How To Say I Love You


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There are some people you hate at first but end up liking more and more the more you interact with them.
There are some people you love at first, but the more you come to understand that person, the more helpless you feel.

The Great Film Emperor, Ji Mian thinks that Young Master Xiao Jiashu is an arrogant, poison-mouthed, spoilt, rich snob who exploits his strong background to ruin people’s lives on a whim. But when he somehow obtains the ability to read minds, Ji Mian comes to realise that Xiao Jiashu is probably the most adorable person in the world.

This is a story about the rise of the acting-fanatic, Xiao Jiashu, as he silences his haters and wows the world with his magnificence.

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Yêu em nói thế nào
ài nǐ zěn me shuō
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186 Reviews sorted by

Eueu rated it
July 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I guess it's a pretty good entertainment novel. The MC and ML were rly fated together.

I'm just a bit annoyed about the ML's mind reading ability.

It's quite obvious that everyone else except the MC have negative and disgustin thoughts. Which is normal because our internal processes are complex and often intrusive. But MC is portrayed here as good in the outside and in the inside. Lyk, he literally has no negative thoughts. How does that happen. He's not a newborn or a saint.


I also dislike how the character of Li Leyang was handle. Btw, he's the ML's original boyfriend.

There was so much emphasis on his character and thought process which is obviously used as a prelude to justify the later break up with the ML. He was set up as a secondary character but the author didnt bother to care about his character after he was used as a foil in the MC and ML's relations


Nevertheless, it was entertaining.
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CarinaNovel Updates
CarinaNovel Updates rated it
May 27, 2023
Status: c136
I like it. Though the start is riddled with misunderstandings (which caused me to cry) after 20 somthing chapters everything changes and the story is very smooth sailing from there.

Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, Love, LOVE, love~, dog food, Dog Food, Dog Food, dog FOOD, honey, HONEY, Honey,... this basically summarizes this novel. <3

My somewhat messy Summary:

... more>>

MC is despised and ignored by his family, he always tryied his best in studying (he has high IQ?) wanting to be acknowledge by his father and grandparents. But in the end he wasn't allowed to work in his father's company (his efforts going to waste). His mother who was a former famous actress couldn't bear to see her child wast away in despair and made him secretly enter the industry she was forced to leave for her husband.

MC's mom: “When Xiao Shu came back, I wanted him to go to work at the Xiao Group. You said to let him obediently stay at home with his shares. Now he’s obediently staying at home, and you’re scolding him saying he’s not sensible and only knows how to play. Let me ask you, Xiao Qijie, in the end what do you want?”

But because of MC's sharp tongue/extreme honesty/lack of words/ misunderstanding inducing words he is misunderstood and despised very often.

Example: winning female contestant in SUPER New Voice Generation = Li Jiaer. He was misunderstood fancying her and insulting her. Her past made him seem insensitive: A rich second generation in her school took a fancy on/for her. She was subjected to his harassment, and had no choice but to drop out for her own safety. However, he didn't stop and used all kinds of methods to crush her and her family. Though later her sad story was revealed to be false and MC's closest friend's sad past was revealed.

Chapter 10/11 ML's accident + mind reading ability.

Movie with ML, MC and ML's boyfriend: little to no drama,

MC's disinterest for acting (that's what others think, because he doesn't rehearse as much as ML's newbie boyfriend + MC's attitude of knowing the lines so there's no need to rehearse), dissatisfaction towards his behaviour, by the staff/director, but then his interest for acting was sparked by ML's extraordinary acting ability, MC's rare to come by talent was awakened/shown (past trauma helped him reenact),

(MC) Xiao Jia Shu’s role was of Ling Feng, a returning student majoring in business administration and his loving brother Ling Tao (ML) who is the biggest villain in the drama.

