How to Live as the Enemy Prince


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I could hear the hum of life in my ears. It was hard to breathe….

… I raised my gaze and stared into the distance.

However, my blurred vision could not see anything.

The light began to fade.

That was my last memory.

When I opened my eyes once again, it was 10 years before that last memory took place.

And of all the things I could have become, it was from the enemy country that drove Secretia to ruin – I became Kyris’ third prince Calian.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Jokkkuge Wangjaro Saneun Bop
적국의 왕자로 사는 법
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  2. Fantasy, no romance (yet) novels
  3. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  4. not rofan // action, fantasy, supernatural, etc.
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46 Reviews sorted by

Firerubynat rated it
October 5, 2022
Status: c116
Finally caught up to the translations! Frankly one of the best worldbuilding action non-romance (... it is non-romance right???) plots - try not to compare it with others, because although it starts slow, the way Bern/Calian handles all incoming schemes/threats/assassinations is insightful and cunning, with long-term aftereffects planned out as well.

I'm just sad though that we'll never read the ending, but thank you to CSH for giving us what they could, and may the author rest in peace.
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Milady7e rated it
March 15, 2020
Status: c24 part 2
This is one of the interesting story i've read! I'm tired of romance so it was a gamble for me to read this. It's been a really long time since I read an action novel whose main character is a male that leave such a strong impressive. Still waiting for the update!
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jsplat rated it
January 31, 2022
Status: c45
I rarely read political novels because of how long they are, and how much energy I have to use to make sure I understand everything thats going on with all the minor details and tedious schemes.


I picked this up because admittedly the cover art was just simply gorgeous, but I stayed because of the plot! So far its SO GOOD!! I really love Calians (MC) rational thought process, but he isn’t like a super boring cookie cutter OP MC who effortlessly navigates through situations. He has flaws, and actual emotions!... more>> I find in political novels that MC’s are often annoyingly OP with nothing unique about them. Mary sue or op characters dont bother me, I actually like them because then I don’t have to panic too much when reading haha, but it gets repetitive and annoying after several hundred chapters of copy pasted villains who are easily shot down. It’s like reading the same story over and over again. But Calian is an actual human being who makes mistakes, and his respect he holds for the original body’s owner is refreshing.

I read all the spoilers and was also pleasantly surprised to see that Frantz (or Plantz, the translated name gets kinda iffy), who is the annoying second prince, is actually not a stereotypical antagonist. The author has really set him up to be the perfect cliche villian character who sticks around wayyyy too long and is super annoying, but he later changes for the better, which is sososo SO RARE in stories like these. The characters are likable and the plot has great potential to just get better and better as it progresses.

It seems kinda underrated honestly, and I think it’s because the title is rather simple and doesn’t stand out. But seriously, 5 stars! It does have slightly cliche aspects to it, but I’m really sad to see that the author unfortunately passed away before they could finish the story. We’ll have some questions that will never be answered, but at least theres hella good fanart (seriously, ppl ship Calian and Frantz HARD. Which confuses me because I thought they are technically half brothers? In*est is a big no for me, but if it wasnt for that I’d honestly ship them too haha. Frantz is the one with the greenish blue hair on the cover btw)

conclusion: read it! At least try it! I really love it haha <<less
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dtfyg rated it
May 12, 2020
Status: c40
Interesting premise brought down by bad translation (possible due to lack of editor) and generic writing.

The first thing that stood out to me about this novel was how weirdly the sentences were structured in the first few chapters. Maybe it was less confusing in Korean, but the translations just kept switching between using Bern and MC's new name (Cailin or smthing) every few sentences. At some point, the sentence just started with something about this Cailin guy but then they just continued by inserting a flashback for Bern. Anyways, the... more>> translation quality gets better as you read on, but there's just a ton of minor mistakes like "Raven climbed off of Raven" or something like that.

The only thing that really kept me going was the cute relationships between MC and all the side characters. Though really, aside from the premise, there's really nothing unique about this novel at all.

This novel kinda reads like a xianxia novel in a fantasy world setting. Its has all the xianxia cliches of finding op master cuz "going back in time makes everyone like you duh, " the by looking into your eyes I can tell how skilled you are thing (which annoys me to no end btw), and no determinable main antagonist (which means a bunch of petty naturally evil ppl who are pretty damn bland). Based on how the plot is developing, you can kinda already see the route MC is gonna take.

