God Level Demon


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“Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! We’re not finished!”

“He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. A complete scumbag.”

“There’s nothing that he won’t do. Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old.”

“He causes problems everywhere. All of the geniuses of those big families have been beaten up by him before. Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!”

Countless martial arts experts of Yanhuang Star hated Xia Ping down to the very bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces.

As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the “Grand Hatred System” and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin, “I’ve already saved up so many Hatred Points. What should I exchange for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that Primordial Pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm also seems pretty good too. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. It really is too difficult to choose!”

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Recommendation Lists
  1. MC and his THICK Plot Armor Saga
  2. CN Harem
  3. Novels
  4. harems/romance #4
  5. Good Cultivation Novels/Level Up Novels

Latest Release

Date Group Release
12/03/21 Xaiomoge c92
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39 Reviews

Slants Perpendicular
Slants Perpe
Apr 05, 2018
Status: c2760
God Level Demon is a bad novel, although undoubtedly not completely void of interesting scenarios and ideas.

Fair warning, this will be unnecessarily long. The reason for which is because I'm an unnecessarily long type of guy.

I'll start with the novels biggest problem, the "characters."Notice the punctuation marks? Good, they're important.

... more>> The things embodying this novel can't rightfully be called characters as much as Caitlyn Jenner can rightfully be called heterosexual.

Firstly, about the genderless characters, the ones that scream on the sidelines with no personality or substantial existence, you know the one's I'm talking about, they're in nearly every Chinese novel. Well, I'm sorry to say but they've all joined the same cult with the one goal of gangbaning GLD. No joke, this novel boasts one of the biggest infestations of sideliners I've read, there's about 8 per required reaction; note even LHP had the decency to keep the sidereactors down to about an average of four per face-slap. This just adds extra useless fluff to already useless "plot."

Secondly, about the enemy characters, these f*ckers are impressive to say the least, even the mighty me would have trouble attaining their level of brain damage. They are without question all the same. I can't help wondering if inbreeding was a fad in Yan Huang Star, and the MC was the sole person to escape the effects because of his soul from earth, and even then the MC's family back at Earth must of also had a case of inbreeding a few generations back because he's far from the average intelligence. Seriously I can't stress how bad these antagonists are, they're arrogant, dumb, greedy and nearly always h**ny and r*pey. Those are the Five Big Traits common among 90% of antagonists in this novel, they have no other motives outside of killing the MC and raping his harem (not always in that order). They have no things such as life goals, it's as if they were only birthed into the world the moment they ran into the MC, simply put they're the results of years of inbreeding, and the only thing they would ever have a chance of beating the MC at is a chromosome competition, the age old act of counting ones chromosomes and the one with the most wins, although in all fairness it would be a close competition.

Lastly but not leastly, the Harem. The relevancy of my critiques towards the harem ultimately come down to two questions. The first question being, has the author ever met a real life female? The second question is, does it matter that I've never met a Chinese female? If no to Q1 then my points stand, if yes then the answer to the Q2 should also be yes and my points should be ignored, though keep in mind if the answer to Q1 is yes and the answer to Q2 is still no then the points stand and the author is just an idiot. If you have for whatever reason even bothered reading this far then you might be wondering, "Is this guy a ret*rd? Who else but a ret*rd would make a review as long and confusing as the two times tables about a Chinese novel"and to answer your question, no I'm not a ret*rd I'm just autistic. Now with that out of the way, the females are, in essence, all the same. I know right, how surprising? I say, "in essence" because the author makes an effort to point out how their appearances are different, after all that's all they have going for them, it's only natural to highlight their only redeeming quality. I use redeeming lightly as well, since it's only redeeming in the way it helped them get the MC's attention. But alas, their redeeming quality is a pain for us readers. It would take a eunuch to comprehend the pain I feel having to read every girls description every single time they make an appearance and don't get your hopes up hoping it only happens when they make an appearance, oh no that would be too painless on us for the author's tastes, these pieces of jade meat are constantly being described no matter how trivial of a thing they do, here's two examples,

"{Big Tit Girl #1}'s big jade ti*s jumped lightly because of a sharp intake of breath"

"{Noble Flat Chest #4}'s big phoenix eyes couldn't conceal her surprise, and neither could her jade ass", etc. Etc.