ML: The novels plot starts here where this old chap, who’s decided to withdraw from the entertainment world, gets infected by a little sapling and rekindles his love for acting again. Role: Lin Tao

ML's boyfriend: lots of NGs, embarrassment but unexpected progress from newbies to hardworking, diligent, talented newcomer, though positive, jealous and insecur. Later his insecurities, pride, lack of self esteem and inferiority worsen. I feel sorry for ML who doesn't know how to act to make him happy and feeling secure.

1 Movie: ________

Scandal: Abou MC who in the past apparently killed someone abroad while car racing.

Advertis**ent for his families subsidiarie company was cancelled, MC thought his big brother really disliked him and wanted to show him in this way, but it turned out to be a scheme by a relative. Big bro though taciturn, did his best to express his honest feelings (brotherly)

MC investing in two movies, one about child actors in ancient times setting and one abstract film. ML also wanted to invest but was stopped by his assistant, boyfriend + other boardroom members. Because it's high risk investment with probably low returns. ML is furious, because the one thing he hates the most is other people trying to control him.

Audition: "Love chaser" horror dispense film, high popularity, MC and ML's boyfriend auditioned, both got compared and MC lost,

MC got a bigger IP, ML is fed up with his boyfriend's thoughts (->Though believes he loves ML, because he accepted him even though he is a man, thinks of using ML and only thinking of s*x as placating him and not as an act of love) and protection of his best friend/agent/manager who constantly made big mistakes, was short sighted and had a greedy heart and his younger sister who lost herself to a new exciting city life, money, attention and drugs.

After some ups and downs they get together (Movies: MC Humanoid "emotionless" robot + ML the savior of the universe; (comedy) MC arrogant flirtatious young master + ML mafia/gang boss + MC young forced emperor + ML loyal in love best friend/accomplished general). They get married in America and only tell ML's mom first, ML patches his relationship with her up, because he wants MC to feel accepted.

They manage to persuade at first very opposed to theyr gay relationship MC's mom, who already divorced her ex husband. Who later turns out was cheating the whole time during marriage, with one woman since his first marriage, turns out he was blackmailed (couldn't break free duo to guilt, but didn't have s*x, because he was really in love with Xia Mian), but he somewhat redeemed himself by apologising publicly + privately- accepts their relationship (wants to make it up to MC whom he neglected in the past duo to guilt). Xiu Changyu finally built up the courage to pursue/support the love of his live for more than 20 years Xia Mian who now is single again.

MC and ML spread dog food and sugar as if it's their job, they're so loving and joyful everyday, during an award ceremony 5 years later they publicly announce they are a married couple and their many CP fans are overjoyed.

End <<less
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February 27, 2023
Status: extra
Looking at the reviews and from my own reading of this novel, I’m going to suggest everyone ignore the reviews and be open minded.

Here’s a synopsis instead;

The MC (assuming that is the gong with mind reading abilities) is a famous celebrity, in his own league with his own private studio. Starts out in what he thinks is a loving relationship with a talented, hard working young man, who he wishes to support using his studio contacts etc. He is also a bit bias against the second generation rich youth who... more>> barges into his life, thinking that he paid his way into his movies and is just there for the experience. (He’s not entirely wrong at the beginning)

The ML is a second generation rich youth, but he doesn’t want to be kept by his family and be a useless waste. Problem is, everyone except his mother, seems to want to keep him this way for their own reasons. His mother, a once very famous starlet, brings him out of that world and into her’s, but thanks to the MC, it’s not 100% smooth sailing.

When the MC gets his mind reading ability, he begins to realise that what he thought was black maybe white and vice versa. From his relationship to his assumptions about the ML, nothing was as clear cut as he originally thought.

You will probably either love or hate this novel depending on who you can relate too most from main to supporting characters. At the end of the day though, it’s a book and not everyone in a book can have a perfectly happy ending. <<less
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hycave rated it
January 1, 2023
Status: Completed
Giving this a 3.7. I enjoy reading this novel, well most part of it anyway. MC is super cute and the ability ML got makes the story much more interesting. I love the interaction between MC and ML so much but to get to that part sometimes it feels like a chore. I feel like there are so many unnecessary parts and the writing can be kinda childish at times but even with all that downside I still enjoy reading this novel especially any chapter that includes MC and ML.... more>> They're just so cute together. <<less
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candylane rated it
December 30, 2022
Status: Completed
This is CUTE

The last 30 ish chapters is pure FLUFF. This whole novel called me single is 20 different languages. I personally really like the personality of the MC. I feel he's refreshing with the right amount of naivety and childishness. He's straight forward and knows what he wants.

