rated it
June 9, 2022
Status: c167
Generic. Translation isn’t great. Characters have no personality and do not interact. Action is boring. Just not very fun.

Minor spoilers :


After the initial mystery gets solved, and relatively quickly too, I found my motivation for reading this vanished.

I preserved for a bit, but dropped it eventually.

The story isn’t fun. The MC has no personality. Other more interesting characters barely make an appearance or are allowed to grow.

The action isn’t interesting. There is no sense of struggle or any tension. A story needs to make me wonder who is going to win. At least sometimes.

He also basically does everything alone. It seems the only reason he gathered teammates is to help them with their sad life since they were friends in the past life.

This is understandable, but they don’t seem to be friends in this life. They don’t actually interact beyond being told to do things by the MC so they grow in power.

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ErikHarrison rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Just because it stands out doesnt mean it's any good.

The novel differentiates itself with pacing and scaling. The description problem is solved in 50chs, then 75ch of earth problems then 75chs of interdimensional ones. It skips a lot of the early leveling that most novels would focus half the story on in favor of expanding earlier.

Does this work? Not really. After like ch15 he never runs into anything remotely challenging again. Not once does he even become lightly pressured in a fight. Since he solves issues so fast there is... more>> no character motivations or trails. They all sort of move blindly and tirelessly to the vague notion of saving earth.

I appreciate novels diverging from the typical KR dungeon novel formula but this wasnt very good. <<less
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simianpower rated it
January 1, 2022
Status: c55
If you've read one Korean dungeon apocalypse story, you've read them all... right? Well, not really. This one's different. In both good and bad ways. For the good, there's a mystery element that I've never seen in any similar books I've read. Yeah, that's it.

For the bad, there are a lot of elements. Firstly, the MC starts out with a power to see mana even though he only has 10 himself and thus can't actually use mana. BUT! The power also gives him perfect memory of everything he's ever seen,... more>> heard, felt, etc. And the power also gives him absolute immunity to mental intrusions. Is that enough of a cheat? Not by a long shot. He goes back in time in the first chapter, so now he knows what's coming due to his perfect memory. And he winds up in the body of a guy with the highest mana in the world and with infinite growth potential. So now he can use every single power he's ever seen with his original power (which he also still has). And he's super-rich since his dad runs the biggest guild in Korea.

So that's just the first couple of chapters. This totally ruins the story before it even starts, since there's nothing left to do. Most people have only 4 power slots, but since he can use all powers via his super mana manipulation plus memory of having seen them, he has ALL the powers, and thus whenever he needs something the author ass-pulls some random power. Thus there's no exploration of the system. It might have been really cool, but we never see it. All we see is bits where he goes off to kill dungeon monsters off-page and then every few chapters a run-down of how much more powerful he is. He goes from F-rank to SS-rank in two months without anybody noticing, and that's just the start. Oh, and the dungeon clear rewards are basically loot boxes, but he can see into the boxes with his cheat power so he gets all the best rewards... mostly off-page also so there's even more ass-pulling.

But the biggest problem with this already s*upid setup is that there are only five actual characters for at least the first 50 chapters. Five. Every other person we see could be replaced by a number that's quickly forgotten, because they have no personality or impact on the story. Can you imagine a mystery with only five people? The only interesting part of the story is ruined by the lack of characters to support it.

The whole story up to where I dropped it out of boredom was the MC randomly remembering something "important" from his past life (e.g. the location of a dungeon that the government never knew about and thus had a break) and using that knowledge and his infinite ass-pull potential to get more loot, get stronger, etc. There's never any tension, any chance he could fail at anything, any overarching goals, or anything that's actually interesting. This isn't the worst Korean novel I've ever read, but it's close. Utterly generic, recommend skipping past. (Oh, and the translation is atrocious; it reads like it's written by someone for whom English is a fourth or fifth language that was studied for a few months tops.) <<less
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November 15, 2021
Status: c200
The first part of the story is about a regressor who need to get stronger to save earth while trying to evade danger from all sides. It's the typical korean style novel that we all love.

The second part of the novel is about gods, A.I. And a quest to save the universe. So kind of boring sometime since the next goal is in an intangible form most of the time. The writing is still good, but the MC get way too OP compared to the enemy and after that it's... more>> just a rinse and repeat of small action that somehow are essential to build an empire that won't crumble. <<less
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gr4y rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Everyone should give this must read gem a try!! The fact that it reminds me of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint is already a plus but with this story's intricate and amazing plot makes it even better and satisfying!!

It's a shame that it sorta ended in a rush? Not really a major thing but it just makes me want more with the ending this wonderful story had and of course it's still amazing because it ties all the loose ends of the story, but I would really love it if there's like a side story or a two where I get to see his life as the god of mind or where I "FINALLY" see Randy grown up and is shown in the story even just for a few moments AHAHA.

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q00u rated it
November 2, 2021
Status: Completed
Stronger ending than a lot of similar stories. Reminds me of Dimensional Sovereign in that way.

A lot of plot threads are tied up through the course of this story. Even some things you might think were simple or obvious are revealed to have had a deeper explanation. It's a pretty satisfying read.