You get the picture? You've surely experienced it before.

Now on to their "personality, motivations and goals."Personality has some slight superficial variations but ultimately all come down to the same traits.

Trait number 1, girl must always blush. Yes even with a light teasing an 18+ year old girl must blush, MC compliments their appearance? Blush. Being in the vicinity of someone who has written an 18+ novel? All females in class blush. Now you might be beginning to see why the questions I asked are so important, because either the author knows jack sh*t about girls, or I know jack sh*t about Chinese girls and they really are that pathetic and conservative.

Trait number 2, they must always need rescuing and protecting. These girls are in no way competent, their as useful as a sock. Actually even a sock has more use, since a sock wouldn't need to be rescued from your shoe while protecting your foot. How have they survived a full 18+ years? It's a miracle they weren't already forcefully deflowered by Uncle Pete.

Trait number 3, motivations. Most motivation for all his girls are all simplistic and centred around the MC, motivations such as "Get stronger for the MC", "Get stronger to surpass the MC, but ultimately give up halfway and become akin to a low-level housewife" and of course the good old-fashioned "I must be apart of the MC's living on**ole collection, so I must get stronger", it also seems like I've accidentally covered what the goals were in the motivation section, the tragedy. Yes, these girls are that 1 dimensional, that 1 dimension being the MC. Now in fairness they didn't have much of a chance to begin with, they're making do with what they got, and what they got was a choice between joining the Antagonistically Challenged Association, the Nihilistic Sidereactor's Cult or the Sheath's Seraglio, I would have to say they made the most out of the lemons they were given.

Now onto action.

One Punch Man comes to mind when thinking of this novels action, though it has all the one punchiness and none of the qualities that made that once punch interesting and funny. Fight begins and the MC takes it like a stony-faced masochist for a chapter or two and then whips out his big'ol fist and ends it. That's it, little deviation from that fight formula for at least 300 chapters. It can be called simplistic and refined as a compliment, or uncreative and stale as an insult.

Next genre I believe is comedy.

It undoubtedly had its moments; it made me chuckle at least four times, which is top-tier for a Chinese novel. I also somewhat enjoyed the fact he wrote an R18 novel, I have never actually seen that done before. Overall decent comedy, really only thing worth reading this for.

Next is the cultivation.

Cultivation was boring and uncreative, absorb energy like Spongebob and pile on those layers. Eat pills like your Lindsay Lohan and become supreme. Hints given that 'dao sensing' is a thing for higher level cultivators, but even if that is true I still can't forgive the over 300 chapters of boring cultivation.

Now about the MC himself.

He's basically Li Qiye's ret*rded little brother, which I personally enjoyed. After all I don't have anything against people with down-syndrome. That's all you really need to know about the MC, it pretty much covers his personality.


What's plot? Can it shout tr*sh and scream for forgiveness in the span of 10 chapters? If so, then yes there's plot.


I could go one for days about each of these points and an extra couple days about the novel world itself, but I won't because I'm sure I've already conveyed the mediocrity of this novel to everyone who deemed to read this. And if you still don't understand the depths of this novel's depravity after reading this, then I'm sorry but you might need to be euthanized.