Warning though, the ML has a different partner in the beginning of the novel. But no worries, they break up around chapter 60. ML never cheated. All in all, no major drama. Nice story with some nice dog food
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Saphie rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: Completed
I didn't really think much of this when I first started and even compared it with Star Around the Sun (I didn't really liked that one), plus with the combined ML has a bf I didn't have high hopes and almost dropped it.

To my surprise, I was hooked. I liked reading it, the transition from pining to lovers was done well and not rushed considering ML just ended his relationship around 60 something chapters. MC is also quite cute though a bit too much at times.

After they got together though,... more>> it became a bit eh, I skimmed past through almost all of the chapters they were written together, it wasn't until the they were filming the last mentioned drama/movie that I continued reading at a slow pace since there was a scandal and of course, some face-slapping was included. I liked those parts.

Its a light read and good too <<less
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oushna rated it
October 21, 2022
Status: Completed
One of my favourite-EST BLs on NU!!!

A must-try for BL lovers!

I have read my fair share of BL novels on NU, and I dare say that this novel HTSILU has definitely made it to being one of my favourite-EST BLs.

... more>> This novel was such a mind-blowing rollercoaster ride, and I'm utterly glad to have discovered this hidden gem!

What a fabulous journey of 136 Chapters + 1 Extra, simply magnificent!

I honestly couldn't put it down once I started. I LOVED the storyline, characters and world building.

I could say alot and rumble about how much I have ENJOYED this gem of a novel, but it's still best that readers experience the wonderfulness of this novel by themselves on their own.

Nonetheless, regardless of certain negative reviews of this novel that I strongly disagree with, I highly recommend this amazing work. This is a well-pieced light yet heavy, sweet yet bitter, happy yet melancholic, fluffy yet heart-wrenching novel that will turn the heart and mind upside down, but in a sweet-ache-y manner.

One has to read for oneself to be able to better and/or best understand what is the charms and Wow! Elements that makes this novel one among the great BLs on NU.

Highly Recommended!

Wishing everyone a Happy Reading! <<less
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megumi-chan rated it
October 6, 2022
Status: c55
At 55, I know I didn't finish this yet but I have to comment now because...

The author is so good. READ THIS. READ THIS. READ THIS !!!

This masterpiece made me cry and felt miserable.


This masterpiece made my heart race because of excitement and relish the taste of cider - because of face slapping scenes.

*All the characters were portrayed. All of them were alive.

Oh, I especially loved MC's Mom here (she's super strong)

... more>>

I felt really bad for the BABY HE YI. He was just an innocent boy who deserved the love of the world. I hope he's at peace now.

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Yoya rated it
July 15, 2022
Status: Completed
I was quite infuriated with the ML at the beginning, but then he finally grew up and acted logically and sweetly with the MC so I won't be too mad at him. I enjoyed the movie plots described in the story and they weren't as boring to follow through compared to other novels. Prepare yourself because after they get together the story goes from cute and funny to smexy and hot and then a little cringey. The very ending did feel rushed and there were some things I wish the... more>> author wrapped up a little more.


like is ML never going to reveal his mind reading even though he was beating himself over it before they got together??

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Hikikomori-sin rated it
July 13, 2022
Status: Completed
The MC definitely has the 'platonic harem' and 'acting genius' protagonist halo, so that can be a plus or a minus. However, I really love how the author portrayed a lot of the (protagonist's) relationships, especially with his family. The acting's also really nice; the stories are interesting, and each movie/show the MC acts in sort of has parallels to his real life, which adds a bit of flavour.