Though honestly if there were less grammar errors that made this annoying to read, I'd probably give it a 4, simply because it was a cute read. <<less
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Lazyprinzez rated it
January 27, 2020
Status: c30
As of writing this review, this WN has 430+ chapters. Sadly, the translator has stopped translating after ch24.

I don't know why they stopped the tl, but I've read the mtls until ch30, and so far it was good. I would not say anything final though as everything is just getting started right at this point.

So far, so good. MC has a good head on his shoulders and let me just say that the author loves being figurative. Sometimes it passes, sometimes it's forced, but I would not hold that against... more>> the author. For all I know, perhaps his figuratives do make sense in Korean but not in English (in which case I would feel awfully sorry for the translators since translating figuratives are DIFFICULT++). But yeah, I'd say author is also big on foreshadowing and has an interesting way of narrating.


NOTE: If you've read this spoiler before you've read the reveal then the magic will never work on you. It's in a spoiler tag for a reason.

MC knew his current body was going to be assasinated so he was being vigilant, but what he didn't know (or rather, neglected to notice) was that his body was already poisoned when he took over.

Props to the author as he was good in hiding it--the telltale signs were blatantly obvious, but the narration was skillfully biased towards the MC's confusion that even the readers were misled just like the MC until at a later scene when we see the queen question her brother why the MC's body has not yet succumbed to the poison.

I really loved how the author handled this one.


Narration is 3rd-party, character-biased. And I think it works well with the author's style of being figurative. Again, the figuratives are a hit-and-miss as some intances the words just become awkward, but that's cultural barrier for you.

I cannot comment on anything plot-wise or with regards to character depth as everything is just getting started at ch30, but yes, it has great potential. Premise is unique and interesting, and at ch30, I now see a hint of the story's direction, and it's promising.

I will continue reading the mtls and I may or may not decide to polish the mtls for the rest of the fanbase to read. (It all depends on my work schedule; and, well, I'm a jap translator... not a korean translator... so there's that too.)

I don't know why wordexcerpt dropped it but well, translating is never an easy job. I'm just thankful they translated this far. <<less
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Little Big House
Little Big House rated it
July 12, 2019
Status: --
Just started the novel, and it is as if there wasn't any introduction. So I'm really confused right now.

Update :

Okay.. In my opinion, this novel is too slow-paced. It's not bad.. But, it's just too casual for me to read.

... more>> I fell asleep twice while reading this at different times. At first I thought I was just too tired, so I tried to read again another day. Finally, I just got too bored and fell asleep again.

For me it's just the story of a prince who's trying to prove himself. He was previously the prince and heir of another Kingdom before going into the past and becoming another prince from an enemy kingdom that he is now.

We're never really introduced as to what kind of person he was before. I deduces that he's the kind of guy that wouldn't suspect anything or anyone since he doesn't find all of this strange.

He knows he'll die, so he knows there are enemies around him.

I wouldn't mind it if he had countermeasures in place, but he doesn't. And most of it is that as a previously grand character (ex heir, ex "one of the most powerful swordsman", etc.) he doesn't have any etiquette.


Not my cup of tea. I fell asleep. That means this novel wasn't entertaining enough for me.

Too slow, the "back into the past" isn't needed since it's never used in the plot (besides giving info). <<less
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rhianirory rated it
May 5, 2019
Status: c10 part2
I'm going to go with a 4 for now because it's kind of interesting, though I don't normally like court intrigue stories. I don't understand why, with all of his symptoms, he doesn't suspect his body might be poisoned or something similar, but maybe he does and the author hasn't said yet? In his position I certainly wouldn't be drinking tea or anything but water, but then, if I was in his position I would have left a long time ago; I hate dealing with all the back biting and... more>> politics. <<less
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SerinaPark rated it
September 1, 2023
Status: c219
The group that translated the novel (the 1st one) cut one chapter into two parts or more I think, because when I went to the mtl and started from ch 121 I found myself confused. Then I found out ch 120 is ch 60 of the novel.

I like the MC's characteristics. It's been a long time since I was able to enjoy a kingdom novel with so much easy heart, knowing that the MC wasn't a fool who would rush into things before thinking first.

It's such a good novel. I... more>> will continue to read even though I know that it'll be forever incomplete. RIP author.