Ultimately I give it 2/10. The 2 for the MC and the occasional bit off decent humour, Don't forgot this is a Chinese novel 2/10, which translates into a proper novel's -2/10. <<less
164 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 21, 2017
Status: c678
Disclaimer: I'm only giving it 5 stars in hope that if anyone is interested they don't auto filter passed it because of someone leaving a 1 star review up while there was only 1 chapter without even the name of the raws posted yet

Different system type novels seem to be in vogue, this one features a main character who is sent to a new world and given a system called the "super-hatred system" where he's supposed to gather points by inciting hatred, loathing, disgust etc. From his peers onto himself,... more>> which is interesting both in the way he immediately embraces it and that in doing so it gives the MC a reason to be a d*ck and provoke all kinds of fights and to do some shameless funny stuff sometimes, the ways he blatantly tries to piss everyone off in order to get points is probably the best part of the story

about the harem tag


there are 6 girls indicated so far with a probable 7th being more or less captured by the MC in the latest chapters, but there is absolutely no romance to speak of, like at all, the early girls are basically introduced, have their initial interactions to become "part of the harem" (which mainly just means being attatched to the MC not in any kind of romantic relationship) and then they're mostly ornaments for a while before they go off to train, hopefully when they're reintroduced they become a bit more involved as characters


Overall I think this ln is a solid 4/5 right now, it's fairly funny at parts, MC is an absolute psychopath who gains a lot of extremely strong powers, but secondary characters are a little flat and the arcs are beginning to seem like they might get repetitive, story is being updated regularly still but its nowhere near complete <<less
42 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 01, 2018
Status: c1243
  • Overpowered MC.
  • Although there is harem, they are pretty much non-existent in the story since there is no romance or what-so-ever and they are only given pretty much a couple of chapters and poof they're gone. The MC only need them to arouse hate and jealousy since they are beauties and it helps the MC in earning points for the system.
  • There is no plot in the story (for me) and it feels like a slice-of-life wherein the MC explores and cultivate while pissing and face slapping people left and right.
  • Good for those who want a slightly relaxing and slightly funny novel.
  • It's a good read even though I read it in mtl.
20 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 25, 2017
Status: --
This is one of the funniest WN that I have read in a while. The story is awesome and fun and the MC has an actual reason to be a douchebag to everyone. I think those that are giving it a 1 star when there is less than 10 chapters out need to get their heads examined because the story has not really even started properly yet. It is absolutely unfair for it to be receiving 1 star's at this point in time. I hope all those that are interested... more>> in this novel will not be put off by the low rating and give this novel a chance. <<less
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May 01, 2018
Status: c1510
This novel is a comedy novel so if you treat it seriously you will be disappointed.

The MC goal is to talk enough sh*t to get something called hate points. He talks sh*t in a funny way. Chu Feng would call this MC his teacher.

Romance/harem yeah there is a lot of females that he claims but since he got a hate system and has to cause chaos everywhere they literally can't travel with him like that.

Action. He probably had about 3 tough fights this entire novel so far. Lol. You might... more>> as well call this One Punch Man xianxia comdey style.

This is probably my all time favorite CN novel now it has it's flaws but the laughs will keep you coming back. <<less
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Jul 02, 2018
Status: c1800
This is probably one of the best novel i've read.

It's hilarious, but it's also not a serious novel where the MC just goes around looking for treasure to get stronger. There is no main antagonist for the MC to seek revenge against.

He does eventually have some wives but their families are not the strongest people in the universe and doesn't kidnap their daughter back.

This is what the people who are reading "the sacred ruins" should read. Eating and selling your enemies is done extremely well here compared to "the sacred... more>> ruins" where it eventually feels boring.

There are no long fights which is good because it's a comedy and the arcs are short so the plot progresses nicely. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 24, 2018
Status: c2130
This is one of the best wuxia novel I have read...
Normally people will say its a OP Protagonist and plot armor so its a bad novel...

BUT if you actually read it you will find this is one of the most funny and interesting novel you will encounter...
Reason are as belowThe Protagonist OP and has a fairly decent reason for it..