Other reviewers also mentioned the ML's boyfriend, who is pretty fleshed out. IMO, the relationship dynamics up until the ML breaks up... more>> with him are nicely written; the boyfriend's actions are understandable, but it's also clear why the relationship doesn't work out. However, by the end of the boyfriend's character arc, I do think it goes a little downhill as the boyfriend's problematic actions escalate, seemingly to ensure that we don't sympathize with him too much. <<less
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jellyxo rated it
July 8, 2022
Status: c25 part2
The ML is quite the self-righteous prick. As a reader, I can't understand his thought process of teaching someone who's completely new to the industry (and someone he's supposed to mentor mind you) a lesson that's essentially embarrassing him in front of a large audience to shatter his self-esteem.

And literally, everyone including MC just brushes past the fact that trapping MC in a box was a traumatic experience??

giving it a one-star review bc of my lack of enjoyment despite liking the MC a lot, I dropped at ch 26 so if it does get any better after that I couldn't hold out until then
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April 4, 2022
Status: --
Very talented author, very good work. Fun how The ML is ensnared little by little by mc's genuine enthusiasm to become an actor. The main characters, the plots are very clever and cleverly depicted. To the point of for once, this novel could be made into a real story because aprt the reading thought ability, everything is credible.. The MC is not overbearing, he's clever, he does his thing without needing to hurt competitors. I like that ML is a nice but authoritative guy (he's the emperor after all ppl).... more>> Very different from other entertainment bl novels usual plot. <<less
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JadeCerise rated it
March 29, 2022
Status: c93
One of my all-time faves! Xiaoshu is adorable and Ji Mian is the quintessential ML. Love this novel! Thanks to all the translators who've worked hard on getting more chapters out.
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reviewing rated it
November 24, 2021
Status: Completed
honestly can't agree w other about how the ML is egoistic, but one thing I feel is that definitely it feels as if the MC idolizes the ML instead of love. It was too abrupt and sudden imo.

and it felt as if the breakup btwn ML and his ex was kinda forced? Like to just fit the plot so finally MC can be with ML soon that kind. And the things they fought over were just s*upid. (I mean idk bcuz I haven't been in rs but yeah). Tbh I... more>> found that if u just take out ML and his ex's part you will find that the story still can kind of flow? So I really find that the ex was meant to be the villian kinda? But poorly played out.

also the excessive PDA during work got me going all nah. But I think this is normal in romance novels?

uk what this feels like? MC is like Asuna from SAO. Full of potential but in the end just became like the basic anime waifu. So in a sense his personality just slowly diminished because of the ML. This BL failed to balance the plot with romance and just heavily invested on romance that the plot is just lacklustre. This imbalance made this novel kind of illogical? Idk hoe to explain but yes

read a review by rocca. Linne? (Sorry if I spelt wrong) and I 100% agree w him/her. <<less
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Doxen rated it
June 21, 2021
Status: c61
The best thing about this novel for me is the attention that it gives to acting as a career and the experiences and mentality that actors can/have to face. It's very interesting when I read about how the main characters enter their rolls. And our MC is the perfect catalyst to show that side of the showbiz world. I really enjoy him immersing himself into his new passion.

The drawback is that this drama is a romance, and I'm getting really tired reading about it. The main character and ML are... more>> not together at the start, ML even has a relationship that lasts idk how long. I can see I'm only 1/3 of the way into the novel, but it is exhausting every time ML's boyfriend appears. He has the same problem that he has had for the past 40 chapters. I would like the author to just not describe what he is feeling anymore please, because once he appears on the scene I will know exactly what he's feeling. That is how repetitive it has become. The silver lining is that you can witness some character development from ML; it is interesting when such a calm and composed person takes action, he hits right on the mark.

I binged read the first 43 chapters and feel like it might be easier if I didn't. So maybe my patience with this particular setup of the novel is uniquely thin? <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: c59
Short review for a moment because the translation still not complete:

The start of the series is going to be frustrating but also has some sweet and fluff. But yeah, frustrating!!!