I am currently on ch 219.


This novel focus is politics no fight or war happening in near time because he regressed to 10 years ago. What surprised me more was, that Chase, the crown prince of Secretia remembered everything and he confronted Callian about it.

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Tiicha rated it
September 19, 2021
Status: c39

  • If you had read till ch 58 you can continue at ch 37.
For the review...

I like the story but cause of the translator mess up the translation I got annoy a bit but it's okay cause I can continue it faster than expected.

Character personality...

Callian is a good character I LIKE IT♡ (> ਊ <) ♡ (I don't like giving spoiler personality) well you can read it yourself (◕ᴗ◕✿)

For Franz...

... more>>

He is like a villain but it's not cause (he may seem dumb) but he is actually very smart till myself can't understand what is he plotting (✯ᴗ✯).... its interesting...I ship for him LOL


Well I myself still unsure waht to review cause it still new... okay until then <<less
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holizshit rated it
May 28, 2020
Status: c49
Amidst stories that involve transmigrating into a duke's princess, or a sect disciple, or a villainess, this one is a refreshing one. This story is like a breath of fresh air with an interesting premise and steady developments. Actually, I'm quite surprised that it currently has 505 chapters and still ongoing. I just don't see how it can be that long, but maybe something huge will happen along the way.

As the story goes, more mysteries will be uncovered. I love how the MC approaches problems and tries to resolve it... more>> despite being a little bit rash sometimes. Looking forward to more interactions between characters and more character development. I personally want to see more of Kyrie (is that how you spell his name...?) since he hasn't really stepped into the spotlight yet, a pity.

Will update this review, maybe? We'll see if my opinion will change. <<less
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MonkeDanana rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: c10
I agree with the other review. It's too slow. 10 chapters in and nothing happens. It's even slower than tr*sh of Count Family. The author like to stretch 1 scene into 1 chapter. Honestly most of text is pointless. It's no wonder the translator dropped it after only 24 chapters. The title is interesting but the writing itself is frustrating to read.
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Queen77 rated it
September 17, 2022
Status: c114
Impressive writing, absolutely unexpected.

To actually be an enemy prince, here's the thing.

MC wakes up as a prince from a kingdom that was at odds with his kingdom, from his previous life, amazing

... more>> I can just imagine how this will absolutely go down, will he destroy his current kingdom or will he join

This is a new way of thinking and I think the author is amazing and bold enough for not going the same old route as the other authors when it comes to royal rebirth.

Coming up with a fresh idea and having the ability to execute it, makes you a higher tier writer

Love it! <<less
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March 7, 2021
Status: c58
One thing that comes out of my mouth after being immersed in the available chapters: damn.

Bern was someone who will make your heart stop. In a way, he's like Cale Henituse from The tr*sh of the Count's Family. From bits of information that he was able to grasp regarding Kailis (which is not much because he's also focused on his country's internal turmoil and progress on his past life), he quickly tried to form plans after plans for him to survive. Forming relations with a man of high reputation, looking... more>> for his disciple from the past, and risking it all.


One thing I found unique is the fact that even if he time traveled, he was transported to a time where he was not born (parallel world I guess). His reaction was not shown but maan, that hurts. See, his brother's alive but that brother will not know him at all since from the start he was not alive in that family. He needed to start and accept the fact that he will continue the life of Calian. He can try to form relationships but it would be different and not in the same degree as before.

Anyway, it's jaw dropping even the most famed magician when it was revealed it was a gamble with a higher stakes than expected. He's not suicidal (or is he?) it was really amazing that in his internal thoughts, it showed that he really believed he will pull through.


Anyway, I'm in love with this trope. Schemes and transmigration? What a treat!

Warning: The chapter can be read, either as MTL or if the translators, continues this only up until chapter 535. It's forever going to be unfinished so it's going to be a choice for you to whether still absorb the treat or stop now since you will not see its conclusion.

That said, I'm gonna try to finish it because it's such a waste not seeing the development of such a treasure. <<less
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angelhalo224 rated it
April 26, 2024
Status: c062
Important Note To Manhwa Adaptation Readers: The manhwa adaption is not 100% faithful to the web novel. The manhwa has added a few scenes and altered some scenes. As far as the first season of the manhwa adaptation, the general storyline is being followed. However, if you read the manhwa and want to read the web novel, it is possible but there may be some differences in the story.