Not everything is covered though (such as a certain sword's backstory), and I found myself wanting more time with these characters. But that's the sign of a well-told story, I think.
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ZeyFletcher rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: Completed
4.5 stars just because there were times where I pause, altho it might be because I was too distracted by other things. BUT this was a great read, so happy there was no annoying romance, full character growth and world building even until the end. MC was loveable, not cold hearted type but one who shows normal expressions HAHAHA Side characters were also memorable and strong. World building was good, I really understood it in the end but it was a bit complicated cause it started from a simple world... more>> like earth and expanded to something much bigger. There were unexpected developments, which were good. MC was OP but rightfully so. It was a fun read, there were times I was thinking of stopping cause I was not that into it but glad I didn't cause the ending was really satisfying.


Aww, the ending was satisfying. The original members were all mentioned and not forgotten, secretary kim HAHAHAH, Secretary kim was there from the start till the end! Hahaha Adam was really helpful, which might also be the purpose of a previous reincarnation. I was surprise but at the same time relieved with the early death of 'Angelica' and it was explained properly how it came to be and all that. It was luck that the one Choi Seung hyun (?) possessed was the one with the Mercadius curse, since he was able to be aware of it sooner and also be more wary of it. The gods were really proactive here, compared to other novels, which I think is just right cause they were pitiful lol, the god of mind was actually also really pitiful since the most important thing for it was the memories and that was the thing that the gods kept losing so it was inevitable that it would go insane, unfortunately there was nothing Jin Wook can do about that. The 'successor' was also not something I expected, he was really cheated when he was reincarnated as choi seung hyun. Nate and Hibiki also had awful pasts and I'm glad that Jin wook helped them as early as possible. Randy was still a kid which was pitiful cause they lost 1 party member but also alright cause Jin wook got to bond with Genograche, the demon sword, lol. We already felt genograche softening when he went to kill by himself for the first time lol hehehe. Euclid was mostly there for its mana and its knowledge lol. The ending was really satisfying, I know that Jin wook would do great as the future emperor. The saving the gods parts was also satisfying cause no one was left out, unlike in others where some gods are missing. The rewards were OP but very much realistic. The administrator was pitiful and mercadius took advantage of it. Emotions always make things complicated, but if the system had no emotions it could have also lead to another kind of problem cause the mortals were literally the ones creating their own destruction, sigh, greed is really annoying. I like the way the original Seo Jin Wook was not forgotten and was given the life he deserved which he was robbed off by mercadius. Iponia 'Cat' and the snakes hahha snake 2 smartest boi. BTW the title, I came back and conquered it all is a literal meaning of the successor coming back and conquering it all HAHHAHA


Reread? Uhm, I don't feel like it. <<less
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deathmine31 rated it
October 23, 2021
Status: c86
The beginning is enjoyable; as is the case with most novels. These Korean game element/world with a Second chance typically resolve the primary betrayal in the later 2/3rds of the novel.

This one is a bit faster.


As is the case with most novels featuring these genres, there is a new villian beyond the original villian seen by the MC in the first life. The world is different due to an increase in the information the MC knows about the world.

For the novel itself, its boring. Standard OP MC who knows alot and does things before others 9/10 times because he knows but still "butterfly effect" so something will still happen before he can interfere.

Nothing stands out. I read a couple more chapters and the novel doesn't improve. I'm bailing out.
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October 12, 2021
Status: c170
The beginning was amazing. However, by ... more>>

the time they ended the tutorial and got in contact with the union

or just 140+ chapters in, the story got a little boring. The premise is good, the plot is good, but the execution and the way the story progressed were slightly unsatisfactory. While I do want to finish the novel already, my focus keeps going to something else and I can't get myself immersed into the story. (It might just be a problem with me, but I just can't read the story as well as I used to during the first 100 chapters.) <<less
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fangyuan rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: c66
I could not get myself to continue reading the novel so I dropped it. The translation was rather awkward and the elements of the novel are rather generic (OP intelligent MC, yes-man subordinates/colleagues, ezpz enemies, etc.). There is some depth to the plot and I believe that the plot should be able to develop well but I am just unable to be immersed in the novel. Might revisit in the future.
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Empress-Serelene rated it
September 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Wonderfully written and really satisfying to read. In the beginning I thought it was your typical 'turn time back and take revenge' concept but the plot is a lot more well developed and interesting than I expected. All the loose ends are tied pretty neat and there the plot twists are awesome too. All in all, I'd recommend it.


ps: I really, really wished it had an epilogue. Especially, one that features baby Randy. That would've been cool!!

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September 14, 2021
Status: Completed
It was enjoyable, and the author does a great job bringing it all together without leaving a lot of loose ends. The author also recognizes many writing weaknesses and glosses over many of them by skipping ahead or keeping those elements short.

Ultimately, it's a great read for someone wanting a decent story that comes together in the end. It is not a recommended story if you are looking for romance, epic combat scenes, or a lot of comedy.
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September 6, 2021
Status: Completed
no way! I really enjoyed this though!

The details of the gadget (?) is enjoyable, the story build up fine, it is a sophisticated story and approachable as well.

there are no romance no harem, only goals and determination which is good. Who has time for love when your life on the line anyway... Yet when reaching the climax the detail was gone, it is more about the story. I mean if the end of the story is much more important, why waste time in the beginning?

the side char potential is soooo... more>> good but just axed just cruelly. A lot of wasted potential and ah was that what they called filler?

just before the final episode... eurgh.


anyway I stopped before the end because such irredeemable premise. But uh, I think it could be read if you have none other novel on mind. <<less
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