The good:

    • MC. MC is simply Precious for this world! His character keep getting better and lovelier and we love him! We just want him to be Happy, okay!!! His Mother and his Older Brother is the Best!
    • ML's Ability. Without this, sorry, ML is helpless and hopeless. ML learn a lot about Human Heart because of this!
The frustrating:

ML STILL NOT BREAK UP WITH HIS BOYFRIEND TO THIS DAY/CHAPTER (59) !!!! THE BOYFRIEND KEEP GETTING ANNOYING AND ANNOYING!!! He's not evil so far, but goddammit so annoying and selfish!!! Trying to see himself as the victim/helpless!!!


Updated on 11 February 2022:




Updated on 14 April 2022:



But we actually get to see ML's desperation and big effort to always stay in touch with MC.


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Aizen03 rated it
April 10, 2021
Status: c24 part1
I really love this! The story flow is so natural and romance is not force at all you can really feel the build up in their love. Also the acting scenes are so vivid that you really can imagine what they are doing and even you can learn something from it. I really wish there’s more extras. I dont mind eating dog food. In fact I wish to be showered with it😂🤣
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YCR rated it
March 24, 2021
Status: Completed
It's good even it is a slow burn but I love it. The thing I don't like is just this story was progressing along with ML's boyfriend progress. Which is annoying. ML's boyfriend is a coward, dense, loser, lack self esteem, always insecure. AND the most annoying thing is that he always compares himself with people around him. He is not satisfied with himself and also not satisfied with others. TBH ML'S BOYFRIEND IS THE COMPLETE LOSER. I'm angry about his mindset and pity him at first. But as the... more>> plot progress, he becomes an eyesore. Not the type of hate that he comes between ML and MC. But the type that wants him to go as far as possible or just shut up don't talk and don't think anything. His mindset is like a pool of negative thoughts dragging others and drown himself.

I don't care that he's straight before and try to bend for the sake of ML. If that's the case then who is to blame except himself? He's the one who agrees to be in a relationship with ML. And he can't complain about it. It wasn't like ML tie him up and force him to be in a relationship. The self blame and insecure state are all because of his action and his mindset! If the story doesn't tell what this ML's boyfriend thinks I would just a little bit annoyed. But because this story describes all the negative thoughts and shows how his mindset is like I start to hate this character tbh. Like he just completely loser who exploited ML kindness and tolerance and fooling himself to think that it was right to have ML help him out. But later he will think that ML integer with his matter too much and he is controlled by ML. Only know to speak about freedom, love, dependent all day and still end up relying on ML all the time.

Relying on ML is not bad. The annoying thing is that he's too shameless. He took all the resources ML provided for him without shame but was upset with himself for not have the ability to seek the resources. And he vents it on ML, blames it on ML, hates MC for more talented and hardworking even MC has a big background. He jealous and indignant about it but fooling himself that he still has dignity and pride while at the same time the one who looks down on himself the most is no other. And the one who always ridiculed himself is also not the other.

The plot is good and it was a fun read. Slight bit of drama to spiced thing up. I reread it again and hope that this story will fully translated soon cuz reading mtl is somehow still hard to understand. I better read it properly after the story is done. It was so good, fluffy, and cute. Although there some part that I dont like but it still a very good one with cute couple that you can see how they love each other so much. <<less
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhh rated it
March 16, 2021
Status: Completed
The novel overall is super cute and the plot is good. The things that I don't really like about it is how the author is portraying the ML's boyfriend as the novel progress. The author starts making ML's boyfriend think that he got the short straw out of everything/a bit insecure (especially after LLY, Ml's boyfriend, got nagged at for his acting skills and MC recording it and starts thinking that the ML doesn't love him).