TLDR: Manhwa is generally faithful but there are differences between the web novel and manhwa. It is possible to switch between the... more>> two but expect minor differences. <<less
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Madoga rated it
August 30, 2022
Status: c23
Hard to judge this one. Because it isn't bad, it is however really really slow. And even when things get going, the author thinks it's a good idea to insert slice of life chapters for a side character to break up the plot and ruin the pacing. The pacing is truly horrible.

Besides that there are some minor confusions caused by unclear writing (or translation), where it's just not quite clear what's going on. At times things are also poorly/weirdly reasoned, where the things the main character does just don't really... more>> make sense.

Besides that it isn't bad. It's a slice of live novel about a knight who gets reincarnated into a prince. And that's what it does fairly competently. A lot of talking, thinking and politicking. All done fairly competently. Characters overall seem to have a reasonable amount of depth -- for as far I can determine that after 23 chapters. It does seem a cut above most novels on this regard though.

The pacing really ruined this novel for me though. I dropped it at chapter 23. I like slice of life novels, but in this one, the slice of life just holds up the plot too much. <<less
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Battalion rated it
February 7, 2022
Status: c56
Wow. This was good! High quality, lots of political intrigue, and I honestly felt like every side character was their own person. This novel has somewhat opened my eyes because the side-characters were so fleshed out it made me realize all the novels I have read in the past have terribly shallow side characters. Some side characters figure the MC out and this novel really excels at avoiding the plot-armor mistakes other novels make. All the side characters, enemies, etc have very different motives and not all of them are... more>> 'evil' just for opposing MC, nor do they always lose against MC, but that doesn't mean that MC will just fold. The world is cruel. <<less
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Blisfulloblivion rated it
June 3, 2020
Status: c2 part2
The ideas for the story are interesting and the sequence of events are good but the writing is bad.

The story feels like it was written by a 15yo. They have a great story imagined but they lack skill and experience to execute it. All the characters feel like 2D impressions of established characters from other media. Its easy to tell what the author is trying to express with a character but they often fail to achieve the desired effect. Smart characters devise plans that.... aren't very clevor. Tragic charcters that... more>> had their fate changed due to the time travel.... somehow keep the same mindset even though the tragedies that made them who they were before never happned? Characters are way to quick to align with the MC. With almost no effort MC is able to just show up, do a bit of stilted diagogue and BOOM new ally. The desired personalities are good they just all feel flat.

The story is lacking a lot of important details. Not kidding when I say some pretty important things are revealed in a paragraph or less. The lack of info and lead up make some events feel jarring. What makes it worse is between the sparsely written important events is lots of irrelevant bloat which just further dilutes the important stuff. Makes it hard because you have paragraphs of bloat that you can't skim over because you might miss that 1 sentence with plot importance.

Best way to sum it up is like Lord of the Rings as a kids puppet show. You get the gist of the story and you can recognize all the characters but everything essance that made the movies great is missing. I see what the author wants to do and I like it but I just wish someone else wrote it. <<less
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January 4, 2020
Status: c110
This is a pretty decent novel. The world building is also good.

I read thru mtl and there are some parts that I cannot understand but overall, the pacing is quite good. At present, there are 430+ chapters in the raws.

I hope that the translator will continue to translate this.

Also, this novel is kinda popular in the rankings.
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ErikHarrison rated it
June 4, 2021
Status: c50
A charming political novel that works due to how loose the reasoning is. The lack of strict rules allows simpler stories with less built up.

Overall very enjoyable, I would definitely recommend to fans of the genre


So compared to TCF things happen due to less happening. Like they speak very informally to the king. Something will happen and the Queen just willingly trades away chess pieces. Characters will follow the MC for VERY ^100 insignificant reasons.

It's not like they happen for no reason, but the reason usually isn't good enough. However I think it's used to great effect here. A conflict took 40 chapters in this story would probably be 80-120 chapters in TCF
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LillyLovesManga rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: c58
At first I was skeptical since it seemed long but after reading the first few chapters— I was hooked and now I need more.

Translator keep them coming! I need more!

ps. The story is broken into “episodes” and “parts” which is great since there’s a lesser chance of me losing my place BUT that means the translations are going to take forever~
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