  • Plot Armour exists but it is not for some shitty reason like girl saw you... fell in love... saved you..
  • Protagonist Actually need to work hard in his own way for his power up
  • Protagonist Is smart and uses his brain more often than his brawns
  • Protagonist In order to create hate points finds unique and funny methods
  • There is no instant harem for him but he is trying to make one anyway
I can give 15 to 20 more reasons but I think above points are more than enough to give it 5Star

The only issue I have is there is no translator that's picking it up... and I need to depend on MTL to read this story...
10 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 25, 2018
Status: --
I dont know about others but honestly for me I enjoyed this novel a lot.

I would only suggest to read it if you are into a shamless, idiot, funny, op MC, then go for it

and if you are looking for world development, character interactions then its not your cup of tea.

This novel literally is one man show, that is our MC.....
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Jul 12, 2018
Status: c1554
Do you like face slapping?

Do you like MC that will never be on the losing side?

Do you like MC actually killing his enemies, instead of the infinite repetition of enemies escaping ?

... more>> Do you like MC being as arrogant as possible?

Well then, this is the novel for you then.

The novel is all about MC being arrogant, completely destroying anyone that stands in his way. His whole goal is to get people to hate him, as that is his cheat system. That alone is what makes this novel good.

There is no real plot, characters have no personality, MC is protected by plot armor, girls around him serve no purpose and every single one of them have the same personality. A lot of the events that happen in the first couple hundred chapters will be repeated again and again in later chapters.

Yet none of that matters when it comes to the novel. Because MC has to earn hate points to grow in power, he will do absolutely everything possible to get people hate him.

A schoolmate looks down on him? He will absolutely destroy and humiliate him and his other schoolmates.

A young master from a big clan wants to kill him? Well he will kill him instead. But oh wait, its bad manners not to thank the big clan for the treasures the young master had on him, so better write a thank you message at the site.

Some big powers are coveting the treasures he got? Those big powers have even bigger powers behind them? Good, it would be a shame if there wasn't anyone to profit hate points from as he destroys the big powers.

It's all about MC shining with his peerless talent, being arrogant and pissing everyone off. Yet unlike other novels with arrogant characters, it doesn't take itself too serious, which makes it a fun read. Though if you are wanting to read it, I suggest reading MTL version of this, as its something you read in bulk rather than savor the quality of it. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 27, 2018
Status: c335
The plot is good. Nice cheat system.

But the enemies. Each and everyone is so s*upid its not even funny anymore.

Almost every enemies goes like this:

... more>> Enemies chase the MC -->MC kills some henchmen --> The boss says "How dare you kill one of us"

-->MC kills every henchmen and is about to kill the boss --> The boss says" Do you know who I am, who my father is, about my clan/organisation.."-->The enemy is dead.

Its fine if it happens casually, but for almost every fight...

And the audience too, just so s*upid as the enemies.

Audience: He will die this time for sure-->Wow, he survived that--> "He'll die this time for sure"

The same thing 2-4 times in one single fight. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 19, 2018
Status: c1297
It is very innovative and without the regular clichés first introducing sci Fi and martial arts is a difficult thing for most authors but he potrayed the best of both second major point would be the system unlike the novels of same genre MC is given priority over system absolutely a fascinating character building and third would be world setting it has been developed to perfection higher world setting is also good, there are no noticable flaws in novel. I would recommend this novel as a must read for this... more>> genre <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 05, 2018
Status: c1337
story a bit repetitive and the plot armor was so hard (make me want to throw a brick at author sometimes), but the joke was there and with MC that know no bound the story got more interesting (at least for me ^_^)
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Ancient Lurker
Ancient Lurk
Nov 06, 2019
Status: c2885
This is one of my fav novels and I have already read up to the latest raws. The reasons I like this novel are :-

Comedy/Fun - The main fun starts after MC goes out of Clouds mainland to the universe. There he creates an alias for himself, and whenever he does any bad things he always uses this alias. His actions are always funny and comedic.
Many times he does bad things secretely, so in order to make sure that the people know who is responsible (and then hate him), he always leaves behind his alias' name with the most exasperating message you can think of. My fav moments in this novel is when at the end of the such arc, the people/enemies read his shameless message and the way they get irritated. In the later period MC is famous as two status, 1 - Real Identity : As the most talented person of human race, 2 - Alias : The most wanted criminal/terrorist of the universe.