LLY was originally a straight male who agrees to date the ML and would agree to kiss every once in a while. I agree that LLY was treating the ML a bit unfair because he was never truly committed to the ML. Yes, he loves the ML but his love had a lot of reservations, always cautious, and was rooted in his gratitude towards the ML - there's a difference between wanting to be with someone and being with someone out of gratitude. Honestly, as I read the story it just feels to me that LLY was a bit insecure and concerned about things, after all he was a straight man to begin with and was trying to bend for the ML, but his relationship with the ML was only one-sided since LLY never truly committed to the ML.

The ending was a bit crumbled. It's actually because the first part was so laid out in details and many events that the last ten chapters feels rushed.

There are ofc multiple things that I like about this novel. (Just going to name a few)
●For example, I like how the author depicted the inner turmoil in the ML, as it gave the ML a more realistic touch and it feels more relatable and not overbearing like some other MLs.

●The slow burn fits well too, it's almost more than 70 chapters before MC and ML get together. It starts off as a slow foundation of a failed relationship and lack of understanding of ML and Lin Yeyang, but later is the change to a right person, which ML was careful to choose, but in the end never regretted.

●Some movie plots were also refreshing and/or some scenes were really touching and they portray it really well on how some people will act during certain situations, they were tailored well to fit the progress of people later acceptance of them being together.

●The MC for this novel is quite sweet, smart and hardworking, but he is often misunderstood by others because of his rich background and prideful personality.
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King7 rated it
January 22, 2021
Status: Completed
So, I'm gonna edit my review since the first one that I posted was run by my emotions. (Though I'm not really good in making reviews lol)

First, the MC. As the story goes by, you can feel that the MC was carefully protected by the author. His imperfections are like your icing in the cupcake; it's just making him perfect. But, other reviewers may forgot, Xiao Jiashu also have a rough history. His experiences were really bad. We just overlook it because he didn't dwell deeply on it and only use those experiences to help him improve and become who he is today. The same with Linyang (ML's ex), his past made him who he is now but unlike Jiashu, it affected him in a negative way.


Many people view Linyang as a villain, is it because he is realistic? We meet people like him in real life. Lol. So, as the story goes on, Linyang's character became more and more negative; his anxieties, low self esteem, jealousy and insecurities. Considering his background, and the blood and sweat that he invested to arrive on where he is now, compared to Jiashu, although there's a problem in terms of family, but he didn't lack money, connection and he also has the god-defying talent, so for Linyang, he can't help but think that the world is unfair. If it's me, I would also think the same. Eveything's normal in Linyang, and he's such a good character. He's the most in deepth character in the novel.


His character development was not shown, but I'm at least happy that he ended well. I'm hoping that he will find his happiness in the future


About the ML, well, we'll not talk about his ability that others may find gross and inappropriate because the ML has no choice. Lol. And if I am given that cheat ability, I would also use it for my advantage. The pie is already in front of you, why not grab it? Lol. Anyways, I'm not gonna talk long about ML. But I just want to emphasize that ML is such a patient man. He didn't leave Linyang immediately. He tried his best to maintain his relationship with Linyang. He tried to adjust, understand and accomodate Linyang but, just like any other relationships, it didn't work out. They're just not made to be. But, ML also has it's wrong, I think he didn't fully understand the jealousy that Linyang felt when he pays attention to Jiashu, although in his mind that it's just nurturing a talent but such action may be a bit insensetive especially to Linying who has inferiority complex. But looking at their relationship, as what I can see, Linyang is really not that inlove to ML. What he felt is gratefullness, and maybe for all those years of togetherness, he felt that throwing it away is a waste or maybe he at least developed some feelings to ML but it's not the same love that the ML expected. Anyways, overall, ML is a good man. Not the typical iceburg ML.


About the plot, it's kind of common or generic but, for me, it has its charm and own uniqueness. It literally had me reread it 5 times!

Character: 10/10 for Linyang

9.5/10 for ML

7/10 for MC

9-10/10 for other characters

(yeah, MC got it low but I still love you Jiashu! My son!)

World building: 8.5/10

So, again, I'm not good in writing a review and I might even talking nonsense. But this is how I see the novel. Lol
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