Great Cheat/System - This Grand-Hatred-System derives energy/points from the mood energy aimed at MC, hatred to MC (or his alias) in this case. System does not increase MC's cultivation directly, it only provides MC with powerful techniques & treasures and some great assistance like 'fast comprehension' of techniques, soul protection, threat detection etc. So MCs main advantage over his peers is that he has god-level techniques/scriptures. Minor spoilers :-


In the late part of story, MC has practiced many super techniques that makes him almost invincible in the same lavel. In fact as the story progresses, MC's reliance on System keeps decreasing. Now he mostly uses the System as an information bank and for dealing with some peculiar circumstances. From some clues so far, System seems to be an inheritance left by the last Host of Hell Universe, one of the most powerful gods in universe. Till now (latest raw) MC has obtained inheritances of many gods, but system's inheritance is still the most powerful. In later arc, MC gets some powerful magic-weapons from system, which belonged to previous Hell Host


Relaxing Read: This is a light-hearted read, without any tension. There is no oppression to MC or any tragedy or any heavy-hearted moments. There are no melo-dramatic/ridiculous (dog-blood) plots here. MC always has multiple escape routes.
(Yan-Huang star arc and Cloud mainland arc has some 2-3 serious moments)

Plot/Story - The world building is good and there is a well-planned multi-layered plot with good fore-shadowing and subplots. As the MC becomes more powerful, the situation becomes more clear. I find it very thrilling when many deep level secrets, or plans encompassing ancient eras are unearthed. I won't spoil much.

Action - Let's just say : MC never suffers a loss. Through 'causes and effects' principle, system can detect incoming deadly threats (only aimed at MC), so MC always has info on his enemies and their plans. He never fights unprepared, if enemy is beyond his bearing capacity - he will use Strategy/Formations to defeat them, if enemy is just too powerful - he escapes (don't forget, he always has multiple escape routes). Although MC is invincible in same level, but there are too many Military/Practitioners high-leveled than him, so he always uses his brain. Most of the time MC is faced against more powerful enemies so he has to use plans, but MC's information superiority always makes him the final winner.
By the way, his plans are always shameless and exasperating to his enemies :-D
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 18, 2019
Status: c2731
Light Hearted OP MC, with some good comedy
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
General Tanya
General Tany
Feb 13, 2018
Status: c200
It had potential and was kinda funny in the beginning. But it start to get dull really fast. Most chapters the same: ---Someone challange MC ---bystanders start talking bad rumors (nonsense) about mc---MC stand still and let his opponent hit him-----then mostly use 1-2 strike to knock them down.

The opinions of bystanders is the thing that irritate people the most. More than half of the chapter is about them talking just how bad the MC is (which is not even the case).

The thing that is most sad is that author... more>> just doesn't know how to write a setting for MC to gather hate. There are tons of opportunity for MC to gather hate, instead he just let it go. Author try to make MC to be hated by others but he is just terrible at it. You are suppose to hit a person when he is down, instead MC let off almost all his opponent. At most is just comedy relief.

The romantic part is just as bad. At most he try to boast and act a little shameless, but he doesn't have the guts to anything to the girls. Most of the time the MC give off a vibe that either he is gay or impotent, because he barely react to them. Which is really weird for a guy his age.

Lastly the MC is protected by a massive plot-armor. He anger so many people and still manage to survive. MC manage breakthrough level after level in just a few months and nobody seem to care or be suspicious about it. Any person with a brain will now that a kid that has no family background and has been ordinary his whole life cannot get this strong and use high level martial art moves even with talent. Any real powerful master out there will suspect MC has a big secret in his body, but instead getting the truth out of him, they are only surprise and praise MC has hidden his strength all along. So far only 1 arrogant rich kid try to hurt his family, instead of dozens. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Aug 26, 2017
Status: v1c15
This Novel really deserves the credit it's due. This novel shows the "Hero" becoming the "Villain" soley to grow into great power. Just what one would truly expect. A master piece. All it needs is some updates.

Update: someone has picked up the novel. I shall kneel down to this person if given the chance.

You Go!
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Oct 18, 2021
Status: c2970
It was pretty decent actually, don't go in expecting anything new or something. It's good in that sort of generic way where the MC gets stronger and stronger while fighting more enemies. It's basically like McDonald's, you know it's bad for you but you still like it anyways. The ending was actually a bit rushed IMO and I feel like we could have seen stronger realms, but it's still almost 3000 chapters long.

I liked this a lot more than Martial Peak for some reason even though they're basically the same... more>> concepts. After about 2000ish chapters of Martial Peak I got really bored even after constantly skipping chapters, but this kept me entertained, some parts of the face slapping were actually funny as hell. There's harem in this but to be honest, none of the girls really contribute to the story so it's not too bad if your not into that sort of stuff. <<less
4 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 15, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the best WN for system gen.

OP MC, MC doesn't share his resources for his followers and if share it Then those are not worth mentioning in his eyes, females can't hinder his progress.
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Jul 08, 2020
Status: Completed
I would have given it a 4 stars rating because of the sh***y ending, however changed my mind solely because of the MC and the comedy. The MC could be said to be one of the most entertaining MC of all time, if not the best.

The concept of the novel is good and unique. The MC is given a system which will make him grow stronger through other people hate towards him. So in order to become the strongest, he might have to become the most hated person in the... more>> entire universe (he does becomes). However the MC isn't daunted a bit about this and goes onto offend anyone he could, in order to get the hate he needed, even women who sides with him (this is only at the early part of the novel).

The one trait the MC has throughout the novel is his shamelessness. He isn't concerned about face at all. He is way too shameless and won't spare anyone and would do anything to get those hate. He won't give any face to anyone either, if it gets him maximum hate points.

The MC development is great. At the start of the novel, you could say, he was a bit witty but still not good enough and would do some s*upid stuff and would need to heavily rely on the system to get out of trouble or get one ahead of the enemy. However as the story progresses, he becomes smarter, cunning and manipulative and depends less on the system. Also he never spares any of his enemy and would make sure, they are dead within the next chapter or the next. He definitely is ruthless and wouldn't really care about anyone, unless they are useful to him or he has a good impression of them. He has no guilt killing the innocents, if they are getting in his way.

The MC never suffers a defeat in the entirety of the novel. However this doesn't mean, one has to suffer one, in order to progress or have some kind of development and this novel shows it.

The plot is good, however predictable and novel completely depends upon the MC and his shenanigans in order get the readers engaged to the end, which it did, atleast for me. The comedy is the most important element in the novel rather cultivation or plot.

The harem is pretty much ignored after 1000 chapters and rarely mentioned (1 chapter out of 200). There is no romance, be warned, not even a glimpse, which I would say is most of the Chinese novel trend and the women are completely forced onto him. Heck, he didn't even show any feelings for them in the entirety of the novel. So basically it is a harem because the author wanted it to be, alas can't pull it off.

So in the end, I would say if you want to entertain yourself and not give a sh*t MC, than this novel is for you. <<less
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Apr 03, 2020
Status: v30c2963
Honestly think this novel is so good.

I even read it day and night for a week or so... It's so funny that I even read it part for three times or more.

So far this is the second longest novel that I read nonstop. It's not boring to the point that you stop to middle or to the very beginning.

The MC is so shameless to the point that he make the enemy angry to death. This novel make me laugh and sometime cry? Don't remember.. I read this last year so... more>> I nearly forgot some parts. All in all its the best novel I read. <<less
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